Log houses - review of worthy projects (90 photos). See finished wooden house projects here!

Log house in a bowl

Hello, curious amateur builders!

Today there are several types of manual felling of houses and baths. These are “log-house in a bowl” and “log-house in a paw”. The construction of a bathhouse into a bowl is a truly Russian creation. A long time ago, our ancestors built houses and baths this way. Remembering the films of past years and our unforgettable artists, one immediately imagines chopped-up, truly Russian houses. Some architectural examples still stand today, being more than 100 years old. We can say that this construction method has been tested for centuries.

Now quite a few construction companies offer log houses using this technology. I will say right away that it will be difficult for a person who does not have knowledge and practice in this area of ​​carpentry to make a log house into a bowl with their own hands. Almost impossible. But real masters, using their centuries-old secrets, do their work practically without a single nail. Why is this particular cutting method so popular among the population? Let's try to delve into this process.

Log house in a bowl

Bowl logging is a system in which logs are connected to each other using a “cup.” The bowl itself is a half-cylinder, cut out with an ax and sometimes modified using a special tool in the upper transverse log and repeating the shape of the lower longitudinal log. This is the most convenient and fastest way to cut logs, which is used by almost all teams in Smolensk and neighboring regions. Our team also prefers this type of log house, because in this case, the bathhouse or house does not freeze in the corners - the joints of the log house. With this method, the insulation is placed only in semicircular recesses. During assembly, the corners of the log house must be additionally fastened during installation either with metal ties or with dowels.

Advantages of a log house in a bowl:

  • Cutting speed
  • Warmer corners of the log house,
  • Greater reliability of the design,
  • Efficient home appearance.


  • Higher price
  • Smaller horizontal size of the log house, compared to the log house “in the paw”.


Nuances of work

To cut down a log house and make it resistant to bad weather, the logs are oriented with thin annual rings towards the street, and with thick rings - inside the future house.

To facilitate this process, the building can be built in parts. The crossbars (as these parts are called) are usually tied on the ground, aligned upward to the size of human height. Then each of them is disassembled and reinstalled on the base frame.

The optimal choice for a foundation for a wooden frame would be a pile option. It is lightweight and quite easy to install.

In the absence of the necessary experience, it is recommended to start the production of log cabins with the construction of something small and not very significant, for example, a garden gazebo or a small bathhouse. This will give you experience and develop the skills necessary to build a full-fledged house.

Having gradually learned the intricacies of construction, the master will be able to create something not only suitable for habitation, but also causing enthusiastic responses with its exquisite appearance.

Log house in paw

Log house in the paw - this method allows you to increase the horizontal dimensions of the log house. But the disadvantage is obvious - the corners in this case will be less warm and, during severe frosts, the room may freeze if the log house is not additionally insulated. This is important both for the log house and the log bathhouse. The corner joint into the paw is made using a chainsaw.

Advantages of felling:

  • Larger dimensions of the log house, compared to the “bowl” method, for a smaller amount;
  • More neat corners if you plan to additionally decorate the facade of the house.


Log into a bowl and paw. Photo example

Construction of the foundation

It is necessary to dig a trench of sufficient depth under the tape; the depth of the trench must be greater than the freezing depth of the soil. After that, a sand-cement mixture is poured into the bottom of the trench and compacted. Then it is necessary to install the formwork of the future foundation in the trench.

Reinforcement is installed into the formwork and cement is poured. After two or three days, when the cement tape has hardened and dried, the formwork can be removed. Log houses that have stood for the required period of time are dismantled and transported to the place where the house is built, where the foundation has already been laid.

What to choose, a frame in a bowl or in a paw?

Choose by appearance

The first point is your personal preferences. A wooden house, first of all, is a pleasure for the soul. Therefore, you can simply choose the option that you like best.

Which one is more convenient?

From a practical point of view, it is better to choose a frame in a bowl , because this design is more reliable. This means the house will last longer. Thanks to this method of fastening, the crowns are firmly attached to each other, so it is not even necessary to use dowels. The result is stronger corners that are well protected from atmospheric influences. The log house in the paw clearly loses in this regard.

Which one is cheaper?

In terms of price, a log house is more profitable , since for the same amount you get a more spacious house, due to the fact that the craftsman does not need to “take away” part of the length of the log to create a fastening element. The savings are approximately 20% of the cost of a log frame in a bowl.

Order a log house from professionals!

It should be noted that both options are good and such houses and baths will delight you for decades if the log house was made by professionals. has been working in the wooden house construction market for more than 10 years. During this time, we have built more than a hundred projects of varying levels of complexity using both technologies.

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Canadian cabin

This technology is also a type of overhang cutting. Unlike simple Russian round bowls, Canadian ones have trapezoidal contours and a more complex configuration.

A mandatory design element is the presence of beveled edges and a tenon inside the recess. To hew such elements at the bottom of logs, considerable practical experience and a high level of skill are required. Therefore, the Canadian method of manual cutting is considered one of the most difficult. All difficulties in the work process are compensated by the high quality, strength and durability of the buildings that were built in this way.

The absence of deformation of the recesses during the shrinkage process of the house is considered especially attractive for builders. The shape and dimensions of the bowls remain unchanged, thereby avoiding the appearance of cracks and drafts. This, in turn, makes it possible to increase the tightness of the log house, making it warmer and more comfortable for living.

There are practically no gaps or gaps between the log elements, which were laid using Canadian technology. Therefore, there is no need to regularly caulk the cracks; you can get by with just a small layer of insulation.

Prices for log frames in a bowl

At home

Log sizeBasic log houseLog house with verandaLog house with attic
Log house 4x5155 000175 000185 000
Log house 4x6180 000200 000210 000
Log house 5x5200 000220 000230 000
Log house 5x6240 000260 000270 000
Log house 6x6270 000290 000310 000
Log house 6x7315 000335 000355 000
Log house 6x8375 000395 000415 000
Log house 6x9420 000450 000495 000
Log house 7x7390 000410 000430 000
Log house 7x8445 000470 000490 000
Log house 8x8470 000490 000515 000
Log house 9x7490 000525 000555 000

At the bathhouse

Log sizeBasic log bathhouseLog bathhouse with verandaLog bathhouse with attic floor
Log bathhouse 3×398 000108 000118 000
Log bathhouse 3×4110 000120 000130 000
Log bathhouse 3×5115 000135 000145 000
Log bathhouse 3×6135 000155 000165 000
Log bathhouse 4×4120 000140 000145 000
Log bathhouse 4×5150 000170 000180 000
Log bathhouse 4×6170 000190 000200 000
Log bathhouse 5×5190 000210 000230 000
Log bathhouse 5×6230 000250 000260 000
Log bathhouse 6×6265 000285 000305 000

To find out the cost of a log house in a paw, call us and we will discuss it individually.

Log house in a bowl for a bath. Examples of projects

This type of log bathhouse is most common. Such baths will be comfortable both in the summer and during severe Christmas and February frosts. Such a bathhouse will not freeze during “downtime” if you do not use it for a long time, and will retain heat longer after kindling.

Finally, this type of bathhouse has always been traditional in Rus'. Look at the photo, I really want to have such a bathhouse on my property.

A log in the paw for a bath. Examples of projects

This is also a popular method, because such bathhouse projects are cheaper. It may make sense to save money, leaving funds for better interior decoration of the bathhouse or purchasing a more expensive stove for the bathhouse.

Log house in a bowl for home

Interesting projects of bathhouses with cutting into the paw:

Log house for the house. Example of a house

Several photos of house projects in which to use felling:

Log veranda

An extension to a house or bathhouse is very comfortable and practical. You can relax on such verandas in the warm season; it will be cooler here than outside. In autumn or early spring you can dine here, read and just play with the children. Such verandas can be additionally insulated so that they are functional in the winter season. A log veranda will allow you to expand the usable area of ​​your home or bathhouse. Here you can use log houses, both in the paw and in the bowl.

Log gazebo

A gazebo made of logs is very prestigious and convenient. Such wooden gazebos will last on your property for decades and will allow you to feel comfortable at any time of the year, protecting you from snow, rain and wind. Large barbecues or smokehouses are often installed near such gazebos; they are a gathering place for the whole family for dinner, and it is comfortable to welcome guests there. We recommend using a log house in the paw, because such projects will look much more beautiful and neat on the site.

Caulking process

The process of caulking involves stuffing the insulation hanging on them into the grooves between the logs. If everything is done correctly, the house will be warm enough even in the coldest winters. After this, the floor is laid in the house, windows are installed and doors are hung.

To make the house look more beautiful from the outside, it is covered with boards and painted. Painting is also necessary to ensure that the house lasts as long as possible.

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