Impregnation for shelves in a bathhouse: types, best brands, DIY

Types of anti-putrefactive agents

The fewest requirements are for compounds that will be used in the rest room and dressing room.
You can protect new wooden coverings from damage with your own hands if you purchase high-quality compounds. What types of funds can be used for these purposes?

  • Lucky. Special varnishes contain antiseptic components that prevent the development of bacteria even in damp wood. They are used as a decorative finish, which at the same time prevents the materials from rotting;
  • Impregnations. Impregnation is a colorless composition that contains phytoncides. These components protect joists and floor boards from the effects of biological agents - mold, bacteria, etc.;
  • Antiseptics. Fungicide-based solutions are toxic. Therefore, they can be applied to walls, floors, joists and other wooden structures only if they are intended to be painted later.

Features of applying scuba coat

If you still can’t decide how to treat the lining in the bathhouse, then perhaps you should prefer Aqualak, which is applied to a dried and cleaned surface. If there is a protective varnish on the base, then the wood is sanded to prevent contact of the products with each other. After preparation, the first layer can be applied using a roller or brush, while the next one is applied after 40 minutes. By increasing the time between layers, the surface after an hour requires the use of a different technology for applying the composition, which must be rubbed into the wood.

You can start using the premises after three days, having previously heated the bathhouse. Repeated treatment may be necessary only after 4 years. When using lining in a bathhouse as a cladding, you must decide how to treat it. For comprehensive protection, you can use products called “Therma” and Prime. They will provide fire protection, give the walls antiseptic characteristics, and will resist corrosion processes, as well as the accumulation of moisture in the structure.

Sometimes it happens that the owners of country houses think about how to treat the paneling in a steam room when the wood is already contaminated. In this case, you can use products under the “Nortex” brand. They are presented for sale in the form of “Bleach” and “Wood Doctor”. You can store this convenient container with a screw-on lid for several years until you need to re-process it.

Acrylic-based antiseptics

Acrylic products not only protect wood, but also give different shades.
Acrylic-based antiseptics help prevent the development of almost all types of pathogens. Before application, they are diluted with water, after which they are applied to walls, joists and floor boards. The distinctive features of such antiseptics include:

  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations, which allows surface treatment not only in the rest room, but also in the washing room or steam room;
  • Resistance to moisture, which helps prevent wood swelling, which subsequently leads to warping;
  • High vapor permeability, thanks to which the wood can “breathe”.

If desired, this impregnation can be applied with your own hands. But before breeding and processing wooden surfaces, it is recommended to use protective glasses and gloves that will protect the skin and eyes from contact with the synthetic product.

Drying oil for processing and floors

As a result of polymerization, drying oil forms a very durable protective film

Drying oil is a film-forming composition that is made on a plant basis. Drying oil can be used to treat wooden coverings in the following rooms:

  • washing;
  • steam room;
  • rest room;
  • dressing room

As a result of polymerization, the liquid composition forms a very durable protective film that prevents moisture from entering the wood. Drying oil is used to treat coatings not only for disinfection, but also to prevent the appearance of splinters.

Treatment with chemicals

If the bathhouse is used quite often and there is no opportunity to “play” with the means at hand, professionals come to the rescue. Their composition is more than aggressive for the fungus, but moderately toxic for humans. That is, if you follow all the rules of use set forth by the manufacturer, you can protect yourself from negative impacts.

The leading positions are occupied by the following funds:


The liquid product should be poured into a convenient container and applied to surfaces using a brush or roller. Leave for 5-6 days, after which you should rinse off the product with water and dry the room well.

"Stop-Mold" Olympus

The composition is applied to the prepared area of ​​wood and left until completely absorbed. Doesn't need washing. Works well against various types of mold.


The product is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:3 and applied to the surface using a sponge or brush. Allow to absorb and then rinse with water.

Note ! Most disinfectants are highly toxic. Wear a respirator, gloves and protective clothing, and follow all recommendations given by the manufacturer on the packaging.

It is not recommended to use chemicals more often than stated by the manufacturer. Toxic substances can remain active for quite a long time, and with increasing concentrations they can have a negative effect on the body.

Supi Saunasoja

This well-known impregnating agent has proven itself to be a reliable protection for lining in a steam room. No wonder it is constantly mentioned in various articles and on thematic forums, in user reviews. This product is called differently - acrylic, impregnation based on acrylate latex.

“Supi Saunasuoya” penetrates quite deeply into the structure of the wood, preventing the absorption of liquid, clogging with microparticles of dirt, while simultaneously maintaining its ability to “breathe”. But it is used only for processing lining on walls. For ceilings this is not an option.

Impregnations with wax

They have a long history of use. More often than not, wax is an auxiliary component. Treatment advantages:

  • excellent surface gloss;
  • preservation of the natural texture of wood;
  • protection of wood from darkening due to antioxidant effects;
  • reliable protection against water and steam.

Due to the viscosity and thickness of impregnation with wax, it is difficult to apply, but they are durable, do not accumulate dirt, and do not create a sticky layer. Used on all surfaces, perfectly protects against moisture and steam.

Subtleties of applying protective compounds

If you don’t know what to impregnate the walls in a bathhouse with, then this article will be relevant for you, because special impregnations for a bathhouse are suitable for any wooden surface, but it is also worth remembering some subtleties:

  • It is much easier to process an unassembled structure, so if you have such an opportunity, saturate the elements of the bathhouse before assembling them;
  • Protective products can have a negative effect on the skin, so to avoid this nuisance, you may not treat the side of the shelf in contact with humans. You can process the rest of the wood in the bathhouse without fear for your health, because only the shelves can affect the skin;
  • Carry out work in the summer to make it easier to dry the steam room;
  • It takes at least 4 days to completely dry the varnish and impregnations, after which you can relax in your bathhouse;
  • Under no circumstances use highly toxic products, such as stains, because they negatively affect your health not only through the skin, but also through the respiratory tract;

Do not skimp on protective solutions, because your health and longevity of wood structures depend on their quality.

When should the outer walls of a timber bath be treated?

It is advisable to process wooden material before construction begins, because it may already be infected with various pests. And in this case, most likely, before the construction is fully completed, its strength characteristics will already be damaged. And many companies carry out the initial processing of wood only so that it can be stored and delivered to the customer without incident.

After the log house of the bathhouse has already been erected, all walls should be treated with antiseptic impregnations, outside and inside. It is imperative to impregnate the ends of the timber with special protective agents, which will ensure uniform drying of the material, reducing the degree of cracking. Then the log house must be left at rest for a period of six months. During this time, the timber will dry thoroughly and the bathhouse will shrink completely. And after six months, you can begin to fully treat the log walls with other protective compounds.


We have already briefly discussed the use of each of the described rocks for finishing a bathhouse. Therefore, now it’s worth talking about what types of boards are used as finishing material.

Outside: types and breeds

For exterior decoration you can use not so many species and only three types of boards:

  • edged;
  • unedged;
  • Planken.

An edged board on the outside is used if the bathhouse is framed and needs to be sheathed inside and out. It is usually sewn in a herringbone pattern - this is a method when the bottom edge of the board is slightly aligned with the top edge of the board underneath it. In this case, the board is slightly inclined, which protects the joints from water flowing in, and they are hidden by an overlap.

An unedged board is sewn in exactly the same way, but it requires removing the wane. There may be more overlap due to uneven edges.

Planken, on the contrary, is a very well-processed board with rounded edges. It is mounted using secret fasteners on the sheathing. Using planken, a wooden structure is imitated. However, in the bathhouse it is used much more often “for other purposes” - it worked well as a lining for the frame of shelves.

As for the species, it would be a good idea to use coniferous species for the external cladding, but keep in mind that on the sunny side the resin will definitely flow. If we are talking about cladding with edged and unedged boards, then there is either pine or fir tree - they are cheap and well suited for frame construction.

Inside: species and breeds

The most popular type of interior cladding is lining. Profiled boards with interlocking joints cover the joints, making it a very attractive material.

Lining can be used to cover walls and ceilings in all rooms of the bathhouse. The only difference will be in the breeds used. As mentioned above, it is highly recommended that the steam room be lined with hardwood. The rest of the rooms have everything you want.

You can learn about which lining we consider to be the best from this article.

However, you can often come across proposals to cover the steam room with cedar clapboard. But we have already said above that this is due to the idea that cedar in a bathhouse does not “cry” with resin. In general, for the aroma (if you like the smell) it would be worth trimming at least a piece of the steam room with cedar.

We will not list the breeds again. All of the deciduous ones are suitable and for all of them you will decide the same question: cover them with something or be ready to replace them in three years? However, they can only fail so quickly in the steam room and washing room.

You can freely use coniferous wood to decorate the dressing room, rest room, washroom and bathroom.

BY THE WAY! In the washing room, coniferous species are appropriate because they have a higher resistance to rotting, precisely because of the presence of resin, which is so undesirable. But resin is a natural antiseptic, and the temperature in the washing room does not rise too high.

We also recommend reading our articles on how to sheathe a bathhouse, how to attach the lining and how to treat it.

For finishing the floor, of course, everyone recommends larch. And here they are right - the wood on the floor must be strong, durable, and abrasion-resistant.

You can learn about the types of floorboards and methods of laying them here.

In addition to wooden lining, you can use unedged boards to decorate the inside of the bathhouse - this is fashionable and modern, and you will get an interior in the “taiga style.” You can learn about how unedged boards are used in the interior from this article.

The best (or rather, famous) compositions

Now let's figure out what the market offers.

IMPORTANT! We went through the official websites of the manufacturers, and their lack of information about the composition is not at all in their favor.

The most important thing: keep in mind that you have to start from what is on the market, so it turns out that there are not so much “the best antiseptics for a bath”, but rather those that are well-known . There are indeed many manufacturers, but most of them are completely unknown and the composition is hidden, so it turns out to be a “pig in a poke”; there is no point in writing about them.

Let's start with the Finns. Our little research showed that it is only possible to buy a Finnish antiseptic for a sauna in the form of a primer for their own paint and varnish products for the sauna. In general, of course, it is more convenient to talk about companies; they usually produce several antiseptics for our purposes with a rather vague description of what they work against.


Offers "protective acrylate compounds" such as Supi Arctic or Supi Saunasuoja . The annotation says that it contains an antiseptic component that protects (attention!) from mold. No other mushrooms are mentioned. Both products are aqueous solutions of acrylic dyes, which are truly safe for health. Both are intended exclusively for use in a Russian or Finnish steam bath.

Tikkurila Supi Saunavaha antiseptic for baths and saunas, colorless 0.9 l. Photo Petrovich

In addition, the company produces antiseptics for facades and interiors of residential premises. For example, Homeenpoisto is ordinary bleach, as in “Whiteness” (sodium hypochlorite solution). Used to combat mold or blue stains that have already developed. By the way, you can also use it in a steam room. For facades - Euro Eko Wood . This is a glazing antiseptic that fights fungi, mold and blue stains. I am glad that here they distinguish wood-destroying fungi from molds. The timber can be protected with Vinha covering antiseptic, but only against mold.


Here you will find primer versions of antiseptics. For example, Woodex Aqua Base or Teknol Aqua 1410-01 are water-soluble, and there are also “penetrating” ones based on organic solvents (we said that this is only for facades) - these are Woodex Base and “Java”.

An advertisement from the manufacturer stated that the company's primer antiseptics fight all three types of fungi - staining, mold and rotting. What is most pleasing, of course, is that the same composition (!) in different concentrations fights both the first two and wood-destroying agents. Fantastic!


“Senezh-Bio” also saves you from all types of mushrooms with one composition, plus it is also effective against insects. The manufacturer recommends using it indoors and outdoors, in residential and commercial buildings, claiming that the product is strong but safe for people and animals. The composition (like the Finns) is not indicated. From this category of “preservative antiseptics” there is also simply “Senezh”, “Senezh-Ultra” and “Senezh-Impra” . The latter is generally intended for impregnating wood, that is, it is powerful, but it is unlikely to be as effective when applied superficially... with a roller or brush.

Preservative antiseptic SENEZH 10 kg. Stroylandia Photos

“Senezh-Sauna” is even cooler. Fights all(!) types of fungi, as well as insects and... algae. Manufacturers have not forgotten about microbes - Senezh-Sauna also destroys them. Looks like some kind of ultimate weapon. At the same time, it is an analogue of Tikkurila products - this is also a water-based acrylate composition.

"Senezh-Insa" is an antiseptic mainly for fighting insects.

“Senezh-Tor” behaves best when protecting the ends of logs and beams.

"Senezh-Eurotrans" is an antiseptic that only fights blue stains and mold, and mainly when transporting logs and lumber.

"Senezh-Effo" - mainly as a bleach.


An antiseptic is a ready-to-use aqueous solution intended for interior work. Antiseptic for baths and saunas has a high antibacterial effect, destroys pathogens of infectious diseases, and is used to protect wooden surfaces from the effects of insects, fungi and algae.

Sold in plastic containers with a capacity of 0.5 and 5 liters, the solution can withstand temperature changes and high humidity, does not change the color and appearance of wood products, and does not affect their characteristics, such as strength, adhesiveness and paintability. You can buy through the manufacturer's website.


Antiseptic for baths and saunas NEOMID 200, 0.5 l., concentrate. Photo by Maxidom

The most popular brand of antiseptic for baths is Neomid 200 . This is truly a universal remedy. If the Finns somehow distinguish the products that can be used to cover shelves from the products for everything else, then here everything can be processed without exception.

What worries us personally is that it itself, that is, it turns out that mold is responsible for everything and besides it, no other mushroom stains or destroys wood? Since this is not true, the question arises: what does Neomid 200 actually fight against ? We would venture to guess that it is moldy and blue. As for rot, we’re not sure. The composition is described indirectly: “a synergistic mixture of biocides” is nothing at all.

For baths, Neomid also offers a special oil - “wood-protective for baths and saunas.” Again, it’s amazing - this oil protects against fungi and at the same time it can be applied to shelves (! Linden shelves require special attention), it is so harmless to humans.

"Neomid 100" is an insecticide aimed strictly against woodworms.

"Neomid 500" - bleach.

A series of hard-to-wash and generally non-washable antiseptics - “Neomid Eco”: Neomid Exra Eco, Neomid Base Eco, Neomid 440 Eco , etc. This is suitable for external protection.

And here is another example of using this manufacturer’s product against mold.


"Pirilax-Prime" - fire and bioprotection. We did not consider all products of this class; they are widely represented by both Senezh and Neomid. But since Pirilax is in demand, we decided to mention it. Used as a primer under paintwork materials. Protects against mold, blue stains, fire and insects.

“Nortex-Doctor” is suitable not only for wood, but also for concrete , and the range of biocidal effectiveness includes not only mold, but also wood-destroying fungi and wood-boring insects. The manufacturer is confident that its products can be used in baths. The technical specifications say that it complies with GOST against mold and wood-staining fungi. Therefore, it is unlikely to be effective against rot.

"Nortex-Disinfector" is a stronger version of the previous antiseptic. The main purpose is to fight mold, in addition - against blue stains, algae, beetles - on wood, stone, brick, and what is even more remarkable - inside and outside. The composition is, as usual, not specified.

RESULTS! In general, there are no products on the market with a clear composition that are effective primarily against house rot, but there is something that guarantees effectiveness against mold and blue stains, beetles and algae. Any of the above will be a good antiseptic for a bathhouse inside, if the task before it is not beyond its capabilities.

In the Finnish sauna

In principle, a steam sauna could be impregnated with the same linseed oil in its pure form or with wax. But not with the goal of preventing water so much, of which there is not much in the sauna. Rather, it is a decorative coating that reveals the texture (yes, it can be approached from this angle).

Soupi Saunasuoya impregnation. Banka Photos

But the fact is that the Finns have already eaten the dog when it comes to tree protection. And in their laboratories they have developed compositions that are suitable for saunas. Let's look at what exactly they offer, using the example of Tikkurila products.

Impregnation for steam room "Tikkurila"

Supi Arctic - “Supi Arctic”. This is actually a water based acrylic varnish. Dirt- and water-repellent. A little mother of pearl and an anti-mold substance are also added to it. In general, it provides better protection for wood than just oil, but not everyone likes wood that resembles plastic.

IMPORTANT! "Supi Arctic" is not intended for treating shelves - only walls and ceilings if desired.

As for acrylates, they behave well in residential areas - they smell little during painting, dry quickly, become insoluble after polymerization, do not smell anything and do not emit anything harmful. Most likely, such a coating will be used by those who value more the beautiful appearance of the wood used to decorate the sauna.

Supi Saunasuoja - “Supi Saunasuoja.” Another impregnation option for the Tikkurila steam room. Also based on acrylates. It can also be used in wet rooms, that is, not only in the steam room, but also in the washing room. The varnish can be tinted according to the proposed table of options. The same protection against mold and blue stains. Perhaps the only difference from the varnish described above is the absence of mother-of-pearl.

Supi Saunavaha - “Supi Saunavaha.” Wax based. Mainly intended for shelves, but can also be used for lining walls and ceilings, as well as for processing doors and window frames.

Shelves in the sauna

To impregnate the shelf in the sauna, Tikkurila offers paraffin oil called Supi Laudisuoja. The manufacturer insists that paraffin is a natural product. Yes, this is one of the products of oil refining. But if all the products of initial oil refining are called “natural”, then we need to talk about “natural gasoline”, “natural kerosene”, “natural bitumen” and so on, and write down as unnatural those products that participate in organic synthesis.

Impregnation for shelves in the Tikkurila steam room - Supi Laudisuoja. Banka Photos

The advantages include two things - paraffin oil does not deteriorate (unlike flaxseed oil, which can go rancid, that is, oxidize) and it is not harmful to humans (paraffin candles, as well as the use of paraffin in physiotherapy, speak in favor of the harmlessness of this substance).

It goes without saying that this is not the only option, but we would like to talk further separately about what exactly is suitable as an impregnation for shelves in a bathhouse.

BY THE WAY! How do sauna shelves differ from Russian bath shelves? Among other things, they are exposed to more human sweat and fat. Therefore, treating them is also a way to resist the absorption of these substances into the wood.


Perhaps the least requirements are placed on this part of the steam room. It is exposed only to the temperature effects of steam. Water almost never reaches it. Therefore, it can simply be coated with a specialized bath varnish.

The ceiling in the bathhouse must be reliably protected from dampness and temperature Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in paints and varnishes.


Unlike the ceiling, all the water that is used in the steam room ends up on the floor. Therefore, the anti-water protection for floor boards must be very good. In addition to antibacterial and anti-water impregnation, it is advisable to cover the floor with a protective layer of varnish. But not every varnish is suitable for the floor. The protective layer should not be slippery. This is a must to protect the floor. Of course, the soles of your feet should not stick to the floor. Do not think that repeatedly coating the floor with varnish increases its safety. The thick layer of varnish cracks and water reaches the wood. In addition, the wood cannot “breathe” through such a coating and will still deteriorate.

When building a bathhouse, do not forget about impregnating the logs on which the floor boards are laid. This, of course, is not the inside of the bathhouse, and there are no special protection requirements for them. But if water gets to them, then sooner or later the floor inside the bathhouse itself will suffer, no matter how well it is protected.


Most of the impregnation for the bathhouse inside is spent on protecting the lining, which is usually used to line the walls. Therefore, you should not use impregnations and varnishes that, when heated, can release strong-smelling substances. And do not cover it with a protective layer that does not allow the wood to “breathe.”

Improper use of protective compounds can lead to the regular appearance of condensation on the walls of the bath Source

Shelves and benches

The shelves are the main part of the entire steam room, for which it is, in fact, built. Lying on it should be comfortable, pleasant and safe for health. Wood is a poor heat conductor, so even at high temperatures you won’t get burned by it. It’s another matter if it is covered with a protective film, which can cause a burn if touched. Therefore, it is not recommended to use paints or varnishes for it. It is better to apply a special impregnation for the bath. Often such impregnations are wax-based.

The requirements for the safety and convenience of the surface of shelves and benches are so high that there are bathhouse lovers who believe that wood should be natural for them and not covered with anything at all. But this is still suitable for small bathhouses, where simple shelves can be replaced. And when real furniture masterpieces are built, it is better to find a high-quality composition and ensure their durability.

It’s not enough to create beauty – you also need to protect it Source

Do I need to treat wooden surfaces in a steam room?

Wood flooring is the best option, because wood is an environmentally friendly material, it retains heat well and is not harmful to health. There are a lot of positive aspects here. Bathroom floors are usually made from species such as birch, cedar, pine, and linden. Linden, by the way, is the best material for a bathhouse because it contains natural medicinal substances useful to the human body. Therefore, by taking steam in such a bathhouse you will heal yourself - take this into account. Of course, in addition to many positive aspects, there are also negative ones. Everyone knows that wood is afraid of moisture - and the bathhouse is the place where there is a lot of this moisture. Therefore, the use of wood in this room requires special processing. A natural question arises - how to treat the floor in a bathhouse so that it does not rot or deteriorate; you can also read the answer to this question here.

If you built a sauna using the right technologies, you probably insulated the steam room from external cold as well as moisture. After taking care of the wood from the outside, do not forget to treat the internal components of the steam room, because this will increase the strength and durability of any structure in the bathhouse.

The center of the steam room is the shelf where visitors spend most of their time, so it must be durable and safe. Despite the fact that wood is a material that is not resistant to moisture, it is usually used to build a shelf, which, if done incorrectly, will last no more than a year.

To achieve strength and long service life of the shelf, it is necessary to choose the right wood, as well as treat the finished product with a suitable impregnation, which can be made on the basis of natural or artificial components.

First we should talk about the choice of wood. The following types of wood are excellent for structures inside the steam room:

  • Alder is an ideal material for a steam room, but it is difficult to find on the market;
  • Linden is an inexpensive but high-quality material with a soft texture, great for steam rooms;
  • Aspen is also an excellent tree for a bathhouse with high moisture resistance (more details: “Which aspen is best for a bathhouse - planning a log house”);
  • Oak, ash, abash sedela, ofram and miranti are expensive wood species that are rarely used for finishing baths.

There are cheaper alternatives, such as pine or spruce, but they have a number of disadvantages and the savings are small, so it is recommended to use the above wood, which has good moisture resistance and is easy to process.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with a chimney for a bath: which one is better to choose

Next, it’s worth talking about treating the shelf with special compounds. Before treating the shelves in the bathhouse and sauna, you should think about whether it is worth doing. It is impossible to give a definite answer, so we will help you resolve this issue by providing some facts:

  • Long-term contact of human skin with poor-quality impregnation can lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, a rash;
  • If the steam room has excellent ventilation, then the shelves can simply be sanded;
  • An untreated shelf can quickly turn black and develop mold on its surface.

Selection rules

Here are some simple rules to follow when choosing a product:

  • who is the manufacturer - it is preferable to buy the compositions of these well-known brands: a foreign manufacturer of varnishes and paints - Tikkurila or Teknos. Among the domestic brands are “Senezh”, “Neomid”, etc.;
  • what surface should be treated: (floor, ceiling, benches, walls);
  • composition - must kill bacteria, protect against rot and fungus;
  • cost - no need to take cheap compounds. They are not able to perform several functions at the same time;
  • safety - the composition must be unharmed to human health;
  • impregnation consumption - for example, tree species such as oak, birch, ash, fir, larch have difficulty absorbing antiseptic. To process them you will need a minimum of funds. But pine gets soaked quickly, which means it needs more impregnation. Aspen, linden, cedar, alder - absorb impregnation on average;
  • price – a good product will not be cheap.

Important! When buying an antiseptic for baths and saunas, ask the seller for a quality certificate and a Sanitary Expertise conclusion to make sure that it is not a fake.

Proper processing of lining

Having decided how to cover the lining in the steam room of the bathhouse, you can proceed to the processing itself. To perform high-quality impregnation that will last a long time, we recommend that you read the following instructions:

Processing lining in a steam room begins with preparing the wood itself. Clean it from various contaminants with sandpaper or other suitable method. It is also recommended to wash the boards with an aqueous solution of soda (300 g of soda per 10 liters of water); Next, you need to degrease the surfaces. Remember that not only the lining itself is impregnated, but also the frame to which it is attached; Sand surfaces with pumice to obtain a smooth finish; Next, you need to apply an antiseptic that will protect the wood from fungus and mold, so that later you don’t have to think about how to get rid of fungus in the bathhouse; Now you can saturate the lining

When choosing impregnation for the dressing room, pay attention to the humidity of the air in it, as well as the temperature of the steam. If the indicators are approximately equal to the indicators inside the steam room, then it is necessary to use the same impregnation.

By doing all the work correctly, you can achieve an excellent result, as in the photo.

What to choose

Specialized retail outlets offer a huge number of impregnations for wooden surfaces; they differ in use, form, and composition.

Before you make a purchase of one or another protective equipment, it is recommended to clearly determine what tasks it should cope with, namely:

  • what surface will be treated (floor, ceiling, benches, shelves in the steam room, the entire room);
  • will an additional decorative coating be used or will the surface after treatment remain the same as before;
  • will the degree of moisture protection inside the bath be sufficient;
  • Is the application method convenient?

An essential indicator of high-quality impregnation for baths, including those made from logs, is the combination of its moisture-proof properties with the ability not to prevent the skin from breathing. Since the presence of film leads to blockage of the wood structure and subsequent problems leading to damage to the surface. It is also worth paying attention to the environmental friendliness of the selected antiseptic. Otherwise, low-quality goods at high temperatures and high levels of humidity in the room will release harmful substances.

If impregnation is selected for treating floors, then after its application there should not be a slippery coating. Tabletops and benches should be treated with products designed for regular wet cleaning. There are shelf impregnations on sale that can completely penetrate the wood structure and prevent the formation of burns on the body at high temperatures.

Wooden floors in the bathhouse.

All products used to process wood inside a bathhouse are divided into two groups: impregnating and coating agents. They are also often divided into colored and colorless, for example, wax, varnish and some impregnations.

Having prepared the necessary tools, it’s time to choose what to cover the walls inside the bathhouse with.

You can treat the inner surface of a clapboard bathhouse with the following materials:

  • First of all, it is worth mentioning acrylic varnish. They are often used to cover lining, but this is not the best option for a bathhouse. Its protective properties are quite good, but when heated to high temperatures, it begins to release a pungent odor and toxins, which will negatively affect human health and the comfort of the room. In the store you can find a special varnish for hot rooms, which can be used in a steam room (read: “Which varnish for baths and saunas to choose - the differences and advantages of different compositions”).
  • You may also want to use oil for impregnating wood in a bath - drying oil. Wood is often treated with drying oil, but it cannot be used in a steam room due to its low resistance to heat. The ideal room for her is the dressing room, because there is usually a low level of humidity and low temperature.
  • A mixture of varnish and solvent is also an excellent antiseptic, but this mixture will negatively affect your health, because when heated, the varnish and solvent will release a huge amount of toxins into the air, which, together with the lack of ventilation, can lead to serious consequences.
  • The answer to the question of how to treat lining in a steam room will be a special mixture, of which there are a huge variety on the construction market. Special impregnations for baths and saunas inside do not create unpleasant odors and do not emit toxins, while they perfectly protect the lining from various influences.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the DIY bathhouse from foundation to roof

Video description

You can learn more about oils for wood processing from the video:
Regardless of the material chosen, it is important to carefully follow the recommendations from the manufacturer. So, to apply the first layer, it is often permissible to dilute the composition, which improves the quality of the finish and reduces consumption. Some products need to be preheated before use, dissolved or simply stirred. The climatic conditions of use are also different, as is the condition of the prepared surface. And also, rarely, but there is weak adhesion of the finishing coating with antiseptics, an additional layer of primer is required.

Varnish for use in the bath Source

Briefly about lining coating

When thinking about how to process wood in a bathhouse, you first need to prepare the necessary tools and buy additional materials:

  1. Solvent;
  2. Stirring brush;
  3. Roller;
  4. It is recommended to purchase a spray gun, but you can apply the varnish in other ways;
  5. Sponge;
  6. Paint tray;
  7. Protective equipment (respirator, goggles, gloves and overalls).

Now you know how to treat the lining in a steam bath, but such treatment will not be able to completely protect your bath, so you will have to monitor the room, following some rules:

  1. Always ventilate the area to minimize the chance of mold or mildew forming;
  2. The room must be washed frequently with a wet cloth, without using chemical detergents;

If serious contamination appears on the surface of the wood, or it has darkened, then use sandpaper. You can also use special bleaches for wood, but under no circumstances use bleach solutions, because when heated they release a huge amount of toxins, and they can even leave a burn on the skin.

Using Interier Sauna antiseptic

If you are faced with the question of how to treat the lining in the steam room of a bathhouse, then you can purchase Interier Sauna, which is manufactured.

This antiseptic has no color and is made on the basis of water and acrylic resin. It is intended for treating wooden elements of the room, the conditions of which are characterized by high humidity. This composition is not allowed to be applied to ceilings. You should not start work if the room temperature drops below 10°, otherwise the surface may turn yellow.

In a Russian bath

The Russian steam room differs from the Finnish one in that there is more water here and the temperature is lower. Yes, and ventilation can be in bursts and only (this is when the windows and doors are wide open). Consequently, a tree with a steam room finds itself in a situation where it gets wet, and it is difficult for it to dry out. It’s good if the owner throws the extra log into the stove after the procedures and lets the stove dry the bathhouse.

It follows from this that impregnation for a steam room in a Russian bath would not hurt. Because what does a good (=safe) impregnation do? It reduces the moisture absorption of wood and closes its pores. As a result, it turns out that the surface is neither wetted nor absorbent.

ADVICE! Many people say that such impregnation does not last long. Well, if a long time is ten years, then yes, it is not designed for that long. In fact, it is worth renewing it either when you notice that the tree has ceased to repel water, or as a preventative measure after a year.

Since we are only talking about safe impregnations for the steam room, we will not include antiseptic ones. First of all, because they are water-soluble, and therefore, if they are used in a steam room, it is only before applying varnish that protects the impregnation layer from washing out. This can still be done in a sauna, but in a Russian bath...

Impregnation for baths and saunas Belinka Interier Sauna 0.75 l. Photo by Leroy Merlin

In principle, water-repellent impregnation for a steam room is sufficient in our opinion. In this case, there is less moisture and air in the tree, and these are the necessary ingredients for the appearance of both mold and rot.

Let's put it this way: oil impregnations are the arithmetic mean between “do nothing at all” and “make complete protection”. Of course, there are complaints about them, but you must immediately understand that not every impregnation is suitable for a steam room in a bathhouse.

What are the complaints? Well, water absorption still remains, this is not one hundred percent protection. It is only being reduced significantly. If you want to reduce it even more, varnish it.

And in our opinion, the best impregnation of the steam room is with linseed oil or a mixture of it with wax.

Flaxseed oil

First, let's be clear on one issue. Please be careful and don't forget:

IMPORTANT! Yes, there is drying oil, which is made mainly with linseed oil. But you shouldn’t use it to impregnate wood in a bathhouse.

Well, or where there is no elevated temperature. The fact is that to speed up the drying of even natural drying oil, various driers are added to it, which are harmful to humans. And besides natural drying oil, there is also drying oil made from petroleum, this one is even worse. In general, no drying oil in the steam room.

Pure flaxseed oil is easy to find on sale - in the same supermarkets or even in pharmacies.

Why is it used for wood? Because it refers to drying oils, that is, they form a polymer film over time. Moreover, this happens only in one direction - if polymerization has occurred, then the oil will not disintegrate back into monomers.

Flaxseed oil is used both raw and cooked. Cooking changes the rate of drying. When applying raw oil, you will have to wait three days for drying. For boiled it is less, but even drying oil with driers (substances that accelerate drying) dries for at least a day.

In this case, it is better to apply linseed oil not in one, but in several layers. You can imagine how long the processing will take. It is necessary to wait until it dries, because a film may form on the outside, but deep down the oil will not yet have time to polymerize.

They rub linseed oil into both the trim and the shelves, but we’ll talk about the latter below.

In general, the method is proven and has proven itself well as an impregnation for steam rooms and baths.

ATTENTION! The polymer film formed on the surface is not resistant to abrasion and mechanical damage. This only means that it needs to be renewed as it becomes damaged or worn out.

Renewal is not difficult - the same rubbing of oil into the wood as before. Cracks are eliminated and shine returns.

An equally common way to use linseed oil for impregnation is to create a mixture of it and natural beeswax. Depending on what consistency you prefer, you can create thinner (more oil, less wax) and firmer (vice versa) mixtures. You can start from the 1:1 ratio and then experiment.

If hard oil wax is applied, you can use a hair dryer (regular or construction) to improve absorption into the surface of the wood. True, there is one more life hack, purely for the bath: after applying the composition, heat the bath - everything will be absorbed under the influence of heat.

How to do it yourself

You can make the impregnation for the bath yourself. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 800 ml natural flaxseed oil;
  • 50 ml turpentine;
  • 150 ml natural beeswax.

The oil is poured into an enamel bowl and boiled. This is necessary in order to evaporate excess water from it, which most often remains after spinning. It is necessary to boil for at least 15 - 20 minutes.

After this, wax is introduced into the oil and gently stirred until completely dissolved. When the mixture has cooled slightly, turpentine is added to it. It is also stirred until completely dissolved.

The wax must be finely chopped before adding to the oil. Otherwise, it may not completely dissolve.

You can add additional components to the mixture that will give it a pleasant smell and prevent the appearance of bacteria and mold. The most common option is pine resin. It smells good and is an excellent antiseptic. Also, oleoresin is easy to dissolve in hot oil.

Russian products for lining in the bathhouse

If you want to preserve the original structure and color of the wood, then you can use Aqualak Eurotex Sauna. This is a colorless varnish that is made on the basis of water and wax. It is suitable for all types of ceilings, floors and walls.

After completing the work process and the mixture has completely dried, you can apply wood paint, the color of which will remain unchanged. The treated surface will not absorb moisture, which will have a positive effect on its service life. Among other things, the composition contains an antiseptic, which eliminates the occurrence of mold and mildew, as well as other microorganisms. You can be sure that the product is safe and environmentally friendly, it is not flammable and will not emit toxic fumes over time.

Expert advice

You should not paint the lining in a bathhouse, since in a damp room the paint will prevent the wood from breathing, which will negatively affect the life of the material.

If you decide to use aqualak, then applying it to a wet surface is excluded. The walls are pre-dried, only then can work begin. You should follow the manufacturer's recommendations, where you can find information about the permissible range of temperatures and humidity during work.

When the question arises about how best to treat the lining in a bathhouse, some try to apply an antiseptic to the varnish or paint coating. This cannot be done; the initial treatment is to remove old coatings.

The correct position of the floor and drain is the key to long-lasting wood coating

Diagram of the floor and drain in the bathhouse.

Even when expensive high-quality material is used to treat the coating, this will not save the wood from fungus and mold if the floor is in constant contact with water. This can be caused by only one reason - improper installation of the floor and drains. The installation of the subfloor must be carried out with a certain slope so that when pouring the concrete can accurately copy the surface and direct the flow of water in the right direction.

The finished floors in the bathhouse are laid exactly level, forming a kind of triangle of space underneath with concrete or earth - the water leaves and the wood dries out, and all the chemical elements and coating treatments are back in effect. By the way, floor boards, and all wood in general, are covered with an antiseptic on all sides, otherwise there will be no benefit. Washing rooms can be treated by spraying a copper aqueous solution, but it will take a long time to ventilate them before putting them into operation - 2 weeks.

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