Impregnation for shelves in a bathhouse: types, best brands, DIY

What it is?

It is believed that the ideal material for bath shelves is linden. This is due to several reasons. The main ones include the pleasant aroma that the wood releases when heated, as well as a very small number of knots.

But linden has one significant drawback. She is sensitive to moisture. With prolonged contact with water, wood becomes unusable within several years. The linden begins to rot. Because of this, it has to be changed, which requires additional costs.

The way out of the situation is to impregnate the bath shelves with a special composition, the main purpose of which is to protect them from high humidity.

Impregnation also solves another important problem - it neutralizes pathogenic bacteria and fungal microorganisms that actively multiply on damp wood. This helps maintain the health of those who take a steam bath.

Today, industrial stores offer a huge number of impregnations for bath shelves for purchase. You can also make them yourself.

For therapeutic and cosmetic effect

An indication for the use of essential oil does not necessarily have to be any disease. There are oils that have disinfectant properties. Not only do they have a positive effect on humans, but also the wood, which is used to make furniture and wall cladding, also removes unpleasant odors. Such remedies include chamomile, eucalyptus, mint, and oregano.

Cosmetic properties of esters

Table. Cosmetic properties of essential oils

ProblemWhat to use
Dandruff, dullness, brittleness, hair loss and other problems associated with hair and scalp of rosemary, santhal, lemon balm, and patchouli effectively combat the listed problems
Swelling, itching after insect bites lemon balm and eucalyptus oil
Acne, malfunction of the sebaceous glandsLavender, lemon, and sage oil will help
Aging skinRose and juniper oils have rejuvenating properties.
Dry skinThe problem will be solved by orange, jasmine, and patchouli oil .
General fatigue, pain syndromeEucalyptus, lemon balm, fir, juniper, basil, rosemary.

rosemary essential oil

The following oils are used in aromatherapy:

  1. Natural aphrodisiacs - jasmine, rosemary, sandalwood, vanilla, bergamot create a romantic mood.
  2. Using rosemary and geranium , they stimulate brain activity, memory and ability to work.
  3. Grapefruit oil will help restore strength and vitality and get rid of nervous tension .
  4. Fir and cedar oil will help you get out of depression and cope with neuroses
  5. Jasmine helps you fall asleep gently , and orange .
  6. Lavender oil helps get rid of irritability .

Note! You can mix several oils to create different compositions to achieve the desired effect.

Essential oils can be mixed


Today, the most common types of bath impregnations are:

  • Polymer

    . Synthetic substances (most often acrylic resins) are used as the main ingredient. May include additional ingredients - for example, antiseptics. In essence, they are a water- and heat-resistant varnish for wood. They have the longest service life and tolerate high humidity and temperature well. The main disadvantage of this option is that it does not allow the tree to breathe and release its aroma to the steam room.
  • Wax . Compositions based on natural wax or its mixture with paraffin. One of the safest options. They create a thin protective film on the surface of the shelves, which prevents the adverse effects of moisture. Unlike polymer impregnations, it does not last as long.
  • Oily . These products are made from natural oils. They are completely natural and safe, and are not inferior in effectiveness to polymer compounds. When using them, more frequent steam room treatment is required. They allow the wood to “breathe” when heated, releasing its aroma and beneficial essential oils. They allow you to preserve the original texture of the wood and make the loungers more aesthetically pleasing.

Various combinations of polymer materials, waxes and oils are also possible.

Terms of use

Spray flavoring is the easiest to use. It will be a little more difficult with other forms. In any case, manufacturers indicate how to use them safely. These rules are simple:

  1. Essential oils can only be used externally.
  2. It is important to adhere to the norm - no more than 10 drops per room of 30 square meters. m.
  3. First, you need minimal doses - about 3 drops. And the exposure period should be 5 minutes. The time and dosage should be increased gradually.
  4. It is necessary to remember that bath fragrances are flammable. Therefore, sprays should not be sprayed near open flame sources.
  5. If symptoms of poor health occur, you must leave the room and go outside.
  6. It is important that concentrates do not come into contact with eyes or mucous membranes, as this may cause irritation.
  7. In its pure form, the fragrance cannot be applied to stones that are hot. This leads to burning of the aroma base, molecular destruction of aromatic hydrocarbons.

When using all bath products, precautions should be taken. Clean water is poured into a small ceramic container. Then flavoring is added (10-12 drops). This container should be placed in a place of maximum temperature. The top shelves are perfect for this.

After heating the water, the flavor evaporates. It can be used to water the walls in a steamy room. About 250 ml. liquids can be added to the stones. This water is also suitable for steaming brooms. To ensure excellent adhesion, wheat bran should be steamed in advance at the rate of 30 g of bran per 2 liters of water.

Many flavorings can be purchased at the pharmacy. They can also be ordered from the online store. If you use these products correctly, they are absolutely safe. In this case, bath procedures will be even more pleasant and beneficial.

How to choose

When choosing impregnation for bath shelves, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Compound . Here it is important to decide what you want - the maximum service life of the product or its naturalness and environmental friendliness. In the first case, preference should be given to polymer compositions based on acrylic resins, in the second, to impregnations based on oils or wax.
  • Features of the protective layer . It is important that the protective layer does not cause discomfort to bathhouse visitors. In this regard, acrylic impregnation wins. As a result of its application, the surface of the wood becomes similar to varnished. It is very pleasant to the touch. The second most convenient option is oil. It allows you to preserve the slightly rough texture of the wood. The wax forms a light film that is felt by the skin. Therefore, some are not very pleased to steam on shelves soaked in it.
  • Safety . The product should not contain components that can harm the human body.
  • Fire resistance . A Russian bathhouse is a potentially fire hazardous place. All impregnations are flammable to one degree or another. But polymer compounds are the easiest to ignite. This must be taken into account when choosing a composition.

Advice from experienced sauna lovers

Recipe from Olympic boxing champion V. Safronov

A teaspoon of pre-fried mustard is diluted in a bowl of water. It is splashed onto the hot stones. Mustard steam is used to fight the flu.

Recipe from hockey player Anatoly Firsov

Watermelon or melon juice is mixed with water and sprinkled over the heater. Fruit steam perfectly softens the skin, making it soft and elastic.

Rating of the best funds

Let's look at several factory-made products for impregnating bath shelves.

Tikkurila Supi Arctic

Composition from a well-known manufacturer of paints and varnishes from Finland.
The main ingredient is acrylate resin. It forms a thin protective layer on the tree that does not allow moisture to pass through and ensures the safety of the wood. When dry, acrylate resin is very flammable, so the product can be considered fireproof.

The drug is suitable for both Russian baths and saunas.

The main disadvantage of Supi Arctic is that it does not allow the tree to release essential oils into the steam room air.

The cost of a 0.9 liter can is about 500 rubles.

Sauna Natura Saunasuoja

The composition is based on a polymer substance that is absorbed deep into the wood and tightens its fibers, thereby creating reliable protection against moisture. It also contains antiseptics that prevent the proliferation of pathogens, fungi and mold.

A 2.7 liter bucket of product costs approximately 4,000 rubles. The price is high, but quite justified - Sauna Natura Saunasuoja has a long service life and good wood protection.

The impregnation will have to be changed only after 5–6 years. At the same time, rotting and mold are practically eliminated.

Tikkurila Supi Lattiaoljy

An emulsion that consists of linseed oil and tar oil with a small amount of polymer additives. The components also include antiseptic agents that prevent the development of bacteria, fungi and mold.

Suitable not only for protecting shelves, but also for treating walls, floors and ceilings in a steam room.

A 0.9 liter jar of emulsion costs about 1,000 rubles.

Zhivitsa BioGrunt

Domestic protective agent for impregnating shelves in a bathhouse.

Consists of the following ingredients:

  • natural linseed oil;
  • pine resin;
  • turpentine;
  • silver.

Linseed oil and turpentine provide reliable protection of wood from moisture, silver prevents the development of microorganisms, and oleoresin gives the shelves a pleasant pine aroma, which becomes even richer when the steam room is heated.

A 0.4 liter container of the composition costs about 700 – 800 rubles.

Neomid Sauna Oil

It is an oil emulsion for treating shelves, walls and ceilings in a bathhouse. Unlike most other formulations, it is made not from natural, but from synthetic oils.

Thanks to this, it is cheaper than analogues. Provides reliable protection against moisture. Absolutely safe for the human body. A 0.25 liter bottle of the product costs about 200 - 300 rubles.

Pinotex Lacker Sauna 20

Water-soluble acrylic emulsion varnish. When dry it becomes moisture resistant. Tolerates exposure to high temperatures well. The composition includes antiseptic agents that prevent the development of fungi and bacteria. The cost of a 1 liter can is 500 – 600 rubles.


This product is a mixture of antiseptics that prevent the development of bacteria that cause rotting. The composition protects against water and high temperature due to the presence of wax and paraffin among the components. A 0.9 liter jar of the product costs 300 – 400 rubles.


The product is an acrylic varnish with special additives that make it moisture and heat resistant. It contains wax, which makes the surface coated with the product more pleasant to the touch, which is especially important for bath shelves. A container with a volume of 2.2 liters costs 700 - 800 rubles.


Finnish product based on natural beeswax. It also contains antibacterial agents and substances that promote the absorption of the composition into the wood. The cost of a 0.9 liter can is about 700 rubles.

Top cheap flavors

Bath items “Fir” 100ml

The product has an anti-inflammatory effect. Sold in a 100 ml bottle. To obtain effective results, use 15 drops of the product.

fragrance Bath things “Fir” 100ml


  • Relieves colds and runny nose;
  • Has anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties;
  • Improves vision;
  • Affordable price – 60 rubles;
  • Restores immunity.


  • Uneconomical product;
  • Causes allergic reactions.

"Pine" 250 ml

This drug costs only 78 rubles. It contains water and natural pine oil. Sold in a 250 ml bottle. Dilute 1 ml per 10 ml. water. Watering the hot stones.

flavoring “Pine” 250 ml


  • Economical packaging. It will last for several uses;
  • Natural ingredients;
  • Positively affects muscles and joints;
  • Removes toxins from the body;
  • Disinfects the room;
  • Helps relax;
  • Helps cleanse the respiratory tract.


  • Counterfeits are often sold;
  • Causes allergies;
  • The price does not match the quality



This unique preparation contains orange and pine oils. Sold in a 100 ml bottle. The flavor costs only 100 rubles.

flavoring "NORTH-SOUTH"[


  • Natural composition;
  • Helps you concentrate and solve difficult problems;
  • Clears the respiratory tract;
  • Invigorates and improves the condition.


  • Causes allergic reactions.

STEAM-ecology Amur Cedar, 200 ml

The product is sold in a 200 ml bottle. Combines the aromas of Amur cedars, which makes the product very beneficial for the body.

flavor STEAM-ecology Amur Cedar, 200 ml


  • Convenient, economical packaging;
  • Completely natural composition;
  • Tones and rejuvenates the skin;
  • Calms the nervous system;
  • The flavor costs only 190 rubles;
  • Goes well with other essential oils.


  • The product has no disadvantages.

"Juniper", 300 ml

The scent costs 150 rubles. It contains an emulsifier. Sold in a 300 ml bottle. It must be shaken before use. Add 20 ml to a ladle of water. You can water walls and stones.

flavoring "Juniper", 300 ml


  • Economical packaging;
  • Affordable price;
  • Removes excess fluid from the body;
  • Promotes weight loss.


  • Sometimes causes allergies;
  • Odor intolerance.

How to do it yourself

You can make the impregnation for the bath yourself. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 800 ml natural flaxseed oil;
  • 50 ml turpentine;
  • 150 ml natural beeswax.

The oil is poured into an enamel bowl and boiled. This is necessary in order to evaporate excess water from it, which most often remains after spinning. It is necessary to boil for at least 15 - 20 minutes.

After this, wax is introduced into the oil and gently stirred until completely dissolved. When the mixture has cooled slightly, turpentine is added to it. It is also stirred until completely dissolved.

The wax must be finely chopped before adding to the oil. Otherwise, it may not completely dissolve.

You can add additional components to the mixture that will give it a pleasant smell and prevent the appearance of bacteria and mold. The most common option is pine resin. It smells good and is an excellent antiseptic. Also, oleoresin is easy to dissolve in hot oil.

Processing rules

What kind of impregnation do you use on the bathhouse shelves?


Shelves should be processed in the warm season - from May to September. Otherwise, the composition applied to them will take a very long time to dry.

The impregnation is applied to the wood in an even layer using a brush. Then it is allowed to dry. The doors and windows of the bathhouse are opened. This ensures better air circulation. As a result, drying occurs much faster.

The surface on which the composition is applied must be clean. There should be no dust or litter on it. Otherwise, the impregnation will not last long. This is true for mixtures based on polymer resins and wax. Oil compositions can be applied even to contaminated surfaces. True, this is not very convenient. And the impregnation consumption will be higher.

Expert opinion

Levin Dmitry Konstantinovich

Impregnations based on natural wax take the longest to dry. They need at least 24 hours. Oil-based compounds dry a little faster. They need from 8 to 12 hours. Mixtures based on polymer resins dry the fastest - only 1 - 2 hours.

If there are concerns that one layer will not be enough, apply 1 - 2 more. This is true for polymer and wax compositions. For oil, re-application does not make sense, since it does not create a protective layer, but impregnates the wood.

The second layer should be applied only after the first has completely dried. Otherwise, the impregnation will begin to bubble and come off over time.

Steaming bath brooms

Brooms are prepared for the bath from various types of plants. Each of them has its own beneficial properties and has a specific effect on the human body.

Oak brooms contain a large amount of tannins. Once in the air, they actively affect human skin, relieving it of pustular wounds and relieving the feet from excessive sweating.

Coniferous brooms are steamed specifically to aromatize the air in the steam room. This helps get rid of various inflammatory processes, relieve difficulty breathing and get rid of wounds and ulcers on the body.

A couple of infusions of birch and rowan brooms rejuvenate the skin. Birch steam is especially useful for smokers. It cleanses the human lungs well.

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