Decorating a steam room in a bathhouse: do-it-yourself walls, ceiling, floor

Special attention is paid to the interior decoration of a steam room in a timber bathhouse, since several points will depend on the correctness of its implementation.

Firstly, this room should retain as much heat as possible. Secondly, the steam room should not become damp between procedures. Thirdly, surfaces that will come into contact with bare skin should not be burned. And the last important point - the steam room must be safe and reliable, that is, it should not catch fire from the heat of the stove and not rot from temperature changes, high humidity and contact with water splashes.

Taking into account the described nuances, the interior decoration of the steam room in a timber bath is carried out. The article provides key recommendations for choosing materials for cladding, and also discusses how to protect materials from heat, reduce heat loss, eliminate the formation of dampness and premature rotting of wood, how to lay floors, sheathe walls and ceilings.

Advantages and disadvantages of each material

If you are curious about how to cover a steam room in a bathhouse, it is better to consider the pros and cons of individual materials.

Decorative stone is good in quality, but the price lets it down. Wooden lining is not so suitable in terms of properties, but the cost is definitely satisfactory. Various panels are adjacent links.

Finishing the steam room of a Russian bath is possible using plaster. The advantages include ease of operation, plus a wide range of final options. The downside is the finishing time.

Thermal insulation of the steam room

Covering a steam room in a bathhouse involves the use of thermal insulation. In this regard, the following applies:

- rolled paper;

- mineral wool;

- Styrofoam.

If you are curious about how to cover a steam room in a bathhouse at the lowest cost, it is better to consider penoizol. Just like polyurethane foam, it is affordable and does its job well.

The most common components enclose structures and perform important functions. Different types of materials can help building owners achieve the required efficiency. For example, extruded polystyrene foam insulation offers many benefits due to the way the product is manufactured.

Energy efficient, easy to install, lightweight and identifiable by its blue, pink or green color, extruded polystyrene foam cladding can allow a single product to be used to create a continuous layer of thermal and moisture protection on a building.

Extruded polystyrene foam contains solid granules of polystyrene resin. Plastic pellets are used with an extruder, they are melted and mixed with important additives to form a viscous liquid. During installation, liquid is injected to cause the plastic product to expand. Under carefully controlled conditions of heat and pressure, the plastic mixture is forced through the cells. The rigid foam can then be cut to the dimensions of the final product.

This continuous process produces a closed cell structure. It looks like a mass of homogeneous bubbles with common walls between them. As a result, a continuous smooth film is formed on top and bottom.

The closed cell extruded polystyrene foam structure provides superior durability. Products are available in a variety of compressive strengths to suit the varying needs of builders. Due to its physical properties, strength is not dependent on the use of facing materials or laminates. sometimes they can be broken during installation. However, extruded polystyrene cladding products are available to add additional strength.

Extruded polystyrene plastic also comes in a wide variety of sizes. It has a thickness of up to 102mm, allowing it to be used in many areas. Sheathing made from extruded polystyrene foam can have a positive effect on moisture resistance. With proper use of polystyrene foam, the service life of the bath increases. It is also interesting that no toxic substances are used in the production of the insulating shell from extruded polystyrene foam.

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