Does a bathhouse made of aerated concrete have the right to life? Pros and cons

Bath procedures have a positive effect on well-being and mood; they have long become not only a way to maintain hygiene, but also a reason to spend time with family and friends. Therefore, having your own steam room is the “blue dream” of many land owners. When deciding what to build a bathhouse from and estimating how much it will cost, it is important to ensure that the walls are warm and can withstand high humidity well. Let's consider what materials can be used to meet these requirements.

Stone bath project

Types of baths


They are divided into male and female. For most people, a public bathhouse is associated with a huge number of people, something unsterile. But this stereotype is a thing of the past. Modern baths are not much different from saunas and can accommodate a certain number of vacationers. Public baths are gaining popularity every year .

An important role is played by the fact that ideal cleanliness is maintained in these establishments. For the comfort of visitors, a separate locker is provided; you don’t have to worry about the safety of your belongings. Of course, one of the important advantages of public baths is their affordable price.


Also available for men and women. Private baths are ideal for large groups , family vacations, and romantic dates.

The advantage of this type of baths is that they do not require much space; many entrepreneurs build private baths right on their property. Current businessmen claim that opening a private bathhouse will require minimal investment. If you decide to install a sauna on your property, you will have to pay several times more for water - do not forget about this.


This type of bath came to us from Turkey. Hammam differs from other types in that the temperature in it does not exceed 50°C. Floors and walls are always heated to a comfortable temperature, humidity reaches 100% .

People who cannot tolerate high temperatures (like in a Finnish sauna) feel comfortable here. Interesting fact: visiting the hammam is recommended after a snack, but not on a full stomach.

Russian bath

A distinctive feature is hot, humid steam, thanks to which all toxins are removed from the body. After visiting this establishment, people note lightness, cleansing and cheerfulness . The steam room is a true love and tradition for the Russian people. A trip to a Russian bathhouse without a birch broom (oak, linden, etc.) is impossible.

The standard temperature is from 60 to 100°C, but for beginners who like bath procedures, it is necessary to stick to a temperature of 40–70°C.

Japanese sauna

The Japanese sauna is different from the rest. This is a small room with a wooden barrel and a couch. After all the procedures in the barrel, the visitor is invited to the couch where a relaxing massage is performed.

The water in the barrel is heated to 45°C - a comfortable temperature for relaxation. The barrel is 1.5 meters wide and 1.30 meters high. After the procedures, you are immersed in a special high box filled with beneficial herbs and sawdust.

It is useful for both women and men to go to the Japanese sauna, as immunity increases, the functioning of the musculoskeletal system improves, and the nervous system stabilizes. This bath treats diseases of the genitourinary system and prolongs life.

Finnish sauna

High temperature (up to 130 °C), minimum humidity (no more than 25%) are the distinctive features of the Finnish sauna. It is prohibited to use brooms or pour water on the stones. The benefits of visiting this bathhouse are that blood circulation improves, all harmful substances and toxins leave the body, and weight decreases. Contraindications are, of course, high blood pressure. Hot steam can make you sick.

Baths made of stone materials

Considering that a stove is heated in a bathhouse and there is a high probability of a fire, and wood is a flammable material, many people prefer to build a bathhouse, like a house, from stone materials. Let's take a look at the main range.

Brick and ceramic blocks

The main advantages of brick include:

  • long service life;
  • excellent appearance, allowing you to do without additional finishing;
  • the possibility of artistic masonry - this is important for those who want the bathhouse to be a beautiful element of the estate landscape;
  • the material is non-flammable and does not emit toxic substances when heated;
  • has a low water absorption coefficient.

Notes: All of the above applies not only to clay bricks, but also to silicate bricks. However, sand-lime brick does not like heating and moisture, and because of this, its strength decreases. Therefore, it is practically not used for the construction of baths. But ceramics are suitable not only for building walls, but are also used for lining stoves.

The main disadvantage of brick is its high thermal conductivity. The masonry warms up quickly and efficiently, but transfers heat not only inside, but also outside. To improve the thermal efficiency of such walls, various techniques are used:

  1. Hollow brick is used for the main masonry;
  2. The walls are insulated from the outside with insulation;
  3. The walls are erected using well masonry technology, filling the internal voids with expanded clay or foam insulation.

Well brick masonry

Today, slotted and porous bricks and stones are produced, the density of which is only 900 kg/m3, and the thermal conductivity is 0.21 W/m*C. There is also so-called warm ceramics - large-format blocks with characteristics similar to wood. Due to the large percentage of voids, such blocks are not very resistant to mechanical damage, so the outside is faced with ordinary brick.

Wall made of ceramic block with brick cladding

Concrete blocks

We continue to analyze what material is best to build a bathhouse from. In this regard, it is impossible not to pay attention to concrete blocks, since at the moment they are the most affordable material. But concrete is different, and not all types of blocks are equally good for building a bathhouse. Blocks made of heavy and fine-grained concrete are definitely not suitable.

Products made from lightweight concrete are best suited, and we have presented their varieties in the table.

Block typeMain characteristics
Expanded clay block Concrete with expanded clay filling makes the blocks quite durable. Minimum density 700 kg/m3 with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.5. To reduce it, the blocks are made hollow or multilayer, consisting of a base layer, expanded polystyrene and a facing part (such products are called heat blocks).
Polystyrene concrete block

In polystyrene concrete, foam chips are used as filling, which makes the block made from it light and thermally efficient. For the construction of walls, it is necessary to use thermal insulation and structural products of the D350-D450 brand. On sale you can also see options with a textured front surface. Using such blocks, you no longer have to worry about insulation or exterior finishing.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of polystyrene concrete of this density is 0.14 W/m*C.

Gas block

Aerated concrete blocks also have the same thermal efficiency. These are products manufactured using one of the technologies for the production of cellular concrete. The idea is that due to the porosity of the concrete mass and the absence of coarse aggregate, the stone becomes lighter. The cellular structure increases resistance to heat transfer, but also makes the stone susceptible to moisture.

When using such blocks, it is very important to properly perform the exterior finishing, which should ensure unhindered steam escape.

Foam block

Foam concrete also belongs to the category of cellular concrete, only the porousization process is carried out using a different technology. Unlike aerated concrete, which has open pores, foam concrete has closed pores. This reduces the moisture capacity of the material, making it more preferable for building a bathhouse.

It does not need protection from atmospheric humidity, nor does it need external finishing - if the block is purchased of good quality and carefully mounted with glue. In general, many manufacturers produce foam blocks with a textured surface, which greatly simplifies the task of decorating walls.

Arbolite block

Lightweight concrete, in which wood shavings and sawdust are used as filler, is called wood concrete.
It is also sawdust concrete. Lightweight and strong enough for a structure such as a bathhouse, the material with a density of 400 kg/m3 has a thermal conductivity coefficient of only 0.08 W/m*C - half that of wood. The only drawback of wood concrete blocks is their unpretentious appearance, which has long limited their scope of application. Currently, they have begun to make blocks with a factory front finish, which allows them to be used not only for building a bathhouse, but also a house.

Business plan for a Russian wood-burning bathhouse

Before starting any business, it is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan. Be sure to research the market in your city, as the situation may vary in each region.

If you decide to realize your dream and start a bath business, pay attention to these important points:

  • Demand and competition analysis
  • Choosing a place to build a bathhouse
  • List of documents required to open a business
  • Equipment and consumables for baths and recreation areas
  • Hiring
  • Additional sales or additional income items
  • Bathhouse advertisement
  • Starting investments
  • Monthly expenses
  • Profitability
  • Risks

Below we will look at each of these points in more detail.

tip #6: How long can you spend in the sauna?

For newcomers to the bathhouse, they recommend no more than three visits to the steam room. Rest time between visits is at least 10 minutes.

optimal time in the bath

First run8 min10 min
Rest20 minutes15 minutes
Second run10 min12 min
Rest12 min20 minutes
Third run12 min15 minutes

Demand and competition analysis

There is competition in the bath business , but, as we wrote above, the demand for recreational leisure is growing every day. Probably only a few people don’t like going to the bathhouse. Most will happily spend time with family or friends for a pleasant and rewarding vacation. The target audience is diverse, it is impossible to segment it, since both young and elderly people visit the Russian bathhouse.

The following may compete with you:

  • Complexes. Water parks, spa centers, etc. Such companies offer their visitors a variety of additional procedures. But the prices in such complexes are many times higher than a visit to a Russian bathhouse - this is a significant disadvantage. You can offer visitors discounts, bonuses, loyalty cards, etc. is a proven way to win the client’s favor.
  • Small saunas and baths. Your task is to make sure that there are no direct competitors near your establishment. The profitability of your business depends on choosing the right location. Don’t forget to hold promotions, discounts, advertise - and you will be one step ahead.

tip #2: When to go to the bathhouse?

It is more profitable to visit bath complexes in the summer, since prices during this period are much lower. You will also avoid difficulties with booking due to the low demand for sauna services.

To save money, we recommend choosing weekdays for your bath. Compared to weekends, the cost will be 20-30% lower.

Also, the cost may vary depending on the number of people. According to our statistics, the best price for renting a sauna is set for small companies of up to 5-6 people.

It is more profitable to visit the baths in the summer

On weekdays the cost is 20-30% lower

The price for companies up to 5-6 people is lower

Choosing a place to build a bathhouse

There are several options. You can:

  • Buy land for construction;
  • Rent land;
  • Building on your own site is the most popular option.

A few important rules regarding point 3:

  • When building a bathhouse on your site, do not forget to allocate a place for additional rest. Additional services - satisfied customers who will come back to you again and again;
  • do not forget to register as an individual entrepreneur. Without official registration, large fines and visits from the tax office cannot be avoided;
  • make sure that the site can be used for commercial purposes (convert it). All information can be found in Rosreestr;
  • your bathhouse should accommodate up to 10 people;
  • The territory is hidden from prying eyes. Visitors should feel comfortable;
  • Consider being able to receive visitors 24 hours a day. Visiting a bathhouse is often a spontaneous decision;
  • stable electricity and water. If there are interruptions in water or electricity, clients will not return to you;
  • parking space for at least 3 cars;
  • additional conditions for recreation. Barbecue area, gazebos, etc.

tip #4: What is the optimal temperature in the steam room?

The higher the temperature, the faster the body heats up - it’s logical. But why does the state change when a parameter such as humidity is turned on?

In dry air, the body cools itself through the evaporation of moisture - sweating. When air humidity increases, heat exchange is disrupted: evaporation decreases and heating increases. This is why people tolerate steaming in a damp Russian bath much worse than in a dry Finnish sauna.

But when humidity is low, it is also important not to overdo the temperature. The maximum possible increase is up to 120 degrees.

Seasoned steamers call the gold standard the sum of temperature and humidity, which should be 120. For example, 60 degrees temperature and 60 percent humidity. A person will feel similarly with the following ratio: temperature – 80 degrees, humidity – 40 percent or temperature – 100 degrees, humidity – 20 percent.

Beginners should focus on the sum of humidity and temperature below 120.

Differences between pairs

Russian bath65-90°C55-90%
Finnish sauna70-110°С5-16%
Turkish hammam45-50°С85-100%
Infrared sauna35-45°С45-60%

List of documents required to open a business

The first step is to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If you are the only owner and there will be only one bathhouse in the foreseeable future, then it is recommended to register as an individual entrepreneur, with taxation under the simplified tax system.

To open an LLC you will need the following documents:

  • the decision of the sole founder or the minutes of the general meeting on the creation of the organization;
  • agreement on its establishment;
  • LLC charter;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • notification of transition to simplified tax system

The tax office may request information about your legal address (if you rent premises).

  • permission of local authorities;
  • permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • fire service permit;
  • contract for sanitary treatment of premises;
  • waste removal agreement;
  • contract for washing and disinfection
  • liquor license
  • OKVED for retail trade

Equipment and consumables for baths and recreation areas

What can no bathhouse or sauna exist without? This is of course:

  • a room where you can change clothes;
  • shower;
  • rest room;
  • a plunge pool with cool water or a swimming pool is desirable;
  • steam room

As for technical equipment: a stone stove is best suited for a steam room ( costs about $2000 ). There are gas and electric ovens ( the price is less, around $1000 .)

If you decide to build a swimming pool on the territory of the bathhouse, you will need a lot of additional equipment: pumps, filters, heaters, transformers, lamps, steam generators (cost about $850). Some pools install thermal curtains and doors, which are also expensive. We must not forget about ventilation and drainage systems.

Don't forget about furniture : sofas, benches, tables, equipment in the lounge, bar. This also includes: dishes, refrigerators, display cases and other kitchen appliances. You will also need such trifles of the bath business as: thermometers, brooms, basins, ladles, brushes, etc.

tip #5: What to do in the bathhouse?

Preparation before the bath

  • Take a warm shower
  • Put on a bath cap

First entry into the steam room

  • Sit on the lowest bench and get used to the hot air
  • After 3-4 minutes you can rise higher and lie down, placing a cushion under your feet

Do not hang your legs off the bench under any circumstances. The temperature of the feet should not be lower than the temperature of the head.


  • Take a swim in the pool. If it's very hot, take a dip in the plunge pool or douse yourself from an ice tub

Second entry into the steam room

  • Take a woolen mitten (washcloth) to the bathhouse, blot the sweat with it and cleanse the skin
  • Sit on the highest shelf if you feel good


  • Take a swim in the pool
  • Take a warm or hot shower using a washcloth, soap and scrub
  • Drink a glass of water or a cup of warm tea in small sips


If you decide to build a sauna on your property, it will be enough to hire two bathhouse attendants who will work in shifts, interact with clients and, of course, provide maintenance.

Many entrepreneurs who have opened a sauna business on their site prefer to work independently, thus significantly reducing costs.

If you open a bath complex, you will need to hire employees such as: administrator, bath attendant, stoker, cook, kitchen assistants, security guard, electrician, cleaner.

When the business starts to grow, you will have to increase your staff and hire: a bartender, a massage therapist, a cosmetologist (spa treatments will bring good additional income).

Bathhouse advertisement

The most important thing in the bath business is to create a positive reputation. Of course, the most effective advertising is word of mouth.

All aspiring entrepreneurs maintain a page on the social networks of their business, target advertising to the target audience, and collect positive reviews. No matter what anyone says, social networks work if you know how to promote your business.

You can contact a specialist and order a website and set up advertising on it. When asked in a search engine, people will see your site - accordingly, the influx of customers will increase.

Other options: advertising in the media and on radio.

Businessmen are advised to cooperate with restaurants and cafes that are located near you. For example, you order food and drinks from them, they tell their guests about you.

Starting investments

Calculating the starting investments for opening a bathhouse business is one of the most important tasks of an entrepreneur.

For a sauna on your own site, the initial investment is not bad.

  • open an individual entrepreneur - 5000;
  • taking into account all the nuances of your site: parking spaces, small swimming pool, recreation area, barbecue - 25,000;
  • transfer of land to commercial use (contact a specialist, save a lot of time) - 10,000;
  • advertising expenses - 30,000;
  • SES and fire service. To install everything you need, you will need about 50,000;
  • set aside money for additional expenses - approximately 100 - 150,000;
  • equipment and furniture - 350,000;

Of course, if you decide to open a bath complex, the starting investment will increase several times.

Which design is more economical?

At first glance, you might think that a building erected using frame technology would cost much less. Is it really?

Any structure begins with the arrangement of the foundation.

Foundation options

For the construction of a frame bath

, including mobile and frame-panel, a lightweight version is used.

Such structures are lightweight structures. They weigh little and can be supported by any foundation. For these purposes, it is possible to choose the following types of base:

  • shallow belt version
    (prefabricated or solid). It is used in conditions of clay soil and lack of high humidity. For a prefabricated base, you need to prepare blocks of cement mortar on which the foundation will be laid. For a solid base, no preparatory work is required.
  • columnar concrete base
    . It is erected when groundwater is present on the site. A columnar foundation is suitable for soils with a heterogeneous composition.

For a solid wooden bath, choose a more powerful base that can withstand heavy loads. A building made of timber or solid logs is much heavier.

Can choose:

  1. Strip option
    , taking into account that a recessed foundation is being built for heavy walls. Preference should be given to solid options. They are highly reliable. Suitable building materials include brick, reinforced concrete, rubble, and rubble concrete;
  2. Columnar base.
    When constructing buildings from lumber, this option is also suitable, but the foundation itself is made more durable;
  3. Reinforced plate.
    Tolerates heavy loads well. When the soil shifts, neither the foundation nor the building is deformed;

Due to the high cost of materials, a solid reinforced slab is used as a base very rarely! It is used for heavy buildings. If the construction budget is limited, it is better to choose another cheaper option.

  1. Screw piles.
    Very well suited for moving or wet soil. Can withstand heavy weight structures. Read more about piles here.

Walls and interior decoration

After the foundation has been chosen, construction of the walls begins.

Frame structures are sheathed from the inside with special panels or boards. Thermal insulation is laid in the walls in 1 or 2 layers. The most common types of insulation on walls are polystyrene foam, glass wool, mineral or ecowool, installation of vapor and waterproofing. There are several opinions about which insulation is better. We do not recommend non-eco-friendly materials such as polystyrene foam and cotton wool containing phenols. If the material smells, it means it releases chemicals that will definitely not be useful in a bathhouse! More about insulation here.

The walls are additionally sheathed with finishing materials, both inside and outside. The most popular of them: siding, block house, lining. While the walls are insulated either from the inside or from the outside. At the same time, the insulation of baths of different types: brick, block, wooden - has some features.

Please note!

Despite the fact that constructing a building using this technology will not require significant financial expenditure, the full construction cycle, taking into account all materials, insulation, and finishing, can cost a significant amount!

If we are talking about the construction of a completely wooden structure, then the construction itself will cost more than the option with a lightweight structure. You just need to purchase the necessary lumber, it can be the following type of timber:

  • planed;
  • profiled;
  • glued.

Profiled laminated veneer lumber is much more expensive than regular timber

For your information!

The price of the material depends on the method of its processing and the type of wood from which it is made. Double or timber with thermal insulation will cost much more than other options!

If the structure is built from glued or profiled timber, there will be no need to purchase additional materials for wall insulation or finishing. But, if the walls are built from lumber of natural moisture, insulation cannot be avoided. In addition, they look unsightly, so finishing work must be carried out.

It turns out that much less materials will be required for the construction of a light structure and the cheapest of them can be used. But the finishing itself, insulation and fastenings can require significant costs.

Monthly expenses

  • Taxes on commercial real estate - 1.5% of the cadastral value. To avoid wasting your time calculating taxes, hire an accountant to work remotely - 5000;
  • payment to the pension fund - 5000;
  • electricity, water, firewood - about 7000;
  • monthly advertising expenses - 18,000;
  • salary to employees (if you still decide to hire) - 40,000;
  • fire alarm maintenance - 2000;
  • additional expenses - 10,000 (amount varies).

Total: 87,000 rub. But this amount may change from month to month, everything is individual. For example, if you don’t hire employees and work yourself, you will reduce costs by 40,000 rubles.

Steam room made of SIP panels

When choosing what material to build a bathhouse from, some developers prefer SIP panels. Frame construction of baths is technologically justified.

This material is a kind of sandwich filled with polystyrene foam inside. Its advantages include the following:

  • low weight allows you to avoid pouring a powerful foundation;
  • easy installation allows for the installation of a bathhouse in just a couple of weeks;
  • proper execution of work ensures the required temperatures in the steam room;
  • the material is not corroded by fungi and mold;
  • reliable sound insulation;
  • seismic resistance of a properly installed structure.

But these bath materials have their downsides:

  • the durability of the structure depends on strict adherence to installation technologies;
  • the temperature should not exceed 120 degrees, otherwise the polystyrene foam will begin to deform;
  • operation of similar structures for several decades.

When deciding which materials for a bathhouse are best to choose, you should take into account not only the positive aspects, but also the negative ones. A bathhouse made from SIP panels will be quite expensive, since the material itself is quite expensive. This must be taken into account when deciding what is best to build a bathhouse from.

Business profitability

On average, an hour of visiting a bathhouse costs 200-300 rubles, that is, one company costs from 800 rubles per hour. Rental duration is from 3 hours or more. If 30 visitors come to you in a month, at the end we will receive: 800 * 3 hours * 30 = 72,000 rubles.

  • If you give up staff and work yourself, you can save a lot;
  • purchase of firewood - 3000-4000 per month;
  • electricity - about 2000.

Total: 72,000-5000=67,000 rub.

But, as we said above, you need to take into account advertising costs, etc.

Additional sales help increase income: renting out necessary equipment, selling bath accessories.

Operational problems

The negative aspects and difficulties of operation come down to the installation of high-quality thermal insulation and the ability of the building to retain and accumulate heat.


The main heat losses occur due to poor insulation of the floor, ceiling, cracks in window and door openings, and through improperly installed ventilation! An important factor is roof insulation.

If the construction technology was followed and all the nuances were taken into account, it does not matter what technology the construction was used.


To complete the picture, you can watch the user’s opinion; this video will help you draw conclusions.

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