Projects of bathhouses with a terrace and barbecue: design features, examples in the photo

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04/10/2016 | Category: Architecture, Bathhouse projects

Usually, when creating projects for saunas with a swimming pool, you have to be guided by the client’s wishes and landscape features. This time the task turned out to be much more difficult. The client bought a neighboring plot with a ready-made foundation for a residential building. And, since he had a very comfortable home, he wanted to build a swimming pool with a sauna and a barbecue gazebo on the existing foundation. Creating a decent and beautiful project with a given configuration was not easy. But the process of finding a solution and the result turned out to be even more interesting.


A modern bathhouse is made of timber, brick and a prefabricated frame. The market offers other materials and construction methods, but the listed options are popular.

Often a bathhouse is built with a terrace or veranda. The terrace is sometimes equipped with a barbecue oven. But even the simplest guest house with a bathhouse and a barbecue nearby will make a country holiday more comfortable.

The best variations in the layout of suburban buildings on sites are obtained by combining these two complexes. In addition to the bathhouse, there is a place closed from the sun for rest after spanking.

Terraces are sometimes made with glass walls. This allows you to literally not be separated from the surrounding nature, and not experience unfavorable weather changes, such as rain or strong wind.

A terrace combined with a bathhouse will not only add comfort to relaxation, but will speed up the construction procedure and also save time and space on the site. It takes longer to build a separate gazebo and bathhouse, and individually they take up much more space.

Project of a bathhouse made of timber with a terrace and barbecue Source

What to take with you to the bathhouse

Prepare a decent-sized bag: you will need a lot of things. Required:

a bathrobe (it’s not for nothing that they call it that) or a large towel (also a bath towel);

  • clean sheet;
  • change of linen;
  • head cap (woolen or special felt);
  • regular towel;
  • flip-flops or other rubber shoes;
  • shower gel and shampoo;
  • a hard mitten for rubbing the body;
  • broom.
    You can also take cosmetics with you to make a scrub , and then a mask for the face and body , and herbal infusions to pour on the heater. a drink with you : herbs brewed in a thermos, tea or still mineral water.

Best location for construction

In terms of its structure, the veranda is only an extension to the bathhouse (as to the main building). In addition to the roof combined with the bathhouse, the barbecue area serves as protection from the winds, since it has one common wall with the building and small partitions around the perimeter.

When locating the bathhouse, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • when housing and a bathhouse are built as separate buildings, it is necessary to separate them from each other by at least eight meters. If the bathhouse catches fire, the fire will not spread to other objects;
  • It is advisable to build in a place where both the wind direction and the bathhouse were behind other objects. The reason for this is the same as in the point above;
  • You need to build as far away from the road as possible. This is required by the Land Code. You must maintain a distance of at least 5 meters.

If the terrace is summer, it is necessary to make a permanent floor. They are often made of wood, sometimes lined with tiles or other finishing materials. It wouldn’t hurt to place benches, a couple of chairs, a rocking chair and a small table on the terrace.

A brick bathhouse will cost more, but the money spent is worth it Source

Due to the convenience in everyday life and during construction, the terrace is built along the facade. This arranged place is perfect for relaxation after the steam room, and you can breathe some air. Refreshments and food are served here.

Need to know! There is no limit on the size of the veranda with barbecue. Her project is made taking into account the number of regular guests and convenience.

Let's talk about firewood

Everyone knows the rule: you cannot smoke or fry conifers on wood. Thermal decomposition of resins will add bitterness to the taste of the finished product. The same can be said about those types of wood that contain tar and gum. It is not advisable to use bark as fuel. There are several reasons:

  • Grinder insects and derivatives of the destructive work of pathogenic microflora, primarily putrefactive fungi, accumulate in the upper layer;
  • It is the bark and underlying layers of wood that accumulate a large number of resinous inclusions;
  • The bark produces an unstable, low-temperature flame with long tongues.

What is optimal for cooking barbecue as fuel:

  1. Wood of oak, elm, ash, beech. The ratio of bark to core and sapwood is moderate, and the top layer itself is of quite acceptable quality.
  2. In steppe, sparsely forested areas, white acacia wood is an excellent fuel. It has a dense, heavy mass that burns with a low-smoke, high-temperature flame.
  3. In the forest zone, experts, when choosing common and widespread deciduous species, give preference to stripped birch firewood rather than alder wood. This is justified by the fact that birch, when burned, produces large coal with stable smoldering, and alder produces quickly crumbling unstable coal fines. In our opinion, this point is more a matter of taste than an objective and justified opinion.
  4. If we talk about providing firewood not from the forest, then fruit trees are undoubtedly good, with the exception of nuts, which produce a viscous and bitter smoke, especially when wet. The championship among fruit trees should be given to the pear and apple tree. Their wood is dense, clean, the coal is uniform and gives good heat. The smoke is light, with pleasant spicy notes. Cherries, cherries, plums, apricots and peach are less suitable. Firstly, these trees, at the end of their lives, are severely affected by pests and diseases, which affects the quality of the wood mass; secondly, there are inclusions of gum, the so-called “glue pockets”, which do not have the best effect on the stability of the flame and the soot “tail” in the smoke.

By the way! A bonfire made from grapevine, so popular in the Caucasus, can be reproduced in our latitudes only in the south and only in places where viticulture has been seriously practiced for a long time. Grape raw materials do not stand out as anything special and their dominance in Caucasian fires is caused, rather, by the lack of suitable wood within walking distance.


Offers like a turnkey bathhouse with a barbecue are quite common. However, it will not be superfluous if the future owner knows the basic materials and their advantages. Basic knowledge will help you avoid being scammed by a construction company.

See also: Catalog of bathhouse projects presented at the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition.


When building a bathhouse, wood is almost always used. The usual one is used to make a log frame.

A timber bathhouse with a barbecue canopy and an attached gazebo Source

Wood has the following advantages:

  • retains heat perfectly . This will save on additional materials for insulation;
  • wooden buildings have a special atmosphere and aroma , without which it is difficult to imagine Russian baths created within the framework of traditions;
  • due to the fact that the wood breathes, natural humidity regulation ;
  • this material allows you to create buildings of various shapes , combining original solutions of architects;
  • environmentally friendly material . Due to the absence of chemicals, the tree is completely safe for people. In a particular case, this will create a healing effect.

The only drawback of a wooden structure is its susceptibility to rot and mold.

Important! If the fire is handled improperly, the risk of fire is high. This shortcoming is more than compensated for by the following material.


The possibility of fire in brick buildings is much less. However, the room will take longer to warm up. Therefore, you will need to spend more firewood.

Project of a brick bathhouse with a gazebo and an open terrace Source

In brick baths, it is imperative to have a good ventilation system, since condensation that appears during the use of the building will cause the growth and appearance of fungus.

The future owner should know that brick is one of the more environmentally friendly building materials for the construction of any structure. Another advantage is the service life. Brick will last many times longer than timber. Finishing is also optional.

Contrast procedures

After each entry into the steam room, the body requires cooling. For seasoned bathhouse regulars, even diving into an ice hole or swimming in the snow will be normal.

But if you are a beginner, you should not subject your body to much stress. It is quite enough for you to stand under a cool shower or plunge into a warm pool. Not icy and cold, but warm. After a few months, when your body and cardiovascular system become more trained and accustomed to heat/cold changes, you can try more contrasting sensations.

Contrast procedures for experienced

Creating a Project

Once the material and site where it is planned to build the structure have been selected, it is necessary to proceed to the next stage - creating a project.

The project is created after the material for construction is selected Source

For the finished project, all necessary materials are calculated and work begins Source

In order for the project to fully satisfy the owner, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • how many people plan to relax in the sauna at the same time;
  • whether it is planned to operate in winter;
  • what layout is suitable? If there is not enough space, a corner bathhouse project with a terrace and barbecue is perfect;
  • how much will be spent?

Corner project will fit perfectly in the corner of the yard Source

Layout of a standard bathhouse project Source
If the bathhouse is being built for summer use, there is no point in insulating the dressing room and spending money on it. When used year-round, you need to pay special attention to the entrance to it. A good project will help reduce the cost of constructing a structure. A comfortable and open barbecue area that can accommodate all guests makes a guest room unnecessary. This is illustrated perfectly in the picture below.

Large open area for relaxing with a large company Source

Pedigree of kebab

The traditional, academic version says that this dish owes its birth to Central Asia and Transcaucasia. An alternative theory attributes the authorship of kebab to the Germans, or more precisely to the ancestors of the Germans - the Eastern Goths, who, before the mass migration to the west, actively roamed the Northern Black Sea and Azov regions. In fact, for true Aryans, the Azov steppes are a sacred place.

According to legends, somewhere on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov there was a gate to Valhalla, a place of joy and feasts for warriors in the Scandinavian and ancient Germanic epics. It’s hard to say about warriors, but the fact that the Azov region is a paradise for sheep is absolutely certain. Dense grasses, steppe expanses and a temperate climate seem to be specially created for breeding sheep, cattle and pigs. Therefore, the editors see a version of an alternative homeland for kebab - a more affluent one.

Who should not go to the bathhouse?

Unfortunately, not everyone will benefit from visiting a bathhouse. There are also contraindications. First of all, this is any purulent disease. Even a small pimple with a purulent head will become large and painful. Not to mention more serious processes. If there is purulent inflammation somewhere, you cannot warm yourself. This is clear. So many conditions and diseases immediately disappear. In addition, going to the bathhouse is contraindicated for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • tumor diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute conditions in diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, pneumonia in the acute stage);

You cannot take children under 4 years old to the steam room. There are also restrictions for older people. This procedure is also contraindicated for them. Doctors do not recommend visiting the steam room during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but many neglect these recommendations.

Expectant mothers ignore doctors' advice not to visit the steam room

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