Optimal dimensions of a bathhouse: design of a bathhouse, required dimensions and height, number of rooms, their purpose

The construction of any bathhouse begins with a project, because every detail is important for comfortable bathing procedures. The project includes information about the layout of the bathhouse, the materials used, the size of each individual room, the presence of communications, etc.

First of all, the drawings and dimensions of the bathhouse should take into account the number and purpose of the premises, their width, length and height.

Brief overview of the article
  • What affects the size of the bath
  • Number of rooms in the bathhouse
  • Steam room dimensions
  • Steam room height
  • Dimensions of other rooms in the bathhouse
  • Height of additional rooms
  • Planning doors and windows
  • Dependence of the size of the bathhouse and the building material
  • Furniture and dimensions of the bath
  • Determining the dimensions of the bath
  • Photo of the bathhouse

Waiting room

The direct purpose of this room is a locker room in front of the entrance to the washing room or steam room.
But these days, when the bathhouse is used not only for washing, it has turned into a relaxation room. Ideally, this should be a separate room. Here visitors to the bathhouse will be able to undress, relax after the steam room, dry off after washing, and generally get themselves in order. For convenience, you can place benches, chairs in the dressing room, hang a mirror, place hangers for clothes and towels, or even put a small pool to alternate between hot and cold treatments. Massage lovers can install a special lounger. Also in the dressing room you need to allocate a corner for buckets of water, coal or firewood and for other necessary utensils. The arrangement of the dressing room depends on its size and your preferences. If the size of the bathhouse is small, the dressing room can be replaced with a large hallway with a hanger and a shelf for shoes. Large bathhouses have a separate dressing room and rest room, and if you use the bathhouse only in the warm season, it can even be replaced with a terrace.

The dimensions of the doors in the bathhouse should be small, and the doors themselves should be single-leaf, this will allow you to retain heat longer. Their width should not exceed 0.7 m and height 1.7 m.


If the washing room and steam room in the bathhouse are separate rooms, in relation to the locker room they should have a ratio of 1.5 x 1 x 2 m.

In order for the floor in the bath to heat up faster and maintain steam for a long time, it needs to be made 5 cm higher than the heater and 20 cm higher than the sink.

For the convenience of bathing procedures for older people, it is recommended to install a special shelf for them, at least 50 cm wide and 180-200 cm long.

Each person washing in the steam room should have 1 m2 of usable area, from which 1 m2 of the area of ​​the heater, including the small space around it, is subtracted.

If the steam room is equipped with a window, then its dimensions should not exceed 50 cm in length and width, so as not to let out a large amount of hot air.


According to its traditions, the bath complex includes a dressing room and a steam room. But modern baths have both showers and terraces combined with the main structure.

A 4x2 m frame mini-bath with an adjacent terrace area is a beautiful and comfortable relaxation area. There must be main rooms inside.

Steam room

The basis and important part of the bath. Should not take up much space in scale.

The usual size in the drawing with overall dimensions of 2x4 m is 1.5-2 meters. You can place one shelf or two-tier levels. A distant room is allocated for the steam room to prevent cold air from entering.

Dressing room and rest room

This is a locker room with access to the street and a door to the steam room. A folding table and a small sofa provide a place to relax. There is also a corner for storing fuel and firewood. Insulated door against temperature changes between the steam room and the street. The dimensions will be around 1-1.5 meters.

Washing room

Room with shower. It can be a small compartment depending on the total area of ​​the bathhouse. Only 1 meter is given for this room.

Interior decoration and space zoning

When drawing up a bath plan, the finishing features are also taken into account.

  • A steam room in a log house does not need lining, but the shelves and floor need to be looked after: waxed and cleaned.
  • In a timber building, the sauna is finished with boards made of linden, aspen, cedar and other wood that can withstand high temperatures and steam. Other materials are not suitable.
  • The plan of a sauna in a brick building assumes the same finishing. Given here, the walls under the cladding need to be insulated.
  • If a washing room is being installed, waterproof materials are used to decorate it - ceramic tiles, artificial stone, waterproof plastic panels. It is better not to use wood.
  • Guest rooms and the dressing room are not subject to high loads. Any materials are used to decorate the room. However, it is better not to finish the log house. Logs are a fairly textured and attractive material.

A bathhouse in a summer cottage is a very pleasant and useful addition. The construction plan for a Russian bathhouse is developed taking into account the number of users, the possible area of ​​the complex, and the mode of use.

What height: is there a dependence on the wall material?

Bathhouses nowadays are built from any available material. This includes a classic log frame or timber, brick, and new (relatively) cellular concrete - aerated concrete, foam concrete, and cinder blocks. Another option that comes across quite often is frame.

Are there any differences in ceiling height in a bathhouse made of timber or a bathhouse made of blocks?

In a bathhouse made of blocks, timber, frame

Specific numbers are discussed below, but here we will simply say that:

ATTENTION! The material of the walls does not matter when choosing the height of the bath from floor to ceiling.

In fact, it’s not a matter of saving material when making a low structure. In practice, everything in the bathhouse is functional, including its dimensions.

What should be the height of the steam room?

The lower the ceiling is, the less energy resources will need to be spent on heating the room. Finally, this is common sense: an unsuccessful layout will lead to the fact that you will rest your head on the ceiling, it will be impossible to stand up to your full height, and in this case there is no need to talk about any comfort.

Only numbers:

  • The standard height of a log house for an ordinary one-story bathhouse is 280-300 cm;
  • With such dimensions, the ceilings of the interior from the floor will be equal to a height of 240 cm (no more);
  • The discrepancy is a necessary measure, since in bath rooms it is necessary to insulate the floor.

A reasonable owner should not sacrifice thermal insulation: it will, of course, become more spacious, but the rate of heat loss will be too high. It will be necessary to devote a lot of effort and time to heating the bathhouse, which is simply impractical.

The conclusion is simple: if you want to see higher, more comfortable ceilings in your own bathhouse, then you will need to increase the size of the box itself. But you definitely can’t sacrifice insulating layers. By the way, in bathhouses with ceilings that are too low, hot air will not be gradually displaced upward by cold air masses; it will rise rapidly, and then there will simply be nothing to breathe in the steam room.

Some useful tips

In addition to the size of the premises, there are optimal types of layout that will help make all the main processes in the bathhouse more productive.

For example, you should not install a toilet next to a shower stall without separating the restroom with even the thinnest partition. Of course, many users once visited a combined bathroom, but in the bathhouse these two types of premises should be located separately.

It is better not to install an open shower stall; constantly flying splashes of water will cause fungus to appear on the tiles, which will violate the general environmental standards of the washing room. If you have wooden floors, their constant contact with water will significantly reduce the life of the wood, even with appropriate treatment.

You should remember the need to periodically clean the chimney. Therefore, you should not place the stove in the steam room at a great distance from the ridge. This will create significant inconvenience and waste of time.

If the bathhouse is designed for users who like to run out into the open air after a steam room, then the number of passage rooms should be reduced as much as possible. Running steamed through several rooms is not very comfortable.

From a security point of view

It is also necessary to consider the layout of the premises in the bathhouse from a safety point of view. Therefore, it is advisable to make the path from the steam room to the street as simple and short as possible, without labyrinths. This is necessary in case someone becomes ill. The sooner a person can get out into the fresh air, the better. Therefore, some projects provide two doors in the steam room: one from the washing room - for regular use, the second - to the vestibule - for emergency situations.

In order to be able to evacuate as quickly as possible, the washing room must have a window of decent size - no less than 50*50 cm. And it must open inward (again, safety precautions). And it’s better not to skimp on size: small sizes will not provide the amount of fresh air required for ventilation. It’s also difficult to climb out through the small window.

There should be windows in the steam room - one on the wall opposite the entrance, the other under the shelves

Many, by the way, do not install windows in either the washing room or the steam room, and they are very mistaken. Now we will briefly explain why.

These windows are needed not for lighting, but for ventilation. The steam room needs two windows - one in the wall opposite the door, measuring 40*40 cm or so. Its upper edge should be level with the door lintel. The second window in the steam room is made under the shelf. It can be small - 20*20 cm.

All of them are needed for ventilation and drying of rooms after use. Then you will not have any problems with wood and fungus. They are also opened to correct temperature/humidity. Everyone is comfortable with their own conditions, so they regulate them with the help of windows. Read more about where windows should be in a bathhouse and what sizes they are, and in the article “Which doors to choose for a bathhouse and sauna” we talk about doors and their sizes.

The window in the washing room is also an emergency exit. You shouldn’t forget about this either. Of course, we try not to break the rules and install the stoves correctly, but it’s better to be safe.

Building area

Ideally, each bathhouse visitor should have from 1.3 to one and a half square meters of space in the dressing room or 1 m2 in the steam room. The optimal washing area for one person is 2.25-2.4 sq.m. More than 80 cm of free space should be left between the shower stall (or a bench in a soap room, the dimensions of the bench are 0.5 x 0.9 meters) for ease of movement. In fact, this area can be slightly increased for greater comfort.

The optimal usable area of ​​a bathhouse for 2-3 people with three rooms (shower room, dressing room and the steam room itself with an area ratio of 1.5: 2: 1) is approximately 10 square meters.

How do you know if the planned area will be enough for you? The easiest way is to outline all the walls and partitions in steps. In winter, it is better to do this in the snow, and in summer, mark with sand or pull ropes.

“Tread down” the dimensions of the future bathhouse on the snow

Optimal steam room sizes

There are quite a large number of projects and layouts of bathhouses of all sizes available on the Internet, ranging from mini-houses to full-fledged complexes with a swimming pool.

There is plenty to choose from, but it’s not so problematic to independently develop a layout to suit your “wants”, rather than deal with adjustments.

It is much wiser to take a pencil and paper (or the appropriate program) and, having thought it through, draw a PLAN of the bathhouse than to cram all the necessary premises into the general dimensions taken from the ceiling.

The starting point when designing a bathhouse is the dimensions of the main room - the steam room, the calculation of which takes into account several factors.

The area of ​​a steam room, as well as a private bath, in general, is not regulated by standards, solely by common sense and one’s own capabilities. But it is believed that comfortable bath procedures are possible if at least 1 m² is allocated for each person in the steam room. Again, if the household is large, the square footage is clearly not enough for them, and it is better to allocate 1.5 or 2 m² per visitor.

In addition to the number of steamers, the dimensions of the furnace equipment are also taken into account. Modern sauna stoves are mostly compact, but there must be a safety zone around, the size of which depends on the type of structure. This is 500 mm on each side for a brick stove (metal in a brick frame) and 1 m for a metal stove.

The operating mode refers not only to the intensity of use of the bath, although this factor is also important, but also to the preferences of the steamers. If sitting three people can take a steam bath in a 2x1.5 m room, then lying down, and even with a broom, you won’t fit in a three-meter steam room, and it will be at least 2.4x2 m. As for the ceiling height, it varies in within 2-2.5 m, the optimal height is considered to be 2.1 m. This value is enough for the majority of visitors, with the expectation of swinging a broom, if there is no “Uncle Styopa” among the household members or friends who may come to the bathhouse.

The best materials for construction

Before construction, it is worth calculating the consumption of materials, avoiding unnecessary and unnecessary costs. For construction you need:

  • wall material;
  • heat-vapor and waterproofing material;
  • roofing material;
  • finishing.

The best building materials for building a bathhouse are:

  1. mineral raw materials - brick, gas silicate blocks, natural stone;
  2. wood - profiled or rounded timber;
  3. wood concrete – a cement solution filled with wood shavings and sawdust;
  4. frame structures are erected using all kinds of materials.

Profiled timber provides high tightness, which does not require thermal insulation. For construction, lumber must be well dried. The exception is laminated timber with no moisture.

When planning to build a mini-sauna, it is better to opt for a log house.

Wood, with its breathable qualities and ability to evaporate moisture naturally, is the main material for such a specific structure. Hot air and steam last a long time in wooden baths due to the low thermal conductivity coefficient.

In addition, taking into account the content of natural resins and the naturalness of the material, a healing microclimate is created in the baths. Wood is not afraid of temperature changes, so logs cut in winter are especially durable.


The optimal size of the bathhouse must be determined based on existing conditions and your wishes. Build it too small and it will be inconvenient to steam; build it too big and you will spend extra money and it will take a long time to heat.


  • https://v-banyu.ru/razmery-parilki-dlya-bani.html
  • https://stroypomochnik.ru/optimalnye-razmery-parilki/
  • https://PostroitBanju.ru/proekty-ban/kak-opredelit-optimalnye-razmery-bani.html
  • https://www.o-vannoy.ru/banya/razmery-parilki/
  • https://banyagid.com/stroitelstvo/optimalnye-razmery-bani.html
  • https://m-strana.ru/articles/optimalnye-razmery-bani/
  • https://parilochka.com/banya/razmery-parilki
  • https://9ban.ru/formy-gabarity/564-optimalnyj-razmer-bani

Optimal dimensions of a bathhouse in a country house for a family of 2-3 people

Sergey What is the optimal size of a bathhouse in a country house for 2-3 people?

Any bathhouse building, regardless of the architect’s imagination, is built around the so-called “heart” - the steam room. This is where absolutely all calculations come from. What is the optimal and most functional size suitable for a bathhouse in the country if it will be used by 2-3, rarely more, people? The answer can be found in the article.

What is a steam room

A steam room, or steam room, is essentially a tightly closed room in which a high temperature is generated using a heating device. In Russian baths, the air in the room is heavily humidified, hence the corresponding name. Calculations for the future steam room depend entirely on the following factors:

What type of furnace is planned? It is imperative to take into account not only the dimensions of the heating device, but also the space that must be left for the safe procedure. That is, a person will be able to move here without touching the hot wall. For example, for a wood-burning stove made of brick you need to add an additional 0.5 m on both sides, and for a metal version you will need 1 m.

How many people are planned to visit the steam room at the same time?

Attention! Experts recommend a steam room area of ​​at least 1 m² per person. The factor of how guests will steam is also very important.

For example, for a comfortable sitting position for 2-3 people, a room 2.0 m long and 1.5 m wide is sufficient. To accommodate people lying down during steam procedures, a larger room is needed - 2.4 m long and 2.0 m wide. As a result, the total area of ​​the steam room is calculated by adding the sizes of two sections - the area where the procedures are performed and the oven. The height of the room should not exceed 2.2 m. With a higher ceiling, heating costs will have to increase, which is impractical

The factor of how guests will steam is also very important. For example, for a comfortable sitting position for 2-3 people, a room 2.0 m long and 1.5 m wide is sufficient. To accommodate people lying down during steam procedures, a larger room is needed - 2.4 m long and 2.0 m wide. As a result, the total area of ​​the steam room is calculated by adding the sizes of two sections - the area for direct procedures and the oven. The height of the room should not exceed 2.2 m. With a higher ceiling, heating costs will have to increase, which is impractical.

Other rooms in the bathhouse

A bathhouse, which is planned to be used exclusively in the summer season, may consist of one steam room. But in the case of a capital structure, it is desirable to construct additional premises, such as:

The dressing room is a room that is a kind of transition zone between the street and the steam room. It is also used as a locker room, so there should be enough space to install benches, cabinets, and shelves.

Washroom - a room in which a shower, basins, font, etc. are installed. Of course, it must be equipped with water supply and drainage. Relaxation room - here you need to adhere to the dimensions, taking into account the installation of a table, benches and other furniture for pleasant relaxation after the steam room. For the bathroom, it is enough to set aside a small “corner” in which the toilet and flush cistern will be installed.

Of course, the dimensions of the bathhouse building completely depend on the desires and capabilities of the owner. For some, a steam room is enough, while others dream of a whole bath complex with a swimming pool, billiard room, etc. Therefore, there are no strict restrictions during construction. The main thing here is convenience and comfort.

Optimal dimensions of a bathhouse in a country house for a family of 2-3 people

What is the optimal and most functional size of a bathhouse in the country if 2-3 people will use it? The answer can be found in the article.

On the slope

The strength and stability of the baths is ensured by a full foundation. It is all the more important to pay special attention to the foundation if the construction of the bathhouse is planned on a slope.

  1. A slope of three degrees is considered a level surface;
  2. A slope of three to eight degrees is considered average;
  3. A strong slope is a surface that has a slope of more than ten degrees.

Important! The foundation must withstand not only the weight of the bathhouse, but also successfully resist the vagaries of the soil. It is the piles that are at greatest risk, so it is recommended to use a bored foundation to support the structure of the bathhouse.

First, the site is being cleared for the construction of a future bathhouse. Then wells are drilled for screw piles - their depth should be below the freezing layer of the soil. The accuracy of the calculations is important - if one of the piles is in a suspended state, the rest will experience constant overloads. On average, the diameter of the well is about 25 cm. Formwork is made for the entire length of the pile, but it can also be arranged only for the head. The wells are then filled with concrete and connected using a self-leveling concrete slab. This way you can build a foundation for a bathhouse.

What size should a steam room be in a bathhouse: layout

The size of the steam room can be influenced not only by the number of people the owner is counting on, but also by the presence or absence of a brick oven, which itself takes up enough space and allows you to easily increase the cubic capacity - it heats up evenly for several hours.

We highly recommend reading about the ergonomics of the bath space here. There are diagrams and explanations - everything is there.

Here we will go over the principles briefly as they apply to the issues under consideration.

Minimum dimensions

The smallest size of a steam room is in a Finnish bathhouse. And the minimum number of people is one. So, one person needs 40x60 cm to sit (they sit in a sauna) (in other material you will find a width of 70, but we gave this with a margin so that those sitting next to each other would not touch each other).

Therefore, when you ask a question about what is the minimum size of the steam room, at least specify how many people - for two meters of space is no longer enough. And what kind of bathhouse - in a Russian stove, even if it is metal, it should have an internal heater and be lined with stone or brick.

IMPORTANT! The smaller the cubic capacity of the room, the less power is required from the stove. The more miniature she is, by the way.

Do not take a stove with a large power reserve into a small steam room - wood stoves are difficult to regulate, and you probably won’t find tiny gas stoves. The alternative is electric only.

Find sizes for two here.


We hope that you yourself understand that there are no “standards”. On average, everything revolves around an area of ​​2x2 meters; it can be larger, but it usually doesn’t go far from these numbers. Because there is no need to take all the guests to the steam room at once; they go in “shifts.”

In addition, we showed you diagrams that demonstrate how to compactly accommodate 5(!) people in a 1.8x1.8 m steam room. This, of course, is a sauna again, and there is no point in cramming 5 people into such a volume, but the fact itself deserves attention - he says that 2x2 will not necessarily accommodate only 2-3 people.


After we said goodbye to the idea of ​​any standards above, let's see (as promised at the beginning) what an optimal steam room consists of.

Firstly, let’s distinguish between a Russian and a Finnish bathhouse, everything is different there.

Russian bath - you need a special stove with a closed heater to get light steam, and with a lining so as not to overheat the steam room, you need space next to the stove - 10-15 cm to the wall with a heat insulator that prevents fire, half a meter - where there is no wall, you need shelves for a lying person and space for steaming him, you need space under the ceiling to collect steam and for swinging a broom.

Sauna - you need good supply and exhaust ventilation with a rate of complete air exchange 5 times per hour, a metal stove with high heat output - it doesn’t matter, wood, electric, gas, the main thing is that it is without a lining, an open heater to get a little heavy steam, narrow shelves of three tiers just to sit on them - this is 40 depths per tier, 120 cm for three tiers

To calculate the optimum for a Russian bath, take the most frequent visitors and measure them - you need height (height) and width (measured while lying down using your arms lying freely along the body). Or you can just give the width of the shelf 120 cm, the foot pads 30 cm, so you have one and a half meters just for the shelves.

Then you figure out where the stove is located, what “spot” of space it will take up along with fire safety, and add to the dimensions of the shelves.

Draw a plan so that the door is opposite the window (if you will ventilate in bursts), under the window there are shelves, and opposite is the stove. Here is a plan that emerges specifically for your case. Give 120 for the shelves - you can sit with your legs pulled up, across, you can lie lengthwise.

You can give both 90 and 60. If you nevertheless looked at the article on ergonomics (see the link above), then you know that both values ​​​​are suitable for both lying and sitting, only in one case (60) do you deviate to the wall and lean your back against it, and in the second (90) you have to pull your legs up onto the shelves in order to sit against the wall.

Required dimensions of elements

The central part of any bathhouse is the steam room. As mentioned earlier, its dimensions are determined by the expected number of visitors, the location of the canopy and the internal arrangement of the oven. The minimum dimensions for one person are 1 square. m. Plus the distance for the stove - 50 cm. The total is 1.5 sq. m. m. From this it follows that for a small company consisting of 3 people, a room of 5 square meters would be ideal. m. Another important indicator is the height of the room. Often it is 2.3-2.5 m, since the tallest human height reaches 2 m.

The bench is considered an important part of the steam room to be used. Its dimensions depend entirely on the square footage of the room and the individual preferences of the owner. For example, for sitting enjoyment of the steam, the width of the bench should be 45 cm, and for relaxation while lying down, 90-95 cm is quite enough. You can create benches according to the type of racks. The bottom tier is the smallest. Children sit on it or bath accessories are laid out.

The distance between tiers must be at least 1 m.


Now it is necessary to examine the issue of other structural elements, without which it is impossible to do in the steam room. And first of all, this is the door. In a Russian bathhouse, the doorway should be small in size with a door leaf height of 160 cm. The height of the threshold should be no more than 25 cm, ideally 20 cm. Small dimensions also apply to the width of the leaf. Many owners of bath complexes settle on a steam room door width of 60-70 cm, but designers advise making it 80 cm.

These features of the steam room door of a Russian bath guarantee the collection of steam cake under the ceiling without it exiting through the doorway. In addition, the door must be perfectly adjusted so that the air in the steam room does not cool down. Finns are more loyal when it comes to doorways.

Even if there are cracks in the door leaf, no one will seal them. The cold air that gets inside very quickly becomes hot, and visitors to the steam room do not even feel a slight coolness.


In the steam room of Russian baths, the window is an important element, which is a traditional option for ventilation. During the vaping process, air flows stop moving and air circulation stops. When visitors leave the steam room, it is necessary to ventilate the room; for this, the window and door are opened wide. When building a bathhouse and arranging a steam room, the windows are placed opposite the doorway. But nothing bad will happen if the window is installed on the right or left side of the door.

Interesting: Properties of gabbro-diabase stone for a bath, subtleties of use for a sauna

When installing a window in a steam room, you need to understand that this is not only an element of the room ventilation process, but also an emergency exit. This means that in an emergency an adult must climb into it. But some users do not agree with this statement; they believe that the increased size of the window causes large heat loss. Based on the experience of the owners of bath complexes, the average size of steam room windows should be approximately 40-50 cm on each side.

The shape of window openings can be square or rectangular.


An important element in the design of any steam room is the shelves. Their height depends on the oven. Approximately 5-10 cm is added to the top point of the heating heater - this is the distance from the floor to the shelf. Many users complain that the bench is a bit high and it is quite difficult to climb onto it. To avoid such difficulties, it is recommended to install a small step no more than 20 cm high.

Now you need to familiarize yourself with the calculation of sun loungers in a Russian bath. Traditionally, there are 3 options for sun lounger sizes - 60 cm, 90 cm and 120 cm wide. But this does not mean that it is forbidden to use intermediate values, for example, 65 cm or 80 cm. It all depends on the preferences of the bathhouse owner. The main thing is not to install shelves with a width of less than 60 cm. As for the length of the sun loungers, if you enjoy the atmosphere of the steam room in a lying position with your knees bent, 150-155 cm is enough. For those who like to stretch out to their full height, a sun lounger length of 190-200 cm is suitable.

Shelf height from floor

If you need a shelf for sitting on it, then the height of the shelf from the floor will be 40 cm. This is suitable for a sauna. There are three tiers, each 40 cm high. I climbed onto the last one and all the heat is yours.

REMINDER! It is correct to say and write not “canopy”, but “shelves”, if we are not talking about a curtain for a bed, but about a bath seat-lounger.

In the Russian steam room the rules are slightly different. It is good to measure the height of the shelf from the height of the upper edge of the stove (not a brick one!). It should be 5-10 cm higher than it. It should be too high for some visitors to simply climb, so it would be good to make at least a 20-centimeter approach .

But the approach for the sailor is calculated as follows: it is necessary that he rises so high above the regiment that it is at the level of the knuckles of his closed fist. Measure this distance from the knuckles to the ground, then look at how many shelves it occupies in height, from here you will get the height of the landing pad for the hover.

Dimensions of sun loungers in a Russian bath

We already said above that you have three options - 60, 90, 120 cm in width. Of course, no one forbids using intermediate figures; it is at your discretion. It is important that the width of the lounger in the steam room of a Russian bath should not be less than 60 cm. In terms of length, it is intended to accommodate an adult lying at full height, with legs extended. So consider, is 180 cm enough for you, or do you need 200, or 220?

Dimensions of shelves in the sauna

Here, too, everything is simple and stated above. The minimum space for one seated person is 60 cm. 70 is better. Calculate how many people sitting in a row you want to see on one tier. This will give you the length of the shelves in the sauna steam room. And the width is known - 40 cm.


The question of calculating ceiling heights does not have a clear answer. In a Russian bath, hot steam is supposed to collect under the ceiling. And when you wave a broom, steam accelerates to the corners of the room, you have to add water, thereby cooling the stones. That is why the height of the ceilings in a Russian bathhouse should have a significant mark of 270 cm.

Of course, you can deviate from the recommended figure and make the room height only 2 m. But in this case, it is impossible to guarantee good soaring. However, for those who create a steam threshold, it is preferable to stop at a ceiling height of 240-270 cm.

Height in a Russian bath

In Russian tradition, it is supposed to collect steam from the ceiling, and in a certain way. If the ceiling is straight, then waving the broom will disperse the steam in the corners, which is not beneficial for you, since you will have to add excess water to cool the stones. Therefore , it is better if the ceiling has a slightly vaulted shape, and the maximum height of the steam room in a Russian bath is 270 cm.
Of course, no one is forcing you to do anything. The usual recommendation is: at least 200 cm.

Or you can start from how much space is needed for the sailor, who makes an elbow (preferably) swing with a broom - the main thing is that he does not hit the ceiling with the broom

We think that those who make steam cakes should heed the advice about 240-270 cm . The rest - as they wish.

Height in a Finnish sauna

Regarding the sauna, we know only one piece of advice: the height of the ceilings in the sauna steam room is at least 110 cm from the height of the upper tier shelf.

If so, then it’s easy to calculate: if you have three tiers of 40 cm each, then this gives a total of 120 cm. Therefore, the minimum height of the steam room will be 230 cm.

Bathhouse: dimensions, layout

A standard bathhouse is divided into a steam room, a washing room and a dressing room; their ratio should be 1:1.5:2.

The smallest one is a warm “wardrobe” that can accommodate no more than two people in a sitting position. Such saunas are heated by an electric stove and can even be built into the bathroom of a standard city apartment. The minimum parameters of a standard bathhouse for one family are 1.8:2 meters; it must accommodate at least one bench where a person can sit in a lying position. In a bathhouse with parameters 2.5:2.4, to save space, benches are made in the shape of the letter L, and in even larger ones, a parallel or U-shaped bench is made.

The height of the ceilings in the bathhouse should also be minimal, because the larger the parameters of the room, the more fuel is needed to heat it. If we take into account that the upper tier of a stone stove is at a height of approximately 1 meter from the floor, and the upper shelf is made equal to it, it means that for the convenience of a person steaming while sitting, the ceiling height should be at least 2.1 meters.

And if you like to go to the bathhouse with a large group, the steam room and the washing room should be separated, and the size of the bathhouse should be at least 12 square meters. meters.

Criteria for choosing a bathhouse project

If we do not consider the approach proposed above with individual development, then from the ready-made options you can also choose a bathhouse project that is suitable, if not for all, then for most of the criteria. What should you focus on first?


  1. The maximum possible number of people visiting the bathhouse at the same time.
  2. Available space for construction on the site.
  3. Desired layout.
  4. Architecture.
  5. Affordable budget.

Even armed with the listed criteria, you can make many mistakes when choosing a bathhouse project. Therefore, in order not to waste time and money, it is worth going through each point in more detail.

Features and varieties

Even if the area of ​​the site for the construction of a mini-bath is small, drawing up an optimal project will not be difficult. You can use one of the options for such a construction. Let's look at the main varieties.

Mini-sauna made of timber

The most popular project is a mini-bath made of timber. Almost every craftsman can build such a structure. A small ergonomic bathhouse of 2x4 m, despite its dimensions, contains all the necessary compartments. The steam room and washing room can accommodate up to three people. The stove can easily be placed in a corner. This is one of the most economical options for a summer residence.

Summer mini-sauna

One of the budget options. If the area of ​​your house or cottage allows you to allocate a corner for a bathhouse, you can equip it in the bathroom. Heating is carried out using a special stove for built-in baths, with a container for stones. However, the room must have separate access to the street and good ventilation.


The rounded shape of the mini-bath is the choice of many summer residents. Barrel-shaped frame, tightened with clamps. The heated air circulates as convection, since there are no corners in the room. It is precisely because of its design shape that the bathhouse is well ventilated, which eliminates the appearance of mold and dampness.

Mini sauna tank

Unusual design, variant similar to a barrel. Made in the form of a tank caterpillar, the boards are fastened with clamps. The tank bath project is small and can be transported if desired. The compartments of the room will accommodate a shower and a stove.

6-10 acres

The smaller the size of the plot of land, the smaller the area you have to build a bathhouse. This is logical, because standard summer cottage plots, as a rule, range in size from 6 to 10 acres. It is almost impossible to build a large bathhouse without damaging the garden, so small bathhouse projects are especially popular. There are several points to consider before building a bathhouse.

  1. The bathhouse should be located as far as possible from the country house, but not close to the fence;
  2. To save space on the site and add additional living space, you can build a bathhouse with an attic;
  3. In small areas it is better to build baths from fire-resistant materials - from blocks, stone and brick;
  4. The bathhouse can be combined with other buildings, in particular, with a garage or utility room.

It is best to build a rectangular bathhouse in the corner, 2 or 3 meters away from the fence.

At the same time, you also need to pay attention to the neighbor’s house - there should be at least 6 meters from a long bathhouse to any living space. The main thing is not to skimp on materials for construction - this way the risk of fire will be lower, and the bathhouse will delight you with its durability.

Buildings up to 30 sq. m

Small village bathhouses have many positive aspects, which is why compact structures are becoming the most common in summer cottages.

  1. Small baths up to 30 sq. m are much cheaper - less building materials are required, as well as a lighter foundation;
  2. Due to their compactness, such baths can be built on any site;
  3. A smaller rural bathhouse requires less fuel to fully heat up.

Moreover, compact hut baths remain functional even with minimal equipment. You can safely combine a dressing room with a relaxation room. You can completely abandon the latter if you replace it with a terrace. In the summer, such a step is justified, but if a stone bathhouse will function all year round, then you cannot do without a small changing room. You also need a firewood rack if you have a traditional stove.

Information. For a small bathhouse, it is not at all necessary to build a full-scale brick stove - you can install a mobile metal structure, from which heating is carried out throughout the bathhouse. If the steam room is attached to the house, then all engineering systems are supplied to the bathhouse from the main building.

Dimensions of one- and two-story baths

Baths of different heights have their own disadvantages and advantages. It is better to find out about them in advance so as not to change anything radically during the construction process. So, if you need the smallest and most compact bathhouse, feel free to take the project of a one-story bathhouse 3x3 meters. It will house all the required premises. But for a two-story bathhouse such an area will not be enough, because a significant part will be occupied by the stairs.

There are no restrictions on the area of ​​a one-story building

The main thing is that the bathhouse does not “spread” around the site too much and does not visually draw attention to itself (after all, the main building should be a house). The advantage of a two-story bathhouse is that on the second floor (whether it is full or attic) it is quite possible to arrange another living space

And even if a two-story bathhouse occupies an area of ​​4x6 m or 6x6 m on the ground, this will be enough to accommodate your guests on the second floor for several days or to move there for permanent residence.

Construction with stone

For those who are not going to save money, but still want a solid structure, professionals suggest making the building from stone. You can use artificial substitutes (brick, foam blocks), or you can create a real miracle by building a bathhouse from natural stones. Foam blocks are lightweight, but brick and stone baths will require a reliable foundation. But a stone bath is worth it, because it has many advantages.

  1. The material has high performance ratings, which guarantees strength and durability;
  2. The stone can be bought at almost any specialized store;
  3. Shrinkage rate is 8% less than wood;
  4. The material does not require drying, it can be used immediately;
  5. The finished bath takes less time to dry;
  6. The material is environmentally friendly and holds heat well.

It is important to remember that the construction of such a bathhouse will be very expensive, and the construction technology is much more complex than that of wooden structures. The stone definitely requires insulation to avoid the formation of condensation.

It is advisable to finish the outside with plaster, because brick baths do not retain heat very well. But even after twenty years the bathhouse will be in the same condition as on the day construction was completed (if you take care of it, of course). It is important not to forget to heat the building, even if the steam room is not planned to be used. In addition, brick buildings lend themselves perfectly to modifications, and also allow you to build rooms of any shape you like.

Bathhouse layout

Development of a project and planning of the location of internal premises implies a competent approach to communications (electricity, water supply, sewerage, ventilation).

We recommend that you read the articles:

  • Installation of electrical wiring in the bathhouse
  • Proper ventilation in the bath

Let's look at the features of the layout of bath rooms in more detail.

Steam room

Stones are placed on top of the stove. To increase the volume of steam released, the stones are watered.

The shelves are fixed in several tiers. Material: hardwood.

Installation features are as follows:

  1. The bottom shelf is made narrow. It is used more often as a footrest.
  2. The second shelf is the most popular. It is made as wide as possible.
  3. The distance between the shelves is 30-40 cm. The slats are not attached closely, but 3-4 mm apart to ensure good air circulation.

There should be at least a meter left from the top tier to the ceiling, otherwise you will have to sit in a half-bent position.

The old home baths did not have a separate shower, so the water pools were right in the steam room. It's quite inconvenient. It will be inexpensive to install a shower through the partition, and your stay will be more comfortable.

The floor in the steam room is tiled and wooden grates are placed on top, since the tiles are slippery and heat up quickly.

Fans of contrasting procedures place a pool or plunge pool with cold water next to the steam room.

Recommendations for choosing the size of the steam room are given in the section above.


Here, vacationers take water treatments after the steam room. The following can be installed in the washing room:

  • shower cabin with boiler;
  • a cold water font in the form of a large wooden barrel;
  • mirror;
  • hangers for towels, clothes;
  • bench;
  • stand with cleaning supplies.

The dimensions of the room are selected based on 1 sq. m per person. The dimensions are enough for two people - 1.7 * 1.4 m, for four - 2 * 2.5 m.

Wall cladding is often done with wooden clapboard impregnated with antiseptics. The floor is made of wood or ceramic tiles.


Seasonal baths are often made without a bathroom. But for a comfortable stay you need it. It is better to make it separate. In one room, install a toilet with a washbasin, in the other, install a shower.

In economy class bathhouses, the bathroom is a dry closet. This option is not suitable for year-round use. Ventilation is properly provided in the room.

Dressing room (rest room)

You need to calculate the size of the dressing room based on the free space and the functions it will perform.

You can mount a TV on the wall, or place a pool table closer to the windows (if there is enough space). There is also a corner for storing firewood in the dressing room.

The dressing room should be a walk-through area so that you can get from it to the steam room, bathroom or shower.

In a large dressing room you can put:

  • pool;
  • massage table;
  • benches;
  • mirror.

The room can harmoniously transform into a closed terrace (veranda) and connect to the garage.


A place that gathers all vacationers in the bathhouse. A project involving a rest room is not suitable for small areas. It makes sense to build such a bathhouse only if the territory allows it.

The relaxation room includes sofas and a TV. Here you can conveniently and comfortably spend time with a group of friends. Sometimes a billiards table is even installed in it.

The optimal size for six people is 15 sq. m; if we consider a slightly smaller number, namely 3-4 people, then the area can be reduced to 8 sq. m. It involves two entrances, one of which will be from the dressing room, and the second, respectively, to the washroom.

Therefore, when drawing up a project, it is important to think in which direction it will be more convenient to open the doors.

Requirements for the size of doors and windows in bath rooms

Recommendations regarding the size of windows in the steam room and shower are as follows:

A threshold is installed in the steam room to reduce heat loss. The most popular sizes of door panels for steam rooms are 1.6/1.8*0.7 m, 1.5/1.8*0.7 m.

For safety reasons, the door from the steam room must open outward. In the combined version of the steam room and shower, the two rooms are separated from each other by a solid wall with a door.

The door to the washing room is often made in standard sizes - 1.8 * 0.8 m. The threshold is raised by 5-10 cm.

Separately or close to home?

The bathhouse can be either a separate building or located inside the house as one of its premises, as an extension and even in the basement. The advantage of the “indoor” location is that when leaving the bathhouse and moving into the house, you don’t have to find yourself on the street. This is especially nice in winter and in situations with nosy neighbors.

But a bathhouse is a place of increased fire danger and an even greater danger of smoke. Therefore, according to generally accepted rules, the bathhouse is most often located as a separate building.

The bathhouse is located on the opposite edge of the site from the main house. This is dictated by fire regulations. It is better to turn the bathhouse porch to the south, but make it visible from the windows of the house.

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