Projects of bathhouses made of expanded clay concrete blocks: photos and features. Stages of building a bathhouse from blocks

Nothing can withstand time. Even traditional Russian baths. No, they have not gone away - they just began to use much cheaper materials, but with similar performance characteristics. Surely you have already heard positive reviews from the owners of bathhouses made of foam blocks more than once: people build them themselves and note their amazing practicality and savings in the invested material resources. True, in order to get a result that is truly pleasing to the eye and heart, it is necessary to take into account all the details of the layout and draw up a high-quality project. We save your time and present in this material the best projects for building a bathhouse from foam blocks with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages

There is an opinion that the main advantage of foam blocks as a material for construction is their exceptional low cost. Is this true or is it much more complicated? We’ll find out right now when we subject this material to a scrupulous analysis to identify obvious pros and cons.


  • high fire safety;
  • fast construction;
  • simple installation that does not require any special skills;
  • very low cost;
  • decent sound insulation;
  • low thermal conductivity.

As you can see, foam blocks are not only available due to their low cost, but also impress with their impeccable fire safety and absolute ease of installation. Their closest competitor is expanded clay concrete blocks. It is no coincidence that DIY bathhouses made of expanded clay concrete are among the most popular projects. However, both some blocks and others have disadvantages. And they are very similar.


  • very low frost resistance;
  • high water absorption;
  • the material is exposed to fungus and rodents;
  • average level of tightness.

Fortunately, these disadvantages are not critical, and the myths about the release of harmful substances into the air have long been successfully dispelled by experts.

In general, foam blocks are a completely reasonable solution for implementing a bathhouse project if you want to get by with a minimum investment. But you still have to take into account the costs of interior and exterior decoration, including insulation and waterproofing . This is the only way you can really enjoy a comfortable steam, and not shiver from the cold and complain about the rapidly falling temperature and dampness all around.

Features of foam concrete

Foam concrete is a cellular material that appeared on the construction market several decades ago, but continues to be in great demand and is widely used in the construction of premises. For its production, simple technology is used, which reduces the cost of the final product and allows you to produce building materials at home.

Pros and cons of the material

The popularity of foam block is due to its performance properties and advantages. First of all, it is increased thermal insulation and resistance to temperature fluctuations. Experts say that even with constant exposure to high temperatures, the material does not begin to deform and retains its initial strength. It also meets all environmental safety requirements, is not afraid of corrosive or putrefactive processes, and also does not become an object of attack by rodents.

The foam block is lightweight, which reduces the complexity of construction work and simplifies installation. Baths based on this material are characterized by resistance to fire, and this is an important point in compliance with safety standards.

But, in addition to a lot of advantages, the foam block also has disadvantages. Before use, they must be treated with special compounds that provide the required degree of moisture resistance. If you miss this moment, the material will be deformed and quickly lose its presentability.

Despite the affordable cost of raw materials, the installation process can be accompanied by high costs. They are associated with the acquisition of a special adhesive composition, as well as the carrying out of insulation work.

Phased construction

Even a completely inexperienced person in this topic can build a bathhouse from foam blocks on their own. However, it is still necessary to find out the correct sequence of work - this will allow you to avoid frequent mistakes that people make out of ignorance. Therefore, pay attention to the step-by-step demonstration of the construction of such a bathhouse from foam blocks in our detailed instructions.

Construction of the foundation

  1. pour a bed of fine gravel and sand onto the prepared area and compact it with water, the optimal foundation depth is 30-40 centimeters;
  2. equip removable or monolithic formwork;
  3. reinforce the area with metal rods and pour the prepared concrete mixture, be sure to pierce the poured mass in several places to release the air that inevitably gets inside;
  4. cover the foundation with any waterproofing material and give it time to dry and harden (2-3 weeks), then cover it with roofing felt and proceed to the next stage of construction.


  1. make sure the foundation is even and start laying foam blocks: the first row is bonded with a traditional mortar based on sand and cement, it is very important to lay it out without deviations, so use a rubber hammer and a level to correct masonry errors;
  2. the bricks are not laid flat, as you might think at first, but on an edge;
  3. the second row is already fixed with a special glue, which is sold in any store, but you should not overdo it with the amount - a thin layer is enough;
  4. Be sure to lay a reinforcing mesh through every third row of the structure - this will make the walls much more durable and monolithic.

Erection of the roof

The photo below shows all the work on constructing the roof as part of the project for self-construction of a bathhouse from foam blocks.

Exterior finishing

To ensure that your foam block bathhouse does not lose its attractive appearance, be sure to take care of the finishing. Most often, siding , giving the building a beautiful and modern look.

However, there are many other options that may suit you much better. Take a look at what other materials are used for exterior finishing.

Insulation from the inside

Insulating the inside of foam block baths is a severe necessity, which is due to the very high water absorption of the material. High-quality work in this direction will help protect the walls from moisture penetration and fill the room with comfort. Which is very important if you are going to use the sauna not only in the summer. What can you take as insulation?

  • mineral wool;
  • glass wool;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • foil, etc.

Interior decoration

Here, as they say, everything is purely to your taste. Just don’t forget that you are building a bathhouse, which means that the material must withstand permanent exposure to high temperatures.

  • lining;
  • block house;
  • tile;
  • stone, etc.

The following video will tell you how to build a bathhouse using foam blocks. This is a fairly cursory, but very succinct and convincing story from a specialist competent in his field, who has built dozens of such objects with his own hands.

Typical projects with photos and drawings

In order to choose a suitable project for a bathhouse made of foam blocks, you must first decide on the site that is at your disposal, as well as what you expect from your structure. Meticulous planning is a mandatory item in the “preparatory” program, but if you do not want to deal with the distribution of key zones, then use ready-made projects. They already provide for the separation of a sink and a steam room, and there is also an allocation of space for a relaxation room, a dressing room, and in some cases a veranda . Information on how many foam blocks are needed for a bath is in each size section.


How many foam blocks are needed: 134 pcs. (4.82 cubic meters)

Project options for those who want to build a compact bathhouse. Both separate washing and steam rooms are allowed, as well as combining two zones into one.


How many foam blocks are needed: 196 pcs. (7.06 cubic meters)

A selection of bathhouse projects with one of the most common sizes. The square base allows you to make good use of every centimeter of usable space.


How many foam blocks are needed: 172 pcs. (6.19 cubic meters)

A very viable rectangular and quite compact solution will undoubtedly appeal to those who do not have a reserve of square meters at their disposal.


How many foam blocks are needed: 245 pcs. (8.82 cubic meters)

An excellent selection of bathhouse projects that provide literally everything: a spacious dressing room, a relaxation room, and a veranda. The layout of bathhouses with an attic allows you to include in some cases a games room with a billiard table.


How many foam blocks are needed: 267 pcs. (9.61 cubic meters)

A project with the placement of functional areas for a spacious square bath.


How many foam blocks are needed: 334 pcs. (12.02 cubic meters)

Types of baths with aerated concrete pool

In the catalog of such projects posted on this page, you can find the following types of buildings:

  • with a spacious terrace;
  • with a residential attic;
  • with a spacious lounge.

You can choose a project by area, cost or design features. If there is no body of water near your site, then a bathhouse with a pool is the best option for a SPA holiday during the summer heat.

Prices for construction services

Construction from aerated concrete blocks

"Closed loop""For finishing"
Aerated concrete16.5 thousand rubles/m219 thousand rubles/m2
Aerated concrete + decorative plaster18 thousand rubles/m220.5 thousand rubles/m2
Aerated concrete + facing brick20.5 thousand rubles/m223 thousand rubles/m2
(foundation+frame+windows, roof insulation, partitions, stairs)(for roughing + electrical wiring, heating, drainage)
When building a house by our company, the design is free of charge!

Construction of the foundation

Strip foundationfrom 3400 rub/m.p.
Monolithic foundation (slab)from 4200rub/m2
Pile-screw foundationfrom 3200rub/piece
Columnar foundationfrom 3800rub/piece

Roof installation

Installation of vapor barrier60rub/m2
Installation of insulation in 1 layer60rub/m2
Metal tilesfrom 280rub/m2
Flexible tiles (bitumen)from 300rub/m2
Corrugated sheets (euro slate)from 200rub/m2
Natural tilesfrom 400rub/m2
Seam roofingfrom 350rub/m2
Corrugated sheetfrom 250rub/m2
Drainage systemfrom 350 RUR/m.p.

Floor installation

"Heated floor" devicefrom 450rub/m2
Treating the screed with a primer (moisture protection, dust removal)from 30rub/m2
Floor joist installationfrom 180rub/m2
Leveling and strengthening the floor beams to the level (if they were installed previously)from 80rub/m2
Installation of subfloors from edged boardsfrom 100rub/m2
Installation of vapor barrierfrom 50rub/m2
Insulation (per 1 layer 50 mm)from 50rub/m2
Laying floor boardsfrom 300rub/m2


Installation of internal electrical panelfrom 3800rub/piece
Plywood sheathing, OSBfrom 260rub/m2
Installing an electrical kit inside the bathhousefrom 7000rub
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