Cedar barrels (phytobarrels): device, types, indications for use

A phytobarrel is a kind of mini-steam room with a special design. Its body is a product of cooperage. It is made from high-quality cedar and most often has a classic barrel shape. The high effect of using such a mini-steam room is achieved due to the effect on the body of steam, saturated with healing aromatic oils and herbs. The skin quickly absorbs beneficial substances, which are distributed throughout the body along with actively circulating blood. After all, during the procedure the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves.

Why do people choose cedar phytobarrels?

  1. Small sizes . A phytobochka is a mini-sauna that can be placed even in an apartment. Not everyone has the opportunity to place a bathhouse or sauna in their country house or garden. The phyto-barrel has quite miniature dimensions; an area of ​​one square meter is enough for it. It is safe and easy to use.
  2. Not everyone can handle the heat well . The design features of the phyto-barrel allow you to take healing bath procedures and avoid overheating of the head.
  3. Medical indications . As you know, cedar is an excellent healer. It releases phytoncides that kill pathogens and have a beneficial effect on the human body. Below we will see for what problems a cedar barrel is recommended.
  4. Affordable price and simplicity . Yes, a cedar phytobarrel costs an order of magnitude cheaper than a cedar sauna. But that is not all. To connect it, all you need is an outlet. It has a low level of electricity consumption - only 2 kW (this is like an electric kettle). The phyto-barrel does not require running water or drainage. It can be placed on a loggia or veranda.


Important operating instructions

It is prohibited to use the phyto-barrel while intoxicated. Ethanol dilates blood vessels, and heat increases blood pressure. The procedure may cause complications from the cardiovascular system.

After leaving the mini-sauna, the body recovers within several hours. Avoid drinking any drinks. You can drink after blood circulation has normalized.

You cannot eat before entering the phyto-barrel. It is best to warm up on an empty stomach to reduce the load on the heart and blood vessels. In addition, a full stomach will not allow you to relax and will cause discomfort.

It is forbidden to sit in a home sauna for a long time. Even at a temperature of 40-45 ° C you can overheat. It is best to carry out procedures 1-2 times a week for 10-15 minutes.

You can choose and order a cedar barrel in the catalog of our online store. For detailed advice, call any of the phone numbers listed on the website.

The principle of operation of a phyto-barrel

The phytobarrel is a cabin made of cedar. It has an entrance door, a hole on top for the head and a lid for the neck. Inside the phyto-barrel there is a seat that is adjustable in height (3 height levels), armrests, an internal ladder under the feet, a drain and a steam pipe.

The head does not heat up . A person is placed in a phyto-barrel so that the head remains on the surface and breathes easily. Thus, it is not exposed to steam and there is no load on the circulatory system of the head, which allows you to take health procedures even for those who are contraindicated in a bath or sauna.

Healing steam. Steam comes into the phyto-barrel from a steam generator. It has a special container for herbal mixtures and antler concentrate (which enhance the beneficial effects of cedar). Saturated steam enters the cabin through a heat-resistant steam line. Thus, the body is enveloped in vapors of medicinal herbs and cedar essential oils. The steam temperature is adjustable, everyone can adjust the temperature to suit themselves (within 90 degrees), but mostly it is 45-60 degrees.

Cleansing and healing. Profuse sweating begins 7-10 minutes after the body is “immersed” in a heated phyto-barrel. The steam warms the skin, cleanses the pores and removes toxins from the body. Through enlarged and cleaned pores, active healing compounds enter the body from the steam condensate. Thus, the body is healed, metabolic processes are normalized, the skin is cleansed and rejuvenated, relaxation and nervous tension are relieved.

The duration of the procedure in a cedar phytobarrel is 15-20 minutes.

After the procedure, you need to rinse with cool water and drink herbal tea with honey.


Specifications and capabilities

It is worth remembering the technical and operational capabilities of the phytosauna. Each design is made by hand, from material procurement to assembly. Experienced craftsmen carefully select the wood (Altai cedar at least 200-800 years old), and then split it with an ax - exclusively along the fibers. No chemical impregnations, glue or other auxiliary substances are used.

Compliance with cooperage technology allows you to avoid deformation of the wood and guarantee a long service life of the steam and phytosauna. So, with proper use, the design will delight you for 10 years or more.

After this, the barrel is equipped with everything necessary - a bench for comfortable placement, a powerful steam generator and a remote control. All this is aimed at ensuring that you enjoy every procedure.

Indications for use of phytobarrels

The cedar phytobarrel has indications and contraindications. Be sure to read the contraindications, they are below.

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome . Many people are familiar with this. You know, we just forgot how to relax. Constant lack of time, stress, obligations, increased responsibility have taught us to always be in shape, i.e. be on edge. But this is possible for some time, when you are young and energetic, then the body cannot stand it and fails.. In order not to lead to heart attacks, strokes, severe forms of depression - let's learn how to relax correctly. A cedar barrel helps calm and restore the nervous system and relieve tension. The steam, saturated with medicinal herbs, gently envelops the body, relaxing the muscles. Close your eyes and allow yourself not to think about anything, just enjoy the aroma of cedar and herbs, feel the pleasant warmth. It’s good if you play pleasant music or put on a disc with nature sounds before the procedure. Let your muscles relax, toxins will go away and you will be filled with the strength and energy of cedar...
  • Slagging of the body . Yes, the environmental situation is getting worse every year. Especially in large cities and metropolitan areas. What we breathe, what we eat, what water we drink - all this often has a detrimental effect on our health. We cannot always change our environment, but we must help the body get rid of toxins! Under the influence of hot healing steam, the pores open, the skin begins to “breathe”, and active sweating occurs. Together with sweat, the body gets rid of waste and toxins. And drops of healing condensate are absorbed into the cleansed skin and through it have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Metabolic processes are restored, the work of all organs and systems is stimulated.
  • Problems with blood circulation and blood vessels. The cedar phyto-barrel restores normal blood circulation, expanding the smallest capillaries and forcing them to work. This helps eliminate venous stagnation. Increased blood movement promotes good thermoregulation. If you are constantly freezing, perhaps procedures in a cedar barrel will be your salvation.
  • Rheumatism and joint diseases. Healing steam warms up the muscles and helps remove excess lactic acid from them. It warms up the joints, helps restore blood circulation and helps remove salts from the body. In addition, it reduces periarticular swelling and enhances the outflow of lymph and venous blood. Thus, the cedar phytobarrel relieves pain and restores normal joint functions.
  • Skin diseases. Cedar phytobarrel helps cleanse and rejuvenate the skin, helps with dermatitis and psoriasis. Profuse sweating also promotes more active exfoliation and skin renewal. The number of pathogenic microorganisms decreases. With regular use of a cedar phyto-barrel, a rejuvenating cosmetic effect is manifested, the skin becomes elastic and smooth.
  • Problems with potency. Using a cedar barrel helps normalize blood circulation, relieve tension and stress. Cedar phytoncides have a beneficial effect on the body, saturate it with energy and strength. The use of antler concentrate enhances the effect of the cedar phytobarrel.
  • Frequent respiratory diseases (colds) . Constant colds indicate reduced immunity, hypothermia and weak metabolic processes. A cedar barrel helps to warm up, activate blood circulation and get excellent inhalation. In addition, cedar phytoncides kill pathogens and restore immunity. In this case, it is best to use general strengthening or special herbal preparations for ARVI.
  • Problems with excess weight. The effect of a phyto-barrel in the fight against excess weight is often more effective than the effect of a regular bath or sauna. The fact is that during the procedure the person’s head is outside and he can breathe easily. This allows you to warm up the body more, while moisture is released from the body more intensely, impaired lymphatic drainage is restored, metabolic processes are activated and an excellent fat-burning effect is observed. The use of anti-cellulite herbal preparations increases the effectiveness of such procedures.


Cleansing the body

Every day, invisible dirt accumulates on human skin: tiny particles of dust, soot, sediment from exhaust gases, etc. Combined with physical activity and fatigue, this leads to the formation of waste and toxins that interfere with the normal functioning of the body.

A phytosauna with steam saturated with medicinal herbs promotes the opening of pores and active sweating. Gradually, harmful substances are released and washed away with water droplets (steam condensation). Thus, the body is deeply cleansed, metabolism is activated and the functioning of internal organs is normalized.

Contraindications for cedar phytobarrels

Yes, the cedar phyto-barrel is a wonderful invention of our ancestors. However, despite all its healing properties, it has a number of contraindications that you need to know:

  • Oncological diseases
  • Tuberculosis in the active stage
  • Inflammatory and chronic diseases in the acute stage
  • Heat
  • Bleeding
  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Thrombophlebitis of deep veins
  • Atherosclerosis, occurring with pronounced damage to the blood vessels of the heart and brain
  • Benign formations with a tendency to grow
  • Cardiovascular diseases of the 2nd degree
  • Hypertension of the 3rd degree
  • Weeping eczema
  • Second half of pregnancy

After a heart attack or stroke, you can use a cedar phyto-barrel no earlier than 6 months later!


If you have no contraindications, great! A cedar phytobarrel is a source of your health, strength and vigor for many years. Choose the model of cedar phytobarrel you like and order, we will be happy to make it for you!

For home use:

Description of procedures

The operating principle of the steam barrel has not changed since its invention. In our time, only the system for supplying steam and maintaining the optimal temperature has been automated. A hose comes out into the barrel through which steam enters. The steam generator is located outside.

A person opens the door, goes inside the device, sits on a bench and closes it. A phytobarrel is usually designed for people of different sizes, because the bench can change its location.

There is only one requirement for a person inside the steam room - he must be calm, sober, adequate and relaxed. While the body is enveloped in healing steam, you need to enjoy the moment, indulge in good thoughts, but not fall asleep. Of course, the person supervising these procedures will turn off the steam supply in time, open the door and take the client out.

A person should not enter a cold barrel. Before the procedure begins, the internal space is warmed up and treated with steam. This allows the patient to immediately get into optimal temperature conditions.

DIY cedar barrel

The design of a phytobarrel is quite simple; if you have all the necessary tools and materials, it is quite easy to make

Steam barrels are sold at very affordable prices. However, someone may need to make a unique structure from fresh wood. Despite the fact that mini-saunas are called barrels, they can be of any shape. The main thing is to create some kind of capsule to form a space where the steam will concentrate.

Materials and tools

It is important that the boards are not too thick

In order to put together a box from pine boards with a door, a hole for the head, a bench, armrests and a footrest, you need little - a hammer, nails, a saw and boards. It is difficult to create a beautiful barrel-shaped structure at home, but if you have a workshop, it is possible.

In addition to tools and thin cedar pine boards, you will need plumbing silicone to seal the seams of the walls. The main material can be tongue and groove boards used for laying the floor. However, their width should not exceed 30 cm. From such boards you can make a cube of the required size.

The most difficult thing in making a sauna cube is the movable bench and drain hole. Steam condenses on the walls, so it becomes necessary to constantly remove water for this. To do this, it is enough to raise the base, making a slight slope towards the drain hole, which should be located above the container to collect moisture outside.

The dimensions should be such that an average-sized person can comfortably fit in it. 75x75x120 cm are considered optimal.

It is best to purchase a special steam generator made for saunas. However, such a device can be made at home. For this you will need:

  • sealant;
  • flexible metal hose (1.5 - 2 m);
  • metal-plastic pipe (diameter about 30 mm);
  • plastic canister 5–10 l;
  • heating element;
  • Digital Thermometer.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

  1. Holes of the required size are drilled in the canister.
  2. Heating elements are introduced through them and then sealed.
  3. The terminals of the heating elements outside the canister are connected to the wire, the contacts are insulated and hidden.
  4. A separate hole is drilled in the lid of the canister. A flexible hose is attached here.
  5. A threaded flange is inserted into the opening of the canister, its entrance to the vessel is sealed, and a metal hose is connected to it from the outside.
  6. In a metal-plastic water-type pipe, many holes are drilled on one side every 5–7 cm. This pipe is rolled into a ring and placed at the bottom of the barrel with the holes facing up.
  7. A hole is drilled in the barrel for a flexible metal hose, which is connected to a plastic pipe using a tee.

Now you can pour water into the canister, and connect the heating element to electricity. After the water in the canister boils, you can begin the procedures.


To clean and care for the barrel, it is recommended to use products specifically designed for this purpose.

The problem is that the cleaning and disinfectants used for porcelain and metal are not suitable for phyto-barrels. It is especially not advisable to use products containing chlorine. Their components are absorbed into the wood, as a result of which the properties of cedar do not manifest themselves properly.

In order to maintain the walls of the barrel in the desired condition, you need to wipe them with a special product called “Clean Sauna”, sprinkle them with hot water, and then dry them thoroughly.

You can use a phyto-barrel at home without any problems or difficulties. However, doing this in a small apartment is difficult. For this reason, it is easier to resort to the services of salons, saunas and health centers. This procedure is inexpensive, pleasant and very useful.

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