Indications and contraindications for cedar barrels (phytobarrels)

Not only get rid of stress and fatigue, but also rejuvenate the body, boost immunity, cope with many diseases - all this can be achieved with the help of regular procedures in a cedar barrel. The mini-sauna replaces an entire medical and cosmetic complex. Healing steam affects all body systems, especially the cardiovascular, immune, and central nervous systems. Like any healing procedure, sessions in a phyto-barrel have their own indications and contraindications.

Why a phyto-barrel and not a regular sauna?

Constantly visiting a regular sauna causes overload of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, disruption of metabolic processes and the functioning of the thermoregulation system. This leads to a constant feeling of fatigue, rapid heartbeat, and heaviness in the heart area. In the phyto-barrel, the patient’s head remains outside and is not exposed to high temperatures, so the procedure is more easily tolerated - it can be repeated every other day without any damage to health. Also, the effect of a cedar barrel is enhanced by healing natural substances, phytoncides, which have already been mentioned above.

Where can I install

Any room with a normal level of humidity and no sudden temperature changes is suitable for installing a cedar barrel. It is also important to have good ventilation to preserve the wood.

For a container with standard parameters, prepare an area of ​​1.5 - 2 square meters. It is also necessary to provide space for the location of the steam generator. It is installed next to the barrel on a stand or wall. It is possible to install a steam generator in an adjacent room.

Suitable sites for barrels:


Insulated loggias


Basements with low humidity levels

Advice! Before purchasing a barrel, check the dimensions of the room where the barrel will be installed and the dimensions of the doorways through which it needs to be carried. If they are narrow, opt for a compact model or order a dismountable one for assembly on site.

Indications for use of cedar barrels

A phytosauna always gives an excellent cosmetic and general health effect, but in some cases the procedure is simply recommended for medical reasons. Such conditions, disorders and diseases include:

Respiratory system diseases

Various types of allergies, inflammation of the respiratory tract, bronchitis and chronic sinusitis are very common diseases today. In the fight against them, a cedar barrel gives good results. First of all, warming up in a phytosauna significantly increases lung ventilation and minute breathing volume, this has a good effect on the functional state of the respiratory system. Cough decreases, shortness of breath is relieved, sputum characteristic of a number of diseases is separated much more easily - the patient’s condition noticeably improves after the first procedures. Moreover: a cedar barrel helps prevent complications typical of bronchitis and asthma. In patients with such pathologies, there is a constant overload of the right parts of the heart and, in the long term, right ventricular failure develops. Procedures in a phytobarrel increase the intensity of blood supply to the lungs, as a result of which the vessels relax and the load on the right ventricle decreases.

Muscle fatigue

Steam from medicinal herbs and compounds ensures an increased flow of oxygen-enriched blood to muscle tissue, which activates recovery processes. At the same time, body temperature rises; this contributes to the fastest possible removal of lactic acid and pain relief.

Muscle fatigue

After high physical or intellectual stress, chronic fatigue syndrome may occur - a condition in which you get tired very quickly, become constantly irritated, and suffer from sleep disturbances. The cedar barrel helps the vessels located on the periphery of the circulatory system to work better, which leads to a significant decrease in the plethora of the brain and a decrease in the excessive activity of its cortex. At the same time, the neuroendocrine system is activated, a large number of endorphins are released - you relax and begin to feel much better. The same mechanism works during distress - prolonged emotional stress, which can develop into neurosis or psychosis. Moreover: repeated repetition of the procedure contributes to the development of regulatory abilities, you learn to control your condition. All of the above makes the phyto-barrel very useful for rehabilitation after mild paralysis, myopathies and myotonia, and poliomyelitis. The cedar barrel also helps with sleep disorders, childhood enuresis, and reflex muscle hypertonicity.

Asthenic conditions caused by overwork, distress, diseases of the nervous system

Steam from medicinal herbs and compounds ensures an increased flow of oxygen-enriched blood to muscle tissue, which activates recovery processes. At the same time, body temperature rises; this contributes to the fastest possible removal of lactic acid and pain relief.

Reduced cardiovascular system, hypertension

A decrease in the functional reserves of the cardiovascular system can be due to many reasons - for example, these include natural aging, a sedentary lifestyle, colds, etc. Procedures in a phytosauna sharply accelerate blood flow, promote the expansion of the smallest capillaries and more active blood supply to the periphery, and trigger the reserve capabilities of the system blood supply As a result, there are more functioning capillaries and their capacity increases. Venous outflow becomes more intense, blood movement in the arteries accelerates, nutrition of all tissues and organs improves, and pressure stabilizes. Thus, phytosauna is clearly indicated for myocarditis, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other organic pathologies of the heart that are not associated with inflammation and heart failure. The sauna is also used to prevent recurrence of myocardial infarction (six months after the heart attack itself) and to treat ischemia without angina attacks.

Problems with the skin, kidneys, urinary system

In the phytosauna, sweating sharply increases, a large amount of endotoxins and exotoxins, medicinal substances accumulated in the body, are eliminated. The old epidermis exfoliates, the processes of formation of a new epidermis are activated, and pathogenic microorganisms die. In addition, steamed skin responds better to cosmetics and healing ointments - their effect is noticeably enhanced. All of the above makes the phyto-barrel an effective method of combating acne, excessive dryness or oily skin, inflammatory processes and chronic dermatoses, psoriasis. In addition, the intensive release of toxins and waste helps reduce the load on the kidneys and urinary system. As for the kidneys, cedar barrel helps cope with cystitis and pyelocystitis (in chronic form), inflammatory processes affecting the testicles and prostate gland.

Digestive system diseases

The phytobarrel helps to cope with functional disorders of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract, and regulates neurovegetative reactivity. Warming up affects the motility and blood supply of the gastrointestinal tract and their production of secretions. In combination with a properly selected drinking regimen, a phytosauna helps get rid of pain and heaviness in the stomach and normalize the functioning of the digestive system. The cedar barrel is recommended for recovery after peptic ulcers and operations on the stomach and intestines, habitual constipation, cholecystitis, and functional dyspepsia.

Digestive system diseases

Phytosauna is used both for the treatment of acute respiratory infections and for their prevention - general hardening of the body. Essential oils and phytoncides help relieve spasms from the respiratory tract, increase the volume of the bronchi, and relieve swelling from the tissues of the mucous membranes. Healing steam destroys microorganisms and viruses, the threat to health disappears, and the course of various types of chronic pathologies is alleviated.

Gynecological pathologies

Steaming in a phytosauna increases blood flow in the skin, activates compensatory and redistribution mechanisms of blood circulation control. Thus, inflammatory components are removed from the tissues and their condition is normalized. Phytosauna is used to improve the condition of hormonal dysfunctions and chronic inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs, infertility and sterility, functional disorders of the ovaries and uterus. Also, a cedar barrel is used to speed up rehabilitation after an abortion and to alleviate the condition of menopausal syndrome.

Excess weight

The mini-sauna effect that a cedar barrel gives warms up the body and steams it. At the same time, blood flow accelerates, metabolic processes intensify, and fat accumulation slows down. In other words, the body begins to more actively use up accumulated fat reserves, and accumulates new ones less willingly.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Phytosauna helps in the prevention of bone tissue diseases, improves its blood supply and ensures rapid formation of callus in case of cracks and fractures. The elasticity of ligaments and joint mobility increases, lymph and blood flow is stimulated, and joint swelling is reduced.

Preparing for pregnancy

When planning a pregnancy, one of the most important tasks is to improve the health of the mother. Stress, chronic diseases, reduced cardiovascular function, weakened immunity - all this can pose a serious risk to the development of the fetus. In order to effectively get rid of these problems, it is recommended to use an integrated approach, in particular, procedures in phytosaunas. Visiting a cedar barrel in preparation for pregnancy is an excellent way to harden and cleanse the body, preparing it for increased stress. Women who have undergone a course of procedures in a phyto-barrel during pregnancy better tolerate hot weather and changes in atmospheric pressure, in addition, they are more balanced mentally.

Training muscle strength and endurance

The recovery period is no less important than the training itself - constant physical activity often leads to overstrain of the muscular system and the development of various types of disorders. Therefore, it is very important for athletes to use effective anti-fatigue techniques. One of these methods is visiting a phytosauna. Controlled exposure to high temperatures develops the cardiovascular system, normalizes vascular tone, relieves nervous tension and fatigue, has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the neuromuscular system, and improves blood microcirculation. Thus, the effectiveness of training increases, physical and mental performance in general increases.


Basically, reviews about the cedar mini sauna are purely positive. Help, restore, improve health and mood. Suffice it to say that on Otzovik it is recommended for visiting by 91% of all who left reviews. In our country, whose tradition involves looking for shortcomings, this is a painful rarity.

Basically, the following advantages are noted:

  • Pleasure.
  • Health improvement.
  • Compactness. Requires only access to an outlet and 1 square meter of space.
  • Mobility. There are even models that you can take with you in your car to nature, and which only need a car battery to operate.

One of the disadvantages was humidity during use (good ventilation is needed). Some complained that they could not sleep the night after their first visit. But the vast majority have only delight.


A visit to a cedar phytobarrel gives a powerful healing effect, but, like any procedure with a pronounced medical effect, it has its contraindications, which, if ignored, can lead to very unpleasant consequences. These types of contraindications include:

Heart defects, severe hypertension, severe atherosclerosis

Any sauna - and a cedar barrel is no exception - has the most pronounced effect on the cardiovascular system. The main point in this regard is the improvement of blood supply due to the expansion of capillaries and the launch of previously non-functioning vessels. At the same time, intense sweating ensures accelerated release of fluids and thickens the blood, simultaneously activating both coagulation and anticoagulation mechanisms. All of the above can be called a kind of gymnastics for the circulatory system and heart, but in some cases such “exercises” can be dangerous. Blood pressure above 200 mmHg, obvious vascular atherosclerosis, severe ischemia - all this becomes an obstacle to the procedures. Also, you should not steam in a cedar barrel immediately after surgery or if you have a tendency to thrombosis and spontaneous bleeding. The same recommendations apply if you have recently suffered a stroke or heart attack.

Some lung diseases

Warming the chest helps to increase the mobility of the costovertebral joints and cleanses the respiratory tract, the amplitude of movements of the chest increases. This effect intensifies blood circulation in the lungs and ensures greater saturation of the blood with oxygen, which gives a powerful positive effect. Unfortunately, this mechanism of action is associated with a high load on the body and respiratory system. Such a load is contraindicated for people with chronic pathologies of the bronchi and lungs, severe bronchial asthma and active tuberculosis - it can provoke an attack or worsening of the condition.


Warming up the joints helps to increase their mobility and enhance the exchange of interarticular fluid. In arthritis, an inflammatory process that affects the joints, the same mechanism leads to a sharp increase in swelling and pain intensity, so it is not recommended to take a steam bath during exacerbations.

Urolithiasis and severe kidney pathologies

Procedures in a cedar barrel reduce the load on the kidneys, reducing the formation of urine. In case of urolithiasis, this can provoke an exacerbation, fraught with severe pain and a general deterioration in well-being.

Serious liver damage

The thermal effect of the sauna frees the gallbladder from stagnant fluid, improves bile production and helps rid the intestines of toxins. All of the above becomes a negative factor in cirrhosis, severe inflammatory processes localized in the liver, exhaustion and exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.

Skin diseases

As a rule, a cedar phytosauna has a very positive effect on the condition of the skin, but there are exceptions. These include purulent rash, fungal and viral pathologies, scleroderma, scabies. In such cases, strengthening regeneration processes and accelerating skin renewal contributes to a wider spread of the pathological process and aggravation of its course.

Acute infections

As a rule, a cedar phytosauna has a very positive effect on the condition of the skin, but there are exceptions. These include purulent rash, fungal and viral pathologies, scleroderma, scabies. In such cases, strengthening regeneration processes and accelerating skin renewal contributes to a wider spread of the pathological process and aggravation of its course.

Second half of pregnancy

Starting from the second trimester, women are not recommended to visit the herbal barrel without special agreement with their doctor. High temperatures can negatively affect the body weakened by pregnancy and the health of the fetus.

Other contraindications

The phytobottle should not be used by people suffering from severe diabetes, glaucoma, psychosis, epilepsy, or serious disorders of the thyroid gland. Oncological pathologies impose an unequivocal ban on procedures - any intensification of regeneration and renewal processes in the presence of malignant tumors is unacceptable.


Is it possible to install a cedar phytobarrel in an apartment?

The barrel can be installed in any room where space allows. Steam does not escape from it and does not have a negative impact on the microclimate.

What chemicals can be used to disinfect a barrel?

The barrel must not be treated with any chemicals. Cedar will lose all its healing properties if exposed to aggressive substances. Disposable napkins or a towel are placed under the legs and buttocks. There is no need for additional disinfection, since the inside is constantly being self-treated with phytoncides and hot steam. If you use the barrel for commercial purposes, at the end of the working day you can put a quartz lamp inside for 10-15 minutes.

Can children use the phyto-barrel?

Yes. If there are no contraindications, children over 3 years old can use the phyto-barrel under adult supervision.

Which barrel shape is more convenient: square or round?

There is no difference in the shape of the barrel. The parameters are selected depending on the location. A round barrel of large diameter cannot be carried through standard doors, so it is better to purchase an oval one, with a smaller diameter of 70 - 80 cm, and a larger one - 100 - 110 cm.

Do I need to connect the barrel to the sewer?

You can if you wish, but it is not necessary. The drainage volume is minimal, so it is enough to install a container to collect water.

List of indications and contraindications


  1. Phenomena of overwork
  2. Asthenic conditions after heavy mental or physical exertion
  3. Distress
  4. Chronic pathologies of the respiratory system that are non-purulent in nature: sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis
  5. Pneumoconiosis and pneumofibrosis
  6. Obstructive bronchitis in chronic form
  7. Allergic diseases associated with breathing
  8. Bronchial asthma in a stable, uncomplicated form
  9. Recovery after acute respiratory tract diseases (bronchitis)
  10. Decreased functional reserves of the cardiovascular system
  11. Vegetovascular dystonia
  12. Myocarditis and other cardiovascular pathologies in which there are no signs of inflammation
  13. Rehabilitation after a heart attack or coronary artery disease (not earlier than six months later)
  14. Vertebrogenic radicular pain syndromes
  15. Rehabilitation after inflammation of the central nervous system (one year after the acute stage)
  16. Children's enuresis
  17. Myotonia and myopathies
  18. Neuroses
  19. Sleep disorders
  20. Cardiopsychoneurosis
  21. Reflex muscle hypertonicity
  22. Problem skin (oily, dry, acne)
  23. Chronic dermatoses
  24. Decreased immunity (frequent colds)
  25. Nutritional obesity
  26. Slagging in the body
  27. Increased muscle tone
  28. Postural disorders
  29. Extra-articular rheumatism
  30. Rehabilitation after injuries and operations on elements of the musculoskeletal system (not earlier than after 3-4 months)
  31. Deforming arthrosis
  32. Rheumatoid arthritis in remission and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  33. Nonspecific cystitis in chronic form
  34. Chronic inflammation of the testicles and prostate gland
  35. Urolithiasis disease
  36. Peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach (in remission)
  37. Habitual constipation
  38. Benign diseases of the digestive system
  39. Ovarian and uterine dysfunction
  40. Hormonal dysfunctions
  41. Menopausal syndrome
  42. Initial stages of hypertension
  43. Neuropathies of various etiologies
  44. Infertility
  45. Vascular pathologies (angiopathy in diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, endarteritis, varicose veins)
  46. Digestive diseases


  1. Acute phase of all inflammatory processes
  2. Severe hypertension with kidney damage
  3. Epilepsy
  4. Severe bronchial asthma
  5. Chronic pathologies of the bronchi
  6. Acute cerebrovascular accidents
  7. Second half of pregnancy
  8. Thrombophlebitis of deep veins
  9. Parkinson's disease
  10. Chronic hepatitis - liver cirrhosis
  11. Severe liver inflammation
  12. Exacerbation of peptic ulcer
  13. Fungal skin diseases
  14. Arthritis in the acute phase
  15. Urolithiasis disease
  16. Individual intolerance
  17. Allergy to herbs
  18. Mastopathy
  19. Severe atherosclerosis
  20. Hypertension in the stage of decompensation
  21. Severe heart disease (including recent heart attack or stroke)
  22. Neoplasms
  23. Tuberculosis in active phase
  24. Tendency to thrombosis
  25. Recent surgery
  26. Tendency to bleed
  27. Diseases of the blood system and hematopoietic organs
  28. Infectious skin diseases and some skin diseases of other etiologies (weeping eczema, penfitus, etc.)
  29. Acute infectious diseases
  30. Psychoses
  31. Oncological diseases
  32. Disorders of the thyroid gland
  33. Venereal diseases
  34. Progressive glaucoma
  35. Pregnancy

In addition, a cedar barrel is recommended for hair growth and strengthening during hair loss, as well as for hardening. Can be used for rehabilitation after various types of injuries.

How to perform a Charcot shower

The procedure is performed by a qualified specialist. Water sources are located at a distance of 3–4 m from the client, and the specialist regulates the temperature and pressure of the water, and also performs a kind of massage of the client’s body with jets of water.

It is impossible to achieve such water pressure at home.

Charcot showers are usually carried out in courses of 10–15 procedures, with breaks of 1–2 days. The duration of the procedure is from 1–2 to 5–7 minutes.


Most contraindications to procedures in a cedar barrel are associated with serious diseases and conditions that do not involve increased physical activity or exposure to high temperatures, allergic reactions or infectious and inflammatory processes.
If you do not have this kind of problem, a phyto-barrel will help improve your well-being, strengthen your health and immunity, and recover from physical or mental stress. Moreover: the cedar barrel is used for the prevention and treatment of a huge number of diseases that occur much more often than all possible complications. Phytosauna provides a pronounced healing effect and helps in rehabilitation after various injuries and operations. And finally, treatments in a cedar barrel are simply very pleasant - it’s a great way to relax after work! You can order a phyto-barrel in our online store or call our toll-free number. We will deliver the goods to your address or to our delivery point, Moscow, 1st Vyazovsky proezd, 4

Charcot shower in cosmetology

Cosmetologists have also adopted this simple but extremely effective procedure. In salons, Charcot showers are used for the following purposes:

  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • skin smoothing;
  • reduction in body volume.

A course of 10 Charcot shower procedures allows you to effortlessly get rid of 2–4 cm in the circumference of the waist and hips. At the same time, you will get even, smooth skin without the appearance of cellulite.

Massage of the cervical spine for osteochondrosis

Massaging your neck yourself or trusting your relatives to do so is dangerous. If there is instability of the cervical vertebrae, the nerve can be compressed. Do not put too much pressure on the collar area or make jerking movements.

Massage of the cervical spine is carried out as follows:

  • The patient sits on a chair and places his hands on a support.
  • The specialist treats the area of ​​the neck and shoulders with smooth, careful movements without strong pressure.
  • Then the massage therapist works with more intense movements at the base of the neck and shoulders, using the edge of the palm. This allows you to warm up the muscles well and prepare them for further manipulation.
  • Then the muscles of the neck and shoulders need to be rubbed with smooth transverse movements.
  • At the end, the specialist moves in a circular motion the entire area from the head to the back and from the base of the neck to the shoulders.
  • After finishing the procedure, the massage therapist wipes the skin with a damp cloth to remove any remaining oil and covers the patient’s neck and shoulders with a warm towel. You need to sit like this for a while.

It must be remembered that osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is often accompanied by neck pain and decreased mobility. If the massage is performed incorrectly, there is a possibility that the pain will intensify and migraines will appear.


You can install a herbal bath in any room of the apartment: even a storage room or balcony will do. All you need is an outlet nearby. The barrel does not need to be connected to a water supply, since it works solely by releasing steam. There is also no need for a hood: the barrel is completely sealed and retains the emitted steam inside.

Installation will not take much time. Strict adherence to the instructions in the instructions will allow you to carry out the installation yourself.

The energy consumption will also please users. The steam room is very economical and consumes no more than 2 kW. This level is comparable to the consumption of an electric kettle, which is found in every home.

DIY healing device

A phytobarrel is a very simple device. It can be done with minimal cash costs. But here it is worth making a reservation: such a task is within the capabilities of those people who love to create with their own hands. It will be difficult for a city dweller to cope with “this puzzle”. Let's get started?

Materials and tools

steam generator canister

Stocking up:

  • Nails, or better yet, self-tapping screws;
  • tongue and groove board;
  • circular saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • with an axe;
  • iron tire;
  • thermocouple with switch;
  • a metal container for storing water;
  • thermostat;
  • bars 50×50 mm;
  • hinges for the lid;
  • plastic hose;
  • container for condensate;
  • gloves;
  • safety glasses.

Manufacturing technology

To create a phyto-barrel for weight loss and health, we do the following:

  • we make a frame from bars and make a box, since it is almost impossible for beginners to make a barrel;
  • we organize a drainage groove at the bottom of the box;
  • we make the lid and seat;
  • take a tank (heat-resistant);
  • install a heating element (electric heater);
  • connect the hose;
  • We hang a thermostat on the structure.

The structure is simple, but quite acceptable for use. However, be extremely careful with a homemade steam generator and follow all safety precautions. If you are new to this business, try making only a barrel with your own hands, and buy a steam generator or order it from a craftsman, which will be cheaper. Remember, safety comes first!

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