Dry or wet bath: features, visiting rules, indications and precautions

A dry-air bath is a steam room characterized by the presence of dry air. In such steam rooms, the average humidity level is from 5 to 15%, while the air temperature ranges from 70 to 90 C°.

For comparison, in a regular bath the relative humidity is 90–100%, and the temperature is 60–70 C°. The main difference between such steam rooms is the body’s reaction to temperature and humidity conditions. We will tell you in more detail about the competitive advantages of a dry air bath in our material.

Features of a dry air bath

Dry air steam rooms are recommended for athletes, as well as people whose professional activities involve active physical activity. A visit to such an establishment will not be superfluous after physical labor or active training. In the “dry air” the muscles relax well, there is no feeling of “taking your breath away”, while the products of metabolic processes come out of the blood. That is why after such procedures, the soreness and sensation of aching in the muscles and joints disappear.

A dry air bath is also recommended for restoring emotional balance. Regulars of steam rooms say: if you visit a sauna with dry steam at least once a week, you can forget about the seasonal blues, depression and constant anxiety syndrome. Science has proven that when visiting a sauna, processes occur in the cerebral cortex of the brain that suppress the state of excitement.

Which sauna is better, dry or wet?

Which bath is better, dry or wet, depends on:

  • Features of the body. For people who suffer from diseases of the respiratory system, the doctor may only allow a wet bath. The dry sauna air will make it difficult for them to breathe normally. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, a dry sauna is also strictly contraindicated.
  • Preferences. The dry air of a sauna is suitable for people who do not like clouds of steam. But those who like to steam with a broom, on the contrary, prefer a wet bath.
  • Purposes of the visit. A visit to the bathhouse can help say goodbye to a specific disease. When choosing a wet or dry sauna, you need to look at the benefits of each of them.
  • Companies. It is customary to go to a bathhouse or sauna in a group. This is much more interesting, and in a Russian bath it is also more economical - you don’t have to order the services of a steamer. Therefore, when planning a group vacation, you need to take into account the interests of each of your friends. Women often prefer a wet bath because they can use more products to care for their face, body and hair. Men love a wet bath for the opportunity to steam with a broom. At the same time, visiting the sauna does not require any preparation - you can go there “on the fly”, purchasing towels and hats on the spot or along the way.

The difference between a steam sauna and a dry sauna is best learned from your own experience. Take a break and compare for your health!

How to take “dry air” procedures correctly?

Practice shows that the main effect of visiting a dry-air steam room is rapid recovery from physical exertion and increased performance and endurance. But to get this effect, you need to steam properly.

Here are the basic tips:

  • at the end of the procedure, you should not immediately leave the steam room; it is better to relax for about 10–15 minutes in the relaxation room, drink aromatic tea;
  • the first approach can last up to 10 minutes, the second and third - 3-7 minutes each;
  • the average duration of stay in the cabin is from 7 to 10 minutes;
  • the optimal conditions for staying in the steam room are at 70 C° and at a humidity of 5–15%;
  • the minimum time spent in the “dry air” is 25 minutes, during this period you can enter the booth three times with breaks of 3–5 minutes between entries;
  • for a more obvious effect, after each session it is recommended to take a cool shower or plunge into the pool;
  • Athletes are advised to visit such a bathhouse no later than one day before the intended training.


In conclusion, it is worth noting that wet and dry baths have their own characteristics that make them unique and healing in their own way. To get the maximum benefit for your health, you need to follow all the recommendations of specialists and also monitor your condition.

If you feel uneasy, then it is better to avoid the steam room and spend time in the dressing room. In any case, before visiting a steam room if you have chronic diseases, it is better to consult a doctor.

Dry air bath for children

Children can safely visit a sauna with dry air starting from one year old, and sometimes earlier. But the temperature should be lower than for adults - no more than 60 C°. Children from one to 3 years old should enter the steam room once for 2–3 minutes. Children from 3 to 6 years old can enjoy steam for 3-5 minutes. Boys and girls aged 12 years and older can stay in the steam room for more than 5 minutes at an “adult” temperature of 70 C°, but the total duration of stay in the steam room should not exceed 13–15 minutes.

What are the benefits of a wet sauna?

In a wet bath, the body warms up gradually. You can enter the steam room several times, staying for 5-20 minutes. For people who are just starting to get involved in the bathing business, or have not taken a steam bath for a long time, it is better to come more often, but for a short time. The steam room device allows you to choose the most comfortable temperature for yourself. It is cooler on the lower shelves, and much hotter on the upper ones. Warming up of the body and sweating occur smoothly, without stress.

In a wet bath you can move quite intensely. This increases sweating, but increases the load on the cardiovascular system. You can additionally warm up your body during the legendary beating with an oak or birch broom. Just not to the point of bruising - improved blood circulation and a light massage effect can be achieved with gentle pats.

A wet sauna is useful for:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system. Hot steam-saturated air acts as inhalation. This is especially useful for colds that can become chronic. The beneficial substances released from medicinal plant brooms enhance the effect.
  • Metabolic disorders. Gradual warming forces all body systems to work more intensely, as a result of which their work becomes more harmonious. With regular visits to the bathhouse, this effect is maintained and enhanced. Excess adipose tissue disappears, stagnation is eliminated, and the removal of decay products is improved.
  • Skin problems. Warming up in humid air helps the skin pores to open well and cleanse themselves of impurities and blockages. Under these conditions, the effect of scrubs and peels is enhanced. However, they must be used with extreme caution, since steamed skin is easily injured.
  • The need to relax the muscles. A wet sauna helps prevent sore throat, eliminate muscle spasms, and relax all muscle groups.

Dry air sauna and warnings for visiting it

Visiting a dry air steam room is not recommended for people with respiratory problems. Also, you should not stay in the steam room longer than your body can handle. There is no need to force yourself to fight with, even if not the highest, temperature. A visit to the dry air station should be a joy and without coercion. And then you will be able to appreciate all the benefits of such a vacation!

A long stay in a sauna with dry air can be accompanied by a general deterioration of the condition, dizziness, increased palpitations, lightheadedness and fainting. Adverse consequences can also be caused by frequent visits to such steam rooms. Let us remind you that the optimal regime for going to a dry air bath is 1–2 times a week.

A visit to any steam room is considered positive from a hygiene point of view. Regular visits to a dry air bath will help cleanse the body, fill it with vitality and energy. And, of course, the money spent on bath procedures will pay off in good health and excellent well-being!


Is it possible for children to visit the steam room and what kind of air will be better?

A wet bath is more suitable for children, as it perfectly strengthens the immune system. Temperature and humidity allow you to cleanse the mucous membranes and also gently calm the nervous system.

What to do if your nose constantly bleeds in a dry bath?

You may have weak blood vessels that burst when exposed to dry air, causing capillary bleeding. Try a wet bath or lower the temperature in the steam room. Before visiting the bathhouse, you can also lubricate the nasal mucosa with olive oil.

Which sauna is better if you have skin problems?

In a dry bath, the process of sweating occurs faster, the pores open as deeply as possible, sebum and toxins come out. After visiting the steam room, the skin becomes softer and more delicate, and cosmetic procedures will have a better effect.

Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors

The northern region, a country of forests and lakes, has long-standing bathhouse traditions. The Finns say that from time immemorial the first thing that appeared on a new site was a sauna. Babies were born there, the sick were nursed there, a family huddled within its walls while a residential building was being built.

The Finnish sauna tradition, like the vast majority of other peoples of the world, did not escape the so-called “smoky period”, a historical period when sauna stoves did not have a chimney and heated the steam room “in black”, directly with smoke and stove gases. Over time, smoke channels became an integral part of the sauna stove, which began to transfer its thermal energy to the stone backfill, which then heated the steam room, releasing accumulated heat into the space.

Everything seems to be the same as everywhere else. However, in Finland a characteristic distinctive feature has emerged - dry steam in the bathhouse. In order to understand its nature and features, it is necessary to consider the types of steam and the various properties of steam.

Advice for those who have their own sauna

It is better to make the thresholds high and the doors low in order to retain the heat inside the steam room as much as possible. The walls and floor are finished with special thermal insulation material. It is generally better to make flooring in several layers. Ventilation allows you to equalize air pressure and release excess steam. The stove is placed near the door so that the steam room can heat up evenly. After each use of the wet bath, wipe it dry, dry it and ventilate it.

A high threshold, a low door - typical of a Russian bathhouse and the entrance to its steam room Source birzhaplus.ru

The oven must be real stone or brick-lined. The finishing can be made of metal. But the top is left open to pour water on the stones. Getting on the upper stones, the water flows onto the hot internal cobblestones. As a result, you get normal healthy steam. A big mistake is to completely cover the furnace with metal and pour water on the hot iron. Then you will have to inhale harmful fumes or too dry hot air.

Safe for the body and extreme temperatures in the bath

The highest temperature in the bath that the human body can withstand is 120℃. And extreme (dangerous threshold for the human body) is 150℃. These temperatures are not used in public baths for restricted visits. They are used in bath attendant competitions. Under normal conditions, it is extremely rare for anyone to steam at a temperature of 120 degrees Celsius. But this is enough for experienced bath attendants. Still, the optimal temperature in the bath is 90-100 degrees.

Bath-sauna under glass with access to the pool - the best solution for contrasting procedures Source weboptimize.ru

Gradual increase in air temperature and humidity

It is important not to overheat the oven. For the firebox, 3 types of firewood are taken:

  • pine;
  • aspen;
  • birch

Pine firewood is rich in resins. They allow the stove to heat up, but leave a lot of soot inside the chimneys. Aspen ones will provide little heat and will burn out quickly, but they will clean the chimney perfectly. Birch gives off a lot of heat to the stove and burns longer than pine and aspen.

A fresh or dry broom is soaked in hot water for 15-20 minutes before use. Source rys-les.ru

The highest temperature for heating stones is 250-300 degrees Celsius. And then this is only while the bath is warming up. Primary steaming shows low humidity in the bath - about 20-25%. After a few minutes, when the heat subsides from the very hot stones, you can maintain the oven temperature until the stones are heated to 150-200 degrees. Then the humidity will level out to the optimal level - 30-40%.

The rate at which stones heat up depends on their type. There are those that have excellent thermal conductivity, but do not retain temperature well. Others need to be heated longer, but they maintain a high temperature for a long time. Experienced bath attendants use 2 types of stones - winter and summer. For the summer, stones with rapid heating and cooling properties are laid. For winter - stones with slow heating and cooling.

Often used - diabase, jadeite, add a special stone evaporator Source saunainter.com

Dependence of the digestive system on bath procedures

When the body is exposed to high temperatures, there is a slight outflow of blood from the internal organs. For this reason, the volume of gastric juice decreases, but the concentration increases. In this regard, eating during bath procedures is not recommended. Protein foods are the worst digestible foods in saunas. Fats are absorbed a little better, which can negatively affect the stomach and liver. To reduce the negative effects of fats, it is recommended to drink more fluids.

A dry sauna helps reduce body weight, usually due to the body's consumption of moisture and energy.

The number of kilograms lost is determined by the following factors:

  • duration of stay in the steam room;
  • temperature and humidity indicators;
  • characteristics of the body, in particular, whether the person is healthy;
  • body fitness.

Weight loss can be regulated; for this, you can drink different volumes of liquid while taking a sauna, or use a different approach to the procedures.

As a rule, based on a person’s body weight, one can draw a partial conclusion about his physical health. It is no secret that each person has his own normal mass limits, and, accordingly, dangerous limits that negatively affect the functioning of many internal organs will also be different. It is also a fact that people suffering from excessive body weight are more likely than others to suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

At the moment, various specialists have presented many useful recommendations for normalizing body weight. In particular, bathing and sports activities are in the forefront, second only to diet in terms of effectiveness.

To understand the benefits and harms of a dry sauna, it is recommended, firstly, to take into account the state of your health, and, secondly, the fact that accelerating the process of losing excess weight can negatively affect your health (more details: “Benefits of a sauna for the human body - the whole truth").

Experts advise losing no more than 2% of your body weight in a short period of time. In adolescents, such rapid weight loss can cause the development of abnormalities in a still growing body, disrupting metabolism and the functioning of the kidneys and heart.

To lose body weight more effectively, it is better to supplement the procedures with a massage, which is carried out before bath procedures. The massage should be aimed at the back, legs and places on the body with maximum deposits.

How does a sauna affect thermoregulation?

The body's thermoregulation system is considered one of the most important in the human body. It is responsible for stabilizing a person’s temperature depending on various factors. The heat exchange of a healthy person consists of constant processes of generating, receiving and releasing heat, thereby ensuring a constant temperature.

When the ambient temperature rises, the body launches mechanisms to remove excess heat through sweat, which is produced by skin cells. The amount of sweat produced is determined by a number of factors, in particular humidity and ambient temperature. Most people with a temperature of 37 can go to the bathhouse, but it is better to consult your doctor.

How does a sauna affect the skin?

As the ambient temperature increases, the skin temperature also increases. In addition, blood flow increases in it. During the first 2 minutes of being in the sauna, the temperature of the skin increases, but after this, due to the inclusion of mechanisms for regulating body temperature and sweat production, these indicators decrease.

When discussing the dangers and benefits of a sauna, it is worth considering that when you are in such places, the skin temperature can reach 41-42 °C or more. This causes the blood vessels in the skin to dilate, increasing blood flow and increasing skin permeability. The outer layer of the skin becomes softer, the skin becomes more sensitive, it breathes better, and its immune and biological qualities improve. Also, such procedures contribute to the normal flow of oxidative mechanisms in the skin.

We can conclude that all of the above effects on the skin only improve its functioning. In part, this has a positive effect on the functioning of many internal organs, helps to harden the body and minimizes the possibility of developing colds.

All about the temperature in different types of baths: safe indicators, humidity and other parameters

November 28, 2020
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To find the best indicator for a thermometer in a steam room, experts studied many studies of the physiology of people of different ages and health conditions. They came to the conclusion that 90-120 degrees are the optimal numbers for Russian baths; for Finnish baths this figure ranges from 70C to 110C. Turkish steam rooms - from 40C to 50C. New infrared saunas do not work on the principle of high air temperatures at all. They keep the degrees in the 35-55C range.

The temperature in the dressing room is the lowest, warmest in the wash room, hotter in the steam room Source roomester.ru

All types of baths, except the hammam, are decorated with wood. Natural wood releases natural phytoncides that can destroy harmful pathogens of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and microbes. Optimal humidity also affects a comfortable stay in the bathhouse. The Finnish sauna is considered the driest - 5-15%. Average humidity infrared - 40-60%. Russian and Turkish are rooms with high humidity. It ranges from 50% to 90% and from 80% to 100%, respectively.

What is the effect of a sauna on the body's metabolic processes?

Due to the effect of high temperature on the body, a person’s metabolic processes intensify immediately after the start of bath procedures, but after some time they return to normal. At the same time, oxygen consumption is normalized, and excessive production of carbon dioxide is observed for a long time after the procedures.

However, repeated adoption of bath procedures no longer affects metabolic processes. This suggests that if you want to lose excess body weight through frequent visits to baths and saunas, the desired result will most likely not be achieved.

What is a dry sauna: benefits and harms

People who want to harden their body should give preference to a dry sauna. Due to the increased air temperature - from eighty to one hundred degrees - the human skin expands, and waste products and toxins are removed. Therefore, a dry sauna is visited both for general health improvement and for cosmetic procedures. It will be useful for those who want to remove excess fluid from the body and improve skin tone. Also, a dry sauna is preferable for colds and flu, as it helps get rid of cough and nasal congestion.

The enormous benefits of such a steam room in the fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system are also noted. The high air temperature in the room improves blood circulation, preventing the formation of stagnation in the lower extremities, the muscles relax and tone. It also helps relieve stress, improve sleep and gastrointestinal function.

However, a dry sauna has some serious contraindications. Thus, it is not recommended for hypertensive patients to visit it, because a strong load on the circulatory system increases the heart rate. People suffering from bronchial asthma should also refrain from visiting the steam room, as hot air can make breathing even more difficult. Visiting a dry sauna is strictly contraindicated for persons suffering from active tuberculosis, cancer, or dysfunction of the central nervous system.

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