How to make a steam room in a bathhouse - construction of a complete complex

Features of a steam room

The main requirement for a steam room is the ability of the room to quickly heat up to high temperatures, as well as retain the heat for a long time. Therefore, the most important component of the steam room is the stove. Today it can be purchased ready-made.

Selection of oven

Moreover, you will have to choose which option to choose. Recently, electric models have become very widespread. They have a lot of advantages. But true connoisseurs of couples procedures claim that the atmosphere plays a very important role. And the best perfume in the steam room comes from burnt wood. Therefore, many opt for the classic – a purchased metal stove for solid fuel.

Ardent admirers of the steam room are even more conservative and believe that setting up a bathhouse without a real heater is simply impossible. Therefore, they invite a craftsman who builds a good stove, correctly tying it to the room. And here there are also possible options. A classic stove can be made of either stone or brick. And as a last resort, weld it yourself from a steel sheet.

Homemade iron stove for a bath Source

Heat saving

And to maintain heat for a long time, the entire room must be well insulated, both from other rooms and from the cold outside. To achieve this, high-quality insulation is laid over the entire area of ​​the steam room. Moreover, not only the walls are finished, but also the floor and ceiling. And the insulating material should not emit substances harmful to health when heated.

The door to the room plays an important role in maintaining high heat. It should be of the smallest size and also well insulated. The door frame is equipped with a good seal for tightness in the closed position. But it should also not emit harmful fumes, and also not absorb moisture. So that the door doesn't jam. And its best location is near the stove.


Another important component for a steam room is the comfort of the room. Their quality will depend on how comfortable it is for visitors to take hot procedures. And for this, paradoxically, simplicity is needed. There should be nothing unnecessary in the room.

Steam room in the spirit of minimalism Source

In addition to the stove itself, only wooden shelves are installed in the room. Moreover, even at the planning stage, you need to decide whether there will be only seats or an additional upper tier. For a comfortable procedure while lying down.

The shelves are formed purely from wood. But not coniferous trees, since they have a lot of resin inside. And when heated strongly, they emit a persistent and harmful odor that will interrupt the bath aroma. Shelves should be located at the maximum possible distance from the floor. Because all the heat in the room is concentrated at the top.

The installation of a steam room in a bath implies the complete absence of metal parts. Except for the iron stove. But it is strongly recommended to surround it, and the brick one too, with a wooden fence. This approach is motivated by compliance with health safety standards for visitors. The metal gets very hot and any touch to it can cause a burn.

In fact, the room for bath procedures should contain only shelves and a stove. Well, a small but safe passage around the latter. This will not only save the necessary high temperature, but will also serve as a plus for quickly cleaning the room upon completion of the procedures.

Simple arrangement of a steam room Source

Ventilation of the room

The steam room must have good ventilation. It is necessary to remove excess water from the room and provide a constant flow of fresh atmosphere into it. Breathing hot air is already difficult. And getting a lot of moisture into the lungs can worsen your health.

The best solution would be to install a forced exhaust system. The outlet must be located either under the ceiling or on it itself. The supply channel must be installed at the very bottom of the opposite wall and preferably in the area of ​​the firebox. Moreover, the size of the latter should be 2 times smaller than the exhaust one.

The installation of windows in the steam room is a controversial issue. One half of experts argue that it is not provided for in a classic bath at all. Because drafts sharply reduce the quality of steam. And the inevitable condensation on the glass will sooner or later cause mold.

The other half of the experts answer that the absence of a window is a violation of sanitary standards. And it is simply necessary for rapid hygienic ventilation after completing bath procedures. In addition, the window can serve as an emergency exit from the steam room if the door jams or a fire occurs.

Ventilation in the steam room Source

As for drafts, modern wooden window frames, no worse than plastic ones, provide complete tightness when closed. And heat loss can be reduced to a minimum. By installing double-glazed windows in the transom. Natural light in the room is also a big plus.

About how neighbors swapped wives

We watch films, read books and are surprised: situations like those that happen there do not happen in real life. But the story told by our reader Pavel Andreevich says otherwise.

We watch films, read books and are surprised: situations like those that happen there do not happen in real life. But the story told by our reader Pavel Andreevich says otherwise.

1968 Pavel Andreevich with his wife Maria First. The marriage was happy, but short-lived.

“ This is perhaps the only case when a cursed potion, along with grief, brought happiness to two families. In any case, I don't know of any other examples.

It started with the fact that we got an apartment on the same landing as my namesake Ivanov (at the author’s request, the names and surnames in the story were changed). We turned out to be the same age as him, the age difference was only a month. Our neighbors called us Ivanov Sr. and Ivanov Jr. It must have happened that our wives were also namesakes - both were called Maria. Only his wife was a black-haired Moldavian beauty, and mine was a blond Ukrainian. We soon became friends and began visiting each other with or without reason.

One day my Maria reported that the Ivanovs had bought a garage and were expecting a brand new Moskvich for Victory Day.

On Friday evening I came home from work, but my wife, who usually came home from work earlier, was not at home. After a couple of hours, I began to worry, then the anxiety grew into fear - what if what happened to Masha? I called her at work, then at hospitals and even at the morgue, but she was nowhere to be found. He fell asleep without undressing, and the next morning he went to the police station. The duty officer listened to me and advised me not to worry, saying that my wife would show up and not go anywhere. And if not, you are welcome to file a missing person’s report, but, as required by law, within three days. That is, after the holidays. Early in the morning on Tuesday, May 10, I went to the police station. I met a neighbor on the landing, he was also going to work. I probably looked bad, so Ivanov Sr. asked: “What’s wrong with you?” “Well,” I say, “Masha has been gone for four days now.” He suddenly slapped himself on the forehead and ran headlong down the stairs. Not understanding anything, I set off along the intended route.

Imagine my surprise when I recognized the victim as my neighbor! After taking statements from my wife and warning her not to leave the city, the police team left. All that was left were me, Masha and the would-be dead man. I was completely at a loss about what had happened and did not know what to do. The wife, on the contrary, knew: every now and then she rushed at her neighbor, trying to finish him off. Perhaps she would have achieved the desired result if I had not held her back. Ivanov Sr. did not particularly resist, he sat with his hands on his bandaged head and barely audibly whispered: “Musya, forgive me, Musya, forgive me”...

Luckily for us, a car drove by and its driver gave us a ride home. My wife immediately went to our apartment, and my neighbor and I went to his. He laid his namesake on the sofa, put a glass of water next to him, adjusted the pillow and went to his wife.

1973 Pavel Andreevich with Maria Second. They are still together.

For three days my Masha did not utter a word. I, understanding the stress she was going through, did not pester me with questions and was also silent. Sometimes I went to a neighbor and inquired about his health. On the fourth day, Ivanov Sr. asked me to close his garage. I went there, opened the door and saw a terrible picture.

The brand new Moskvich was completely torn apart, as if ten machine guns had been fired at it. There were glass fragments everywhere, headlights, handles, mirrors and windshield wipers were knocked off, the upholstery was torn to shreds.

Something told me: it was my wife who committed the pogrom. But why? She was never envious, and besides, I promised her to buy exactly the same car...

Here - I remember, here - I don’t remember

Everything became clear the next day, when the recovered neighbor plucked up the courage to talk to me. According to him, it turned out that on Friday, returning from work, he met my Masha at the entrance. To her question whether it was true that he bought the car, he answered in the affirmative: “Moskvichonok” arrived in the morning. She asked to see the purchase. Why not? We went to the garage, luckily the keys were in my pocket. On the occasion of her payday, Masha had a check in her bag, which they used to wash the car. We got tipsy and wanted another drink. Maria gave out a chervonets, and Ivanov Sr. went to the grocery store. Along the way I met some friends to whom I bragged about my purchase. They immediately realized a couple of bottles of Moskovskaya, which they quickly drank. They were followed by an “addition”... In short, the neighbor woke up at home in the morning, and his wife said that some guys had brought him... The next day, the neighbor’s wife started a spring cleaning. The neighbor took advantage of the weekend to reupholster the sofa, and on Monday morning we went to the parade. And only when he met me on the stairs did he remember that my Masha remained in the garage. And under lock and key: she asked me to close it so that I wouldn’t be scared alone...

The Moldavian wife listened to this entire story. Not believing a single word, she took my husband by the collar, like a kitten, dragged him into my apartment and, pushing him with the words: “Go to your Masha,” she slammed the door and returned back.

“Will you really forgive your little little girl for this?” Stay here, and let them live in love and harmony. The Lord will meet them, and you and I will somehow get along...

I don’t know what happened to me at that moment, but I easily accepted the offer. Neither I nor my best friend returned home. Gradually we moved our things to our new places of residence; only the registration in our passports had to be changed. At first they were embarrassed when they met, then they got used to it and even started visiting each other again. I still can’t really say which of us was luckier. Black-browed Masha and I lived a century in love and harmony, raised three sons, and now nurse our grandchildren. Another couple has two daughters and also has grandchildren, and they are friends with ours like brothers and sisters. This is how the story turned out...

PS After reading this letter, we didn’t really believe him. Therefore, we decided to call the author at the phone number that he indicated in his message. And he agreed to come, bringing photographs confirming the veracity of his words. And you say - cinema!


Building layout

The steam room itself is a special room. In it, the body warms up as much as possible so that all the pores on the skin open. This allows the body to get rid of harmful and unnecessary accumulated substances. And then these secretions must be washed off along with the dirt.

For this purpose, the construction of a Russian bath means a room next to the steam room for taking water procedures. The area of ​​this room depends entirely on the financial investment. In addition to showers, it can be equipped with a small swimming pool.

The dressing room is often expanded into a rest room. In addition to a place for changing clothes, you can place comfortable chairs and sunbeds there. It will be nice to relax on them after steaming. If space allows, then set up a small table to drink tea between visits to the steam room.

Relaxation room in the bathhouse Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the design and construction of baths of any complexity

Project and calculation

The dimensions of the steam room itself must be calculated in advance. You need to decide how many people will take the hot procedure at the same time. There is a minimum area requirement for a comfortable location in a steam room for one visitor. It is equal to 0.7 m2.

The ceiling height in the steam room should be minimal. Because hot air masses will accumulate at the very top. If there is a large distance from the shelves to the ceiling, then the beneficial effect of steam will be insufficient. And all the heat will be wasted.

The optimal height is 2 meters 20 centimeters. But it is necessary to take into account two factors during construction. Firstly, due to the installation of a layer of insulation on the ceiling, it will drop significantly. Secondly, you need to take into account the height of the tallest family member. For a comfortable stay in the steam room, it is necessary that there is still 20 cm of free space above the person’s head.

The arrangement of the steam room in the bathhouse is also influenced by the location of the shelves. If they are implemented in the form of sun loungers, then you need to again focus on the tallest visitor. And also add 20 cm to the length of the walls. When arranging only seating, it becomes possible to make the steam room more compact.

Project of a bathhouse with a swimming pool Source

Oven space

If the heating device uses solid fuel, then for ease of removal of combustion products it is installed to an external wall. This allows for a more economical implementation of the chimney by making it go directly to the street. A more complex option is to install a vertical pipe through the attic. But it is also considered traditional.

We should not forget that a stone stove requires a separate foundation. You also need to look into SNiP. Regulation 41-01-2003 says that any heating device should be located no closer than 32 cm from wooden structures. But if the wall is sheathed with non-combustible material, then the distance can be reduced to 26 cm.

The exception is for stoves whose firebox is located in the washing room. For such heating devices, it is necessary to be guided by other provisions of SNiP. And the implementation of such a project has undeniable benefits.

Advantages of a stove with a firebox in the dressing room:

  • The washing room or rest room is additionally heated.
  • The stove in the steam room can be protected with a protective screen.
  • No one will interfere with adding firewood to the firebox.
  • The space occupied by the open firebox door is freed up.
  • The steam room remains clean.
  • The steam will be lighter and free of foreign odors.

A stove with a firebox from the dressing room Source
If the bathhouse is heated with coal, then the last two circumstances will be especially relevant. There is much more dirt from such fuel. And combustion products are extremely harmful to breathing.

Water tank location

Hot water is necessary for proper body washing. In modern conditions, an electric boiler is installed in the shower room. But if such a powerful heating element as a stove is at hand, its use is extremely unprofitable. After all, a steam room can independently heat almost any amount of water.

Moreover, the traditional Russian steam room implies higher humidity in the room. And the water tank installed in it will increase it. And in the classic version it was mounted directly into the oven. But at the same time, ease of use suffered. After all, you need to scoop hot water from the tank into another container with a ladle and take it to the washing room.

Therefore, it is more practical to place the metal tank separately above the stove. And supply it with a heat exchanger. This will allow the faucet to be brought into the washing room. True, at a height of no more than one and a half meters, since the water heated by the heat exchanger will not rise higher by gravity. But if the tank is well insulated and installed in the attic, then it becomes possible to take a comfortable shower.

Question answer

Can a scrub be harmful to the skin?

If there are no irritations, wounds or microcracks on the skin, using the scrub will be absolutely safe. Scrubs work great on dry, rough areas of skin on elbows, knees and heels.

Which scrub is better: sugar or salt?

Sugar grains have a less pronounced abrasive effect (due to their rounded shape), so sugar-based scrubs are softer. This allows them to be used to care for even sensitive areas of the skin.

How long can homemade scrubs be stored?

As a rule, most homemade scrubs can be stored for several months, provided that storage rules are followed. The specific timing also depends on the ingredients included in the scrub.

Can I use homemade scrubs to cleanse my face?

It’s possible, but to do this you need to choose the most gentle oil-based scrub options.

What oil is best for a sugar scrub?

Olive oil, grapeseed oil, sweet almond oil, or virgin coconut oil are good choices for sugar scrubs.

Construction of a bathhouse

When the project is drawn up and the calculations are completed, we move on to choosing the material for the walls. You can build a bathhouse from stone, and then line the inside with wood. A building made of brick or any blocks will be reliable and will last for many years.

But the classic version made of logs or timber is more attractive. After all, the structure gets the opportunity to “breathe”. Moreover, you can use any wood for the walls. Even coniferous species, although it emits resins. All the same, the walls will be well insulated from the inside and finished with planks of linden, aspen, larch or birch.

It is more convenient to use profiled timber for construction. It is both affordable and highly resistant to deformation. But if possible, it is better to stick to its adhesive version. Due to increased moisture resistance.


The construction of any building begins with the arrangement of the foundation. And since the area of ​​the bathhouse is rarely large, only two options need to be considered - strip and columnar. The latter allows you to save significantly.

Strip foundation for a bathhouse Source


For laying stones, it is best to use jadeite, diabase, and soapstone. All of them are not afraid of high temperatures and do not crack from water, and their evaporation is beneficial for the body. It is best to choose stones with a slight roughness, which will help water stay on the surface longer.

Cracked stones must be promptly replaced with new elements.

Setting up a sauna in your home will allow you to enjoy beneficial procedures at almost any time, so if you have the desire and opportunity, it is better to pamper yourself and your family with this type of bathhouse.

Video description

The video will show one of the options for constructing a columnar foundation for a bathhouse:

Construction and insulation of walls

In the upper part of the strip foundation it is necessary to make holes for the ventilation system. They should be located on walls opposite each other. Then a blind area made of clay and crushed stone is built along the perimeter of the outer side of the base. Its thickness must be at least 5 cm.

The surface of the foundation is covered with several layers of roofing felt. After this, the walls are erected. If they are made of timber, then the lower trim is placed on rods protruding from the base. To do this, holes 10 cm deep are drilled along its perimeter and pieces of reinforcement are inserted into the solution.

Each subsequent row of timber is secured together with dowels. The crowns are connected by dowels. All grooves are insulated with a plait. Construction continues to the intended height, not forgetting to leave openings for doors and windows. After this, beam floors are cut into the structure.

Rafter ends are installed on them, the crowns of which are connected at the ridge. There must be a spacing of at least one meter between the rafters. The sheathing and ridge board are nailed on top. Vapor barrier and waterproofing are laid. The construction of the bathhouse frame is completed by laying the roofing material.

Construction of a bathhouse from timber Source

The steam room in the bathhouse is thermally insulated according to the principle of a thermos. This method is also called “pie”. First, a windproof film is attached to the surface from the inside. Bars with a cross section of 50×40 mm are screwed vertically on top. The distance between them should be equal to the width of the insulation boards. The cavities are filled with insulator. Basalt is considered the best for a bath, since it does not support combustion.

Waterproofing in the form of a bath membrane or thick foil is attached to the bars with galvanized staples. All joints are sealed with adhesive tape. And after that, the sheathing is attached to the bars with self-tapping screws. For it, slats with a cross section of 25×40 mm are selected. It is necessary to maintain a step of 70 cm between them. The “pie” is completed by the lining, which is nailed with galvanized nails.

Floor arrangement

Concrete screed is justified only in the area of ​​the shower and swimming pool. In all other parts of the bathhouse it is better to make a regular wooden floor. To do this, a board 40-50 mm thick is nailed to the joists of the lower trim. Moreover, there is no need to fit them very tightly to each other. All the same, the joints will open from excessive moisture. And small gaps will be useful for ventilation.

Work on the floor in the future steam room Source

There should be a distance of half a meter from the transverse joists to the ground. There is no need for a “warm floor” in the steam room. Because the room is empty after use. And during bath procedures, a little coolness on the surface is not of fundamental importance. After all, you can only steam as much as possible by lying on a shelf under the ceiling.

Vanilla Sugar Scrub

This scrub, combined with bath procedures, has antioxidant properties. It will help your skin tone and cope with age-related changes.


  • 1/2 cup jojoba oil or olive oil;
  • 1 cup white sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons honey;
  • 8 drops of vanilla essential oil or half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.


  1. Mix all ingredients. A thick paste should be obtained by adding or reducing sugar/oil.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.

Video description

The video will demonstrate how to properly insulate the ceiling in a steam room:

Installation of doors and windows

It is better to avoid any plastic in the steam room. No matter how the manufacturer positions the harmlessness of its products, the danger of releasing harmful substances still remains. Especially with high heat. Therefore, the frames must be wooden. But have a modern airtight seal and double glazing. For maximum conservation of energy resources, triple is perfect.

You will have to spend extra money to install windows. Because the openings will have to be well insulated. It is better to install frosted glass instead of ordinary glass or apply a translucent film to it. This way you can easily get rid of the possibility of spying on the street.

The installation of a bathhouse inside always implies a separate and well-closing door to the steam room. This is a special element and is different from a regular sash. Firstly, the bath door is much lower and narrower in width. Secondly, the loot must be installed on the threshold.

Modern doors to a steam room made of glass Source

In modern baths you can see glass doors that are installed in the opening with a small gap at the bottom along the floor itself. Some experts will argue that a small heat loss in this case is not important. But the classic version of entering a steam room always has a threshold. Traditionally, it reaches up to 30 cm and you have to carefully step over it.

This design completely eliminates the occurrence of drafts and, as a result, reduces heat loss. And for ease of movement, the door must be equipped with reliable handles that do not allow you to get burned when touched. The door itself that allows entry into the steam room must be well insulated with heat-reflecting material.

Benefits of using body scrubs

Regular use of scrubs can improve the health and appearance of your skin. Mechanical exfoliation removes the top layer of dead cells and stimulates collagen production, which helps the skin remain firm and taut.

Don’t discount the fact that massaging your skin with a scrub is a great way to relax, makes you feel calmer, relieves stress and accumulated fatigue.

As dermatologist Howard Sobel said:

“Exfoliating your face and body is incredibly important because it rids the skin of buildup and dead cells. Scrubs make it brighter, smoother and healthier.”

Including scrubbing in your body care routine is the key to beautiful, glowing skin. Scrubs help keep it clean and reduce the likelihood of rashes. "Exfoliators help cleanse the skin, remove impurities, and prevent the formation of blackheads and whiteheads," says dermatologist Shari Sperling.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

If you have sensitive or very dry skin, talk to your esthetician or dermatologist to find out if exfoliating with a body scrub is right for you.

Finishing and arrangement of the steam room

The main emphasis is on choosing the type of wood. If you are not short on money, then a good solution would be to choose oak or cedar. More budget-friendly options include larch, aspen and birch. Conifers are prohibited in the bathhouse due to their high resin content.

Cladding walls with clapboard Source

Before use, any wood must be impregnated with a special composition to reduce porosity. The tree should not accumulate water. And you need to start decorating with clapboard from the ceiling. Most often, the plank is attached to the sheathing using clamps.

At the same time as the walls, they are working on equipment and finishing of the shelves. The walls are marked and the frame of the sun loungers is installed. Then the side and front parts are sheathed. Afterwards the backrests are designed. In parallel to this, the lining is placed on the wall itself.

The fitting of elements must be carried out carefully and carefully. Otherwise, moisture will accumulate in the cracks. And this will sooner or later lead to the appearance of mold. And fighting it will be a troublesome task.

The final work includes the installation of lamps. It is necessary to ensure that all contacts are well insulated. To avoid short circuits if they get wet. You can place a couple of small shelves for bath accessories on unoccupied walls.

Sugar scrub with eucalyptus and orange essential oils

This homemade sugar scrub is perfect for tired legs and feet. The reason for choosing eucalyptus essential oil is that it has an amazing soothing effect, makes the skin cool and fresh, and also helps relieve joint pain.


  • 1/2 cup coconut or olive oil;
  • 1.5 cups brown sugar (you can use white sugar);
  • 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil;
  • 10 drops of orange essential oil.


  1. In a bowl, combine one cup of sugar and butter, stir until a paste forms.
  2. Then you need to add 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 10 drops of orange essential oil to the mixture. Mix well.
  3. To obtain a thicker scrub consistency, add the remaining sugar gradually as you stir.
  4. Transfer the finished scrub into a container with a lid and store in a cool, dry place.

Briefly about the main thing

In order for the steam room in the bathhouse to be comfortable to use and to function effectively, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules when arranging the bathhouse. And, in addition to competent construction of walls, considerable attention will need to be paid to interior decoration.

The main conditions for proper arrangement:

  • The basis of the building is a reliable foundation. A ribbon or columnar version is perfect for a bathhouse.
  • It is important to choose a productive and safe stove.
  • For it, as well as the water tank, you need to choose the right place.
  • Thermal insulation of the steam room should be of the highest quality.
  • The room must have good ventilation.
  • Before construction, it is necessary to make a design and calculate the size of the premises.
  • We must not forget about the convenience of using the premises.

When arranging a steam room, it is better to adhere to minimalism. In addition to the stove, the room should only have shelves for sitting or lying down when taking hot air procedures. When decorating a room, at least metal should be used. All the main material is high-quality wood with the lowest resin content.

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Read later

Homemade sea salt scrub

Sea salt is rich in minerals that help your skin look young and healthy. Using this scrub after a bath improves blood circulation and also helps reduce problems such as scars and stretch marks (not old ones).


  • 1 cup sea salt;
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil;
  • 5-15 drops of any essential oil.


  1. Mix all ingredients to form a thick paste.
  2. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.

Choosing wood for a sauna

Linden, aspen and abashi are best suited for decorating a sauna in an apartment. You can only use one type of wood; you should not mix them. The owners of the future sauna decide on their own which wood to choose, and its characteristics should be taken into account.

The following types of wood are suitable for saunas:

  • Scandinavian pine. It has a pink tint, almost no knots, and has an interesting pattern of annual rings. Over time, such wood darkens and shows signs of aging.
  • Alder has plenty of density, a light pinkish-brown hue and a gorgeous ring pattern. It can be used for exterior decoration of the sauna.
  • Hemlock is a wood that does not have resin or knots, its color is pinkish brown, its pattern is in the form of parallel lines.
  • Scandinavian spruce is the most affordable among conifers. It has a large number of small knots, the color is light yellow.
  • Linden is wood that does not have knots or resins.
  • Aspen - does not emit resin and is not subject to rotting. Has a light beige tint.
  • Abashi is an African oak tree. The wood is dense, has an even structure and low thermal conductivity, the color is light brown with dark spots.

Selection of oven

The apartment does not use a wood or coal stove, this is due to fire safety measures. You can also install an electric one, since in this case it will be a little easier to make a bathhouse in an apartment: you don’t need to build a chimney and you don’t need to stock up on fuel. In addition, it will quickly warm up the room.

You should buy a stove not just to heat the house, but one that is intended for a bath, that is, for rooms with high humidity. The spiral in such furnaces must have a special coating. The power of the electric furnace should be enough to heat a steam room measuring 6x2, the voltage will be 220 V. A frame is made of bars for the furnace, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of getting burned on it.

You can also organize an infrared sauna in your apartment with your own hands. In this case, the heaters do not heat the air, and the heat rays act directly on the person. How to install them correctly is indicated in the instructions. It is important to provide an air gap in the walls of the sauna for ventilation.

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