How to properly take a steam bath in a Russian bathhouse, what to take with you, what you can and cannot do in the bathhouse? First, second, third entry into the steam room, contrasting procedures: description, rules and recommendations

In this article we will look at important rules for spending time in a bathhouse without harm to your health. We will also highlight useful qualities and contraindications for going to a Russian bathhouse.

The Russian bathhouse is one of the most popular places to relax. In addition to the fact that visiting a steam room helps a person relax, such procedures also improve his health.

It is important to know that going to the bathhouse is an entire event. Therefore, you need to steam according to certain rules and taking into account some recommendations.

Necessary accessories for the bath: what to take with you?

In order for your trip to the bathhouse to be enjoyable, and for the memories to remain only positive, you need to take certain accessories with you to the steam room. Of course, many things can be rented in the bathhouse, but these are extra costs, so it’s up to you to decide.

Important bath accessories

  • Rubber slippers. There is no need to walk barefoot in the bathhouse, since it is a public place after all.
  • Of course, brooms
  • Bath cap made of natural material
  • Bathrobe, it can be replaced with a sheet
  • Something as a bedding, since without it the steam room will not be very comfortable
  • Towel
  • Loofah, soap and shampoo
  • Clean underwear of course
  • Women should take care to have makeup remover in their purse, since you should not go to the steam room with makeup on.

Bath utensils and accessories

Experienced regulars know how to take a steam bath and are always armed with everything they need. In addition, the steam room must have the following functional elements and containers:

  • stove-heater;
  • seats and benches;
  • wooden tub and ladle;
  • hanging bowl with water, aromatic herbs or essential oils;
  • lamps with hermetically sealed shades.

Benches at lower and higher levels are necessary in order to be placed on them as the body heats up. The higher you climb, the hotter the air will be. It is convenient to stretch out on the bench to steam with brooms and relax the muscular system. The tub looks like a deep basin with handles. The ideal choice of wood for the tub and ladle is oak. It tolerates high moisture well and lasts for a long time. Water is poured from a ladle onto the stones, collecting it in a tub.

For healing, a linden broom is used, eucalyptus branches are placed under the head Source

For a bath you need a wooden tub, a ladle, towels, a broom, detergents Source

Before going to the bathhouse, you should acquire some accessories:

  • a bottle of still drinking water;
  • a broom made from tree branches;
  • soft felt hat;
  • two terry towels;
  • washcloth made from natural materials;
  • woolen mitten;
  • massage mitten;
  • massage brush;
  • essential oil, herbs;
  • sheet;
  • rubber slippers;
  • robe;
  • soap, shampoo and other cleaning supplies;
  • hair brush.

A broom will help you improve your health, and a hat will protect your ears and head from burns. They dry themselves with one towel, and lay the second one on the bench in the steam room. Use a washcloth made of natural fibers or a mitten to carefully remove dead cells, sweat, and dirt from the skin. Depending on what ailment should be cured with the help of a steam room, they take with them oils or aromatic medicinal herbs.

A brush with natural bristles on a wooden frame is convenient for cleaning the skin on the back Source

The oil is diluted with water and placed next to the stove or sprayed on brooms Source

A sheet is wrapped around the body so that the sweat that appears is absorbed into it more quickly. Rubber slippers are worn when visiting public baths. This is necessary for hygienic purposes and for safety to avoid slipping and falling. You will need a robe after completing the bath procedure. Detergents and body care products will help you carry out SPA treatments after the bath.

The sheet is laid on a bench in the steam room or wrapped in it so that it absorbs sweat Source

A bathrobe is worn at the final stage of bath procedures Source

Preparatory stage: what should you do first in the bath?

Many people imagine going to the bathhouse completely wrong. Most people are confident that everything in the bathhouse is done quickly and simply: they go in, undress, stay in the steam room, take a dip in the ice hole or pool and leave. In fact, everything is much more complicated; there are several stages of staying in the bathhouse and each of them is different from the other.

In the bathhouse it is important to be prepared for temperature changes

The first stage is the preparatory stage. It is important to understand that you cannot ignore it, otherwise subsequent procedures will not only not bring pleasure, but may also cause harm.

  • Initially, a person needs to prepare himself for further temperature changes. Therefore, the first thing we do is go to the washroom and take a shower there. The water should not be cool and certainly not cold; on the contrary, you need to wash yourself with warm water before entering the steam room. This way you will warm up your body and it will more easily tolerate the high temperatures of the steam room.
  • At this stage, eliminate the washcloth and soap. Using soap, you degrease your skin and it becomes unprotected from high temperatures.
  • Also keep in mind that at this stage you should not wash or wet your curls, especially for ladies with long hair. The thing is that wet hair contributes to heat stroke. To avoid such consequences, put a bath cap on your head and lightly moisten it with water.
  • At the same stage you need to prepare brooms . Dip them in warm water, then shake off the water and place the brooms in bags so that everything except the handle is hidden.
  • Now that all the preparatory procedures have been completed, you can safely move on to the next stage.

In my family, I’m the only one who likes to steam. Can I effectively steam myself?

Yes. Experienced bath attendants recommend this technology:

  • On the first run, warm up (preferably lying down);
  • Warm up thoroughly again;
  • Rest without cooling down, but until the heartbeat normalizes;
  • He steams in a position that allows him to work with a broom without straining: his head rests freely on the wall, his back rests on an inclined support, his legs are bent. The abs and neck should not strain! Place one leg on the bent knee of the other, broom the knee and thigh, repeat for the other leg;
  • Sit in the coachman's position: one hand rests with the elbow on the hips, the other with a broom works on the back and shoulders. We change hands;
  • Rest, if desired, make a few more short passes and aggressively steam the feet, lower back and shoulders, the rest is optional.

ShkrapoviFORUMHOUSE Member

It is very important to steam the feet - they have projections of all organs. I learned it from the Finns.

First entry into the steam room: rules and recommendations

The first entry into the steam room is the most important and possibly difficult, especially if we talk about the person who came to the bathhouse for the first time. Therefore, during the first run you need to be extremely careful and monitor your body’s reactions. If you feel unwell, you should immediately leave the steam room and rest for a while in a cooler room.

Women in the steam room

  • At this stage, brooms are not yet used; a person simply enters the steam room and sits on the 1st or 2nd step, that is, where it is coolest. The previously prepared brooms are placed on the upper shelves. They should lie there for at least 5 minutes.
  • After a few minutes, your body will respond: your heart rate will increase, your skin will begin to turn red, and you will begin to sweat.
  • If your health allows, climb the next steps, however, overdoing it during the first approach is still not recommended.
  • The total time that can and should be in the steam room at this stage is 5-10 minutes.
  • Next, we leave the steam room and relax. Remember, you shouldn’t visit often. You need to rest after the steam room for as long as you stayed in it or even a little more.

Spending your rest time correctly is also important, however, more on that a little later.

When and how long should you steam?

It has been experimentally established that the minimum time that you need to spend on bath procedures (if you want to achieve a healing effect) is 2 hours. There are different, often contradictory, opinions about when it is better to go to the bathhouse. Some bath admirers prefer the morning, while others prefer the evening procedure, ending with sleep.

Time in the steam room is an individual choice

But bathhouse experts are unanimous: bathhouses and bathhouse parties are completely different things and concepts. Going to a Russian steam room after having eaten or “warmed up” with a high-intensity drink is simply dangerous to health and life. Such trips often end in strokes.

Second entry into the steam room: rules and recommendations

After resting, it’s time to make a second pass. The temperature in the steam room at this stage needs to be increased slightly.

  • To begin, go into the steam room and sit for a while on the lower shelves, just a couple of minutes.
  • Then you can start working with a broom. However, for convenience, this procedure should not be carried out independently, but with the help of a friend who can steam you.
  • We take out the brooms from the bags. One broom is sent under the chin of the person lying down, the second - into the hands of the steamer.
  • First we carry out the plowing procedure. The essence of fanning is that the steamer waves brooms over the body of a lying person in such a way that the leaves practically do not touch his body.
  • Next we do shaking. We lift the broom up to the ceiling of the steam room, since the temperature there is much higher, and then we apply it to different parts of the body of the lying person. Particular attention should be paid to the legs, or more precisely the feet, since it is in this place that we have many active points. After the work with the feet is completed, you need to pay attention to all other areas.
  • The next stage is whipping. This procedure involves gentle blows with a broom on different parts of the body. The most important thing when whipping is to calculate the force of the blow. The person lying should not be in pain, the process should be enjoyable.

In the steam room with a broom

  • After intense whippings, give your body a little rest. To do this, stroke your back, legs, and stomach with a broom.
  • You can complete your second visit to the steam room with so-called compresses. Just as when shaking, lift the broom up, and then lower it onto the person’s body, but at the same time press it tightly for 5 seconds.
  • After finishing working with the broom, lie down for a couple more minutes, let your body come to its senses, and then slowly get up and leave the steam room.
  • The total time spent in the steam room at this stage is 15 minutes.
  • Rest outside the steam room for at least 15-20 minutes.

So which type of steam is preferable?

Even the bathhouse guru is not unanimous on this issue. But many steam bath fans strive to create a “beach” mode on the shelf and at the same time a pronounced layer of steam under the ceiling.


From the beach mode, using the method of enveloping the entire body, a person is transferred to a state of bath orgasm, creating a conditioned steam zone around him. But it should be possible to add vigorous steam from the cake to the steaming area and create different types of steam in general above the steamed one or for local heating of areas of the body.

Third entry into the steam room: rules and recommendations

Let us immediately note that you can enter the steam room not 3 times, but 5-7 times. However, you need to take into account your state of health, your current state of health, and you also need to correctly assess your strengths.

If this is your first trip to the bathhouse, then you should not stay there for too long. The whole point is that, out of habit, the body may not withstand such loads and fail.

  • Trained people increase their stay in the steam room with each entry. At the same time, do not forget that the maximum amount of time that can be spent in the steam room in one session should not exceed 20 minutes. and this is only if you are the happy owner of good health.
  • After each subsequent approach, also increase the rest time. That is, if you sat in the steam room for 25 minutes, then you should rest for at least 25 minutes.

The third entry into the steam room should only be made if you feel well.

  • During the 3rd run, if desired, you can also use a broom, repeating all of the above procedures.
  • Entries after the 3rd time should be carried out only if you feel that not only the soul, but also the body desires this.
  • All procedures in the bath should not last longer than 3 hours. This time will be more than enough for you; you will have time to take a steam bath and relax with friends.

Where to go to steam and wash: types of baths

  • Russian bath. As major experts in this field say, the Russian bath is considered the most beneficial for the body due to the average temperature and high humidity in the steam room. A typical Russian bathhouse is built entirely of wood and consists of two rooms: a steam room with a stove and a dressing room. Various infusions brewed from medicinal herbs are poured onto the hot stones. To enhance the healing effect of the Russian bath, brooms made from certain types of wood and various forms of massage are used.
  • The Roman bath is the place most suitable for pleasure and communication. No wonder it consists of three main rooms, where each has its own purpose and temperature. In our understanding, you won’t be able to take a steam bath in such a bathhouse.
  • According to the Turks themselves, you can take a proper steam bath in a Turkish bath called “hamam”. A standard Turkish bath has several rooms, the temperature in which increases by an average of 5 °C in each room. This sauna is distinguished by its low temperature, starting from 35 °C.
  • The Irish bathhouse is a kind of hybrid of Russian and Roman bathhouses. From the Russian bath she got steam and humidity, and from the Roman bath she got the fact that steam enters the steam room from cracks in the floor. It is not difficult to steam in such a bath, since the main difference between the Irish bath and its prototypes is the very low temperature, about 55 °C.
  • A Japanese bathhouse cannot even be called a bathhouse, or it can be, but with great stretch. In a typical Japanese bath there are no steam rooms, dressing rooms or pools with cool water, but there is a barrel of salt water (almost boiling water), in which the Japanese warm themselves and massage themselves with brushes. There is also a group version of this procedure, where several people warm up at once. Warm up - please, but it is simply impossible to steam in such a bathhouse.
  • Sauna - more precisely, a Finnish bath. Thanks to the love of many for extreme temperatures, it has taken root in our country. Most sauna adherents say that you can only steam properly in it, bringing a broom into the procedure and watering the stove with herbal infusions. Although the main difference between a sauna and a Russian bath is the lack of humidity in the steam room. A traditional sauna consists of three rooms: a steam room, a room with a pool and a relaxation room.

Contrast procedures in the bathhouse: resting between visits to the steam room

The time spent in the bathhouse can be divided into visits to the steam room and rest. By relaxation we mean the well-known contrasting procedures, which can be carried out by plunging into a pool, ice-hole, or wiping with snow. The essence of such procedures is a sharp change in temperature after a person stays in the steam room.

You should prepare for contrast procedures

It is important to note that such procedures must be done extremely carefully and you need to prepare for them, gradually hardening yourself.

  • If you came to the bathhouse for the first time, or even the second and third time, then it is too early for you to carry out such procedures. An organism unaccustomed to sudden changes in temperature can react completely differently, so it’s not worth the risk. You can start with a contrast shower, that is, after the steam room, go to the shower and take a cool shower.
  • It’s also not worth dousing yourself with cold, and especially ice-cold, water. If you wish, in winter you can go outside after the steam room and stand there for a couple of minutes, this is also a kind of hardening of the body.
  • Avid bath lovers, of course, can afford such luxury. Therefore, in winter, they plunge into an ice hole, lie in the snow and wipe themselves with it. In the summer, such procedures are replaced by dousing with ice water.
  • In addition, while relaxing, you can drink a cup of warm tea or herbal decoction, this will relax you even more and calm your nervous system.

When did the bathhouse appear in Rus'?

The history of baths in Rus' goes back more than one thousand years. In the works of the chronicler Nestor, references to its existence were found already in the first century after the Nativity of Christ. The chronicle describes the process of soaring with brooms, which captured the imagination of the Apostle Andrew.

Ancient manuscripts also preserve evidence that after military clashes, some ancient Russian tribes paid tribute to others with birch brooms. Bath procedures were so valued in our land.

Later, foreigners visiting Rus' were amazed that diseases such as ulcers and scabies were not common here. Even the plague epidemic in the 14th century bypassed Russia, although it destroyed half of the population of Europe. Historians believe that the Russian people were helped by their addiction to the bathhouse.

The reformer Peter the Great, who eradicated most of the indigenous Russian customs, had nothing against the bathhouse. On the contrary, he encouraged their construction and attached great health value.

In Rus', from time immemorial, almost every yard had its own bathhouse. According to one of the historical versions, the Russians borrowed the tradition of their construction from the Greeks or Arabs. But according to another version, the bathhouse is an invention of the Slavs. Foreign guests assured that they had not seen the ritual of washing with brooms, steam, pouring cold water and diving into the snow anywhere else.

The court doctor of Elizabeth Petrovna, Antonio Sanchez, praised the Russian bathhouse and compared it with the Turkish and Roman ones, which were clearly inferior in terms of receiving health-improving steam. He considered the process of generating steam from the heater itself to be an advantage. Only in a Russian bath, Sanchez assured, steam softens the skin, makes breathing easier and gives pleasant relaxation and calm.

The first baths in Rus' were heated “black”. The structure was a log house made of wood with an earthen floor, on top of which boards could be laid. In the corner, stones were placed in a special way, under which or above which a fire was lit. Now such baths are a thing of the past, and only a few enthusiasts build them.

In the first third of the 19th century, a gradual transition to ordinary heater baths and “white-style” baths began. Their structure has not changed to this day: a steam room, a soap room and a dressing room - a room for undressing and rest.

What not to do in a bathhouse: the most common mistakes

To ensure that a trip to the bathhouse does not end in unpleasant consequences, this action must be approached responsibly. Unfortunately, many people do not know the obvious things that are prohibited from doing while in a bathhouse.

  • Steaming with a broom for too long. Many people mistakenly believe that the more they work with a broom, the better it will be for their body. In fact, everything needs to be done in moderation. The appearance of red spots on the skin only indicates that the body is too overheated from high temperatures and exposure to a broom, and this, as we know, is fraught with consequences. Therefore, you need to steam with a broom in moderation and at the same time be sure to pay attention to the body’s reaction.
  • Using creams, ointments , etc. before the steam room. These products close our pores, firstly. Secondly, in the bathhouse it is customary to enjoy the smell of brooms, not creams. You need to enter the steam room with clean and dry skin, but after this procedure you can already use cream, etc.
  • Come to the sauna with a full stomach. You should not overeat before the bath; you should also avoid eating high-calorie and fatty foods before the procedure, since in the steam room, under the influence of high temperature, active fermentation and rotting begin in the intestines, which contributes to the spread of toxins throughout the body. Before the bath, it is best to eat light food; it is better to exclude fish and meat from the menu.

Steam to your advantage

  • Stay in the steam room for a long time. Remember, high temperature can be not only beneficial, but also harmful. In case of overheating, a person will experience fainting and poor health. Therefore, it is recommended to stay in the steam room for no more than 20 minutes. and at the same time you need to take into account your condition. If you feel that even after staying for 5 minutes. you feel uncomfortable in the steam room, it’s too stuffy and difficult to breathe, immediately leave the room and sit in a cool place.
  • Drinking alcohol. It just so happens that we associate going to the bathhouse with beer and fish, as well as stronger drinks. However, drinking alcohol in the bathhouse is strictly prohibited. The thing is that our cardiovascular system in the bathhouse is subjected to enormous loads, and if we add alcohol to these loads, the consequences can be fatal. Think, before replenishing the body's water balance with beer, it is better to give preference to hot tea, homemade kvass or herbal decoction.

Remember, ignoring such recommendations can lead to undesirable consequences.

Tell us about the brooms: what should they be made of, do they need to be steamed?

The steam from a classic birch broom greatly expands the small bronchi, which is why it is so easy to breathe after steaming with it. An oak broom is good for people with problem skin. Linden helps drive away colds. Eucalyptus broom is considered medicinal and helps a lot with a sore throat. In the steam room, they press it to the face and breathe for 5-10 minutes.

There is no need to steam fresh brooms, otherwise they will become soggy. Pour a dry broom with cold water for 15 minutes, then into hot water for 3-5 minutes. And only if the broom is too dry, it is steamed in boiling water.

Benefits of a Russian bath

A reasonable visit to the bathhouse is definitely useful, because such procedures strengthen the human immune, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

  • Of course, during a visit to the bathhouse, not only the body, but also the soul rests, and this is important. A person relaxes while going to the bathhouse, giving his nervous system the opportunity to “sleep” at least for a while.
  • Also, during your stay in the steam room, various toxins and wastes are actively removed from the body, and this is very beneficial for the body.
  • It must be said that the bathhouse perfectly relaxes the muscles.
  • Going to the bathhouse is a prevention of various ailments of the respiratory system.
  • The bath also helps improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, but only if the procedures are carried out correctly.

Main features and benefits

Russian bathhouse is a room where people wash and steam with a broom. The temperature in the steam room is 50-70 degrees, humidity is from 60%. Most baths also have a dressing room where they undressed, dressed and rested between visits to the steam room.

Recognized gurus are still arguing about the design of the classic Russian bathhouse. Some argue that traditionally the real place was considered to be a washing room, a place where our ancestors washed themselves “by the method of splashing with the palms of a gang or dousing with a ladle.” After all, the first baths in Rus' were called soap houses. A separate steam room in the bathhouse began to be allocated only later.

Others insist that only a “black bath” with its special aroma of smoke can be authentic Russian. Still others are sure that only with brooms and a stove with a closed heater.

In Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, a Russian bathhouse is “a building or a place where one washes and steams not just in dry heat, but in steam.”

Taking all this into account, the following features of the premises can be recognized as historically determined main features of a modern Russian bath:

Brick oven or similar with stones

Spilling floors

Burst ventilation

Pie steam

The main element and secret of the special atmosphere of the Russian bathhouse has historically been a brick heater. The stones in it were red-hot, but they were separated from the steam room by a brick wall, so the temperature in the steam room reached a maximum of 60 degrees.

Before the steaming process, the oven door was closed and water was splashed on the stones. Thus, superheated steam was formed in the room. It hung over the shelf like a thick, thick cake.

But brick ovens are gradually losing popularity. Nowadays they are replaced in baths by open heaters made of cast iron or steel. They quickly raise the temperature in the steam room, but produce harsher steam.

To achieve an ideal microclimate in the room, advanced bath attendants use new technologies, combine materials and select special fillings for the heaters.

Burst ventilation is used to illuminate the air in the steam room. It is a window from the steam room into the dressing room. In between visits, the window is opened and the air is renewed.

Sometimes, instead of a window, a hole is used in the wall at a height of about a meter from the floor. To freshen the air in this case, boiling water is splashed on the heater and a bucket of cold water is poured over the shelf. From such a contrast, exhaust air is instantly drawn into the vent and the microclimate in the steam room becomes fresh again.

The bathhouse is not only body hygiene, but also health-improving procedures for the body.

Visiting a steam room is beneficial for all systems:


When warmed up, all blood vessels dilate, blood flow accelerates and its composition changes for the better. Metabolism improves, stagnant processes in tissues are eliminated. Contrast dousing, rubbing with snow or even a fresh cool breeze after steaming relieves vascular spasm. All this is useful for vegetative-vascular dystonia.


The bath will help women recover after childbirth, cope with ovarian dysfunction and some diseases of the uterus. You can take a steam bath 3 – 4 months after giving birth. It is useful to visit a steam room during menopause to relieve symptoms. Regular thermal procedures help maintain sexual function and are a good prevention of impotence.


Exposure to high temperatures reduces the acidity of gastric juice, which helps relieve the symptoms of gastritis and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Under the influence of steam, the pores of the skin open, and active sweating occurs. Sebum and toxins are removed from the body. The epidermis itself receives enormous aesthetic benefits from this.


The removal of toxins and salts and improved blood circulation lead to a visual tightening of all folds. Excess lactic acid, which interferes with the conduction of nerve impulses, is also removed through the pores. There is a feeling of relaxation and painlessness in the muscles.

Contraindications to visiting a Russian bath

Despite the fact that the bathhouse is famous for its healing properties, trips to it should be conscious. Not all people can visit baths and saunas, and the reason for this may be poor health.

  • You should not take very young children to the bathhouse. It is recommended not to visit this place for children under 4-5 years old, since at this age the child’s heart and respiratory system will not always be able to cope with the load.
  • Any aggravated ailments are also a reason not to go to the bathhouse. Therefore, before going to the steam room, first pay attention to your health.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels are direct contraindications to visiting any bathhouse. Such diseases include heart defects, previous heart attacks, etc.
  • Respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.
  • People who suffer from high blood pressure need to be extremely careful when visiting the bathhouse, and then only after going to the doctor.

There are a number of contraindications for visiting the bathhouse

  • The presence of malignant tumors is also considered a contraindication for this procedure.
  • If you have an illness such as epilepsy, it is strictly forbidden to visit baths and saunas, since sudden changes in temperature can easily provoke an attack.
  • You can use the bathhouse with caution while pregnant. In this case, consult your doctor first and under no circumstances ignore his recommendations. In any case, going to the bathhouse in a position is allowed only from the 2nd trimester.

A Russian bathhouse is an excellent opportunity to relax both soul and body. By taking a reasonable approach to your procedures, you will improve your health and mood.


Is frequent visits to the bath dangerous for people with dry and sensitive skin?

Frequent visits are definitely dangerous. Experts advise protecting such skin from sudden changes in temperature and from stressful situations, which result in the release of sweat. And the bathhouse is one of those things. But it is worth keeping in mind that a Russian or Turkish bath, the steam of which is saturated with moisture, is less harmful to dry and sensitive skin than a Finnish sauna that burns with dry air.

What happens if you don’t remove your makeup before visiting the bathhouse?

Nothing good! If we are talking about eye makeup, then it will simply inevitably “float” and you will look accordingly when leaving the steam room. But powder and foundation left on the face can be even more dangerous, since they seriously disrupt the natural processes of air exchange and sweating of the skin, leading to clogged pores. Just lipstick won't hurt. It will even help protect your lips from drying out.

Is it true that you need to sing and scream in the bathhouse to warm your throat?

It's not about warming up, but about emotional release. Of course, you can scream in the forest, but in a bathhouse it will be a hundred times more effective. We forbid ourselves from shouting in life: it is uncivilized, indecent. Why not express your feelings in the bathhouse!

If after a bath there are only branches left on the brooms, is that good or bad?

One of two things: either the broom was bad, or they hovered too vigorously. It’s bad when leaves from a broom fall into the heater: then you have to breathe in the fumes of burnt leaves.

Is it possible to take children to the bathhouse?

Children's age is not an obvious contraindication for a bath, but everything is individual and it is worth consulting with a pediatrician. Children under 3 years old should not be taken to the bathhouse, since they are not yet able to regulate their own body temperature and describe their own sensations, and this is very dangerous. The standard recommendation for older children is the minimum time for visiting the steam room (a few minutes, no more than five). As for the temperature regime, the “classic” Russian bath, 50-65 ˚C with a humidity of up to 65%, is tolerated normally by the child’s body.

Self-massage techniques with a broom

It is not recommended to visit the bathhouse alone for safety reasons.

But if there is no one to steam you with a broom, you can do it yourself:

  1. Start soft stroking movements with a steamed broom from the feet. Cross your legs and move along your feet 4 to 5 times. Then change legs and repeat the movements.

  2. Switch to calves and thighs. Move the broom from your feet to your buttocks 5-6 times on each leg.
  3. Next, proceed to processing the body. Raise your left hand up and stroke the inner surface from the palm down to the shoulder, then further along the left side from the armpit to the thigh. Slowly repeat this movement 4-5 times. Place the broom in your left hand and massage the right side of the body. The entire procedure should take about 1-1.5 minutes.
  4. Now he will stroke the abdomen, chest, shoulder girdle and arms. Take the broom in your right hand, your left hand pressed to your body. Stroke the body crosswise, starting from the stomach and moving towards the head. Then transfer the broom to your left hand and repeat the movements. The duration of the body massage is 1 – 1.5 minutes.
  5. To massage your back and buttocks, you need to sit down. Iron each side in turn. Dexterous and flexible people can do this with two brooms at the same time.

Various broom massage techniques

Soaring with a broom is not a simple and thoughtless whipping of each other.

There are a number of specific movements that have a beneficial effect on the body in various diseases:

  • Quilting . It is performed with quick quilting movements using the end part of the broom. First along the back in all directions, then the lower back, pelvis, thighs, calves, feet. The duration of the procedure is approximately 1 minute. They finish this technique with stroking, but faster than at the beginning.
  • Stretching . Recommended for pain in the sacrolumbar region. Both brooms are placed on the lower back and at the same time spread to the sides: one to the feet, the other to the back of the head. Similar movements are carried out in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and knees.

  • Compress . The brooms are lifted up, they capture hot air, lowered onto the lower back and pressed with your hand for 1-3 seconds. The compress is especially useful for injuries, muscle pain after physical activity, and radiculitis.
  • Rubbing . With one hand, take the broom by the handle, and with the palm of the other, lightly pressing on the leafy part, gradually rub the entire body. The torso is processed in all directions, limbs - lengthwise.

  • Whipping is a stronger subsequent massage technique. The broom is lifted up, hot air is captured and sharply lowered, making 2-3 whips over all parts of the body. The procedure is combined with a compress. To do this, lift the broom up and, capturing hot air, make 2-3 blows to the body, lift it again and press it to the body for 2-4 seconds - make a compress. It is especially useful for muscle pain, radiculitis, and gout.

  • Plowing . Provides steam flow to the body. The broom is lightly waved, barely touching the body. They pass several times along the body from the legs to the head and back on both sides. At the same time, a pleasant hot breeze is felt. If you need to warm up the body more, periodically lift the broom up, where the air temperature is higher, and shake it. The heated broom is pressed for 2-3 seconds alternately to the lower back, shoulder blades, feet and knee joints. If it is very hot on the shelf, the broom is periodically cooled by immersing it in water.
  • Stroking . The movements are performed simultaneously with two brooms. Slowly pass along the body from the feet to the neck and back several times. If the air temperature is very high, the broom should not be lifted from the body and raised up. In the opposite direction, one broom should slide along one side, and the other in the other direction, then along the sides of the pelvis, thighs and calf muscles to the feet. This is repeated 2-3 times.


36. The operator appoints a person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data to fulfill the duties provided for by the Federal Law “On Personal Data” and the regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it.

37. The operator applies a set of legal, organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data to ensure the confidentiality of personal data and their protection from unlawful actions:

1. provides unlimited access to the Policy, a copy of which is posted on the Operator’s website at ;

2. provides access to employees to personal data processed in the Operator’s information system, as well as to their material media only for the performance of job duties;

3. establishes rules for access to personal data processed in the Operator’s information system, and also ensures registration and accounting of all actions with it;

4. assesses the harm that may be caused to personal data subjects in the event of a violation of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”;

5. identifies threats to the security of personal data during their processing in the Operator’s information system;

6. applies organizational and technical measures and uses information security tools necessary to achieve the established level of personal data security;

7. detects facts of unauthorized access to personal data and takes response measures, including restoration of personal data modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to it;

8. assesses the effectiveness of measures taken to ensure the security of personal data before putting the Operator’s information system into operation;

9. carries out internal control over the compliance of the processing of personal data with the Federal Law “On Personal Data”, regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it, requirements for the protection of personal data, Policy, Regulations and other local acts, including control over the measures taken to ensure the security of personal data and their level of security when processed in the Operator’s information system.

Briefly about choosing a broom

A mandatory accessory for a Russian bath is a broom made from tree branches.

Choose a broom depending on the result you would like to get and the characteristics of the skin:

Broom of currants, rowan and cherries

The branches of these plants contain a lot of vitamins and have a unique aroma. They are quite flexible, so they are good for light massage of a steamed body. It gives energy and a surge of strength. Aromatic vapors, penetrating the respiratory organs, have a preventive effect and prevent the occurrence of colds.


The leaves of this tree contain substances that promote the healing of small wounds on the epidermis. It has a pleasant aroma, making a visit to the steam room an aromatherapy session. A bird cherry broom is very soft, so it is especially in demand among women.


This exotic option is rarely used in Russian baths, but contains many essential oils that have a beneficial effect on the body. However, not every person can withstand the rich eucalyptus aroma, so experienced bath attendants advise adding only a few branches of this tree to birch or oak brooms.


The most affordable and popular option. Birch branches are flexible, the leaves are wide and hold well during drying and after steaming. Birch broom has excellent cleansing properties, collects sweat efficiently, and helps with joint diseases and radiculitis.


Contains tannins that help lower blood pressure and relieve inflammation of the skin. An oak broom is good for bringing steam onto the body - this property is used by those who want to thoroughly warm up and steam.


Broom for the treatment of rheumatism and the respiratory system. But people with sensitive skin should not use these rather thorny branches.


The best option for treating skin and respiratory diseases. It has a gentle effect, so even children can vape with it.


Deeply massages the skin, relieves inflammation, stimulates blood circulation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

So that any of the brooms does not lose its aroma, it is first dipped in cold water to saturate it with moisture, and then quickly transferred to the hot pebbles of the heater. Once heated, the leaves will begin to release aroma into the steam room.

Washing after the steam room

First, you need to thoroughly rub the body with a terry mitt and soap. This will remove the dead skin layer.

A mitten made of natural material will help remove dead skin layers

If some areas of the skin are covered with acne, you can use tar soap and salt:

  1. Lather your skin with soap;
  2. Next, pour a little salt onto the washcloth;
  3. Lightly scrub your body with a washcloth. Do not overdo it, otherwise you can damage the skin and get an inflammatory process.

What are the benefits of a sauna for men?

There are not many benefits specific to the male body from visiting a bathhouse. One of them is improved blood flow, potentially useful in chronic prostatitis. At the same time, urologists still do not consider visiting a bathhouse as an independent method of treatment. In addition, you can only steam during the period of remission, and in the acute course of the disease this is prohibited, since the inflammatory process will only intensify.

It is important to know that regular visits to the bathhouse reduce the number of sperm produced. Finnish scientists came to this conclusion; the results of their study were published in the journal Medical Daily.

Researchers asked ten healthy men with normal sperm counts to go to the sauna twice a week for three months. As a result, their sperm production was reduced and remained low for another three months. However, six months later she recovered.

According to some data, in addition to the number of sperm, regular visits to the steam room also reduce their motility. At the same time, a clear opinion of the medical community on the effect of a sauna on fertility in men has not yet formed.

Steam room, first run

This is still a preparatory stage. During the first visit, we continue to adapt the body to new conditions. The most suitable temperature for this is 60°C. Usually this is the temperature of the lower tier in a well-heated Russian bath. This is where you need to sit down to begin with, sit quietly (you can also lie down) and take a good breath, gradually taking deeper and deeper breaths. At the same time, you will feel how every minute the air is saturated with the aroma of steaming brooms (for gourmets, you can also add a special steamer). The optimal duration of the first run is up to 10 minutes (for beginners, five is enough). During this time, you will feel your heartbeat quicken, profuse sweating begins, your skin turns red - it’s time to take a break.

While resting for 20-30 minutes, it is very useful to drink hot tea with honey, lemon or mint. Fruit drinks, juices, kvass are very good (just not cold ones!). Before re-entering the steam room (and all subsequent ones), you should again take a warm shower.

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