The benefits and harms of the Finnish sauna. What is the difference between a Finnish sauna and a Russian bath? How to visit a Finnish sauna

Saunas and baths have become commonplace; they are often complemented by sports clubs, hotels, and so on. Due to their relaxing warming and positive effect on human health, they are becoming increasingly popular. The benefits of saunas will be discussed in this article.

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How does a sauna affect thermoregulation?

This type of regulation is one of the important processes in the body; thermoregulation is responsible for returning to normal temperature values, taking into account all influencing factors. The processes of creating, releasing, and receiving heat take place on an ongoing basis, so the body creates a constant level of temperature.

When the temperature around a person rises, the processes responsible for removing excess heat are activated. At the same time, sweat is actively released, created by skin cells. The amount of sweat varies and depends on several factors, including temperature level and humidity level. In most cases, you can go to the bathhouse with a temperature of 37 degrees, but it is better to consult a doctor in advance.

Features of the Finnish sauna

The steam room is a room completely covered with wood. It is equipped with wooden shelves-beds, which are placed along the walls in 2-4 rows. On the lower levels, bath procedures are taken while sitting, on the upper ones - lying down.

The increase in air temperature occurs due to stones heated by an open-type electric or wood-burning stove. You should not water them to avoid increasing humidity in the steam room. Many people like to apply a few drops of essential oils of medicinal herbs to stones to enhance the relaxing and healing effect.

Smoke is exhausted through chimneys, which are installed without fail for safety.

But the main distinguishing feature of the Finnish sauna is dry steam, which is maintained by low air humidity (15-20%). The temperature stays between 70-100°C, but can warm up to 140-160°C. Despite this, it is easily tolerated due to dry air. Therefore, people who cannot withstand the humidity of a Russian bath can safely visit a Finnish sauna.

These conditions contribute to good warming of the body and rapid sweating, and as you know, toxins are removed from the body along with sweat. After 10-15 minutes, you need to plunge into cool water in a pool or natural pond. Due to this, sweat is washed off and the body cools down - the body is cleansed and hardened.

The effect of sauna on the central nervous system

Taking into account a number of studies, it was found that when staying inside a sauna steam room for 10 minutes, there is an improvement in coordination and motor functions. However, staying in a sauna for 20 minutes produces worse results. The length of stay in a steam chamber significantly affects the rate of normalization of a number of indicators. The process is significantly accelerated when using contrast procedures. The sauna also affects the mental state; not only the procedures themselves are important, but also the interior and the organization of recreation.

A little bit into the past: bathhouse or sauna?

Probably, 50-60 years ago, such a formulation of the question would have seemed not entirely clear to many. At that time, the absolutely overwhelming majority realized the real conceptual difference between the washing function of the Russian steam bath and the “relaxation” of the new Finnish sauna .

At that time, the majority of “professional” steam bathers were convinced of the short life of “pampering” Finnish saunas and their absolute inability to create any serious competition for a real Russian steam bath.

But everything is changing. Slowly, gradually, but still changing. And newfangled “funny” hot rooms with “dry steam” are smoothly and confidently conquering the space and thoughts of heat lovers.

For several decades now, tourists and travelers from Russia who come to visit the Finns have been asking the same similar question: “Is it true that today the famous Finnish sauna is no longer a place where you can wash, steam, and give the park a whirl while swinging a broom?” And the Finnish tour guides on duty respond to citizens “not literate in bathing” that these are just fairy tales, and preserving long-standing traditions is the business of each and every real Finn.

The photo shows a modern Finnish sauna in large-scale mass understanding and distribution

And it’s sad to realize that the real historical Finnish sauna, exactly the sauna that existed in Finland for centuries, in many ways becomes just a museum model for tourists.

Why a sauna is good for the heart and blood vessels

Due to rising temperatures, the cardiovascular system is forced to work at an increased pace. A short-term stay is beneficial, since if you stay in the steam room beyond the norm, you can only note the negative impact of the procedure. This may include noticeable dizziness, as well as an increased rate of contraction of the heart muscle. During testing, it was found that in such conditions the blood vessels of the brain fill too much, and blood circulation becomes more active. The negative effects of the sauna can be avoided, you just need to use it in doses.

What is the difference between a Finnish sauna and a Russian bath?

In terms of their therapeutic effect and structure, the Russian bathhouse and the Finnish sauna are similar: they use wood for their construction, have a steam room, heater stoves, and a place for washing and relaxing. After bathing procedures, people cool off in a pond, font or shower. What is their difference?

1. First of all, they differ in microclimate. As mentioned above, in a Finnish sauna the air temperature is maintained in the range of 70-100°C and the humidity is 10-15%. In a Russian bath at a temperature of 80°C, the humidity reaches about 70%. Therefore, the first one is easier to tolerate.

2. Brooms are not used for bathing procedures in the Finnish steam room, since the air in it is dry, and this can lead to skin burns.

3. They also differ in the way they are fired. In a Russian bath, a closed stove is used to heat the air, in which stones are placed. This way the heat in the steam room is retained much longer. Most often the stove is made of brick. The stones are doused with water to increase steam.

Finnish stoves are made of heat-resistant and durable metals. They have open ventilated heaters. During the procedures, you should not water the stones, so as not to upset the balance between temperature and humidity.

4. There is no pool in the Russian bathhouse. For cooling, a cold water font, pond or snow (in winter) is used.

How quickly will the body recover?

If the procedures are performed correctly, the condition of the heart and blood vessels will be restored within 20 minutes, and recovery may be accelerated. For this purpose, contrasting procedures are provided, including a warm shower or a dip in the pool. It is worth considering the additional load that comes from using cool water. It is not worth the risk for children without preparation for such events and for persons with diseases affecting the heart or blood vessels. Contrast exposure can also lead to hypothermia and colds.

Salt cave

Salt therapy is gaining more and more popularity every year. The procedure is carried out in special caves, the floor, ceiling and walls of which are covered with salt. The benefits are determined by the precise selection of specific humidity, temperature and pressure. Sterile air does not allow harmful microorganisms to multiply in the room. The smallest particles of salt in the air easily penetrate through the human respiratory system, having a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Benefits of a salt cave:

  • effectively treats respiratory diseases;
  • helps with skin diseases;
  • helps relieve depression;
  • effective during cold season, helps strengthen the immune system;
  • fights hormonal imbalances.

The salt cave also lifts your spirits and energizes you for the whole day. Pregnant women can visit the caves by consultation with a gynecologist; they should not engage in salt therapy at high temperatures and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Is a sauna good for the respiratory system?

High temperatures promote faster breathing. The mechanism is approximately the following: heated air affects the blood vessels, causing them to reflexively become narrower, as the body tries to protect itself from overheating. This process leads to a reflex increase in the speed of contractions characteristic of breathing. This is required to enhance the level of heat transfer.

At elevated environmental levels, the central nervous system is responsible for the strength and amplitude of inhalations and exhalations. This circumstance is partially influenced by the composition of the air mass, as well as the type of bath. When entering a sauna, the depth of inhalation increases, on average by 100 ml, and the volume of the lungs also increases. Active sweating occurs, for which the activity of the skin doubles.

What is the effect of a sauna on the body's metabolic processes?

With hot air in a steam room, there is an effect on metabolic processes. He becomes faster after being placed in a new environment, but gradually the condition returns to normal. At the same time, oxygen consumption returns to normal levels, and the creation of carbon dioxide in excess of the norm continues for quite a long time after the completion of the warming up process.

Repeating bathing events will no longer have an impact on the processes responsible for exchange. This indicates that frequent visits to saunas and steam baths in order to get rid of excess body weight will not be effective in most cases.

Contraindications and harm

Dry hot steam can not only heal, but also harm. Too much heating and frequent visits to the steam room for older people can result in vascular pathologies. People with diseases should limit or completely exclude the sauna:

  • heart, blood vessels;
  • high blood pressure;
  • for inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • with asthma, tuberculosis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • glaucoma;
  • with exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • varicose veins, atherosclerosis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • stones in the kidneys, urinary, gall bladder.

The sauna is strictly prohibited for epileptics and people with mental instability. It is better for expectant mothers in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as women during menstruation, to refrain from visiting the steam room.

Even a normally healthy person can “overheat.” Therefore, the slightest deterioration in vision or tinnitus should be a signal to leave the steam room.

How does a sauna affect the skin?

Increased temperatures in the sauna lead to an increase in temperature in the skin area, which also affects the acceleration of blood circulation. During the first 2 minutes of being in such conditions, the skin becomes hot, then the mechanisms responsible for thermoregulation are activated. The body produces sweat, gets rid of heat and the skin cools down.

When discussing the beneficial and negative effects of a sauna, it is also worth considering that the skin can become very warm, including up to 41-42 degrees. In such a situation, the vessels in the skin are forced to expand, skin permeability increases, and blood flow increases faster. This leads to a softening of the top layer, improved breathing, increased sensitivity, and improved biological and immune processes. The measures also affect the normalization of oxidative processes (in the skin layer).

From everything that is written above, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion about the effect of the sauna on the skin layer - it has only a positive effect. In part, this type of influence has a good effect on the work of a number of other systems and organs, allows you to harden yourself and minimize the risks of developing cold-type diseases.

Dependence of the digestive system on bath procedures

The influence of increased temperature conditions leads to the outflow of blood from the internal organs, but at an insignificant level. This is reflected in a reduction in the level of gastric juice, while its concentration increases. Due to this effect on the body, it is not recommended to eat while warming up in bathhouse conditions. In this situation, protein products are absorbed worse than others, while fats are absorbed well. This principle of absorption can negatively affect the condition of the liver and stomach. The influence of fats and their harm can be minimized, for which it is advised to drink more water and other liquids. A dry sauna has a positive effect when you need to lose weight, the reason is greater consumption of moisture and energy.

The process of getting rid of excess mass is affected by the following:

  • level of humidity and temperature indicators;
  • duration of exposure;
  • level of fitness of the body;
  • individual characteristics, health status.

The level of weight loss can be adjusted by drinking fluids while visiting the sauna.

Sauna and body weight

Taking into account body weight, certain conclusions can be drawn about the state of health from a physical point of view. It is a well-known fact that everyone’s normal weight limits are individual. Taking this into account, boundaries that negatively affect the state of the body are also calculated on an individual basis. At the same time, citizens with increased body weight suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system more often.

Now there are many recommendations coming from many specialists, they are aimed at bringing body weight to normal levels. The list of activities also includes sports activities and bathing procedures. They give way to exceptional nutrition.

To study the benefits of visiting a sauna and the harms of activities, it is important to take into account individual health indicators. Also, you should not rush and try to get rid of excess too quickly, otherwise your health may worsen as a result.

According to the calculations of specialists who know a lot about weight loss, in a short period of time it is permissible to lose body weight within 2% of the existing indicators. In adolescence, weight loss is even more dangerous; rapid weight loss can negatively affect the course of metabolic processes, lead to abnormalities in the growing body, and negatively affect the heart and kidneys.

If you need to effectively get rid of excess weight, you can also use massage procedures. They are recommended before visiting the bathhouse. The impact is performed on the area of ​​the lower extremities, back and parts of the body where there is the most adipose tissue.

Where do we go to relax?

Russians ask the question: “Which is better, a Finnish or a Russian bathhouse?” There is no clear answer. Experts note the beneficial properties of both spa procedures. But there are also special recommendations:

  • The sauna has fewer contraindications. The only condition is to follow the recommendations of professional bath attendants: the steam room must be used correctly, you must not overstrain your body, and you must not be in a hot environment for longer than the recommended time. A visit to the sauna activates blood flow, trains the heart muscle and improves vascular tone. Due to the activation of metabolic processes, fats are burned, and profuse sweating removes harmful substances.
  • An undeniable advantage of the Russian bath is the broom. Body massage performed by patting a broom is beneficial for the general condition of the body. The bath procedure helps relieve bronchitis and asthma: warm, moist air, massage of the back and chest increase blood flow to the lungs and soften breathing. But the bath, unlike the sauna, has a greater number of contraindications. It is prohibited to visit the Russian steam room if you have hypertension, varicose veins, atrial fibrillation, cancer, or after a heart attack or stroke.

Whatever type of sauna – traditional, Finnish or other – you choose, approach such a holiday wisely. Be sure to consult your doctor and listen to your feelings. If you feel unwell, procedures should be stopped immediately.

Sauna as a preventive measure against a number of diseases

Visits to saunas and baths can be planned in order to prevent the manifestation of certain types of diseases. Taking into account research, it has been confirmed that the sauna has a beneficial effect on the human body. Properly organized activities help to reduce blood pressure in people prone to hypertension, have a positive effect on the condition of metabolic abnormalities, and alleviate kidney problems.

The effect is improved by combining exposure to hot air and massage techniques, which is most important for problems in the peripheral nervous system, treatment of the central nervous system, chronic polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, and radiculitis.

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