Bathhouse made of larch: features of the material, nuances of construction, operation

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The Russian bathhouse is a place of healing and relaxation for body and soul. And it is not surprising that it was built from wooden beams, choosing coniferous trees. This is the most useful, durable and beautiful material. Of course, a species such as larch is distinguished by all these qualities. The tree grows in Siberia and the Far East, is extremely common and is the best material for finishing a bathhouse.

Larch lining in the bathhouse

The bathhouse is a room that is still extreme for wood, in which there is a wide difference in temperature and humidity. Not every material can withstand such loads.

Larch copes with moisture, hardens from prolonged exposure, is not afraid of temperature changes and, importantly, has low thermal conductivity. This means your sauna will retain heat inside. It is also worth noting other positive qualities of larch wood:

  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Environmentally friendly (does not release resin even when the temperature rises);
  • Low fire hazard and flammability (cannot be compared with any other tree).

Larch lining will allow you to create the perfect lining in your bathhouse. If you use the elite grade Prima or Extra, then there will be no knots or smudges of resin on the surface, but this is not necessary. You can choose a budget option - grade A, B or C. They do not differ in anything in terms of strength or hardness, defects apply only to appearance: knots, cuts, resin passages, etc.

The only important nuance that needs to be taken into account when choosing lining for finishing a bath is that it darkens when exposed to moisture. To preserve its appearance, after installation it is necessary to treat it with wax or oil designed to protect the wood.

Useful video

A very interesting video in which wood moisture tests are carried out and the results are unexpected not only for us, but also for the experimenters themselves . We cannot agree with the authors of the video that reducing moisture during impregnation does not matter. Has for the wood itself, its service life.


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How will larch behave in the steam room?

Larch is the most suitable option for finishing a bath not only because of its mechanical or performance qualities. Craftsmen especially highlight this conifer because:

  • Larch lining allows you to maintain a high temperature in the steam room for a long time;
  • Cosmetic repairs will not be required for several years, since the material is durable;
  • The lining does not need to be constantly treated against mold and insects;
  • Larch creates a feeling of comfort and has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system.

There are times when the larch in the steam room begins to flow - resin is released. This indicates that the material was poorly dried. To remove stains, the wood is sanded and treated with wax or stain.

Preparation and processing of logs for felling

Each larch log in the steam room must be cut to fit the bracket in such a way that there is no difference in centimeters between them. If the logs are thin enough, it is necessary to insulate the walls in addition. The logs are sawn along the length of the wall with allowances for protruding corners beyond it. It happens that there is not enough footage for this, then the ends of the beams are cut at 90 degrees and connected without removal. The most difficult thing is to mark the diameter of the edges and ridges of the logs for the correct slopes.

Covering the steam room with larch

When selecting cladding for a bathhouse, it is important to remember that you need to choose one material to finish all the surfaces inside. If you want to cover the steam room with larch clapboard, then the shelves, benches and other interior items must be made from it. You will get a uniform style and overall wood moisture levels.

The only part of the finishing that does not have to be made of larch is the floor. Near the floor, the temperature does not rise above 30-35 degrees, it does not take on extreme heat. However, for the integrity of the design, choose larch for the floor as well.

It is better to treat the lining before installation to protect the material from darkening. As usual, the arrangement begins with the frame - the sheathing on which the lining will be attached. Bars or boards are suitable for the frame. The fasteners are inserted hidden. The lining is installed using the same technology as in other rooms, leveled and fastened tightly to each other.

Your steam room will last for decades without losing its appearance.

Larch in the steam room

The question of whether larch can be used in a steam room still worries many novice builders of baths or saunas. Experienced builders know that for the interior lining of a Russian bathhouse there is nothing better than larch lining.

The advantages of this particular type of wood are obvious:

  • Larch does not produce resin.
  • Has low thermal conductivity.
  • Very nice appearance.

However, the larch paneling in the steam room over time acquires a dark color, which no longer looks as beautiful as the natural, original shade. To avoid this, immediately after interior finishing it is necessary to treat the wood with special-purpose products.

External characteristics of larch wood

According to scientists, there are more than 10 species of larch in the world. Since this tree belongs to the sound species, it is quite natural that it has variants of shades. General characteristics of larch that a person can determine by eye are given below:

  • kernel color - red or brown;
  • thick bark with many small cracks;
  • the core rays are very faintly visible;
  • there are a lot of knots along the trunk;
  • small resin passages can be seen.

Main varieties

Larch lining for the construction of a bathhouse will cost more than the same volume of wood of other species. However, larch will last much longer in the steam room, so it makes sense to choose it. Like any other species, larch lining has differences in grades.

  • Extra lining is considered the highest quality material: there are no visible defects, chips or potholes.
  • The second class is class A: traces of light knots can be seen on the surface (from the ratio per 1 linear meter: 1 knot with a diameter of no more than 15 mm). Roughness and small cracks are allowed.
  • The third class is class B: for 1 linear meter - 1 light knot, the diameter of which does not exceed 20 mm. Small dents and cuts are possible.
  • The last class is class C: products have the lowest price, but their quality is much lower than that of other varieties. There are knots, cuts, wormholes, resin passages and other defects on the surface.

What advantages does larch have over other tree species?

The bathhouse can be built and finished from linden, oak, pine, cedar and other proven and reliable tree species. The choice of wood on the modern market is huge, and each species has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Just the same, larch lining can boast a really large set of advantages:

  • simplicity and ease of installation;
  • ease of care;
  • reduced level of thermal conductivity, strength and durability;
  • attractive soothing shade;
  • resistance to humidity, fungi and harmful microorganisms;
  • Wood does not rot for a very long time.

It is for these reasons that most bathhouse builders choose larch wood.

How larch behaves in a bathhouse

As noted above, it is larch lining in the steam room that is one of the most widely used materials when decorating a bathhouse. The interior of the steam room not only acquires an aesthetically noble appearance, but also has a number of other functional indicators.

Among them, professional craftsmen distinguish:

  • A larch steam room maintains high temperatures for a long time.
  • Due to the increased wear resistance of the lining, there will be no need to carry out cosmetic repairs to the steam room for many years.
  • Larch wood has a calming effect on the human body, and also creates a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the bathhouse.
  • There is no need for constant treatment with special agents against pests and fungi.

Occasionally, a problem such as resin leaking from larch wood may occur. If larch is leaking in a steam room, what can you do to remove this defect once and for all? It is worth knowing that resin leakage is possible in cases where the lining was initially poorly dried and then poorly processed. Special means to prevent resin leakage will help remove leaks. People also use stain or beeswax. Treatment with these products helps eliminate leaks and gives a natural shine to larch panels.

Material selection rules

For a log house, the best option would be beams with a large diameter. They will increase the thermal insulation qualities of the future building. It is also better to take those beams that were prepared in winter, which means they dried out slowly until summer. It contains less moisture, due to which it will not crack. And, conversely, boards prepared in summer contain a larger volume of moisture, which causes the material to crack in almost all installation cases. Therefore, the maximum harvesting months are from November to March, if not in winter. There are no flaws on the surface of the lamellas - knots, insects, smudges, etc.

Learning to distinguish between types of larch lining for a bath

Extra lining belongs to the highest class. There is not a single defect on it - chips, dents, cracked areas. The wood inside also remains solid. But besides this there are other modifications.

  1. Class A. Products may have light knots no more than 15 mm in diameter - one such defect per 1 linear line. m. Slight roughness, resinous areas and cracks less than 95 mm in length that do not pass through, which protrude from the end, are acceptable.
  2. Class B. Light knots of various sizes are allowed, but with a protruding part of no more than 20 mm. For 1 linear m. there may be one defect, but without putrefactive, rib and tobacco shoots. Small recesses, cuts, furrows, etc. are allowed with a diameter of no more than 15 mm.
  3. Class C. This is the lowest group of coniferous material with the lowest price. However, such larch cannot stand out in terms of quality and high characteristics. There may be knots of any size, as well as resin areas, gouges, scratches, etc.

Construction of a larch steam room

Before directly working on the interior decoration of the steam room, it is necessary to treat the lining with special means to protect the wood from darkening and preserve its beneficial properties.

The first stage of work involves creating a steam room frame from boards or bars. It is very important to first secure the outer support elements, and then level the middle ones. The second stage is the installation of larch panels that will be attached to the frame. After which you can build benches, shelves and other components necessary for the steam room.

Walls, benches, shelves and larch floor in the steam room

The interior decoration of the bathhouse can be made from different types of wood. However, craftsmen advise making all the interior decoration of the steam room from the same wood. This will give the steam room a noble and attractive appearance.

The floor in a bathhouse usually does not withstand such extreme temperatures as walls or, for example, benches. Usually the temperature at floor level is around 30-35 degrees. Therefore, there is no need to make a larch floor. But if you want to create a truly unique place to relax that will please the eye, then of all types of wood, larch is better suited for the floor of a bathhouse than others. Firstly, it is practically not subject to the process of rotting, and secondly, the floor and walls from the same lining will form a single composition of the bathhouse interior.

Larch sauna to perfection

Due to the high density of wood, a larch steam room can last for many decades without losing its characteristics.

The secret to the durability of this material is a substance called “gum”, which makes larch lining resistant to all types of influences.

Russian ancient baths were made only from natural wood of a certain species, these baths are very healthy and there a person can forget about the worries of civilization and problems in life. A bathhouse made of new wood is very useful and quite pleasant, since wood contains essential oils, buildings made of wood can last a very long time, and it is also a 100% environmentally friendly material for construction.


In addition to wood, which is used in the bathhouse as a building material, we also encounter it as a material for making furniture. Furniture in the bathhouse includes shelves, tables, benches, benches, armchairs, and sofas.

However, we will not touch on furniture that is usually purchased in stores or brought from home. There the wood can be anything, and such furniture is not selected according to the type of wood. See the furniture section on our website here.

But shelves are an important and necessary topic. Because everywhere they are made independently or to order, according to the size of a specific steam room. Therefore, it is useful for bathhouse owners to know what kind of wood the frame of the shelves and the shelves themselves are made from.

The frame of the shelves and the shelves themselves

As for the frame, most save money and make it from pine or spruce wood. This is a budget option that does not negatively affect the quality of the regiments.

Even if under the influence of high air temperature the frame begins to release resin, it will remain out of sight and reach. In addition, such shelves will be more reliable than if made from hardwood.

But the sheathing of the frame, of course, should be made from rocks that will not burn you. deciduous are best suited , for example, linden or aspen , or the African abash, so beloved by everyone . By the way, this is a distant relative of the linden tree.

What are the benefits of linden, aspen or abash? They have a relatively low density, so this wood does not heat up well. Conifers have record holders whose density is even lower, but they cannot be recommended, because no one has canceled the release of resin .

We have a whole section about regiments here.

Wooden baths

Traditional Russian ancient baths have always been associated with healing and relaxation, as they are the most effective, healing and comfortable. Such old baths were built only from wood and only with their own hands; this structure will have an original beautiful appearance and is distinguished by a luxurious aroma of wood.

Wood is distinguished by its content of unique essential oils, which are especially beneficial for health and will have an interesting smell. The beautiful and stylish appearance of the bathhouse is created precisely by wood, which also contains antiseptic substances to disinfect the material.

Foundations for a wooden bath:

  1. Tape
  2. Pile
  3. Columnar
  4. Special slab foundation

To build a high-quality, durable structure, it is necessary to take into account all technological construction stages. This structure can be separate or combined with a house; it can be built from rounded or chopped logs. Construction begins with pouring the foundation, followed by assembling the house itself, installing the roof and finishing the building.

It is necessary to take into account literally all technologies of wooden house construction, so that the house will last a long time and of high quality. Building a wooden bathhouse is a complex and labor-intensive task that requires a lot of knowledge and extensive experience in working with wood.

Advantages of a larch bath

  • The most common wood species used in the construction of baths is larch, as well as cedar and pine. Larch here is the most expensive, but its density is quite high, and it also contains unique resins . A bathhouse made of this wood will be the most durable, that is, a log house made of larch can last literally hundreds of years due to the durability of the material. Larch has ideal aesthetic and performance properties, and this makes the wood the best for making a log house. This wood is not even afraid of moisture and water; it is quite durable and can withstand heavy loads coming from the very frame of the bathhouse.
  • Another unique advantage of larch is its protection from general biological destruction and decay . Larch is truly high-quality and unique wood, so a log frame made from this material will be the best solution if you strive for the durability of your bathhouse. There are also such advantages as wear resistance and low sensitivity to humidity and temperature changes. These are precisely the qualities that are so important for the construction of a bathhouse. In addition, larch also has a beautiful range of colors and stylish texture; it is one of the best types of wood for making a log house.
  • To build a Russian bathhouse, you should also know how to choose wood; you can choose the most expensive options, that is, linden or larch. These two types of wood are quite dense; in addition, they can retain a fresh look for a long time and will have a beautiful texture. The most elite and durable option for construction is Siberian larch. It is larch that can give a head start in terms of durability and beauty to maple, pine and beech, and in terms of strength it is not inferior even to oak. The content of various essential oils here is very high, so the bathhouse becomes very fragrant. It is an ideal antiseptic and is not even afraid of woodworms and rot, and also has healing qualities.

What breed is this

Larch is a tree from the pine family. It grows quite tall, up to 80 m, but usually reaches only 20-30 m. The tree lives up to 400 years. A distinctive feature is the shedding of needles in the winter. This is not characteristic of any other coniferous tree.

Advantages of the material

Larch has long been valued for its wood, which has the following qualities:

  • Durability . Stronger than oak. For comparison: oak wood has a strength of 690 kg/m3, and larch - up to 725 kg/m3. True, such specimens are not always found and not everywhere. Most often you can find a material whose strength is 650-670 kg/m3.
  • Moisture resistance . Due to its high density, the tree has low moisture absorption compared to other conifers (pine, spruce and others). In practice, this means that it can be exposed to high humidity conditions for a long time without harming itself. This is optimal for a bath.
  • Resistant to various chemicals . This property makes the material an excellent solution for bath floors. Even if it is washed using special cleaning products, there is no need to worry about its safety.
  • Antiseptic properties . Like any other conifers, larch contains natural antiseptics. They are able to destroy pathogenic bacterial and fungal microflora. Over time, these properties disappear, but for 7-8 years after the construction of the bathhouse they will definitely remain.
  • Fire resistance . Although larch is a coniferous tree with an abundance of resin, it burns rather poorly. This is due to its density. No air gets between the fibers, so the combustion process is very low-intensity. This property is especially important for the bathhouse floor, on which firebrands can fall.
  • Aroma . If you want to steam in a steam room with the unique aroma of pine needles, larch is a good solution. She keeps it for a long time.

Another advantage of larch is its attractive appearance. It has an interesting pattern, more varied than other conifers, as well as a pleasant golden-honey hue.

Disadvantages of the material

Larch has few disadvantages - only two.

  • The first is its price . Compared to other breeds, this one will cost a little more. So it's better to plan your budget in advance.
  • The second disadvantage is the flip side of one of the advantages . Due to its density, the material is quite difficult to process. However, this minus is relevant only if the bathhouse is built with your own hands.

IMPORTANT! Also, the disadvantages include the poor thermal insulation properties of larch compared to other conifers. It does not retain heat well, so in winter the bathhouse will have to be heated more intensively to maintain a consistently high temperature inside. When compared with other similar breeds, thermal insulation is approximately 25-30% worse.

Disadvantages of larch baths

  • Larch is a fairly resistant and durable excellent wood that costs more than cedar and pine . A bathhouse made from this wood will cost twice as much as one made from pine; this material heats up quite strongly and requires additional protective finishing. This wood is quite heavy and difficult to process, so making a log house from larch is quite difficult and you can ruin a lot of tools during processing. It quickly changes its color with changes in temperature and general humidity, although all types of wood have this disadvantage. It is better not to use larch to decorate the steam room itself, since it is not suitable for this; the ideal option is aspen or linden.
  • Only Siberian larch has unique construction qualities, so you should only buy it and not others. If you use larch from the European part of the Russian Federation, it will be no better than pine, which is cheaper and more common. Difficulties with larch will begin from the moment of drying; moreover, due to high humidity, the log very often cracks. The material has numerous advantages, but this material should only be purchased in excellent, perfect condition. Larch is quite capricious, so it is not recommended to build a bathhouse on your own, since it requires a lot of experience in the work.
  • Due to the heavy weight and density, additional costs are required for transportation and greater effort for construction . It is better to take timber from 32 cm thick, otherwise it will have to be heavily insulated by the walls in the log house. Installation of larch logs, due to their hardness and density, will be quite difficult. If a small larch board is used to install the floor, then it will be difficult to drive nails in there, that is, drilling is required. A log without a clear radial cut will quickly crack, which also complicates the process of building a bathhouse.


Judging by the reviews, larch bathhouses have been very popular lately. Experts do not recommend constructing a building from one material: they can be combined. For example, the 2-3 lower layers are larch, and the rest is pine. This is also explained by the material component: a bathhouse made of larch will cost at least twice as much as a bathhouse made of any other wood. And the workers will have to puff hard to process the material.

Larch in the steam room, on the contrary, is hotly welcomed by all specialists. Its main advantage lies in its appearance. People are willing to pay to observe beauty and benefit from it.

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Larch bathhouses should be built according to modern science; it is imperative to choose the right location and distance to other houses; for a black-style bathhouse, a distance of 12 meters from other houses should be taken into account. It is necessary to clearly make the layout of the washing room, steam room and dressing room, which should only be adjacent. The logs must be hewn to fit the bracket, and if the logs are thin, then additional processing of the walls must be done. If the bathhouse is made of larch, then it is better to use it as a foundation and for the manufacture of all floors, where this wood will be ideal.

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