Barrel sauna: design features, advantages, operating rules

If you are not yet familiar with a new product for bathing and relaxation called a barrel sauna, take an interest! This original structure came to us quite recently from the Baltic states and Finland. Its popularity is due to its ease of installation, exotic appearance and excellent functions of providing excellent heat, which means excellent vaping and comfort.


The simple installation of a barrel bath and its excellent properties undoubtedly influenced the cost of such a structure. The price of a barrel sauna depends on its size and the quality of the heat supplied. The house of the original semicircular shape can be installed very quickly, without requiring any foundation. Its base consists of two wooden beams fastened together, made of durable wood. For installation, you will need a flat surface in a place convenient for the owners. It can be built on a lawn, platform, terrace, and if the size allows, then in a house or other open or covered building.

Where can I get such a miracle?

The popularity of sauna barrels has grown so much in recent years that companies producing them are multiplying like mushrooms after rain. Since the cost of the coveted bathhouse can rise significantly due to long-distance transportation, it makes sense to look for a manufacturer closer to home. But even without taking into account transportation, the bathhouse will cost you at least two hundred thousand rubles. However, if you want to save money, you can order the design without assembly. Using ready-made “spare parts” it is no more difficult to put together than a toy car from a children’s construction set – except that it is larger in size. Moreover, the manufacturer provides a detailed diagram. And in case of a possible move, you will practice. The main joy in such a “design” is that it can be repeated many times - the reliability of the assembled bathhouse does not suffer from assembly and disassembly.


Such a structure has standard width dimensions, approximately 2 or 2.2 m. The length varies, ranging from 2 to 6 meters. The height allows free movement of a tall man. Reviews of the barrel sauna claim that such a room can accommodate from 2 to 8 people.

The specific structure of the barrel contributes to its better heating due to the absence of corners. In just an hour, the sauna heats up to 100 degrees. The interior of this original semicircular house has a steam room, a dressing room, and a washroom. Some barrel baths may have a different placement, including the presence of a canopy and a terrace.

Errors in construction

The construction team will quickly determine what the bathhouse, timber or frame should be like - what is best to offer to the customer, based on his requirements, suggestions, features and terrain conditions. However, to avoid common mistakes, professionals should consider the following number of factors:

  • Wood harvesting time. Only winter wood contains a minimum of moisture and does not crack.
  • The type of material used in construction - when is it better to use traditional, and in which case the newest.
  • Features of the terrain. The appropriate type of foundation and, accordingly, the possibility of constructing a suitable bathhouse option will depend on this.
  • Operating time: seasonal, all year round.
  • Financial capabilities of the customer.

The price of a barrel bath is available to buyers

Baths in the form of barrels have become popular among the population due to their affordable price. These easy-to-use designs are convenient and portable. The optimal dimensions of such buildings are very convenient for installation on a summer cottage and for transportation. The price of a barrel bath with dimensions of 2x2 m with a minimum configuration ranges from 70,000 rubles. The same design, 5 meters long, has a price of over 160,000 rubles.

Adding additional amenities increases the price significantly, but it's worth it. The structure is assembled from thermally treated wood (cedar, linden, spruce, pine, larch). The price of a barrel sauna depends on the wood from which it is made and its size. The price is influenced by high-quality protective agents that are used only on the outside of the building. The roof can be made of metal tiles or other roofing materials, which also affects the cost. A wood-burning or electric stove, a mesh for stones, a pipe for exhaust, plugs, ventilation grilles and even a water tank are taken into account in advance when calculating the cost of a barrel bath. Also explore our proposals for bathhouse designs with a relaxation room.

Conditions necessary for long-term operation

If you bought a ready-made, assembled barrel sauna, then all the necessary technical specifications were met by the manufacturer. If you purchased it in the form of spare parts, but assembled it exactly according to the diagram, following all the recommendations, then there is nothing to worry about. But if you decide to make yourself a bathhouse from scratch, follow a few tips that will significantly extend the life of your structure.

First, calculate the slope of the floor. The corner is required so that water can drain, otherwise the floor will sooner or later rot. To prevent this, provide drain holes (preferably in drainage pipes, but you can also simply put them on the ground with a drainage ditch).

The inside of the wood of your barrel should be impregnated with a special composition that increases fire safety, and the outside with natural linseed oil. It prevents excessive moisture and possible subsequent rotting of the walls. If you follow these simple rules, you will get an excellent barrel sauna - reviews from “self-builders” clearly state this.


Barrel-shaped saunas bring great pleasure from steaming and the incomparable, pleasant aroma of natural wood. Many are fascinated by the original design of this design. If desired, such a bathhouse can be loaded onto the platform of a car and transported to any place, for example, to a lake. Provided they are used correctly, such houses will last a very long time, delighting their owners and their guests. Therefore, reviews about the barrel bath are positive, and often simply delightful. Barrel saunas have:

  • excellent soaring effect;
  • beautiful and original look;
  • mobility;
  • ability to use various heat sources;
  • fast heating;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • practicality;
  • long service life.

Look at the reviews of barrel saunas and you will be convinced of their practicality.

No. 3. Material of execution

When building a traditional bathhouse, the choice of construction material is not so important - it is much more important to choose the right cladding material. For a barrel bath, it is necessary to correctly determine the material of execution at the time of design. Typically, the following types of rocks are used:

  • oak is the preferred material for building a bathhouse. This is a strong, durable wood that has a fairly high resistance to moisture and at the same time boasts a beautiful pattern and color. The disadvantage of this material, as you might guess, is its high cost;
  • linden has excellent healing properties; when heated, such wood emits vapors that have a positive effect on the respiratory system. In addition, they are good for the skin and have a rejuvenating effect. Linden has excellent thermal insulation properties, but it also has one big drawback - poor resistance to water, so linden baths begin to rot faster than structures made from other species;
  • aspen is a relatively cheap species that is not inferior in strength to linden, withstands moisture better, retains its shape well and does not crack;
  • cedar is the only coniferous species that is suitable for building a bathhouse. This is a very dense wood that is not afraid of temperature changes and high humidity, does not shrink, is not affected by fungus and mold, and that is why it is highly durable. In addition, a cedar sauna is also aromatherapy, which is a bonus.

The remaining conifers contain a large amount of resins, which, when exposed to high temperatures, begin to actively release. From such material you can only create a frame for a bathhouse. Bath equipment is made from fir, alder and birch - this is cheaper wood.

The thickness of the boards is 30-40 mm. The most common are bathhouses with board thicknesses of 40 mm. The thicker the material, the higher the thermal insulation qualities of the steam room.

Positive and negative reviews about the barrel sauna

Despite the innovation, reviews of the barrel sauna are most often admiring and positive . Users love the original look and the warmth and comfort that they receive while staying in such a swimming place. They are satisfied with the efficiency and speed of heating, welcoming the natural heating method - wood. Some owners of such round wooden structures have a stove that runs on electricity and is efficient and economical compared to stationary rectangular saunas. Many people welcome the mobility of such structures and ease of installation. Almost everyone is satisfied with the price, because such a mobile structure uses environmentally friendly material - wood. Basically, the price of a barrel bath depends on the cost of wood and other components.

Among the disadvantages of a sauna barrel, many note its small size, in which case - build a large sauna yourself! There are some comments regarding the care of such a structure, which requires draining the water from the washing compartment, cleaning up the remains of brooms and mandatory drying. What did you want? Any room requires care! There is an opinion that this design is effective only in summer and autumn. Pessimists believe that a relatively low level of insulation does not provide full effectiveness when used in severe frosts. But there are arguments for this regarding modern insulation and moving the bathhouse under the roof.

Winter swimming

Most people use the dacha (and the bathhouse located on its territory) mainly in warm seasons. However, if desired, even in cold weather, a barrel sauna remains quite accessible. In winter, consumer reviews worsen in some ways and become more enthusiastic in others. The drop in enthusiasm is mainly caused by the need to insulate the steam room for use in cold weather. This is usually done on the outside with roll insulation, which, as you understand, does not at all improve the appearance of such an original and self-sufficient structure. On the other hand, the opportunity to have a good steam in the cold, after which to plop down in a fresh snowball and engage in barbecue with renewed vigor, attracts many. But if you use a barrel sauna in winter, follow a few tips, otherwise by summer you will be left without a steam room. Adjacent compartments must be heated with the doors between them open. Otherwise, some will warm up well, others will remain at the same temperature - and the tree will either tear or be distorted by the contrast. When the steaming process is completed, do not turn off the stove immediately. Let it work in “background” mode for another 3-4 hours. All doors, except external ones, again, must be open. During this time, the entire room will dry out; as a result, rot and mosses will not have the slightest chance to destroy your wooden bathhouse, unpleasant odors will not appear, the wood will not swell, and by the next time all the equipment will meet you in order and readiness.

Enjoy some light steam with the barrel sauna!

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