Cuirassier stoves - purpose, consumption, pros and cons

The Russian company TD TechnoTrade is a manufacturer of high-quality, reliable, economical and productive stoves for the Cuirassier brand. The model range of this brand appeared on the market in 2009 and currently enjoys well-deserved popularity, worthy of competing for consumers with sauna stoves from foreign manufacturers. Cuirassier stoves combine power and quality, and therefore can become a source of heat and steam for baths and saunas - these models are capable of generating hot air, both dry, characteristic of a sauna, and humid, which is used in bath procedures.

Wood stove for sauna Cuirassier Shvedka

Cuirassier 25 Intro

PRICE (RUB): 23610 Steam room volume max. (m3): 32 Dimensions WxDxH (mm): 524x508x993 Stove weight (kg): 89 Stone weight (kg): 90 Pre-furnace tunnel (yes/no): yes Glass door (yes/no): yes

"Cuirassier" stoves are a series of heater stoves of the "GREIVARI" trademark from Novosibirsk - this is a series of heater stoves of the "GREIVARI" trademark from Novosibirsk - this is a series of heater stoves of the "GREIVARI" trademark from Novosibirsk - this is a series of heater stoves of the trade brand "GREIVARI" from Novosibirsk. Cuirassier 15 Finka stove with a shortened fuel channel.

Main advantages

The bottom of the stoves in this line is protected from overheating by ash pads. Seamless curved walls are practically not subject to deformation. A well-thought-out cooling system extends the service life of the grate. The nozzle screen reliably protects the rear wall of the structure from overheating. These features make the structure very durable and reliable.

The steam is rich due to the large volume of stones. Their area is fully utilized, which leads to their complete heating due to the inclined bottom and smoke collector. The bottom is designed with a slope, which prevents the pouring of stones.

Cuirassier 15 with Screen tank

PRICE (RUB): 16530 Steam room volume max. (m3): 16 Dimensions WxDxH (mm): 453x474x832 Stove weight (kg): 68 Stone weight (kg): 50 Water tank volume (l): 22 Pre-furnace tunnel (yes/no): yes Glass door (yes/no ): There is

"Cuirassier" stoves are a series of heater stoves of the "GREIVARI" trademark from Novosibirsk - this is a series of heater stoves of the "GREIVARI" trademark from Novosibirsk - this is a series of heater stoves of the "GREIVARI" trademark from Novosibirsk - this is a series of heater stoves of the trade “GREIVARI” brands from Novosibirsk are used in steam rooms from 8 m3 to 16 m3. Screen - glass door.

Functional Features

Any Greyvari stove is easy to use and easy to install. If necessary, it can be set horizontally - this is possible thanks to the adjusting screws. To clean the firebox, a special hole is provided, which greatly simplifies the process. The doors can be opened in any direction. The large volume of the firebox provides an intense flow of oxygen, which ensures complete combustion of wood.

In addition to technical advantages, each Greyvari stove has another interesting feature - its aesthetic design makes them a stylish and modern decoration for the bathhouse. This line has excellent performance characteristics that make it an attractive solution.

Cuirassier 10 Screen

PRICE (RUB): 11600 Steam room volume max. (m3): 12 Dimensions WxDxH (mm): 424x477x690 Stove weight (kg): 57 Stone weight (kg): 45 Pre-furnace tunnel (yes/no): yes Glass door (yes/no): yes

“Cuirassier” stoves are a series of heater stoves of the “GREIVARI” brand from the Novosibirsk

PRICE (RUB): 15260 Steam room volume max. (m3): 32 Dimensions WxDxH (mm): 524x508x993 Stove weight (kg): 89 Stone weight (kg): 90 Pre-furnace tunnel (yes/no): yes Glass door (yes/no): no

“Cuirassier” stoves are a series of heater stoves of the “GREIVARI” brand from Novosibirsk. “Cuirassier 25 Standard 2010” are used in paired rooms from 16 m3 to 32 m3.

Design features of Cuirassier stoves

The main feature of Cuirassier models is high heat transfer due to the special productivity of heating equipment. One of the key moments of the combustion process in the furnace is the afterburning of combustible gases. When wood burns, up to 35% of volatile hydrocarbons are released. In a conventional sauna stove, they immediately leave the firebox through the pipe. The structure of Cuirassier models allows these hydrocarbons to be burned before they exit the chimney, due to which the smoke releases its entire energy potential, and the steam room receives additional degrees. Afterburning of gases is carried out due to a double oxygen supply system through the ash pan in the front and the nozzle-screen in the rear part of the installation.

Design of the Cuirassier stove

Article on the topic - types and types of stoves.

A nonlinear smoke collector allows smoke to stay in the stove longer, pass through the heater and give it the maximum amount of heat.

The beam grate is made in the form of separate elements not connected to each other. The heating point in a stove is never uniform: in one place the combustion is stronger, in another weaker. Due to this, the beams heat up, begin to move and self-clean from ash, freeing up access to oxygen.

An additional oxygen circuit that runs along the outer edge of the oven heats the air passing through it twice as fast. The container for stones has additional holes.

It is impossible to pour stones into the heater due to the slight slope of its bottom. The water flows to one side, accumulates there and gradually evaporates, creating soft humidity in the steam room.

The chimney pipe is made of a 1.5 mm thick stainless steel sheet - it is installed in the maximum heating zone.

For the manufacture of the firebox, sheet steel with a thickness of 3-6 mm is used, for the smoke collector and deflector - 6 mm. The durable, heat- and corrosion-resistant material from which the equipment is made ensures their reliability and durability.

And a number of additional features that do not directly affect performance, but increase usability, can be noted:

  • The direction of opening the doors can be changed by reversing the curtains;
  • the minimum number of seams in the firebox ensures additional reliability of installation;
  • Thanks to the adjustable legs, the unit can be placed on any surface.

Cuirassier Finka and Swede

These two lines of sauna stoves are heated from a steam room, therefore they do not have an external flow tunnel. These models have an interesting feature - enhanced ventilation. In Fink stoves, an ash box is used for ventilation; in Shvedka there is a special gate (damper). You've probably noticed that around the middle of the procedure in the steam room it often becomes not so much too hot, but simply impossible to breathe. This happens because there is not enough oxygen. Usually there is nothing you can do about it: if you open the window/door, the temperature will drop and you won’t be able to steam anymore. But in the Fink and Shvedka ovens of the GrayVary campaign it is possible to activate air movement.

Cuirassier Finka in standard modification

To do this, the damper is opened or the ash drawer is pulled out. Air begins to be actively sucked into the opened space. Since the hole is located at the bottom, the coldest air comes out, and also humid and with a minimum amount of oxygen. Once in the firebox, it instantly dries out, reacts with flammable gases and, in the end, flies out into the chimney. In place of the “escaped” air, fresh air enters through the cracks under the door or special ventilation holes. Since the atmosphere has already begun to move, it quickly mixes with the warmer one, without significantly lowering the temperature. After about two minutes, the damper must be closed - due to the additional air, combustion has intensified, the temperature in the firebox has increased, and in a matter of moments it will regain the lost few degrees. But there will be enough oxygen in the steam room.

Technical characteristics of the Cuirassier Shvedka and Finka stoves

If we talk about technical characteristics, the Finka line includes a model for small steam rooms from 6 to 10 cubic meters. It also has the smallest dimensions (see table).

Operating conditions for bath and sauna stoves

  • When installing a stove in a log bathhouse, preliminary preparation is required. The base on which the heating equipment will stand must certainly be in the form of a concrete podium. The walls are protected from the effects of elevated temperatures by brickwork, layers of thermal insulation material and iron. This multi-layer protection makes it possible to protect the tree from temperatures of 150˦C.
  • If the stove will be in one room and the firebox in another, then it is also necessary to insulate the hole in the wall between the rooms.
  • The water heating circuit is not provided in the basic configuration; to install it, such a part will have to be ordered additionally. If you plan to heat water in a separate container, then it is worth ordering a flow-type heat exchanger for economical heating of water.
  • After completing the installation work, the stove installation is connected to the chimney. Mandatory condition: the chimney must be equipped with a spark arrester.
  • Avoid heating the outer surface to red hot temperatures. To reduce the intensity of fuel combustion, and therefore to lower the temperature, close the ash pan, then the oxygen supply will decrease. The same must be done when the temperature in the steam room ceases to be comfortable. If this rule is not followed, the service life of the installation will be reduced. It may fail before the warranty expires, and if used incorrectly, the manufacturer withdraws all its obligations.

Cuirassier stove after installation
By following all operating rules, you will extend the life of your sauna stove, save your family budget and get the opportunity to enjoy an excellent sauna for a long time. The manufacturer guarantees the service life of all furnace installations for at least 12 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of equipment


Such installations need to be heated with wood, it is better if they are made of hard wood. But there are no special requirements for the quality of the wood - you can even put in raw firewood, since the hot air entering the firebox will dry it out without any problems. You can use wood chips for kindling. Firewood must be placed in the firebox taking into account the required space for free burning of at least 20 cm3. It is important not to overheat such models, since due to excessive thermal load, equipment components may fail.

If necessary, you can take the firebox outside, and kindling will be made from there. In any case, care must be taken to ensure that the street pipe is not located too close to the wall - in the presence of flammable materials, additional shielding and protection is mandatory.

Checking the furnace at the end of installation

Cuirassier stoves are intended for home use only and are not suitable for commercial purposes on an industrial scale.

Installation recommendations

In this regard, everything is standard and there are no special requirements or recommendations. The stoves must be placed on a non-combustible base. The base can be laid out of brick, or made multi-layered - a sheet of steel is attached to a layer of mineral wool cardboard. Read about how to install a metal sauna stove here.

When installing fireboxes with removal, combustible walls must be protected with non-combustible materials. To do this, a portal is cut out in the wall, an air gap is left between the walls of the remote firebox and the wall, which is then filled with bricks or mineral wool (must withstand temperatures of 800°C and above).

Installation diagram of a metal stove for a Cuirassier bath

According to the manufacturer's recommendation, the height of the chimney from the exit point of the smoke pipe to its top is 5 m. It is recommended to use sandwich pipes with their insulation in the under-roof space. Please note that even sandwich pipes must be routed through the ceiling and roof in a special passage unit (read how to route a sauna stove pipe through the roof here).

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