Mobiba - mobile baths: pros and cons

Dreams of portable, mobile bathhouses began a long time ago. Even in ancient times, people appreciated the advantages of mobile baths over stationary ones, which were doomed to be in one place. By the way, a short name was invented for such baths - Mobiba.

But turning dreams into reality was problematic.

Firstly, there is a catastrophic shortage of materials. Secondly, the scientific and technical base was weak. Thirdly, even if such baths were put into production, the price for them was extremely high, that is, not affordable for a wide segment of the population.

What types of mobile saunas are there?

Hiking steam rooms have been around for a long time. Our ancestors used stretched dense fabric, and instead of a stove and stones, they used cannonballs heated over a fire.

A modern mobile sauna works on similar principles, but now there is no need to build it from improvised means. Today there are high-tech options that can be used not only in the country, but also on any hike, fishing, or hunting .

Different companies produce mobile saunas on different bases. You can install a block container from a block house with a timber or log finish, or from profile metal sheets with a polymer coating. Also, a mobile bathhouse can be made from coniferous timber.

For finishing the steam room the following can be used:

  • timber covered with clapboard;
  • timber profiled as a “block house”;
  • planed timber.

Cladding, roofing, layout and capacity can be very different depending on the wishes of the customer. A turnkey mobile sauna is assembled depending on the complexity in a very short period - from an hour to one day .

Such a mobile bathhouse can be installed either on a base or on a wheelbase.

Relaxation with mobile saunas

When mobile bathhouses appeared, outdoor recreation changed dramatically. For once there is an opportunity to combine business with pleasure:

  1. Relax with family or friends
  2. Take bath procedures

Since the mobile sauna is compact, it has become popular among people engaged in active recreation. They can often be seen among hunters, fishermen and many others who cannot sit still.

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