Storage tank for water supply: installation of water tanks in an apartment - device, connection diagram, dimensions

The lack of the usual H2O in the water tap is a common everyday nuisance that is simply impossible to get used to. A person is able to adapt to the systematic shutdown of gas or electricity, but it is the lack of drinking liquid that he endures the hardest. Of course, you can collect life-giving moisture in bottles and cans in advance, but this is not a way out. It is much more reasonable to purchase a storage tank for the water supply system and install the container under the water.

Purpose of the water storage tank

The needs of a modern person are not limited to simply the supply of drink to the home. Every consumer of this resource wants H2O to flow from the tap under good pressure and ensure the uninterrupted functioning of household appliances. However, in a number of situations this is only possible if there is a water storage tank.

Installation is usually done:

  • If there are no alternative water sources on the homestead territory or nearby. In this situation, a tank that is systematically filled from a tanker truck will be a real salvation.
  • When liquid is supplied to residential premises through a centralized water supply system irregularly or in accordance with an established schedule.
  • If you have your own well or well with low productivity. In this case, limited resources simply cannot meet all the needs of residents.
  • During frequent power outages, without which pumping units are unable to function.

Main types of breakdowns

Modern manufacturers have learned to create excellent luxury water heating equipment. It uses gas to operate efficiently and rarely fails. However, even the best gas heaters cannot avoid breakdowns. The list of inevitable malfunctions includes:

  • water leaks;
  • poor heating of the liquid;
  • discharge of power elements;
  • weak water pressure;
  • lack of gas.

Owners of gas boilers can repair some faults themselves. Anyone can change the batteries in the power supply. It is also easy to eliminate weak water pressure - perhaps excess scale has simply formed in the heat exchanger. To remove it, remove the heat exchanger and rinse thoroughly. For these purposes, you can also use special descaling liquids.

It is not difficult to solve the problem of poor water heating on your own. The main reason for such a malfunction is often contamination of the heat exchanger with soot. The solution to this problem is to remove the mentioned element and remove plaque. If more significant problems occur, you should contact a professional.

Using the Water Tank

To use the reserve supply of H2O at any time, the storage tank must be connected to the water supply. The connection must be carried out taking into account the supply of an aqueous solution in automatic mode (if there is not enough external pressure) or the activation moment must be set using a conventional valve. There are many ways to install water storage devices. To decide on a specific option, you need to take into account the following factors:

  • source type;
  • probable location;
  • living space layout, etc.

In addition, it is advisable to familiarize yourself in advance with the design of different storage tanks for water supply and consider their connection diagrams. Once all the important nuances have been taken into account and the available information has been studied, you can choose the most suitable configuration.

Video description

Video instructions on how to make pressurized water supply to your home and property through a membrane storage tank:

  • Lower.

The container is installed on the floor or on the ground. Filled under pump pressure. Operation of the system also requires constant operation of the equipment. Which makes the water supply completely energy dependent.

This option is ideal for low well productivity. First, the tank is pumped at a speed limited by the parameters of the source, and then it is consumed according to consumer needs.

  • Membrane accumulator.

This is another way to supply water from the lower location of the storage tank when the system is not equipped with a pump. Initially, water is drawn into the container from the well, and then enters and is distributed through the internal water supply under the influence of pressure generated by the membrane accumulator.

On a note! When placing a tank in an attic, tower, basement or any other unheated place, insulation and a suitable heating system are required - both inlet and outlet pipes and the body.

Features of the storage container

The water tank is designed to maintain the required pressure level (the same as an expansion tank). The optimal solution for these purposes is a storage tank with a closed type membrane. Such models are produced with a membrane base located inside. A mesh membrane divides the internal area into two halves. One section is occupied by air, the second by liquid.

Water storage tanks are used in individual systems. Their use is relevant in case of systematic interruptions in the supply of water to the home. The storage tank replenishes it from accumulated reserves. Water storage tanks are produced by manufacturers in a wide range of sizes and volumetric characteristics. Drainage and water supply adapters, filter elements, and ventilation outlets are located on the surface of the housing. There are also models equipped with pumping stations. They already belong to the category of expensive products.

The storage tank simultaneously performs a number of functions:

  • stabilizes the pressure level when the supercharger is inactive;
  • protects against water hammer occurring due to the penetration of air masses into the water supply system or power surges;
  • maintains the set volume of liquid;
  • ensures wear resistance of pumps.

Principle of operation

Let's look at how an electric storage water heater works. Electric storage water heating equipment is distinguished by a special operating principle based on the movement of the hottest water layers upward and the shift of cold water, which has a high density, to the lower part of the tank with heating elements.

The initial connection of a water heating device to the electrical network is accompanied by turning on the heating element and heating the water to a temperature condition at which the thermostat contacts provoke the opening of the electrical circuit.

Operating principle of a water heater

The process of inversion of water heated to the specified parameters into the supply main system is prevented by the installed non-return valve device. It is thanks to the presence of such fittings that the water flow moves in only one direction.

Opening the supply tap at the water point causes hot water to flow to consumers through a special pipe, which is accompanied by a decrease in pressure inside the storage tank. As a result, the water heating tank is filled with cold water from the water supply system.

The presence of a functional divider at the inlet pipe does not allow hot water to mix with the cold water flows entering the water heating tank. The dissecting device distributes the jet and at the same time reduces the speed of its movement. It is for this reason that the flow of cold water is evenly distributed over the very bottom of the water heating device, which allows the installed heating element to carry out effective heating.

In normal mode, a decrease in the temperature of the water in the tank causes the contacts of the thermostat to close and subsequently connect to the electrical network.

Types of reserve tanks (water storage tanks) for cold water

In accordance with the technical characteristics and configuration features, water storage tanks are divided into several classes according to:

  • Form. They are produced in round, rectangular, cylindrical, and in the form of non-standard models.
  • Design differences: closed or open.
  • The material from which the tanks are made. The most common are metal, polypropylene, stainless steel, and plastic.
  • Volume. Water storage tanks have a capacity from 7 to 500 liters.
  • Purpose: for hot water supply, hot water supply, heating systems and irrigation.
  • Installation method. Possible vertical or horizontal placement, underground or wall mounting.

Operation and Maintenance

As a rule, a water storage tank does not require special maintenance. But some measures during operation of the tank are still worth carrying out:

  • The hydraulic accumulator (sealed container) should be checked for integrity once every six months. The tank requires special attention if the pressure in the system drops for no apparent reason.
  • A leaking tank should be regularly flushed to remove accumulated sludge. To do this, turn off the pump and drain the water naturally from the system. Using a brush with a long handle, treat the walls of the tank. Then open the shut-off valve of the hose that leads to the sewer. In this way, the tank is washed twice and then filled again for further use.

Device and diagram for connecting a water storage tank to a water supply system

The liquid level in the storage tank is regulated by built-in level gauges, which are divided into float and electronic versions. The supercharger pumps H2O from the source to the backup storage. The aquatic environment fills the water storage tank to the set value, after which the float valve is activated and the water intake process stops.

When activated, the electric motor of the pump begins to fill the collection compartment of the reservoir. The air space compartment at this moment decreases. A decrease in air volume leads to an increase in pressure. As soon as a certain norm is reached, the injection unit is switched off automatically. It will work again when the atmosphere indicator drops to the minimum level.

1.5 m3/h For process water

1.5 m3/h For process water

MBFT-75 Membrane for 75GPD

Installation errors

During the installation of a pumping station, there is a risk of making mistakes:

  • To avoid problems, pipes for installation must be larger than the calculated value. Such a reserve will allow you to compensate for bends, turns and the thickness of the foundation if the station is installed in a room in the house.
  • It is recommended to use only a wrench to tighten parts. If you try to perform this operation manually, there is a risk of a leak subsequently occurring.
  • You especially need to be attentive to the hydraulic accumulator. The pressure in it should be at least 1.2-1.5 atmospheres. If the pressure drops below the specified mark, it is necessary to use appropriate devices - a compressor or a car pump, which will help restore the required pressure.

Nuances of choosing a storage tank

When choosing a suitable water storage tank, focus on the needs of future consumers of the water resource. Determine how many people will use it. Also count the number of water intake facilities in the house or apartment. These include: kitchen taps, showers, various household appliances that consume H2O during operation. Plus, consider the possibility of use by several people at once. So that it doesn’t happen when one family member is washing, and the second cannot wash the dishes at that time.


Tanks are used for collecting and storing drinking liquids and other non-aggressive substances that meet the food category. A variety of sizes of water supply storage tanks with and without a pump for water in an apartment allow you to save a sufficient amount of resource. A certain amount of reserves is especially relevant during systematic supply cuts. And also in cases where there is no source on the plot.

Shape and volume

Many who in practice have encountered the purchase of reserve capacity believe that the optimal displacement should be 250 liters. This is exactly the amount of liquid that will be sufficient for mass flow. For example, it will be spent cleaning the house, washing the car, filling the bath. The aqueous solution will constantly move without stagnating. 150 or 200 liters is not enough for this.

However, it is impossible to confidently recommend any specific parameters. The most common but valuable substance - H2O - is consumed differently by everyone. Therefore, when purchasing a storage tank, focus on the needs of your household.


Manufacturers produce devices of two types: metal and plastic.

The first option is products made of stainless steel, which is impervious to mechanical damage and rust. In this regard, metal models are quite expensive and are often made to order. To avoid the negative effects of corrosion when collecting and storing hot liquid, the tanks are coated on the inside with heat-resistant enamel.

Storage tanks made of plastic are the most practical and common. They are easy to manufacture, light weight and low cost.

How does an indirect heating boiler work?

Externally, an indirect heating boiler looks like a large tank with a cylindrical shape. And the boiler design itself consists of the following parts:

  • boiler body;
  • insulation;
  • tank made of stainless steel;
  • thermometer;
  • heat exchanger;
  • magnesium anode.

Diagram of a heating system with a direct circuit.

Due to the presence of a layer of insulation between the tank and the body of the boiler itself, the heat loss coefficient is 3-4ºC per day. The thermometer allows you to control the set temperature of the water in the tank. The heat exchanger is a spiral-shaped steel or brass tube, which is located inside the boiler itself. Very often this tube has a complex shape and is located closer to the bottom of the boiler. Manufacturers claim that it is thanks to this fact that it is possible to achieve uniform heating of water throughout the entire container. The magnesium anode is designed to protect the tank from galvanic corrosion. Almost all electrochemical reactions will affect the magnesium anode without affecting other parts of the water heater. Over time, this part of the water heater will have to be replaced as it is subject to constant wear and tear.

Almost all new models of modern boilers have an alternative heat source. Such devices are also called combined. In the summer, when the heating season is over, boilers use either electricity or gas to heat water. There are also models on the market that can heat water using sunlight.

Connection options

You can connect the storage tank to the water supply using two different methods: by placing it at a certain height or by placing it at ground level.

Upper placement is used mainly when there are no household appliances in the living space that are particularly demanding of good pressure. For the minimal needs of household members, such as washing dishes, cleaning the house, hygiene procedures, it is optimal.

The lower location is more efficient. Suitable for residential buildings that have all the amenities familiar to city residents. This type of installation requires mandatory equipment with a pump, since in its absence it will not be possible to obtain the required pressure.

SF-mix Clack up to 0.8 m3/h

SF-mix Runxin up to 0.8 m3/h

SF-mix manual up to 0.8 m3/h

Norms for the distance of treatment facilities on the site

According to SNiP, treatment facilities and pits must be located at a considerable distance from the house, water well and other engineering facilities.

  • From a residential building - at least 5 m to a septic tank, VOC, cesspool to avoid unpleasant odors entering the room. And also prevent in advance the possible disastrous consequences of the influence of a humid environment on the foundation of the house.
  • It is 30-50 m to a water well. Of course, it is very difficult to follow this rule, since the size of the plots is very limited. It is still necessary to remove the septic tank from the water supply system as much as possible, to the extent technically possible.
  • To the borders of the neighboring plot - at least 2 m.
  • From the collector to plants and trees - the location is 2-4 m if the tree roots are large.

Water supply schemes with storage

They largely depend on the location and type of source, the process of preparing hot water, as well as the selected pumping system that supplies water to the container.

So, if water is drawn from a 7-8-meter well, it is quite enough to purchase a surface pump. A check valve will need to be installed on the inlet pipe to prevent H2O from escaping.

It will be possible to lift the aqueous solution from a depth of 15-18 meters only with the help of a remote ejector, which must be equipped with a supercharger.

Well, for an artesian well you can’t do without a submersible device.

Centralized water supply

When installing a water storage tank, regardless of the type of connection, you will definitely need a shut-off element. It is this that prevents the stored liquid from escaping back into the water supply.

Upper connection

The storage tank is mounted under the ceiling above the pipeline or in the attic. At the initial stage, it should already have a falling and water intake fitting, as well as a pipe for discharging excess into the sewer.

Next, a coarse filter device, a check valve, a water meter, and a valve are installed. Only after this can a tee be installed that leads the tube to the inlet adapter.

A hose to remove excess H2O is lowered into a sewer pipe or simply taken outside the living space, for example, to a garden or personal plot.

To control the filling level, special float elements are used.

Leading from below

In this case, all manipulations are performed similarly to the previous method. But unlike this, a pumping station is installed at the outlet, creating a certain pressure in the pipeline. To use the liquid, you must first activate the pump.

Bottom connection of storage tank with membrane

When studying water supply schemes with a storage tank for storing water in an apartment, one cannot help but pay attention to this option. You can connect a water storage tank of this type using just one tube connected to the water supply through a tee and valve. The water storage tank must be installed after the cleaning device, water meter and check valve.

AMETHYST - 02 M up to 2 cubic meters/day.

Aeration unit AS-1054 VO-90

Main table dispenser AquaPro 919H/RO (hot and cold water)

Autonomous system

Supplying H2O from an individual well or borehole source is extremely simple. It is lifted using a supercharger, the configuration of which depends on the height of the shaft and the depth of water resources.

Water tower

The storage tank is mounted 15-20 meters above the ground on an equipped tower or in the attic. The liquid from the pumping station is sent to a reserve tank, and from it is supplied to the toilet or kitchen in the living area. The necessary pressure is created due to the level difference between the water storage tank and the home tap.

Bottom connection

In this case, the storage tank is installed at the same height as the injection system or no higher than the first floor. Filling is carried out using a pump. The float switch acts as a control element. Optimal scheme for excessive H2O consumption.

Membrane design

Such a storage tank is installed immediately after the supercharger and the shut-off part (valve) through a lower connection.

Using a hydraulic accumulator

This device is designed to ensure the start of the pumping station. Can also be used as a reserve water tank. The more impressive the dimensions of the device, the higher the efficiency. However, the cost increases accordingly. Thanks to good tightness, it keeps the aqueous solution suitable for drinking.

Application of water heater

Installed for heating liquids in residential premises. At the same time it serves as a water storage tank. It is characterized by ease of installation and the ability to obtain heated H2O, regardless of the season.


Small leaks in the tank can be easily repaired on your own. These are typical malfunctions that manifest themselves mainly in the places where the pipes exit and where they connect with the pipes. You won’t need a welding machine, especially for plastic tanks. When eliminating defects yourself, it is recommended to use special putties and adhesives. The nuance is that not every product is suitable for these purposes - we are talking about water, which is also used for drinking and cooking.

When choosing a composition, you need to carefully read the instructions for its use. Experts recommend eliminating leaks in storage tanks using “cold welding”, two-component glue (“Poxypol”) or similar properties. To increase reliability, after applying the first layer, you need to apply a patch (for example, a piece of gauze) to the damaged area and re-process it. Manufacturers always indicate means that can be used to eliminate minor defects in the tank body; you just need to carefully read the instructions.

You need a quality water storage tank. Don’t waste time searching - the website presents various versions of tanks from well-known manufacturers at factory prices. Our online store also has everything necessary for their installation: pipes, shut-off valves, fittings, sealants. ALFATEP employees will help with calculations of the required tank capacity and recommend the optimal model, advise on the procedure for servicing and repairing the product, and advise which materials should be used. You can ask questions through the “Contacts” option or by phone (calls within the Russian Federation are free). Delivery of containers to the customer is carried out by the company’s representative offices in the regions, in a short time; We work all over Russia. Form of payment – ​​at the client’s choice, it is possible to provide a loan on preferential terms.

Where are water tanks installed?

The choice of location for storage tanks depends on many factors that must be taken into account when planning installation work.

  • You can provide backup water supply to a private home through a storage tank by installing the tank in a utility room under the ceiling.
  • Install a water tank in the attic or loft. If necessary, the structure will have to be insulated.
  • Place it directly on the floor surface or in the basement. Without a pumping station, of course, such a scheme will not work.

Video description

Video example of arranging a home water supply system using a storage tank:
Only one pipe is used for connection. Its installation location is the same as in previous cases - after the filter, meter and valve. In this case, for correct installation it is necessary to first adjust the pressure of the internal chamber. It must correspond to the operating pressure of the water supply.

Arrangement of autonomous water supply

There are several options for connection:

  • Like a water tower.

The storage tank is installed in the attic, the top floor of a private house or a tower specially built for this purpose, and water is supplied to it by means of a pump. In this case, to achieve normal pressure, the lower outlet pipe must be located above the ground at least 10-15 meters. The pressure in the system is determined by the difference in height between the container and the receiver.

The main advantage of this water supply option is the minimum cost. The disadvantage is the need to regularly clean the tank from accumulated sediment, as well as mandatory insulation if it is located outside a heated room.


When planning to purchase a storage tank and organize its operation in the house, it is worth enlisting the advice of experienced specialists:

  • Combine the purchase of a water storage device with the purchase of a filtration device. This way you can get crystal clear drinking liquid. When considering offers on the market, you should pay attention to products. We manufacture and sell water treatment equipment and are ready to help you choose the option that suits you.
  • When choosing a water storage tank, do not skimp on quality. If you buy a cheap product, you will probably spend more money on troubleshooting various problems.
  • When doing the installation yourself, consider the possibility of dismantling the system for repairs or replacement.
  • Be sure to consider grounding to prevent corrosion.


It is imperative to ground the boiler.
Any water heater, regardless of model and type, requires compliance with operating conditions, as well as safety precautions. Gas models have an increased danger, as there is a risk of gas leakage.

Contact with water is the main risk factor when operating any electrical product. The boiler is equipped with an automatic shutdown system upon contact with liquid, but this does not negate compliance with the simplest fire and electrical safety requirements.

It is important to make grounding in advance. Installation of a grounding wire is a basic and mandatory condition for the safety of an electrical appliance.

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