How to prepare a broom for use so that it lasts a long time

Signs about a broom in the house

Like a broom, a broom has always been considered an object that is often used in magical rituals. Therefore, it was sometimes perceived as a dangerous household item. But at the same time, in the past, a broom was also considered a talisman that protected the house. Nowadays, amulets in the form of brooms, which are decorated with various symbols, are common. Ordinary household items had the same meaning. Our ancestors created many superstitions about the broom and its place in the house. This cleaning item should be placed in a corner, handle down. This attracts money and also makes the energy part of cleaning more efficient. The fact is that the working part of the broom, when stored in this position, does not come into contact with debris, so you do not have to clean the broom every time or smear physical and other dirt on the floor while sweeping the floor. Of course, this item should be kept clean. The cleaner it is, the cleaner your home will be.


When choosing a broom for cleaning, it is advisable to consider the following points:

  1. A broom differs from a broom in shape and material of manufacture. For brooms made from natural raw materials, sorghum or millet is used, and for brooms, mainly willow or birch twigs are used. The handle in this case is most often a plastic or wooden shaft.
  2. Without brewing, a natural broom will last less.
  3. Brooms that are industrially made from sorghum must comply with the technical specifications of OST 56-31-91.
  4. In order to extend the life of any of the brooms, it is important to store them correctly. It is best to place the cleaning product horizontally rather than vertically.

An alternative to traditional hand brooms is an electric broom, which has various attachments.

Bath broom: signs

  • You cannot use a broom to break branches from a burnt tree. Make sure that the tree for the broom is healthy and strong, without growths and other diseases.
  • It is also a bad omen to break branches from a tree for a bath, which is divided into 2 large trunks from the very root.
  • Do not torture the tree by cutting off a whole broom from one branch. So you will lose the favor of the bannik - the spirit of the bathhouse.
  • Ask the tree for forgiveness when you break its branches and cause pain to it. And then the broom will be softer.
  • Tie a broom during the full moon - that’s when the trees have more power, and the shoots have magical properties.
  • Brooms, which were prepared on July 6, are healing. It is on this day that the collected herbs and plants have special healing powers.
  • You cannot take someone else’s bath broom - this way you can take away his illnesses for yourself. By the way, it’s not just about signs. After all, if a person has skin diseases, then with a steamed broom you can easily transfer them to yourself.
  • The ancestors considered it absolutely unacceptable to use a broom that had previously been used by a woman. Since often in ancient times women were equated with witches.

Banya broom

How to properly steam brooms for a bath - rules for different types of branches

The constant attribute and most recognizable symbol of the Russian steam room is, of course, the bath broom! In order to get the maximum benefit from using it, it is important to know how to properly steam a bath broom, which will be discussed in this article.

A visit to a real Russian steam room, as a rule, necessarily includes such a procedure as a traditional massage with a broom. Conducted in compliance with all necessary requirements, it has the most beneficial effect on health: strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism, and heals the skin. And to achieve the desired result, it is very important to properly prepare the broom and steam it. This is especially true if it is not fresh, but well dried.

How to steam a birch broom for a bath

In order for the birch leaves to acquire the necessary softness and the ability to collect toxins from the skin, and the branches to acquire the necessary flexibility, the broom is steamed.

But before this, the broom needs to be immersed in cold water for a few minutes, or rinsed under running water. This is done to wash away dust.


Place the broom in a tub of hot, almost boiling water. Cover with a lid, a basin or throw a clean cloth over it. Leave for about half an hour. Everyone, please take a steam bath.

A method that allows leaves to release phytoncides and beneficial substances as much as possible

Preparation for the bath procedure begins 5-6 hours in advance. The broom is soaked in cold water, completely immersing all the leaves. From time to time the broom is turned over in water. After 3-4 hours, the broom is pulled out of the water and placed in the water with the handle down, like a bouquet. For a couple of hours. The shoots will take on water and become elastic and strong, and the leaves will become soft. After this soaking, shake the broom and it is ready for use. By the way, after soaking a birch broom, it’s good to rinse your hair with water. It helps strengthen hair roots and tones the skin.

Gentle fermenting

A birch broom, completely immersed, is soaked in cold water overnight. Then they are pulled out and wrapped in a damp cloth. During the first warm-up entry into the steam room, a wrapped broom is brought into the steam room and placed on the bottom shelf. And the next time they use a birch broom.


If for some reason you don’t have time to prepare the “phyto-massager” for a long time, you can use the quick method. Pour about a bucket and a half of boiling water into a large tub. Dip a broom into it, immersing all the leaves. If necessary, add hot water. After a quarter of an hour, pull out the broom and lower the handle into the water. For the same amount. Pull it out, shake it. A birch broom, fragrant, flexible, is ready to go to the steam room.

Ultra fast way

Completely immerse the broom in water, and then bring it as close as possible and place it on the heater stones for 30-40 seconds. Water flowing from leaves onto stones turns into hard steam. Which quickly softens leaves and branches. Repeat 2-3 times. Make sure that there are no fallen leaves left on the stones. Otherwise they will start to burn and smoke.

When to buy a broom?

To attract money and protect yourself from diseases and troubles, you need to buy a broom correctly. Before purchasing a household item, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  • It is advisable to make the purchase on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday);
  • it is advisable to buy from a male seller without haggling;
  • you should not make a purchase in August;
  • It is best to buy on the days of the waxing moon;
  • when the seller hands over the goods, the buyer should make a wish that will certainly come true;
  • Having brought it home, immediately place the broom in the corner with the rods up;
  • According to legend, if you buy a broom on New Year's days, the purchase will be a strong amulet and attractor of wealth.

To attract wealth, it is advisable to choose a large one with a dense and thick handle. A purchase made on Monday promises financial well-being, on Tuesday - health, on Thursday - good luck. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday are neutral days. It is believed that an unmarried girl who makes a purchase on Wednesday will soon get married. But you shouldn't buy on Sunday.

Is it possible to give a broom?

Opinions about a broom presented as a gift are perceived differently. Many people do not like such a gift, despite all the favorable signs and superstitions regarding this household equipment.

Contrary to popular belief, you can give such a useful thing as a gift. Moreover, the gift is made with the best intentions. After all, a broom is known not only as a reliable amulet, but also as a money talisman.

If an item is given as a gift for good luck and wealth, it is decorated with ribbons and banknotes. Sometimes they even make figures out of money. A strong, large broom can be given to newlyweds. This is a good omen; after such a gift, a happy life of prosperity and prosperity awaits the newly-made family.

If a single girl receives a broom as a gift, this is a sure sign that she will soon get married.

The magical properties of a broom

  • In Rus', the broom was treated with respect and distrust at the same time. After all, on the one hand, a broom is the same broom, which is a means of transportation for all witches, but a broom can also sweep away evil spirits, negative energy and dirt from the house.
  • Also, the magical properties of the broom have long been used to resist demons. By placing the broom with the handle down, the path for the penetration of evil forces was closed.
  • If the guest, in the opinion of the owners, had an eagle eye, then after leaving they would throw a broom after him.
  • A broom also helped with quarrels and disappearances in the house, for which someone else’s brownie was blamed. They just needed to knock on the threshold.

The magical properties of a broom

  • The magical properties of the broom also contributed to the treatment of diseases. Especially if this broom is a bath broom. In Russia, the most popular was a birch broom, which was prepared on Trinity Day. Such a broom was not only a talisman, but also an excellent healer in the bathhouse.
  • In Ancient China, by the way, there was a goddess of the broom, who, according to the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, commanded the weather.
  • The Aztecs also worshiped the goddess Tlazolteotl, who, in their opinion, swept away all vices and sins from their homes.
  • In England, houses are not swept after sunset. Because people believe that in this way they sweep good luck out of their homes.

The magical properties of the broom have been known for a long time. People believed that this instrument served witches and witches as a means of transportation. And folk healers attributed to him the ability to remove illnesses and evil spirits from the hut.

A broom helps get rid of ailments

Why you can't sweep a person

According to popular superstitions, such actions have a negative impact on people. The only exception is babies, who were recommended to be swept with a new broom so that they could sleep peacefully and be protected from the influence of dark forces. In other cases it is considered undesirable.

Basic interpretations of signs:

  • single people will not find a partner;
  • a number of failures and accidents are possible;
  • brings illness and loss of strength to a person;
  • financial difficulties;
  • quarrels, scandals between loved ones.

Such a household item, according to folk signs and superstitions, has magical powers. The new broom especially stands out in this regard. It has long been believed that it must be purchased and used correctly. It is also important to place it handle down for storage. It is also recommended to get rid of used items according to certain rules.

Where to throw away an old broom

The old broom should be wrapped in a bag so that it is not visible, otherwise people who come across you may perceive the passing of the old broom past them in a negative way. It’s better that no one sees your old broom. Further. You should not throw away a broom near your house. But it’s also not good to bring it into your neighbors’ yard - after all, people living in the neighboring yard may think that someone’s problems have been brought to them. Therefore, we are looking for some kind of garbage container on the outskirts that is not under anyone’s window, door or house. On the last day of the problem month, we take the old broom out of the house and throw it in the trash container we had chosen the day before.

What should you expect?

If a person nevertheless throws out an old broom near the house, then illness may well overtake him. According to the sign, soon after this he will face depression, insomnia, and may even break a limb (a leg, most likely).

You can't burn an old broom. Otherwise, discord will arise in the family. In addition to quarrels, insects will also appear in the house.

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If suddenly, while going to throw out a broom, you saw a fisherman along the way, don’t be surprised if he suddenly turns around and walks away from you. Because for people with gear, a stranger with a broom in his hands is a very bad omen, foreshadowing a terrible catch or lack of bite.

How to get rid of an old broom?

No need to throw it out the window. It would seem like obvious advice, since it’s somehow inhumane and uncivilized, but some people do it, especially in private homes (their own territory, no big deal).

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However, if you believe the signs, a broom thrown out in this way will attract the attention of birds. Predators will swoop in and start stealing chickens from the yard.

The old item should be thrown away as far as possible from your home. And then envious people will not try to use it to spoil you.

Under no circumstances should you give it to someone else, and you shouldn’t even give it to your neighbors or friends. First of all, what is the use of an old broom? And secondly, this is a bad omen - it is believed that this can attract death to the home.

How to start using a new broom

On the first day of the new year on January 1, the old new year on January 14, Chinese New Year, another day of the new year of a different calendar, or on the first day of the new month following the anniversary of the problem month, we take a broom, the registration of which in your house has been previously approved by your cat, and steam it. A new broom should be steamed before use. The broom becomes fluffy and it is convenient for them to sweep away. Garbage is swept away easily and efficiently. To steam the broom, take a bucket and heat the water. When the water starts to boil, turn off the heating and lower a broom into a bucket of hot water for twenty to thirty minutes. When the broom has steamed, take it out of the bucket, shake it off, and dry it. Now you can sweep the house with a new broom!

Since ancient times, people have believed that a broom is not just a household item, but one that must be handled with care and caution. After all, it can save the house from or, on the contrary, bring disaster if it is handled incorrectly, which is why signs about the broom arose, which were strictly followed.


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Buying a new broom

If your old bundle of rods is no longer suitable for use, and you are thinking about updating your equipment, you should approach this issue responsibly.

You should only buy a new broom when the moon is in its waxing phase. Under no circumstances should you buy it in August, otherwise it will only bring trouble and trouble - not only to the house, but also to its inhabitants.

Steaming: why is it necessary?

After purchasing a new natural broom, it should be treated - steamed. Such preparation for the operation of the tool is necessary in order for the broom to serve for a long time and have good performance indicators.

How to steam or soak a broom? For steaming you need to prepare:

  • bucket;
  • boiling water;
  • 1 tbsp. kitchen salt.


  1. Pour boiling water into the bucket.
  2. Pour salt into the water.
  3. Stir.
  4. Place a broom whisk in the bucket.
  5. Leave to infuse for at least two hours.

After soaking in boiling water, the branches will become elastic and soft. As a result, they will not break quickly, and the tool itself will last much longer.

What is a broom for home made from?

That's strange. Everyone has this tool, but few people think about what a broom is made of. In general, if it is natural, it is most likely made from sorghum. This is a plant from the grass family with a panicle-type inflorescence. That is, many thinner stems extend from the stem, which branch again. The more branches there are, the fluffier the inflorescence becomes.

There is even a special variety that was bred specifically for making brooms. That’s why it’s called sorghum broom. It is grown specifically for making brooms. The plant is unpretentious and does not require special care. In some areas it is called “broom”.

Sorghum household broom

Sorghum is cut, leaves removed, dried, turning the panicle down. The seeds are removed from the dried stems. There is an old way of cleaning seeds - using a galvanized bucket. The whisk is clamped between the rim and the handle of the bucket and pulled towards you. Some of the seeds fall into the bucket, some still remain. This process is repeated until everything is clean. Parrots love sorghum seeds, and chickens do not pass by. So the benefits of growing this plant are double.

What plants are brooms made from?

An outdoor broom is often called a broom. It is usually made from thin branches and twigs. There are practically no secrets here. Young one-year-old shoots are cut about a meter long. These are the plants that are good for a broom:

This is what a regular and synthetic broom looks like

These are common ones. But they are also made from other bushes or tree branches. Even annuals are used: wormwood, kaoliang (a plant very similar to millet or sorghum), kochia.

A certain number of branches are collected in a bundle, aligning them along the cut. The upper part is pulled together in two to four places. This tie forms the handle. But, firstly, the handle is too thick, and secondly, to clean it on the street, you will have to stand for a long time “in an inclined position.” Therefore, the broom is attached to a wooden or plastic handle. The diameter of the handle is not too large to be comfortable to grasp with your hand. The load is small, so 3-4 cm is enough. The holder is often switched from an old broom to a new one.

How to make an outdoor broom from plastic bottles

They also make a broom out of plastic bottles. The process is quite simple and everyone has bottles. They are cut into strips, inserted one into the other, and secured. Making it is no more difficult, and probably even easier, than using traditional materials. So, here's the procedure:

  • Cut off the bottom of the first bottle.
  • Cut the “body” of the bottle into thin strips. Do not cut 4-6 cm to the neck.

You can make a broom or broom from plastic bottles

  • For everyone else, we cut off both the neck and the bottom. We cut off the neck 2-3 cm below the place where the thickening begins.
  • We cut it into thin strips and put it on the first piece - the one with the neck.
  • In total, you can insert 5-8 pieces one into the other.

    Cut into strips, forming a “sweeping” part

  • We cut off the neck of another bottle like the others. Cut off 2/3 from the bottom. We put the remaining 1/3 with the neck cut off onto the broom blank. This will be a “case” that gives the plastic broom its usual shape for a broom.
  • Somewhere in the area where the thread for the lid is cut, we pierce a hole with an awl. This is for attaching to a broom handle.

    We attach it to the handle

  • The edge of the holder must be sharpened so that it fits into the neck of the bottle at least 5 cm.
  • We insert the holder and screw the screw through the hole.
  • Now we squeeze it at the bottom of the “case”, forming the flat part of the broom.

    Firmware for a broom made from plastic bottles

  • We take a coarse thread or wire, scissors or an awl. We pierce the “cover” in at least two places, but more often. We thread the wire through the holes, tighten it, and twist it.
  • The broom made from plastic bottles is ready. You can make it two-level. Or three-level. Thicker and more powerful. We just make a few “packages”. Exactly as described above. We put them on one holder, one under the other.

We are planning a deal

If you need to sell a house, it won’t hurt to use the help of a charmed broom. To attract a client, you need to perform a ritual with holy water. Use a broom purchased on the fifth day of the week. When buying it, it is forbidden to bargain, and the change must be left with the seller, regardless of how large the bill is paid.

At home, shortly before sunrise, they sprinkle the object with holy water, saying: “I, (name), will remove the rubbish with a broom, I will clean the house so that it will sparkle and attract a buyer. I confirm what was said with holy water.” They carefully sweep the entire house with a broom - every dark corner, all places hidden from view.

After some time, you will be able to find the ideal buyer. As experienced people say, if you leave garbage, buyers will leave, considering the home uncomfortable. The conspiracy will also help if the house cannot find a buyer for a long time, and everyone refuses the deal at the last moment. To do this, you need to sweep the home, rinse it with settled water, and place the enchanted broom in the corner closest to the front door. The threshold is doused with water. This will attract a brownie who will help with the deal.

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Rituals to attract financial success

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers not only got rid of ailments with the help of a broom, but also “attracted” prosperity to the house. To improve your financial situation, you should listen to these recommendations:

  1. Buy this attribute on the first, second or fourth day of the week. When you return home, place it so that the handle “looks” up.
  2. Even if you use a vacuum cleaner to clean rooms, this does not mean that you should refuse to purchase a broom. Let it be decorative. Hang it in the kitchen.
  3. You should purchase equipment from a man. At home, tie the product with a green ribbon.
  4. Scatter coins of any denomination throughout your home. Don't pick them up all day.

After 24 hours have passed, sweep the change into a green dustpan, saying: “I sweep money, I attract wealth to myself. Now I will be rich, as if I were all made of gold.”

All that remains is to collect the coins and place them in the left corner of the room in which the nest egg or family budget is stored.

After 3 days, transfer the fines into a glass jar and close the lid tightly. And you should never open it, no matter what situations arise.

After completing all the steps described above, the broom must be returned to its “rightful” place.

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