Wormwood for a bath – a natural way to improve the body’s health

admin 01/10/2018 0 Comments

SPA procedures, Aromatherapy

The bathhouse has long been a place where people came not only to wash themselves, but also to improve their health, improve their overall well-being, and get rid of stress. The main procedures in the bathhouse are warming up the body and aromatherapy with various medicinal herbs. In ancient times and today, bath brooms are made from herbs; their healing effect is enhanced with essential oils.

Various types of herbs and essential oils are used for procedures, depending on the purpose being pursued. Today, the bathhouse is not only a place for healing the body, but also, if desired, a spa salon.

Herbs for baths

Wormwood is most often used in the bath, as the herb has antiseptic properties.

It is capable of destroying many types of bacteria and harmful microorganisms when inhaling its vapors, and also helps to relax and calm the nervous system.

This plant is successfully used for the following diseases:

  • Rheumatism;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Colds.

Regular use of it in the bath will be an excellent prevention against viral and bacterial infections during the cold season. Aromatherapy in a bath with this type of herbs will improve performance and strengthen the immune system.

Another herb that is actively used in bath procedures is mint, which has a disinfectant effect, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, relieves nausea, and normalizes the functioning of the heart and lungs.

Melissa is also often used in the bath, which calms the nervous system and irritated skin, relieves tension, relaxes muscles, and has a beneficial effect on sleep.

How do decoctions work?

Decoctions perform a healing function. Their steam has a beneficial effect on the body's condition. Has an effect:

  • tonic;
  • soothing;
  • hypotensive;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • expectorant;
  • restorative.

When selecting herbs for preparing a healing decoction, you need to know what properties a particular plant has.

Pine decoctions have a pronounced calming effect. Steam, saturated with the aroma of pine or spruce needles, will help relieve the feeling of overwork. You can take essential oil (cedar or fir) into the bathhouse if it is not possible to make a decoction from fresh raw materials. Just add a few drops of oil to a ladle of water and splash it on the heated stones.

Chamomile is known as a universal medicinal plant. The steam from its decoction also has a complex effect on the body:

  • diaphoretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic.

Another plant with unique properties is linden. A decoction is made from its flowers to help cure colds. Linden steam acts as a diaphoretic.

Currant and horseradish leaves are also effective against colds.

For the health of the cardiovascular system, it is useful to use eucalyptus and mint in the bath.

Oregano, thyme and lavender are useful for diseases of the respiratory system.

Composition and properties of wormwood

Wormwood is one of the oldest and medicinal plants on the planet; the following components can be found in its composition:

  • Natural amino acids;
  • Organic acids;
  • Potassium salts;
  • Vitamins (A, B, C);
  • Tannins;
  • Minerals;
  • Proteins;
  • Resins;
  • Bitter glycosides;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Saponins.

Thanks to such a rich composition, the use of wormwood for a bath can provide such beneficial properties as:

  1. Toning the body;
  2. Normalization of the activity of the central nervous system;
  3. Elimination of pain and spasms;
  4. Diuretic effect;
  5. Antifungal action;
  6. Anti-inflammatory effect.

Brief excerpts from the general course of botany

Probably few plants have such a strong, unique and recognizable aroma as wormwood. If you want to feel the smell of the July steppe warmed by the sun, rub a leaf of wormwood and thyme in your fingers.

This plant belongs to the Astrov family, the same one whose representatives are so widely represented in flower gardens and palisades on the outskirts of the city.

The most iconic representatives of the genus Artemisia are wormwood, common wormwood or Chernobyl, and medicinal wormwood or lemon.


A widely known plant with a characteristic silver color. It is one of the oldest medicinal plants and the most bitter representative of the domestic flora. It is the main component of such an iconic and controversial alcoholic drink as absinthe. The maximum concentration of nutrients in the aboveground part of this plant is observed at the beginning of flowering, in the upper shoots. When cutting, to preserve the natural color and prevent the raw material from turning brown, an important condition is quick drying, in a place protected from sunlight and well ventilated.

Wormwood actively irritates nerve endings and stimulates the production of gastric juice, which makes it a popular remedy for awakening appetite. In the Don and Kuban Cossack villages, a glass of wormwood tincture was an indispensable aperitif before any significant feast. In general, the effect of the essential composition contained in bitter wormwood on the human central nervous system is similar to camphor. In Europe, wormwood is popular as a bitter seasoning for the traditional Christmas goose, and as an important part of the recipe for another popular strong drink - vermouth.

At one time, according to the results of clinical trials, it was included in the pharmacopoeia of more than 20 countries, including the USSR. One of the well-deserved and proven qualities of this plant is its pronounced insecticidal properties. Since ancient times, in the bathhouses of the steppe region, this plant has been widely used to combat ants, fleas and cockroaches. The cut stems of the plant were simply laid out on the floor between visits to the establishment. Later, the collected plants were not thrown away, but were used in the same bathhouse to dye the fabric green.

Common wormwood

A perennial, tall herbaceous plant, with a characteristically dark-colored stem - a blade of grass, from which, in fact, it received its popular name - Chernobyl. It has a pronounced pleasant spicy aroma, which contributed to the mass production of essential oil from wormwood raw materials in Europe. Due to the content of coumarin and its derivatives in the plant, the use of oil is strictly dosed due to its toxicity. In medicine it is used as a healing, antispasmodic and diuretic. In reasonable doses it acts as a tonic.

By the way! There is an old hunting method of maintaining strength during long steppe treks, when a pinch of Chernobyl leaves was added to the hiking kulesh: both as a pronounced spice and as an equally pronounced energy stimulant.

In Zaporozhye farmsteads and winter huts, in the lower reaches of the Dnieper, Chernobyl was widely used as a seasoning for the preparation of pork hams and bacon.

By the way! Mixed with herbs, thyme is used to treat alcoholism, under the sonorous and witty name - “morning joy”.

The plant acquires the greatest strength and concentration of useful substances about a month before the seeds ripen, at which time it is harvested.

Medicinal wormwood or lemon

The stems of this plant become woody over time, almost to the top, which makes them more resistant to mechanical stress compared to their closest relatives. Lemon wormwood has the most exquisite aroma, which is very unique, and resembles some mixture of the smell of dill, pine needles and lemon. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the aerial part of this plant was used as an air freshener in public institutions.

Moreover, it should be noted that when drying, the bitterness is lost and the raw material acquires a pronounced spicy and burning taste. It goes well with various sauces that are usually served with thick, fatty meat foods. Included in the recipe as an additive to the rather exotic wormwood bread. In official medicine, this plant has not found such wide use as wormwood, and in medical practice, for the most part, it is used as a homeopathic remedy.

Types of wormwood

Science identifies approximately 400 species of this plant, and approximately 150 of them grow in Russia. In folk medicine, the following types are most often used:

  • Medicinal;
  • Bitter;
  • Paniculata;
  • Lemon.


This type of grass grows on roadsides, in gardens, and wastelands. Healing decoctions are made from it, which are intended to improve appetite and eliminate nervous disorders.


This plant variety has a specific smell and bitter taste. It can grow anywhere, in forests, fields, meadows, cultivated soil and wild. Preparations and folk remedies containing it in their composition successfully fight epilepsy, help get rid of insomnia, depression, strengthen the immune system, destroy parasites, and treat women's diseases.


Paniculata blooms from July until late autumn.

In folk medicine, it is used to make wormwood brooms for baths to treat rheumatism and respiratory diseases.

In order to use the plant for medicinal purposes, only its flowers, stems and leaves should be collected.


Lemon wormwood or abrotan has been known to people since antiquity; its healing decoction was drunk for snake bites and fever. Also, this particular type of wormwood is used to prepare seasoning; it is from it that essential oil is obtained.

Steaming a wormwood broom and steaming

Before steaming, immerse the wormwood broom in cold water for about twenty minutes, then keep it in warm water for 5-7 minutes. If the broom is made from freshly plucked branches, there is no need to steam it. To create a stronger aroma in the bathhouse, you can pour boiling water over a wormwood broom.

You need to steam with such a broom carefully, as it is very weak, except when birch or oak branches are added to the broom. Body massage with a wormwood broom is very useful.

In any case, if you are a true connoisseur of the Russian bathhouse, and going to the steam room with a birch broom has become a habit for you, do not pass by the wormwood! The benefits of a wormwood broom are undeniable, and the pleasure of soaring will be unforgettable.

broom bath broom wormwood broom health wormwood broom benefits

Indications for use

The medicinal plant is used for the following types of ailments:

  • For stomach diseases;
  • For fever;
  • With neurasthenia;
  • For parasitic infestations;
  • For tuberculosis.

For stomach diseases

A herbal decoction successfully fights pain and cramps in the stomach if taken three times a day. The plant also helps cure digestive disorders, flatulence, and inflammation of the rectum. You can take it in the form of wormwood tea or alcohol tincture.

Important! A medicine made from wormwood in powder form is well suited for treating the stomach, since it is this form that penetrates into all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, including the lower ones.

For fever

For this type of disease, wormwood is used as an antipyretic.

For neurasthenia

Wormwood infusion is good for neuroses, insomnia and migraines. Baths and saunas with wormwood are also used for these purposes.

Also, a tincture of this herb in alcohol helps fight depression and improves body tone.

For parasitic infestations

When infected with worms, this herb is an indispensable, and most importantly, completely natural remedy. To destroy parasites from wormwood, cloves and tansy, a special composition is prepared, which causes the death of both adults and larvae and eggs.

Important! Despite the fact that the medicine for parasites contains only natural ingredients, it should be taken with caution, so you should consult your doctor before using it.

For tuberculosis

As an adjuvant therapy, wormwood decoction is often prescribed in the treatment of tuberculosis and other lung diseases.

Benefits and harms

The very rich composition of wormwood benefits the human body:

  • good diuretic;
  • has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiseptic effects;
  • calms the central nervous system;
  • charges the body with energy;
  • eliminates pain and spasms.

But at the same time, if you do not consult a doctor before using wormwood, you can cause serious harm to your health. This is especially true for various tinctures and decoctions. In this case, it is extremely difficult to track how wormwood affects a person, so an overdose of wormwood may occur. Experts have long known that if you take decoctions in uncontrolled quantities, a person will develop a central nervous system disorder.

Brooms with the addition of this healing herb allow you to:

  • expand the pores, in which case toxins are effectively removed from the body;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • light massage has a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • speed up metabolism in the body;
  • increase sweating.

If you use brooms made from freshly picked wormwood in the bathhouse, the effect will be more noticeable. Since tension, fatigue will be relieved, headaches will go away. Also, essential oils and phytoncides improve human performance.

Features of a wormwood broom

Each bath broom has its own characteristics, for example, one made from wormwood has a strong odor, which ensures air disinfection. But this aroma may not be to everyone’s taste; those who react sharply to various strong odors should avoid using it.

Due to the fact that wormwood is a grass, a broom made from it will be extremely fragile and can only be used once.

Experts recommend adding a few twigs of wormwood to regular classic birch brooms , so the smell will be less pronounced, the broom itself will be durable, and the beneficial effect will remain.

Harmful products

Endocrinologists talk about a balanced and proper diet for a reason. According to WHO statistics, over 670 million people in the world suffer from various forms of hyperthyroidism, and more than 1.7 billion are at risk of developing pathologies of the endocrine system. Almost 70% of this number love and eat junk food daily. This is a reason to think!

What foods should you avoid if you have thyroid problems?

  • Sugar. All popular and cheap foods contain sugar in incredible quantities. These are sweet and carbonated drinks, pastries, cakes, candies and more. There is more harm from such food than good. Autoimmune diseases and diabetes are caused by uncontrolled consumption of sweets. With such a diet, the level of hormones decreases, almost all systems are overloaded, and the body does not perceive insulin.
  • Fried and fatty foods contain trans fats that are unhealthy. If you like to eat fried foods, try to add more greens, fish and seaweed to your diet. If there are obvious problems with the endocrine system, you should reduce or even eliminate the consumption of fried foods, because it reduces the production of hormones T3 and T4.
  • Gluten is a substance (gluten) found in cereal plants and causes great harm to a healthy body. Foods high in gluten have been linked to autoimmune disorders such as Addison's disease, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and hypothyroidism. Gluten is found in baked goods, wheat bread made from premium flour, etc.
  • Convenience foods, fast food, preservatives - all this food cannot be called beneficial for human health and the endocrine system.

As for alcohol, coffee, cigarettes and strong tea, they should also be excluded from the diet if there are problems with the production of T3 and T4 hormones. A healthy person can afford to drink coffee or wine in moderation, but with pathologies of the immune system, such “weaknesses” will lead to serious complications.

When to harvest wormwood for brooms

Most people know how to use wormwood in a bath, but not everyone knows when to collect it in order to make a broom. Suitable types of herbs for making brooms include paniculata, bitter, lemon, and medicinal.

You should start making a broom when the plant has finished flowering. The timing of its flowering varies for each species, the approximate period being from July to October. The grass should be collected before it has time to dry; it should be dried in a cool, dark place.

What are the benefits of wormwood?

Since ancient times, wormwood has been especially valued for its unique healing properties. After all, even the name itself is literally translated from ancient Greek as “health.”

This plant, releasing its characteristic aromas in the room, disinfects the air, so our ancestors used wormwood smoke to fumigate houses, especially in those days when a deadly epidemic was raging. Several varieties of wormwood are found in nature. One type is prescribed for nervousness and irritability, another for relieving headaches, a third for cleansing the body, and so on.

Wormwood steaming and sauna decoction

The benefits of wormwood in the bath are also possible when using steaming and decoctions from it. Parking is very easy to do:

  1. The collected herbs are poured with boiling water and left for about two hours before going to the bathhouse.
  2. Next, the broth is filtered and poured onto the heater. You should ensure that the steaming does not contain any impurities from the leaves, which will burn after drying.

To achieve greater effect, experts at https://lisaekb.com/ advise steaming fresh herbs.

Herbs in the steam room: how to use correctly

Depending on what effect the steamers want to achieve, herbal compositions are prepared and used for healing in the steam room. Herbal baths help and work in several directions.

  1. For relaxation, relieving stress and respiratory spasms. Chamomile, spruce needles, mint and thyme have a calming effect on the nervous system, making it easier for avid tobacco lovers to quit smoking.
  2. To raise vitality. Decoctions of tansy, jasmine, lavender, poplar buds and bison can have a clear tonic effect.
  3. For disinfection. Infusions of sage, thyme, mint, eucalyptus and calendula have bactericidal properties.

Read about the best time and how to properly collect herbs for medicinal purposes here.

Preparation of bath steams and brooms

Avid steamers take herbs with them to the bathhouse, pour boiling water over them and inhale their healing aroma. Greater health benefits can be achieved by using a concentrated infusion. This herbal infusion becomes an excellent alternative to synthetic essential oils. During its preparation, crushed herbs poured with boiling water are brought to a boil over a fire and simmered on it for about an hour. After filtering, the steaming is stored in a dark place for no more than 1.5-2 months. The prepared decoction of leaves and stems of plants is poured onto the heater of the bathhouse, where it instantly evaporates, leaving water vapor with a large amount of suspended substances in the air.

A bath broom is an indispensable attribute of a connoisseur of Russian baths. In the case of beneficial herbs, it is used not so much for active body massage, but to create a certain atmosphere using the aroma of the leaves. Brooms are knitted from plants of the same species or special compositions are created. Herbs collected in large bunches are hung vertically or placed on hot coals. Nettle wreaths are used for massage, after first dousing or soaking the herb in boiling water to reduce its burning properties. Bunches of mint are applied to the face to achieve a rejuvenating effect, tansy brooms are used to heal wounds and bruises.

The Russian bath creates a friendly atmosphere. It gives connoisseurs and connoisseurs of good steam not only positive emotions, but also health - strength of mind and body. Healing herbal infusions play an important role in this process.


The benefits and harms of wormwood in the bath have long been one of the most discussed issues. Taking a steam bath using this plant is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, those people who suffer from asthma, stomach ulcers, anemia, or who are allergic to this herb.

They should also refrain from taking medications with this plant. Wormwood is a fairly useful whole plant and can help cure many diseases, but it also has a specific smell and some restrictions on taking medicines from it and bathing procedures using it.

In order for therapy with this herb to be successful and not cause side effects, proportions and dosages must be observed when preparing various potions from it.

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Products for thyroid disease

To reduce the risk of pathologies of the endocrine system, doctors recommend dietary nutrition with substances important for thyroid health. To prevent diseases and treat the organ, it is necessary to include in the diet the following foods:

  • Feijoa and persimmon - these iodine-containing fruits can be eaten at any time of the year. Fruits are also rich in sodium, magnesium and iron. In addition, persimmon and feijoa are a storehouse of vitamin compounds A, C and P.
  • Fresh seafood - mussels, crabs, fish, lobsters, shrimp, squid, etc. The same iodine-rich foods as persimmon and feijoa. Contains zinc, fatty acids, phosphorus, protein, B12. People who love seafood have strong immunity; their endocrine system is regularly fed with important hormones.
  • Sea kale is the primary source of iodine compounds. What kind of prevention of endocrine diseases will be possible without this ingredient? It is enough to eat 70-100 grams of seaweed per day for the body to consistently produce thyroid hormones. Also contains phosphorus, magnesium, silicon and a number of other useful minerals.
  • Red fish - salmon, trout, pink salmon, salmon and any red meat contain tyrosine. This substance helps synthesize necessary hormones. If there is enough red fish in the diet, then the body receives calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and phosphorus. In addition, fish liver is a source of selenium.
  • Spinach and onions strengthen the immune system and are also natural antioxidants. In addition, spinach contains a unique set of microelements important for the health of the endocrine system. These are phosphorus, zinc, iodine compounds, sodium, manganese and others.

It is also necessary to note the benefits of apples, berries and nuts for all body systems. Pine nuts and walnuts are rich in iodine compounds. Apples and blueberries contain antioxidant substances that protect cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Procurement of raw materials

As we have already noted, it is necessary to cut the shoots of this plant so that, on the one hand, they accumulate the maximum amount of useful substances, and on the other, the above-ground parts acquire sufficient strength for further use as a bath broom. It is worth noting that this period, to a greater extent, occurs from the beginning of flowering to the formation of seeds. Based on this, it is worth planning mass procurement, since the exact calendar dates may vary, depending on the specific calendar year and the region where the raw materials grow.

To make a broom, wormwood for a bath is cut to a length of 50 - 60 cm, counting from the top of the shoot. Wastelands should be considered the most favorable for harvesting, since along roadsides and between fields, plants can be exposed to a number of unfavorable factors of an endogenous nature. A prerequisite for preserving high-quality raw materials is to lay out the collected mass in a small, loose, highly permeable layer under sheds and in attics, in order to dry it as quickly as possible. The end of this process should be considered the moment when the stems acquire the ability to break.

The brooms are tied with jute twine, forming a handle with a diameter of no more than 5 cm. The wormwood broom is stored in the technical room of the bathhouse, which is sufficiently ventilated and does not have high humidity. You should not neglect periodic inspections of the products, since grass brooms are more susceptible to the risk of rot than from tree shoots. As a preventive measure in the fight against insects, such raw materials can be placed in other rooms of the bathhouse, in particular, in dressing rooms or rest rooms.


With the arrival of autumn and winter, we are overcome by depression, sadness and apathy. And all because of a lack of serotonin - the happiness hormone responsible for good mood and emotional stability. During this period, our body is most susceptible to various viruses that cause diseases. The reason is decreased immunity. Herbal tea will help you cope with all this. And it is not at all necessary to buy it at the pharmacy. You can prepare a healing drink yourself.

When there are signs of illness, we rush to the pharmacy with medicine. And, of course, we give preference to herbal products. After reading the instructions, we understand that they contain common plants that grow in our meadows and forests or even in our garden.

For myself, I selected herbs for tea that would strengthen the immune system, cleanse blood vessels, remove toxins, lower blood pressure, calm the nervous system and at the same time have a pleasant aroma.

The composition was as follows: mint, lemon balm, thyme, calendula flowers, chicory flowers, marshmallow flowers, echinacea flowers and leaves, Jerusalem artichoke flowers and leaves, agrimony, corn silk, chamomile.


– a medicinal plant with a pronounced aroma. Mint infusions relieve headaches, stimulate cardiac activity, relieve stomach and intestinal colic, and calm the nervous system. I collect mint before it blooms, mostly using the leaves and stems.


It has a delicate aroma, invigorates and strengthens the entire body as a whole. It is advisable to collect it before flowering. After drying, the herb should be immediately placed in a tightly sealed container.

Thyme decoction

relieves fatigue, strengthens the body as a whole, improves well-being and metabolism, helps with insomnia, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. I collect thyme during flowering.


has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, lowering blood pressure and strengthening blood vessels. It has a general strengthening effect on the entire body and has bactericidal properties. I collect blooming calendula flowers, they contain the most useful substances.


increases the body's defenses, normalizes metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and enhances cardiac activity. I collect chicory flowers early in the morning; in the afternoon they may wilt and lose some of their medicinal properties.

For tea for preventive purposes I use pale pink marshmallow

. They have a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract.


activates the body's defenses, helps fight viruses, normalizes blood pressure, relieves fatigue, strengthens memory and improves vision, improves mood and performance. I prepare the plant during flowering.

Jerusalem artichoke leaves and inflorescences

increase immunity, remove cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis, regulate blood sugar levels. I collect young leaves long before the plant blooms, and flowers as soon as they bloom.


used as an astringent and disinfectant for indigestion, poisoning, infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bleeding and hemorrhoids. I collect agrimony during flowering and prepare a stem with leaves and flowers.

Corn silk

contain a complex of biologically active elements in their natural form and are used as a general strengthening and preventive agent.

A chamomile drink helps with poor health and fatigue. Drink a glass of chamomile tea at night and you will forget about insomnia. I collect chamomile during flowering, in dry, windless weather, and dry it in the shade to preserve all the healing substances.

When all the herbs have been collected and dried, I put them on a clean table, knead them with my hands and mix them so that each teaspoon of dry raw materials contains all the ingredients of the herbal collection. I brew it like regular tea (2-3 teaspoons of dry raw materials per glass of water) or add it to my usual black or green tea (1 teaspoon of herbal tea and a little less tea leaves than usual). I leave it for about 10 minutes and drink it only fresh. It is advisable to prepare such a collection for the winter and use it during the period when our body is most susceptible to viral infections.

To enhance the healing effect of visiting the steam room, many use medicinal herbs for the bath: by collecting and drying the plants with our own hands, we obtain a material that is unique in its properties.

Even if you focus on those species that grow only in our area, you can put together a good green first aid kit. Well, there are many ways to use these herbs, and we will talk about the most popular ones in the article below.

What herbs are used for infusions

The list of plants whose leaves, flowers or fruits are used for bath infusions is almost endless. If you try to list the weight, you will get a voluminous book (and such a book probably exists). The most common and famous are the following plants and herbs: eucalyptus, juniper, birch, hawthorn, linden, thyme, coltsfoot, motherwort, calendula, yarrow, caraway, St. John's wort, oregano, sage, rowan, oak bark, sweet clover, chamomile, wormwood, lavender, etc.

Each of them can be used separately, but more often they are used in the form of mixtures in various combinations. Species with approximately the same medicinal properties are purposefully selected, trying to obtain a greater total effect than from each component separately. Combinations of herbs with opposite effects on the body, for example, a calming and tonic effect (St. John's wort with wormwood, oregano with cumin, etc.) are excluded. And for the rest - the widest opportunities for your creativity, testing various combinations and proportions, taking into account both medicinal and aromatic properties that are pleasant to you personally.


Proper diet, physical activity and vitamin complexes are the three pillars on which the health of the endocrine system rests. We told you what foods it is advisable to include in your daily diet, and which ones you should avoid. We recommend purchasing multivitamin complexes, and even more so medications for treatment, only after consultation with an endocrinologist. The specialist will also help you choose a special diet and monitor the results of treatment or prevention.

Tokareva Lyudmila Georgievna, therapist, medical offices 36.6


Infusions, decoctions, cocktails

Infusions and decoctions are water extracts from medicinal plants. Cocktails are more complex infusions of aromatic herbs that are used in the steam room.

Please note that all decoctions, infusions and cocktails are medicine, so when selecting ingredients it is necessary not to harm the body

It is necessary to know exactly the purpose: a pleasant aroma or treatment? And if treatment, then what?

If you buy herbs at a pharmacy, check the expiration date on the packaging.

The reasonable amount of decoction or infusion that is added to hot water in a bath is determined individually by everyone, but, as a rule, 50 ml of strong decoction/infusion per 2 liters of hot water is needed.

As for the cocktail, it is a concentrate of various infusions. The total amount of any cocktail is about 50 g of herbs per 2 liters of hot water.

Pushkin also wrote in “Ruslan and Lyudmila” about the method of fanning steaming branches. This method is still good today. An infusion or decoction is sprinkled onto the twigs (option: flax fans).

While taking a sauna, you fan yourself with them. Thus, the heat shock is combined with the aromatic one, doubling the benefits, healing effect and overall pleasure of the procedure.

Or you can simply spray the concentrated decoction, infusion or cocktail with a regular spray bottle.

How to prepare an herbal infusion?

Preparation of infusion in a cold way

Place the crushed plant in a porcelain, glass or enamel (no chips!) dish, fill it with the required amount of cold boiled water (or thawed water at room temperature), cover with a lid, leave for 4-12 hours and filter.

Preparing the infusion using the hot method

Fill the grass with water. Place the dishes in a boiling water bath and heat for 15 minutes.

A water bath is a prerequisite for preparation, since with this method the medicinal plant simmers, but does not boil.

After this, cool the infusion and filter through cheesecloth.

How to prepare a herbal decoction?

Place the crushed plant in an enamel, porcelain or container, fill it with freshly boiled water (1-2 tablespoons per glass of boiling water, that is, 1:10 or 1:20).

Then cover this container with a lid and place it in a pan of boiling water.

Simmer for 30 minutes, stirring regularly, then leave to cool slowly for 45 minutes.

After this we filter. Our decoction is ready.

You can make a decoction in another way: pour chopped medicinal roots and leaves with boiled water at room temperature.

Let it brew for 5-7 hours. After this, boil for 10-15 minutes or keep in a water bath for thirty minutes.

An important condition in order for all valuable properties to be preserved is to avoid direct sunlight.

Dry herbs and roots for the steam room

You can also flavor the sauna in this way: while walking, pick up pine or spruce branches, you can pick a bouquet of wormwood, lilac, collect leaves of eucalyptus, black currant, sage, cherry, linden.

Bring them home, and before taking a sauna, immerse them in not too hot water for 8-12 minutes.

Then take them out and place them in a heated sauna.

After just 1-2 minutes you will feel a slightly intoxicating scent.

But don’t try to try all the scent methods at once in one go.

Remember - joint action is unpredictable.

Have a pleasant and relaxing holiday!

Do you know how else you can use decoctions, infusions, tinctures?

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