What tea to drink in the bath: for weight loss, immunity and mood improvement

admin 01/10/2018 0 Comments

SPA procedures, Aromatherapy

As they said in Rus', “hot steam will heal any ailment.” But at the same time, our wise ancestors knew that the benefits of a bathhouse increase significantly if, after visiting a steam room, you drink clean well water or a herbal decoction. Decoctions were prepared for all occasions: for colds, joint pain, to relieve fatigue and treat female diseases. The green pharmacy in those days was the only available source of medicine.

Currently, many recipes have been lost, but the most popular, and therefore in demand and reliable, have survived to this day. Even someone who has never been interested in herbal medicine or botany can easily use them to prepare medicinal tea for a bath with their own hands.

How to brew tea correctly

To make tea drinking enjoyable and healthy, you need to brew tea taking into account the following rules:

  • in advance . This way the drink will infuse better, beneficial elements will be released from the herbs, and the taste will be rich;
  • in compliance with proportion . For each 150 ml. There should be about 5 grams of water. black or green tea. The remaining ingredients are added according to the recipe or to taste;
  • with quality water . It should be clean and hot. Boiling water is used to brew tea. To drink, pour the required amount of tea into a mug and dilute with warm water;
  • with time delay . If the drink is made for the first time, it will take about 10-15 minutes to infuse it. Then you can add boiling water, but each subsequent time it is better to wait a couple of minutes longer, since the richness of the drink is lost.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

Advice! Tea should be brewed before visiting the bathhouse, and drunk before bathing, during breaks or immediately after.

It is permissible to drink all types of tea in the bathhouse:




hibiscus, etc.

However, black tea should not be brewed too strong. Due to the high temperatures in the bathhouse, strong black tea is difficult to digest. Green is preferable, but those who don’t like it can drink any other.

How to properly organize a “bath tea party”?

Given the greater severity of the effect of tea, there is no need to use strong, concentrated drinks after a bath. In this case, it is more expedient to increase the total volume of liquid, but at the same time reduce the concentration of its components . If strong decoctions are used, they are drunk in a small dose (no more than one glass), and subsequently the loss of liquid is replenished with clean water.

To ensure that tea is absorbed faster, it is advisable to maintain its temperature at the level of average body temperature. You can use a thermos or place a container with a drink near the stove to keep it warm. However, you don’t need to heat it up too much: additional heat in this case would be inappropriate.

Tea is drunk after each “entry” to the steam room. During the rest, that is, a 20-40 minute break between visits to the steam room, you can drink one or two glasses of weak tea. Its total volume can reach two liters, provided there are no contraindications from the kidneys or cardiovascular system.

Types and compositions

The choice of tea for a bath is made taking into account personal preferences and purposes of use. To reduce the first symptoms of a cold, herbal or invigorating teas are suitable. If you want to lose weight, you can combine a bath, scrubs and special tea compositions for weight loss.


Tea with herbs in a bath is beneficial and has different properties depending on the composition:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiparasitic and others.

Important! The use of herbs in tea should take into account the presence of allergic reactions.

With mint and lemon balm

Black or green tea is brewed with mint or lemon balm leaves. The quantity varies depending on preference; the more herbs, the more pronounced their flavor.

It is possible to add both herbs at once. After the tea has steeped for 10-15 minutes, it is diluted with water and drunk. This tea has a calming effect and strengthens emotional balance.

Advice! The drink can be prepared using herbs alone, without brewing. In this case, it will not have such a rich color, but the aroma and taste of the herbs will not be interrupted by anything.

With chamomile

When brewing black or green tea, add chamomile flowers in equal proportions.

You can add one share of herbs additionally:

  • St. John's wort;
  • sage.

After the tea has been saturated with color and taste, you can drink it in the bathhouse. This drink has anti-inflammatory properties and strengthens the immune system.

With currant and cherry leaf

Black or green tea is brewed as usual, adding currant and cherry leaves in a 1:2 ratio. It needs to brew for about 15 minutes.

It is better to drink this tea immediately after a steam room or bath; it quenches thirst well.

With linden

For preparation you will need the following components:

  • black or green loose leaf tea – 1 serving;
  • linden flowers – 1 serving;
  • currant leaves – 1 serving.

All ingredients are mixed and poured with boiling water for 15 minutes. It is better to drink this tea before a bath, as it has diaphoretic properties.

Classic tea or herbal

In the context of this question, it’s time to remember the well-known A.I. Koreiko, an underground millionaire, from the novel “The Golden Calf” by Ilf and Petrov. This prominent figure in the gray financial world never drank classic black and green tea, because he knew that tea provokes active heart activity, and Alexander Ivanovich was sensitive to his health.

Modern science claims that classic black tea actually has a pronounced tonic effect, stimulating the active work of the myocardium. At the same time, it is endowed with a sufficient set of antioxidants that block free radicals and slow down the general aging processes of the human body exclusively at the physiological level.

Important! According to the latest medical research, the tonic effect of black tea tannin is superior to that of caffeine contained in coffee beans.

Green teas for baths have a tonic and invigorating effect to a lesser extent than their black counterparts, but at the same time, their antioxidant effect is more pronounced and accentuated.

Do not forget that both black and green tea are, in the vast majority of cases, imported products and the price of truly high-quality raw materials is tied to foreign currency, which determines their high price for the end consumer in the country’s domestic market.

In contrast, herbal tea for baths consists almost 100% of available domestic raw materials, which determines its decent quality and reasonable price.

For weight loss

In the bathhouse you can use a set of measures to combat excess weight. One way is to drink tea that promotes weight loss. You don’t need to expect miracles from the drink, but together with other remedies it will work.

With honey and ginger

The ingredients for the drink will be needed as follows:

  • fresh ginger -2 teaspoons;
  • honey – 2 teaspoons;
  • lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.

All components are mixed and poured into 0.5-1 liters. boiling water Leave to infuse for 15 minutes. You can use it both before and after the bath. This drink speeds up metabolic processes and therefore promotes weight loss.

With rose hips

To prepare the drink you will need:

  • fresh, frozen or freeze-dried raspberries - 2-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • rose hips - 2-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Mix everything and pour 0.5-1 l. boiling water Infusing this drink will take 30-45 minutes, so it should be prepared in advance. It is better to drink warm after a bath.

To lose weight, you can brew regular green tea in a bathhouse. It has a mild diuretic effect and removes excess water from the body.

What is better to drink after bath procedures?

After the bath you need to rest; soothing and vitamin teas are good. Herbal drinks with mint, oregano, and chamomile will help with this.

With oregano and mint

Oregano tea improves sleep

Brew 1 tsp for 2 cups of drink. oregano and mint.

Oregano tea with mint relaxes and calms the nervous system.

For tone and good mood

Teas with a pleasant aroma and taste help improve mood and vitality.

There are many recipes, you should choose the one you prefer:


Brew green or black tea of ​​medium strength, adding a vanilla stick. Wait 15 minutes, drink the tea warm, with milk or honey.


Brew medium-strength black tea by adding pieces of orange, lime or lemon zest. Wait 10-15 minutes, drink immediately. After the tea sits for more than an hour, it may become bitter. This tea contains vitamin C, so it saturates the body with vigor and energy.

Hibiscus for tone

This version of the drink helps relieve fatigue and increase vital energy.
The ingredients of this tea are:

  • hibiscus tea brewed with medium strength;
  • cinnamon + cloves + ginger 1/3 teaspoon;
  • mint, optional, 1 leaf or more.

Mix the ingredients, pour boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. After this, prepare the drink by adding the resulting tea and water to the mug. You can add sugar to taste.

Green tea with honey and lemon

Going to the bathhouse has long become a tradition for many people. What tea is best to take to the sauna? We offer you a classic drink recipe that will appeal to children and adults.


  • Large leaf green tea - four teaspoons.
  • Honey - four small spoons.
  • One slice each of lemon and orange.
  • Spices (cloves, cinnamon) - to taste.

The recipe for delicious tea is very simple:

  • Crush a piece of cinnamon stick and two dry clove buds in a mortar. After this, send the spices along with the tea into a tall mug and pour boiling water over them.
  • Cover the container with a lid or saucer and let the drink brew for five minutes.
  • When the tea leaves sink to the bottom, strain the liquid and pour it into a mug. Add one slice of orange and lemon to the tea.

Place the honey on a separate saucer and serve it with tea.

How to drink tea in a bathhouse

In order for the benefits and taste of tea in the bath to be at its best, you should drink it correctly:

  • slowly, without rushing . This way, the water balance will be better restored after a significant loss of fluid in the bath;
  • no more than 1.5 liters . Drinking too much fluid puts stress on the heart and can lead to edema;
  • keeping warm . A drink that is too hot will cause your body to overheat, and a drink that is too cold can cause a sore throat.

ADVICE! When drinking tea in a bathhouse, you should not add too much sugar to the drink. This is how fluid is retained in the body, which in combination with high temperatures is harmful.

About the benefits of a bath

In the bathhouse we are exposed to complex stress factors - heat shock, almost one hundred percent humidity, sudden temperature changes, steam. How does this affect a person and what benefits does it bring?

  • Overheating, the body begins to cool down with the help of sweat, and with it excess salts and toxic waste products come out.
  • Immune cells perceive heating with hot water and steam as inflammation and are activated, thereby affecting not imaginary, but real foci of inflammation.
  • Peripheral circulation increases - blood flows from the brain to the organs. This gives a calming effect, relieves nervous tension, and gives a feeling of relaxation.
  • Inhaling steam is comparable to inhalation, especially if it is saturated with healing essential oils.
  • Due to the increase in heart rate, blood circulates faster and cardiac output becomes more powerful. The supply of oxygen to tissues is enhanced, metabolic processes are activated.
  • Steam cleanses the skin of old epithelium, nourishes it with moisture, and makes it velvety.

But the advantages of bath procedures have a downside - excessive loss of fluid. To compensate for it, as well as enhance the healing effect, herbal teas are exactly what you need.

Science has put forward its own version of the benefits of the bath. As a result of the temperature stress that the body experiences in the steam room, heat shock proteins are activated. They are intracellular structures that utilize the so-called cellular debris - incorrectly folded, old proteins. In addition, they participate in regenerative processes, cleanse and heal the body at the molecular level.


When is the best time to prepare tea for a bath?

In advance, so that it has time to brew and be filled with taste and color. If there are no fruits in the composition, then 20 minutes before going to the bathhouse, if there are - 45-60 minutes.

How to keep your drink warm?

Take it with you to the bathhouse, cover the teapot with a towel, or cook in a container that retains heat.

What is the best bath tea recipe?

It all depends on personal preferences and goals. Herbal teas with rose hips, honey and ginger are considered the most useful.

Is it possible to drink herbal teas in a bath without steeping?

Can. They are prepared like regular tea, but have a pronounced herbal taste and aroma.

Where can I get herbs to make tea?

You can collect it yourself, dry it and make preparations. You can purchase herbs at pharmacies or specialty stores.

Choosing the optimal recipe

Herbal teas for baths are distinguished by a wide choice and a very diverse effect. Therefore, selecting the optimal recipe is by no means an easy matter.

Traditional herbal tea after a bath is a rich infusion obtained by brewing the stems, roots, flowers and fruits of plants with boiling water, which has a certain effect on the human body at the physiological level. A prerequisite is the complete absence of natural or synthetic caffeine in the final product.

Attention! In the tsarist era, as imported tea from China appeared on the market, fireweed tea, obtained from the herb Ivan tea, became an inexpensive alternative. This drink did not have a pronounced tonic effect and was held in special esteem in monasteries and Old Believer hermitages throughout the Russian North.

Various herbal preparations differ quite strongly in both the nature and depth of the effect they have on the human body. For ease of perception, we will compile the information below in the form of a table. So, if the main goal of your trips to the bathhouse is to lose weight, then the teas offered will perfectly complement the system for obtaining a tangible final result:

Tea nameRecipe in mass parts, in gr.
Multivitamin tea for weight loss, with pronounced restorative propertiesBuckthorn bark - 30, dandelion root - 10, parsley fruit - 10, peppermint herb - 10. 1 tbsp of the mixture is brewed in a glass of boiling water. One-time dose no more than 200 ml. Full course - 6 weeks, 1 time per week
Rowan tea for weight lossRowan berries - 70, rose hips - 10, stinging nettle leaves - 30 1 tbsp mixture per 250 ml of boiling water, infusion for about 25 - 30 minutes. One-time dose no more than 500 ml. Full course 6 weeks, with cyclical visits to the bathhouse once a week
Blackberry tea for weight lossBlackberry or wild strawberry leaves - 80, buds or young birch leaves - 10, mother and stepmother grass - 10. The mixture is poured in a ratio of 1/20 with boiling water, infused for 15 - 20 minutes and consumed at the end of the bath procedures in the amount of 400 - 500 ml. The course of herbal treatment is 2 months, subject to visiting the bathhouse at least once a week

A word from Experienced! If the main goal of drinking tea in a sauna is to lose weight, then you should definitely give up the practice of sweetening the tea. When drinking drinks for the purpose of prevention and restoration of the body’s water balance, you should use only natural honey or eat dried apricots or prunes as a snack.

In times of accelerated pace of life and constant stress, diaphoretic bath tea does not have the same importance as soothing tea. This bath tea, the recipe for which we provide, has been tested by practice and has very positive dynamics, both in the relief of stressful conditions and in their prevention.

Proven Soothing Tea Recipe

  • Peppermint - 10 gr.
  • Lemon mint or lemon balm - 10 gr.
  • Valerian officinalis root - 10 g.
  • Wild strawberry or garden raspberry leaves - 30 gr.
  • Large-fruited hawthorn fruits - 40 g.
  • Flowers of prickly tartar or thistle - 10 g.

1 tbsp. l. 250 ml of mixture is brewed. boiling water and infuse for 30 minutes. One-time consumption rate is about 300 - 350 ml. The oncoming effect is palpable and mentally tangible. The kinematic effect of this collection is quite pronounced, so within 2 hours after drinking the drink, a decrease in the reaction to external stimuli is possible, which is something you should definitely remember when getting behind the wheel. For more complete extraction of the active substance, it is useful to wrap the teapot in a cotton towel, felt, or use a high-quality thermos. It is good to sweeten such a drink with linden, flower and acacia honey.

The raw materials for preparing such tea are also available for self-collection; the only inconvenience may be the collection of raspberry leaves and thistle flowers, due to their inherent thorns. The missing ingredients can be easily purchased at any pharmacy chain.

Simple, like everything ingenious

Don't forget about simple drinks. This kind of bath tea, the recipe of which consists of one type of raw material, was very popular in the old days. The most famous of them are the following:

  1. Linden tea from linden inflorescences. This plant is an excellent honey plant and the decoction from it has a delightful aroma and pleasant taste. Endowed with anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and expectorant functions. Excellent for treating colds and infectious diseases. Pairs amazingly with linden and buckwheat honey.
  2. Tea made from raspberry, blackcurrant or strawberry leaves. Such raw materials work great, both as part of preparations and in pure form. It has a good antibacterial effect and strengthens the immune system. It has, especially currant raw materials, an excellent aroma.
  3. Tea made from young birch leaves. Replenishes deficiencies in vitamins and active microelements. It has excellent antibacterial action. Pairs perfectly with sunflower honey.
  4. Rosehip tea. An effective remedy for replenishing vitamin C deficiency. Good on its own. When consumed in large quantities, the choleretic function is manifested, which requires some caution when used by people with chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
  5. Tea made from tea rose petals. A very delicate and subtle drink. The Bulgarian varieties used for the production of rose oil are especially good. For true connoisseurs, sweetening the decoction with anything is categorically unacceptable. Only natural taste, and only natural aroma.

Fruit kingdom

Separately, it is worth mentioning tea drinks, which are based on popular fruit and berry raw materials. Undoubtedly, they are useful and it is obvious that they are natural. However, reliable preservation of such products is often achieved by canning with large amounts of sugar and subsequent heat treatment. The question of the full preservation of the basis of vitamins and microelements is under great skepticism. What is beyond any doubt is the provision of the body with fiber of plant origin, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility.

Progress does not stand still and jam has been replaced by cryogenic freezing of fruit and berry raw materials. Fresh fruits are washed, dried naturally and blast frozen at a temperature of 22 - 32 degrees Celsius and below. This approach makes it possible to almost completely preserve not only the appearance of the raw materials, but also the entire set of vitamins and microelements. It is excellent to obtain tea in this way from raspberries, chokeberries, blackberries and other raw materials that have an acceptable fruit texture. Fruit teas perfectly quench thirst and are self-sufficient without any combinations.

The main beneficial properties of tea

Most people drink tea for a “charge of energy,” but properly brewed high-quality tea can bring much more benefits to the body. Tea contains antioxidants

, which slow down the aging of the body.
Tea leaves are rich in
fluoride and
P. Fluoride is indispensable for strengthening bones, nails and teeth, and vitamin P strengthens blood vessels.

As for that very “vigor”, caffeine

. Black tea contains even more of it than coffee. Caffeine helps improve metabolism and increase body activity, and this, in turn, helps fight excess weight.

It is important not only to choose and brew the right tea, but also to drink it correctly. Tea drinking should happen slowly and calmly

Then the body will be able to relax, breathing will become more measured and deeper, and increased oxygen consumption will stimulate brain activity
. That's why it can be helpful to take a tea break while working or thinking about a difficult task.


Russian bath lovers rarely perform all the necessary procedures in a hurry. They devote a special place to rest, during which they try to consume as much liquid as possible. They claim that it is the bathhouse that allows one to reveal the unique aroma and taste of medicinal plants.

Someone goes here with a thermos containing a pre-prepared drink. Others prefer to drink freshly brewed tea, which is prepared in the relaxation room. However, all experts believe that it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol before, during, and even after visiting the steam room.

What other drinks are suitable for a bath?


An ancient drink of the Slavic peoples: it contains many natural ingredients that are good for health. This amazing drink has a great effect on the stomach, regulating the amount of acid in it, normalizing metabolism, and improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

The first mention of kvass came from the lips of the Kyiv prince Vladimir, who treated his subjects to it.

The drink was brewed in each family according to a special recipe:

  • 200 g of rye flour should be brewed with 1 liter of hot water and cooled.
  • Then add apple, lemon and dried grapes, minced through a meat grinder, chopped raspberry leaves, season with honey and malt,
  • add another 1000 ml of chilled water.
  • Leave in a warm place for 3 days, strain.

Some people add anise, cumin, sage or other aromatic spices.


Forgotten, but so beloved in ancient times, drinks based on the healthiest berries and fruits. This allows the drink to be a leader among today’s fashionable smoothies, because it contains natural microelements.

Perhaps the most popular and valuable, due to the presence of large amounts of vitamin C in it, is cranberry juice.

A fruit drink made from assorted berries - currants, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries - is perfect for baths and saunas, adding a little lime or lemon juice. Grind everything, boil, cool and drink with pleasure.

Is it possible to visit the bathhouse after a long feast?

Often after noisy events (corporate parties, birthday celebrations), many continue the fun in the bathhouse. Sometimes people deliberately do this, citing the fact that the steam room expels alcohol from the body in a matter of minutes. I will say right away that doctors do not recommend taking alcohol before a bath and steaming while intoxicated.

The reasons are as follows:

  • In the first hours, the effects of alcohol and hot steam on blood vessels coincide - muscle relaxation and vasodilation occur;
  • The heartbeat reflexively increases;
  • Blood supply to the brain decreases.

As a result, blood accumulates in the peripheral capillary bed. The brain experiences oxygen starvation, which leads to loss of consciousness and fainting.

There is an opinion that a good snack slows down the absorption of alcohol, but after eating the volume of the vascular bed of the stomach increases, this increases theft of the brain.

Therefore, you should not drink alcohol before the bath, and doctors also advise you to refrain from a heavy snack.

Contraindications for drinking tea

When consuming tea, as in any matter, you need to observe moderation. In large quantities, tea will not only not bring benefits, but can also cause harm. especially dangerous for children.

. You can give them tea, but rarely, preferably warm and not too strong. It is not the consumption of liquid as such that is harmful for a child; such restrictions do not apply to water; the diuretic effect of tea is harmful; it additionally puts a strain on the child’s kidneys and heart.

It is not recommended to abuse tea for pregnant women

If you can’t completely eliminate tea, it is better to choose varieties with a lower caffeine content, since caffeine can negatively affect the development of the fetus. It is also better for people with stomach ulcers
high acidity of gastric juice
People with diagnosed hypertension
should not drink a lot of red and strong tea.

Drinking tea right before bed is also not a good idea if you still want to fall asleep. Aromatic substances and caffeine only excite the body

, which can lead to insomnia. For sick people, doctors usually recommend warm, generous drinks, but it is better that this drink is not tea if the person is taking antipyretics. It's all about the diuretic effect again: the more often a person goes to the toilet, the lower the effectiveness of antipyretic drugs will be.

Effect on the respiratory system

Diseases associated with the cardiovascular system are the most common causes of death. Alcoholic drinks have a destructive effect on the heart muscle, which causes the development of various diseases that lead to death. Alcoholic drinks often lead to heart attacks.

Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the entire body. The respiratory system is not spared the destructive effects. People suffering from alcoholism are often diagnosed with the development of:

  • tuberculosis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • chronic bronchitis;
  • emphysema.

Drinkers often combine drinking alcoholic beverages with smoking cigarettes. This increases the detrimental effect on the respiratory system.

The relaxing effect of alcohol on the diaphragm leads to an increase in pulmonary volume, the amount of oxygen in air-alcohol vapor rapidly decreases, resulting in shortness of breath, weakness and drowsiness, and hiccups often occur.

The potential of the respiratory system is aimed at removing the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol, and not at supplying the body with oxygen, which again results in oxygen starvation of all organs and systems.

Being at home, it is almost impossible to install an IV yourself. Therefore, the only drugs you can count on are those that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. But this is not a hopeless situation, since today pharmacies sell enough useful medicines.


The action is aimed at accelerating metabolism. The drug also promotes early stabilization of the functioning of various areas of the brain, which significantly reduces hangover syndrome.


The drug is classified as a neurotransmitter, it is a sedative and has a relaxing effect. Its antioxidant properties are aimed at antitoxic effects. Glycine improves sleep functions, restoring strength.


With the help of this drug, which serves as a hepatoprotector, the biological functions of the liver are regulated with their subsequent restoration. In a hangover situation, it increases the rate of alcohol removal from the blood.


The drug helps cleanse the body of ethanol toxins. It restores the balance of fats in liver tissue and reduces the risk of cirrhosis. Withdrawal syndrome is suppressed due to the content of components such as sodium and magnesium in the drug.

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