Top 8 important rules of behavior in your own and public baths

For most people who do not have therapeutic restrictions, regular visits to a bathhouse or sauna bring undoubted benefits. We are talking not only about high-quality hygiene procedures and relaxation, but also about the beneficial effect on the immune system, the general strengthening of the body, and the removal of toxins. In order not only to enjoy swimming, to take a steam bath, but to get the maximum effect from it, you need to follow 8 important rules of behavior in the bathhouse.


1. This document defines the policy of IP Skiba A.A.
(hereinafter referred to as the Operator) regarding the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Policy). 1. This Policy applies to all information that an Individual Entrepreneur (OGRNIP: 316366800149986, INN: 366412148927, registration address: 394028, Montazhny 12e, office 1, Voronezh, Voronezh region, Russia) and/or its affiliates may receive about the user while he is using the site.

2. The use of the site by the subject of personal data means the unconditional consent of the subject of personal data with this Policy and the conditions for processing his personal data specified therein; in case of disagreement with these conditions, the personal data subject must refrain from using this resource.

3. This Policy applies only to the website. The Operator does not control and is not responsible for third party websites, which the subject of personal data can access via links available on the website. On such sites, other personal information may be collected or requested from the user, and other actions may be taken.

2. This Policy has been developed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data.

3. This Policy applies to all processes of collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data carried out using automation tools and without the use of such means.

4. The policy contains information that is subject to disclosure in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 14 Federal Law “On Personal Data”, and is a publicly available document.

5. The operator operates at the address: 394028, Montazhny 12e, office. 1, Voronezh, Voronezh region, Russia.

6. Skiba Alena Alekseevna (phone, e-mail) was appointed responsible for organizing the processing of personal data.


7. Personal data - any information relating to a directly or indirectly identified or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).

8. Operator - a state body, municipal body, legal or natural person, independently or jointly with other persons organizing and (or) carrying out the processing of personal data, as well as determining the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) performed with personal data.

9. Processing of personal data - any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without the use of such means with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

10. Providing personal data - actions aimed at disclosing personal data to a certain person or a certain circle of persons;

11. Destruction of personal data - actions as a result of which it becomes impossible to restore the content of personal data in the personal data information system and (or) as a result of which material media of personal data are destroyed.

12. Blocking of personal data - temporary cessation of processing of personal data (except for cases where processing is necessary to clarify personal data).

Public baths

While in such establishments, do not interfere with the rest of other people. To make everyone feel comfortable, it is recommended to follow five rules of behavior in the bathhouse:

  • Do not attract the attention of others, talk calmly, do not make noise.
  • To protect yourself from various infections, follow all personal hygiene requirements.
  • Place rugs on the floor in the steam room. Use a set of clothes designed specifically for the bath.
  • Do not use products that contain overly strong odors.
  • Treat your employees' work with respect.

If you follow all the rules for visiting, as well as follow the recommendations of doctors, going to the bathhouse will bring only true pleasure and will have a healing effect on the body.


13. The operator processes personal data for the following purposes:

1. for the execution of an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party or beneficiary or guarantor;

2. to conclude an agreement on the initiative of the subject of personal data or an agreement under which the subject of personal data will be a beneficiary or guarantor;

3. to process incoming requests from individuals for the purpose of providing information services;

4. to achieve the goals provided for by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or law, to implement and fulfill the functions, powers and responsibilities assigned by the legislation of the Russian Federation to the Operator;

5. to promote the Operator’s goods, works, and services on the market by making direct contacts with the subject of personal data using communication means.


14. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is:

1. Legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation and consisting of Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and other federal laws defining cases and features of the processing of personal data ;

2. consent to the processing of personal data, the conditions of which are confirmed by the subject of personal data when working with the feedback form on the Operator’s website;

3. civil contracts concluded by the Operator with counterparties, annexes to these contracts.


21. To achieve the purposes of processing personal data and with the consent of the subjects of personal data, the Operator provides personal data or entrusts their processing to the following persons:

1. government agencies;

2. individuals who are in labor and civil relations with the Operator’s counterparties.

3. individuals who are in labor and civil legal relations with the Operator.

22. In order to fulfill contractual obligations or requirements of federal legislation, the Operator receives personal data from the following third parties:

1. Partners or other persons in accordance with a civil law agreement.


23. Processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

1. The processing of personal data is carried out on a legal and fair basis;

2. The processing of personal data is limited to the achievement of specific, pre-defined and legitimate purposes. Processing of personal data that is incompatible with the purposes of collecting personal data is not permitted;

3. It is not allowed to combine databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes incompatible with each other;

4. Only those personal data that meet the purposes of their processing are subject to processing;

5. The content and volume of personal data processed correspond to the stated purposes of processing. The personal data processed is not redundant in relation to the stated purposes of processing;

6. When processing personal data, the accuracy of personal data, their sufficiency, and, if necessary, relevance in relation to the stated purposes of their processing are ensured.

7. The storage of personal data is carried out in a form that makes it possible to identify the subject of personal data no longer than required by the purposes of processing personal data, unless the period for storing personal data is established by federal law, an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party, beneficiary or guarantor. The processed personal data is subject to destruction or depersonalization upon achievement of the processing goals or in the event of loss of the need to achieve these goals, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

Preparing for a trip to the bathhouse

If you decide to heal your body by going to the bathhouse, prepare for the procedures in advance so that they bring maximum effect during your visits. Prepare your body in advance. What does that require:

  • The doctor's consultation. Visit your doctor and listen to his recommendations. It will help you understand the contraindications.
  • Eating. Before visiting the sauna or bathhouse, you must eat 2-3 hours before visiting. The menu should include only light dishes. During bath procedures, you should not load your stomach with food, since under the influence of high temperatures the digestion process slows down significantly.
  • Sport. Immediately before visiting the bathhouse, do not overload your body with intense physical activity.
  • Liquids. On the day of going to the bathhouse, drink as much water as possible, up to three liters. This will avoid dehydration, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the body as a whole. Replenish your fluid supply during breaks between sauna visits. Alcoholic drinks are excluded.
  • Personal hygiene. Before going to the steam room, remove all makeup from your skin. Sweating should not be interfered with by any foreign substances. Do not use products that dry out the skin too much. Follow the rules of behavior in the bathhouse, and the procedures will only bring you pleasure.


24. Processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with the principles and rules established by the Federal Law “On Personal Data”. Processing of personal data is permitted in the following cases:

1. Processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of personal data to the processing of his personal data;

2. Processing of personal data is necessary to achieve the goals provided for by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or law, to implement and fulfill the functions, powers and responsibilities assigned by the legislation of the Russian Federation to the operator;

3. Processing of personal data is necessary for the administration of justice, execution of a judicial act, act of another body or official, subject to execution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on enforcement proceedings;

4. Processing of personal data is necessary for the execution of an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party or beneficiary or guarantor, as well as for concluding an agreement on the initiative of the subject of personal data or an agreement under which the subject of personal data will be a beneficiary or guarantor;

5. Processing of personal data is necessary to protect the life, health or other vital interests of the subject of personal data, if obtaining the consent of the subject of personal data is impossible;

6. Processing of personal data is necessary to exercise the rights and legitimate interests of the operator or third parties, or to achieve socially significant goals, provided that the rights and freedoms of the subject of personal data are not violated;

7. The processing of personal data is carried out for statistical or other research purposes, subject to the mandatory anonymization of personal data. The exception is the processing of personal data for the purpose of promoting goods, works, services on the market by making direct contacts with potential consumers using communications, as well as for the purposes of political propaganda;

8. Processing of personal data is carried out, access to an unlimited number of persons is provided by the subject of personal data, or at his request (hereinafter referred to as personal data made publicly available by the subject of personal data);

9. The processing of personal data subject to publication or mandatory disclosure in accordance with federal law is carried out.

25. The Operator may include personal data of subjects in publicly available sources of personal data, and the Operator takes the written consent of the subject to process his personal data.

26. The Operator may process special categories of personal data relating to race, nationality, health status, and the Operator undertakes to obtain the written consent of the subject for the processing of his personal data.

27. Biometric personal data (information that characterizes the physiological and biological characteristics of a person, on the basis of which his identity can be established and which is used by the operator to establish the identity of the subject of personal data) are not processed by the Operator.

28. The operator does not carry out cross-border transfer of personal data.

29. Decisions that give rise to legal consequences in relation to the subject of personal data or otherwise affect his rights and legitimate interests are not made based solely on automated processing of personal data.

30. In the terms of the document for the implementation of the Operator’s activities, there is no prohibition on the transfer of personal data to third parties without the written consent of the subject of personal data.

31. If there is no need for the subject’s written consent to process his personal data, the subject’s consent may be given by the subject of personal data or his representative in any form that allows the fact of its receipt to be obtained.

32. The Operator has the right to entrust the processing of personal data to another person with the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law, on the basis of an agreement concluded with this person (hereinafter referred to as the instruction of the Operator). At the same time, the Operator in the contract obliges the person processing personal data on behalf of the Operator to comply with the principles and rules for processing personal data provided for by this Federal Law.

33. If the Operator entrusts the processing of personal data to another person, the Operator is responsible to the subject of personal data for the actions of the specified person. The person processing personal data on behalf of the Operator is responsible to the Operator.

34. The operator undertakes and obliges other persons who have access to personal data not to disclose to third parties or distribute personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

35. Databases of information containing personal data of citizens of the Russian Federation are located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

What should you take with you to the steam room?

To make your trip to the steam room comfortable, prepare your bath accessories in advance. You must have with you:

  • Naturally, a broom
  • Soap, shampoo, body gel, etc., as well as a comb
  • Mittens or mittens, for massage and to make it more convenient to use a broom
  • Flip-flops
  • A small towel that you will use as a bedding in the steam room
  • A bell hat, preferably made of felt, to prevent your head from overheating
  • A sheet to wrap yourself in between visits to the steam room, and a terry robe
  • Pedicure accessories (pumice stone, scissors, etc.)
  • Optional: herbal infusions, honey, sea salt, etc., for wellness treatments
  • Clean linen

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How to behave in a steam room?

Before visiting the bathhouse, steam the selected broom. Place it in a basin or bucket of water, warm and under no circumstances hot. Keep it there for 5-7 minutes, then pour boiling water over it.

To make the broom soft, you can splash a little vodka into the water. Such preparation will make it elastic and especially pleasant for your body.

When going to the steam room, do not wash with soap, as this will remove the fatty lubricant from the skin, which effectively protects them from the burning sensation during steaming. The best option is to simply stand in the shower, wipe your body dry and then start steaming.

An important point about how to steam in a bathhouse: when lying on the shelves, raise your legs so that they are slightly higher than head level. To do this, equip your paired compartment on the shelves with special footrests.

If you have the opportunity to warm up the body gradually, this will only be beneficial. There are two methods for this.

The first of them is specially organized air heating. The second method is much simpler. It consists in the fact that you first need to warm up the body on the lower shelf and only then lie down on the upper ones, where the temperature regime is much higher.

In the steam room, it is preferable to breathe through the nose. This circumstance will help warm up your nasopharynx, as well as cool the inhaled air passing through it.

Turn shelves regularly from side to side. This will allow the body to warm up evenly and will significantly facilitate the functioning of the cardiovascular system. There is no need to abuse your first visit to the steam room; 10 minutes is enough.

It is not recommended to rise sharply from the shelf after you have warmed up. As a result, due to the pressure difference, you may lose your balance. This circumstance can lead to falls, injuries and burns.

After you have rested, you can make two or three more visits to the steam room to warm up. The number of her visits depends on your state of health and experience as a lover of the Russian bath.

Next, a cool or cold shower is recommended, swimming in a natural pond, in extreme cases, dousing yourself with cool water from a tub, then 10-15 minutes of relaxation in the relaxation room.

When you go out, don’t sit down right away; it’s best to walk around the room for a few minutes. After sitting down, restore the body’s water-salt balance with kvass, herbal tea, or lingonberry or cranberry juice.

If the temperature regime in the steam room is not regulated, then the heat level can be increased by splashing hot liquid (water, herbal infusions, diluted beer, etc.) onto the stones in measured portions. This operation increases the vapor content in the air.

Be warned that high relative humidity levels will make it difficult for you to breathe. As a result, choose the optimal temperature and air humidity parameters for yourself.

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36. The operator appoints a person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data to fulfill the duties provided for by the Federal Law “On Personal Data” and the regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it.

37. The operator applies a set of legal, organizational and technical measures to ensure the security of personal data to ensure the confidentiality of personal data and their protection from unlawful actions:

1. provides unlimited access to the Policy, a copy of which is posted on the Operator’s website at ;

2. provides access to employees to personal data processed in the Operator’s information system, as well as to their material media only for the performance of job duties;

3. establishes rules for access to personal data processed in the Operator’s information system, and also ensures registration and accounting of all actions with it;

4. assesses the harm that may be caused to personal data subjects in the event of a violation of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”;

5. identifies threats to the security of personal data during their processing in the Operator’s information system;

6. applies organizational and technical measures and uses information security tools necessary to achieve the established level of personal data security;

7. detects facts of unauthorized access to personal data and takes response measures, including restoration of personal data modified or destroyed due to unauthorized access to it;

8. assesses the effectiveness of measures taken to ensure the security of personal data before putting the Operator’s information system into operation;

9. carries out internal control over the compliance of the processing of personal data with the Federal Law “On Personal Data”, regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it, requirements for the protection of personal data, Policy, Regulations and other local acts, including control over the measures taken to ensure the security of personal data and their level of security when processed in the Operator’s information system.


Before entering the steam room or sauna, drink more liquid, relax and rest a little. After taking a shower, dry yourself well with a towel. You should not get your head wet, otherwise it will quickly overheat in the steam room. It is recommended to take warm foot baths. When your feet are warm, your body immediately begins to sweat better. When you enter the steam room, first sit on the lower tiers and gradually move to the upper ones. This is recommended in all rules of behavior in the bathhouse. This way the body gradually gets used to high temperatures, and the removal of toxins will occur gradually. The time spent in the steam room depends on the body’s endurance; it can last up to 10 minutes. The intervals between visits should be at least 15 minutes. In total, it is recommended to make no more than three visits to the steam room in one session.


38. The subject of personal data has the right:

1. to receive personal data relating to a given subject and information regarding their processing;

2. to clarify, block or destroy his personal data if they are incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or are not necessary for the stated purpose of processing;

3. to withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data; - to protect their rights and legitimate interests, including compensation for losses and compensation for moral damage in court;

4. to appeal the actions or inaction of the Operator to the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects or in court.

5. To exercise their rights and legitimate interests, subjects of personal data have the right to contact the Operator personally or with the help of a representative.

6. The request must contain the information specified in Part 3 of Art. 14 Federal Law “On Personal Data” and should be sent to the address specified in clause 1.5 of the Policy.

Avoid mistakes

Avoid the most common mistakes that bathhouse and sauna visitors make:

  • To stay in the sauna longer, some people try to occupy the lowest cold shelf and sit there the entire time.
  • It is not recommended to douse yourself with warm water instead of cool water after a steam room.
  • It is dangerous to sit on the highest shelf when your head is near the ceiling and your legs are hanging down.
  • Drinking in the sauna, especially alcoholic beverages, is strictly prohibited.
  • If you walk in a cool room wearing clothes, the hardening effect is reduced.
  • It is unhygienic to dive into the pool immediately after the sauna without washing off the sweat.
  • You should not swim in the pool between trips to the sauna. Water pressure causes damage to dilated blood vessels.
  • It is harmful to comb your hair in a sauna; it becomes brittle.
  • In the steam room you need to completely relax, there is no place for conversations here, they will only interfere with the state of complete peace.
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