Stoves for the Enchantress bathhouse: creating magical steam for a real Russian bathhouse

No one has long doubted the benefits of bath procedures. A private bathhouse has become an attribute of country houses of people who care about their health and know how to enjoy life. The bathhouse relieves stress, which doctors call the main enemy of modern human health.

Series of sauna stoves “Enchantress”.

Thanks to simple procedures, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of many serious diseases and significantly alleviate the condition of already ill people. And the stove plays the main role in maintaining health with the help of a bath. It depends on how miraculous the effect of the steam room will be.

For the power and speed of heating the steam room, for the unique ability to bring a tired person back to life, one of the sauna stoves was called “The Enchantress”. So, a little about how she works her miracles.

Features of the Enchantress stoves

  1. They are made of high-alloy stainless steel with the addition of 1% titanium and 18% chromium, so their body is durable and highly resistant.
  2. The design consists of a double chamber. The first is intended for burning wood, the second burns gases. Additional heat is actively absorbed by the heater.
  3. The price of the Enchantress sauna stoves depends on the cladding option. Three cladding options are offered - coil, soapstone and refractory brick.
  4. Soapstone is a natural stone with high heat capacity. By equipping a steam room with such a stove, you will receive not just pleasant, but therapeutic bath procedures. This material has healing properties and has a beneficial effect on the human body. It also distributes heat evenly in the steam room.
  5. A stove finished with a natural coil not only gives the bathhouse a special flavor, but also has thermal storage and healing properties. This stone helps the stove create soft, velvety heat.
  6. And the price of the Enchantress sauna stoves with refractory brick finishing will please you with its affordability. These heaters are characterized by increased fire safety and eliminate the risk of burns.

Wood-burning sauna stove VVD Charodeika MK

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5.5 If the Buyer violates clause 5.1 regarding the preparation of the Certificate, the Seller has the right to refuse to satisfy the Buyer’s claims regarding the quantity and quality of the transferred goods.

Sauna stove CHARODEYKA M soapstone


Steam room volume max.: 20 cubic meters Dimensions WxDxH: 550x805x870 mm Stove weight: 101 kg Weight of stones: 60 kg Pre-furnace tunnel (yes/no) : yes Glass door (yes/no): yes Price: 43,500 RUR

The Enchantress-M stove-heater is made of heat-resistant stainless steel and finished with soapstone, which creates an unusually comfortable atmosphere in the steam room.


The furnace combustion unit is made of corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant AISI 439 steel . To enhance rigidity and increase the area of ​​the total heat transfer surface, the walls of the unit are equipped with triangular register ribs .

For the external finishing of the “Enchantress of Russian Steam” stove, only natural materials are used - natural stone: soapstone or coil, fireclay brick (in the economy version). Facing made of natural stone or brick allows you to transform the hard thermal radiation from a hot combustion unit into a softer one, making it comfortable and pleasant.

Furnace Enchantress Russian steam in lining. Photo Inzhkomtsentr VVD

Sauna stove CHARODEYKA M refractory brick


Steam room volume max.: 20 cubic meters Dimensions WxDxH: 550x805x870 mm Stove weight: 101 kg Weight of stones: 60 kg Pre-furnace tunnel (yes/no) : yes Glass door (yes/no): yes Price: 31,000 RUR

The Enchantress M stove-heater is made of stainless steel and lined with heat-resistant brick, which creates soft steam and a comfortable atmosphere in the steam room.

Advantages of the heating unit:

Installation diagram of the Enchantress stoves.

  1. Soft warmth. Reviews of the Enchantress stove often include the remark that it is unusually comfortable in the steam room heated by it. Volumetric and soft heat is provided thanks to the special design of the firebox, which eliminates excessively strong effects on the human skin and respiratory tract. Also, in a steam room equipped with this stove, there is no risk of heat stroke, which often happens in rooms heated by convection stoves.
  2. Steam is generated instantly. This is facilitated by uniform and strong heating of the stones.
  3. Fire safety and reliability. All elements of the furnace are made of stainless, heat-resistant steel and cast iron (the grates are made from this material); refractory bricks, coils or soapstone are used as cladding.
  4. Convenience. The Enchantress bath stove can be equipped with a water tank of 50-100 liters. The tanks have a specific shape - a recessed neck, which eliminates unnecessary evaporation of water during filling. You can also attach a heat exchanger and a remote tank to the unit.
  5. "Fireplace effect" Through the stove door you will admire the play of flames in the firebox while relaxing in the dressing room.

Sauna stove CHARODEYKA M coil


Steam room volume max.: 20 cubic meters Dimensions WxDxH: 550x805x870 mm Stove weight: 101 kg Weight of stones: 60 kg Pre-furnace tunnel (yes/no) : yes Glass door (yes/no): yes Price: 43,500 RUR

The Enchantress M stove-heater is made of heat-resistant stainless steel, and the finishing is made of a coil. The unique finish of the stove, combined with excellent characteristics, will bring true pleasure to sauna connoisseurs and give the steam room a unique look.

Why is “The Enchantress” sometimes criticized? The whole truth is here!

Of course, not everyone likes the Enchantress bath stoves – and that’s natural. Ideal stoves have not yet been invented, and those close to ideal usually cost exorbitant prices. “The Enchantress” is specifically called by some bathhouse attendants stupid - due to the fact that it is quite difficult to cover the corners of the stove with a stone. And the reason for this is that the spaces are too narrow.

Sometimes they also complain about the front part of the stove - the doors seem crooked to some, and the iron handles, although they don’t burn, cause unpleasant concerns.

Experienced bathhouse attendants also consider the upper ash pan to be quite ill-conceived in the “Enchantress” stove, on which they often get burned when lighting the stove, and also the fact that the remote part of the stove has no legs. Although stove connoisseurs still express hope that Izhkomtsentr engineers will correct the shortcomings. And now, at least, many bathhouse attendants correct the fact that not many stones fit into the stove this way: they install a cap on the stones and put a few cast iron ingots.

Bath stove CHARODEYKA soapstone chlorite


Steam room volume max.: 30 cubic meters Dimensions WxDxH: 550x600x870 mm Stove weight: 250 kg Weight of stones: 80 kg Pre-furnace tunnel (yes/no) : yes Glass door (yes/no): yes Price: 55,000 RUR

The Enchantress stove-heater is made of heat-resistant stainless steel and finished with soapstone, which creates an unusually comfortable atmosphere in the steam room.

Specifics of operation

The thermodynamic heater of the stove heats a large number of stones to a temperature of over 400 degrees C, but there is no burning sensation thanks to the thermal casing that covers the stones and ensures uniform heat distribution.

The steam room warms up in about 1.5-2 hours. During this time, the temperature rises to 100 degrees C and higher. The quality of steam is the same as in steam rooms with a brick oven, and it takes noticeably less time to warm up the room. Steamers consider this property to be the main advantage of the Enchantress.

However, the stove also has a drawback - its relatively large mass (up to 250 kg). Considering how many advantages the stove has, this flaw is quite tolerable.

With mounted tank, without tank, with heat exchanger, with water circuit, without circuit

The oven is equipped with various accessories and additional devices:

  • starting pipe - for protection against infrared radiation;
  • heater pipe - to protect against infrared radiation and increase the volume of stones for heat accumulation;
  • tank-pipe for heating water 50 or 80 liters with a recessed neck, eliminating the possibility of steam from boiling water entering the steam room;
  • heat exchanger tank - for heating a large amount of water in a storage tank of a closed system;
  • a steam gun allows you to supply water, including to hotter stones of the middle and lower levels, to produce “light” steam.

Wood-burning stove InzhKomTsentr VVD Charodeyka M Russian steam in soapstone

The wood-burning stove “Enchantress M Russian Steam” (“M” - mini) is a smaller version of the stove “Enchantress Russian Steam”, designed for use in steam rooms with a volume of up to 20 m3. The combustion unit, like all Charodeyka furnaces, is made of AISI 439 stainless steel, an analogue of 12Х18Н10Т steel, from which, in accordance with GOST 5632-72, it is allowed to manufacture parts of furnace equipment.

The design of the Enchantress M Russian Steam stove has a number of additional original technical solutions. Its combustion unit is made according to a two-chamber design. In the first chamber of the firebox, wood is burned, and in the second, fuel gases are burned. The presence of a door at the second chamber makes it possible to clean the chimney, and the presence of a damper supplies air to the afterburning zone of fuel gases. The large contact area of ​​the heater surface with the flame, the presence of fins-registers, as well as the afterburning system of fuel gases, make the combustion unit of the stove, with its relatively low weight, extremely mobile and productive, and in general the entire stove is efficient and economical. The closed heater heats 100 kg of stones to a high temperature, resulting in excellent light steam. The furnace lining is made of natural stone or fireclay brick and, like the “Enchantress of Russian Steam”, serves not only to protect against infrared radiation, but also to accumulate heat, and at the same time serves as the wall of the convection channel between it and the combustion unit.

The Enchantress M Russian Steam stove is equipped with various accessories and additional devices:

  • “starting tube” - for protection against infrared radiation;
  • “heater pipe” - to protect against infrared radiation and increase the volume of stones for heat accumulation;
  • “tank-pipe” for heating water 50 l or 80 l with a recessed neck, eliminating the possibility of steam from boiling water entering the steam room;
  • “tank-heat exchanger” - for heating a large amount of water in a storage tank of a closed system.

Oven features:

  • like the “Enchantress Russian Steam” stove, the fuel unit of the “Enchantress M Russian Steam” stove is made of heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant steel AISI 439, and the outer casing is made of natural soapstone or coil, in the economy version – fireclay brick;
  • a two-chamber system of the combustion unit, with an afterburning chamber for exhaust gases, increases the efficiency of the furnace, reduces fuel consumption and makes the furnace overall more efficient and productive;
  • the closed heater heats 120 kg of stones to a high temperature, thanks to which you can get excellent light steam;
  • the door of the gas afterburning chamber allows additional cleaning of the smoke channel;
  • the light weight of the combustion unit allows it to be manufactured in a non-separable version;
  • the elongated combustion tunnel allows you to heat the stove from the adjacent room, and the door with large transparent glass allows you to admire the flame and visually control the combustion process.


  • Due to its large mass, stone cladding is capable of accumulating a significant amount of heat and then slowly releasing it, maintaining a stable temperature in a steam room with virtually no additional heating of the furnace.
  • The original design of the cladding emphasizes the beauty of natural stone.
  • Reinforced design of the combustion unit.
  • Optimized combustion processes make the stove extremely reliable, stable and durable.
  • The light weight of the combustion unit allows it to be manufactured in a non-dismountable version.
  • The originality of the design provides the furnace with a high total heat transfer surface area in comparison with competitive analogues, and correspondingly high efficiency
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