Features of choosing adhesive for polyethylene: tips and tricks

When choosing insulation, a special place is occupied by foamed polyethylene - a material with sound, heat and vapor barrier properties. Depending on the manufacturer, it can be penofol, isolon or polyfoam. The construction market offers different types: with one-sided or double-sided foil, as well as with a self-adhesive plane. The material on which the insulation is attached also varies. Based on all the parameters, you need to be able to choose the appropriate adhesive for polyethylene foam.

Adhesive for penofol (click to enlarge)

The main advantages of foamed polyethylene

Despite the availability of thermal insulation materials on sale, the production of which began later than foamed polyethylene, insulation materials of the Isolon, Temaflex, Polyfom, and Penofol brands are in consumer demand because:

  • the material has low thermal conductivity;
  • the air-bubble structure of the insulating material prevents the spread of water vapor and the penetration of precipitation;
  • the small thickness and high flexibility of the material facilitates installation, and the adhesive for polyethylene foam ensures its reliable fixation on the surface of building structures;
  • if foamed self-adhesive polyethylene is used, installation of the heat-insulating layer is greatly simplified; it is carried out at the joint, over which aluminum tape is glued;
  • if foil-foamed self-adhesive polyethylene is used, then after insulating the surface of the building structure with Penofol, it even acquires a certain beauty.

Application area

Polystyrene foam is used in various spheres of life. A large number of materials and products are made from it. The material also retains heat well, so it is often used to insulate walls.

Areas of application of expanded polystyrene:

  1. Construction works. In construction, it is used for thermal insulation of structures, houses, buildings, garages, hangars. It is also used for external insulation.
  2. In shipbuilding. Lifebelts, lifeboats, and light boats are made from it. Also used to fill the compartments of small boats.
  3. In medicine. In this area, foam containers are used to transport organs and medicines.
  4. In furniture production. It is added to the composition of the material from which various pieces of furniture are then made.
  5. For the production of packaging materials. Added to various bags, packaging, wrappers, and so on.
  6. For the production of outdoor advertising. It is added to advertising structures - banners, signs.
  7. In clothing production. It is added to many fabrics. Clothes containing foam are very warm.

Adhesive mixtures for polyethylene foam

Experts, when recommending how to glue foamed polyethylene, suggest two-component mixtures based on methyl acrylate. For example, the well-known mixture from “Easy-Mix PE-PP”, which demonstrates high adhesion, allowing you to work even with polypropylene and simple polyethylene.

They have proven themselves well:

  • “Quick-Bond” or “88-NP” (universal adhesive for this material;
  • Akrol contact;
  • spray "Neoprene 2136".

If you need to glue foamed polyethylene together, you can use:

  • Cerezit CT83;
  • Anserglob BCX 39;
  • polymer cement mixture called “Aqualit SK-106 P”;
  • "Master Super";
  • "Polymin P-20";
  • polyurethane aerosols “Stolit PC” or “Tytan Styro 753 O₂”.

The wall must be pre-cleaned, treated with an antiseptic, dried, and, if necessary, leveled. When fixing insulating material over large areas, we recommend using the adhesive mixture “Facade” or “Bolars” (packaged in 25 kg), pre-preparing the working solution in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Foamed polyethylene is often used for insulation and waterproofing, but for an effective and high-quality result, special glue must be used in tandem with polyethylene.

There are several types of glue:

— for exterior finishing and insulation, mounting adhesive for exterior work or liquid nails, which have a high degree of strength and are resistant to temperature changes and adverse weather conditions, are suitable;

- in a room with a high degree of humidity, in a bathhouse or bathroom, you will need MV-40 glue, which does not lose its adhesive qualities in a damp environment and has water-repellent properties;

— when insulating the inside of houses, apartments and other residential premises, you should choose non-toxic glue labeled “universal” or “express”.

There are also professional adhesive-based mixtures that have high performance and perform their functions perfectly. When dry, this mixture acquires a similar structure to the material, which gives solidity to the bonded surfaces. The correct choice of adhesive composition will help make the insulation of the room not only effective, but also durable.

Alternative bonding methods

As an alternative solution, you can offer products such as PVA, “liquid” nails and polyurethane foam. The first option may well replace specialized tools when it comes to gluing thin panels to a flat and adhesively favorable base in a room. Polyurethane foam will provide impeccable adhesion strength. If mechanical reliability is a top priority, then this option should be preferred. But you should also keep in mind that polyurethane foam will cause a lot of trouble if you need to dismantle the insulator. “Liquid” nails are also aimed at creating a strong bond, but this glue for gluing insulation can only be used outside residential premises. This is due precisely to the content of toxically harmful components.

Features of choosing adhesive for polypropylene and polyethylene

At home, vapor and waterproofing can be done with ordinary foamed polypropylene (polyethylene). Polypropylene insulation, although primitive, is highly effective, allowing you to save on the purchase of more expensive analogues.

Adhesive mixture for polyethylene

But you can’t get by with polyethylene alone, since its use requires polyethylene glue. In rarer cases, other adhesive-based mixtures are also suitable. They are needed for fixing polyethylene (the so-called polyethylene gluing) on ​​the surface of thermal insulation or any other building structure.

And among the many different adhesive-based mixtures, it is necessary to choose the most optimal and effective one.

In order to glue polyethylene to thermal insulation, experts recommend using a specialized adhesive-based mixture “Easy-Mix PE-PP”.

How can parts made from these materials be glued together?

Polypropylene parts or sheets are difficult to glue together. The reason for this is that the surface is too smooth, preventing good adhesion. Special compositions for these polymers have not yet been invented, so you have to choose the most suitable adhesive from those already available.

There are two types of adhesive materials:

  • single-component ones are sold ready-made (for example, “Moment” adhesive-sealant);
  • two-component ones are a kit consisting of a base and a hardener, which must be mixed before work (for example, epoxy glue with a hardener or “Plasticfix”).

All adhesive compositions can be divided into three groups:

  • cold cure (harden at room temperature);
  • thermosetting (heating is required for their polymerization);
  • mixed (polymerizes with and without heating).

Adhesive mixtures contain substances that dissolve the polymer and improve adhesion of the additive. The volatile solvent evaporates quickly, causing hardening at the joint. The parts form a single whole, which is why this process is often called cold welding.

What glue to use for gluing polyethylene - composition

The easiest way is to purchase structural adhesive in the store, which contains methyl acrylate. Its properties ensure rapid softening of polyethylene and its further gluing. The glue also contains inorganic and organic acids and xylene, chromic anhydride and various additives.

The advantage of using the mixture is that no additional processing of the material is required. However, polyethylene glue is quite toxic, so it is recommended to carry out work outdoors. The glue acquires its best properties at a temperature of +35C; it is not afraid of moisture, but is flammable. It is better to buy it in specialized stores so as not to run into a fake.

If there is a need to combine polyethylene with polyethylene, it is more convenient and easier to resort to heat treatment.

This technique allows you to obtain a strong, unbreakable seam. Among the disadvantages of the method, it is worth noting the deformation of the edges of the product.

Mixtures for combining polymers are available for sale, with a consistency similar to a thick paste. An activator is included in the kit. After adding it to polyethylene glue, it acquires the necessary consistency and can be used for the near future.

Gluing polyethylene - step-by-step instructions

To glue polyethylene, you do not need special knowledge and skills. Even beginners can cope with the task at home.

The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Clean the surface and degrease it. Some manufacturers claim that this step is not mandatory, but experts still recommend spending a few minutes and under no circumstances skipping it.
  2. Apply glue to the treated material. It will only take a few minutes for it to harden, so the parts need to be attached to each other without delay.
  3. Leave the glued polyethylene elements for several hours until the glue completely sets.

In general, this algorithm is similar to working with any glue. However, you should take care to use protective gloves, since the glue can cause allergic reactions and is quite toxic.

It is more convenient to apply the adhesive using a glue gun, which can be loaded with ready-made cartridges. The mixture of them is distributed evenly, so it is easy to achieve the desired dosage. If you are planning a large amount of work, this device is worth investing in.


How to glue foamed polyethylene

Foamed polyethylene has a porous structure, therefore it provides high-quality heat, steam and waterproofing.

Useful tips

Recommendations from specialists will help to glue polyethylene together efficiently, firmly and reliably, so that the products will serve for a long time:

  1. If very high demands are placed on the strength of the seam being formed, then the optimal method for gluing polyethylene is welding. The seam will be strong if it is not allowed to cool suddenly.
  2. Before using filled acrylate adhesive, no mechanical preparation of the surface is required. With the exception of degreasing and cleaning, which are carried out before gluing any surfaces.
  3. The seam formed after gluing the film with acrylate glue should be kept at a temperature from +15 to +70˚ C for 4-5 hours.
  4. Epoxy glue is difficult to work with, and the bond strength is not very good.

Tip You can create your own recipe for polyethylene glue by adding a little crushed chalk or cement to the acrylate glue. The composition can be of high quality and at the same time inexpensive.

The best option for gluing polyethylene is welding, since the result is a strong, reliable seam. It is not always advisable to use adhesive compositions, this is explained by the fact that polyethylene is a chemically inert material with weak adhesive properties.

What kind of glue to glue foamed polyethylene with?

When choosing insulation, a special place is occupied by foamed polyethylene - a material with sound, heat and vapor barrier properties. Depending on the manufacturer, it can be penofol, isolon or polyfoam. The construction market offers different types: with one-sided or double-sided foil, as well as with a self-adhesive plane. The material on which the insulation is attached also varies. Based on all the parameters, you need to be able to choose the appropriate adhesive for polyethylene foam.

Using dowels

In addition to adhesives, polystyrene foam boards can be fixed to a concrete base using dowels. This method can be used independently or as a complement to other methods.

Dowels for thermal insulation are made of plastic and vary in size. The higher the density of the base, the shorter the dowel will be needed. There is a metal nail inside it.

Advantages of using dowels:

  • prevent slipping and deformation of the heat-insulating layer;
  • provide a tighter fit of the foam to the base;
  • completely eliminate the appearance of cold bridges;
  • simple and convenient installation;
  • low cost.

Limitations on the use of dowels:

  • a metal nail can become a conductor of cold, reducing the thermal insulation properties of polystyrene foam;
  • An additional tool (perforator) will be required for installation.

To attach polystyrene foam sheets, you will need 3 dowels per sheet. One of them is located in the center of the slab, and the other two are in its lower corners. Thus, the “umbrellas” of the dowels of the bottom row will hold the sheets of the top row.

A gap of 3 mm must be left between the sheets. This seam allows the slabs to expand during fluctuations in temperature and humidity, eliminating their deformation. The seam is filled with sealant.

Several types of adhesives can be used to bond polystyrene foam to a concrete surface. The installation method is selected based on the quality of the base and available resources. The choice of means for fixing sheets is a determining criterion for the service life of the concrete surface, as well as ensuring the level of heat and sound insulation.

Features of penofol fastening

Penofol (isolon) is produced by special foaming of polyethylene. The insulation is covered with aluminum foil, which maximizes heat retention. It is used for internal and external work, in finishing production mechanisms, preserving heat in pipelines or air conditioning systems. It comes in rolls and individual plates. It may have additional characteristics – thickness, color. The bonding of foil to the plane of foamed polyethylene can be chemical or physical (cross-linked).

  • small thickness;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • does not require additional skin and respiratory protection;
  • there is no need for special tools;
  • ease of fastening.

Glue is used for penofol with foil on one side.

Double-sided insulation is used for thermal insulation of loggias, garages, and pipes. They are attached to the sheathing or purchased polyethylene foam with a self-adhesive surface.

Due to the lightness of the insulation material, the load-bearing capacity of the adhesive is not so important.

Loggia insulation technology

Scheme of insulating a balcony from the inside.

The insulation of the loggia, as mentioned above, should cover the walls, floor and ceiling.

Insulation of loggia walls with penofol is carried out as follows. First you need to clear the walls of debris, remove nails and screws, and level the surface.

It should be as level as the floor. If there are cracks or defects, they must be filled with foam.

If necessary, you can use plaster or putty for leveling.

Thermal insulation includes a layer of penoplex, penofol and facing material.

It is recommended to start insulation from the far corner of the loggia. To do this, you need to take a foam board and attach it to the wall. Next, secure it with dowels or glue it. In the first case, you will need to drill at least 5 holes for fastenings in the slab and wall.

Glue selection

The range of adhesives for penofol on the modern market is quite wide. Therefore, it is important to take into account the different characteristics of materials.

General rules

Penofol adhesive is selected based on the following:

  • the product has durable adhesive properties;
  • the thermal range coincides with the temperature characteristics of the insulation;
  • a non-toxic certified product is used in the interior decoration of residential premises (apartment, office);
  • for external finishing, you need glue that is resistant to temperature changes and weather conditions;
  • saunas and baths require mixtures with water-repellent properties;

Watch the video to understand better:

Water-based glue is not suitable for gluing isolon!

A water base will not create the required level of penetration into all the pores of foil polyethylene foam. The grip on the surface will be insufficient.

Types of glue

Choose what to glue with, also evaluating the surface:

  • Weicon Easy-Mix PE-PP 45. Bonds polypropylene and polyethylene. It hardens for a long time;
  • Titanium. Optimal for concrete base;
  • Atlas Stopter K-20 glue. Adheres to mineral substrates;
  • T-Avangard-K is used at high humidity;
  • Contact Acrol or Neoprene-2136 spray is glued to penoplex;
  • Ceresit and Olfix are universal - they are attached to any surface, including concrete;

The seams are treated with Tilite or special tape.

types, characteristics, pros and cons (photo, video)

Every year, a lot of new materials appear on the market that can provide the user with maximum performance in technical and operational terms. Isolon is one of the most versatile modern materials that are used as thermal insulation for balconies and other premises. In the article we will explain in more detail why isolon is needed and what its technical characteristics are.

Types of material

At its core, this material is polyethylene foam. Unlike standard polyethylene foams, isolon is elastic and also has a cellular structure.

The material can have different densities and thicknesses, which indicates the versatility of isolon.

The manufacturing technology is very complex, as it involves careful processing of the original raw materials.

Currently, there are different types of isolon;

  • isolon PPE;
  • isolon NPE.

The first type is cross-linked polyethylene foam with a transverse structure. But NPE is extruded polyethylene foam, whose structure is not cross-linked. Both species are different from each other at the molecular level, but they are also quite similar in appearance. These are the two main categories of isolon, but there are several other types.

At the top is the structure of uncrosslinked polyethylene foam, at the bottom is crosslinked.


We decided to present the main technical characteristics of each option in the form of a table to clearly demonstrate the differences.

IndicatorIzolon PPEIzolon NPE

Apparent density33 kg/m 324-45 kg/m 3
Use temperature-60 C to +75 C-80 C to +80 C
Thermal conductivity66 W/m*K0.040 W/m*K
Water absorption0.010.01
Vapor permeability0.001 mg/(m*h*Pa)0.001 mg/(m*h*Pa)
Sound absorptionUp to 60% at 6000 Hz3 – 13%

If you are interested in whether this material burns or not, then it is advisable to check with specialists when purchasing this or that type. The degree of combustion will be different, for example, for isoplene and teploizolon. The same applies to other types of material.

How to attach penofol

Attach penofol with the foil side facing the inside of the room. A greater thermal insulation effect is created by an additional air layer 1-2 cm thick (using a backing - sheathing).

By watching the video you will learn more:

Glue of different compositions for polyethylene foam can be ready-made or requires preparation on site. You must carefully read the instructions for the selected mixture:

  • The glue is applied in an even layer, paying special attention to the edges. Before sticking, you need to wait up to 1 minute so that the composition has time to be slightly absorbed. This ensures better adhesive properties. Attach the treated penofol to the insulated surface. The plates are fastened joint to joint, but not overlapping;
  • setting time varies depending on the characteristics of the glue (at least 15 seconds);
  • smooth the surface of the polyethylene foam, removing folds. Tape the seams, you can use foil tape;
  • glued insulation in residential premises requires additional decorative finishing. The last layer of the structure (plasterboard or lining) is installed on the sheathing.

Device, circuit, principle of operation

An effective sewerage ventilation system in a private house consists of two key blocks:

  1. A ventilation duct from a cesspool or septic tank.
  2. Fan pipe in the house.

The principle of operation of ventilation with a cesspool:

  • the pipe above the cesspool works as a supply system, air is drawn through it into the sewer system;
  • through the drain pipe of the house, the unpleasant odor is released into the air space above the roof;
  • when draining waste, excess air masses with an unpleasant odor are discharged through a pipe above the pit;
  • the vacuum is filled by the exhaust pipe.

For such an autonomous system to work, it is important that the cesspool does not overflow and the ventilation pipe does not block the drains. The channel above the septic tank and the drain pipe must not be allowed to become clogged. For preventive purposes, the system should be equipped with inspection compartments and inspection pits.

They will help remove blockages, carry out repairs and restore ventilation if necessary.

For preventive purposes, the system should be equipped with inspection compartments and inspection pits. They will help remove blockages, carry out repairs and restore ventilation if necessary.

Many people associate an outdoor toilet in a country house with an unpleasant odor, dirt and danger. But modern summer residents strive to make such a toilet the most comfortable and safe place possible.

The design is a small cubicle, wooden or brick, with a toilet or seat located inside. There is a cesspool under the cabin, and it is this, or rather the accumulation of waste in it, that causes the unpleasant odor. During the process of decomposition, human waste releases a foul-smelling gas - methane, which, moreover, is also dangerous to health - a person can lose consciousness when visiting the toilet.

Methane vapor penetrates the wood and destroys it, as a result the wooden floors deteriorate and there is a risk of the structure collapsing. Hence the conclusion: it is necessary to prevent the accumulation of gases and ensure their free release. This is why ventilation is needed in an outdoor toilet.

How to glue polyethylene foam: choosing glue

There are a large number of insulation options on the market. Foamed polyethylene is the most commonly chosen material because it has impressive vapor, heat and sound insulation properties. The choice in today's market is truly great. The proposed options may have a self-adhesive surface, may be foil-coated on one side or both. There are such types of foamed polyethylene on sale as isolon, polyfom, penofol. The insulation can be attached to different materials. And depending on all its characteristics, glue is selected.

We insulate the home

Since it’s quite cold outside, it’s important to provide your home with heat. As practice shows, the use of additional heating sections is not effective enough. The best option for this case is wall insulation. To carry it out, different materials, technologies, etc. are used. All this allows you to make the room warm and cozy at any time of the year. Moreover, it is excellent for both apartments and private houses.

Ideal insulation

Wall insulation is carried out in several ways. It can be done both on the outside of the wall, that is, from the street, and on the inside. The second option is used quite often today. And this is not surprising. After all, it consists in using a special cover for wallpaper. It is attached to the wall with glue. As a result, the walls turn out beautiful and well-groomed, providing comfort and coziness in the room.

Mounting features

Izolon (penofol) is covered with aluminum foil, which allows for the best possible retention of heat. Its adhesion to the surface of the insulation can be chemical or physical, that is, cross-linked. Izolon may have additional characteristics such as thickness or color. If you are looking for win-win insulation for your home, then this option will be the best choice. It is also perfect for insulating elements of air conditioning systems, pipelines, and production mechanisms. Foamed polyethylene is used for both external and internal work. The material has quite significant advantages.

Among them are:

  • small thickness;
  • ease of installation;
  • environmental cleanliness.

Installation of insulation is possible without the use of special tools. Working with foamed polyethylene does not require additional protection of the respiratory tract and skin. The material is so light that the load-bearing capacity of the glue will not be critical.

how to glue foil polyethylene foam to concrete and other surfaces

Greetings! In articles about insulation, the use of penofol is constantly recommended, but I had a question, how to glue penofol to concrete, for example, if I am using a non-self-adhesive option? Thank you.

Hello. We will try to answer your question.

Penofol is an energy-saving material with a layered structure. It combines the properties of foamed polyethylene and thin aluminum foil. The material is characterized by lightness and low thickness, and therefore is often used on various objects (including balconies) for insulation, ensuring tightness, thermal, noise, vapor and waterproofing. However, to ensure high-quality protection, it is not enough to lean penofol against the insulated surface - you will need special glue for penofol.

Features of adhesive installation of penofol

Adhesive for foil foam foam allows you to quickly complete work on insulating surfaces. In addition, the adhesive installation method is easy to implement and low-cost, since it does not require any special skills or specialized tools.

Usually, when choosing gluing as a method of installing insulating surfaces, you need to take into account the load-bearing capacity of the adhesive layer - but when using penofol, this fact will not be decisive, since the material is incredibly light.

Rules for preparing surfaces before gluing

Correctly selected penofol adhesive is not a guarantee of successful work. To ensure the integrity of the connection, the main thing is that the surfaces to be glued are prepared. All defects, chips, unevenness, cracks, as well as dust must be eliminated on them.

Important: Surfaces made of metal, concrete or wood can be additionally primed for better adhesion of the layers.

One of the most important conditions for a quality result is the evenness and cleanliness of the surface. Thus, concrete floors and walls are leveled, cracks are eliminated, and metal elements are treated with an anti-corrosion coating.

What can be used as adhesive for penofol?

Penofol adhesive can be special or universal. For these purposes, professionals also allow the use of liquid nails, double-sided tape, and a thin layer of polyurethane foam. The choice of the type of adhesive depends on both the purpose of the surface and its further design.

It is very important here that the characteristics of the adhesive composition correspond to the performance indicators of the insulation:

If insulation is carried out outside, on the facade, then the adhesive composition must be resistant to water vapor and water. Non-toxicity requirements are also mandatory, since the balcony belongs to residential premises. Therefore, adhesive for foiled penofol must certainly have hygienic safety certificates.

How to choose glue

There is a fairly wide range of different adhesives for sale for working with polyethylene foam. And it is advisable to make the choice using the following criteria.

  • The temperature range must match this characteristic of the insulation.
  • Adhesive properties must be extremely high.
  • If you plan to use glue for interior decoration, it must be certified and non-toxic.
  • If adhesive is selected for exterior finishing, it must be resistant to a variety of weather conditions and temperature changes.
  • If you intend to finish the sauna and bathhouse, then the glue will need to be mixed with water-repellent agents.

Water-based adhesive is absolutely not suitable for working with isolon, because it does not allow the adhesive to penetrate into all the pores of the insulation. Consequently, the level of adhesion will be insufficient.

Types of glue

We list the currently most commonly used glue options.

  • For rooms with high humidity, MV-40 is suitable, which has moisture-resistant properties. You can also choose T-Avangard-K.
  • For residential premises, “Express” or “Universal” are usually used.
  • If we are talking about installing external building structures, then it is best to choose liquid nails or assembly adhesive. For example, Moment Montage would be suitable.

  • Titanium is good for reinforced concrete base.
  • Neoprene-2136 in the form of a spray or Acrol contact type are selected for gluing to penoplex.
  • Olfix and Ceresit are universal glue options. They are perfect for working with any type of surface, including concrete.

  • Atlas Stopter K-2 kley is selected if you plan to glue the insulation to a mineral base.
  • Weicon Easy Mix PE-PP-45 is selected for gluing polypropylene to polyethylene.

After the work, the seams will need to be treated using Tilit or adhesive tape specially designed for this.

The choice of adhesive is largely determined by the purpose of the room that you plan to insulate, whether you will attach it to wood, metal, concrete, etc. It can be difficult to choose on your own without much experience in construction and installation work. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult with specialists.

In the Remonstr store you will find a huge variety of glue options. If you find it difficult to choose, contact our consultants for help, who will promptly respond to your request, help with placing an order, and clarify all the important details regarding payment and delivery.

We glue the film at home

There are different situations when it becomes necessary to glue polyethylene film together. This could be preparing a greenhouse for the summer season or covering the rafters during roof repair work. Polyethylene is often bonded to perform production tasks or during construction work. Polyethylene film can be glued directly at the installation site, or gluing can be done in advance.

A process such as gluing depends on what surface needs to be glued with a polymer material. The order of work will be different in each case. Let's look at the principles of gluing film for various tasks.

Between themselves

You can glue 2 polyethylene sheets together using BF-2 glue. The procedure is quite simple and can be done with your own hands at home. Before applying the adhesive, the surfaces to be bonded must be prepared.

  • The surfaces in the gluing area are cleaned with a washing solution if they are heavily soiled. After cleaning, the film is wiped dry and degreased - this can be done with a solution of technical alcohol or acetone.
  • A thin layer of adhesive is evenly applied to the prepared surface. BF-2 glue tends to dry quickly, so both parts to be glued must be quickly combined with each other.
  • After combining the two surfaces, it is necessary for the adhesive composition to completely polymerize and harden. For this he will need at least 24 hours. Only after the specified time can the glued product be used.

A similar procedure for preparing the working surface and applying glue is used for other similar adhesive compositions

During the work process, it is necessary to take precautions - use personal protective equipment and work in a well-ventilated area. When gluing large surfaces, a large volume of glue placed in a cartridge is used for ease of work.

To metal

To glue polyethylene to metal, you must do the following:

  • the metal surface is cleaned with a metal brush and then with coarse sandpaper, then it is degreased with acetone or a solution of industrial alcohol;
  • the metal surface is thoroughly and evenly heated with a blowtorch to a temperature of 110-150°C;
  • The polyethylene film is pressed against the heated metal and rolled with a rubber roller.

Tight pressing of the material ensures melting of the polymer, and after it cools, good adhesion to the rough metal surface is obtained.

To concrete

Polypropylene in the form of insulation can also be glued to a concrete surface. To do this you need:

  • clean the concrete surface, level with putty, prime;
  • Apply the adhesive composition evenly to the side of the polypropylene sheet where there is no foil layer;
  • wait a little according to the instructions for the glue until the adhesive composition saturates the material;
  • Apply the insulation to the concrete plane and press well.

Other options

Using glue, polyethylene can be glued to paper or secured to fabric. But, in addition to adhesive compositions, you can glue the polymer material using an iron:

  • sheets of polyethylene are folded together;
  • put a sheet of foil or plain paper on top;
  • stepping back 1 cm from the edge, apply a meter ruler;
  • with a hot iron, several strokes are made with the iron along the free edge at the border with the ruler;
  • The ruler and paper are removed, and the resulting seam is allowed to cool completely at room temperature.

Under the influence of a hot iron, polyethylene melts and a strong seam is formed. Using the same principle, you can connect the film using a soldering iron. The difference is that instead of a hot iron, a heated soldering iron tip is drawn along the ruler. The result is a thin weld line.

You can also solder the polymer film using a fire flame. To do this you will need:

  • fold 2 pieces of film together;
  • clamp the edges of the film into blocks of fire-resistant material;
  • bring the material to the flame of a gas burner;
  • hold the free edge of the plastic film tangentially over the flame, movements should be fast;
  • remove the fireproof bars and allow the seam to cool naturally.

The result of welding is a strong seam that resembles a roller in appearance.

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