We are painting the outside of the bath house. Current impregnations, varnishes and paints for wood

Over the years, material such as wood darkens. And a house built on its basis also loses its initially presentable appearance. Therefore, it is not surprising that many residents of old log houses are looking for a good coloring agent in order to restore the former beauty of their home. After all, the choice of paint for log houses is not easy to make and any coloring composition will not work. So, how can you paint a log house that has lost its beauty over time?

Design styles

Classic involves the use of white, cream, beige and light shades.
It is characterized by symmetry, precise forms, correct geometry and architecture. The interior is furnished with solid furniture and massive decorative elements. You will see paintings on the walls and voluminous vases on the floor, heavy curtains, lambrequins and draperies on the windows. The bedroom and living room are decorated in this style. It is desirable that the rooms have high ceilings, otherwise heavy curtains with draperies or lambrequins will make the space heavier and smaller. Classic style will make the room festive, romantic and luxurious.

Empire style is distinguished by red and bright, white and cream colors. Here you will see a lot of gilding and various decorations. To decorate this style, tablecloths, furniture covers and velvet curtains with embroidery, curls or drapery are used. To equip this design of a log house, heavy double doors and large furniture are installed. It is suitable for furnishing spacious rooms, such as a living room or dining room.

Art Deco emphasizes strict geometry and patterns. When decorating, geometric patterns and ornaments, stepped shapes and discreet stucco molding, wide lines and streamlined curves are used. Here you will not find bright colors and elements of romanticism. This style is characterized by halftones and predominantly dark colors, among which brown and beige, black and purple, and green are often used.

You can play on the contrast of black and white, black and purple, black and green. This style is distinguished by luxury and chic. Expensive materials are often used, including rare woods, silver, ivory, crocodile skin, etc. Art Deco is suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

Modern is a light, soft and sophisticated style that is suitable for a comfortable stay. Here they use light tones and muted colors, natural colors, smooth and flowing lines. You can see arches instead of doors, nature-themed wall paintings, light curtains and round tables.

Due to its closeness to naturalness and the use of natural motifs, modernism is perfect for decorating the interior of a log house. And since it encourages relaxation and creates a comfortable and cozy environment, a bedroom, a guest room, or a living room with a fireplace are decorated in this style.

High-tech is a modern and practical style that allows the use of open communication pipes. This simplifies finishing, but does not provide complete safety in a wooden house, as experts advise covering pipes and electrical wiring. When decorating this style, glass and metal, synthetic materials, sliding doors and transformable furniture are used.

Here you can often find panoramic windows, smooth and even surfaces, an effective combination of space and light. The main colors used are grey, metallic and silver, black and white. Small rooms are decorated in this style, as it allows you to save space and functionally distribute the space in the room. This is an attic, an office or a kitchen.

Why do you need to process a log house and how much does it cost?

External treatment of the log house immediately after the construction of a log house will preserve its appearance for a long time. This treatment includes sanding and painting with various compounds that will prevent rotting and increase the fire resistance of the wood.

Sanding a wooden house is a labor-intensive process that cannot be accomplished without special tools and skills. In addition, it takes a lot of time to process a log house. Therefore, grinding services cost a lot. Treatment with antiseptics and putty is a simpler process that you can do yourself.

If you have enough free time and you have the tools, you can do the work yourself. We’ll talk below about what material is best to use and in what order to cover the walls.

Another way to protect a sauna stove from negative influences

You don’t have to think about how to paint an iron stove in a bathhouse, since not only paint can protect it. The method of metal bluing, which involves creating a chemical reaction, is widely used.

First the surface must be cleaned. To do this, use a 5% sulfuric acid solution, which should be applied with a brush. Then the laundry soap is diluted in water in a ratio of 50 g per 1 liter. This solution must be used to wash off the previously applied sulfuric acid. Next, the oven is heated to 150-180°C and treated with caustic soda diluted in water in a ratio of 50 ml per 1 liter. The composition should be applied only by spraying to avoid splashing.


In order for the stove to serve for a long time, it must be well treated, and for this you should make the right choice of what to paint the stove in the bathhouse with. The solution to this issue should be taken with full responsibility and there is no need to save money, because the stove is the main component of the bathhouse.

Preparing a wooden facade

When you have decided on the type of paint that was used to paint the house, you can begin to work.
Before starting work, it is necessary to clean the surface of old paint, dirt and rot. You cannot paint over old paint - the coating will not last long. It is best to prepare the surface using a wire brush or scraper. As for rot and mold, it must be removed with a special solution. Alternatively, you can use vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or even baking soda diluted in water. Once the surface is clean, spray it with water from a spray bottle and let it dry. For better adhesion of paint to wood, you can additionally treat the surface with an alkaline solution.

Painting the outside of a log house: stages of the process

Protective and decorative painting of a house made of rounded logs on the outside is the key to its long-term preservation without loss of visual appeal. Typically, processing is divided into several stages:

  • Antiseptic

    . Impregnation of the facade with water- or oil-based antiseptics and fire retardants disinfects the wood and prevents new insects and microorganisms from appearing (1 to 2 passes are performed). It is convenient to apply the antiseptic through a spray bottle, so a respirator and safety glasses at this stage are not superfluous. Further procedures begin after the composition has completely dried.

  • Primer

    . The purpose of the treatment is that the composition prepares the surface for final painting. The primer prevents tree resin from escaping (in knots) and staining the paint.

The paint color is chosen taking into account the style featuresSource gomabygg.com

  • Adhesive primer

    (acrylic or oil, optional). The impregnating composition improves the adhesion of the base paint to the wooden wall and reduces paint consumption. Avoid getting dirt and dust on the drying primer.

  • Cover paint

    . The main paint for a log house, the final layer that decorates and protects the walls. The ideal option is acrylic paint, applied in a thin layer sequentially in three steps, using a brush or roller.

We are painting the outside of the bath house. Current impregnations, varnishes and paints for wood

I am glad to welcome my reader again!
Today we’ll talk about how to paint a log house? In general, I would say this: paint it a different color or preserve the original texture of the log house. Even if in some places with areas darkened by time and other external natural defects, but preserved in an authentic form. The topic is: how to paint the outside of a bathhouse frame and be satisfied with your work for many years? Just in case, be mentally prepared for the fact that after painting you will not see exactly what you saw on the salesperson’s display board in the store. Somewhere the shade is not the same, roughness is possible, and the paint consumption, as a rule, exceeds what was promised. Let me reassure newcomers - this is a common reaction.

Ideally painted only in television advertisements. remember, they will run a brush or roller over the wall and immediately get a beautiful solid color. But this is the merit of the cameramen, not the paint manufacturers or plasterers. And in life, there are always “pleasant” nuances.

From this article you will learn:

How to properly treat the outside of a log house

For the first time, the log house is treated with antiseptics inside and outside immediately after assembly. Pay special attention to the treatment of the ends and logs in contact with the foundation. Antiseptics are applied in two layers; Primary treatment should not be carried out at temperatures below 10-12 degrees!; The next treatment is done after the log has completely dried and the frame has shrunk. This takes 6-12 months. This finishing involves the final complex and multi-layer processing of the house, which will provide protection for the log for a long time.

It is important to apply antiseptics to a dry and clean wood surface!; Before processing, the logs are sanded to remove the top layer in which fungus and microbes have accumulated during shrinkage. It will remove log defects and level the surface

Sanding wooden walls is a must for an old house, as it is important to completely remove the previous coating;


At the end of the article it is worth giving a few recommendations that should be used in the process.

  • To get an even color, do not forget to stir the paint.
  • It is recommended to apply paint in the longitudinal direction. The same applies to antiseptics.
  • Do not paint on a hot day, as the paint may dry too quickly, which is extremely undesirable. In this case, it can quickly crack and peel off. It is best to work in warm, calm weather, when there are many clouds in the sky.
  • If the house is made of logs, then pay special attention to the end parts of the logs, because they are the most vulnerable and moisture accumulates in them. Apply two layers of antiseptic and primer to the ends of the logs. It should be painted in three to four layers.

Types of antiseptic impregnations

We should start the review with washable wood preservatives. They are made on an alkyd-alcohol base, which also includes metal salts. But, as the name suggests, such products are washed away. That is, it is useless to use such an antiseptic when treating the outer sides of walls - after a short time the composition will be removed from the structure. But internal processing can be done using this impregnation, since it is harmless to human health.

The opposite of the remedy described above is a hard-to-wash antiseptic. This is a product based on a combination of synthetic and vegetable oil. This type of painting of a log house can be applied to both external and internal walls. Hard-to-wash-out impregnations remain resistant to precipitation and fully meet environmental safety requirements.

Selection of materials and tools

In order to emphasize the architecture of the house, the log house can be painted. The color range of paint products is quite diverse.

If you need to focus on details, you can paint individual parts of the house in a different shade from the main color. This could be painting the ends, ridge, cornice

To paint the ends of wooden logs, do not use varnish or oil paints, which can delay the release of excess moisture from the wood. You can mix starch and ocher in equal proportions. A decoction of oak bark will not only give the tree a dark brown color, but will also highlight its design. You can also use lime, acrylic and water-based paints for the ends of the building to allow the logs to breathe.

When finishing logs inside the house, only water-based interior paints should be used. These are mainly acrylic compounds. Painting with paints based on exterior components is impractical and life-threatening.

Preparation and painting of logs is carried out with the following tools:

  1. Hand grinder (“grinder”) and special attachments for it.
  2. A flat chisel that can be used to perform work in hard-to-reach places where regular grinding with a wheel is impossible.
  3. A set of sandpaper with different grain sizes: from number 40, which can remove bark residues and clean up large irregularities on the surface, to numbers 80–100 - after rough sanding, they are used to produce the finishing touch for painting.
  4. Spray bottle for antiseptic treatment.
  5. A set of paint brushes of various widths, as well as a paint roller for processing even areas.
  6. Hammer.

A wide brush, rollers, a spray bottle - anything will do. To finish the seams, use a thin brush.

But if you follow the advice of experts, then initially it is better to paint with a brush, and apply a second layer with a spray gun. Why? Because if there is dust, etc. left on the surface of the wood, then the sprayed paint, after drying, can quickly peel off or crack, and a brush reduces such problems.

The primer can also be applied with a spray bottle. At the same time, do not neglect protective equipment (goggles, gloves, respirator), although for some chemicals it is better to use hard brushes, which allow you to rub them in more efficiently.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Step-by-step instructions on how to cut a log house into a paw

Regarding the weather: slightly cool, but “plus” weather without precipitation and strong winds is most suitable.

Painting a wooden frame

Purpose and features

Modern paints not only effectively protect, but also decorate the facade of a wooden house.

Wood is an organic “living” material that is subject to many destructive influences.

The most dangerous factors are:

  • Moisture. The presence of moisture is a sufficient condition for the development of microorganisms and bacteria, which cause rotting of organic matter and disintegration of the material in a short time. Also, moisture has an extremely negative effect on the decorative qualities of wood and its performance characteristics;
  • Fungi and bacteria. Wood is a favorite nutrient substrate for many types of mushrooms, which quickly digest and turn even large structures into dust. Bacteria cause decay and decay processes, and also release various waste products (this also applies to fungi), which also spoil and decompose the material;
  • Solar radiation. Ultraviolet and infrared radiation destroys many of the compounds that make up wood, causing changes in color and surface properties;
  • Insects. All kinds of wood-boring beetles, larvae, worms and other herbivorous organisms eat the material and destroy its structure, and also spoil the appearance of logs or beams.

Wood quickly deteriorates under the influence of the external environment and microflora.

In addition, there is another danger: during the drying process, complex processes occur in wooden parts, which lead to the appearance of cracks and changes in the geometry of the products. The most obvious effect is the uneven movement of moisture in the longitudinal and transverse direction of the fibers.

Uneven drying causes cracks to appear.

The fact is that moisture moves much more actively along the fibers than across, and as a result, the ends of the logs or beams dry faster than the side surface

Stresses arise inside the parts and they begin to crack, so it is quite important to determine how to paint the ends of the frame and slow down, or rather even out, the drying process of the product

To equalize the rate of moisture evaporation, a better way than painting the ends of the frame has not yet been invented.

It should be remembered that you should not paint the house with topcoat paint for the first year or two, since it must finally settle down and adapt to the humidity and dry out. But it is better to process the ends immediately, as this will protect the finished facade from cracks. For these purposes, use lime, water-based paint or a special composition for processing the ends.

Typically processing occurs in several stages:

  1. Impregnation of the material with antiseptics and fire retardants destroys existing microorganisms and prevents the appearance of new ones;
  2. Anti-tar primer allows you to avoid the release of resins from knots and the appearance of stains on the paint;
  3. Impregnating adhesive primer reduces paint consumption and increases its adhesion to the base;
  4. The finishing finishing paint decorates and protects the material from the external environment.


Choosing paint.

Various compositions can be used to paint the facade:

  • Oil paints. These materials are distinguished by their low price and fairly high protective ability, however, they are not durable and impermeable to steam, which makes their use as a coating for residential buildings undesirable. The material also has a toxic composition;
  • Alkyd paints. They form a good protective film, serve for a long time, but are also very toxic and not very durable;
  • Acrylic facade paints for wood. The highest quality option in all respects: the paint does not contain solvents or other toxins, is strong and durable, very beautiful, vapor-permeable and does not lose its brightness over time;
  • Aqualacs based on acrylate resins and dispersions. Also safe and beneficial from the point of view of external beauty, but less durable and durable than paints;
  • Glazing impregnations, oil-waxes and transparent varnishes. They are considered the least reliable in terms of protection, but at the same time they look very good and retain the natural beauty and texture of the material.

Painting the outside of the bathhouse with acrylic paint.

You should not use materials intended for other purposes - fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil or electrically conductive paint Zinga, despite their quality, will not give the desired result.

Why do you need house painting?

Wood is a natural material, “living” and, like all living things, it has its enemies. Ultraviolet radiation, bark beetles, temperature changes. Precipitation, wind, snowfall. Availability of highways and industrial enterprises nearby. All this has a detrimental effect on the wood - it becomes coarser, loses its unique fiber structure, old paint (if the house was painted before) peels and cracks. That is, the house becomes outwardly unpresentable, has an unkempt and somewhat abandoned appearance.

This is where facade painting comes to the rescue. With it, without large capital investments, you can:

  • refresh the facade of the house or reconstruct it so that you won’t take your eyes off it;
  • eliminate visual defects;
  • restore weakened protection of wood from negative atmospheric factors;
  • prevent rotting and mold formation;
  • maintain a comfortable microclimate inside the house.

What should be the façade paints?

Wood is a beautiful material, but not cheap, especially valuable species, and the main task of painting is to extend its longevity and slow down the aging process. Therefore, certain requirements are imposed on paint and varnish facade materials:

  • environmental cleanliness and safety for others;
  • weather resistance - resistance to ultraviolet radiation, high humidity, temperature fluctuations;
  • bioprotection against fungus, wood insects and mold, which spoil the exterior of the house and thoroughly destroy it, sometimes, alas, irreversibly;
  • long service life - the paint layer, if applied correctly, should last at least seven years, and when using products from branded manufacturers, up to ten or more.

Table of end finishing products

Senezh TorRussiaGood protection due to the penetration of the material several cm deep into the log house. It has the ability to allow air to pass through, but does not release moisture from the material. This means that the log house will dry as naturally as possible. Environmentally friendly product
Neomid Thor PlusRussiaForms a thin film on the surface of the log, which is water-repellent. Protects wood from cracks and putrefactive processes
BiotorRussiaThanks to the solution, the log will deform significantly less, since the product protects against dried cracks

How to paint a log house?

Let's divide materials into two types: folk and modern. First, I will give a few folk recipes. Suddenly someone wants it.

Waste machine or transformer oil

Yes, the smell is not very good, but it will disappear after a while, but the impregnation will remain and will create a waterproof layer. Although dust sticks to it “freshly”. Apply the oil with a rough brush and rub in thoroughly.

Turpentine and wax

Mix in equal proportions. In addition to protecting against moisture, this composition provides good protection against wood insects and gives the walls of the log house a certain gloss of “well-kept antiquity.” Particularly suitable for painting baths “in years”.

Oak bark decoction

A nice darkened background, however, the wood pattern is clearly visible through it. An old and forgotten method.

It is better not to make coloring compositions from onion broth (these are not eggs for Easter). Yes, they give the logs a pleasant shade, but as an “undesirable bonus” they have a smell that attracts insects.

My opinion is that you shouldn’t get carried away with environmental products. In a number of ways, it is no longer easy for them to compete with the products of the chemical industry. But if you are a principled supporter of natural raw materials, then, without a doubt, go ahead!

Is it possible to build a chicken coop in SNT

Services of professional finishers

offers its services for painting and varnishing the facade of a wooden house. We have specialized in finishing timber and log houses for more than ten years. The qualified craftsmen of our company have extensive experience working with wood.

We use certified paints and varnishes from well-known manufacturers, which are of high quality and safety. We are ready to perform any amount of work, from local painting to turnkey home finishing.

You can leave your requests in any convenient way using the coordinates in the “Contacts” section.

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Stages of work on finishing the base - features and technologies

What is better for insulating a wooden house: foam or caulk?

PPU for thermal insulation of a wooden house

On the peculiarities of using oil impregnations indoors

Preparatory work

One of the important stages of high-quality painting of a wooden house is the preparation of the walls. If you don’t know how to beautifully paint the facade of your dacha, then you need to familiarize yourself with the fairly simple recommendations given below.

Before painting the wood, it must be properly prepared, otherwise over the next few months the paint layer will peel off and begin to fall off. First of all, you should get rid of dust and other types of contaminants. To do this, you can walk over the entire surface with water supplied from a hose under pressure. If there are contaminants in the form of mold or fungal infections, they need to be treated with specialized compounds. Also, resin may form in some areas, which is removed with a regular spatula and a special varnish is applied on top.

When the question of what is the best way to paint wood has been completely resolved and the walls have been prepared, you can begin the actual painting. To paint the outside of the house, you do not need to have any special knowledge or skills. The whole procedure is quite simple, so you can do it yourself. The main thing is the strict implementation of the dyeing technology and adherence to several rules:

  1. Before starting the process, the entire facade must be treated with a deep penetration primer, and also wait until the layer is completely dry.
  2. You can apply the paint in any convenient way: spray, roller or brush.
  3. Before applying the next layer, you need to make sure that the previous one is completely dry. The surface should not be even slightly damp.
  4. For uniform application, use a wide brush or construction sprayer.
  5. Paint and antiseptics are applied longitudinally to the fibers.

As you can see, painting a house is not a very labor-intensive task. It will be enough to choose the appropriate type and shade of paint, as well as fully comply with the dyeing technology, so that the result pleases the owner

When it comes to painting the facade of an old wooden building, on which a layer of paint has already been applied, an important rule must be taken into account: repainting should be carried out exclusively with the same type of paint that was used for the first time. If you do not know what the house was painted with, then you should independently determine the type of coating, since each paint, in the process of aging, fading in the sun, is visually different from exactly the same one that was just purchased

Requirements for paints

After drying, the compositions have different textures and colors. Previously, the outer walls of a chopped bathhouse were covered with oil paint, but under such a layer the wood does not breathe, since the film does not allow steam to pass through.

The paint layer should allow steam to escape so that mold and microorganisms do not develop under it. The surface should not fade or become dull over time.

Vapor permeability

This is one of the important parameters when choosing paint. The walls of the bathhouse conduct steam, which comes out from the inside, but it does not enter the air if the colorful film does not release it. As a result, the wall begins to rot, which gradually covers larger and larger areas.

The indicator that people pay attention to indicates the amount of moisture that a square of film can let through per day.

The basis

Impregnations ensure the safety of wood under a layer of paint

The base is acrylic, mineral particles, pigments; synthetic and natural latex are added to them. The solvent is organic matter, water, emulsion, oil. High-quality paints with a vapor-permeable effect are produced on the basis of plyolethyl resins. Enamels form an impenetrable film for steam.


The painted side should not absorb water from the outside, and the ability of the surface to accumulate dirt is also discouraged. For characterization, the moisture absorption coefficient of the paint is used.

Protection of decorative qualities

Paint and varnish are characterized by abrasion rates. The higher it is, the longer the layer will last in its original form. The smoothness of the surface is important so that dirt is easily washed off by rain from the surface. Decorative properties may change due to the action of wind and temperature changes, which must be taken into account when choosing.

UV resistance

The pigments in the composition change brightness under the influence of the sun, so protective components are added to the paints. The rays dry out the walls, kill microorganisms, but burn out the color of the paint. Ultraviolet leads to overdrying of the top layer of untreated wood and destroys it. The most resistant are polysilicon, acrylic, and silicone materials.

Now I turn to modern materials

I will talk about those that are intended specifically for wooden buildings.


Professionals speak positively about the Russian manufacturer Tex. In addition to paint, the company has several types of antiseptics, including ground and glaze, drying oils, fire retardant impregnations and wax-based compounds.


If finances allow, contact the Tikkurila brand, respected in Russia. The paints of this Finnish manufacturer have been tested in the harsh conditions of the northern climate. They contain components containing various additives that prevent the formation of rot, moisture absorption, and protect against ultraviolet radiation.

You can choose from acrylate paint called Pica-Techo, oil Techo, polyacrylate, Ultra-Classic. This brand, in addition to its relatively high price, has another drawback - names that are difficult to remember. Here they are.

And of course, the Finnish company has all EU certificates confirming environmental friendliness.

In general, recommendations for painting a log bathhouse boil down to what needs to be taken into account:


Many people will immediately answer that there is no need to treat it inside at all, because there is “chemistry” everywhere, and it is always harmful, especially in a bathhouse. If we understand by “chemistry” artificially obtained organic compounds, then yes, many of them will not bring anything good to living organisms if they get inside. But, excuse me, we ourselves also consist of organic compounds, and we eat them too. You just don't have to ask the question like that.

A steam room is a place where elevated temperatures make various substances more volatile. These are the smells of herbs, and resins in wood, and phenols in mineral wool... In general, if you smell the smell, it means something has warmed up and is “phoning.” It’s bad when paint or varnish, or PVC, or mineral wool, or sulfides in stones begin to “sink.” Therefore, they try not to put plastic in the steam room; for insulation they use only those heat insulators that do not release binding substances when heated (if mineral wool, then with a mark on the packaging “for saunas and baths”)...

IMPORTANT! They also refuse to use varnishes and paints based on organic solvents.

But the modern paint and varnish industry has already taken a technological step towards greater humanity and environmental friendliness. Now there are water-based varnishes and paints that practically do not smell when applied, and after drying they form a fairly durable polymer that does not smell of anything at all.

Therefore, the Finns, knowing perfectly well what temperature conditions they have in their steam rooms, make and sell compositions that have been tested and are considered safe. These are water-based acrylic coatings. Or they are impregnations made from completely safe oils - linseed, paraffin...

However, don’t even let the paint harm your health with its smell, it reacts quite poorly to moisture, tends to peel off, hang in rags... Therefore, if you paint the steam room in a bathhouse with anything, then only with special compounds that are suitable for bathrooms (also written on the packaging ). Such coatings are waterproof.


After all, natural wood in a steam room is such a built-in standard. Therefore, somehow the thought does not arise about paint that will hide the texture of the wood. And there is no need - now you can tint the varnish with any color - be it green or pink.

Let’s think for a second about why we should even look for varnish for the steam room in the bathhouse. Wood that is heated and moistened undergoes deformation - it gains moisture, swells, then contracts in volume, and often cracks after this. And if it fails to dry properly, fungi and bacteria take advantage of this, converting the cellulose into rot.

So, coatings such as varnish are not so much for beauty, but for protection - from cracks and deformations, from mold.

You can protect the floor by using waterproof yacht varnish. Even though it contains polyurethane or urethane. The thing is that the temperature on the floor in the sauna is low - the Finns are required to have a 5-10 cm gap under the door to the steam room.

In a Russian steam room, if you don’t make special heated floors, it’s also not that high, it’s unlikely to be higher than 30 degrees. Therefore, yacht varnish will not hurt here either.

Waterproof, highly abrasion resistant varnish will make the floor more durable. Just don’t allow a problem like the one in the video below.

The walls can also be varnished, but this time it is safer.

ATTENTION! This can be any acrylic varnish that clearly states that it is intended for sauna walls.

Such varnishes are available from different manufacturers - both Russian and foreign. Teknos, Belinka, Tikkurila, Dulux have them, as well as ours - Neomid, Senezha, Rogneda, etc. If there is a certificate, it means the product is good.


When they talk about “oil for a steam room in a bath,” they mean impregnation for wood, but not drying oil. Compositions have long been developed that do not smell like drying oil. In particular, there is no smell from paraffin oil.

Treatment of the bathhouse inside the steam room with oils is usually limited to covering the shelves with them. This is done because it is the safest way for humans to protect the tree.

On sale you can find both liquid oil compositions and more solid varieties containing, in addition to oil, also beeswax. The latter are even better, considering that wood has been waxed for a long time, and not only for a beautiful shine, but also to increase its service life and protect it from all kinds of pests.

Now I turn to modern materials

I will talk about those that are intended specifically for wooden buildings.


The Belinka brand has long proven itself well. The range includes not only paints, but also varnishes, various impregnations, and glazing compounds. The range of shades of varnish and paint is very colorful, allowing you to preserve the texture of the wood, emphasizing it with a decorative background. Belinka polyacrylate paints create a film on the surface of wood that, on the one hand, has water-repellent properties and, on the other, is vapor-permeable.

Professionals speak positively about the Russian manufacturer Tex. In addition to paint, the company has several types of antiseptics, including ground and glaze, drying oils, fire retardant impregnations and wax-based compounds.

A separate point that is often not paid due attention: the protection of metal parts. Heads of nails and screws, hinges, corners, etc. are susceptible to corrosion. For protection, special compounds are used. The same Neomid has them.


If finances allow, contact the Tikkurila brand, respected in Russia. The paints of this Finnish manufacturer have been tested in the harsh conditions of the northern climate. They contain components containing various additives that prevent the formation of rot, moisture absorption, and protect against ultraviolet radiation.

You can choose from acrylate paint called Pica-Techo, oil Techo, polyacrylate, Ultra-Classic. This brand, in addition to its relatively high price, has another drawback - names that are difficult to remember. Here they are.

And of course, the Finnish company has all EU certificates confirming environmental friendliness.

By the way, if the coating of the log house was done with oil paint, then the next coating (for example, after 3-5 years) should also be done with oil paint.

In general, recommendations for painting a log bathhouse boil down to what needs to be taken into account:


Finally, let’s touch on the German manufacturer SAICOS. The catchphrase - “True German quality” is very relevant to this day. The main feature of this product is that the base is only natural oils and waxes. The conclusions here are simple: such wood impregnation will preserve your structure for many, many years. In a word - I recommend it. I think that professionals will understand me.

Import substitution of paints for wooden structures in 2015

In 2022, all imported wood paints purchased for dollars and euros have become unreasonably expensive.

The price-quality ratio of imported paints has become unreasonably high in relation to Russian paints and varnishes.

Therefore, we advise you to opt for Russian-made impregnations and paints in 2022.

Photo: Healthy Home wood protection product will help provide reliable protection against pests for walls, floor beams and rafters of a wooden frame.

Photo: the color scheme of the “Healthy Home” composition has a fairly wide range, from light tones to the darkest color.

Photo: decorative protective paint and varnish composition of the Neomid BioColor Ultra brand has enhanced protection for log wood and is a high-quality composition intended for wooden log houses. There are 10 primary colors to choose from, ranging from clear formulations to dark protective formulations.

How to prime the log house?

Of “our” “priming” products on the market, I would like to highlight Neomid. What distinguishes it is good quality and reasonable price. The line of products for wood allows you to “close” almost all needs: Fire protection, bio-antiseptic, moisture protection, etc. Reviews for the brand are good.

Another Russian manufacturer, the Senezh company, which produces a rich line of products. The assortment includes several protective compounds for different purposes (I mean, intended specifically for outdoor woodwork). In addition to primers, there are varnishes and paints on an organic and synthetic basis (acrylate, oil, etc.).

How to paint the outside of an old wooden house using old paint

There is only one recommendation - if the old layer holds well and is not covered with cracks and there are no areas of film peeling visible on it, then you need to use the type of paint that was used previously. You can confidently apply alkyd paint over oil paint - they combine well. But acrylic ones are not suitable here, although some manufacturers allow such contact.

If you do not know what type of paint was previously used to paint the house, it can be determined by the appearance of the old coating. If the old coating has a leathery surface and is slightly chalked, then most likely the house was previously painted with acrylic paint. Acrylic paint cracks along the grain of the wood.

If you can roll a small piece of paint into a tube, then most likely you are dealing with acrylic paint. If a piece of paint cracks when rolled up, it is most likely oil paint. Oil paint develops net cracking as it wears.

If the surface is covered with a glossy film of glazing antiseptic, then the surface can be repainted with the same antiseptic or with oil or alkyd paint. To repaint with acrylic paint, you will need to remove all the old antiseptic film down to the wood.

Baths with an unusual roof

When designing a bathhouse, one of the most important places is the choice of roofing structure. Traditional single-pitched, hipped and gable roofs occupy a leading position. The choice of a more original roof is often determined by saving space, availability or, conversely, strict financial savings and the specific architectural style of the remaining buildings on the site.

Article on the topic: Which interventional insulation is better for a bathhouse

If you plan to place a recreation room upstairs, several more complex types of roofing are suitable:

  • Attic;
  • Multi-pincer;
  • Hip.

For very small baths, vaulted, pyramidal and domed roofs, trimmed with flexible tiles, are used.

Paint selection

If you follow the recommendations from professionals, compositions intended for painting wooden surfaces should have the following properties:

  1. Good permeability into wood when it comes to antiseptic coatings. The annotations on the container contain information about how deeply this component acts. It can be considered good if it protects the wood by 1/3.
  2. Environmentally friendly. Do not forget about the true purpose of a wooden house - heavy chemicals have no place here. However, the market is now so crowded with all kinds of products that even the price does not help to distinguish the quality. Here you should be guided by the reputation of the manufacturer. Today, Russian and German-made products have proven themselves well. The main thing is that there is a label on the packaging indicating “green” safety.
  3. External attractiveness. This is achieved by glossy components - varnish, oil and acrylic compounds.
  4. The composition of the wood coating must certainly include fire retardants - fire-fighting chemicals. This is the main safety for wooden house construction.

Correct coloring

Before painting the outside of an old log house, you need to perform several steps to prepare the surface before the painting process:

  • Clean the wood from dust and dirt. You can even wash it, but don’t get carried away with the hose, but use a washing vacuum cleaner, which will do two things – wash and dry.
  • Then you need to start sanding. For this, a hand machine or sandpaper is used. You'll have to work hard with the last option. However, by performing such actions before applying the composition, you can be sure that the paint or impregnation will lie smoothly.
  • Before decorative layers, the log house is covered with all kinds of protection - fire-, bio- and moisture-resistant compounds. Exactly in that order. Moreover, each layer is applied in two approaches and after that the house is left alone for a couple of weeks so that the layers are evenly absorbed and distributed in the wood.

Thus, the question of how to paint the outside of the log house is resolved. On the inside, as a rule, other decorations other than paint are used.

Manufacturers and product prices

Bath paint is produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers. Its price depends on the material used and the quantity in the jar.


The manufacturer's product range consists of paints, glazing compounds, varnishes, and impregnations. They have a wide range of colors, which allows you to bring any design idea to life. When using materials, the structure of the wood is preserved. Belinka produces polyacrylate paints that have water-repellent and vapor-permeable properties.

Paint from the Russian manufacturer Tex has protective qualities, which guarantees an increase in service life. The company produces soil and glaze antiseptics, drying oils, wax compositions, and fire-retardant impregnation. This allows you to choose an acceptable option for painting the bathhouse.


The compositions are produced by a Finnish company in accordance with innovative developments. After production, the compositions were tested in harsh climatic conditions. The materials are developed using special components that protect the coating from ultraviolet rays and the wall from excessive absorption of moisture and rot.

The range consists of acrylate, oil and polyacrylate compounds. The paints are certified by the European Union, which ensures their environmental friendliness. The paint has a high cost, which is explained by its excellent technical characteristics. Before applying the composition, areas that cannot be painted are covered.


The compositions of the German manufacturer are developed on the basis of natural oils and waxes. This ensures the preservation of the structure for many years.

Features of internal surface treatment

Technologically, the painting technique is the same, but there is a difference in the approaches to the selection of processing materials. Interior decoration is more focused on providing a comfortable microclimate, harmlessness and decorative qualities. At the same time, protection from precipitation and moisture resistance is not required here at all.

It is advisable that the painting of the log house corresponds to stylistic requirements, since it will have an impact on the aesthetic qualities of the interior as a whole. Most often, the owners of such houses give preference to colorless oil compositions that convey the natural texture of wood.

Products for exterior painting of baths

Selection of paints for painting a bath

  • Oil paint
    . Very sensitive to sunlight. It is used quite rarely for painting wooden baths. Price - from 400 rubles per liter.
  • Alkyd paint
    . It comes in oil-based and varnish. To paint a log house, it is better to use enamel paint based on varnish. Price - from 300 rubles per liter.
  • Emulsion paints
    . This class includes water-based, water-dispersed, and acrylic compositions. The last two options are the optimal solution for exterior painting of a log bathhouse. They allow the wood to “breathe”, do not contain harmful chemical solvents and are well diluted and removed with water until they polymerize on the surface. They are not afraid of the sun's rays; these paints are quite durable. The cost of 1 liter is from 650 rubles.

Important! Silicate and adhesive paints are not suitable for exterior woodwork.

Choosing a varnish to cover a bath

  1. Alkyd
    . Used for external and internal work. Very durable and moisture resistant. The downside is that it takes a long time to dry. Price - from 700 rubles per liter.
  2. Acrylic
    . It is believed that varnishes of this type are the most environmentally friendly. They are fireproof, durable and elastic. Retains the original appearance of wood for many years. Price - from 200 rubles per liter.
  3. Epoxy
    . This category of varnishes is waterproof and resistant to mechanical and chemical factors. They dry quickly and are widely used for exterior finishing work. From 350 rubles per 1 liter.
  4. Polyurethane
    . These varnishes are rightfully considered one of the most popular. Very resistant to abrasion, mechanical damage, and chemical attack. A wide range of these varnishes allows you to choose the one suitable for exterior wood finishing work. Cost - from 1200 rubles per liter.

The most common mistake is using parquet varnish for painting. But it forms too hard a shell and interferes with the natural drying processes of the wood.

Varnish and varnish-free products

Each varnish or varnish-free coating product may have its own characteristics depending on the composition and list of “working” qualities. Here a lot depends on the development technology of a particular company. But if we compare the two types of classical preparations, the difference will be in two qualities - the ability to form a reliable protective layer and environmental friendliness. Varnish compositions usually have an acrylic polymer base. This is a transparent material, which in practice creates a transparent film that reliably protects the target surface from various types of influences. Reinforced modifications even prevent mechanical damage in the form of scratches and chips. This option is more suitable for external processing.

If you need to paint the inside of the log house, then you should choose varnish-free compositions. They not only benefit from environmental safety, but also allow the walls inside to breathe, which is important for the microclimate. The presence of a varnish film, by the way, seals the pores, and this does not have the best effect even on the external surfaces of the log house.

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