What to drink after the bath, before and while relaxing in the steam room

Every sauna regular knows that tea is one of the best drinks you can drink between steam baths, especially when it comes to herbal tea. Melissa, mint, currants, sea buckthorn, nettle - leaves and berries of many plants are used for preparation. Different types of herbal bath tea have different effects on the body and are drunk at certain times. For example, tea made from raspberry leaves, currants, linden and rosehip inflorescences has a diaphoretic effect and is drunk before visiting the steam room. And immune-supporting tea made from sage, St. John's wort and chamomile is drunk after steaming.

What can you eat and drink before the bath?

Experts do not recommend eating immediately before a bath. Otherwise, you may worsen your health. The most optimal time to eat is 4 hours before the procedures. There is another opinion - 2 hours before the start of bath procedures, and also 2 hours after.

If a person comes to take a steam bath and his stomach is full, then bad consequences are possible. From anatomy we can recall that high temperature brings blood closer to the skin, as a result of which it leaves the internal organs.

After a short time, processes associated with digestion slow down, since organs need blood to function. But she's not there yet. The result is that the food that a person has just eaten cannot be completely digested, so it continues to move. Because of this, the visitor will feel pain and heaviness in the intestines and stomach.

If a person is also a smoker, then the consequences can become even more serious. Firstly, a headache may begin. But this situation can be further aggravated by the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the bathhouse. Then there will be no benefit from vaping, and everything may turn out completely negative.

Everyone has already heard that it is preferable to eat a few hours before a bath, but it is also important to remember about your diet. Before you go to steam, you should not eat:

  • meat products;
  • smoked goods;
  • grain products, legumes;
  • products that contain large amounts of fat;
  • products containing additives, preservatives, dyes.

But to be honest, the above-mentioned products should generally be consumed to a minimum. This is not only the case with a bathhouse. This is especially true for products that contain a lot of food additives.

If a person eats them often, he can ruin his own health. Even greater harm comes from consuming them before a bath. The body requires additional strength to process such food. This can be difficult in a bathhouse.

You should also pay attention to drinks. Why is it prohibited to drink carbonated water during bath procedures? They pose a great danger. However, more serious consequences can be observed in those people who have been diagnosed with kidney disease, liver disease, abnormal metabolism, and excess weight. In addition to carbonated drinks, you should also not drink juices, alcohol, or beer. Sometimes a person can even die after consuming them.

Eat light, healthy foods

Before the steam room and between breaks, light vegetable salads are best as a snack. They are non-caloric and quickly absorbed.

For the same reason, you can eat fruits, seafood or just vegetables. And for lunch, soup will be perfectly digestible, but only with vegetable broth.

By the way, you don’t have to give up fermented milk products, so don’t limit yourself if you want porridge, eggs, kefir and other goodies.

What can you drink in the bathhouse?

When a visitor steams, a lot of water leaves his body. For normal functioning, it is important to compensate for this deficiency. But what exactly can you drink to restore your water balance? Everything here is individual.

It is important to remember that you should absolutely not drink:

  • alcohol. It can provoke bad consequences;
  • artificial drinks. They are not useful, but they can also cause harm;
  • drinks containing additives, fillers.

One thing can be said considering the points listed above. A person decides what he will drink, because it is important to take into account his health and the condition of the body. For some people, fruit juice made from berries is ideal, while others prefer kvass or compote.

Women's sauna set

But when going to the sauna, girls often prefer to pamper themselves with all sorts of procedures. Here is an approximate list of what the fair half may need in the sauna in addition to the items listed earlier:

  • shower gel;
  • homemade scrubs and peels;
  • shower sponge;
  • brush with natural bristles for massage;
  • shower cap, used when applying hair masks;
  • masks for hair, body and face;
  • nourishing cream after sauna;
  • moisturizer or body milk.

And this is not a complete list of what young ladies may find useful when going to the sauna.

Tea and coffee in the bathhouse

Probably everyone has heard that drinking coffee and tea is not recommended when you are in a bathhouse. After all, they contain caffeine. It's even found in regular tea. If a visitor drinks such drinks and is in a bathhouse, then he creates a very large load on the blood vessels and heart.

But if you are a tea fan, we can offer a very interesting recipe. You should add herbs to the tea you usually brew. They will make the drink healthier without changing the taste of the drink. For example, you can supplement tea with currants, chamomile, and mint. Rose hips and St. John's wort are added much less frequently. Such substances are mandatory if the visitor wants to get an excellent effect from the bath.

But for tea it is worth taking certain parts of the plant. If we are talking about linden, then only flowers and leaves are taken, in the case of St. John's wort - that part of the stem that blooms, and leaves and flowers are torn off from raspberries.

There is another suggestion - take some tea and throw in a little lemon. This drink can be consumed in any form - cold, hot. How is the drink brewed? Everything is simple here. Initially, mix lemon juice with syrup, and then pour this mixture into tea. This option is excellent if you have already visited the bathhouse and all procedures have been completed.

There are many recipes for tea that is drunk during or after bath procedures:

  • tea made from currants (take its leaves). You can see him often. It improves metabolism, has a positive effect on the body, and satisfies thirst. To prepare it, take currant leaves, which should be chopped in advance, (1 tbsp), pour boiling water (0.5 l). Leave the composition for 15 minutes to infuse;
  • diaphoretic tea. Here you will need raspberries, linden, and their inflorescences. Take the crushed fruits (2 tbsp) and pour boiling water (2 cups). For the drink to infuse, you need to wait 5 minutes. Usually this kind of tea is used to get rid of colds;
  • breast tea It will help relieve cough. You need to take licorice root, coltsfoot leaves (1 tbsp), pour boiling water (2 cups), leave for 30 minutes. The drink should be strained and consumed gradually. With its help, you can speed up expectoration;
  • tea with oregano. This drink is classified as a bath drink, because it has a positive effect on the body, has an excellent aroma and healing properties. You should prepare ordinary tea, and then throw in the oregano. Before drinking it, you should strain it well;
  • mint tea. This plant is distinguished by its calming effect, as well as its healing properties. It is often attached to brooms to make them smell beautiful. It is thrown into the drink so that you can then enjoy the drink after the bath.

What teas are healthy?

Pure water, orange juice, berry juice, kvass - there are many recommendations on what to drink after a bath. But everyone agrees on one thing - there is nothing better than herbal teas.

They drink them between visits to the steam room. Prepared from medicinal herbs and fruits. But this drink differs from medicinal herbal teas:

  • it is less concentrated;
  • has a pleasant taste and aroma, you want to drink it;
  • drinking is not limited to a specific dosage.

What role does tea drinking play in the bath ritual?

  1. Replenishes lost fluid.
  2. Saturates with vitamins and minerals.
  3. Stimulates cleansing of toxins.
  4. Cools after hyperthermia.
  5. Calms and relaxes.

Herbal tea enhances the healing effect

Chemical composition of tea

If you study possible drinks, then tea has an advantage - its composition (in chemical terms). If the tea is truly high-quality and natural, then it has many microelements that have a positive effect on humans. That's why they say that after finishing bath procedures it is best to drink tea. This decision will be correct.

Tea has other beneficial properties:

  • promotes wound healing;
  • restores the body;
  • removes inflammation.

This drink has a very good effect on the human body. Thanks to it, the body is saturated with various useful substances, blood vessels become stronger, and the brain begins to function better.

In addition, it is an excellent antioxidant. When tea enters the body, it attaches to harmful substances. As a result, a lot of toxins leave the body. A person can get the maximum effect if he combines a bath and tea.

What is better - hot or iced tea? According to research, these drinks have different effects. In the case of iced tea, the temperature in the oral cavity may decrease slightly. But a hot drink can raise it a little. The effect of drinking tea will last for 20 minutes.

Which is better - hot or iced tea?

Research has shown that cold and hot tea have different effects on the body. By drinking a cup of iced tea, a person can count on a slight decrease in temperature in the oral cavity, while hot tea reduces the temperature of the entire body by 1-2 degrees, albeit not for long - the effect lasts about 20 minutes.

This phenomenon allows us to say that after a hot bath there is no point in drinking cold tea - you won’t be able to quench your thirst with a cup of drink in one gulp. It is much more correct to say that drinking hot tea in a bathhouse is beneficial - after all, a bathhouse allows you to relax, and all actions should be aimed at achieving exactly this effect.

Other drinks after the bath

When a person has a question about acceptable drinks after visiting a bathhouse, the following list arises:

  • herbal tea;
  • juices from berries that are natural;
  • kvass.

Physical activity

It is very important to relax after the steam room, sit quietly for 20 minutes or lie on a sun lounger, and normalize your blood pressure. To make the most of their time, many people combine trips to the bathhouse, swimming pool and gym. This is undesirable, since in a steam room a person receives a serious load on the cardiovascular system, and a bath before or after physical training can result in stress for the whole body. Choose a special day for a bath procedure to steam calmly and with feeling, swim in the pool and relax.

Kvass after the bath

This drink has always been considered universal. He is not affected by his mood or weather, he is always good. With its help you can quickly quench your thirst, but this applies to a natural drink. But on sale you usually find carbonated water, which is diluted with additives, dyes, and flavors. This kvass should absolutely not be consumed in a bathhouse. We recommend making your own drink, because the recipe is quite simple.

Rye kvass is prepared as follows:

  • cut the bread into slices, after which they are fried. It is important to wait for them to brown. The resulting crackers are poured into the pan and poured boiling water over it. All this must be covered with a lid and left for 4 hours;
  • The infusion should be filtered, sugar, mint, and yeast should be added. It should ferment for 12 hours, but be sure to cover it with a napkin. Repeated straining should be carried out as soon as the second foam appears. The preparation should be bottled, after which it is important to throw in raisins. It is important to keep a bottle that is sealed at room temperature for several hours, and then you can take it into a room with a lower temperature;
  • After 3 days you will be able to drink natural kvass.

Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is what you need when it comes to drinking after a bath. Cranberry juice contains vitamin C, which lowers body temperature. In addition, cranberries contain vitamin PP, which significantly affects immunity. You can also note good removal of toxins, lowering cholesterol levels and a preventive effect on blood vessels - cranberry juice has these qualities.

True, there is also a contraindication - such a drink is not suitable if you have an ulcer, gastritis or other diseases of the digestive system. Otherwise, everything is quite familiar - you can use both fruits and cranberry leaves to prepare the drink (a kind of tea is brewed from them).

You also need to know that to preserve vitamin C in cranberry broth, the berries cannot be boiled. To make the drink, the juice is first squeezed out and then mixed with an infusion brewed from fruit residues and sugar.

Freeze for a long time in the cold

For a long time in Rus', rubbing with snow and dipping into an ice hole after a bath was considered a sign of excellent health. Alternating temperatures hardens the body and trains blood vessels, quickly cooling the body. You need to cool down properly, otherwise you can harm the body by getting a hypertensive crisis or hypothermia. In the sauna, it is recommended to douse yourself with warm water directly in the steam room, then slowly lower yourself into the pool with a temperature of up to 18°. This will help the body cool down evenly, smoothly and quickly. In a wet bath, you can sit briefly in the dressing room, then take a shower, and only then go to the pool, avoiding diving upside down. If there is no pool at the sauna, then you should cool down in the shower, lowering the temperature to 5°C. Older people who are overweight and have cardiovascular diseases are not recommended to run out into the cold, dive into a snowdrift or an ice hole, so as not to experience vasospasm and increased blood pressure.


When visiting a bathhouse, the top layer of skin warms up, is cleansed of old cells, saturated with moisture, swells and ultimately becomes vulnerable to ultraviolet rays. It is contraindicated to go sunbathing immediately after a steam room, especially with wet skin, since droplets of moisture will act as lenses and cause redness on the body. To avoid burns, neoplasms and excessive pigmentation, it is recommended to visit the solarium and the beach after a bath at least 12 hours later, so that the skin has time to recover before tanning.

Every person striving for a healthy lifestyle must remember that going to the bathhouse will be beneficial if you take it seriously: monitor your well-being, eat right and drink warm liquid before and after the steam room, do not overheat or overcool, do not combine steam room with sports activities and tanning. It is best to set aside a separate day for a bath in order to fully feel relief from ailments, restoration of vitality, and cleansing of body and soul.

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