Bathhouse on wheels as a business with earnings from 100 thousand rubles

More recently, a new and very interesting type of business has appeared - a do-it-yourself sauna on wheels. Its originality lies in the mobility of the steam room, which is “on wheels”. Thanks to this innovation in bath services, everyone can take a good breath in a good place. For example, the company was going to go on vacation. We found everyone’s favorite place in the fresh air, everything is organized the way you like it. Everything is fine, but something is missing. Naturally, baths. It was invented for such cases. All you have to do is call and a real Russian steam room will come wherever it is convenient for you. Moreover, everything is not plot, but real: the wood stove and even the brooms.

For example, you didn’t plan to go to the bathhouse, but due to some circumstances you wanted to or simply decided to take a steam bath. For example, a planned trip to the dacha may end in a real Russian steam room. can come to any place where the client wishes, for example, fishing, nature and even home, so as a business this option is very attractive. The price for such a service is no different from the cost of a traditional bath. The only advantage is that it is mobile and can go wherever you want in a short time. The inside of the bathhouse is decorated in such a way that everyone feels comfortable and forgets that they are on wheels. The foundations of the “sauna on wheels” have been maintained at the highest level. Moreover, such a business is in demand all year round.

How to organize a business to open a sauna on wheels

Why a platform versus a truck:
A bathhouse must be different from the rest to attract customers. It’s the same as opening a store, but not like all the rectangular ones, but a round store, so that there is a football field or an ice skating rink inside.

People will drive to such a store from nearby places, even just to look. It's the same here. We need bright advertising.

The best advertising in the world is word of mouth.

Why not use this method in this business:

As soon as the structure is placed on the platform, everything holds up, everything looks decent, and you can bring in the furniture. In appearance, it should be a house on a platform, this attracts people.

In addition, this bathhouse is designed for 4 companies, which already has a positive effect on business.

There are times when you wanted to and ran to the bathhouse, but when the bathhouse is small, there are correspondingly few people, and when the dimensions allow it, then why not.

It is better to choose high-quality furniture for the bathhouse, even if it is more expensive, but you will feel peace in your soul that you do not need to change the furniture after a year.

Business risks

Like any other business, a mobile sauna is subject to risks. The following problems may arise here:

  • seasonality of demand;
  • breakdown of the car or bathhouse equipment;
  • increased competition in the segment;
  • adverse weather conditions;
  • management errors, decreased quality of service;
  • a general decline in the purchasing power of the population;
  • household vandalism: damage to furniture, equipment;
  • errors during design, construction or operation.

How much can you earn by renting a mobile sauna?

Renting a mobile bathhouse will be a profitable activity, since by renting out a business you will receive a much larger amount. Especially if you install all the necessary amenities, these include a TV, karaoke, sofa, refrigerator, bar. It should be taken into account that the costs for all this will be small, but profits can increase significantly if the bathhouse is rented out.

Van60-300 thousand
Refurbishment250-400 thousand
1 hour600
Min order 2 hours1200
Average income per day3600
Income per month108 thousand
Renting out (per day)5000-7000
Salary and gasoline expenses23 000
Net profit85000

For an additional fee, you can include brooms, towels, drinks, food, etc. in your rental. That is, the income for a turnkey rental can be about 100,000 rubles per month. Perhaps such a business is very interesting even for a novice entrepreneur, since you can not engage in it at all, but rent it out.

Where to start a bathhouse business on wheels

First, you need to register a business, register an individual entrepreneur, obtain permission from the SES and fire safety service, and also resolve the issue with the traffic police. After this you will need to get transport. The main criteria for choosing it are the volume of the body and the cross-country ability of the vehicle. Any cargo transport is suitable for this - a car, van or large bus, which needs to be converted to your needs. Equip with a stove, cover the interior with linden boards or beams. It is also worth equipping a steam room (putting barrels with cold and hot water), you can add several small windows (for forced ventilation). Make an opening in the roof for installing a chimney. Settle such nuances as renting a garage (or parking), purchasing coal and firewood (for kindling). The setting of a bathhouse on wheels is not much different from a stationary one. A sofa, a stereo system and a TV - for the comfort of clients’ stay and the opportunity to raise fees for additional services.

Business registration

To register a bathhouse on wheels as a business, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. The OKVED code should be 96.04 - Sports and recreational activities.

You will need to obtain permission from the traffic police, SES, and State Fire Supervision. The list of required documents may vary depending on the region, so check everything locally.

You should also have:

  • technical passport and other documents related to the operation of the vehicle; equipment certificates;
  • contracts with services that carry out disinfection and waste removal.

In general, obtaining permits for a bathhouse on wheels is not difficult.

How much money do you need to start a bathhouse business on wheels?

Starting this type of business does not require huge investments. The purchase of transport and its re-equipment are the most expensive items. For registration and obtaining all kinds of certificates and permits, you need to shell out 10–15 thousand rubles. Purchase of transport 200 – 500 thousand rubles (depending on condition). Remaking a car to suit your needs costs about 250 thousand rubles. Internal lining and purchase of necessary equipment - about 300 thousand rubles. It is also worth taking into account transport costs and taxes of 15 - 20 thousand rubles. Conclusion: To start such a business you will need from 1 to 4 million rubles. This difference is characterized by the fact that you can open just a bathhouse on wheels or an elite one with additional services and high quality equipment.

Items required for organizing a car bath

In order for the bathhouse to be both aesthetically pleasing and comfortable, you need to think through everything wisely.

⇒ Vehicle:

  • a car;
  • freight car.

⇒ Facing material:

  • flooring;
  • wall covering,
  • ceiling covering.

⇒ Interior items:

  • bake;
  • boiler;
  • shower cabin/box;
  • shelves;
  • table;
  • chairs;
  • sofas;
  • fridge;
  • TV;
  • bar;
  • board games - mines, chess, backgammon, lotto, dominoes;
  • barbecue;
  • skewers;
  • air rifle/pistol;
  • sheets;
  • towels;
  • hats;
  • slippers, etc.

⇒ Consumables:

  • brooms;
  • forbs;
  • essential oils;
  • gels;
  • shampoos;
  • soap;
  • targets for air guns;
  • bullets for air guns;
  • firewood;
  • fuel for the car.

You can also invite an experienced bathhouse attendant, cosmetologist, massage therapist, specialist in preparing barbecue, cocktails, etc. Here the master is already the owner. Give free rein to your imagination...

Exterior decoration of a bathhouse on wheels

Looking at the photos of bathhouses on wheels, you can see how varied their external decoration is. The use of wooden siding will make the structure as close to stationary as possible. In the same way, you can create the appearance of a real barrel sauna on wheels. Other commonly used materials include natural wood lining, plastic advertising banners, boards (for roof covering), block house, and various types of siding. As practice shows, it is not enough to correctly create a design for a bathhouse on wheels and competently rebuild it. You must be able to install a mobile structure at a temporary location, observing all conditions. If the steam room is organized on a car trailer, it is unhooked from the car after arriving at the temporary location

To do this, it is important to have a support leg at hand. It is on this that the structure is supported immediately, and then several more supports are added.

To avoid trailer sway, there must be at least four of them.

After installation, you can fold back the side and take out a pre-arranged ladder that acts as a staircase. In most cases, the process of completely installing a bathhouse at a temporary location takes from 15 to 25 minutes.

Upon completion of the installation of a mobile bathhouse, it would be a good idea to concentrate on safety precautions during its operation. Such designs require special care and a serious attitude to the rules

For example, it is strictly forbidden to steam while moving. During transportation of a mobile bathhouse, you can only fire it so that when you arrive at the planned location, the room is ready to receive visitors.

Watch a video about a sauna on wheels: Setting up a sauna on wheels with your own hands is rarely associated with problematic situations and unforeseen moments. The process of building such a structure will go smoothly if high-quality material is selected for this, a well-thought-out project is prepared and the sequence of actions is followed.

Installation of a trailer sauna at the location

If we are talking about the temporary installation of a trailer bathhouse, then the first step is to uncouple it from the vehicle. In order for the bathhouse to be stable, you need to strengthen it with a supporting leg. The platform will rest on it. For better stability of the structure, install 3 additional supports. Thus, to prevent the trailer sauna from swaying, you need to install it on 4 support legs.

After this, you can fold back the side of the trailer and lower the ladder. All this takes no more than a quarter of an hour.

Inside view

This is where the actual recommendations for the construction and arrangement of the autobahn ended. If you have experience in installing a mobile sauna, then share it with us and our readers. Your additional recommendations will be useful to us. Do you have any questions about building a mobile sauna? Ask them to a specialist working on the site.


Before you start advertising, you need to identify potential clients. Who exactly wants to use the services of a mobile sauna? First of all, these are people who care about their health. The mobile steam room is in great demand among fishing and hunting lovers.

Also, such services attract lovers of something unusual, people who are no longer surprised by spas and ordinary baths. Well, the main contingent is simply bathhouse lovers.

For a beginning entrepreneur, the main type of advertising is word of mouth. Sometimes it is enough to tell all your friends and acquaintances about the services provided for you to get your first clients. If they are satisfied with the service provided, they will not only return, but will also recommend the mobile steam room to their friends.

Transport advertising is one of the most effective in this niche. As you move around the city, the mobile bathhouse will attract a lot of attention; all you have to do is indicate your contact information on it. It is worth using such types of advertising as newspaper ads, leaflets, contextual and targeted advertising on the Internet.

However, the main thing is the reputation of your company, first-class service and a system of discounts.

Bathhouses on wheels placed on different types of bases

As already written above, the equipment of a mobile bathhouse and, accordingly, the payback period of such a business project depend on the foundation. But at the same time, it should be noted that the larger the base (trailer, platform, truck body, etc.), the more expensive it is at the time of purchase and the higher the ongoing costs of its maintenance (fuel, taxes, etc.).

The larger the sauna on wheels, the more functional it is.

Bathhouses on wheels on a trailer for a car

It is quite simple to convert a trailer for a passenger car into a bathhouse on wheels, and this work can be done independently, using a factory-made car trailer and a bathhouse of the appropriate size, manufactured by specialists in the field of bathhouse construction.

Frame sauna placed on a biaxial trailer, covered with a block house

Another option for a similar design is self-production from start to finish using a factory-made trailer.

Mini steam room on a single-axle trailer

If you have sufficient funds, the option of individually ordering a mobile bathhouse from an organization engaged in the production of such products is the most preferable, because in this case, the user initially receives a design ready for use.

Barrel sauna on wheels, placed on a single-axle car trailer

Sauna on wheels on all-terrain trucks

The use of an all-terrain truck as a base for a mobile bathhouse allows the use of such a structure in difficult off-road conditions, when it is impossible to drive to the location in a regular car. These could be remote areas of Siberia and the Far North, where there are no equipped roads, but the population still has a need for this service. These could be mushroom and berry pickers, hunters and fishermen, forest industry workers, as well as oil and gas workers.

Mobile sauna based on a KAMAZ vehicle

Baths mounted on the base of a truck are more functional than their counterparts placed on a car trailer. This is due to the fact that such complexes have large overall dimensions, which makes it possible to create several rooms under one roof (steam room, shower room, relaxation room).

ZIL-131 is truly a military vehicle that can handle any off-road conditions, so placing a mobile bathhouse on its platform is a “godsend” for outdoor enthusiasts

A mobile bathhouse on the platform of an all-terrain vehicle truck is quite in demand among hunters, commercial hunters and fishermen who fish in remote areas of our country on a professional basis.

GAZ-66 or “shishiga” is also an excellent SUV that can be successfully converted into a bathhouse on wheels

Mobile sauna on a platform frame

Using a platform frame to accommodate the bathhouse complex allows you to make the most functional model of a bathhouse on wheels. This is the best option for creating a business of this kind. However, this placement option has one drawback - the need for good quality roads to successfully transport the structure to the location.

A mobile sauna, made with a load-bearing base, can be installed on any platform frame equipped with wheels

The frame of a cargo trailer or other vehicle dismantled during use can be used as a platform frame.

Mobile sauna made on the basis of a mobile module

Mobile sauna on wheels in buses and minibuses

Buses and minibuses are also used for the production of mobile bath complexes. These can be different models, differing in size and technical parameters; some of the design options are shown in the following figures.

Sauna on wheels based on a PAZ bus

Mobile sauna based on a GAZelle car

Option for arranging a bathhouse on wheels, made on the basis of a PAZ bus

Car selection

You need to start this business by finding a suitable car that can be converted into a bathhouse on wheels. You need to choose vehicles with high cross-country ability. Spacious and comfortable baths are obtained on the basis of GAZ 66, GAZ 3308, ZIL 131. KamAZ or GAZ cars are also suitable, where the van can be divided into two zones. In the first there is a steam room with a stove, in the second there is a shower, locker room or dressing room. In general, these cars are easiest to convert into a mobile sauna that can accommodate a group of 4-6 people.

But there are other options for the base of a mobile sauna: a trailer, a bus, a platform frame on wheels. You can find many ideas for your project on the Internet. Each option will have a different budget and capacity. Therefore, before making your final decision, evaluate each option and choose the one that is best for you in terms of price. A used truck in good condition can be found for 200 thousand rubles.

Mobile sauna services

The mobile sauna provides the same standard list of services as regular saunas:

  • relaxing and wellness treatments;
  • medicinal herbal teas;
  • aromatherapy;
  • inhalation.

A sauna on wheels can be rented out by the hour or set up for free use. The service also provides for the bathhouse to travel to a certain area and organize leisure activities, such as fishing. Many entrepreneurs equip their mobile sauna with a TV, minibar, karaoke and free Wi-Fi.

The average cost of a regular session for a company of 4 people is 2 thousand rubles on weekdays, and on weekends and holidays – 3 thousand rubles. When setting your price, consider the season. In the summer, it is better to reduce prices to increase demand for the service.

To increase profits, you can place a mobile bathhouse near a recreation center, in popular places for outdoor trips, or near reservoirs where fishermen gather. Offer additional services: renting a bathhouse for an event, massage services, mini-bar, etc.

Promotion of services on the market

In order for a mobile bathhouse to generate high profits, you need to actively promote your services. Good attendance is needed, otherwise the enterprise risks remaining unprofitable. How to attract clients? First, you need to clearly understand your target audience. Potential clients of a mobile sauna are:

  • active people who take care of their health;
  • lovers of traveling and outdoor recreation;
  • fishermen and hunters;
  • those who love baths.

Typically, clients of a mobile bathhouse are men aged from 20 to 60 years old, who come together in groups.

The simplest and most effective way to promote services is advertising on the car itself. Moving along the road, the mobile bathhouse attracts attention and advertises itself. You can also distribute printed materials (flyers, bouquets, invitations) to vacation spots where you can meet your potential clients. To attract the first visitors, you can organize a promotion and provide a discount on bathhouse services. Place advertisements on notice boards or in elevators. Word of mouth works great - if a client likes the service, he will not only return to you, but will also recommend you to others.

You can also stay in the courtyard of a multi-storey residential area for a week or two and use a megaphone to invite residents to visit a bathhouse on wheels. The factor of temporary service and convenience of visiting will spur demand.

But the best way to promote your services in the market is the reputation of your establishment, quality service and a flexible pricing policy.

Installation of furnace and chimney

When the “tent” of the mobile bathhouse is installed, you should take care of the exterior design, installation of the stove, and interior finishing work. Installing a stove yourself is quite difficult. The firebox is located outside the trailer. The bathhouse is heated to an average of sixty degrees to make it comfortable to use. The stove stones are sewn into special beads - otherwise they may fly out. Holes are made in the stones where stainless steel wire is placed. To facilitate construction, they are moved to other places during transportation.

It is important to make the pipe correctly - it is led out strictly upward or sideways from the middle of the wall. The stove itself is placed in the corner

Exterior finishing

Next, the exterior finishing is done. To make the bathhouse beautiful, similar to a real, rustic one, use wood siding. The structure is decorated with kerosene lamps or their imitation, wooden steps, shutters with house carvings, and overhead elements made using a jigsaw. Metal profile parts are usually masked. All wooden parts must be impregnated with special compounds that prevent rotting, damage by mold and mildew.

Interior decoration

The interior design of a mobile bathhouse is practically no different from the usual one in a stationary one. It must be well insulated, upholstered, and decorated. Fragile glass decor is not used, as it can break - the structure will often be subject to shaking during transportation. Everything in the room is well secured - any object falling while driving can cause injury

Benches, tables, sofas should not be moved - special attention is paid to this

The walls are sheathed first with foil, then with clapboard. The most suitable types of wood are linden, aspen, oak, and other hardwoods. Cedar is also suitable - it smells nice, but can cause allergic reactions, especially in children. The bathhouse should be convenient for carrying out procedures such as salt and herbal peeling - it should be easy to clean after that.

Interior arrangement

The final stage is the creation of a comfortable, attractive interior. The ceilings are wide, or optionally folding. You definitely need at least one bench, barrels with cold and hot water. For the convenience of vacationers, it is advisable to organize a shower and toilet. The rest of the furniture, TV, refrigerator, bar are done if there is room for them. Benches and shelves are mounted along the walls.

You don’t need a lot of decor - it will clutter up the space, especially if there is not enough of it. Carved elements and artificial plants are suitable. The lighting is adjustable - during the day street light from the windows will be enough, in the evening and at night you will have to turn on electric light

Here it is important to take care of sufficient moisture insulation of all electrical appliances, switches, sockets, wires, lamps

How much money do you need to start a business - saunas on wheels

  1. Platform – from 300 thousand rubles;
  2. Wooden house – 400 thousand rubles;
  3. Furniture 250 thousand rubles;
  4. Windows 8sh – 5600 rubles;
  5. Salesperson salary – from 10 thousand rubles;
  6. Cash register - 15 thousand rubles.

The price is high, but it is worth noting that having invested more than a million rubles now, by the end of the year the earned million will be in your pocket.

The price of the house depends on the material; if it is timber, then the price can be increased by two. The number of clients depends primarily on the appearance, reviews and number of clients.

To save a little money, you can purchase furniture and accessories in bulk.

It is important to take into account the fact that the purchase is not for 1 bathhouse, but for 4, since the platform of the truck is taken

As you can see, in order to earn money, you don’t need to have a higher education or 100 thousand dollars, you need to have an idea, imagination, 15 thousand dollars and you can start building.

A finished bathhouse cannot be remade the way you want because it can cost a pretty penny.

If you lack imagination and don’t want to do anything, you can go to a bathhouse manufacturing company.

You can discuss with them and agree on the construction of a bathhouse, indicating all your wishes, but in this way, instead of, for example, a million, you will have to pay about 2 million for the service and work.

For some this is not enough, but essentially. After all, it’s easy to go online and look for people who understand this.

For example, to build a bathhouse without a company you will need:

Draftsman (drawing with data, 3-d model); Welder. He will tell you how to weld the frame correctly; Collector. On wood

At this stage, it is important to decide on the tree, you can do it together with the assembler; Metal tile layers; Banniks. People involved in the bath business will help you choose furniture.

It takes very little to hire such employees, and if you promise them shares and bonuses, you will become best friends. As you can see, creating from scratch is easier than ever; you need to have an idea and a desire to do something.

Useful advertising tips

In order for people to know about a business, advertising must be chosen wisely.


  • on the radio - focus on specific target groups - motorists, visitors to catering establishments. Run the text with a certain frequency - it must be remembered;
  • a video on the Internet will bring income if it is filmed professionally;
  • discounts – provide to those who have already visited your establishment. The goal is to convert the visitor to the category of regular;
  • advertisements – place them where this service is free. Their effect is average, the method is justified only without investment.

The basis of a mobile steam room

To make your own sauna on wheels, you need to purchase a suitable base. It could be:

  • trailer for a car;
  • all-terrain vehicle/truck (URAL/ZIL/GAZ);
  • platform frame on wheels;
  • minibus/bus (GAZelle/Ikarus/PAZ).

This means that you can make a bathhouse that is inseparable from a vehicle, make it on a trailer or on a mobile platform that can be loaded as needed.


Bathhouse trailers must have a mass that does not exceed the weight of the tractor, i.e., a passenger car. Additional supports must prevent the trailer from swaying during operation. The internal space is divided into a steam room and a dressing room. Due to limited space, there are no water tanks in such a bathhouse.

This means that you should take bath procedures only if you park your car near a pond. If necessary, you can heat water on the stove. You can drain the water through a hole located in the floor. So, the liquid will flow directly onto the ground under the wheels of the trailer.

Converted buses/trucks

Truck converted into a bathhouse

If you want to make a spacious mobile steam room, then you should think about how to convert a bus. If you make it on the basis of the Ikarus bus, then the capacity of the bathhouse will be up to 15 people. This bathhouse is equipped with:

  • shower compartment;
  • steam room for 5 people;
  • rest room;
  • auto toilet;
  • video bar stand.

Bus steam room

Deciding on a car and bathhouse style

The principle of equipping a mobile sauna is based on the use of a vehicle with a special body - a steam room is made there.

Preference is given to cars that have good cross-country ability. Complexes based on the GAZ and KAMAZ brands meet this requirement. The steam room installed on the basis of such machines will be comfortable and spacious - the bathhouse can accommodate 6 people at the same time.

The advantages of cars are the presence of a van made of metal. Additionally, you can equip a separate trailer - then a tractor will come in handy. He will make the complex mobile. Note! Financial investments in this case will be 20-25% more expensive.

The ideal solution is vans that are initially divided into two parts. The first contains a steam room and a stove. In the second, they will equip a shower stall, a dressing room, and organize a locker room.

You will have to spend up to half a million rubles on the internal preparation of the van.

The design style of the complex is chosen in the best traditions. Walls lined with linden are popular - the wood does not leak and does not release resin.

To win regular customers, you need to provide visitors with a high degree of comfort. Additionally install:

  • TV;
  • karaoke center;
  • mini bar;
  • fridge.



  • purchase of KAMAZ – 2.5 million rubles;
  • purchase of a mobile sauna – 1.5 million rubles.

Total: 4 million rubles.

If your budget is limited, you can purchase:

  • GAZ-66 (used) – 1.7 million rubles;
  • mobile sauna (used) – up to 1 million rubles.

Total: 2.7 million rubles. (prices are taken to the maximum).


  • rental cost – 1000 rub./hour;
  • ordering a bathhouse on weekdays (5 times for 2 hours) – 10,000 rubles;
  • ordering a bathhouse on weekends (4 times for 2 hours) – 8,000 rubles;

Total: revenue for the week – 18,000 rubles.

Total: monthly revenue – 72,000 rubles.

Total: revenue for the year – 864,000 rubles.

Operating costs:

  • fuels and lubricants;
  • spare parts;
  • firewood;

Total: maximum – 22,000 rubles.

Total: net monthly profit – 50,000 rubles.

Total: net annual profit - 600,000 rubles. Note that this is in the worst case scenario.

Thus, by registering an individual entrepreneur and starting your own business, the bathhouse will pay for itself in 2–3 years. Mobile steam room - everything ingenious is simple!

An anecdote on the topic: Saturday is the hardest day of the week. You need to rest, wash in the bathhouse, take a walk, and get drunk. And don't know where to start???

Good luck and have a great time, you! See you again! And don’t forget to subscribe to updates, as well as recommend information to friends. Bye!

Wisdom Quote: Patience is a wonderful quality, but life is too short to endure for long (Abul-Faraj).

Economic side of business

How much does it cost to open a mobile sauna? The initial investment will be about 600 thousand rubles. In addition, it is necessary to plan the operating costs that will appear monthly: fuel, firewood, advertising, taxes, spare parts in case of breakdown. At normal load, this is approximately 30 thousand rubles.

How much can a bathhouse on wheels earn? A two-hour session for a company of 4 people costs 2,000 rubles on weekdays and 3,000 rubles on weekends and holidays. The mobile bathhouse can fulfill 3 orders per day. Those. in a week she can earn about 30-40 thousand rubles. In this case, monthly revenue will be 100-120 thousand rubles. After deducting expenses, 70-90 thousand rubles of net profit will remain. Then the initial investment will pay off within 6-12 months. To reach high levels faster, it is better to open at the start of the season.

Installation of furnace and chimney

When the “tent” of the mobile bathhouse is installed, you should take care of the exterior design, installation of the stove, and interior finishing work. Installing a stove yourself is quite difficult. The firebox is located outside the trailer. The bathhouse is heated to an average of sixty degrees to make it comfortable to use. The stove stones are sewn into special beads - otherwise they may fly out. Holes are made in the stones where stainless steel wire is placed. To facilitate construction, they are moved to other places during transportation.

It is important to make the pipe correctly - it is led out strictly upward or sideways from the middle of the wall. The stove itself is placed in the corner

Exterior finishing

Next, the exterior finishing is done. To make the bathhouse beautiful, similar to a real, rustic one, use wood siding. The structure is decorated with kerosene lamps or their imitation, wooden steps, shutters with house carvings, and overhead elements made using a jigsaw. Metal profile parts are usually masked. All wooden parts must be impregnated with special compounds that prevent rotting, damage by mold and mildew.

Interior decoration

The interior design of a mobile bathhouse is practically no different from the usual one in a stationary one. It must be well insulated, upholstered, and decorated. Fragile glass decor is not used, as it can break - the structure will often be subject to shaking during transportation. Everything in the room is well secured - any object falling while driving can cause injury

Benches, tables, sofas should not be moved - special attention is paid to this

The walls are sheathed first with foil, then with clapboard. The most suitable types of wood are linden, aspen, oak, and other hardwoods. Cedar is also suitable - it smells nice, but can cause allergic reactions, especially in children. The bathhouse should be convenient for carrying out procedures such as salt and herbal peeling - it should be easy to clean after that.

Interior arrangement

The final stage is the creation of a comfortable, attractive interior. The ceilings are wide, or optionally folding. You definitely need at least one bench, barrels with cold and hot water. For the convenience of vacationers, it is advisable to organize a shower and toilet. The rest of the furniture, TV, refrigerator, bar are done if there is room for them. Benches and shelves are mounted along the walls.

You don’t need a lot of decor - it will clutter up the space, especially if there is not enough of it. Carved elements and artificial plants are suitable. The lighting is adjustable - during the day street light from the windows will be enough, in the evening and at night you will have to turn on electric light

Here it is important to take care of sufficient moisture insulation of all electrical appliances, switches, sockets, wires, lamps

Design and arrangement of a bathhouse

In parallel with searching and buying a car, you can design a mobile bathhouse. This point is very important, so don’t skimp on it. It is better to order the project from professionals who will take into account all the necessary requirements and characteristics: the weight of the structure, the load on the wheels and centers of gravity, the required power of the boiler or furnace.

A mobile bathhouse should have two rooms - a steam room and a dressing room.

The walls are lined with good wood. Experienced entrepreneurs advise choosing linden or fir. A linden sauna always heats up in just half an hour. This material does not emit resin and does not flow. The windows are double glazed to retain heat. A chimney is installed on the roof. The bath door should open outwards.

The bathhouse is constructed in several stages:

  • design and layout of the structure;
  • installation of stiffeners and frame assembly;
  • thermal insulation;
  • interior decoration;
  • bathhouse equipment;
  • outer skin.

You can seek such services from large auto repair shops.

When the construction work is completed, you can proceed to equipping the bathhouse. To do this you will need to purchase:

  • water heater;
  • water container;
  • generator;
  • shower cabin;
  • furniture for the recreation area.
  • bath paraphernalia: birch and oak brooms, wooden buckets, ladles, individual accessories (hats, slippers, etc.).

Construction and installation work and equipping the bathhouse with everything necessary will cost approximately 250 thousand rubles. If you do not plan to spend time and effort preparing a mobile sauna, then you can buy ready-made equipment. Its cost will be about 300-400 thousand rubles, depending on the specific project.

Bath staff

Experienced entrepreneurs advise opening a bathhouse on wheels as a family business. In this case, you can cope on your own and not hire outside personnel.

To ensure the operation of a mobile bathhouse, the work of at least two people will be required: the entrepreneur himself performs the functions of a driver and a steamer. The second person receives visitors, serves them and provides them with bath accessories. This form of work and distribution of responsibilities allows you to save significantly when starting a business and thereby increase the profitability of services.

Making a sauna on wheels with your own hands

If you decide to become the owner of a mobile building, we suggest you learn how to make a sauna on wheels yourself. Knowing the sequence of actions and the main stages, you can do everything yourself. In this case, a bathhouse on wheels will fully meet the requirements for it and have suitable characteristics.

All work can be done with your own hands

Design and layout

Before the assembly of the future structure begins, a project must be developed. You can sketch the sketch by hand or use a special computer program. The latter option is preferable, as it allows you to estimate the proportions of the future bath and accurately calculate the required amount of material. We take into account the price of the materials for the bathhouse on wheels that are to be purchased. At the design stage the following is calculated:

  • wheel axle load;
  • total weight of the structure;
  • required stove power.

A photo of a do-it-yourself kung bath can be used as a basis when planning the interior space.

Option for organizing internal space

Frame assembly

To assemble a bathhouse on a trailer or frame with your own hands, you should follow the following sequence of steps.

IllustrationDescription of action
All elements of the future design are cut to size. All wood is treated with special compounds to prevent premature rotting. For external boards, you should use a composition that allows you to protect the wood from precipitation, and for internal boards - from steam.
We start by assembling the blank wall and the front door. The boards should be placed vertically, and the power jumpers horizontally. The jumpers should be cut before assembly.
We install furniture ties at the ends of the formed circles to increase the rigidity of the structure. We form ventilation holes.
We install the door. We install the platbands while the ends are in a horizontal position.
We collect all the elements into a single structure.

Thermal insulation device

Thermal insulation work must be performed to a very high quality. The thickness of the thermal insulation cake should be about 15 cm. The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the sheathing is installed;
  • vapor barrier and mineral wool are installed;
  • foil is attached;
  • all foil taps are carefully taped;
  • a counter-lattice is installed, to which the facing material will be attached in the future.

Insulation must be of high quality

Stove installation

The firebox should be placed outside. This will make the structure safer and allow for more efficient management of the internal space. It is preferable to install a potbelly stove with a water tank or a heater, under which a site has been previously equipped. The mobile steam room can be heated up to +60°C. In stones used to generate steam, it is worth drilling holes and connecting them with wire. This will prevent accidental falling of stones when the wheel hits a bump.

The installation site should be prepared

Interior decoration

For decorating the interior space after completion of thermal insulation work. It is worth giving preference to lining made from alder, aspen or linden. It is acceptable to use ordinary treated boards or block houses. Coniferous species can be used to decorate the dressing room. You can often see tiles on shower walls. In any case, there should be boards on the floor.

Coniferous trees cannot be used for the steam room

External skin

To finish the outer wall, you can use high-quality siding or wood. This will add similarity between the mobile structure and the stationary one. The door should open.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any design, an autobath has its pros and cons.

Main advantages:

  • relatively easy to build;
  • almost all materials used are natural (the main one is wood);
  • convenient to use;
  • small sizes;
  • practically no different from a stationary one;
  • universal heating;
  • can be mounted on almost any vehicle;
  • can be used for profit.

In addition to all of the above, to create a highway, you do not need to approve the project, look for a plot of land, obtain a construction permit, or hire a team of workers.


  • water will have to be transported separately;
  • an unreliably installed structure is unsafe;
  • for commercial use, you will need to obtain a number of hygiene certificates to confirm that the building is fireproof.

Body reinforcement

The technical part of the process of creating a bathhouse should begin with the dismantling of everything unnecessary. The structure of the bathhouse will experience significant load. therefore, it is necessary to take care of the power frame. On its basis, metal profiles are welded, stiffeners are attached, and a stove is installed.

After installing the stove, you can cover the roof and do the final interior finishing. To install electric lighting in bathhouses of all formats, heat-resistant wiring should be used, since ordinary wires cannot withstand temperatures above 50 C. Heat-resistant and water-insulating lamps are used.

The most important design element is the stove, which many people prefer to make themselves. This is a version of a “potbelly stove” with a platform for a heater and a welded tank for heating water. Heating options for a factory-made oven are used with electricity, gas, or wood.

The installation site of the stove is finished with heat-resistant, non-flammable material. The floor is strengthened - the weight of the stove can reach 300 kg. The classic filling is jadeite stones, which must be strung into “beads” on stainless steel. This is necessary for safety while driving. The furnace body itself must also be securely fixed.

Selecting suppliers (where to order cars and sauna materials)

Trust equipment and interior decoration only to professional specialists - all activities are carried out in accordance with the requirements of fire safety and sanitary standards.

Such services are provided by large automobile workshops. Paraphernalia must be ordered from trusted suppliers - require quality certificates for the entire range.

As for brooms, trust their manufacture to those who know how to do it correctly. A poorly assembled broom will quickly become unusable and will not provide comfort during use .

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