Is it possible to make a wooden bathhouse attached to the house? on the Nedvio website

I want to attach a bathhouse to the house - this is exactly what many owners begin to think when, on cold winter days, they have to rake a path to the bathhouse, carry firewood there, and then, after the bathhouse, go to the house with an armful of clothes and towels. Is it possible to attach a bathhouse to the house and what benefits and problems does this promise? Let’s try to figure it out.

What you need to know about the foundation

Until you built the house, the soil underneath had the same properties, but the violation of its integrity, the pouring of the foundation, the load of the built house - all this changed them.
The zone within which the change in soil properties occurred does not exceed a couple of meters from the boundary of the building.

Stabilization of the soil after a house is placed on it lasts from 3 to 5 years. During this time, you should not place anything next to it, especially on a connected foundation.

Once it is established, you can build. But it is advisable that the project be carried out by specialists who can calculate how much weight the future extension will be, how much, on the one hand, it will sink the soil, and on the other hand, resist the forces of frost heaving, which tend to push the foundation out of the ground.

Of course, a lot depends on the soil itself. Some people are lucky and have sandy soil with coarse sand and gravel. And others have heaving clay, for example. Therefore, you need to know the geology of the site.

And the foundation for the extension of the bathhouse is selected according to the depth, design and material in accordance with the type of soil, the depth of groundwater, as well as the depth of soil freezing in winter. See the section on types of foundations.

ATTENTION! It is better if the groundwater is at least half a meter below the base of the foundation. If it’s higher, then think about drainage. This means that bathhouses are usually placed on a shallow strip foundation, but it’s unlikely to be suitable for an extension to a house

This means that bathhouses are usually placed on a shallow strip foundation, but it is unlikely to be suitable for an extension to a house.

Firstly, because it is very desirable to build such a bathhouse from non-flammable material, and it weighs a lot, even if it is aerated concrete.

Secondly, because a shallow foundation is laid above the freezing depth of the soil, and therefore, the forces of frost heaving will act more actively on it if the soil is heaving. And it is better not to consider options for connecting the bathhouse to the house through the foundation or just the roof.

Everything is fine when the foundation is laid at the same time and for both buildings at once. Therefore, it is recommended to pour the foundation immediately, taking into account all subsequent additions, if they are planned, and to implement them as funds and other opportunities become available.

If the foundations are laid at different times, and even more so at different depths, then their vibrations in the ground will not coincide in any way. It follows from this that it is best not to make a connected foundation of the house and extension.

But what's wrong with a single roof? If two foundations rise to different heights, but at the same time have a common roof, stresses will arise in the roof, which will lead to the destruction of the most stressed structural parts.

It is easier to add a bathhouse to an old house. It’s also easy to get to a house with a wide, warm blind area. In both cases, changes in the soil around the house will not have the same effect on the foundation of the bathhouse.

ADVICE! Of course, we have simplified a lot here, but the best thing you can do for yourself is to talk to specialists. So the project will be competent, the BTI will accept it, and there will be no need to expect destruction over time.

Sites on which you can build a bathhouse

It is not possible to build a bathhouse on all types of land; for example, you cannot install a building on land that belongs to the water fund. It can be built on:

  • On a site for individual housing construction (IHC), which is intended for development and is located in a populated area.
  • On a plot for personal subsidiary plots (LPH). At the same time, this land must be used for non-commercial purposes and be suitable for erecting buildings on it.
  • On garden and vegetable plots of land, according to the Federal Law dated 29-07-17 No. 217-FZ, which belong to garden non-profit partnerships (SNT).

You can find out the category of a land plot on the Rosreestr portal using the Public Cadastral Map.

To do this, you must leave an online application on the website, indicating the address or cadastral number of the plot. Within five days you will be provided with an object card, which will indicate the type of permitted use of the land plot and the category of land.

The cost of the service is from 150 rubles.

How to install a bathhouse?

Is it possible to attach a bathhouse to the house? There are no legal restrictions; in addition, there are rules that regulate the construction of extensions of this type. There are several options for how you can combine a steam room with a living space:

  1. Using an existing wall of the house. This method is the most economical, since costs are reduced for the construction of one wall of the bathhouse. However, the savings will have to be invested in high-quality vapor barrier and waterproofing, as well as fire safety methods. It is especially important to comply with all fire safety rules if the house to which the steam room is attached is wooden.
  2. Bathhouse attachment to the house. In this case, the bathhouse attached to the house has its own wall, which is built close to the wall of the dwelling. The advantage of such construction is that there is no need to make a vapor barrier. In this case, the doorway connecting the two buildings turns out to be quite wide, so it makes sense to install two doors instead of one and make the one closer to the house fireproof.
  3. Connecting the house and the bathhouse with a short passage. In this situation, the bathhouse does not come into direct contact with the home, but it is easy to carry out all the necessary communications through the existing corridor.

The choice of method depends on the planned construction budget, personal preferences and the type of house to which the steam room is attached.

Internal equipment

It is not enough to know how to attach a bathhouse to a brick house; it is also important to take care of the interior decoration. The main aspects of the internal equipment are as follows:

  1. Doors and windows are deliberately installed smaller than the standard size - this way you can maintain the temperature inside the room.
  2. To ensure fire safety, all doors and windows should only open outward.
  3. Door handles are only allowed to be made of wood, as metal ones can cause you to get burned.
  4. For reasons of heat conservation, windows are positioned horizontally rather than vertically.
  5. All wiring in the bathhouse must be covered with a fireproof casing, and if it is located inside the walls, it must be placed in metal pipes.
  6. Shelves and wall trim must be made from wood species such as linden, aspen or poplar. This material dries quickly and does not release resin when heated.

  7. It is important not to use paints and varnishes inside the sauna, as they can release toxic substances when heated.

A bathhouse attached to a house, made of a block or other material, should be as comfortable as possible for those people who are going to use it.

Types of extensions

Extensions to the bathhouse are quite diverse; they can satisfy the tastes and fantasies of any customer and designer. You can build a permanent winter structure or a light structure on a frame basis. Sometimes it is enough to simply install a cold dressing room, but it is this that will retain the heat in the rest of the bathhouse. Terraces, verandas, gazebos, canopies are incredibly functional and cozy if they are well thought out and organized.


When a bathhouse has all the main zones, the desire to steam in comfort comes, and the need for a relaxation room arises. This part of the building is not too demanding on technical conditions and can be either summer or winter, or even located under a canopy, sharing it with the car. And sometimes it doesn’t even have a canopy, but takes up space on a concrete platform or wood flooring, where summer furniture is installed.


It is convenient to integrate the gazebo into the bathhouse even without the help of professionals. To do this, you do not have to dismantle the walls, reshape the roof or combine the foundation. It is a separate building, but closely attached to the wall of the bathhouse in the area of ​​the entrance door. The gazebo does not have to continue the shape of the permanent structure and be made of the same material; it can be of any configuration. Sometimes a stove is built in it, a barbecue is installed, and even a water supply is installed to provide the food preparation area with water.


A veranda is often attached to a bathhouse; it can be open or closed. If you take care of airtightness and heating in a closed glazed veranda, it can serve even in winter. Closed and semi-closed verandas require the installation of a foundation; most often they resort to a columnar version that is not combined with the main building. The building does not have to be under the same roof as the bathhouse; it is easier to make a separate roof and connect it to the finished building.


The terrace is an open space on the floor, without glazing, with a low side around the perimeter. Often, for convenience, a roof is mounted over it. The terrace in relation to the bathhouse can be located in different places:

  • at the entrance;
  • along the perimeter of the entire bathhouse or adjacent to several of its walls;
  • the terrace can be installed on stilts and located at the level of the second floor;
  • or be a separate building belonging to the bathhouse complex.


The simplest and easiest type of extension to a bathhouse, protecting from the scorching sun and precipitation. It may be the following options.

  • A canopy for a large porch with sun loungers and a dining area. The roof is often made of polycarbonate, mounted on a frame.
  • A garden canopy is installed near the bathhouse instead of a decorative gazebo. It can be stationary or removable; its creation does not require a foundation or walls.
  • A carport is built near the country baths. The owners visit them on weekends; during this period, there is a need for shelter for the car.

Options for home and bathhouse under one roof

A house with a bathhouse under one roof can be built in two ways: during the initial construction of the entire complex and as an extension to an existing building.

The second option is more common, because, as a rule, many people first build a house and only then decide to use a bathhouse. When designing this way, special attention should be paid to:

Small sauna house with steam room at the entrance

  • ventilation system. A bathhouse is high humidity, which contributes to the destruction of the construction site. The right design will help avoid these troubles;
  • waterproofing. The room must be able to dry and ventilate. This is worth taking into account, since in the future high humidity can become a real disaster;
  • where to build an extension. Experts recommend using a kitchen wall for this. With this approach, you can install a single stove, and the bathhouse will dry out much faster;
  • design of wiring and sewerage systems.

Panoramic room for a steam room, with access to a common terrace with the house

When constructing a single complex, it is necessary to create unified communications. Electricity and ventilation shafts will also be part of the structure.

Bathhouse attached to the house: construction technology

Let's start with the fact that you can attach a bathhouse to your house. This is not prohibited by law or building codes. Therefore, in our case, you just need to know the technology of work and the required tolerances that must be observed to ensure fire safety and convenient operation of the bathhouse extension.

Ways to add a bathhouse to your home

Using one of the walls of the house to add a bathhouse

In this case, the bathhouse and the house have one common wall. This method is the most budget-friendly, as it can significantly reduce the cost of building walls for a bathhouse.

The need to protect the room adjacent to the common wall from steam penetrating through the enclosing structure. For the walls of a house made of vapor-tight concrete materials, such protection is not needed. A brick or wooden wall of a house requires a vapor barrier layer.

In a wooden house, the wall adjacent to the bathhouse must be protected from fire. This is done using special insulation, which is laid on the side of the bathhouse on the wall, and then covered with a vapor barrier film. For fireproof insulation, dense slabs of basalt wool can be used.

Bathhouse in the form of an attachment to the house

Connecting the bathhouse with the house via a passage

In this case, the two walls of the bathhouse and the house are completely separated, but are located close to each other at a distance of 1-1.5 m. Their doorways are connected by a short vestibule, through which water pipes, heating pipes and power supply cables can be brought into the bathhouse attached to the house . The vestibule corridor is usually heated and is often used as a dressing room.

Features of choosing a bathhouse extension method

Choosing a foundation for an attached bathhouse

You can make the foundation for the extension yourself. It is poured as a separate mass, or joined to the main strip under the house. Separate pouring is preferable, since in its case the shrinkage of the extension will be uniform.

Subtleties of building an attached bathhouse

Before adding a bathhouse to your home, it is important to think about the transition between them. Pass-through is the easiest option

In this case, the door from the house leads directly to the dressing room. The advantage of this junction design is minimal heat losses. The transition vestibule requires additional insulation. Benches and clothes hangers are placed in the vestibule and used as a utility room or rest room.

Doorways in bathhouses are made low with high thresholds to retain heat. The same reason for bringing the main door not to the street, but to the vestibule.

Fire safety for attached baths

To protect the house from fire, a special spark arrester is installed on the chimney. You can make it yourself or buy it in a store. The pipe is insulated on the outside using asbestos cord, and on the inside with foil insulation.

That's all! We hope that our material and photos of a bathhouse attached to the house will help you unravel the secret of constructing any extension. And let it please you with comfort no worse than a separate bathhouse.

Roof features

A frame, log or brick bathhouse attached to a house must have a roof that meets all the necessary requirements. Its peculiarity is that it should not allow moisture to pass through, which will accumulate in the steam room, since it can destroy not only the bathhouse building, but also a residential building. To prevent the formation of condensation, it is necessary to carefully insulate the roof; this can be done in several ways:

  • fixing the insulation directly under the rafters;
  • installation of material on rafters.

It is also important to lay a layer of material under the roofing material to waterproof the room. To prevent wood rotting, all elements must be treated with resin or paint.

Ready-made projects and designs

There are many projects that allow you to expand the capabilities of a bathhouse, even turning it into a country house with sauna functions. To do this, you can not change anything regarding the main structure or, on the contrary, make a tangible restructuring: destroy a wall, completely change the roof, build up the foundation. As an example, let's look at different projects of extensions integrated into the bathhouse.

In this project, to add a veranda, the roof is completely rebuilt.

The design of extensions depends on the purpose of the resulting area. Most often, the bathhouse already has a full set of essential rooms, and expansion occurs in favor of a comfort zone, the so-called relaxation areas, where you can drink a cup of tea in the company of friends and even cook a barbecue. It is convenient to relax in any extension - on the veranda, terrace, gazebo or simply under a canopy, the main thing is to create a comfortable environment. Using ready-made examples, you can see how recreation areas are arranged in attached areas.

A veranda with panoramic glazing gives you the opportunity to relax in nature.

Tax accounting - which buildings are required to be registered, except for the bathhouse?

The state is pursuing a consistent and targeted policy of accounting for the property and income of the country's population, tightening legislation. However, only a building that is included in Rosreestr can be taxed. In order to encourage citizens to voluntarily legalize real estate, officials are extending the simplified registration procedure.

Which buildings on a land plot are subject to mandatory registration:

  • houses with an area of ​​more than 50 m2;
  • garages;
  • baths;
  • capital greenhouses;
  • utility and utility rooms of capital type.

Note! If the bathhouse is up to 50 sq. m, then it can be issued as a preferential one.

The law makes it possible not to pay tax for one commercial building. To apply, you must personally visit the fiscal authorities and write an application.

Features of the construction of closed extensions

A closed, insulated extension can be made from different materials. The most common materials are wood, brick and cinder blocks. As a rule, a material similar to that from which the walls of the bathhouse are made is used. However, wood also harmoniously combines with brick, which means that a wooden extension can be safely erected near a brick bathhouse.

A major extension to the bathhouse is being built on the foundation. Most often, the type of foundation used in the construction of the main building is chosen - strip or columnar. During its construction, they try to ensure a connection with the base base, and for this, a new reinforcing belt is inserted into the existing support using steel reinforcement rods. The depth of the new concrete strip is selected 10-15 cm more than the base foundation. Waterproofing is applied to the side walls of the concrete pour by coating with bitumen or laying roofing felt.

The most common type of walls is logs or beams. Profiled and rounded timber is widely used. During construction, it should be taken into account that new wood will shrink within 1-1.5 years, which means that there is no “dead” fastening of the walls of the extension and the bathhouse - a technological gap is provided, which after shrinkage is complete can reach 3-5 cm. This gap must be reliably sealed with waterproofing and thermal insulation material.

Brickwork is also widely used. When using it, a strip-type foundation is most often erected. In brick construction, new and base walls are securely fastened together. To do this, after the first row of bricks, reinforcement rods with a diameter of 12-14 mm are laid, the ends of which are inserted into a hole drilled in the bath wall. A similar rod connection is made every 3-4 rows of masonry. The joint between the walls is sealed with sealant and puttied on top. Construction is carried out similarly using foamed concrete blocks.

The roof of the extension can be combined with the sauna roof or done separately. A common roof involves dismantling the existing roof and installing a new common rafter system. An individual roof is usually erected in a single-pitch design. Its installation is carried out on a rafter system, which is located slightly below the main roof and is not connected to it. The seam is sealed and covered with a special profiled overlay.

When building an extension to a bathhouse with your own hands, you will need the following tool:

  • Bulgarian;
  • perforator;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • shovels, crowbar, pickaxe;
  • a circular saw
  • plane, hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • vibrator;
  • chisel;
  • tape measure, plumb line, building level.

If there is a need to expand the bath space, then you can add an additional room for various purposes. Such an event can be done with your own hands.

Bathroom insulation and interior work

Modern technologies make it possible to insulate a room efficiently and beautifully. Many builders use mineral wool for such purposes. This material is popular due to its properties:

Mineral wool is a practical and easy-to-install insulation for roofs

  • resistant to fire. It is very important to create fire safety in the room;
  • environmentally friendly material that does not interact with high humidity;
  • affordable price;
  • easy installation.

Snow-white bathhouse with wood trim

Insulation protects the walls both inside and outside. This significantly reduces heat loss. When finishing a bath, you should use only natural materials. As a rule, this is wood. Pine or oak are considered the best for such purposes, but other species are also suitable.

External insulation of bathhouse walls with wooden boards

A house with a bathhouse and a garage under one roof is another construction option that is very popular. This approach has the same advantages as the construction of a single residential complex.

Visualization of a house project with a garage and a bathhouse on opposite sides


For those who have decided to add an extension to the bathhouse, we have prepared several recommendations; perhaps they will be useful to someone.

  • If the bathhouse is not so far from a residential building, an extension can be made between it and the house. The connecting structure will allow you to conveniently use the sauna in winter.
  • Wood can be used in the construction of a new building if the wooden bathhouse is less than 10 years old. The difference in drying of the walls will lead to a break between the old and fresh material.
  • If the extension requires the installation of a foundation, it should be laid deeper than that of the old building. This will help avoid cracks from subsidence of the concrete base.
  • It will be very difficult to combine two buildings, so the new one needs to be built as close as possible to the bathhouse, while leaving a free seam for deformation.

Bath accessories

It is difficult to imagine a steam room without traditional accessories - brooms, ladles, water buckets. It is also important to follow safety precautions. Buckets and buckets should only be made of wood to avoid getting burned when using them. But the brooms can be anything - juniper, oak, birch, linden, maple, alder, herbal (mint, nettle, wormwood).

Combination options

Despite the fact that an extension seems like an obvious thing, it can mean three completely different options for adding a bathhouse to a house.

  1. You can make a connected foundation and use one of the walls of the house as a ready-made wall for a future bathhouse.
  2. You can make a separate foundation and not even use the wall of the house as the wall of the bathhouse, but combine everything with a common roof.
  3. You can make a bathhouse on your own foundation, with your own roof, a meter or more from the house, but connect the house and the bathhouse with a canopy, ensuring a quick and dry transition from one building to another. Or you can make a completely closed vestibule between them.

Strip foundation. Photo StroyDom

These options are far from equivalent to each other. It seems that if you use a common wall, you can reduce the amount of building materials, but below you will read about the shrinkage of the foundation, and only after that start thinking about the benefits of this option.

As for the option with a common roof, it will only be suitable if you provide for the possibility of a hinged connection or any other that can compensate for the possibility of uneven movement of the two buildings as a result of frost heaving and other forces acting in the ground.

The option with a completely separate bathhouse and vestibule raises the least amount of concern about destruction associated with ground movement, the main thing is that this separate structure is recognized in the BTI as a reconstruction of the house, and not as a separate permanent structure that you placed next to the house.

The quality of a built-in bath is always worse than a free-standing one

A combined “house + bathhouse” object is more difficult to make efficiently, in compliance with all requirements, than two separate objects. Whatever one may say, it is impossible to fulfill all the requirements (and real sauna lovers always have a lot of them) in a built-in sauna. Any true connoisseur will tell you that a bath in the house is not only dangerous, but also frivolous.

The bathhouse should be located separately, in a pleasant place on the edge of the site next to a pond or a man-made pond - everything else is a Chinese fake.

In the end, we didn’t move out of town to be content with half measures.

How to attach a bathhouse to a wooden house

Maintaining the homogeneity of materials, a structure made of timber or logs is usually attached to a wooden house. The process differs only in the construction of walls. The log house is installed on the foundation, having previously rolled out two layers of roofing felt for waterproofing. The lower crowns are made from the thickest logs. The corner connection is made in three ways: a bowl in half a tree, a piled comb or a fat tail. The docking principle is shown in the photo:

At the completion of the construction of the walls, the upper crowns are adjusted to the roofing system. If two buildings are under a common roof, the height of the walls is made at the same level. For an attached free-standing bathhouse with its own roof, the height of the walls is reduced by a couple of crowns. Deformation gaps between two buildings are closed with a plastic seal. After the walls of the log house are erected, construction of the roof begins.

What kind of extensions can there be?

An extension to a bathhouse can have different purposes, and its type depends on what the main bathhouse building consists of. If the original option was a minimal set - a steam room and a dressing room, then there is a need to build a washing room with a shower. The question of how to attach a new dressing room to a bathhouse with your own hands arises when the room can somehow accommodate 2 people, and there is no place to place firewood to maintain the firebox.

The question most often arises is how to attach a veranda to a bathhouse with your own hands or an enclosed recreation room. As a rule, it is the relaxation area that is put off until better times, and therefore it often becomes the target of a bathhouse extension. An interesting and original option: adding a summer kitchen to the bathhouse with your own hands. In principle, this formulation of the problem is quite natural. After all, the bathhouse contains a stove, which is used only when preparing and carrying out the washing procedure. It is quite logical to set the task of using it at other times. Adding a summer kitchen will eliminate downtime of the heat source.

Based on their location relative to the bathhouse, extensions can be divided into several types. They can become a continuation of any bath room with a major reconstruction of the structure, removal of part or all of the old wall. This way you can expand the steam room, dressing room or make a sink. Another option is an extension without violating the integrity of the previously built structure, but with a reliable connection of the extension to the main wall.

Finally, one more method should be noted - the creation of a new room in close proximity to the bathhouse, functionally related to it, but not structurally connected into a single system. Example: a gazebo attached to a bathhouse with your own hands. Such a building is erected at a distance of 0.5-3 m from the bath wall, but serves as a relaxation room.

In addition, extensions may differ in location relative to the entrance. The most common structures are those erected in the form of a vestibule to a bathhouse, i.e. after their construction, a new entrance appears, and the old one is moved deeper. The second type is not connected to the main entrance, and after the construction of the extension, an independent entrance is formed in it. In this case, inside such an additional room there may be a passage to some kind of bath room, or there may be no direct connection with the internal premises.

Legitimation procedure

Registration of a bathhouse at a summer cottage requires compliance with a certain sequence of actions. Before construction begins, a permit for construction and installation work is obtained. You can fill out an application directly with government agencies, through the MFC or by registered mail. It is necessary to collect documents:

  • project;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate;
  • ownership;
  • passport of the owner or authorized representative.

It is also worth assessing the facility in advance for compliance with sanitary and fire standards.

10 days are allotted for consideration. Compliance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the possibility of construction on this territory are checked. If time has passed and there has been no response, then the application has been accepted and is valid for 10 years. The refusal must be justified.

After a positive decision is made, the state fee is paid. The check, initial notice and documents are sent back to the authorities. A re-inspection is carried out and a request is sent to Rosreestr to register ownership. In case of an unreasonable refusal, permission can be obtained through the court.

For a previously built sauna, you need to draw up a technical plan. It is performed by a BTI employee. With the finished drawings, explanatory note and application, the owner applies to local authorities. After a satisfactory response, the application with documents is submitted to Rosreestr, and the structure is registered in the cadastral register. An extract from the Unified State Register is issued.

Required documents

To register a bathhouse on a plot of land, the following documents are provided to the administration:

  • passport details;
  • construction permit;
  • project;
  • duty payment receipt;
  • written and graphic description of the land;
  • gift agreement or other paper on land ownership;
  • statement.

To clarify the exact list or additional information, you can always contact the executive body.

Useful video

Here is an example of the fact that it is still possible to attach a frame bathhouse to a house - we had no doubt about the technical reality of this, but the video says nothing about the resolution. This extension looks like this:

And here is another video that shows some techniques that can increase the fire safety of a bathhouse attached to a house. See if something from another person's experience will be useful.

The following video was recorded by a professional builder with a decent amount of work experience and the mental activity associated with it. That's why it's valuable. See if you also tend to think carefully about your decisions before getting down to business.

*** When writing this article, we encountered gaps in knowledge about the legal part of construction. Like most land owners, we believed that garages, bathhouses, sheds and verandas were the owner’s personal business. It turned out that the state thinks differently. It’s very interesting how many of our readers knew about permits and registration of buildings, sign up below if it’s not difficult!

Advantages and disadvantages

The pros and cons of a bathhouse attached to a house give a person the opportunity to think about his decision about future construction. The advantages include the following:

  • the opportunity to visit your own steam room without leaving home;
  • reduction in costs for a separate water supply, since communications are carried out from the house;
  • there is no need to go outside and be exposed to sudden temperature changes during the cold season.

However, when trying to make a bathhouse attached to a house, a person may encounter the following number of difficulties:

  • compliance with all SNiPs that regulate high-quality waterproofing, vapor barrier and fire safety standards;
  • engineering communications require careful calculations, as in the case of self-construction;
  • the need for regular treatment of premises with antiseptics.

The majority of the disadvantages are rather arbitrary, since when building a free-standing bathhouse one would have to comply with all the same established standards.

Potential Difficulties

Adding a bathhouse to a house is a completely solvable task. However, it requires special attention and responsibility. Otherwise, there is a possibility of structural damage and a decrease in its strength characteristics.

The first thing a builder may encounter is the particular difficulty of organizing a tight connection between two walls. In this regard, most projects involve the installation of a small connecting insert between two structures, which should hide the contrast of the junction.

The second thing you should pay close attention to is the quality of the bathhouse foundation. Its depth must necessarily correspond to the depth of the foundation of the house

This is necessary in order to reduce the likelihood of the extension being torn off during shrinkage and operation.

Third, is the need to organize a separate pipe and sewerage system. Draining water into the general system is very unwise, as this will significantly increase the load.

When creating a bathhouse, you need to take care of its fire safety. It must be said that it is the likelihood of fire that stops many developers from adding a steam room to a residential building.

Drainage equipment

When designing and building a bathhouse attached to a house, it is important to take care of the plumbing and drainage. The advantage of such a bathhouse is that all necessary communications can be carried out from a residential building. Most often, water pipes are laid from a central water supply, but there may be several options for drainage:

  1. A drainage pit is considered one of the simplest and cheapest options. In this case, you just need to dig a hole of the appropriate size and line its inner walls with brick or concrete rings. A sewer truck is used to clean as it is filled.
  2. A drain well with a filtration system is the most expensive and labor-intensive option. The system consists of a filter made of shells, crushed stone or gravel, the upper part is filled with river silt, which is supposed to purify wastewater.
  3. A septic tank is a variant of a drainage pit where a plastic container for wastewater is used instead of a well. Purification can take place using a sewer truck, or a water filtration system can be installed, after which the liquid is discharged into the ground.

If the place where the bathhouse is built has a central sewer system, then you can connect the sewer pipes to it.

In addition, the floors of the bathhouse must be equipped with drains. This could be a leaking floor in a steam room, in which water passes through the cracks between the boards and collects in a tank under the floor, or concrete structures that are equipped at an angle.

Construction stages

How to attach a bathhouse to your house? A simple rustic Russian bathhouse can be made independently if you know some basics of construction. The following stages of building construction should be followed:

  1. Laying the foundation is where any construction begins. It is recommended to install it taking into account the weight of the structure and the characteristics of the soil. So, for example, on moving lands it is recommended to use a pile foundation, and for the construction of a permanent brick bathhouse - a concrete, strip, reinforced foundation.
  2. Floor installation. Since ancient times, bathhouse floors have been made of wood. This material, although less durable than concrete, is more environmentally friendly and resistant to high temperatures. In addition, you can walk freely on a wooden floor without fear of getting burned. But builders recommend constructing logs for laying floors from asbestos-cement pipes, since they are much more durable and are not subject to rotting over time.
  3. The walls of the bathhouse complex can be made of logs, bricks, or made of sandwich panels. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the developer, as well as personal wishes. It should be noted that brick buildings will cost much more than similar ones made from sandwich panels.
  4. Metal tiles are traditionally used for roofing. This is a modern environmentally friendly material that meets all safety standards.
  5. The last stage is interior and exterior finishing. The outside of the bathhouse is covered with siding, a slab that imitates a log house, wild stone, and tiles with imitation brick. The interior decoration should be wooden - linden and larch wood is used for these purposes.

All stages must proceed sequentially, since this is the only way to ultimately obtain a high-quality building.

Bathhouse made of timber

Attaching a bathhouse made of timber to a house is allowed if the entire dwelling is built of wood. To implement your plans, you will need to choose the right building material. It is recommended to use timber with a section of 150 x 150 mm. It can be made of linden, larch, cedar. It is not recommended to use coniferous trees, as they can release a certain amount of resin when heated.

The beam can be of the following types:

  1. Profiled sheets are convenient to use during installation; in this case, the canvas is smooth and without gaps. The disadvantages of the material include the need for additional thermal insulation cladding after some time of operation of the building.
  2. Glued laminated timber is often used in finished bathhouse projects. It ensures quick installation, and the foundation can be lightweight. The disadvantage is the fact that in some cases the glue may contain formaldehyde.
  3. Conventional timber has a relatively low cost, but can shrink and become deformed when drying.

When purchasing material, it is important to take a little as a reserve, since some part of the beams will definitely deteriorate during the construction process.

How to attach a bathhouse to a wooden house? To do this, you can use the following instructions:

  • a lightweight foundation is suitable for construction - strip or pile-screw;
  • mastic and two layers of roofing material are used as waterproofing of the base;
  • to lay floors, it is necessary to first assemble the logs;
  • building walls is not difficult, especially if you use profiled or laminated timber, in which case the materials are simply stacked on top of each other;
  • doors and windows are cut out after complete shrinkage of the timber, which may take several months;
  • Before the end of shrinkage, a rough roof is made; after the allotted period, it is replaced with a permanent one made of metal tiles.

A sauna made from timber turns out to be the most environmentally friendly steam room, since no harmful substances are released when the wood is heated.

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