Mobile sauna on wheels: a mobile option for nature lovers

What could be better than relaxing with friends on a fishing trip and a sauna right on the river bank? Recently, this seemed completely impossible, but recently in Russia a mobile bathhouse and sauna on wheels has become common.

You can find mobile steam rooms on wheels in many large cities, but the price per hour is 800-1000 rubles per hour. In this article we will tell you how you can make a mobile steam room, which you can use both at home and on a hike, or rent it out.

Bathhouse by the river

How to make a sauna from a kunga in the country

IT’S HARD TO IMAGINE THAT BEHIND THE FACADE OF A SMALL HOUSE WITH A “TIME-TIMBER EXTERIOR” IS A UNIVERSAL BODY USED IN THE ARMY. NOW IT HAS A BATH-BATH WITH AN EXCELLENT STEAM ROOM. At the very beginning of the development of our site, when we had just started building a country house, we managed to purchase a decommissioned military KUNG . The product is truly universal - we adapted it for temporary living and storing tools. When the main buildings were completed, the question arose about the future fate of the trailer. I desperately didn’t want to part with him. It was strong, there was insulation in the walls, and I thought about how to give it a second, no, even a third life, turning it into a bathhouse, which I had long dreamed of!

Attracting clients and promoting services on the market

Any business needs to be positioned. They do this especially actively at the stage of launching a project from scratch. Otherwise, the risk that the entrepreneur will go bankrupt is great.

Promotion of the service should cover the following categories of persons:

  • citizens who lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • athletes;
  • lover of active recreation and tourism;
  • hunters, fishermen.

The target audience of complexes on wheels is men aged 25-60 years.


We started by raising the trailer and placing supports under it (six concrete blocks), leveling it horizontally. Then they built a frame around the KUNG and increased the length of the structure by 2 m. A veranda, also known as a dressing room and a rest room, was organized on the additional area. Then the roof was covered with metal tiles.

The trailer itself was divided into two parts: the combustion chamber and the steam room. The walls and ceiling were additionally insulated and an electrical wire was laid in a special (for wet rooms) metal pipe to provide lighting for the furnace and steam room. In the steam room, a window was cut out and glazed in advance; it was necessary for such rooms to have daylight. We also used the existing round hole for ventilation.

When insulating the inside, sheathing was attached to the walls, and insulation slabs were laid between the bars. The side of the slabs, sealed with foil, faces the inside of the steam room. Slats with a cross-section of 20 * 30 mm were stuffed on top and the lining was already attached to them: in the steam room they used linden, in the firebox they used spruce.

The outside of the bathhouse was insulated with polystyrene foam, covered with cement-bonded particle boards, covered with white paint for the exterior walls, and then decorated in a half-timbered style, like other buildings on our site.

Body reinforcement

The technical part of the process of creating a bathhouse should begin with the dismantling of everything unnecessary. The structure of the bathhouse will experience significant load , so it is necessary to take care of the power frame. On its basis, metal profiles are welded, stiffeners are attached, and a stove is installed.

After installing the stove, you can cover the roof and do the final interior finishing. To install electric lighting in bathhouses of all formats, heat-resistant wiring should be used, since ordinary wires cannot withstand temperatures above 50 C. The lamps used are heat-resistant and waterproof.


On the floor in the furnace room, a brick base was placed under the stove, covered with a sheet of metal. The stove is small, but convenient: the stones are adjacent to the cast-iron firebox from below and before the pipe exits, so you can always get a good supply of steam. The pipe was brought out through the wall into an existing hole (there had previously been a heating stove in the trailer) and then brought out at a right angle through the roof. Above the stove, the ceiling and walls are finished with heat-resistant panels, and on three sides they made 1/4 brick masonry, which was then covered with tiles on the outside.

To avoid having to go far for firewood in winter, a firewood shed with a door was built behind the wall of the dressing room. Nearby is a dousing bucket for those who like contrast.

In the dressing room there is a sofa and a tea table. Here we relax, drink tea infused with fragrant herbs.

Our small sauna warms up quickly. At -20°C in winter, you only need two armfuls of birch logs - and in the steam room the temperature is already 50°C, you can start steaming! And our youth (grandchildren) easily bring it to 100°C and then jump into a pre-prepared snowdrift.

I’m more careful: I bring a tub of fresh snow and just rub myself after the steam room. The furnace room warms up well, and it is quite comfortable here in winter, and in summer the door to the dressing room is open. In the furnace room there is a small window for the flow of air when the stove is lit, and for ventilating the bathhouse.

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Program for the project

If you are not confident in your technical knowledge, then you need to draw a sketch or drawing, then contact specialists for accurate calculations using a computer design program. The program will take into account the dimensions and proportionality of the body, calculate the load on the wheel axles and the total weight of the van.

At the same time, he will estimate the expected dimensions of the steam room area , calculate the required power of the heat source, and design the centers of gravity. And finally, the specialists will select the necessary building materials, calculate their required quantity and cost.

Proper internal arrangement, which means calculating the center of gravity and distributing the load along the entire perimeter of the structure, will eliminate the possible instability of a bathhouse on wheels. The low center of gravity is usually the stove and shelves, and the counterweight is the grate on the floor and the step.

What is needed to organize a sauna on wheels as a business: important points

The popularity of baths has increased significantly recently. If previously it was exclusively a place where you can wash, now it is considered as a relaxation area. Many people decide to use it to relax in the company of friends and improve their health. Considering on wheels as a business, it is worth knowing that opening your own business is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the base on which the structure will be located is selected. Most often, the choice is made in favor of the ZIL 131, GAZ 53 and other vehicles that have sufficient reliability and good maneuverability. You can buy a GAZ 66 for a bathhouse on wheels. Featuring good cross-country ability, this equipment will allow you to set up a steam room for 6 people;
  • A project for the future building is being developed and its layout is being worked out. It is advisable to provide not only a steam room, but also a relaxation room;
  • activity for the provision of services is registered. The majority are registered as individual entrepreneurs. To put it into operation, you will have to prepare a certain package of documents, including permission from the SES, traffic police, and firefighters;
  • an advertising campaign is carried out;
  • business starts.


Draw up a business plan to assess the risks of opening a sauna on wheels.


Most often, a car bath on a trailer is not documented with any documents indicating that the structure has been altered. Companies that produce mobile steam rooms indicate in the documents for the trailer information about the presence of an easily removable rigid awning of the frame system.

The situation is more complicated if the autobahn is converted from an old bus or car. In this case, the law requires changes to the description of the vehicle. Now, according to the documents, the autobahn is listed as a mobile residential building. If during the alteration the windows were not cut out, the power elements of the body, truck, or chassis were not changed, then perhaps the car will not need to be re-registered.

Bathhouses on wheels, placed on different types of bases, with photo examples

If you decide to become an owner on wheels, photos of completed projects can be used as an idea for subsequent implementation. We offer you to look at mobile buildings erected at various bases.

Sauna on wheels on a trailer for a car

If we are not talking about your own business, you can consider this option. For personal use, a trailer with a sauna on wheels is best suited. When designing it, it is important to take into account the carrying capacity of a passenger car. Additional supports will prevent the structure from swaying during operation.

Such buildings usually include a steam room and a dressing room. Due to their limited carrying capacity, they can only be used near bodies of water. We have prepared photos for you so that you can evaluate what such steam rooms look like.

Mobile sauna on wheels on all-terrain trucks

Having decided to start your own business, you should consider using all-terrain vehicles/trucks as a base. Such a mobile bathhouse on wheels will be able to get to places where other equipment cannot go.

Mobile sauna on wheels on a platform frame

A practical and concise option. Such a mobile sauna on wheels is in demand because it can be loaded and removed as needed.

Mobile sauna on wheels in buses and minibuses

If you need a large steam room and relaxation room, you should consider a bus as a base. Often a mobile bathhouse on wheels is made on the basis of Ikarus. In such a bathhouse, up to 15 people can wash at the same time. It includes:

  • steam room for 5 – 7 people;
  • shower;
  • dressing room;
  • rest room;
  • toilet;
  • kitchenette.

A gazelle bathhouse has a smaller capacity, however, it is still in demand among consumers.

Converting a car booth into a bathhouse

Even old cars can be used as a basis for a car bath. The most popular are Soviet army vehicles with kung - GAZ 66 or ZIL 131, they have high cross-country ability, but high fuel consumption. Mobile saunas are also made on the basis of ordinary trailers for cars.

Sauna on a trailer for a car

The kung has a large area, so its capacity can reach up to 6 people. Additional insulation will allow it to be used all year round. The photo shows examples of a mobile bathhouse with a shower, steam room, dressing room, changing room, lounger, folding table and bench.

Conversion of GAZ 66 into an autobath

To heat the bathhouse, a conventional wood-burning stove is used. If you order this option from specialists, then turnkey conversion will cost you at least 140 thousand rubles.

In terms of performance, mobile bathhouses built on the basis of the GAZ 66 will not differ much from the classic types: on average, the transported volume of water is 700 liters, and the supply of firewood is enough for a whole day of heating. This is enough for 15-20 people to relax, so many people began to open a similar business.

Furnace installation

For convenience and space saving, the firebox goes outside.

The surface around the stove inside and outside must be finished with non-flammable, heat-resistant material.

Advice! To prevent stones from accidentally falling out of the sauna stove while riding, they can be sewn into beads with wire in advance. Since their weight can reach 300 kg, to reduce the load they can be completely removed while driving into another car.

Installation of a metal stove

Exterior decoration of the bath

  • To get a beautiful appearance, the outside of the wall can be finished with a house block.
  • It is better not to make windows, as a lot of heat will be lost through them. If you decide to make windows, try to reduce their area and use 3-layer double-glazed windows with glass at least 6 mm thick.
  • The door should open outwards.
  • To save space, the woodcutter and water containers are mounted externally in boxes under the bottom of the kung.

Interior decoration

Inside, the walls are insulated exactly the same as in a regular sauna.

Insulation of bath walls

Instructions for interior wall decoration:

  • A sheathing of antiseptic-impregnated bars is attached to the walls every 60 cm. In kungs they are attached directly to the walls, and in trailers a metal welded frame is first made and sheathed with wood.
  • The first layer of waterproofing is attached. To do this, you can use a vapor barrier membrane, for example Izospan. On the one hand, it will not allow moisture to pass through, and on the other, it will remove steam, preventing it from accumulating inside.
  • Then, mineral wool insulation is placed tightly together in the cells of the frame. Additionally, it is recommended to attach it to the walls using umbrella dowels.
  • The top of the insulation is covered with the same vapor barrier. Heat-reflecting aluminum foil can also be used instead. The insulation joints must be taped with aluminum tape.
  • To maintain a ventilation gap under the sheathing, an additional counter-lattice 2-3 cm thick is screwed onto the bars.
  • Then the frame is covered with clapboard or block house.
  • Particular attention should be paid to securing furniture and the stove so that they are securely fixed while moving.
  • To save space, you can use folding shelves, folding tables and benches.
  • Lighting is done from a 12-volt car battery, or a separate 220-volt generator is used.

Converted GAZ 66 kung into a sauna with a TV

Note! For lighting, you need to use moisture-proof and heat-proof lamps, and the wiring must be heat-resistant. Ordinary wires cannot withstand temperatures above 50 degrees, but in a bath it can exceed 150 degrees in some areas.

Installation of a sauna on wheels at the location

The installation begins by uncoupling the bathhouse on wheels and the car. To ensure sufficient stability of the trailer sauna, a leg-support is fixed, as well as three additional supports. After this, the side is folded back and the ladder is lowered. To install a steam room on the base of a truck or bus, just find a relatively flat area and simply turn off the engine.

In order for the mobile sauna to last as long as possible, you should follow certain recommendations when using it. You should:

  • separate the time between driving on the road and being in the steam room. This will avoid accidental falls and burns;
  • disconnect the transport from the bathhouse for the entire period of operation;
  • design the bathhouse as a vehicle so that there are no difficulties when driving on the road.

Features, pros and cons

The autobath was invented about 40 years ago by Finnish students. Since then, it has undergone a number of changes and has gained popularity among many avid travelers. In addition to those who like to spend weekends outside the city, in nature, a mobile sauna is an indispensable purchase for those who spend several days fishing or hunting. In addition, organizing a mobile bathhouse can become a profitable business.

With the help of a mobile bathhouse you can solve some of the everyday problems when building a country house.

A sauna on wheels has a number of advantages:

  1. It is environmentally friendly, as wood is used for its construction.
  2. Installation of the structure does not require special professional skills.
  3. It is comfortable, no different from a regular stationary bath.
  4. Functional. To build a bathhouse, you can use almost any vehicle and stop in any convenient place.
  5. Heated by various types of fuel: wood, electricity, gas.
  6. There is no need to search for land to build a structure.
  7. Easy to use and maintain.
  8. Can serve as an additional source of income.

The only disadvantage of a bathhouse on wheels is the lack of space for a container of water. Therefore, the ideal place to stop vehicles is the nearest body of water.

The photo shows different autobahns:

Review of prices per hour of using a sauna on wheels

The price of a barrel sauna on wheels may seem too high to many. Many people refuse to purchase because there is a stationary design. If you want to spend time with friends in nature, then you can simply rent it.

What the price for an hour of a bathhouse on wheels will be will depend on the rental period and the place where it needs to be delivered. On average, for the first 3 hours you will have to pay at least 3,000 rubles per hour. For the fourth and fifth - 2,500 rubles each, for the subsequent ones - 2,000 rubles. After 10 hours the rent will drop to 1,000 rubles/hour. If you decide to buy or order a sauna on wheels, share in the comments which option you preferred and why.

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Autobath: design

Couple car models have been in production for a long time. The most important details of the layout - the design of the body or trailer, the optimal location of the sauna, shower and washing compartments, heating stove and heater - have long been successfully tested and honed in practice over many years of operation.

When planning car baths, the following rules are used:

  • The paired compartment with the stove is located in the “tail” of the car booth or kung, away from the fuel tank;
  • A water supply and a shower stall are installed in the center of the room;
  • The wooden body of the bathhouse must be sheathed on the outside with sheet metal.

Wooden saunas burn frequently and quickly; a car sauna, regardless of whether the structure is built on a trailer or on the body of a car, is susceptible to fire much more often than stationary options.

For your information! Wood-burning stoves can only be used for a bathhouse assembled on a two-axle trailer with a steam room area of ​​more than 3.5 m2. In all other cases, the autobath is heated with gas heaters.

Below is a layout option for a five-ton two-axle trailer or on a category “C” vehicle chassis

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