To be born again, or How we went to a real Slavic bathhouse

The traditions of the Russian bath have a long history. The first mentions of it are found in handwritten historical documents dating from the first half of the 10th century, but in oral folk art the bathhouse was mentioned in those distant times when writing simply did not exist in Rus'. True, at that time it was customary to call the Russian bathhouse by other words: mov, movnya, vlaznya or mylnya. The word bath itself has been found in written sources since the 11th century.

For our ancestors, the bathhouse was not just a way to maintain personal hygiene and improve health; the ancient Slavs believed that it helped cleanse not only the body, but also the soul. Bath procedures were used to get rid of the evil eye, damage, slander and other misfortunes. However, these days this practice is also not completely forgotten; time-tested methods of restoring mental health with the help of a Russian bath are still used today.

How it all began: the history of the Russian bathhouse

The Russian bathhouse is one of the most ancient; some historians believe that its appearance almost coincides in time with the very emergence of the Slavs as an ethnic community. Since ancient times, it was believed that the bathhouse combines the four main natural elements: water, fire, air and earth. According to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, by visiting a bathhouse, a person absorbs the power of these elements and becomes stronger in both body and spirit. Our distant ancestors firmly believed in the cleansing and healing power of baths; it was customary to take a steam bath before making important decisions and after a long journey. Over time, the offer to visit the heated bathhouse became a hallmark of Russian hospitality.

The Russian bathhouse was very popular among all social strata: both the aristocracy and the common people took steam in the bathhouse. Anyone who had enough land for this could build a bathhouse. In the middle of the 17th century, a decree was issued allowing the construction of baths only at a distance from residential buildings; Most likely, the reason for this rule was fire safety considerations. Gradually, along with private baths, public baths began to appear, where anyone could take a steam bath for a certain fee. The most famous Russian baths can rightfully be called the Sandunovsky baths, founded in 1808 and functioning to this day.

The bathhouse soars - it gives health

To improve your well-being and improve your health, you could say the following words in the bathhouse:

The bathhouse gives health when it soars, let the bathhouse evaporate the disease and improve my health, drive away fatigue and heaviness in the body. Let these words come true! Let it be done!

Having steamed, already when they doused themselves with water after the bathhouse, for greater effect, they cast a spell on this water three times:

Let this water free me from all bodily dirt and all spiritual dirt! Let it be done!

Russian bath traditions and customs

In Rus', it was traditional to heat bathhouses on Saturdays; for this reason, Saturday was called bathhouse day. In home baths, the whole family took a steam bath: women took a steam bath together with men, and this was not considered something reprehensible. The main difference between public baths was that men occupied one half of the room, and women the other. The division of baths into women's and men's began in 1743, it was then that by a special decree, men over 7 years old were prohibited from entering the women's bathhouse, and women from the men's bathhouse.

(The bathhouse is heated in black)

In Russian culture, the bathhouse is of great importance; over the centuries it has been closely associated with many other traditions and customs. For example, it was customary to visit the bathhouse on the eve of the wedding, as well as the day after the wedding.

The Russian bath played an important role in folk medicine; it was considered a reliable, and often the only remedy against many illnesses and ailments. In this regard, there was a well-known saying in Rus': “If you wash yourself, it’s as if you were born again!” In ancient times, it was even believed that if a steam room did not help a patient, then other healing methods were unlikely to help him.

Bannik is a friend of the bathhouse

In ancient times, in Slavic mythology, a separate deity was allocated for the bath, they called him respectfully - Bannik.
Only after some time, with the advent of a new faith and the transformation of ancient traditions, the deity was simplified to a certain essential spirit, but its significance and power remained the same. Bannik looks like a brownie; Just as the brownie was considered the owner of the home space, Bannik was responsible for the bath space. It is difficult to classify him as a good or evil spirit, since, like the situation with the brownie, everything depends on whether the relationship with Bannik has worked out.

Studying folk tales about the bathhouse spirit, you can come across a variety of stories. The good ones tell how kind Bannik helped children and families, and healed the owners of the house from illnesses. But there are stories that say that Bannik, who was offended by the bad behavior of his owners and became angry, was capable of cruel revenge and even harming a person. At the same time, if you offend Bannik, he can take revenge in a resourceful way, for example, by steaming a person in a bathhouse to the point of choking, and no one will know who did the bad thing.

There are no jokes with Bannik, but you can’t live without him. Without this spirit, the bathhouse will be lifeless, and who else but Bannik is capable of driving away any evil force from the premises. So you still need to bring Bannik into the new bathhouse and try not to offend him.

Traditional Russian bath

In the old days, the Russian bathhouse was an example of minimalism and ergonomics. If we talk about private baths, then usually it was a wooden frame with one small window located near the ceiling. The gaps and cracks between the logs were caulked with moss and tree resin: in this way, relative tightness and thermal insulation of the room was achieved. The corner of the bathhouse was occupied by a large stove-stove, which was the main element of the steam room interior. Stones were stacked on top of the stove, allowing the desired temperature level to be maintained longer.

(The bathhouse is often heated with black inside)

In the bathhouse there was always a barrel or vat filled with water. After the stones became heated, the fire in the furnace was extinguished, and the hot stones began to be poured with water, using special wooden ladles. Along one of the walls of the bathhouse, several shelves were located at different heights, by choosing one of which it was possible to vary the desired air temperature. Only the most experienced and hardy steamers decided to steam on the top shelf, since the temperature under the ceiling could reach 100˚C.

The bathhouse was usually built near reservoirs; after the steam room, people ran out naked and threw themselves into the water; the most noticeable effect was achieved in winter due to the greater temperature difference. If it was not possible to place a bathhouse next to a natural body of water, then bathing was replaced by dousing with cold water from a well. The first Russian baths were built exclusively from logs, and each type of wood exuded a special aroma that gave bath procedures a special charm.

Getting rid of problems with a bath broom

The main attribute of bath procedures has always been a broom; it was knitted from specially selected plants that could neutralize the effects of negative energy. For complete cleansing, it is advisable to have a person of the opposite sex soar you.

What seems like a “black streak in life” is actually a collection of obstacles that negative energy has attracted to you. A broom made of young wormwood or nettle will help you cleanse yourself of it. The procedure should look like this: when you have already steamed, pour boiling water over a broom, and then slap it all over your body, from head to toe, repeating this seven times in a row. After the ritual, it is considered unclean; the nettle broom should be thrown away or buried. Wormwood is more powerful than nettle; it can absorb a lot of negativity, so it’s worth burning a broom from it.

A broom made of mint and St. John's wort will help you clear yourself of fears of material problems, difficulties in the financial sphere, in business or at work. They are collected in equal proportions, two brooms are made: one is placed in a tub of boiling water, and the other can be steamed. After the procedure, the infusion from the first broom will remain in the tub; they need to be rinsed. Then both brooms should be thrown away.

A broom made from branches of oak, birch, eucalyptus, aspen and flowering linden will help get rid of increased nervousness, fatigue, and irritability. Three twigs are taken from each tree, they are tied together and steamed for half an hour. You also need to steam it with such a broom from head to toe, and after that you should douse yourself with cold water three times. After the procedure, the broom is dried and then burned.

A coniferous broom allows you to wash away the negative influence of opponents, rivals and envious people. It will help calm down gossipers and get rid of problems in society or the workplace. This broom is knitted from pine, juniper and spruce branches. First, put it in boiling water for 15 minutes, and then steam it. The most favorable time for this ritual is Thursday afternoon.

Birch power for love and harmony in the family

Birch brooms were especially valued by the fair sex, because birch is a feminine tree. According to legend, she helped to establish understanding with her husband, drive away quarrels, revive love, give birth to children, and bring harmony and peace to the family. This special birch broom was prepared in a special way. It was necessary to go to the seven birch trees for branches. It is very desirable that they grow near a river, bending their trunks slightly towards the water. Already in the very process of tying the “seven birch” branches into one bath broom, the following words should have been said:

Birch, the tree of female strength, the tree of the maiden’s share, you bent towards the water, so let ... (me or the wife’s name) and ... (the husband’s name) reach out to each other with love! This word cannot be interrupted! So be it! Let it be done!

In addition to such love magic, a birch broom is good for fighting stress and recovering from heavy loads. It cleanses the skin perfectly. In addition, birch broom is recommended for people who feel pain in muscle tissue and joints.

Bath rituals - healing brooms

It is necessary to mention how to prepare and charm brooms, as well as why they can be used in magical bath rituals.
“Breaking”, that is, creating brooms, should have been done during the full moon, on an odd day. The broom was usually made from birch or oak, but this also has its own rules. Birch branches could not be taken from a birch tree, which grew into two trunks from one root. Also, you should not use branches from a tree that has suffered a fire or does not look very good at all.

Residents of some Slavic regions said that when you go to buy branches for new bath brooms, you need to take your dog with you. If the dog reacts calmly when you are busy preparing the broom, then it will serve well, but if the dog barks loudly and is nervous, then the broom can, on the contrary, worsen its health.

Bath rituals for attractiveness

The following bath ritual will help the weaker sex look more beautiful and feel more confident and better.

On the day of the goddess Makosha-Mother (Friday) you need to go to the bathhouse in the morning.

The bathhouse should be prepared aromatically: sprinkle a tiny drop of rose aromatic oil on the stones (classically rose was used with a little honey added, now you can add a little patchouli or ylang-ylang aromatic oil to enhance the effect).

Leave all your worries and problems behind the threshold of the bathhouse. Upon entering the room, say the words (it is advisable to memorize them before going to perform the bath ritual):

Makosh-Mother, I am speaking to you, asking for your support. Bannik, owner of the bathhouse, I ask you for help, Help me drive away all the filth from my body, help me bring beauty and charm to myself! May I become more beautiful and sweeter, may everyone, when looking at such a lovely me, take mercy on me, rejoice and become kinder! Goodness and beauty to me! Let it happen as I command! Let it be done!

When you steam, feel how divine forces perform magical work on your body. Fill yourself with the wondrous energy of beauty and charm.

How baths were improved and why a chandelier-shower was needed

Even under Elizaveta Petrovna, Rastrelli installed a lifting bottom in the imperial soap house in Peterhof, thanks to which water from the bay entered there. A special spray ball was installed here in the 1770s, which sprayed everyone. This was how they repeated the Russian tradition, according to which after a bath you need to cool down with water in order to harden the body.

In Tsarskoye Selo there were the Upper Baths, where Catherine II took a steam bath (the room consists of an entrance hall, a “dressing room”, a bathroom, a steam room, a stoker’s room and a relaxation room, decorated with copies of frescoes from the Golden House of Emperor Nero - note from “Papers” ). The courtiers came there in their underwear: girls in white cambric or silk shirts, men in white linen underpants and an undershirt.

After 1817, when the soap house in Peterhof was overhauled and Peter’s building was completely changed, even those who did not have close contact with the court could come to it. After the renovation, the new soap house began to be called the “Bathhouse for gentlemen and ladies-in-waiting.” The large steam room was lined with linden; they made their own entrance for the gentlemen, and their own for the ladies-in-waiting. At the same time, foot benches for baths, foot mats, an octagonal pool and more appeared. Thanks to the copper ball fountain, when leaving the bathhouse, a wave of many jets of water fell on the gentlemen and ladies-in-waiting, also beating from above, thus forming a water curtain.

Only in 1865–1866 did the architect Eduard Gan build a one-story red brick complex there, which has since been called the Bath complex. A polished oak bathtub built into the floor was installed in the Cold Bath. To enter it, steps were made with railings made of turned balusters. A gilded shower chandelier was installed on the ceiling. At the final stage, the person descended into an oak barrel, into which water came from the Gulf of Finland.

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