Bath design: from finishing materials to choosing an interior style

The presence of a bathhouse or sauna in a private home will no longer surprise anyone. But thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to install a sauna cabin even within a city apartment. Saunas have an important and often decisive advantage over a Russian bath - they are universal, it is easier to build them from scratch or install them in an already finished room. It all depends on the amount of available space, the choice of sauna capacity and the financial capabilities of the homeowners.

If you have decided on the area for a home sauna, you need to decide how many people the steam room should accommodate at the same time. For one or two people you can get by with a sauna cabin, for a family holiday you need a larger area, to receive guests you need to take care of a relaxation room, in addition to the steam room in the sauna.

Choosing a bath design

A bathhouse today is not a modest dressing room and steam room, but quite a spacious room with a relaxation room, a steam room and a shower. If there is room for a font, great. Some don’t stop there and build two-story baths with a bedroom on the second floor - the room can be used as a guest house.

Steam room decorated in a minimalist design Source

When choosing a bathhouse design, preference should be given to a single style - this way the premises will look organic and holistic. In addition to an attractive appearance, the interior of the bathhouse should be safe and comfortable. Traditionally, the interior of the bathhouse is lined with natural wood - clapboard. In this case, those rocks are selected that, when heated, do not release resin and do not overheat. The surface of the finishing material on the floor and wall should not be slippery.

Mirror in the steam room Source

The functionality of the premises depends on the well-organized storage of bath paraphernalia and hygiene products, which also create a special atmosphere in the interior of the bath. Brooms, hats, slippers, soap, aromatherapy oils and other things should be at hand, and at the same time not create chaos.

Sauna accessories Source

Correctly selected lighting plays an important role. In the steam room, choose dim, dim light - this allows you to create a relaxing atmosphere. You can use built-in spotlights on a false ceiling or LED lighting. The light spectrum should be soft yellow. It should be taken into account that special requirements are imposed on lamps in the bathhouse - lampshades must be made of heat-resistant and moisture-resistant material. In the rest room, sconce lamps can be placed on the walls.

Gabion firebox Source

Shower room

In spacious baths, washing rooms are equipped, which include a couple of showers, “tubs” with water and sometimes even swimming pools. In this room, people can cool down and wash off the sweat after the steam room, that is, complete the wellness procedure. One shower is installed in small bathhouses. A small room is usually allocated for her, where she can fit the booth itself, a bench and a couple of hooks for things. In very cramped buildings, the shower room can be squeezed into the dressing room. Its walls should be decorated accordingly so that the person being washed is not visible from the room.

Styles and photos of the best solutions

The design of the bath should not be bright and pretentious; the emphasis is on a calm and even peaceful atmosphere. First of all, to create comfort, the psychological aspect is taken into account: the steam room room, and the bathhouse in general, does not have a large area, so it can have an emotionally overwhelming effect. To prevent this from happening, the design of the premises should be as simple and neutral as possible.

Steam room with natural light Source

See also: Catalog of bathhouse projects presented at the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition.

A little brightness can be added to the interior of a modern bathhouse with the help of well-organized lighting and functional decor:

  • Hours.
  • Thermometer on the wall.
  • Pictures.
  • Mirrors.
  • Venikov.
  • Buckets and scoops.
  • Textiles.

The design of a sauna and bathhouse differs from the design of residential premises. It doesn’t matter what design style is chosen, the main thing is to ensure functionality and safety. Excessive decor and furnishings are of no use here.

Room for relaxing with guests Source

Here are some design options:

  • Traditional Russian style involves the use of natural wood finishes. The steam room is equipped with a stove, and in the dressing room they use carved decor and colorful rugs on the floor. In the rest room, the table will be decorated with a tablecloth and a samovar, wicker baskets and boxes. The furniture is very simple - a table and benches with embroidered rugs. It is important that the color of wooden furniture, walls and floors do not match.

Bathhouse design in Russian style Source

Beautiful relaxation room Source

  • The chalet style is more restrained. If country and Russian style allow for carved decor, here the emphasis is on the feminine or masculine energy of the interior. In the first case, edged weapons on the walls, guns, trophies, and forged decor are used as decor for the rest room, as if hinting that this bathhouse belongs to a hunter. If the hostess is a woman, then the interior is decorated with paintings depicting landscapes, a ceramic tea set, embroidered tablecloths and napkins, wreaths of fragrant herbs and bouquets of dried flowers.
  • A bathhouse in a modern style looks simple and elegant. Wood for its finishing should have a smooth surface without emphasis on natural patterns. The equipment is modern. You can install a multifunctional cubicle in the shower. Decorative emphasis is placed on lighting and backlighting. Minimum decor and maximum functionality is the motto of the modern design style.

Decorating an antique Russian bathhouse Source
See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the design and construction of bathhouses.

We offer a photo gallery of original solutions for a bath.

Modern steam room Source

Steam room decorated in high-tech style Source

Stone for wall cladding Source

Shelf lighting Source

Modern solution for a bath Source

Special lamps for baths Source

Marble wall Source

Bright warm lighting in yellow tones Source

Wood panels Source

Requirements for a steam room

The most important element of a Russian-style bathhouse is the steam room. Particularly reliable and high-quality materials are used to decorate this room. You should ensure proper air circulation.

One of the disadvantages of a steam room is its small area. Therefore, you should consider options for the placement of shelves and sun loungers so that there is enough space for everyone.

It is important to arrange the shelves so that there is enough space for everyone

The main requirements for the design of a steam room are:

  • High quality material that can withstand high temperatures.
  • Furniture designed specifically for a given room.
  • Proper organization of space, which should be properly furnished.

The steam room perfectly complements the interior of the bathhouse. Therefore, you need to ensure that you create a cohesive style that blends harmoniously with the rest of the rooms.

The interior of the steam room must correspond to the general style of the bathhouse

How to design a dressing room

The dressing room in a bathhouse is the same as the hallway in a house. From the moment you enter, the room should invite you to have a pleasant time and fill you with a positive mood. It is often combined with a rest room. As in other rooms of the bathhouse, there is high humidity here, so the room should be warm and comfortable. This depends on the correctly selected finishing material.

Transition between the locker room and guest room Source

Wood should heat up quickly and release heat slowly. When covering the walls with clapboard (and you can also use coniferous wood in the dressing room), you can inhale an amazing and incomparable woody aroma. It not only disinfects indoor air, but also has a beneficial effect on human health.

Male type of design of a guest room in a bathhouse Source

Wooden cladding will be appropriate not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling. Using lining you can create a suspended or suspended ceiling. The advantage of the material is the ability to install built-in lighting.

If you want to finish it in the Russian style, you can use decorative panels that imitate rounded logs. The block house creates an original relief on the surface of the wall and the feeling of a real wooden log house.

Decorating a relaxation room Source

To decorate the walls in the dressing room, you can use other types of wooden paneling - imitation timber or plank. With their help you can create a more modern look for the room. And in order for the finish to last as long as possible, it is coated with special protective compounds - oil, wax.

Female type of bath design Source

The floor in the dressing room, as in other rooms of the bathhouse, should not slip. A rug would be appropriate in the wardrobe (hanger) area. A place for changing clothes should be equipped with a spacious hanger, a bench and a mirror.

From the history

Initially, the wooden building was primitive and it was heated “black”. The stove did not have a chimney, so the inside of the wall was covered with a dense layer of soot. The interior of the bathhouse of those times left much to be desired, there was no talk of any aesthetics, only functionality mattered. It was not very convenient to steam in such a room, but at that time there was no alternative. Over time, the buildings became more and more monumental. Stoves began to be equipped with chimneys, and the ritual of ablution became more and more complex and overgrown with traditions. For example, in each bathhouse, according to legend, there lived a special “brownie”: an always dirty lover of doing dirty tricks on those who did not butter him with a gift in time.

Despite the main purpose of the building - cleansing the body, people associated it with dirt. Icons were never hung here and fortune telling was carried out, which were considered unclean. The bathhouse was placed on the outskirts, as far as possible from the house: in vegetable gardens and “hollow places.” Fire safety requirements? Not at all, as a dirty building, the bathhouse should not have been in contact with the house. Utensils made from it were never brought into living quarters.

Steam rooms also became popular in Ancient Rome, whose citizens carefully monitored their appearance. On the ruins of a once great empire, the remains of these complexes have been preserved, which speak of the high culture of their creators. In Rome, baths were used not only for washing, but also for holding debates and lively conversations on political and philosophical topics. Now the baths have a modern look, and they work on their design no less than on the interior of the house. The building will become a real decoration of the summer cottage. A country house cannot do without this addition, pleasant in every sense. A bathhouse is usually built behind a yard near a recreation area: a gazebo, a summer kitchen, a barbecue and a garden. Unfortunately, combining this building with other structures into a single complex is prohibited by regulations that regulate the minimum distance between buildings on private property. A typical bathhouse is supposed to have three rooms:

  • Steam rooms;
  • Rest rooms or dressing rooms;
  • Wash room.

In various designs, the number of rooms can be reduced or supplemented. For example, if there is direct access to a pond or swimming pool, then there is no need for a shower (washing) room. In summer you can take a dip in the cool water, and in winter you can organize a plunge pool in the ice. Some luxury options may have entire pool complexes inside. In this way, owners provide an alternative to hot “bathing.” On a site, a bathhouse can not only be a separate building, in some cases (small site), the owners, in order to save space, arrange a sauna in their basement, attic or on the ground floor. Before starting construction, the building design is prepared in advance. Since it is classified as a fire hazard, it would be useful to consult with professionals. Sometimes complex two-story structures are erected with a miniature fence, veranda, porch, toilet, billiard room and courtyard. To build such complexes, it is better to contact a professional designer-architect. He will prepare an individual project. They start building simpler structures with their own hands. So, let's try to sort out the types of baths, the features of their construction and common mistakes that novice decorators make.

Materials in the interior of the bath

It is recommended to use exclusively natural materials in the bath - they are harmless, do not release toxins when heated, and are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. The same cannot be said about plastic.

Option for a beautiful design of a steam room Source

In addition to natural wood, the following can be used in bath decoration:

  • Ceramic tiles.
  • A natural stone.
  • Glass.
  • Brick.

In the steam room, part of the wall can be lined with salt blocks - this is not only beautiful, but also very useful. When heated, minerals release a huge amount of useful substances.

Black and beige in the bath Source

Steam room

The steam room is the central room of the bathhouse. The main healing process takes place in it and interior design usually begins with it. The furnishings in the steam room are modest. The main element of furniture is benches. In primitive versions, they are placed around the perimeter of the steam room. In more complex interiors, multi-tiered compositions are made that allow the whole family to sit comfortably. The central position in the steam room is occupied by the stove, which is decorated to match the overall decoration.

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