What to take with you to the sauna: creating a gentleman’s set

Going to the bathhouse is a whole ritual! The bath ritual includes an extensive action, the implementation of which will require quite a few little things, the so-called bath accessories. If you want to know what to take with you to the bathhouse, this article is especially for you.

Before going to the bathhouse, you need a special mood. You can’t go to the bathhouse in a bad mood, for a quick meal. After all, the bath brings balance to the physical and mental state. That’s why the most important thing in the bath ritual is a positive attitude.

When going to the kingdom of steam and heat, be sure to collect a special bath set, which includes:

Banya broom

Broom is the king of the entire bathhouse empire. Therefore, you must take it with you! Which one you choose is just your personal preference. How many brooms are there!

Each has its own purpose, its own healing properties. For example, juniper and fir brooms are what older people take with them to the bathhouse. Currant, linden - for lovers of aromas in the steam room. The eucalyptus broom is simply a storehouse of medicine, a real doctor in the bathhouse.

All kinds of contraindications

For whom a bath is strictly contraindicated

Absolute contraindications:

General contraindications:

  • hypertension of any etiology;
  • mental or severe neurotic diseases;

chronic inflammatory diseases accompanied by an increase in ESR;

oncological diseases.

Relative contraindications:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases with the risk of exacerbation and frequent relapses;
  • chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • hypertension with systolic blood pressure over 220 mmHg. Art. and diastolic over 120 mm Hg. Art. without organic changes in the heart;
  • urolithiasis and urolithiasis.

Special contraindications:

  • failure of the right or left ventricle of the heart;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
  • acute myocardial infarction;

stage III hypertension according to WHO classification.

It is better to refrain from going to the bathhouse for those suffering from skin infectious diseases, people with reduced immunity, or those with allergies to odors. The bath is not recommended for pregnant women and children under 3 years of age

Therefore, if you have any doubts about the health and stamina of your body, first consult your doctor. People over 70 years of age should visit the steam room with caution. Elderly people should not “keep up” with young people, as a bath from a pleasant, useful and healing procedure can become harmful

Rubber slippers

There are also plastic slippers in retail sales, but they slip too much. It is very easy to fall in these slippers on a soapy bath floor.

Public baths and saunas are a habitat for fungal diseases. And it is not difficult to become infected with mycosis of the feet or other fungal diseases of the skin of the legs. Therefore, I strongly advise you to opt for rubber bath slippers (they have closed toes and heels).

What to look for when choosing?

The brick surface of fireplaces and stoves can be treated with paint or varnish. Both options have pros and cons.

Often brickwork has an attractive appearance that fits perfectly into the interior of the room. However, temperature changes, physical impact, and in baths - contact with steam, lead to damage to the top layer. Varnish is able to protect the masonry, leaving its pattern unchanged.

The surface treated with varnish takes on a “wet” tint. Therefore, the pale red color of the brick will become more reddish, and the white grout will become gray.

The varnish can be applied to the entire surface at once. This allows you to get the job done quickly and easily. When painting, if you use enamel and you need to preserve the masonry pattern, you will have to use a stencil and cover the grout, which is extra time and extra effort.

In addition, the varnish immediately helps to cover not only the brick, but also the masonry joints. This prevents the grout from crumbling due to thermal expansion. If enamel is used for painting, then you need to secure the seams between the bricks with a high-temperature sealant.

When painting a stove located in a bathhouse or sauna, it is necessary that the composition, after drying, can withstand the high humidity characteristic of rooms of this type.

The following article will introduce you to guidelines for choosing paint for restoring the external coating of radiators, which we strongly recommend reading.

When choosing what to paint a brick stove with, it is important to pay attention to several main factors:

  • the paint must be able to withstand high temperatures;
  • what is the composition consumption per 1 sq. m;
  • level of resistance of the coating layer to aggressive environments;
  • paint composition;
  • methods of application.

Bath sheet

A sheet has many functions in a bath. For example, they wrap themselves in it when leaving the steam room. They lay it on benches and benches to protect themselves from hot surfaces.

A sheet can even replace our friend – a bath broom. If you are interested in how, then I advise you to read in detail the article on bath sheets.

Modern oven design

Furnace structure.

In the modern design of a fireplace and stove, designers attach great importance to color schemes. In addition, trends now prevail that are aimed at naturalizing the elements and details that make up the interior. One of the most stylish elements is the fireplace, as well as the Russian stove. Rustic styles, such as Provence and country, are extremely popular nowadays.

You can use clear paint and you will be sure to add a unique element to your home. Before you start painting a brick oven in this way, you need to prepare it appropriately, that is, give it an aesthetic appearance. If the outer surface has dents, potholes and other defects are found, then they need to be filled with putty. To make your own putty, you will need to take latex paint and add brick flour to it.

Furnace structure.


In the old days, the bathhouse was called “soaphouse”. The name speaks for itself; soap is not in last place in the bathhouse. We use it to cleanse skin pores and get rid of sweat and oiliness. The most suitable for a bath are simple bath soap, or grandmother Agafya’s liquid soap.

They contain natural ingredients that have a very positive effect on our body. It is also worth noting that the natural components of the soap do not cause allergic reactions.


We can talk about this bath attribute for a long time. Undoubtedly, the best are natural washcloths. After all, the quality of washing in a bathhouse and the cosmetic effect that our skin receives primarily depend on what material the washcloth is made of.

Natural washcloths are much tougher than artificial ones, such as body sponges. But, a bath sponge is simply irreplaceable when bathing small children. It will also help maintain your summer tan after your vacation.

Treating the stove surface before painting

Diagram of the spray gun device.

How is the surface of the stove that you are going to paint reanimated? For this purpose, an ordinary red brick is taken and flour is rubbed from it. Add 10 pre-beaten egg whites and milk to the resulting powder. The resulting mass should have the consistency of thick sour cream.

The next step in the process of restoring a stove or fireplace is to coat the surface with drying oil, which achieves a beautiful dark red hue. You should know that the surface treated in this way will be matte. If you want shine, use synthetic or oil-based varnishes.

Having chosen heat-resistant paint, do not rush to apply it to a brick or metal surface. If the packaging indicates preparatory steps, be sure to follow the recommendations. Basically, the following actions are required before painting:

  • cleaning the structure from grease, salt, old coating;
  • removing rust using sandpaper or sandblasting;
  • drying and thorough washing;
  • degreasing with solvent and painting after 6-7 hours (but no later than 24 hours).

Palette of colors

If it is necessary to apply a second layer, wait until the previous layer has completely dried and only then continue processing the surface. Thermal paint must be of high quality: look at the date of manufacture, composition, name, address of the manufacturer. If any information is missing, look for another product, otherwise you risk harm to your health.

Clean change of clothes

If after the bath you put on the same clothes, you can consider that the bath procedure is completely ruined! Clothes are taken to the bathhouse clean and tidy!

There is no doubt that it is advisable to have linen made from natural materials, such as linen, cotton, wool.

Synthetics fit very poorly on a steamed body, and our skin feels uncomfortable in such clothes. Loose, natural clothing will prolong the effect of the bath; it continues to warm our body and does not cause irritation to sensitive skin.

Soap and shampoo

When choosing soap or shampoo, you should evaluate their smell. If it is too bright and intrusive, then most likely it contains synthetic substances. This product is not worth taking. It is recommended to choose soap consisting of natural ingredients; it does not contain chemicals or animal fats.

The best option for a bath is black and white soap. The main component of black soap is tar or birch chaga, and white soap is made from goat milk. This soap is available in gel form. This product is beneficial to have, since you can purchase both soap and shampoo at once.


Brushes in the bath world are intended exclusively for massage purposes. They come with long handles; they are convenient for massaging the back area and the back of the legs.

Brushes can be made of wood, silicone or plastic. Wooden brushes are a tool for fighting cellulite! The type of wood the brush is made of plays an important role. Each tree has its own properties, aroma and benefits.

Wooden brushes have one significant drawback - they get wet from moisture, crack, dry out, and pathogenic bacteria very often settle in them.

Brushes made of artificial materials are more suitable in the bathing kingdom; bacteria will not settle in them, they will not crack, are well polished and are quite suitable for wet massage.

Where to start painting

Powder painting technology.

To ensure the most decorative appearance of the stove, you can paint the seams between the bricks in a light tone. For example, sandy, yellowish and even white shades work well. You can use a composition such as a mixture of turpentine and PF-283 varnish in a one-to-one ratio. The coating is transparent and matte.

Before painting, stoves and fireplaces are thoroughly cleaned, and the seams are deepened by approximately 7 mm. The oven must first be heated so that the surface is slightly warm. The next step is to wet the surface with water. The solution is applied in two layers. It is assumed that the first layer is liquid, with grouting.

To ensure high-quality painting of the plastered surface, the applied layer is treated with coarse sandpaper, which is fixed to a block. Next comes sanding. For this purpose, you can use a swab made of washcloth, or a rag made of coarse burlap will also work.

Before painting, stoves and fireplaces are thoroughly cleaned, and the seams are deepened by approximately 7 mm. The oven must first be heated so that the surface is slightly warm. The next step is to wet the surface with water. The solution is applied in two layers. It is assumed that the first layer is liquid, with grouting.

Palette of colors

Drinks after the bath

After taking bath procedures I really want to drink. You can take with you a bottle of kvass, a thermos of green tea or any herbal teas. You can read more about what to drink after a bath in my separate articles on this topic.

In conclusion, I want to say that you cannot neglect the rules of personal hygiene in baths and saunas! Remember that it is through bath accessories that dangerous diseases such as scabies, lice, staphylococcus and fungal diseases can be transmitted.

The towel, slippers, broom, basin, robe must be individual! Use only what you took with you to the bathhouse, and do not lend your equipment to strangers.

About contact lenses

Ophthalmologists also do not recommend wearing contact lenses in a sauna. The main arguments they give in support of the ban are the possibility of lenses drying out under the influence of high temperatures with subsequent deformation. The infections that opponents of lenses talk about in the sauna are quite rare. You can just as easily get an infectious disease if you do not properly care for your lenses. The solution to the problem will be disposable lenses. They are put on immediately before going to the sauna or pool and thrown away immediately after use.

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