Rules for preparing, steaming and storing a maple broom for a bath

In this article we will talk about what types of bath brooms are. Perhaps this information will be useful to those who want to pamper themselves with bath procedures.

Did you know that the first mentions of the bath and its benefits date back to the 6th millennium BC? Even then, people knew that such a pastime benefits both the body and mind and adds attractiveness. But all this benefit will remain a dream if you are careless in choosing the most important component of bath traditions - a broom!

Types of brooms for baths

Bath broom made from birch branches: benefits, features

Considered one of the best options. In no small part because finding such threads is not at all difficult. And, of course, because of its amazing ability to cleanse the body both from the inside and outside. The first is possible due to inhaled steam, the second - due to contact with the skin.

IMPORTANT: Birch branches are also famous for their flexibility. But they are only like that when they are cut and dried according to all the rules. For example, young leaves no larger than 30 mm are preferred.

The leaves of this tree have an amazing composition of carotene, phytoncides, hyperoside, saponin . You can also add two types of acids - betulorethic acid and the well-known ascorbic acid.

A broom made from birch leaves is a great idea for those who want to get the maximum benefit from a bathhouse.

Birch buds can bring no less benefits. They contain resins, flavonoids, and essential oils. Therefore, if, when choosing, your gaze falls on a broom with buds, you can safely take it. They, together with the leaves, will perfectly cleanse the skin.

Birch brooms are strongly recommended for those people who suffer from rashes, pustules and wounds . Great help is also provided to those suffering from bronchitis and muscle pain.

Birch leaves are characterized by tight adhesion to the body. This allows them to better absorb sweat, and at the same time, toxins that are removed from the body. As a result, the pores are cleaned 100%. The skin better absorbs the beneficial substances obtained from other herbs during bath procedures.

IMPORTANT: It is for this reason that it is preferable to use a birch broom at the first stage of visiting the bathhouse.

The leaves in a bath birch broom should not be large

How to prepare?

Making a broom is a creative process consisting of several stages.

Collection of material

The branches are cut off when the young leaves, together with sunlight, have been saturated with energy and accumulated useful substances. Branches of middle-aged trees are harvested. Young and old aspen trees are not suitable. Their leaves are not plastic; the broom will quickly become unusable. Shoots with a whole rosette of leaves at the end are ideal. Their size should be “elbow size” - from the elbow bend of the arm to the end of the palm.

Making a broom

The branches are laid face down on a flat surface, overlapping each other, so that the “crown” of the product is lush. The branches are laid carefully, cutting off the knots on the twigs so that the “broom” is perfectly even. Having reached the middle, make the second side of the broom, turning the branches face up. The assembled product is tied with natural twine and sent to dry in the fresh air.


After drying outside, the products are dried in a cool, ventilated area. To prevent the brooms from molding inside, craftsmen use special spacers. The finished products are tied up and placed under a press to create the correct shape. Some steam lovers add birch and oak branches to the product. The broom becomes stronger, but the aspen aroma, mixing with the birch and oak spirit, loses its unique charm.

Bath broom made of oak branches: features, efficiency

This broom is also used quite often. It is especially praised by those with oily skin types. Which is not surprising - just remember the composition of oak leaves. There are quercitrin, quercetin, essential oils, tannins . The entire specified range helps to make rather capricious skin prone to oiliness elastic, cleansed, and gives a long-awaited matte finish.

In addition to everything written, such a broom is extremely useful for various skin diseases. It significantly improves blood circulation and helps reduce blood pressure.

A significant advantage of oak leaves is that they are large and dense. This means that heat will be retained better.

IMPORTANT: However, the leaves should not be too large or dark in color. Otherwise, they will not be able to stay on the branches for long.

There is no need to pay attention to brooms consisting of thick branches. Despite the fact that oak is strongly associated with massiveness, it is worth keeping in mind that it is preferable to look for brooms consisting of thin branches. They grow at the bottom of the tree and are the most flexible. A massage done with such branches will be as gentle as possible and bring an amazing effect.

Oak brooms for baths

How to properly prepare brooms for a bath and how to store them

So, we prepare a broom for the bathhouse, and for this we go to the forest. It is best to prepare brooms for a bath in early spring. At this time, the foliage is young, but it has already managed to absorb healing juices. In the old days, knowledgeable people advised going for brooms on Trinity. To prevent them from losing their foliage, it is advisable to cut branches in the afternoon in dry weather. The fact is that drops of dew or rain will lead to darkening and damage to the leaves and their rapid shedding. For the same reason, it is not advisable to rinse brooms after they are prepared. Before properly preparing brooms for a bath, do not forget that you will need to treat them with water only right before the first use.

Branches for brooms can only be cut from healthy trees. You need to make sure that not only the leaves and branches, but also the trunks are not susceptible to disease. Otherwise, such a broom will not have any healing power. You need to look for young shoots of maple, oak and other trees and cut them with pruning shears or a knife.

The length of the branches for the broom should be 50 cm. The harvested branches must be sorted out, the lower branches and leaves removed.

How to steam a bath broom so that it does not lose its healing properties? After harvesting, the brooms need to be tied using twine or strong thread in pairs. It will be easier to store them this way. Bath brooms are stored in a covered, cool, ventilated room, since when the brooms are exposed to sunlight, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off. As for the size of the broom, it can be any, the main thing is that it is convenient to use. It shouldn't be too heavy. It is worth considering that a steamed broom becomes almost 2 times heavier than a dry one.

Watch the video “Preparing brooms for a bath” - this is a real art!

Before using the broom, you need to re-sort it, placing thick branches inside, and soft and elastic thin ones outside. After this, you need to tie it tightly with twine and cut off the uneven ends with a knife. The length of the handle should be equal to two widths of the bath attendant’s palm. This will allow you to vape comfortably. If it turns out that the handle scratches your hands when using it, you need to wrap the root of the broom along its entire length with a piece of cloth or thick rope.

Bath broom made from eucalyptus branches: uniqueness, benefits

Approximately 3% of the constituents of eucalyptus leaves are essential oils. Therefore, for colds, it is often recommended to use this plant for beneficial inhalations and rinses. In bath ceremonies, eucalyptus will also be beneficial for similar problems. Especially if before the massage you press a broom to your nose and mouth for a few minutes, inhaling the aroma of the leaves.

Often, to enhance the benefits, mint, sage, chamomile, and wormwood are also added to the eucalyptus broom. They also somewhat dilute the initially tart aroma of eucalyptus.

IMPORTANT: However, everything is good in moderation, since not everyone is able to withstand such an abundance of aromas without a headache. Therefore, in this sense, it is worth approaching the choice carefully.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the shade of the broom . It’s better to avoid the grayish one right away. But you can buy rich green. Such a broom definitely retained its beneficial properties after drying.

A eucalyptus bath broom should ideally have rich green leaves


The healing properties of maple leaves have been valued for a long time. Decoctions of maple leaves were used to rinse the throat and mouth, to cleanse the lungs and bronchi, and to heal wounds and skin diseases. Experts in bath procedures will tell you that a maple broom in a bath is the best remedy for cleansing the skin and healing wounds and ulcers. A maple broom is a wonderful fan in a steam room. It is light and wide with smooth soft foliage.



Bath broom made from linden branches: features, benefits

The aroma of linden at the moment of flowering spreads over an impressive distance. You can both enjoy it and treat various colds. However, the list of ailments for the treatment of which it is recommended to use linden is quite wide:

  • Nervous system problems
  • Headaches that occur at short intervals
  • Skin problems from rashes to wounds
  • Stones formed in the gall bladder, kidneys

In order for the leaves to act properly, they should be applied to the face and body for a while. And, of course, not dry, but already steamed.

What benefits can be found in these leaves? Protein, carotene, essential oil, vitamin E, titialin. In other words, those substances that soothe and help fight bacteria are necessary for the health of the body.

It has been noted that a broom containing dried flowers smells much better. Although the time of collecting raw materials does not affect the practical benefits of the wonderful fan.

IMPORTANT: If you want to use a bath broom in the best Russian traditions, you should definitely pay attention to this option. Linden has been used in Rus' since ancient times to create houses and utensils.

Linden bath broom

DIY making

A maple broom is easy to make with your own hands. This tree is very popular in the CIS countries and Russia. To manufacture it correctly, you need to take into account a number of nuances and learn how to prepare raw materials.

Time and place for collection

Principles for choosing a place and time for collection:

  1. It is prohibited to collect tree branches that are located near large enterprises and roads.
  2. Branches need to be harvested in May, preferably towards the end. At this time, they contain the largest amount of essential oils and tannins.
  3. Branches can only be cut in dry weather.

Selection of branches and collection rules

Principles of selection and collection of branches:

  • you need to choose branches with small leaves;
  • optimal branch length is 45 cm;
  • It is better to trim with pruning shears.


Stages of steaming maple branches:

  1. Place the branches in cool water for 4–5 minutes.
  2. Remove the branches from a bowl of cold water and shake them off.
  3. Place in a hot container. Wait another 5 minutes.

Before visiting the steam room, immerse the finished broom in cold water for 2 minutes, heat it over the heater for 30–40 seconds.


When the branches are prepared, they need to be dried. To do this, you need to stretch the thread indoors so that you can hang branches on it. They should not be exposed to sunlight during drying.


After drying, you can start knitting a broom. To do this, thin branches form the middle, thick branches form the outer contour. The broom is tied with twine, 15 cm above the beginning of the branches.

Bath broom made from juniper spruce branches: features, effectiveness

Like any coniferous plant, juniper is a real storehouse of essential oils. But that’s not all: in addition to oils, juniper contains components that have bactericidal properties , as well as organic acids and a whole range of a wide variety of vitamins.

People suffering from inflammation in the respiratory tract and skin problems should pay attention to this component of the bath procedure Also, a broom made from juniper spruce branches will be useful for those suffering from gout, rheumatism, and edema.

People who have long been familiar with the art of bathing strongly recommend purchasing a juniper assistant for those who want to arrange a massage session. If you use a broom as a bedding during bath procedures, this effect will not be long in coming.

IMPORTANT: Ideal for lovers of hard brooms. Not as sharp as one might imagine, but it has a certain prickliness.

For this reason, spruce branches should not be used as a massager in dry form. Like branches cut long ago, it is important to clarify when they were harvested. Overdried juniper promises to be extremely prickly.

Juniper bath broom - moderately prickly and very useful

Through the eyes of a bath attendant: characteristics, application technique

A maple broom is considered light and delicate in comparison with a birch or oak broom.
Traditionally referred to as “evening” - as relaxing, it is good for an evening bath, and not bad in the company of tonic, harsh ones. A maple broom is useful in all parts of the bath ceremony: for warming up and directly for massage, for covering the head and as a fan. The softness is deceptive: having straightened out, it comes to life and “gives off heat” so much that it takes your breath away, say connoisseurs of light steam.

It is better to use a maple broom after warming up, before the “heavy artillery” of birch and oak, and in the final phase of soaring, according to bathhouse attendants.

For the best effect, experts in bath technology advise making small fractional movements with a broom. Maple is soft to sharp blows; its delicate leaves quickly fray. This work is suitable for lovers of gentle massage, women who prefer delicate manipulations, and those with sensitive skin.


Advantages of a broom:

  • soft, but biting, sweeping;
  • comfortable with high flexibility;
  • perfectly generates steam, increases humidity - wide leaves rake in air well;
  • absorbs sweat, cleanses no worse than birch and oak;
  • has a good aroma and healing properties.

Delicacy has a downside. According to bathhouse attendants, the broom quickly “gets wet” and loses its bite. Not properly steamed, it loses its elasticity.

When it's useful:

  • for colds;
  • with asthenia, stress;
  • to relieve fatigue and muscle stiffness;
  • for aching joints and radiculitis, gout and atherosclerosis.

Maple bath broom - health benefits

If you have not yet decided to use maple brooms in the steam room, you will probably change your attitude towards them after you find out how they will affect your health. To do this, you need to study the properties as accurately as possible in order to use them to their full potential.

  • The benefits of maple broom are invaluable for the skin. After a couple of minutes in the steam room, you will achieve what is difficult to achieve after global cosmetic procedures, since the miracles of traditional medicine often amaze in their scale. Quilting your back, legs, arms will make a huge difference in the condition of your skin - it will become smooth, silky and look radiant.
  • Salt deposition is one of the problems of modern man. If this circumstance is relevant for you, try going to the steam room with a maple broom. To get the effect, you need to steam the broom well, wait until the required time has passed, and then use it for its intended purpose. The pores will instantly open, the metabolism will increase, as a result of which excess substances will begin to come out.
  • Much has been said and written about energy. And not everyone knows how to correct their energy field. To improve the condition, as well as get rid of the negative effects of magical properties, since ancient times, magicians have suggested using maple. And the steam room is a great place for these procedures. Take a maple broom and steam it thoroughly, the negative energy will go away, and your condition will noticeably improve.

Bath broom made from Canadian maple branches: effects on the body, uniqueness

This type of broom is less popular among us, but no less useful. It heals wounds, cleanses, relieves inflammation and pain. It can also be useful as an excellent immune-strengthening and tonic assistant.

It is especially recommended that visitors to the bathhouse suffering from rheumatism, gout, and osteochondrosis . Its healing properties are due to the presence of tannins, ascorbic acid, alkaloids, and carotene.

It is worth paying attention to those leaves that are harvested in early to mid-summer. These leaves have a light green tint and are small in size. It is during this period that they are most firmly connected to the branches.

IMPORTANT: Such a broom will last longer and more efficiently, without falling apart after the first minute of use.

In addition to its good effect, you may like the maple bath assistant for its ease of use. It is flexible and quite whippy . The leaves are dense and large - this will allow the heat to spread efficiently across the skin.

A maple bath broom will perfectly distribute heat throughout the body

How to steam?

In order to steam with an aspen broom with pleasure and benefit, it is important to properly prepare it for work. The fan is immersed in cold water so that the foliage straightens

Next, they are lowered into a bucket of warm water, with a temperature no higher than 40°C, for 15 minutes, and after that they go to the steam room. Having applied water to the stones, the broom is straightened, shaking in a cloud of steam. The broom is ready to go.

Experienced bath attendants recommend light whipping and tapping with a broom without unnecessary effort, so as not to lose valuable leaves. Women and children are given light stroking. They also steam using the “wrapping” method. Hot brooms are placed on the body, especially on sore spots, and covered with a sheet on top.

Bath broom made of coniferous spruce branches: uniqueness, impact

Not only coniferous shrubs, but also coniferous trees can be useful to bathhouse lovers. For example, fir, spruce, and cedar will perfectly improve your health. But only if the branches are prepared shortly before the event . Therefore, if you buy a broom and do not prepare it yourself, you should definitely ask the seller how long ago the product was made.

Resins, essential oils, vitamin C - these are things that can help any organism. Even if a person does not have any diseases, he will receive excellent prevention of respiratory diseases. The fact is that pine needles can disinfect the air. And also calm the nervous system , saturating the air with a wonderful aroma.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about people suffering from problems with the spine and joints. Small needles provide a therapeutic massage to problem areas.

IMPORTANT: To do this, the broom needs to be pressed as tightly as possible to the skin. Literally after a few minutes the body begins to get used to it.

Spruce bath broom

Alder bath broom: benefits, features

Such brooms can easily be found in the northern regions - the area where the tree grows. Why does it cause a stir among northerners? Due to its composition: alder contains a lot of acids, tannins, fats, vitamins C and PP, carotene.

Due to all of the above, such a broom has disinfecting properties and relieves inflammation. It has been proven that such a device can be used if there are not only inflammations or acne, but also wounds that cannot disappear for a long time.

that those with oily skin prone to frequent sweating take a closer look at the alder broom

However, people with dry skin can also find benefits: elimination of fine wrinkles, smoothing of the integument, and acquisition of elasticity.
There is a kind of rejuvenating effect.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to take into account that many beneficial substances are activated only after steaming the leaves and branches.

An alder bath broom helps to cope with multiple skin problems

The healing power of maple

The bath technology uses large-leaved maple and small-leaved maple, also known as black American maple. The leaves of different species differ in tactile sensations, but in properties they are almost identical. Tannins, alkaloids, vitamins A, C, B, organic acids, and maple flavonoids make the range of its use wide and its benefits undeniable.

Benefits of maple broom:

  1. Relieves tension, improves mood - is considered “anti-stress”.
  2. Increases blood flow, relieves muscle spasms, gently tones.
  3. Cleanses the body of toxins no worse than birch.
  4. Without causing intense sweating, it opens pores and absorbs sweat, which is useful and safe for skin problems.
  5. Maple alkaloids have an antiseptic, wound-healing, and anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Tannins help clean enlarged and inflamed pores, narrow them, and relieve inflammation.

Advice! Bioenergetics specialists consider maple to be a healer of spiritual wounds. A donor tree, it brings calm, instills strength in those who are discouraged, and gives relaxation and energy to an exhausted body.

As for contraindications, they are common for bath procedures. The maple tree itself cannot cause any harm.

Read also: Why is a fir broom so useful and how to steam it correctly?

Herbal bath brooms: features, effectiveness of brooms made from mint, wormwood, tansy, nettle

Such brooms are not only used for massage , but also simply hung in a bathhouse as excellent aromatherapy. It has been proven that herbal brooms, when heated, release substances that cleanse the respiratory system and, as a result, the circulatory system.

What are they?

  • From mint - as a rule, such menthol brooms are not sold on their own, but are a composition of various plants. Peppermint has been proven to be soothing and even rejuvenating . It also dilates blood vessels, fights bacteria, and makes breathing easier in case of asthma.
  • From wormwood - it is worth taking a closer look at it for those suffering from diseases of the liver, stomach, joints, and gall bladder. The well-known bitter aroma improves the breathing process if there are problems with it.

Bath broom made of wormwood

  • From tansy - it is useful for headaches and rheumatic pains, discomfort during menstruation. If you have chronic ailments associated with the liver or genitourinary system , you should also pay attention to this herb.
  • From nettle - highly recommended for those who are overcome by chronic fatigue. If fatigue is associated with physical activity, nettle relieves muscle pain. It treats inflammation and remarkably improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, and enhances metabolism.

IMPORTANT: Do not be afraid of burns - after soaking, the nettle will not burn the skin unbearably.

Nettle bath broom

Bamboo bath broom: effects, features

A rather exotic option, but nevertheless very popular among bath attendants. They claim that such a broom successfully removes various types of pain. For example, in the spine, joints, ligaments, muscles. This is a real full-fledged massage!

In addition to this main benefit, a bamboo broom will provide others. For example, it will cleanse the skin of toxins, reduce stretch marks, and improve blood circulation. also strengthen the heart and blood vessels, which will serve as an excellent prevention of many diseases.

IMPORTANT: You need to keep in mind that bamboo does not need to be steamed. It is immediately ready to use, which saves a lot of time.

Bath broom made of bamboo - exotic and useful

Basic rules for choosing bath brooms

What should you pay attention to when choosing a broom?

  • The best sizes are a fan in the range of 500-550 mm and a base of about 100-110 mm.
  • It is preferable to find out exactly when the raw materials were collected. Since ancient times, this was done mostly in June - its beginning or middle. The time of day also matters. So, you can’t do this in the early morning, because the dew has not dried yet. For a similar reason, you cannot collect plants in rainy weather - the raw materials must certainly be dry.
  • Thicker branches should be located in the middle of the broom, and thinner ones should be located along the edges.
  • You should also inspect the twine used to tie the bath accessory. It is preferable that it be made of linen.
  • It is advisable to ask about where exactly the brooms were stored. Our ancestors did this in dry hay. If the owner did not have the opportunity to find a haystack, he could easily put dry grass on some shelf, then immerse the bath accessories in it.

IMPORTANT: The storage room must be free from humidity and have good ventilation.

Bath brooms should be stored in a dry, ventilated area.
Improved blood circulation, cleansing pores, accelerating metabolism, removing harmful substances, strengthening the immune system and eliminating infections - this is not even a complete list of the effects of a bath broom on the body. Of course, under the conditions when it is selected properly. We hope that our article helped with this.

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