The best firewood for a bath: selection criteria and storage rules

To get maximum pleasure from going to the bathhouse, you need to clearly know how to heat it, in particular what kind of firewood to use for the stove. By making the right choice of firewood, you can be sure that it will quickly heat the room, fill it with a pleasant aroma and will not bring smoke and soot with it. As you may have guessed, in this article we will try to tell you what kind of wood is best to heat a bathhouse.

The village bathhouse is slowly heating up

Why wood is the best fuel for a sauna

Firing a sauna stove with wood is a labor-intensive process. But despite this, many continue to use this fuel. After all, firewood gives a special feeling of warmth and Russian flavor, wood burning, crackling.

The advantages are undeniable, since firewood:

  • optimal type of fuel combining ecology and safety;
  • are characterized by low cost;
  • have a long burning period;
  • give off a lot of heat.


Like alder, linden firewood has a low density; it is also in the third group and produces less heat - at the level of spruce or poplar wood. Linden, rather from the section on what kind of deciduous firewood is better not to use for heating a house, since the output from them is small and they burn quickly. Consequently, much more of this wood will have to be prepared, and the ash pit will have to be lined and cleaned much more often. Such fuel is unprofitable both financially and unattractive in terms of labor intensity - first the logs will have to be chopped, then the logs will have to be stacked, and then constantly brought in. But when choosing firewood for a bathhouse or for a fireplace, this breed attracts with its aroma, and is even positioned as medicinal. Knowing which firewood is more effective for heating the stove, and which can and should be used for other purposes, you can actually prepare the optimal supply.

Main characteristics of different types of wood

To figure out what kind of wood is best to heat a bathhouse, it’s worth studying the characteristics of different tree species.

They are divided into the following types:

  • Deciduous . These rocks, in turn, are divided into 2 groups - hard and soft. The first group includes cheap rocks that quickly burn out. Representatives of the second produce uniform heat and burn for a long time.
  • Fruity . This group includes cherry, apple, plum and pear. When burning, such firewood emits a pleasant fruity aroma.
  • Conifers . To prepare firewood, two types of coniferous trees are used - spruce and pine. They have a low cost and yet have high heat transfer. The disadvantages of this wood are rapid combustion and the generation of sparks during the process.


Pellets are compressed wood waste (shavings, sawdust, etc.) in the form of granules. Their density is approximately 2 times higher than the density of ordinary wood. Only 1 kg of pellets can produce about 5 kW/h of heat, which is much higher than firewood.

Pellets help achieve the most efficient heating. The combustion process occurs as follows: first, the material itself burns with a significant release of heat, then the resulting gases burn out, which increases the efficiency of the furnace.

It can be concluded that pellets are a highly efficient fuel that has good density and heat release. However, such fuel requires a special furnace, which consists of two compartments - the first for solid fuel, the second for the resulting gases. The cost of such equipment is quite high.

Selection options

When choosing firewood, it is important to consider the following characteristics of wood:

  • Resinousness . The resin content of tree tissue determines the suitability of firewood as fuel. The combustion of this substance forms a hard-to-remove coating on the walls of chimneys. When using a flow-through heater for heating, smoke with a large amount of soot settles on the stones. When steam is supplied, it rises and the room is filled with hard, heavy air.
  • Density _ The higher it is, the more heat the wood gives off during combustion.
  • Humidity . Freshly cut wood contains 50% moisture in its tissues. For high-quality combustion, this figure should not exceed 20%.
  • Log sizes . When purchasing ready-made firewood, it is important to take this parameter into account. Optimal indicators: length – 45 – 50 cm, thickness – 8 – 10 cm.

Ease of preparation . When preparing firewood yourself, it is important to consider how it is sawed and split. For example, white acacia has a high heat output, which makes it attractive as a fuel. However, the structure of this wood is dense, viscous, and has many interwoven fibers. Therefore, splitting acacia firewood yourself turns into a real test of strength. Oak can be contrasted with the unruly acacia. Despite its high strength, it can easily be split with a regular ax or a special cleaver.

Ash content . The more minerals a tree contains, the more ash it leaves. Ash content is measured as a percentage of the total weight of firewood. It is divided into internal (in an amount from 0.2 to 2.16%) that is present in the tree under natural conditions, and external (up to 20%), introduced during harvesting, storage or transportation. Moreover, the second significantly exceeds the first. The ashiest types of firewood are pine - 2.19 - 1.39%; spruce – 2.23 – 2.31%; birch – 2.43 – 0.52%; aspen – 2.73%.

Region where the bathhouse is located . This is one of the important factors in economic terms. For example, hornbeam has the highest calorific value. But if the bathhouse is built in a place where this tree does not grow, then a lot of money will be spent on purchasing firewood. Therefore, to fire a stove in a bathhouse, you should choose wood with the highest heat transfer value among that which is common in the region where the bathhouse is located.

Storage features . If firewood is being prepared for future use, you need to pay attention to how suitable the variety will be for long-term storage. The least susceptible to rotting are oak, alder, ash logs and larch. Willow, linden, poplar or aspen must be used up first, or provided with ideal conditions.


Using a scoop, remove ash and unburnt coals from the stove into any suitable container. They can simply be thrown away or used as fertilizer for plants.

Then you need to add firewood and, for safety reasons, place it away from the firebox.

Next, the stones are prepared. If a closed heater is installed, then they must be rinsed to remove soot. If the open-type heater and steam room have already been used, then the stones need to be washed again. To do this, take warm water.

If the bathhouse does not have a full-fledged washing room with a shower, then the following steps should be taken: check the water tank (if installed) for the presence of a sufficient amount of water, prepare cool water for washing.

It is important to remember that the water boiler connected to the stove must always be filled, even if warm water will not be used. The fact is that the boiler can simply burst due to strong exposure to high temperatures.

If the steam room is a separate room with a door, then it should be closed. Next, the doors and valves at the combustion chamber, blower and smoke view are fully opened. If there are two valves in the design of the smoke view, it is necessary to open the one through which fire and smoke directly exit into the pipe; the valve of the heating channel for the water tank and heater does not need to be opened.

The presence of draft is checked: a match or candle is lit and brought to the stove channel. The flame will certainly respond to the pull. If there is no reaction, then there is a high probability that the chimney is clogged. In this case, it is necessary to climb onto the roof and, using a special device, for example, a cleaning cable of the required length, remove the blockages.

It is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • Birch bark. It needs to be cut into thin pieces. To do this, you can use a sharp knife. Instead, you can take shavings or chop short chips.
  • Newsprint.
  • 4 logs. They should be dry and small in diameter (about the same thickness). The firewood must be of such a size that it can be easily inserted into the stove firebox.

Next is the “seed”:

  • Two thin logs are placed parallel to each other on the grate. The distance between them should be equal to the width of your palm. The logs should be placed immediately behind the first vent holes from the ash pit.
  • The paper is crumpled and placed between the logs.
  • A little wood chips are poured on top of the paper.
  • The two remaining logs are laid diagonally on top, leaving a small gap between them.

As a result, the paper and wood chips should end up in a well of logs. The resulting structure must be stable enough not to collapse due to careless actions.

Which firewood to choose

Each wood has certain heat transfer characteristics, combustion characteristics and health effects. Firewood is also differentiated by cost. By analyzing these qualities, every bath lover can choose the most suitable option for himself.

Pine and spruce

This type of wood is chosen because of its low cost and the unique aroma that conifers emit when burning.
Spruce and pine give good heat, flare up quickly, and produce a small amount of ash. But such firewood cannot be considered the best. Pine contains a large amount of resin, which causes a high combustion temperature.

But at the same time, this firewood produces a large number of sparks. Flying embers can lead to unpredictable consequences. When burned, conifers produce strong smoke and emit carbon monoxide.


Firewood that burns poorly with low heat transfer and a peculiar bitter aroma. Therefore, it is not advisable to use them as the main fuel.

However, experienced bathhouse attendants recommend using aspen as a preventive measure. The steam from this type of firewood effectively cleans the chimney of soot that forms after burning coniferous trees.

To enhance the cleansing effect, it is recommended to burn aspen firewood with potato skins.


This wood deserves special respect among all hardwoods.
In ancient times, such firewood was available only to noble people; ordinary people did not use it as fuel. Alder burns without problems, does not smoke, and does not emit resin. This type of firewood is especially good for heating a black bath: it neutralizes soot.

The aroma of alder is beneficial for health:

  • helps cope with colds;
  • gives a supply of vigor and energy.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

When harvesting yourself, choose alder that grows at higher elevations. The tissues of such trees are denser and contain a minimal amount of moisture.


Oak is used as firewood mainly in the northern regions, where there are many such trees. It is not profitable to buy such firewood, since their cost is quite high. Oak wood has a high density, therefore it provides high heat transfer.


Not the best option for a sauna firebox. Maple flares up instantly, gives good heat, but practically does not form coals. During bath procedures, you will have to constantly add firewood to the firebox, otherwise the temperature in the steam room will quickly drop.


Linden wood is difficult to light, but the heat is persistent. The steam from this wood has a honey aroma, calms, uplifts, and has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. Experienced bath attendants advise combining alder firewood with birch firewood.

Linden cannot be stored for long periods of time. In just 2 years, even dry firewood will turn into dust, so it must be used immediately after harvesting.


The heat transfer of ash is not inferior to oak. Firewood from trees of this species is expensive and rare. Ash burns even with high humidity.


Wood that gives the highest heat transfer. It burns for a very long time, produces a large amount of charcoal, and practically does not smoke.


The best option for a bathhouse in terms of price and quality ratio. Birch is widespread, so the cost of such firewood is low. Its wood ignites easily and produces good heat. Together with high heat transfer, birch firewood produces healing steam. It helps in treating colds and respiratory problems.

One of the advantages of birch firewood is its long shelf life. They can be stored for several years without loss of quality.

Fruit wood

Such firewood is practically not found on sale, but you can prepare it yourself. Typically, this opportunity arises when cutting down old stands or eliminating thickets of wild trees.

The advantages of this type of wood are high heat transfer, lack of smoke and a pleasant fruity aroma when burning. The best choice for a sauna is apple and cherry wood.

The former give the maximum amount of heat, the latter give a pronounced aroma, but smoke stronger. You should not use plum wood in your bathhouse. It is more suitable for barbecues.

The disadvantage of firewood from fruit trees is that it is difficult to ignite. To overcome this problem, a different type of firewood is first lit in the firebox, and then fruit wood is added.

Video description

How to clean a chimney by burning aspen or sedge firewood, watch the video:


Like birch, linden firewood is stored no longer than two to three years, after which it loses quality. However, they are highly valued as fuel for sauna stoves, as they are capable of burning very intensely and heating it in a short time.

When burned, linden produces aromatic smoke and releases phytoncides with medicinal properties that promote wound healing and alleviate the symptoms of pulmonary diseases.

Linden is an excellent fuel for a bath Source

Linden firewood is not suitable for constant heating of a house in winter due to its ability to burn out too quickly.

What kind of wood should you not burn?

The following cannot be used for a sauna stove:

  • Lumber impregnated with chemical compounds.
  • Boards covered with paint, as well as with traces of rubber and plastic.
  • Rotten, rotten sticks and stumps. They burn poorly, emit a lot of smoke, and little heat.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

It is strictly forbidden to use wood that was previously used on the railway in the bathhouse. To protect against rotting, sleepers and posts are impregnated with creosote, which is extremely harmful to human health.


Alder wood is the most beautiful and if you choose from an aesthetic point of view, logs of rich orange, ocher or almost red color will become an excellent decor near the stove. In terms of the amount of heat generated, alder belongs to the second, middle group, although its density is at the level of the third (up to 540 kg/m³). Like birch, the high calorific value of alder is due to the low humidity of the tree even in its raw state, not to mention dry firewood. When burning, alder logs almost do not smoke and do not emit soot at all, as they are characterized by minimal resin content. Alder firewood, wood chips or sawdust are added during smoking to give the smoke a pleasant aroma if wood from fruit varieties is not available. Fireplaces are lit together with birch and alder logs, as they do not crackle, but produce both a beautiful flame and intense heat.

Features of preparing and storing firewood for a bath

You can prepare firewood yourself from the beginning of autumn until the end of winter. During this period, sap flow inside the tree stops. Frozen stumps are easier to split.

The main problem after purchasing or independently preparing firewood is proper installation, which contributes to maximum preservation of the quality of the raw materials.

It is prohibited to cut down trees in the nearest forest plantation without special permission.

There are several installation methods that will help avoid woodpile rotting:


The logs are laid parallel to each other. Due to the natural unevenness, there are gaps for air to pass through.


Firewood is laid in rows. Each next one is placed perpendicular to the previous one.


Almost the same as a stack, only the firewood is placed in a circle.

Firewood stacked in this way will dry better if several more conditions are met:

  • the sides of the woodshed are left open, so the logs can quickly ventilate and dry if they get wet (relevant for a structure with a roof);
  • when placing the woodshed outdoors, you need to cover the top rows with roofing felt or thick film;
  • it is necessary to stack the firewood correctly, only then, even with high air humidity, will they be able to dry;
  • You must first lay boards on the ground so that moisture does not get on the bottom row of firewood.

Freshly cut firewood is suitable for use within a year.

Final stage

After opening the firebox door, you need to assess the condition of the firewood and firebrands.

If the following symptoms occur, it is necessary to fully open the valves and close the blower half-door tightly:

  • the firewood is burnt out;
  • gray ash formed;
  • the coals turned red;
  • no flame;
  • the stones turned red;
  • water boils in the boiler;
  • in the steam room the temperature rose to 60 - 90°C.

Next, windows and doors open. If soot forms on the stones during heating, it must be washed off with water. Then carefully and quickly water all surfaces of the steam room. After this procedure it will not become colder.

Now the windows and doors should be closed, except for the window in the steam room. At this point, the heating of the bathhouse is completed, but it is still too early to enter the steam room, since the room needs to brew and warm up evenly. After 1-2 hours you can start taking bath procedures. The window can be closed.

How to calculate the amount of firewood

It is not possible to accurately calculate the volume of firewood, but some average indicators exist. If a bathhouse is heated once every 7 days, for example, with birch, for kindling you will need approximately 100 kg per month in the warm season, 200 kg in late autumn and winter. In year

it comes out to about 3 - 3.5 cubic meters.

When calculating, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • density and weight of wood;
  • type of stove, its power (sometimes manufacturers indicate approximate consumption or capacity per masonry);
  • steam room area and desired temperature;
  • time of year and climatic features of the region;
  • how often the owners use the sauna and how well the steam room is insulated.

Video description

See the video for what improper storage leads to:
For fireplaces and pyrolysis stoves, it is advisable to further dry the fuel by keeping it in a warm and dry place for several days. The “cleaning” firewood – aspen and alder, used for cleaning chimneys – should also be well dried.

It is advisable to harvest oak in advance and put it into use after a year or two - this is the time it takes for the wood to dry. Birch, on the contrary, is used in the year of purchase. Linden is stored for no longer than 2-3 years if you want to enjoy its amazing aroma in the bathhouse.

Common Questions

We dismantled several sets of old MDF furniture. Is it possible to heat a bathhouse with them?

Technically this is possible and the MDF will burn. Such fuel will provide a minimum of heat and a maximum of ash. Please also note that when MDF burns, it will release phenol-formaldehyde resin. This is a very hazardous substance to health. Plus, the resin settles on the walls of the chimney and it will be very difficult to clean it later.

How to determine if the firewood is dry enough?

To understand whether the logs are suitable for burning, just knock them against each other. When dry firewood collides, the sound will be loud and clear (like from a wooden mallet). The suitability of a material can also be determined by its weight. Wet firewood is at least twice as heavy.

Is it possible to use coal in a bathhouse instead of firewood?

It is not recommended to heat a stove in a bathhouse with coal. This is explained by the peculiarities of its combustion: first it gives off the resulting heat, as a result the system quickly warms up, and then slowly smolders, maintaining the elevated temperature. This heating method is optimal for a residential building, but not acceptable for a bathhouse. In addition, coal does not give that specific aroma that is obtained when burning wood. The charm of the firebox is lost and turns into a simple procedure for warming up the room.

When is the best time to harvest firewood?

Our grandparents, who have lived their whole lives in the village, know that in order for the firewood to be dry in winter, it must be ordered in the spring or at the end of winter. Then they will bring winter forest. And the firewood will lie all summer and autumn and dry out by next winter. Such logs will light very well and burn without smoke.

The secret of brick kilns

Traditionally, several types of stone stoves are used to heat baths. The more massive the stove, the more difficult the ignition process. For example, a Russian stove in a bathhouse, which is used a couple of times a month, is sometimes very difficult to light, especially if the building has been standing in the cold for a couple of weeks and is completely frozen, from the cap on the chimney to the foundation.

The easiest way to heat a sauna is with traditional Dutch ovens or fireplace stoves.

The mass of the Dutch oven is small, the wall thickness is at best half a brick. Therefore, it is enough to check the state of the draft in the pipe, and you can set fire to the wood.

Then everything is simple, two logs of wood are placed in parallel in the firebox, the driest ones that are available in the firewood supply. Wood chips are laid out on top of the logs, set on fire and the material is placed so that the lower logs warm up and begin to smolder. The rest of the firewood is loaded into the stove to capacity and waits for the first burnout.

After ¾ of the stored firewood has burned out, the firebox is loaded with a second portion, the valve is closed, and you can go steam.

Fireplace stoves are 2-2.5 times heavier than Dutch stoves; in addition, the fire in the hearth must be constantly maintained by adding a fresh portion of firewood. If the bathhouse is supposed to be heated with a fireplace, then a separate person will be required to manage the process - a stoker, whose responsibilities include managing the process of burning wood.

A fireplace stove has one advantage - very strong draft. When wood is burning in the hearth, there is a real draft in the dressing room. Therefore, to gain heat and heat in the heater, you can burn peat briquettes along with firewood. Only after the cast-iron mirror, screen and fireplace chimney have warmed up to maximum temperature, can you install a screen in front of the fireplace, close the damper and only maintain a small flame so that the draft in the chimney takes away smoke and carbon monoxide from the dressing room.

Beech, ash

In terms of calorific value, beech and ash belong to the first group - they burn for a long time, they give a lot of heat, even if they have lain for only a month or straight from the ax into the oven. Like oak, due to their hardness and density they are reluctant to flare up, but they maintain combustion for as long as possible, due to which less of them are required. But if ash is even more or less available, burning it with beech is an expensive pleasure that should be left for the fireplace or in case of severe frosts.

From fruit trees

The brushwood obtained from regular pruning of garden trees can also be used as firewood, especially if you “bundle” logs from it and light the stove in a cold house. If we consider specifically “fruit” firewood, which is better also depends on density, and in terms of this indicator, middle-aged apple and pear trees win. However, you can very rarely find them on sale and not in all regions, unless you have to uproot trees from your own garden. It is worth using such valuable firewood either for the fireplace, so that the house has a pleasant smell, or for the bathhouse for the same reasons, but it is more advisable to leave it for the smokehouse or barbecue.

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