We build a hammam with our own hands: structure and differences from a steam bath and sauna

Published: 07.03.2020 /

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Category:Bathhouse projects

The legendary Roman baths are considered the ancestors of Turkish hammams. The air in them was heated by volumetric boilers with water installed under the floor. And steam entered the room through small holes in the floor.

The modern hammam, of course, is designed and looks different. Unlike the ancient Turkish prototype, a prerequisite for which was the presence of several steam rooms with different air temperatures, in today's hammam baths, as a rule, there is only one steam room. It is heated by water heating pipes laid under the floor and behind the walls, and steam is pumped in using steam generators.

However, there is also something left without which there is no real hammam: a fairly low temperature in the steam room (no more than 35-50 degrees) with almost one hundred percent air humidity. And also a luxurious, rich interior with an abundance of multi-color mosaic decoration.

What is a hammam and where did this phenomenon come into our lives?

The origin of this bath is not Turkish, but ancient Roman - from the Roman thermal baths. Steam from boiling water outside the room was supplied to holes in the walls, and the stove heated the underground floor on poles. But in Turkey, baths became truly widespread because the Prophet Mohammed declared that the cleanliness of a Muslim’s body is half of his faith, and declared regular visits to the hammam obligatory. The first Russian hammam was incredibly luxuriously built in Tsarskoe Selo according to the design of Ippolit Monighetti.

Sketch by architect Ippolit Monighetti “Turkish Bath”

In Europe, hammams originated in the 19th century and were considered a panacea even for asthma and cholera. They are traditionally spacious and luxurious; marble and mosaics are used for decoration. They have certain architectural principles, in particular - a domed vault, so that water does not collect in the corners and does not drip on vacationers.

Hammam dome in mosaic

Calculation of materials and list of tools for construction

To build a Turkish bath with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • Styrofoam;
  • mortar of cement and sand;
  • polyurethane adhesive mixture;
  • tile adhesive;
  • concrete;
  • elements for fastening;
  • bars of great thickness;
  • waterproofing material;
  • plaster;
  • insulation material;
  • putty;
  • Entrance door;
  • foam blocks or bricks;
  • finishing material.

Prepare your tools:

  • rubber coated hammer;
  • building level;
  • putty knife;
  • plumb line;
  • hammer drill

You can calculate the required amount of material for finishing using the following formula: N = Sp / Smat, where N is the amount of material, Sp is the area of ​​the base, Smat is the area of ​​one part of the material. It is recommended to take tiles with a margin of 5–10%. If the room area is 8 m² and the tile size is 35x35 cm², then the calculation will be as follows: N = 8 / (0.35 x 0.35). Accordingly, you will need approximately 70 tiles.

Design and differences from a steam bath and sauna

Hammam is a very special pleasure. Despite the fact that it, like any bathhouse, uses the influence of temperature on a person, the principles of this influence are very different.


In the sauna, the temperature can reach up to 1200 with almost very low air humidity. This is a huge burden on the heart, sweating is difficult, but the most important thing in any bath is cleansing the body of waste and toxins through the skin through sweating. But a sauna requires the least space, it does not require a swimming pool and can be installed even in a city apartment.

Sauna in the apartment

Russian steam bath

Much better parameters for health - a combination of temperature and humidity - are maintained in a Russian bath. But even there there are extreme values. At such temperatures and humidity, the heart and blood vessels also do not feel the best. Instant cooling in the font saves. But if you do not have a very hardy heart, it is also better to avoid a steam bath.

Russian steam bath with shelf, heater and fragrant herbs

Turkish hammam

In a Turkish bath there is almost one hundred percent humidity, and the temperature of the air, stone floors and benches does not exceed the very 400 to which the human body temperature rises to the maximum in the bath. It lasts much longer and is better tolerated and is accessible even to children, heart patients and hypertensive patients. You will lose no less fluid and cleanse your body no worse than in other types of baths. You will put in less effort for this - you don’t have to wave a broom, endure the heat, run out and dive into an icy plunge pool. You can easily communicate while steaming, which is practically impossible in a sauna and steam bath. In addition, there is an advantage purely for women: the hammam is much healthier for the face, since it does not cause such a blow to the facial vessels and saturates the face with moisture.

A huge public hammam awaits visitors

But building a hammam is a rather labor-intensive undertaking. It is lined with quite expensive materials - up to marble, mosaic and smalt, it is necessary to provide heating for beds and floors, it requires complex electrical equipment and consumes a lot of electricity for heating. In order to build a hammam at a reasonable cost, you must have a number of special knowledge. In addition, many modern materials are good substitutes for traditional and expensive ones. So building a hammam with your own hands is quite possible.

Examples of private small hammams (photo gallery)

Tiny hammam with a drain in the center of the floor

Hammam illuminated in the form of a “starry sky”

Luxurious marble hammam

Hammam with one bench and a kurna

Stepped mosaic benches

Hammam of a floor structure to save space

Mosaic hammam with corner benches

Hammam with lighting and rounded lines

Oriental hammam with gilding and dome

Hammam in blue glass mosaic

Hammam in simple tiles

Functional arrangement

And we need to say a little about some of the functional features of the hammam. These include:

  • sunbed;
  • steam generator;
  • kurna;
  • tropical shower.

Now let's talk about each element in a little more detail. If we talk about a steam generator, then a hammam cannot exist without steam, which is why this thing is simply necessary. Usually it is installed in a technical room, and through special channels the steam from it enters the steam room - harar. There are a lot of different models on the market, which is why everyone can choose the best solution for their hammam.

The lounger, made of stone, is quite functional. A heated stone can warm up a person’s body, which allows him to relax well

In addition, you can take special foam treatments on it, which is an important feature of the hammam. This element can be used as a massage table, which will be an excellent solution in this case.

By the way, in order to maximize the functional features of this element, its height should be no more than 90 centimeters.

Sun beds can even be made from brick and covered with mosaics.

The next element is the so-called qurans. They are special bowls, which, like the lounger, are usually made of stone. Previously there were several such bowls. Some had hot water and some had cold water. But now just one such container will be enough, above which taps with hot and cold water should be installed.

You can either purchase kurna in a special store or make it yourself. To do this, you need to cover a pre-cast concrete base with a mosaic made of ceramics. An important point is that the kurna should not be connected to the sewer.

Well, the last element that will add positive feelings is tropical rain. In this case, this element performs the same function as an ice hole or a pool in a Russian bathhouse. And in the hammam it is customary to douse yourself with cold water right in the steam room. And a “tropical shower” type shower is perfect for this.

Building a hammam with your own hands is an extremely serious and responsible process. In a number of moments, it is impossible to cope without the help of specialists, especially when designing and creating drawings.

To learn how to build a hammam with your own hands, watch the following video.

Preparing for construction

If you build a Turkish bath as a separate building, then the costs of its operation will be prohibitively high. To warm up a stone building, even a well-insulated one, before visiting in winter, you need to warm it up for several days. Therefore, we use one of the premises of our country house or even a large apartment to equip a Turkish bath. It will only need to be rebuilt taking into account the bathing requirements. The sequence of preparatory steps will be as follows.

Summation of requirements

This includes making a preliminary decision: what kind of benches you want and how many, what ceiling height, what kind of scent system, music accompaniment, and so on.

Choosing a room for the future hammam

The number of benches, the presence of a massage table, and the height of the ceilings depend on the room. You need to decide how many people your hammam will accommodate at the same time. The hammam must have a domed ceiling, so the top point of the ceiling should be about 2.7 meters high.

Scheme of a small hammam in 3DMax

At least one full bench for lying 0.6x2 meters is required. If it is possible to squeeze a massage table into the hammam, which is called “chebek” in Turkish, with a free area around it for the massage therapist, then it will be absolutely wonderful; but this is optional. Instead of a massage table, it is better to place another bench.

Optimal hydro- and thermal insulation materials

An excellent modern choice is elements-panels made of Wedi or Lux Element's rigid foam polystyrene made in Germany - lightweight, durable, reinforced with fiberglass mesh, with cement-based waterproofing on both sides.

Sectional view of Lux Element's panel

They are fire resistant, can withstand high temperatures, do not emit harmful substances and are extremely durable. In addition, they hold heavy finishing materials very well: stone, porcelain tiles, tiles, mosaics. No plaster or drywall can compare. The dome can be formed from ready-made dome-shaped panels.

Scheme for insulating a hammam with Lux Element's panels

From the same material you can select ready-made benches and massage tables of almost any configuration.

Choosing finishing materials

The design and price of your hammam largely depend on them. There are quite a few options, they differ in installation complexity and price.

Important! The hammam is always finished with moisture-resistant and heat-resistant material with high structural strength. The tree is inappropriate in it.

Marble is an ideal material for a hammam. But it is very expensive and difficult to install yourself.

Marble bench, marble type – CREMA VALENCIA

Onyx is a very beautiful semi-precious and translucent stone that creates an amber atmosphere. Even more expensive than marble.

Onyx with mosaic

Porcelain tile is an amazingly beautiful and durable material; it perfectly imitates marble and semi-precious onyx.

Finishing the hammam with onyx porcelain stoneware, onyx mosaic

A very interesting, but labor-intensive option is loose mosaic made of smalt. You can show your artistic talents and lay out a lot of panels on the walls and benches, but the construction time for the hammam will be very long.

Loose smalt mosaic

We chose adhesive-based mosaics - this is a quite reasonable compromise in terms of price and quality, besides, it is beautiful and allows you to create smoothly curved surfaces. such a mosaic can be made of natural stone, glass, ceramics. We liked the glass one better.

Finishing mosaic Caramelle mosaic naturelle

Which lamps are better?

This is done in advance for the same reason: it determines the design features. Lamps can be ceiling and wall, on the ceiling - low-voltage halogen or LED spotlights, on the walls - special sconces. LED strips are available. The safest fiber optic lighting is most welcome. With its help, for example, you can create a “starry sky” on the ceiling of the hammam.

Hammam lamp W-071C (brass)

Choosing a heating method for sun loungers, floors and walls. You can choose either electric or water, but the second will be more economical and safer.

Heating of the lounger, walls and floor with hot water pipes

Selecting or designing an equipment room

The technical room will contain an external steam generator, a heating device (for example, an electric or gas boiler for heating water or thermostats for “warm floors” in seats, floors and walls) and lighting system transformers. It’s good if this room is above the ceiling or under the floor of the hammam.

Layout of the steam generator for the hammam in the adjacent room

Steam generator power calculation

The power of the steam generator also depends on the size of the hammam. At your dacha, you are usually limited by the power of your electrical connection. There is a dependence: for a 2x3 meter hammam you need a steam generator with a capacity of at least 9 kilowatts, and if the hammam on the metro is longer and wider, then there are already two steam generators with a total capacity of at least 18 kilowatts. That's a lot. It is also necessary to calculate - if this particular heating method is chosen - the power of electric heating devices. For hard water, the steam generator is connected through a special filter, or a water softening unit is installed in the system before it.

Helo steam generator for hammam

Identifying and resolving power supply issues

The hammam will require higher power supply than the power supply at home; you need to take care of this in advance.

Identifying and resolving water supply issues

It is necessary to think over the water supply and sewage system of the hammam. Under no circumstances should its drain be connected to a common septic tank; it will simply choke due to burst bath discharges. You need to dig a separate drain hole.

Thinking through the ventilation system

If necessary, it must be forced, using fans, to remove excess steam so that it does not fall into condensation on the walls. If desired, you can also design an aromatization system if you do not like the smell of pure water vapor.

Fan for hammam

Drawing up a drawing

And only after all this can you begin to draw up or adjust a drawing that satisfies the room and the desired qualities of the future hammam, drawn up taking into account SNIPs and GOSTs, with visualization and specifications.

Drawing of our future hammam with visualization and specifications

Then we draw up a specification of materials and check the construction estimate. Considering that we already have the premises, there will be no costs for building a foundation, walls and roof.

Examples of drawings of small home hammams built into existing premises (photo gallery)

Scheme of a free-standing hammam with two sunbeds

Diagram of the Malsi hammam, side view

Diagram of the Malsi hammam, top view

Diagram of the Millennium hammam, side view

Diagram of the Millennium hammam, top view

Drawing of a large hammam with a relaxation room

Drawing of a small hammam with an angular outline

Detailed drawing of the hammam

Diagram of a hammam with sunbeds at an angle

Approximate estimate (based on the cost of a real triangular hammam measuring 2.81 by 2.42 m, height 2.5 m) for self-building

Thermal insulation and other materials:

1RPG panels - extruded polystyrene foam and branded componentsSet1 piece6359063590For installation of walls, ceilings, floors
2WaterproofingSet2 pieces36007200For waterproofing walls, ceilings, floors
3Panel adhesive, polyurethane foam, meshSet1 piece50005000For installation of walls, ceilings, floors
5Fastening and consumablesSet1 piece45004500

Purchase of equipment:

PositionNameSpecificationPrice, rub)Amount (RUB)
1Steam generator (we chose Harvia HGX-90)1 piece3730037300
2Automatic drain valve for auto cleaning1 piece1050010500
3Harvia steam room aroma5 liters26002600
4Flavor supply device1 piece1020010200
5Audio speakers Harvia1 pair60006000
6Door ALDO matte 190x70 cm1 piece1950019500
7Brass taps2 pieces35007000
8Moisture-resistant spotlights3 pieces15004500
9Polystyrene kurna1 piece1500015000
10Polystyrene lounger2 pieces1200024000
11Plumbing part (water heated floors and sunbeds, manifold, fittings, etc.)Set1100011000
12Electrical partSet35003500
13Ventilation partSet45004500
14Copper steam line with fittings and drainage3 linear meters5501650
15Drain ladder with water seal1 piece16001600

Finishing and facing materials:

PositionNameSpecificationPriceAmount (RUB)Notes
1Mosaic34.3 m2712 rubles per m224446On the sunbeds, walls, ceiling, kurna
2Mosaic (or tiles, choose mosaic)3.5 m2712 rubles per m22470On the floor
3Adhesives, mixtures, groutsSet1100011000Consumables for finishing work, approximate amount for this volume

The total amount is about two hundred thousand rubles, which is not that much for such an ambitious project as a home hammam.

Turkish steam room heating system

Turkish baths built in our time are heated in several ways. Electric heating of steam room surfaces operates on the principle of “warm floor” technology. Water heating is a system of pipes running through the steam room through which hot water circulates. The water is heated by a boiler, which is installed in the technical room.

The temperature in the steam room should be at least thirty degrees. In order to prepare the bathhouse for the procedures, turn on the boiler six hours in advance, setting the temperature sensor to a limit of 45 degrees. It is recommended to turn on steam generation two hours in advance.

Finally, we note that a stereo system is sometimes installed as additional equipment, which promotes greater relaxation. Also, it will be very useful to install a disinfection system, thanks to which the Turkish bath will always be clean.

Optimal temperature indicators

The human body temperature in any environment is no more than 400. This is achieved by the fact that when the ambient temperature rises, a person sweats and releases excess heat with moisture into the surrounding air. This is the basis for the effect of any bath; they differ in the ratio of temperature and air humidity.

The best state of health at a certain combination of humidity and temperature is graphically expressed by homeothermal curves: below the first curve is the optimal combination of temperature up to 900 and humidity up to 80%. It is the combination of temperature of about 40% and almost one hundred percent humidity that gives hammams.

Homeothermal curves - theoretical dependences of relative humidity on temperature

What is unique about the oriental bathhouse?

Turkey, which is warm all year round, does not require a very hot bath, so the hammam is almost twice as cool as a traditional Russian or Finnish steam room (average temperature no more than 60°C). However, the humidity reaches one hundred percent, and the body warms up well on the hot stone shelves.

Steam is softer, but also healing. The bath gets rid of toxins and impurities, and foam peeling - one of the features of the hammam - ideally cleanses and rejuvenates the skin. The microclimate is such that people with problems of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver, and stomach can easily visit the bathhouse. As a result, metabolism is normalized and nerves are calmed.

The cooling process in the hammam is also not the same as others. Visitors are doused with cold water directly in the steam room. Public or commercial establishments entrust the watering procedure to specially trained people.

Features of using the hammam

  • After completing all the work, you need to let your hammam stand for a couple of weeks, slightly maintaining the heating of the surfaces. This is done to ensure that all solutions and adhesives dry completely.
  • The first start-up should be long and gradual, with a slow increase in heating temperature. This is done to prevent thermal expansion from causing the surfaces to crack. This is especially dangerous for all-stone and all-marble surfaces.
  • During short breaks in the hammam operation, all heating should not be turned off. If the break is expected to be long, you need to leave the heating on the benches and massage table.
  • It is necessary to keep the hammam clean and frequently clean it with special detergents for marble, tiles, and glass.
  • If the water is hard, you need to remove scale from the steam generator tank on heating elements using a solvent according to the instructions, depending on the hardness at certain intervals: the harder the water, the more often. In addition, the steam generator must self-clean every few hours: drain water from the tank and add new water.
  • During steaming, the ventilation hole should be kept slightly open, since the air exchange you need is equal to 4-6 volumes of your hammam per hour.

If you follow these simple rules, your hammam will serve you for a long time and will not cause any problems.


The hammam cabin is a complete substitute for a traditional Turkish bath. There are practically no restrictions on its installation. It can be placed either in a small spa salon, hotel or gym, or in your own home or apartment in a high-rise building. You can use the shower room with hammam every day. Fifteen-minute procedures in such a cabin will help relieve fatigue after a hard day. And the presence of a hydromassage function will energize you even more and have a beneficial effect on your health.

We will select a shower cabin with hammam and other equipment for you:

The main advantages of a shower with hammam include:

  • Practicality in use - steam is perfectly retained inside the cabin and does not harm the interior.
  • Ease of use – inside the shower there is a seat and a control panel.
  • It is possible to install additional lighting.
  • Compact sizes.
  • Attractive and versatile design - there is nothing superfluous in the appearance of the cabin, thanks to which it will suit any interior.

Exotic hamam

Stone lounger

The main attribute of the steam room is harara. As a rule, the pedestal is placed in the center, its dimensions are 80-90x120x210 cm. The hot stone lounger is a multifunctional place:

  • to receive a delightful foam treatment, which is only possible in the hammam;
  • complete warming up of each joint or muscle;
  • table for massage of a warm body.

The interior is complemented by stone benches, small in width, installed along the walls.

Personal hammam with lighting


This is the name of the special bowls that are always available in Harar. Traditionally they are made of stone, there are at least two of them, with cold and hot water for ablution. They are also filled with herbal infusions and massage liquids. Today, especially in a private house, only one kurna is allowed (it can even serve as a round-shaped sink) with two taps installed above it. The kurna is not connected to the sewerage system.


The classic material in the design of a hammam is marble (the bed is made of a monolithic slab). But this is a very expensive option, available to few, so it is often replaced with ceramics. Finishing with such tiles is much cheaper, but does not negatively affect the quality. Mosaic tiles made from small fragments are ideal for laying out oriental patterns. The hammam at home is equipped with a glass or wooden door.

Hammam with massage table

The construction of a bathhouse, even in a partially prepared room, is very expensive. It is worthwhile to first assess your financial capabilities, including drawing up a project, the services of specialists and the costs of subsequent maintenance.

Hammam in the bathroom

However, your own personal Turkish bath can not only improve your health, improve your mood, but also add status to the owner.

Steam generator manufacturers

It is possible to obtain the required density and humidity of steam, as well as the temperature characteristic of a hammam, only by installing a high-quality steam generator. The priority manufacturers of equipment for baths are German, Finnish or Swedish.

The most popular and at the same time high-quality manufacturers of steam generators:

  • HARVIA (Harve);
  • TYLO (Tilo);
  • Effigibi;
  • EOS;


The manufacturer of equipment for Turkish baths is the Finnish company HARVIA. Steam generators of this brand can be used both in small steam rooms and for hammams that occupy large areas. Finnish Turkish bath equipment is made from stainless steel with a high strength rating. HARVIA steam generators are easy to operate. They do not deform, do not rust and produce steam that meets all the parameters of a Turkish hammam. Some models have an automatic flushing system, the presence of which significantly increases the service life of steam generators.

The most preferred models of HARVIA steam generators are:

  • Harvia HGD150
  • Harvia Helix Pro HGP 22
  • Harvia Helix HGX 45
  • Harvia Helix HGX 90


TYLO - steam generators from a Swedish manufacturer. They are stylish, have a modern design and are very reliable. Thanks to their high efficiency, TYLO surpasses competitors and is a leader in sales of equipment for Turkish baths of any size. TYLO brand steam generators can be safely installed in SPA complexes and fitness centers. They are ideal for daily use and can withstand loads at the maximum declared capacities.

The most preferred models of TYLO steam generators are:

  • Tylo Steam Home
  • Tylo Steam Commercial
  • Tylo VA
  • Tylo VB


Equipment for hammams of the Effegibi brand is produced in Italy. A distinctive feature of steam generators of this brand is that they can be installed inside a Turkish steam room. The Italian manufacturer offers the opportunity to select equipment of different power, which can vary from 2 to 54 kW. Effegibi steam generators are characterized by reliability, practicality, ease of use and practicality. In addition, the buyer will be pleased not only with the quality characteristics of the steam generators. All equipment of the Effegibi brand is also beyond praise, which will easily allow it to fit into any interior of a Turkish bath project.

The most preferred models of EFFEGIBI steam generators are:

  • Effegibi Omnia Touch
  • Effegibi Nuvola 70
  • Effegibi Nuvola Touch&Steam 30
  • Effegibi AquaSteam 30


The Germans have long established themselves as producers of high-quality and reliable products. German EOS steam generators are no exception and that is why they are included in the list of the best equipment for hammams. They are highly powerful, durable and have a very user-friendly interface. The long service life of the steam generators of this German brand is ensured by an independent cleaning system. Moreover, EOS steam generators have a pleasant and popular additional function of air aromatization, which allows you to create the desired atmosphere inside the steam room.

The most preferred models of EOS steam generators are:

  • EOS SteamRock Premium
  • EOS SteamTec
  • EOS SteamRock NC


Another representative of the German market of equipment for hammams are steam generators of the HYGROMATIK brand. The advantage of this brand is the production of steam generators of different capacities. In addition, in some models, water is heated using electrodes. This heating system significantly increases the service life of the steam generator and significantly distinguishes HYGROMATIK in the market of equipment for hammams. This feature is considered a clear advantage and sets the brand apart from its competitors.

The most preferred models of Hygromatik steam generators are:

  • Hygromatik HeaterSlim
  • Hygromatik FlexLine
  • Hygromatik FlexLine Heater
  • Hygromatik FlexLine Plus


Waterproofing the walls will save the inner layers from moisture and rapid failure. This stage is given a lot of attention when decorating walls in ordinary houses and apartments, not to mention establishments where high humidity is always maintained. For waterproofing inside Turkish baths, the following are used: • Universal panels in the form of stable specialized slabs, covered on both sides with a waterproofing layer; • Two-component mixtures, for example, Italian MAPEI, LITOKOL, which are used for waterproofing swimming pools; • Membrane materials – are absolutely waterproof sealing compounds applied to a reinforced mesh (included in the kit). This layer performs the function of finishing waterproofing. Decorative mosaics or other facing materials are not laid on it.


One of the most important elements when creating a hammam is drawing up a project. Even if you need to build a small hammam yourself, you should understand that this particular building is a rather complex structure from an engineering point of view.

At a minimum, for this reason, the drawings should be drawn up in as much detail as possible. That is, they should reflect not only the layout of the rooms, but even such aspects as the operation of the heating system and steam supply mechanism, plumbing and electrical wiring.

Most often, a sauna or bath is made together with the hammam.

Of course, you can develop the drawings of a mini-hammam yourself, but the problem is that the technology for creating a building of such complexity practically cannot be followed by a person who does not understand this and does not have a specialized education.

For this reason, it would be better to order an individual hammam project from a construction company. The specialists of such an institution will be able to fully take into account all the specific aspects of each specific case and find the best solution to a particular problem that may arise at various stages of construction. Yes, the cost of such a project will not be cheap, but it will help avoid a lot of problems, wasted time and money.

Hammam in the apartment

If you decide to make a hammam at home, provide the necessary space. A room of two by two meters is sufficient to accommodate the equipment. The shower and rest room do not require special design; you can make do with those available in the house. A mini hammam can be successfully imitated by a steam cabin with a curved ceiling; the kurna will be replaced by an ordinary sink, especially a marble one. The lounger can be made of wood. Or you make a brick table and decorate it with ceramic tiles, mosaics, and stone. You can cool off in a shower with good pressure.

Hammam at home with kurna

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