What equipment is needed for an infrared sauna - types of heaters

On one respected resource, on the World Wide Web, in the article “Infrared heaters for saunas,” a model was long and knowledgeably described, which, in particular, states the following: “the effective heat flux of the emitter is maintained at a distance of 9000 mm from the heated object, which will allow it to work perfectly in production workshops with high ceilings.” A curtain.

Comrades “experts”, “heating engineers” and other “analysts”, have pity on the unfortunate users. Your wonderful recommendations for using infrared systems will restore them to the state of grilled chicken, guaranteed, and in a few minutes. You can not do it this way. And now, about serious things.

Advantages of infrared devices

Among the advantages of infrared sauna heaters are:

  • The compactness and attractiveness of such devices allows them to be installed even in small rooms, for example, in mini-saunas of ordinary apartments.
  • Convenience and ease of installation, that is, you can do all the work yourself.
  • Autonomous operation - you do not need to constantly monitor the operation of the device or add fuel, as is the case with a wood-burning stove.
  • Economical - not only do heaters for infrared saunas cost much less than building a stove, but they also consume energy sparingly - 80% less than a stove.
  • The speed of warming up the room is that such a heater for a sauna can bring the air in the room to the desired temperature in 20 minutes, and not in 2 hours, like, say, a stove. In addition, the air in the room remains fresh, because the device does not burn oxygen.
  • The cold surface of the device body allows it to be mounted on any surface in the steam room - walls, ceiling, regardless of the material used.

However, one cannot fail to mention some of the disadvantages of such devices. In particular, it is worth considering how many people the bathhouse is designed for, since heating large rooms will require a fairly large amount of money.

When choosing the type of heating, you also need to remember about the overall design of the room, since ultra-modern equipment in a traditional Russian interior may look somewhat ridiculous. Well, of course, you should not purchase devices of dubious quality, otherwise they will not stand the test of time.

What are the benefits of an infrared sauna?

In general, an infrared sauna has a beneficial effect on the human body. It is not without reason that IR emitters were and are used in physiotherapy rooms. Under the influence of radiation, various biochemical reactions occur in the human body:

  • The activity of estrogens and various enzymes increases;
  • Potential cellular energy increases;
  • The level of immunoglobulin increases;
  • Unbound water with a large amount of waste and heavy metal salts, which tend to accumulate in the human body, is removed.

Infrared saunas are widely used in the training of athletes. Based on the type of use, the effects of an infrared sauna can be divided into purely medical and cosmetological.

Therapeutic effects of an infrared sauna

When visiting an infrared sauna, the human body is exposed to the controlled effects of hyperthermia. This activates the processes of physical and chemical thermoregulation reactions. The body reacts to an increase in temperature in combination with exposure to infrared radiation as follows:

  • increases in volume and blood flow intensifies;
  • the metabolic rate and the overall speed of metabolic processes increase;
  • the acid-base balance shifts towards acidosis (increase);
  • hormonal reactions are activated;
  • The elasticity of the epidermis, connective tissues and muscles increases.

Particular attention should be paid to stimulating the immune system. An infrared sauna has an effect on the body’s immune processes, both during a systematic and one-time visit

When visiting during the incubation period of an infectious disease, the complex thermal effect tends to stop the pathogenic processes. There are frequent cases of an increased reaction of the body with an increase in temperature and a shortening of the period of acute course of the disease.

For allergic diseases, both bronchial and skin, visiting infrared saunas is highly recommended, as this procedure helps relieve symptoms and ease the course of the disease. Similar effects are observed in asthmatic complications of pulmonary diseases.

Cosmetic effects of infrared sauna

Periodic visits to the infrared sauna provide a positive cosmetic effect on the skin without any sign of allergic intolerance. There is also no effect of sensitization, which is possible during systematic cosmetic procedures using chemically and biologically active substances. Exposure to infrared radiation is an exclusively physiological procedure that has a positive effect on the strength, plasticity and turgor of the skin, normalizes its moisture, greasiness and the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. The trophism and blood supply to the skin are significantly improved.

Thermal treatments using infrared radiation act as an excellent hygiene product, opening the pores and removing dirt from them. The top layer of dead epidermis is gently removed, helping the natural renewal of the body.

Effects for weight loss

A visit to an infrared sauna cannot be considered as an independent and effective means for losing weight. Indeed, a weight loss of 800÷1100 g is observed after each procedure. However, this occurs due to the loss of fluid by the body, which will be replenished over several days.

There is no “splitting or burning of fat tissue,” as some advertising brochures claim. After all, the internal body temperature rises by only 2÷2.5°C.

Negative effects of infrared sauna

IR radiation can also have a negative effect if the procedure is abused or if you visit the sauna during illness, contrary to the advice or without consulting your doctor. Increasing the time spent in the cabin can lead to overload of the heart muscles and dehydration of the body, so it is necessary to adhere to the water consumption regime.

Photos of various models of infrared saunas:

1 of 7

Single with carbon heaters

Quadruple model Wellness LH904D Double model Wellness LH902D (cedar finish)

Quadruple from the manufacturer Caminos

Model SolaRay IDS-2HG double corner

Harvia Radiant infrared cabin SGC0909BR

Harvia Rondium SG1515KL

Types of infrared heaters

All devices with infrared radiation can be divided into three groups according to wavelength:

  • shortwave;
  • medium wave;
  • long wave.

Equipment with short-wave radiation generates light fluxes of yellowish-red color in the range of 0.74-2.5 microns. It can heat up to 1000 °C. Therefore, such equipment is advisable only in rooms with high ceilings of 8-9 m, in particular, in workshops or production and warehouse premises. At the same time, you cannot stay under such waves for a long time.

Heaters with an average wave range of 2.5-5.6 microns are most often used to warm up a certain area of ​​the room. Their heating element reaches a temperature of 600 °C. It is acceptable to use such heaters in rooms with ceilings 3-6 meters high. It is advisable not to stay in a room with such devices for more than 8 hours.

It is safest for humans and animals to undergo long-wave thermal treatment in the range of 5.6-1400 microns. In approximately this range – from 50 to 2000 microns – long-wave heaters emit heat. They are able to warm up objects and the human body, having a beneficial effect on the body. The device element heats up to 300 °C. And it can be installed in rooms with a ceiling height of up to 3 m.

Emitter design features

With all the diversity of these elements, they can be divided into several main types and classes. For ease of perception of information, we will display it in the form of a table:

Emitter type nameTime to reach nominal temperature, minMaximum temperature on the surface of the element, degrees CelsiusRadiation range, µmRadiation power, W/kV.mEmission factor,%Reflection coefficient, %
Based on quartz glass element3500-16501,4-3,71109095

Elements based on a metal wave generator

The very first design that was used by production workers in working samples. At the moment, they are both physically and morally outdated. Design features include:

  1. The body is made of heat-resistant stainless steel.
  2. A high degree of heating of the element, sometimes to threshold values ​​at which the emitted wavelength range passes into the visible spectrum.
  3. Long time to reach nominal operating temperature.
  4. A high degree of convection, due to which a slight increase in the air temperature in the cabin is possible.
  5. Low efficiency.
  6. Chrome reflective elements do not have the highest reflectivity.

Ceramic-based elements

They belong to the second generation, as a result of which, to some extent, they have overcome the shortcomings of the first. Due to the use of oxidized polished aluminum, the degree of reflection of the reflectors is increased to 90%. The output to operating mode is reduced by almost 50%. The overwhelming majority of emitted waves are in the invisible spectrum. Such emitters have a higher inertia, as a result of which the process of heating and regulating the intensity of the heat flow is more smooth and predictable.

Incoloic elements

Their body is made on the basis of a high-alloy alloy of iron, chromium and nickel. It has a high temperature threshold for the formation of oxides, which has a beneficial effect on the service life of the product, relative to the same elements of the first generation. The deflector is made in the form of complex surfaces, with a high reflection area, based on polished aluminum alloy. The emission and inertia coefficient is very high, which makes it possible to obtain the main emission spectrum in the infrared range and a leveled temperature curve. The U-shaped shape of the emitter allows you to get sufficient power with very modest dimensions. The time to reach the nominal operating mode remained at the level of second-generation samples.

Shield emitters

They have the lowest surface temperature. Wave radiation lies in the so-called “far” infrared range, which is as close as possible to the natural thermal background of the human body. Manufacturers promise that these products have the most significant therapeutic effect in the entire line, which includes infrared sauna heaters.

Film emitters

Based on the totality of thermal characteristics, they should be classified as the most ineffective. The time it takes for a cabin equipped with such elements to reach operating mode is about 25 minutes, and in conditions of a substandard, “drained” electrical network, even more. The undoubted advantages include very low weight, with a large radiated surface, and ease of installation, due to the extreme flexibility and plasticity of the element itself.

What does an IR sauna heater look like and work?

Externally, such a heater looks like a rectangular metal case with an infrared sauna lamp inserted into it, somewhat reminiscent of a fluorescent lamp. Inside the case there is a screen that reflects heat waves, a heat-insulating layer to prevent the case from heating up, a reflector that emits heat, and a panel with a heating element.

As soon as the device is connected to the network, the heating elements begin to heat up, transferring heat to the aluminum reflector, which emits waves. In this case, objects located in the radiation zone are heated, which in turn release heat into the air. This way the room warms up evenly.

Heating components are of the following types:

  • Ceramic elements are a ceramic plate with a high-resistance conductor built into it. It is made from nichrome, which can heat up to 1000 °C, or fechral, ​​which, having high electrical resistance, heats up to 800 °C. Typically, the service life of such a heater is 4 years.
  • Tubular heaters with aluminum profile insulation. This design allows heat to be radiated along the entire length of the plate. Often, several such heating elements are installed simultaneously in IR heaters. The service life of the equipment is about 7 years.
  • The carbon heating element is a quartz tube with a built-in carbon spiral filament. The flask is completely sealed and devoid of air. Carbon fiber can heat up to 3000 °C without losing strength. Therefore, such equipment can be used for a very long time if it is well made.

The reflector plate, depending on the type of element, can heat up to 250-600 °C, but the body itself does not become hotter than 60 °C.

The overall dimensions of such a device are 16 cm wide, 4 cm thick, 1-1.5 m long and 3.5-5 kg ​​weight.

Typically, the kit for an infrared sauna includes the heater itself, as well as fastening elements - hardware, brackets, dowels and screws. But the thermostat, cable with plug, cross-section designed for the expected load, automatic power switches and other components must be purchased additionally.

If everything is connected correctly, the equipment can last about 25 years.

IR oven control

There are 2 control options:

  • Provides adjustment of temperature values. The heaters are turned on and off automatically according to commands generated by the DCT (temperature control) sensor. This option does not allow you to completely warm up the body of the person in the steam room;
  • Designed to regulate power consumption. These models are designed to change the intensity of IR radiation, which allows you to select the optimal indicator for a particular person. In such a case, the entire human body warms up evenly, gradually and smoothly. This ensures maximum therapeutic effect.

To control IR furnaces the following can be used:

  • External control panel located outside the sauna cabin. Allows you to set the radiation power and duration of the procedure. After the set time has expired, the system disconnects from the network automatically;
  • Built-in automation unit for regulating the operation of all heating elements. With an average power consumption of 1.1 kW, this product is designed to control 6 IR heaters. Therefore, they are equipped with mini steam rooms for one or two users. For larger saunas, a more powerful (1.5 kW) unit with 8 heaters is recommended;
  • Internal remote control for adjusting microclimate parameters to optimal values.

Principles for choosing an IR heater for a bath

When selecting equipment for a sauna, you should pay attention to such parameters as:

  • dimensions;
  • wavelength and power;
  • company manufacturer;
  • body coating;
  • type of installation.

Manufacturers of infrared equipment

Perhaps the highest quality IR devices are produced in Russia. Among the most famous representatives producing reliable and durable products are “Peony”, “Ecoline”, “Master Hit”, “Ballu”. Their range allows you to choose a suitable device with any parameters.

Italian products are represented by the brands “ITM” and AEG.” All of their heaters are equipped with moisture-resistant housings that are not subject to mechanical wear.

German companies, Eckerle and Kroll, produce heaters with economical energy consumption. At the same time, such equipment is distinguished by high power and excellent quality.

Also on the market are IR heaters from French companies. In particular, it presented models that, despite their small size, are quite capable of replacing the main heating source. Another brand, Noirot, is distinguished by its high heating speed, compact size and safety.

In addition, you can purchase an infrared sauna emitter made in Switzerland, which is reliable in operation and attractive in appearance, as well as products from companies from Turkey, Denmark, Greece or Sweden.

Thanks to such a wide range, you are guaranteed to be able to find the most suitable sauna equipment for yourself.


After rereading the comparative characteristics of traditional and infrared saunas again, we decided to buy an infrared sauna! After all, the family already has a traditional sauna. If you want to take a steam bath in a Finnish sauna, please, my parents live fifteen minutes away from us.

And I began a thorough search for an infrared sauna on the Internet. I wanted to choose the best, but at a reasonable price. There was a lot of choice, and I had to determine for myself exactly what kind of sauna I wanted to find. There were only three main differences: the wood from which the sauna is made, the heaters (their quality and quantity) and the size (that is, how many people the model is designed for).

We decided on the size quite quickly, deciding not to save money and buy a spacious sauna. We decided to install it outside near the pool, sacrificing one flower bed. By measuring the flowerbed with a tape measure, we obtained the maximum allowable size of the sauna.

What happened next was more difficult. It was necessary to choose heaters. To be honest, I didn’t remember physics well from school, so I just had to read the basic operating principle of infrared heaters and take it on faith. But still, I definitely needed to understand which heaters were better, since they could be different, and ultimately I had to make a choice between ceramic and carbon ones. Simple logic dictated that, apparently, those that were more expensive were better. Many years of experience have convinced me more than once: what you pay is what you get. My husband and I began to try to get to the bottom of the issue. As a result, we came to the conclusion that we would look for a sauna with carbon heaters, they seem to be the most advanced.

The last point was the choice of wood from which the cabin would be made from the outside and inside. There was more choice here than in the case of heaters, so I had to study this issue more deeply. The tree could be very different; there were both deciduous and coniferous species. After reading a little about deciduous trees suitable for a sauna, I brushed them aside, especially since you practically won’t find saunas made of linden or, say, alder here. These trees do not emit resin, which is good for a sauna, but they also do not emit aroma, which is bad for me personally. I wanted not just the beautiful look of the tree, but also the smell. The search was narrowed down to coniferous species. The most popular were hemlock, spruce and Canadian cedar. I've never heard of such a tree as hemlock. I became curious what it was. The first thing I found through Yahoo search was: "Poisonous Hemlock." The grass is tall, weed-like, with white inflorescences. Something wrong. On one of the Russian sites I found a hemlock tree. So, okay, it’s still a tree. I read: “Hemlock (Canadian hemlock).” Well, it didn’t get any clearer. I read further: “analogue of Siberian fir.” Now fine. (I had to find out along the way that hemlock is a coniferous tree of the pine family). Hemlock wood is light, almost without resin. It's clear.

I was very familiar with the names of the two remaining trees. Now a choice had to be made. There were a lot of saunas made from hemlock or spruce. From cedar - much less. As always, the first thing I looked at was the prices. Saunas made from Canadian cedar were the most expensive. Later I read that this wood is indeed the most expensive. I didn’t know what dried and heated spruce or pine smelled like, but I really loved the smell of cedar. My parents have a sauna made of Canadian cedar, and the smell in the sauna was always absolutely amazing. I looked for something about cedar. I really liked the information I received.

Cedar wood has a naturally strong aroma and a warm reddish color. Due to the high content of essential oil, the wood is very resistant to rotting and damage by insects, has natural durability, and is light in weight

When building a sauna, it is also important that cedar does not emit resin. The peculiarity of cedar is its healing properties, so the smell of cedar lining has a beneficial effect on human health

It calms, relieves tension and fatigue, and in folk medicine, cedar is considered an energy store and a great healer. Cedar is also a good antiseptic.

I made my choice. I want red cedar and only that!

Ekaterina Sidorenko (Ekaterinaa), [email protected]

Methods for installing IR heaters

Floor-mounted IR heaters have the simplest and most convenient installation. However, they take up a lot of space and can be accidentally knocked over by children, for example. Therefore, units of this type must have an automatic shutdown function if they fall.

Wall-mounted infrared heaters are somewhat more difficult to attach, however, this disadvantage is compensated by their compactness, safety and organic appearance.

The most difficult thing is to install ceiling structures that can evenly distribute heat waves throughout the room.

Very often they buy an infrared stove for a sauna, which can be built into the corner of the steam room. As a rule, such devices can open 90° or 120°.

The temperature in the steam room can be maintained at a certain level for a long time by installing a thermostat with a rotary mechanism, preferable for use in saunas.

The perfection of an infrared sauna

First you need to understand the benefits of this design. Below are its positive qualities.

Infrared sauna

How does an infrared sauna work?

  1. Easy to install - no special knowledge or skills are required.
  2. An infrared sauna only requires electricity to operate.
  3. Thanks to the low temperature (no more than 50ᵒC), there are no contraindications or restrictions in using the sauna for older people or people with unhealthy hearts. IR rays act in a targeted manner, gently heating every cell of the body.
  4. With the support of infrared saunas, the body hardens and becomes more resistant to various viruses and infections. In other words, the immune system is stimulated.
  5. Regular procedures improve metabolism and, as a consequence, blood flow.
    Regular procedures improve metabolism and, as a result, blood flow
  6. According to statistics, in one session in the sauna the body burns up to 2.5 thousand calories, and toxins and waste are eliminated along with the excretion.

Video - What are the benefits of an infrared sauna?

Now, having familiarized yourself with the advantages of the design, you can begin to work. But first, some practical recommendations.

Equipment requirements upon purchase

When purchasing an IR heater, you should check the following points:

  • integrity of the packaging, presence of protective linings on the case;
  • checking the device for operability - the seller has no right to refuse;
  • silent operation of the unit - if there are extraneous sounds, then it is better not to buy this device;
  • provision of a warranty card and purchase receipt;
  • the seller has quality certificates for the goods.

If one or more of the listed conditions are not met, you should refuse to purchase the product in this store.

IR cabin: indications and contraindications

Most infrared saunas of this type are made from natural wood. As a result of heating, the material begins to release phytoncide - a biologically active substance that can destroy pathogenic bacteria and fungi, or slow down their progress.

Advantages and disadvantages of IR procedures Source 9ban.ru

Interesting! The opinion that visiting infrared saunas is useful for colds is controversial. Some sources claim that warming sessions are useless, others are harmful, and others claim that they promote a speedy recovery.

Benefits from thermal processes Source psk-remont.ru

Recommendations for using IR heaters

To make using IR heaters as pleasant as possible, you should pay attention to some recommendations:

  1. It is better to install the equipment vertically, because people mostly sit in the sauna. In this case, several devices must create a single heat flow, that is, they need to be placed on the back wall, on the sides, above the door and in the riser of the bed.
  2. The larger the room, the higher the power of the device is needed, since it must heat all surfaces, objects and people in the room.
  3. The efficiency of the equipment is determined by the emissivity coefficient, that is, at a value of 80%, only 20% of the energy will be lost.
  4. The power of the device is also affected by the height of the ceiling, since weak devices will not be able to generate waves of such strength that they can reach the floor in a room with a high ceiling.
  5. The opposite situation will be observed if a heavy-duty device is installed in a low sauna, since it will be uncomfortable to be in it due to excessive radiation.

Operating principle of an infrared fireplace

In order to understand how the furnace functions, you should turn to physics for help. Heating of a room (housing) is carried out by infrared radiation (waves).

Infrared waves are a type of electromagnetic waves, which are distinguished according to their length (depending on the color of the light wave, it ranges from 400 to 800 nm). The red wave is considered the longest (700 – 800 nm). This is what is called an infrared (or heat) wave.

The sun, fireplace, stove (anything that produces heat) emit infrared radiation, which does not harm human health (as well as light radiation).

Unlike other heating devices, infrared fireplaces (fireplace, stove) heat not the air, but the objects that are in the room. The device also heats the floor and walls, which release their heat to the environment.

Film-type infrared heaters

To equip an additional heating source, it is advisable to use infrared film. A 1 micron layer of carbon paste is applied to it and carbon fibers are glued on. The film insulation is made of polyester, permitted by electrical insulation and fire safety standards. The emission range of the film is 5-20 microns, and the heating intensity is from 30° to 110°.

This film can be laid under absolutely any coating, including ceramics or stone. Although in the latter case, installation must be carried out by specialists.

Thanks to decorative lamination, infrared film can be mounted on the ceiling or walls.

The package with thermal film includes a thermostat and a cable with a plug. The service life of such devices can be more than 20 years if the product is of really high quality and is used from time to time.

The benefits and harms of an infrared sauna

The benefits of an infrared sauna lie in its properties. Infrared radiation can warm a person from the inside. That is, if when visiting a regular sauna you will heat up from above, then when visiting an infrared sauna you will heat up inside. With the heating of internal organs in the human body, many useful processes occur, for example, saturation of body tissues with oxygen. This property can be indispensable for people involved in sports and watching their figure. By visiting such a sauna before training, a person will warm up his muscles and exercise will be more effective. Warming up the internal organs also speeds up metabolism.

However, such intense deep heating of the body may not be useful for everyone. There are also contraindications when visiting an infrared sauna. For example, heart patients for whom visiting an ordinary sauna is generally categorically contraindicated (including due to the increased temperature in it) should consult a doctor about visiting an infrared sauna regarding contraindications. Your doctor may allow periodic visits to an infrared sauna. Warming up the internal organs leads to accelerated lymph circulation, and this increases the body's protective functions and strong immunity, which helps prevent many diseases. While visiting an infrared sauna at a temperature of 40-50°C, pain in the hip joint, pain during menstruation, as well as some skin diseases: neurodermatitis, infectious eczema go away. Infrared sauna treatment is also effective in treating post-operative infections. The sauna helps with diarrhea and cholecystitis, with neurasthenia, pneumonia, it is also effective for frostbite, during the treatment of pain in muscles and joints in various diseases, as well as for cramps, arthritis, pain in the upper shoulder girdle, rheumatism and radiculitis. In general, an infrared sauna is undoubtedly safer and more useful for preventive and therapeutic purposes than a regular one.

Flat IR devices

As a rule, infrared panels are intended for intensive use, so they are mounted under the bed, above the entrance, on the side and rear walls of the steam room.

The IR heating panel with a mirror coating looks especially beautiful. It is very convenient, because it also performs the main function - heating, and is a mirror that gives the room visual depth. And neon lighting will make the interior almost cosmic.

Advantages and disadvantages

The uniform and deeper heating of the human body, which is carried out by an infrared sauna, ensures that the result of its session provides the maximum effect for the body. The main aspects confirming the beneficial qualities of the procedures are the following:

  • Good tolerance. As a result of low temperatures and normal humidity, there is no physical discomfort.
  • Possibility of receiving a thermal session at any convenient time. Without preliminary preparation (heating) of the room.
  • A similar criterion is associated with the short time required to conduct a standard session.
  • Easy to use, mobile. Installing an infrared sauna does not require a lot of free space, and even a child can handle the controls.
  • Safety of use, since the likelihood of getting a burn is minimized.

Execution of a combined sauna Source spa-system.ru

Double infrared sauna Source sc01.alicdn.com

Benefits of IR cabins for the human body Source sc01.alicdn.com
Inside the device, in a relatively short period of time, you can undergo beneficial warming, which will contribute to:

  • Removing excess fluid and metabolic products (metabolism). Normalization of the level of water balance (the ratio of the amount of fluid entering the body and removed from it in the same period of time).
  • Antibacterial effect, helping in the fight against colds.
  • Improving blood circulation throughout the body.
  • Saturation of body cells with oxygen and beneficial microelements.
  • Normalization of metabolism.
  • Reducing the content of “sticky” (bad) LDL cholesterol and increasing the amount of “good” (HDL) cholesterol, which has a beneficial effect on heart function.

Infrared cabin for three Source fitowood.ru

Heat sessions for pregnant women

The question of whether an infrared sauna is beneficial for pregnant women depends on each individual situation. Remember: sessions can only take place after consultation with the attending physician, since it is during this period that a new life is formed in the female body and significant transformations are carried out.

Using an infrared sauna for pregnant women Source: center-reservation-hotels.rf

Benefit or harm during pregnancy Source rospar.ru

Choosing the best IR booth

Let's try to figure out what you need to pay attention to when choosing an infrared sauna. First of all, you should rely on the following criteria:

  • Dimensions. The variety of models allows you to choose from compact, single-bed versions for small apartments, to three- or four-bed versions designed for country houses. Please note that a portable infrared sauna cannot compete in comfort with larger analogues.
  • Shape and design. In this situation, everything depends on your desire. You can purchase a ready-made model of a rectangular, angular or round shape, give preference to a completely wooden frame or a device with panoramic glass walls.
  • Interior decoration. Only a tree, but what it will be is decided individually. There are many options: inexpensive hardwood, economical, resin-free pine, expensive Altai cedar or Canadian hemlock, or something else.
  • The type of heater we talked about a little earlier.

Wellness infrared cabins Source www.albion.ua

What is the benefit

Visiting booths with IR emitters promotes healing and strengthening of the body.

An infrared sauna has the following beneficial effects on the body:

  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • relieves muscle tension;
  • promotes cell rejuvenation;
  • increases immunity;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • removes waste and toxins;
  • relieves muscle spasm;
  • reduces or completely eliminates headaches.
  • stimulates and normalizes kidney function.

After a session in the infrared sauna, a person feels:

  • psychological comfort;
  • relaxation;
  • reduction of muscle pain;
  • lightness in the body.

Expert opinion

Lovkachev Boris Petrovich

Bath master who knows everything about steaming

A significant advantage of an infrared sauna is ease of use and mobility. Installation of the booth does not require a lot of free space, the controls are simple.

Advantages of a carbon heater for an infrared bath

Heaters of this type are the most productive for a modern infrared sauna. Before purchasing, please note: each manufacturer must have an appropriate certificate. Equipment of this type is safe, and the material and design allow the owner to receive the following advantages:

Film heaters

  1. The air can be heated more strongly, to a maximum level of 55-60°C.
  2. Heating is controlled using a temperature sensor.
  3. The heater is equipped with an automatic control system that works in tandem with a temperature sensor, stopping and resuming operation as needed.
  4. The intermittent type of operation allows you to save up to 30% energy compared to saunas equipped with ceramic heaters.
  5. A couple of tens of seconds pass from turning on the device until the set high temperature is reached.
  6. Cover more space.
  7. They operate within the range of infrared waves, which is most useful to humans.
  8. They are cheaper than ceramic heaters.

Advice. The amount of power to serve is 1 sq. m of sauna is approximately 1000 W, but it is better to buy a heater with a reserve.

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