How to make a wooden sauna ladle with your own hands. Bathhouse bucket: manufacturing instructions How to make a bucket from a jar for the garden

Bath accessories are accessories without which the steam room cannot be called fully equipped and comfortable. Thanks to stylish and comfortable items, it becomes possible to create a special cozy atmosphere. These include hats, brooms and much more. Anyone can make bath accessories with their own hands.

The production of accessories for equipping a bathhouse has now reached a new level. The variety of products offered by a large number of firms and companies can surprise even the most demanding buyer. However, most people prefer accessories that are made by hand. And this is not surprising, because they look beautiful and are practical to use.

Types and material of sauna ladles

There are models of different sizes and shapes. Buckets are classified according to the type of holder:

  • With vertical handle
    . Suitable for scooping water from a boiler.
  • With horizontal handle
    . Used for dousing. In the absence of a ladle, such a ladle can be used to supply water or a decoction of herbs to the heater.

Usually the bucket holders are long. This is necessary for ease of dousing, and also to avoid getting burned by the steam if you have to pour water onto hot stones.

According to the type of container, buckets are:

  1. Carved
    . They are cut from logs. Such models look aesthetically pleasing, but require special care. In particular, a wooden sauna ladle should not be left in a dry room, otherwise it will quickly begin to crack. To extend its life, it is recommended to fill it with water between uses and keep it wet.
  2. Composite
    . The capacity of such a ladle is a small “barrel” and has an original design. This model does not crack, but it must be stored in the same way as the previous one - in water. Otherwise the ladle will dry out.

Traditionally, these accessories are made using:

  • Tree
    . According to its performance characteristics, this material is optimally suited for use in a steam room. It is environmentally friendly and safe. However, the product requires careful care for a long service life.
  • Stainless steel or copper
    . Practical and convenient metal buckets can be used and stored in any conditions. Their only drawback is that they get very hot. Metal products can cause burns. Therefore, most often, for safety reasons, such buckets are equipped with a wooden handle.
  • Plastic
    . It is highly undesirable to use such models in a steam room. If the ladle is made of low-quality plastic, it may suddenly become deformed upon contact with hot water. Although polycarbonate products have high heat resistance.

You can purchase a ready-made production model or make a sauna ladle with your own hands.

What can be replaced

Traditional wooden scoops can be replaced with hybrid scoops, inside of which there is a metal container. Such buckets are convenient, durable and practical, but their price is higher than their classic solid or composite wooden counterparts.

After the first use of the ladle, it should be washed using soda, mustard and scalded with boiling water.

As an alternative to wooden ladles for a bath, you can consider ladles made of high-strength heat-resistant plastic. Despite their durability and sufficient reliability, such models cannot be classified as aesthetic products.

True lovers of the Russian steam room still prefer wooden products. Cooperage or carved scoops made of natural wood have always been highly valued for their original appearance, practicality and pleasant aroma of Russian forest.

History of the origin of the ladle utensil element

The history of the ladle goes back thousands of years. In ancient times, our ancestors began to use it in their households. And they continued to use it in the 19th century. An interesting fact is that these dishes were not used for drinking water, but for intoxicating drinks. The oldest ladle dates back to the second millennium BC and was found near Torzhok.

The first koshas were made of wood, and their production in ancient Rus' was well established. They began to be produced back in the 10th century. During the period of the 16th-17th centuries, the production of ladles in Rus' was carried out mainly by peasants in serfdom. But there was no specific template for making these dishes. Each region had its own design style so that when trading, among all the variety, one could easily find a ladle made in that particular area.

The first koshas were made of wood, and their production in ancient Rus' was well established.

For example, the Moscow ladle was made from a special influx prepared on roots and trunks; it was also called burl. This ladle was shaped like a boat and had a very flat bottom. Always framed in silver. But in Tver they were prepared exclusively from the roots. And their nose was not straight, but upturned, and at its end there were always three horses. That is why they were always called “grooms”.

In the old days, each event had its own special ladle, and it was impossible to break these traditions. Therefore, there was not a single family, hut or home that did not have a variety of these dishes. In poorer families, the ladles were quite simple, but in the rich, the ladles could be decorated not only with silver, but also with precious stones and inserts.

In the old days, each event had its own special ladle.

There was even a special ladle for rulers, it was called a mansion, and its bottom was decorated with a double-headed eagle. Only members of the rulers' family could drink from such a ladle. To this day, such specimens are of cultural and historical value.

Why a ladle?

One-handed trowel

You have probably more often encountered the use of a trowel to carry out the process of applying plaster. This is quite true if the surface does not have a large area. It is quite convenient to take a small amount of mortar, carefully apply it and immediately level it, especially for quick-drying gypsum mortars.

Tip: It is not recommended to use a ladle to pour gypsum mixtures. Since they, having a short hardening time, form growths on it, which significantly interfere with the work.

But, if you have a large amount of work ahead of you, then it will be much faster to throw in the required amount of plaster using a larger container and level the cement layer using a long rule according to pre-installed beacons. This is where a plaster ladle comes to the rescue, as it can simplify and speed up the process of leveling walls.


There is a wide range of sets of bath accessories, which include brushes, washcloths, peeling stones, etc. If you want an original product that satisfies all your preferences, make it yourself.

A washcloth is necessary for body cleansing and wet massage. This procedure is not only pleasant, but also beneficial for the body. Sponges can be of different hardness, sizes and shapes. You need to choose a washcloth based on your personal tastes.

To knit a washcloth from natural materials, choose the wool of goats, sheep or any other farm animals. You can also use linen. The yarn for the washcloth must be thick, since the product itself is subject to mechanical stress, so choose the appropriate size of knitting needles or hook.

Most often, washcloths are knitted using the “checkerboard” or “tangle” pattern. The main part of the washcloth is knitted after the handle is ready. The handle must be tight, otherwise it will lose its appearance immediately after the first use. The product will not be so tough if you pour boiling water over it.

Why does a housewife need a ladle in the kitchen?

A ladle is one of the most convenient types of kitchen utensils. With its help, you can quickly and easily prepare breakfast for the whole family. You can cook porridge for children in it or prepare light soup or jelly. There are special small saucepans for children.

A ladle is one of the most convenient types of kitchen utensils.

More often, housewives use ladles to prepare sauces. Do you want to make your life easier in the kitchen and simplify the cooking process? Make a choice in favor of saucepans.

Features of choosing a bath ladle

You can purchase the finished product in a specialized store or order it online.

It is advisable to have several ladles in the bathhouse for different purposes:

  1. Several people can be in the steam room and washing area at the same time. It will be convenient if a bucket is provided for each vacationer.
  2. There should be a separate model with a long horizontal handle for supplying water to the stones.
  3. It is more convenient to draw water from the boiler with a ladle with a long vertical handle.
  4. For dousing in the wash compartment, a product with a medium-length handle is optimal.

It is recommended to give preference to safe wooden accessories. They will not be cheap, especially the models made by folk craftsmen. But you can be sure that they will not burn you when heated.

How to choose the right one

Wooden ladles look organic in a bathhouse; when heated, they convey a light aroma of wood

To avoid burns, bath scoops are made entirely of natural wood or metal, such as brass, copper or stainless steel. The main condition is the presence of a sufficiently long and necessarily wooden handle.

Depending on the functional purpose, bath scoops come in three main varieties:

  • Models with vertical and long handles. Allows you to draw water from a tank that is not equipped with a tap, or from a barrel.
  • Models with horizontal long handle. Designed for watering stove stones to regulate temperature and humidity levels in the steam room of the bathhouse. Thanks to the long handle, the risk of burns is completely eliminated.
  • Models with short handle. Used for water procedures in the font. These scoops are lightweight and fit very comfortably in your hand.

Scoops for a bathhouse need to be selected in different sizes: for supplying water to the stones - with a volume of 0.2–0.3 liters, for collecting water - from 1 liter.

The range of such bath accessories is very diverse. Scoops differ in shape and volume, and have a variety of finishing options, including cutting and metal inserts. The main criteria for the correct choice of such an accessory are the ease of use of the scoop, its practicality and environmental friendliness, as well as aesthetics, safety and durability.

Technology for making a wooden ladle for a bathhouse

To make a sauna ladle yourself, you must initially decide on its size, length and position of the handle, material of manufacture, and type of container. Having chosen a model, it is advisable to initially make blanks from thick cardboard.

Selection of material for a sauna ladle

First of all, choose the type of wood you will use.

The best options for these purposes:

  • Linden
    . Practical wood with a pleasant aroma and original texture. Ideal for making all bath accessories. Does not rot or crack. Suitable for processing.
  • Oak
    _ Strong and durable material. It has an interesting rich shade.
  • Ash
    . Light and fragrant wood. Withstands large temperature changes.
  • Mulberry
    . It is moisture resistant and durable.

To make a wooden sauna ladle with your own hands, it is recommended to use dry wood.

DIY carved sauna ladle

This method of making a bucket is considered simple, but it will require certain carpenter skills and a set of tools. Decide on the type of wood and start processing.

Let's look at how to make a carved ladle for a bathhouse:

  1. On thick cardboard we draw templates for the bottom of the bucket, its top and side walls. It should not be too large, as it will be difficult to carry when filled with water. However, if it is too small, you will have to draw water more often. The optimal size is up to two liters.
  2. We cut out the blanks and mark the edge contour lines on the wood with a pencil.
  3. We perform rough cutting.
  4. We mark the outline of the sides and top and make a cut according to the approximate outline of the bucket.
  5. We process the resulting workpiece with a round chisel and remove excess layers of wood.
  6. We form the handle of the product using a chisel.
  7. We process the inner sides with an adze and go through it again with a large chisel.
  8. Using a wood knife, we cut out the handle of the desired shape and the entire product. If you have artistic skills, you can make original patterns as decoration.
  9. The inside of the product is treated with cranberry.
  10. We sand the outer surface with coarse-grained paper and move on to the inner surface.
  11. Use chisels to cut out decorative patterns if desired.

To keep the product longer, it is recommended to soak it in several layers of linseed oil or coat it with beeswax.

How to make a composite ladle for a bathhouse

You can make such a model without any special cooperage skills. To do this you will need a board, a handle, a base and a metal rim.

We adhere to the following instructions during the process:

  • Cut out a plank measuring 1 x 2.1 cm.
  • We grind the sides at an angle of 12 degrees.
  • We trim 15 parts, 8 cm each.
  • We mill a groove along the bottom of all planks; its depth should be 0.4 cm and width 0.8 cm.
  • We round off the sharp corners of the end sides. These will be the boards for the product.
  • Let's prepare the handle. To do this, we use a planed board, the dimensions of which are 1.5x7.5x38 cm.
  • We cut out the part into a convenient shape and round off the sharp corners.
  • We drill a hole at the end with a diameter of 0.8-1 cm and thread a loop of rope into it.
  • From a planed board 1x9 cm we cut out the base and grind the circumference to 0.6 cm, and to the radius - to 0.8 cm.
  • We drill two through holes with a diameter of 0.4 cm in the main board. They will be used for fastening with sharp self-tapping screws with a pressed washer (0.4x2.5 cm).
  • We assemble all the individual planks around the base, driving the bottom into the lower pre-made grooves.
  • We compress the structure using twine.
  • We prepare two hoops. To do this, we choose cold-rolled low-carbon, soft, steel packaging tape, measuring 0.4x0.2 cm.
  • We make three holes in the prepared hoops with a diameter of 0.16 cm for construction nails 0.16x2.5 cm.
  • We fill the first hoop from below at a height of 0.5 cm.
  • We shorten the nails from 2.5 cm to 0.8 cm and attach the top hoop at a distance of 1 cm from the top edge.
  • We fix the handle using self-tapping screws with a pressed washer.
  • We lower the ladle into the water for a while.

After the wood swells, all the cracks will disappear. Such a product must be stored in water to prevent drying out.

Purpose of the headrest

Thanks to the presence of shelves and benches located in one or several rows, you can enjoy the heat in the steam room while lying down, and for greater convenience, add a removable sauna headrest made of wood. This accessory, shown in the photo, serves as a pillow.

Procedures taken in a lying position have a positive effect on the condition of the spine and muscles, relaxing them. When using this accessory, which is placed under the head in the bathhouse, the positive effect of visiting the steam room is enhanced. It can be straight, round or curved.

Notes[edit | edit code]

  1. Dal V.I.
    Kovsh // Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. — 3rd ed. - SPb.-M.: T-vo M.O. Wolf, 1905. - T. 2 (I-O). - Stb. 323. - 2030 stb.
  2. 12345
    Shangina, 2003.
  3. ↑ Shangina, 2003, p. 389.
  4. ↑ Skopkar // Great Soviet Encyclopedia. — 3rd ed. - 1976. - T. 23. - P. 516. - 640 p.
  5. ↑ TSB-3, 1973.
  6. Dal V.I.
    Skobkar // Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language. — 3rd ed. - SPb.-M.: T-vo M.O. Wolf, 1909. - T. 4 (C-V). - Stb. 194. - 1592 stb.
  7. ↑ Russian Izba, 2004, p. 312.
  8. L. Spirina.
    Ladles, bowls, brothers, cups... (Russian) // Antiques, art and collectibles. — 2007. — January-February (No. 1-2(44)).
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