Is it necessary to make windows into the steam room? If yes, what size and location and other nuances

Regarding the bathhouse, talk about anything - everything becomes a subject of dispute. Everyone judges and judges in their own, habitual way. There are as many opinions as there are people about whether it is necessary to make a window in the steam room of a bathhouse. But you shouldn’t leave this purely as a matter of taste. After all, it is necessary or not depending on specific conditions, and they can be listed. This is what we will do below.

Arguments against window installation

In a classic Russian bath there is no window in the steam room. After all, creating and maintaining the desired indoor microclimate is quite difficult. To do this, you need to heat the bathhouse well. And then optimally maintain the beneficial heat.

The presence of a window opening automatically implies the existence of drafts. And they have a very bad effect on the quality of steam. Therefore, even the much-needed ventilation of the room after taking bath procedures was traditionally carried out only through the door. And to dry out the excessive humidity, a massive wood-burning stove was enough, which kept the heat for a long time.

In order not to lose precious heat in the steam room, many modern builders do not even equip a ventilation system. And even more so they refuse even the smallest window. And in their decisions they rely on the experience of their ancestors. Moreover, in addition to heat losses when there is a window in the steam room, there are other problems.

For example, the accumulation of condensation on glass due to temperature changes. Water flows onto the windowsill or wall. And ordinary ventilation will not help to remove this excess moisture. Over time, mold settles on wood or concrete surfaces.

Condensation on the window Source

There is a possibility that highly heated glass may burst due to drops of cold water falling on it. But in reality this is only a theoretical assumption. Although many developers, based on such fears, either install special heat-resistant glass in the frame or abandon it altogether.

But in a Russian bath the air temperature rarely rises above 70 °C. This is the peculiarity of steam rooms with a large amount of steam. Under such conditions, the window surface heats up no higher than 45 °C.

For glass to crack due to temperature changes, it must be heated to more than 100 °C and maintained in this state for a long time. This is theoretically possible in dry saunas. But in practice, the glass on a window in a steam room can only break if it is very thin. And according to building codes, its recommended thickness should be at least 6 mm.

Panoramic window in the steam room Source

Many people also don’t like the fact that the window allows them to spy on those washing. But this is a psychological aspect. And it can be solved quite simply with the help of ordinary curtains. By the way, the latter will protect the glass from splashes of cold water. Therefore, the main argument against installing a window opening in a steam room remains the danger of heat loss due to drafts. But we have already learned to cope with this problem.


It is clear that the choice of window options is relatively small. The steam room is a hot room, even if you are a fan of the Russian bathhouse and don’t raise it above 60 degrees. Therefore, you need to look at the properties of materials in a humid and hot environment.


The vast majority considers plastic to be a deliberately unsuitable material for a steam room . But there are those who go against the grain and still put it in the steam room.

ON A NOTE! Objectively, we can say the following: polyvinyl chloride does not like temperature changes, it melts and warps from the heat, and shrinks from the cold. Therefore, it is reinforced with metal to increase resistance to warping and changes in linear dimensions.

It’s definitely not worth putting it in a sauna - it’s hot there. And in a cooler Russian bath - in principle, it is possible, if only you do not take into account the fact that plastic (especially at elevated temperatures) emits all sorts of volatile organic matter . Although... even here there are his supporters who say that he doesn’t smell like anything.


Even if plastic warps and changes linear dimensions, then what can you expect from wood, which is known to swell when exposed to moisture and no longer fit into the designated opening, and may crack if dried incorrectly ?

However, wood should be considered the most acceptable material for the frame of a steam room window. First of all, we are, of course, talking about the environment , or more precisely, about the absence of harm to steamers . But here it’s also worth paying attention to whether this wood has been impregnated with some kind of composition or not, whether it’s varnished, and if so, what kind of varnish - there have long been compositions that are applicable in baths and saunas.

Wooden frames can be made either yourself, or to order, or purchased ready-made.

ADVICE! Regarding wood: make sure that there are no distortions that indicate warping during the initial drying stage and choose a species that is least likely to change dimensions under the influence of moisture - linden, for example (although this is very soft wood and prone to rotting). By the way, frames are often made from ash.

From the outside, wood can be impregnated with antiseptics and moisture-proofing compounds. Inside, you should use only what is designed specifically for baths and saunas.

Combined options

The plastic frame can be lined on the inside with wooden overlays. The option is rather decorative, although wood is a good heat insulator . That is, the plastic will not overheat.

The opposite option is a wooden frame, but the outside is made of plastic or aluminum. By the way, they do not affect the change in the dimensions of the tree , because they are attached to it using special clamps that allow the wood to “breathe”.

Double frame - internal made of wood, external made of plastic or aluminum. Let's say right away that this is not a double-glazed window, but simple double glazing. The frames are independent, simply fastened together with special brackets.

This is what the Finns do - wood and double-glazed windows, right in the apartments of multi-storey buildings

If the walls are thick, you can make a wooden false window inside and install a double-glazed window outside. This completely solves problems with heat leakage and also eliminates temperature differences for each material.

The choice of a specific option depends on the temperature inside and the usual frosts for your region. To prevent wood from cracking, it is permissible to protect it with plastic or metal. To prevent the plastic from fading and warping, cover it with wood.


There are several window mechanisms that are used not only in the bathhouse:

  • turning;
  • folding;
  • tilt and turn.

If the window can be fully opened in any direction (right or left), then this is the first option. If it only partially tilts towards the opening - the second one. There are also those that combine the first two options, which is regulated by the position of the window handle.

Arguments for the window in the steam room

When debating whether a window is needed in a steam room, a strong argument can be made in favor of the latter. In such premises it is very important to comply with sanitary standards. And first of all, hygienic ventilation is simply necessary for this.

Traditionally, to do this, they open the door to the steam room and wait until the temperature in it becomes equal to the dressing room. This takes a lot of time. And in this case, burst ventilation will be more effective. And for him, opposite the open door in the steam room there should be an open window. To create a strong draft.

Window for burst ventilation Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in redevelopment of country houses of any complexity

And there is no need to be afraid that the latter will remain (even if weak) even with the window closed. It was like that before. Modern windows provide for complete sealing of the room in a closed state. And this is provided not only by plastic structures, but also by wooden analogues.

Significant heat losses are possible only if the size of the window in the steam room is very large. But even in this case, problems can be reduced to a minimum. For example, insert fairly thick glass into the frame. Or use modern double-glazed windows.

The presence of a window in a steam room is a good security measure. If the outlet is jammed, the window can provide not only an influx of fresh air for breathing. Through it you can call for help. And if a fire occurs, the window becomes an emergency exit from the emergency room.

There remain two more important aspects - economic and aesthetic. If you plan all water procedures for the daytime, then if there is a window in the steam room, you can not turn on the electric light. For some people this is one of the advantages.

Natural lighting in the sauna Source

In addition, natural light is much better perceived by the eyes. And the opportunity to contemplate the beautiful view outside the window during the session will significantly improve your mood. And all of the above can be briefly summarized.

The presence of a window in the steam room:

  • Speeds up hygienic ventilation.
  • Ensures the proper level of safety in emergency situations.
  • Will allow you to save on electricity.
  • Will increase the comfort of staying in the steam room.

Selecting the size and material for the window structure

When choosing windows for a bathhouse, two parameters are important - the size of the structure and the material for its manufacture.

Bath windows are of the following types:

  • Standard.
  • Stained glass.
  • Panoramic.

Plastic or wood is used to make window frames. Window sizes may vary depending on location and installation method. Optimal standard sizes of structures: height – from 35 to 60 cm, width – from 55 to 70 cm. In this case, the total area of ​​glass should not exceed 5% of the area of ​​the ceiling surface.

  • Waiting room. Here it is possible to install window structures of various sizes and configurations - square and rectangular. In this case, it is better to place the windows at eye level when a person is in a sitting position. The most popular windows for installation are windows measuring 40x40 (50) cm, which provide additional ventilation and natural light in the room. In some cases, a compact window structure can be installed above the remote combustion chamber of a sauna stove.
  • Steam room and washing area. There may be no windows in these rooms, but if openings are provided for in the working design, then it is better to make them small and place them at a distance of 65 to 75 cm from the ceiling line. This will provide better illumination and effective ventilation of the premises. Small structures measuring 25x40 cm are suitable for this. The best option for a steam room is a heat-resistant double-glazed window installed in a frame made of moisture-resistant wood.
  • Rest room. PVC windows of standard sizes are installed here, which are also suitable for residential premises - 70x150, 50x70 cm.

In accordance with fire safety rules, windows are installed so that they open into the room. This will allow you to freely leave the building in the event of a fire hazard.

Location and parameters

And yet, the main function of a window in a bathhouse or sauna is ventilation. This must be remembered when choosing their number per room. And also searching for the optimal location.

As a rule, a bathhouse has three rooms. This is a dressing room, often combined with a rest room. Then there is a washing room in which water procedures are carried out. And a steam room, where it is very important to maintain a high air temperature.

In the last two rooms, one small window is enough. Or even windows to provide ventilation. But the window in the dressing room can be large. Or even several if the room is spacious enough.

Waiting room in a Russian bath Source

Location of windows in the bathhouse

The design of the bathhouse obviously provides for the presence of windows, which are responsible for the penetration of natural light into the functional premises, ventilation, and ventilation of the rooms. In addition, the presence of window structures increases the safety of using the building at any time of the year (especially in winter), and the external attractiveness of the facades.

Taking into account the classic layout of the bathhouse, windows are most often installed in the following rooms:

  1. Dressing room (corridor). Located directly at the entrance to the functional premises, window systems are represented by standard products made of PVC or wood.
  2. A rest room where reinforced products are used, characterized by increased insulation from the penetration of extraneous sounds and cold from the outside. Durable frames are resistant to temperature changes and high humidity.
  3. Washing and shower room, where small-sized options installed at medium height are used for ventilation.

In addition, you can find baths where there are window structures in the steam room. Their main function is to stabilize extreme temperature changes, maintain normal humidity levels and microclimate.

Is a window needed in a steam room?

Many people mistakenly believe that there is no need to install a window unit in a steam room. After all, the main task of such rooms is to maintain temperature and steam. But then the question arises: how to ventilate the room and dry the interior? Some will say that a good, powerful ventilation system is enough. But installing glazing in the steam room will still help achieve a better effect.

Experienced developers say that it is necessary to install two windows at once. The first is installed opposite the front door near the bench shelves. The second is located under the bench. Small products are enough to avoid problems of wood rotting and mold formation.

Where to place the window in the steam room

The main window (located opposite the door at the top) is located directly above the shelves. While receiving bath procedures, a person can calmly open the door slightly to breathe in fresh air. After the “steam therapy” session, the glass “pocket” is opened for ventilation. After closing the sash, the desired temperature is reached quite quickly, which is facilitated by the correct installation location - the upper edge of the window block should be located at a height of approximately 60 cm to the ceiling.

An additional window is placed under the shelf (bench)

It is important that both glazing elements open inwards (in accordance with safety regulations)

Wooden windows

Most people, when taking care of their health, prefer to surround themselves with natural materials. And in this case, wood comes first. Its value for creating a favorable microclimate in a building is simply undeniable.

Advantages of wooden windows:

  • They are able to “breathe”, that is, they can both absorb and release air vapor, adapting to the microclimate of the room.
  • They accumulate heat and retain it for a long time.
  • They look noble and respectable.
  • Easily repaired and restored.

True, the material is afraid of both excessive humidity and extreme dry air. It can be damaged by insects or mold. But all this applies to unprocessed structures. And modern wooden windows are far from what they were just 10 years ago.

Today's glazed frames can easily resist any precipitation and even abnormal heat or northern frosts. Modern assembly and material processing technologies make structures completely sealed. And their service life has also increased significantly thanks to special impregnations.

Modern wooden window Source

It is believed that any wood is suitable for a window frame. This is partly true, but a footnote should be added below the statement. It is important for what room the structure is being made. So, coniferous types of wood are completely unsuitable for a bathhouse. When heated, they begin to ooze resin. Larch also suffers from this.

Many people praise oak or beech because of the beauty of their texture and excellent strength. But there are also disadvantages to these varieties. These materials do not tolerate changes in humidity very well and crack. Therefore, experts recommend choosing linden, ash or aspen. But alder remains the best option for a bathhouse.

Stages of work on making a bath window

The most suitable material from which to make a window is oak. Its appearance and wood texture are suitable for creating windows that will be located in a humid environment.

However, oak wood is quite expensive. Therefore, you can use birch or linden wood. Coniferous wood is not suitable for saunas because resin leaks out of them when heated too much.

Natural wood (oak, birch, linden) has always been considered one of the best materials for constructing a window into a steam room. Coniferous trees (spruce, pine) do not need to install a window in a bathhouse, since they emit resin at high temperatures, which can cause discomfort in humans

It is very important that the wood is of sufficiently high quality

In order to build a window, you must have:

  • Board for making a frame;
  • Glazing beads;
  • Bars for sashes;
  • Metal corners;
  • Glass 4 mm thick;
  • Locking handle, two window hinges;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Wood glue.

Initially, all necessary blanks and fragments of the required length are cut, taking into account the indentation for finishing. The standard size for window sashes is 55x45 mm, and for frames is 120x45 mm. Planing is carried out on all sides of the existing tenons and grooves, using a hand-held milling tool, leaving allowances. The next step is finishing the protrusions and grooves. Pre-assembly of the frame and window sashes is carried out, during which the correctness of the joints of all connections is checked. Gluing parts with PVA glue

It is very important to do the work carefully, coat all frames, sashes, and corners. In order to clamp the glued elements, use clamps or self-tapping screws. Handles and hinges are installed; Glazing

Glass having a thickness of 4 mm is installed in the grooves of the window sash, secured from the outside with glazing beads and nails. All elements of the window structure are necessarily treated in several layers with an antiseptic, and the outer part of the wood surface is painted with acrylic paint.

In the cold winter season, sealing gaskets are placed along the window contour.

To install a window in a bathhouse, you must have certain skills, since its durability depends on the quality of the installation. Improper performance of the work can lead to troubles: distortion, glass splitting, frame falling out, etc.

With the right choice of high-quality material, size, location in the room, as well as professional installation, a do-it-yourself bathhouse window can minimize heat loss and last for many years.

Plastic windows

There is a completely authoritative opinion that plastic has no place in the bathhouse. And this is partially correct. The material is completely unsuitable for a steam room. Even the most expensive and high quality. After all, when heated, it will inevitably release toxins. No matter how the manufacturers claim otherwise.

But for a dressing room or washing area, plastic is quite suitable. These rooms are not exposed to much heat, so the material will remain neutral. Plastic windows for baths have good characteristics. They do not absorb moisture at all and therefore can be easily opened for ventilation under any conditions.

One glass or two

To preserve heat in the bathhouse, it is advisable to install double glass. Moreover, it is better - with maximum sealing. But, if the window is installed correctly and there is a pocket for steam, then its effect on heat and steam conservation is not critical. Why then install double frames? Yes, to prevent condensation from leaking. It flows onto the windowsill, then down onto the wall. This is why the tree begins to rot in these places. Under the windows, and the lower crown - this is where fungus and rot appear first. Therefore, double glazing on bath windows is a measure against wood rotting.


Such modern designs have a very high price. But their quality and basic characteristics are significantly superior to models made from only one material. Combinations of wood with metal and plastic increase all the positive properties and brighten up other disadvantages.

Methods for producing combined windows:

  1. The frame is made of either plastic or aluminum. The inside of the window is then covered with wood trim.
  2. A wooden frame is made. Then it is sewn up on the outside with aluminum or plastic panels.
  3. The design has two frames. The outer one is made of metal or plastic. The inner one is made of wood.

The second and third methods are suitable for windows that can be installed in a steam room. Because all problematic materials remain outside, and only natural ones are inside. Therefore, it is impossible to inhale harmful fumes or get burned on heated metal.

Combined window made of wood and aluminum Source

What is included in the concept of dimensions?

The concept of “window size for a bathhouse” includes several linear quantities that characterize the parameters of the product. Among them :

  1. Length. This is the largest value measured in the longitudinal direction. Length measurements are always made horizontally.
  2. Height. This is the quantity measured between the two most distant points in the vertical direction.
  3. Width. The second name is thickness. This is the value measured across. An important clarification - the measurement is made strictly at right angles to the length of the window.

To obtain real characteristics, you should use one measurement system when taking measurements.

Installation features

When installing windows, problems arise only in wooden buildings. A bathhouse made of logs or timber takes a very long time to shrink. This is the nature of wood. And if the window in the opening is fixed in the usual way (tightly), then after a while the glass in it will burst due to deformation of the frame.

Some developers wait a year or two and then install the windows. It is believed that during this period the active shrinkage of the structure ends. But this happens extremely rarely, and in most cases the process continues for years. Therefore, a special installation method is usually chosen.

The window frame is installed in a “casing” or “jam”. The structure is a separate wooden frame, which is placed in the wall opening. Moreover, it is never firmly fixed. The additional frame moves in the cut grooves inside the wall with a play of 7 cm. This allows you to avoid deformation of the window frame while the bathhouse shrinks.

A permanent stone structure does not have such problems. Its shrinkage stops at the stage of arranging the foundation. And when they finish building the walls, there is nothing stopping them from immediately installing all the windows.

Additional difficulties may arise if plastic windows for the bathhouse are chosen. Regardless of the wall material, working with such structures requires a lot of experience. Depressurization of a double-glazed window can occur even due to a small error. Therefore, it is better to entrust installation to professionals.

Plastic window installation technology

If the sauna and bathhouse are built from foam blocks or bricks, then the process of installing window structures is carried out after completion of construction work. Regarding installation in wooden buildings, it is important to take into account wood shrinkage.

Before installation work begins, careful measurements of the openings are carried out and technological gaps are taken into account: 2 cm on the sides and top, 4 cm at the bottom above the window sill.

When installing plastic structures, their displacement is allowed, taking into account the dimensions of external sills and window sills.

The dimensions of the window and the materials from which the bathhouse is built affect the method of installing the frame.

Plastic windows can be installed using mounting anchors and dowels in holes prepared in the profile. Clamps installed in the opening provide frame adjustment in the vertical and horizontal plane.

In a concrete or brick bathhouse, small-sized blind windows are installed on special anchor plates, which can be easily hidden behind the slopes.

Anchor plates are not used in wooden buildings because they are prone to loosening and deformation. It is better to replace them with anchor wood screws.

The plastic structure is fixed into a wooden casing treated with an antiseptic.

After completing the installation work, it is enough to insert insulation into the window opening and close it with platbands. Additionally, standard plastic sills and a window sill - made of wood or plastic - are installed.

Briefly about the main thing

Although traditionally all steam rooms in Russian baths do not have windows, their installation is justified by many indicators. And the main compelling argument is the possibility of burst ventilation. This method brings the premises to the necessary sanitary standards much faster.

For a steam room, it is important to choose the optimal window size and location. A window that is too small will not serve as an emergency exit. A large window will affect heat loss. And this is unacceptable for a bathhouse.

For the steam room, it is absolutely necessary to avoid plastic, since it is harmful to health when heated. Therefore, it is better to opt for wooden frames made of alder. This type of wood is ideally suited for a bath structure.

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Where to install the window? Height from shelves and floor.

A window can become a source of significant heat loss and an obstacle to the natural circulation of hot and cold air in the steam room if it is placed in the wrong place. The window installation height from the floor should not exceed 1 meter, and the optimal distance from the shelf to the bottom of the window frame is 55 cm. The height of the upper edge of the window sash should not be higher than the door level.

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The location of the window inside the steam room is chosen in such a way that it would preferably be in the center of the shelf where the person being steamed will lie.

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An additional exhaust hole is installed under the shelf, which closes while the bath is heating and opens along with the window to ventilate the steam room after use.

The optimal window size is no more than 50x50 cm. You should make a design of large dimensions only if you have a strong desire to have a large view in the direction where it opens. A window of 0.5x0.5 meters provides sufficient space for observation from inside the steam room, and from the outside, nothing will be visible through such a small window if you look through it into the steam room.

Windows with wooden frames

Modern windows with wooden frames are of high quality and reliability; they are not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity, are airtight and durable. All this is achieved through modern production technologies and special impregnations for wood.

And although the abundance of antiseptic impregnations and paints and varnishes that cover window frames reduce the ability of wood to “breathe” and ventilate, one can name a whole list of other advantages of such structures.

Among the advantages of wooden windows are:

  • aesthetic natural appearance;
  • the ability to accumulate heat, making such windows seem warm;
  • possibility of restoration in case of minor defects and scratches.

Note that although wooden frames can be ordered from ordinary craftsmen who make them at home, such products are still noticeably inferior in quality to factory ones, although they will cost the buyer much less. However, with proper care and well-chosen wood, even they can last for many years.

If we talk about disadvantages, it is worth noting that factory products are practically free from them, except that they are quite expensive.

But as for homemade wooden windows, they have a number of disadvantages.

We list the main weaknesses of such products:

  • tendency to swell due to exposure to moisture, as a result of which the window begins to open poorly;
  • without proper treatment, the wood begins to dry out, crack and creak;
  • homemade windows are susceptible to damage by insects and rot;
  • Wooden frames need to be maintained regularly.

In order for such a window to the bathhouse to retain its attractiveness and functionality for much longer, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of wood, treat it with antiseptic agents, and also not violate the installation technology. The window will last longer if the primer and paint layer is renewed every 3-4 years.

Types of bath windows

Practical and durable materials are used to make windows:

  • Wood – larch, pine, aspen, linden and oak. The wooden profile is resistant to overheating and waterlogging, wear resistance and aesthetics.
  • Plastic and aluminum. The plastic profile is inert to rotting and deformation, easy to manufacture and install.
  • Combined materials. The combined profile is distinguished by its high cost, high performance characteristics and durability.

Wooden windows

The most popular and affordable option for windows in the steam room, washing area and shower room. The popularity of wooden structures is explained by the following advantages:

  • Resistance to temperature changes, high moisture and steam.
  • Safety and environmental friendliness of the material.
  • The ability to quickly restore damaged wood.
  • Aesthetics and attractiveness.

The disadvantages of wood windows include:

  • The complexity of the technical preparation of raw materials.
  • The need for antiseptic treatment to protect against rotting and mold formation.
  • High cost of finished products.

Plastic windows

Plastic windows with a reinforced profile are a practical, albeit not very popular type of structure for a bathhouse. Due to their high performance characteristics, such products can be installed in the dressing room, corridor and recreation room.

Window glass package has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • High strength and reliability.
  • Durability and wear resistance.
  • Good sound and heat insulation characteristics.
  • Resistance to the negative effects of increased moisture and hot steam.
  • Easy to use.

Among the disadvantages of the plastic design are:

  • The ability to release hazardous components under the negative influence of high temperatures.
  • Susceptibility to deformation due to overheating.
  • Reduced optimal air circulation and susceptibility to condensation.

Combined windows

Combined windows involve the combination of different types of materials to improve the thermal insulation characteristics of products.

The most popular combinations are:

  • Plastic - wood.
  • Wood - aluminum.
  • Plastic - aluminum
  • Wood – plastic – aluminum.

The combination of materials in window structures is performed as follows:

  • The frame and partitions are made of plastic, and the interior is made of wooden slats. The wooden structural elements have a multi-layer varnish coating.
  • The inner part of the frame is made of laminated veneer lumber, the outer planks are aluminum and plastic.
  • The inner part of the frame is made of wood, the outer part is plastic or aluminum. The frames are connected to each other with brackets, and ordinary glass is used for glazing.

The only drawback of windows is the difficulty in manufacturing structures, fitting parts and fittings.

How to choose a place to install a window

Previously, windows were installed in a mini format to avoid further heat loss. Where should the window be placed in the steam room? Install it where it will bring maximum practical benefit. Since the window is made mainly for quick ventilation, it is placed higher - closer to the ceiling of the room.

Helpful advice: install 2 windows in the steam room - one above the shelf, and the second below it. In this case, the upper window will help to quickly ventilate the steam room, and the lower one will free the room from accumulated condensation.

The parameters and dimensions of the window are also of no small importance. According to fire safety rules, the window serves as an additional exit, so it must be made of such a size that in case of danger a person can easily crawl through it.

Wooden sauna

When installing a window with your own hands in a wooden bathhouse, it is necessary to take into account the mandatory shrinkage of the material (during the first year of operation, a typical structure made of timber up to 3 meters high settles by about 3–5 cm). That is why the box of the window block is not installed in the opening of such a structure close to the walls, but for its installation an additional structure is used, called a casing (jam).

The additional box takes on the load from the settling frame, thereby protecting the window unit from possible damage. Installation of wooden windows using frames is carried out as follows:

First, the opening is marked in which a window with a frame made from bars of a certain cross-section will be placed. When carrying out this operation, one should take into account not only the cross-section of the timber, but also the gaps left for the shrinkage of the log house (they are subsequently filled with insulation). In this case, 20 mm is usually left on the sides, and at least 70 mm on top. At the next stage of work, the casing is fastened in the already finished window opening.

Please note that in practice there are two ways to secure the socket: using an embedded block and using a special tenon.

  1. In the first case, when cutting an opening, guide grooves are prepared on its sides, into which embedded bars are then installed on the heat-insulating material. When installing the casing, its side posts are attached to these bars using self-tapping screws or nails.
  2. In the second case, tenons are prepared on the sides of the window opening, and grooves are made for them on the sides of the casing. During the installation process, the frame is simply inserted into the window opening like a prefabricated element of a constructor, so that if necessary, it can always be easily dismantled.

At the final stage of work, the window block is inserted into the frame and attached directly to it using self-tapping screws of appropriate size.

Why is it important to know the standards?

It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations for the dimensions of bath windows. The products perform several important functions. Non-compliance will lead to a violation of the window's performance characteristics:

  1. Ventilation. If it exceeds the optimal values, heat will be lost. The design will not be able to provide the required tightness. It will only perform the function of ventilation, but when closed it will not be able to maintain the microclimate of the room.
  2. Illumination is the second task of glazing. The bathhouse is not intended for the penetration of other people's views. Therefore, the location and dimensions of the openings must meet the requirements. If the dimensions are smaller, the room will be dark. If it is more, heat loss will increase.
  3. Safety. Dimensions must allow escape from the premises in case of fire or other dangerous situations.
  4. Decorative. Designs that are too large or too small significantly reduce the aesthetics and harmony of the overall appearance of the bathhouse.

By maintaining ideal dimensions, you can maximize your comfortable stay in the bathhouse.

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