What are the sizes of windows in a bathhouse: in a steam room, relaxation room, shower room

The opinions of the respected bath expert community on this matter were no worse divided than the sentiments in the British Parliament on the eve of granting independence to overseas colonies. And in fact, the window in the steam room seems to be a necessary element, but on the other hand, it seems to be superfluous. Where is the truth? And, as you know, it lies somewhere in the middle. Well, let's try to search.

Is it necessary?

The main question that interests many bathhouse owners is whether a window is needed inside the steam room. Opinions may vary. Much depends on the type of building.

In a Russian bath

You need to install a window inside the steam room. It provides:

  1. Burst ventilation to release exhaust air and possible smoke.
  2. A sharp decrease in temperature in the steam room by introducing a large flow of cool air.

The window provides additional lighting, but carries certain heat losses. They become significant when the openings are large. The larger it is, the higher the heat loss. To prevent heat loss, you need to install frames with double-glazed windows.

In the Finnish sauna

The window is an optional element. Finns often position their saunas so that they have a good view. To admire nature while relaxing, windows are installed in the steam room, but structurally this is an optional element.


When choosing accessories, please note that if the metal surface is very hot, it can burn the skin if accidentally touched. When heated, plastic elements release toxic substances that are harmful to health and have an unpleasant odor. Therefore, you need to choose fittings that will be practical and convenient.

Alternatively, you can use hidden fittings. In this case, the hinges will be hidden behind the frame profile, so they will not require plastic covers, and the window mechanism for a double-glazed bathhouse will be protected by wood from strong heat. It is also better to choose a handle made of natural wood.


In the standard human mind, windows made of plastic are of higher quality, but we must not forget about wood, a combination of these two materials.


  1. Attractive view.
  2. Durability, mechanical resistance.
  3. Environmental friendliness. Wood does not emit harmful substances when exposed to high temperatures.
  1. Certain types of wood have high thermal conductivity and can release resin during use.
  2. The material is deformed and destroyed when exposed to moisture and temperature changes.

The disadvantages can be mitigated by choosing wood with a low thermal conductivity. During bath procedures, the surfaces will heat up minimally. It is impossible to coat the inside of the frame with antiseptics, since these compounds will release harmful substances when heated strongly, but you can protect the wood from moisture. To do this you need to use wax impregnations.


Plastic is not a suitable material for making window frames for a steam room. It deforms, melts, emits an unpleasant odor and harmful substances when heated strongly. You can strengthen the frame using a metal frame, but this does not eliminate the other disadvantages of this material.

Combined option

It involves the manufacture of a plastic frame, which is covered with wooden panels on top. Plastic does not overheat because wood absorbs heat.

There is another option - the main frame is made of wood, and the surfaces are covered with plastic. More suitable for residential buildings.

Wooden windows

The most reliable and high-quality will, of course, be modern windows with wooden frames. They are not afraid of high humidity and sudden temperature changes. Also, such windows boast such properties as durability and tightness. These characteristics are ensured thanks to the presence of special impregnations and modern technologies.

Window frames are often coated with special varnishes and antiseptic impregnations, and this also affects the service of the product.

Wooden windows have certain advantages:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • the material can retain heat;
  • You can restore products if scratches or minor defects appear.

Regarding the shortcomings, factory products have practically none. The only thing is that wooden windows have a high price.

Homemade wooden windows still have disadvantages:

  • may swell due to moisture. This leads to poor opening of the product;
  • in the absence of the necessary treatment, the wood will creak and dry out, cracks will appear;
  • mold appears;
  • Wooden frames must be maintained regularly.


When choosing a window, you need to consider several important criteria:

  • number of glasses;
  • thickness of the glass unit;
  • dimensions;
  • shape;
  • location.

Thickness and number of glasses

The first requirement concerns the thickness of the glass unit and the number of chambers. Peculiarities:

  1. The average thickness of a single-chamber double-glazed window is 24 mm.
  2. The glass will often be exposed to high temperatures, which can cause it to shatter. To prevent this, you need to choose windows with two cameras. There is an air gap between them, which minimizes the effect of heat on the material.
  3. For a cold climate zone, it is better to choose a three-chamber double-glazed window to minimize heat losses.

Dimensions and shape

Steam room windows can be rectangular or square. Rectangular ones are installed in small rooms, square ones are suitable for large rooms. Features of calculating the size of a window frame for a steam room:

  1. In a room with ceilings up to 2 meters high, the window opening should occupy 4.5% of the floor area.
  2. In rooms with ceilings up to 2.15 meters high, the window opening should occupy up to 6% of the floor area.

It is better to make a small square window, which will be located opposite the stove.

Location and quantity

The window opening should be located at elbow level, if you take the height from the top shelf. Horizontally, it is better to move it to the corner of the room.

Windows are divided into separate types according to the opening mechanism. They all have certain advantages and disadvantages.


The door opens into the room. Can be combined with other mechanisms. Does not have automatic locking. A special comb is often used for this.


The main advantage of such a mechanism is a high level of safety if there are small children who can reach the handle of the window frame. The main function is to ventilate the room.


A combined mechanism that involves opening the window in different positions. The sash can be opened completely or locked in the folding position.

Purpose and functions of a window in a steam room

In a steam room, you can identify several main practical areas that the presence of a window opening here provides: lighting, ventilation, providing visibility and the possibility of evacuation in case of an emergency. Let's take a closer look at them.


In the present time of electric lighting and evening bath gatherings, this function has, for the most part, a purely theoretical significance. Indeed, in order to provide a steam room with natural light, the window opening must be large, the room must not be shaded by anything, and you need to have time to steam at least before 5 o’clock in the afternoon, before the sun has yet fallen below the horizon.

Providing an overview

Again, this function is of rather theoretical significance. Very often, bathhouses are placed in the corner of a site, on its border, and you can’t count on a view like from the Vorobyovy Gory observation deck. In order to look at something, you need to be at the level of the window opening, in the upper zone of the room, and not everyone can do this in terms of pure physiology. And finally, in 90% of cases the window will be foggy and it will hardly be possible to see anything significant through it. Is there a need for a window in the steam room of a bath, through which one can successfully view only the whimsical running of droplets along the surface - a big question.

Possibility of evacuation

This point is more serious. The valiant fire department strongly advises that in rooms with a high fire danger, it is possible to organize emergency exits or adapt window openings for these purposes. It is clear that the window opening for these purposes must be located at an accessible height and its size must be appropriate, otherwise, after several training sessions, an ordinary bathhouse visitor can turn into an extraordinary window maker.

Ventilation and temperature and humidity control

The most useful and pragmatic item on this list. The presence of a window allows you to quickly and efficiently carry out the following operations:

  1. Regulating the temperature and humidity, naturally, in terms of reducing them, which, you see, is sometimes also very useful.
  2. Provide a volley system or, as old-school bathhouse attendants also call it, cross-ventilation. This is predetermined by the creation of conditions for directed and stable movement of air flow, which guarantees effective drying of the steam room upon completion of the procedures. An open window and door creates a draft that will remove moisture even from hard-to-reach areas.
  3. Carry out in practice a regime of standby flow ventilation if stationary ventilation ducts and their mouths were not provided structurally.

Important! As we see from the presented data, a casement window is of greater practical importance than a fixed window.


You can install a window in the steam room yourself. This will help you save money and learn new skills.


It is necessary to remove garbage from the steam room, remove shelves and other furniture. The walls should be caulked if this has not been done previously. Cutting a window opening and installing a frame can only begin after the frame has completely settled.

Tools and materials

Tools, consumables:

  • window frame with double glazing;
  • hand saw for wood;
  • set of chisels;
  • chainsaw;
  • Sander;
  • metal corners;
  • hand-held circular saw;
  • antiseptic with a minimum amount of harmful chemical compounds in the composition;
  • construction stapler.

Additionally, slats, boards, and bars may be needed.


When marking a window opening, it is not recommended to use a building level. It is better to use more precise tools - a laser level, a plumb line. The bottom edge of the window opening should run in the middle of the crown.

Cutting a hole

Once the markings are made, you need to cut a hole. To do this, you can use a chainsaw or a hand-held circular saw. The choice depends on the thickness of the walls of the log house.

Formation of a spike on the side surfaces

The spike should be located at a height of 50 mm. To do this, markings are applied at the ends of the window opening. After this, the tenon itself is cut out with a chainsaw or a hand-held circular saw. The remains of the wood are knocked out with chisels and a hammer.

Treating the opening with antiseptics

When the work on creating the tenon is completed, you can begin treating the window opening with antiseptics so that they do not collapse from exposure to moisture. It is important to choose protective compounds that do not emit harmful substances when exposed to strong heat. After the antiseptic has dried, a strip of jute should be secured over the ends of the window opening.

Manufacturing of casing

The casing can be made from timber with a cross-section of 100x100 mm. The side slats of the box should be less than the height of the window opening. In the middle of the bars you need to cut a groove that will be fixed to the formed tenon. The groove must be treated with an antiseptic so that the box does not begin to rot from the inside. The casing elements are fixed on spikes and connected to each other.

Frame installation

When the window opening is prepared, the casing is assembled, you can begin installing the frame. Its installation can be done using anchors or dowels. Along the edges of the frame, the frame is secured with wooden wedges. With their help, you can center it relative to the opening.

Door installation

The sash is fixed on special hinges and fittings. After installing it, you need to adjust the hinges so that the sash opens without difficulty. A special hexagon is used for this.


The voids between the frame and the casing must be filled with insulation - jute. It is better not to use mineral wool. Wooden trim is placed on top so that the nail heads are recessed into the wood.

Features of a ventilation system using a window opening

Windows in the bathhouse

Most Russians love and regularly visit the Russian bathhouse, which has become not only a place for hygiene procedures, but also a means of treating many diseases, a historical tradition. The benefits and joy of visiting it depend on how well it is built. One of the important questions that often arise is: is it necessary to make a window in the bathhouse? Let's try to answer it together.

Sizes, types of windows

There are many options for equipping buildings for hygiene procedures. Most experts say that windows are needed in a bathhouse. You need to choose where and what size they should be.

Depending on the installation location, their dimensions may vary. For the steam room and washing room, they should not be large, but it is quite acceptable to equip the dressing room with any openings at your request.

According to fire safety rules, windows must be installed in such a way that they open into the building and allow an adult to get out freely in the event of a fire.

Any building cannot do without openings. In the bathhouse, the placement of windows is possible in all rooms, each of which will perform a specific role. Some openings serve for ventilation, others for light access.

Most disputes arise over whether it is necessary to make a window in the steam room of a bathhouse. The main argument of opponents is that they will cause drafts, which will affect the formation of high-quality steam.

Operating practice proves the need to install not one, but two windows together with exhaust ventilation in order to ensure reliable ventilation of the room, drying of the wooden structures of the steam room after the end of the procedures, and maintaining a comfortable temperature during their reception.

One window - the main one should, on the advice of experts, be installed in the steam room opposite the door above the shelves, so that it is possible to stick your head out if necessary, to reduce the temperature inside the room. Between bath procedures it is used for drying.

The highest point of the window measuring 500x500 mm should be installed at the same level as the top of the low doorway.

Secondly, the smaller window performs an auxiliary function of drying the space in the lower part of the steam room, under the shelf, where most often there is no air movement, and the wood can quickly rot if there is no such opening.

If you adhere to the concept of a full-fledged bathhouse, then there will definitely be two more compartments - a washing room and a relaxation room. The need to install opening windows here is due to the following requests:

  1. while in the dressing room, admire the views around the site;
  2. save energy, feel comfort from the daylight passing through them;
  3. provide an effective system for drying and ventilation of premises;
  4. provide the building with emergency exits in case of fire or smoke.

This issue is also the subject of much debate among lovers of bath procedures. Wooden windows are traditionally considered the best choice for this kind of premises, especially those assembled from timber. In their production, preference is given to oak, linden, and aspen, which are better than other types of wood for a long time resisting moisture and subsequent drying, and permeate the air in the steam room with unforgettable aromas. This material “breathes” and is environmentally friendly.

The choice today is not difficult than to treat wooden windows in a bathhouse in order to preserve their appearance, extend their service life, and prevent the formation of mold, mildew, and the proliferation of bacteria. Stores sell impregnation agents of any spectrum of action, cost, the most popular of them are “Metacid”, “Polysept”, Supi Tikkurila.

Is it possible to install plastic windows in a bathhouse? The answer is yes, but except for the steam room, where high temperatures lead to the release of harmful substances from the plastic.

In other rooms, such Euro windows made of metal-plastic will not cause problems. You just need to install a two-chamber, or better yet, a three-chamber double-glazed window with sufficient sealing of the perimeter of the opening to maintain the required temperature and prevent wood rotting due to the formation of condensation.

Choosing a suitable shade of plastic windows with beautiful, reliable fittings for your building from the color range will not be difficult.

The construction of any facility must be carried out in compliance with certain rules and regulations. The main thing is not to install the windows until the log house is completely dry. This will take approximately 8–12 months. After this period, they are installed with a special board around the perimeter - casing, which has a smaller opening size by 100 mm, taking the main loads during compression and expansion of the wooden structure of the building.

Plastic Euro-windows can be installed only after 24 months from the date of construction of the building frame. They are attached using aluminum corners. Then the joints are sealed with polyurethane foam.

There are a number of other requirements for openings:

  • the best shape is a square or rectangle;
  • the dressing room and washing compartment are equipped with double glazing;
  • they should not be built blind;
  • should be easy to close, open, and be impenetrable.

Selecting windows for a Russian bath is not an easy task. You should take into account the beauty, reliability of the product, and the material from which they are made. Don’t forget about functions, sizes, safety, order, and the point of their installation, so that visiting this place brings health, convenience, and pleasure.

The demand for windows has unexpectedly given birth to another rather new service. And while plastic windows are just being installed in the provinces, the repair of plastic windows in Moscow is in full swing. And most complaints are related to glass fogging. Is it then worth installing such windows in the wettest room - in the bathhouse?

  1. Of course, plastic windows are known for their tightness. Even profile manufacturers recommend that you ventilate the room once a day to avoid air stagnation. But room ventilation depends not only on windows.
  2. If the humidity level in the room exceeds 60 percent, then the windows will definitely fog up. As is known from the laws of physics, condensation on windows forms only at a certain ratio of humidity and temperature. In any other case, the windows will remain dry.
  3. Much depends on how far the heating devices are located from the windows. In the bathhouse this is completely in order: the stove is usually not located immediately under the windowsill.
  4. However, windows are not installed in the steam room very often.

Most often, windows that open sweat. And this is natural: if the fittings have not been adjusted for a long time, and the seals have not been changed, the cold penetrates into the room. First of all, it gets on the window glass. Naturally, they fog up. But it’s much worse when the windows freeze. Sometimes it happens.

Depending on the reasons for fogging of windows and the appearance of dampness in the room, various window repair measures are used.

  1. If it is blowing from the window, it is necessary to adjust the fittings and change the seals. Typically this procedure is performed every three to four years.
  2. When fixed windows fog up, repairs are carried out depending on the problem. In this case, add additional ventilation, cover the radiator with a window sill, or reinstall the window. Reinstallation may be necessary if the window is not deep enough into the wall. Sometimes it happens that during installation they forget to install the necessary vapor barrier tapes, and then the humid air simply has nowhere to go. In this case, reinstallation will help.
  3. It happens that the window handle does not turn completely. This means it's time to change both the handles and all the fittings. And one more little secret: the rigidity of the window structure and the serviceability of the fittings largely depend on the parameters of the window opening and sashes. Judge for yourself: the larger the sash, the greater the load on the fittings. Considering the quality of modern fittings, it is better to make the window sash smaller.

And now about the question contained in the title of the article. Plastic windows can be installed in a bathhouse if the following conditions are met.

  1. Windows should be small. Even through energy-saving windows, a certain percentage of heat escapes to the street. Therefore, it is better to choose compact sizes.
  2. Mostly windows should be located southwest. Then the bathhouse will receive additional solar heat in the evening.
  3. It is better not to install windows in the steam room for safety reasons. Glass may break due to temperature. It won’t be very pleasant if there are people in the steam room at this moment.

When constructing a steam room, it is usually based on the type of bathhouse. If you (as indicated!) are in a Russian bathhouse, then the steam room will be very humid, because when steaming they pour water or herbal decoctions on the stones. So ventilation in this room is also needed. The window acts as a fan. When you open the doors and windows wide after the bathhouse, all the steam escapes from the premises in one gulp.

Panoramic windows are rarely installed in steam rooms, because special tempered glass costs more than the entire bathhouse, and ordinary frames will cause significant heat loss

Once upon a time, windows were installed very tiny, only to allow steam to escape. This was due to the fact that the steam room did not have the proper level of thermal insulation, which can be created today using foil-coated materials. And it was important to preserve every degree of heat.

Now the windows are thicker, and the quality of installation of the baths is better, so the heat loss from installing windows is much less. But it is important that your window solves the following problems:

  1. Provided good drying of the room after finishing the bath procedures. And for this it is best to mount two small windows: above the shelf and below it.
  2. Excess steam and temperature could quickly evaporate if you overdo it with firewood. To remove excess heat, opening the doors is not enough. We need to create a draft.
  3. Could be an additional exit in case of fire. Fire departments always recommend that in rooms with a high fire risk, create a window of such a size that you can jump out through it in case of fire at the door.
  1. Use of plastic windows. It is acceptable if you have a Russian steam bath or Turkish hammam at your disposal. Very high humidity levels and fairly low peak temperatures will minimize the possibility of evaporation of volatile substances that can be harmful to health.
  2. Finnish dry steam sauna. Definitely requires the use of wooden structures. Temperatures above 87 degrees Celsius, for most structural plastics, have a negative effect on them, both in terms of maintaining the original parameters and in terms of basic safety for the health of others.
  3. This option is for true adherents and connoisseurs of natural materials. The essence is to use a window into the steam room, made from wood of certain, often rare and expensive types of wood, which have undergone multi-level processing and preparation. It is clear that this approach cannot be called budgetary and is associated with large expenses.


Tips for installing a window inside a steam room:

  1. The outer side of the frame can be impregnated with any antiseptics. It is important that it is reliably protected from exposure to various atmospheric phenomena.
  2. It is recommended to cover the inside of the frame and platbands with wax impregnation for saunas and baths.
  3. It is not recommended to use polyurethane foam to fill voids.

You can order frosted glass so that what is happening inside the steam room cannot be seen from the outside.

The installation of windows and doors in the bathhouse can only begin after the log house has shrunk, if we are talking about a wooden building that was assembled from raw timber. You can do the installation yourself. It is important to choose the dimensions and material of the window frame correctly, and study the nuances of its protection from moisture and temperature changes.

Source of the article: https://probani.guru/inter-eriobustro-stvo/okna/

Bathroom windows: which ones to choose, where and how to install them

When constructing a bathhouse or sauna, the location of window structures is laid out at the design stage of the building. Unlike simple apartment windows, bath glazing systems perform completely different functions - increasing the soundproofing and thermal insulation properties of the building, and fire safety. At the same time, the structures also act as a decorative object for interior and exterior decoration. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the location, materials of manufacture, design features, and technology for installing windows in the bathhouse.

Selecting the size and material for the window structure

When choosing bath windows, PVC or wooden products are mainly chosen. The installation process depends on which designs are chosen. Regardless of the choice, you will have to face a number of difficulties related to installation technology, standard size (standard, models with stained glass and panoramic glass). In addition, the material used to build the bathhouse (wood, brick, concrete) is taken into account.

The dimensions of window structures play an important role in the thermal insulation of bathhouse premises. Optimal sizes vary within the following parameters:

  • height – 35-60 cm;
  • width – 55-70 cm.

The total glazing area should not be more than 5% of the entire ceiling surface of the sauna or bathhouse. The need to install bath windows and their standard sizes depend on the chosen installation location. For example, in the dressing room it is permissible to install structures of any configuration and size. In the steam room and washing departments, there may be no window systems at all, except in cases where they are provided for in the bathhouse design. Small windows measuring approximately 25 by 40 cm are used here. But in the recreation room it is possible to install standard PVC systems.

PVC window selection options

Plastic windows are made to order, so you can choose the required number of glasses, cameras, profile type, fittings, design, and sizes. As for the size of the windows, everything depends on the bathhouse itself and its initial parameters. You can choose window designs of any shape - trapezoid, triangle, square, rectangle, circle. There is a large assortment here.

When choosing a plastic window, you should pay attention to the quality of the fittings and profile. It is recommended to take products from manufacturers from Turkey or Germany. But the use of domestic components that were manufactured according to German technologies is also allowed. It will cost less, but maintain high quality.

PVC windows are installed tightly, but you can also take models that can be opened. Depending on the mechanism, there may be rotary models, folding options, or tilt-and-turn models.

As for the tilting type, here you can only open the window from the top (the sash moves slightly away from the main frame); such a structure cannot be fully opened. The rotary version involves the full opening of the sash. And the last type of mechanism (tilt-and-turn) will make it possible to fully open the window or only for ventilation.

Window qualities such as sound insulation and thermal insulation will depend on how many cameras are installed in the structure. If there are 2 glasses, there will be 1 air chamber and so on. As the number of glasses increases, the number of air chambers also increases.

Location of windows in the bathhouse

The design of the bathhouse obviously provides for the presence of windows, which are responsible for the penetration of natural light into the functional premises, ventilation, and ventilation of the rooms. In addition, the presence of window structures increases the safety of using the building at any time of the year (especially in winter), and the external attractiveness of the facades.

Taking into account the classic layout of the bathhouse, windows are most often installed in the following rooms:

  1. Dressing room (corridor). Located directly at the entrance to the functional premises, window systems are represented by standard products made of PVC or wood.
  2. A rest room where reinforced products are used, characterized by increased insulation from the penetration of extraneous sounds and cold from the outside. Durable frames are resistant to temperature changes and high humidity.
  3. Washing and shower room, where small-sized options installed at medium height are used for ventilation.

In addition, you can find baths where there are window structures in the steam room. Their main function is to stabilize extreme temperature changes, maintain normal humidity levels and microclimate.

Is a window needed in a steam room?

Many people mistakenly believe that there is no need to install a window unit in a steam room. After all, the main task of such rooms is to maintain temperature and steam. But then the question arises: how to ventilate the room and dry the interior? Some will say that a good, powerful ventilation system is enough. But installing glazing in the steam room will still help achieve a better effect.

Experienced developers say that it is necessary to install two windows at once. The first is installed opposite the front door near the bench shelves. The second is located under the bench. Small products are enough to avoid problems of wood rotting and mold formation.

Where to place the window in the steam room

The main window (located opposite the door at the top) is located directly above the shelves. While receiving bath procedures, a person can calmly open the door slightly to breathe in fresh air. After the “steam therapy” session, the glass “pocket” is opened for ventilation. After closing the sash, the desired temperature is reached quite quickly, which is facilitated by the correct installation location - the upper edge of the window block should be located at a height of approximately 60 cm to the ceiling.

An additional window is placed under the shelf (bench). It is important that both glazing elements open inwards (in accordance with safety regulations).

Window in the washing room

A window unit in the washing room is necessary for regular ventilation. Its second important function is as a backup in case of fire. Based on this, the location and size of the window are selected. Saving in this case is not worth it.

Is it necessary or not?

Regarding the rest room, everything is somehow simpler - most people there make a window without any doubt. But the steam room... So much effort is put into keeping the heat there longer, so questions immediately arise with the window in the steam room.

However, many of those who ask these questions do not see much difference in what type of bathhouse this steam room belongs to. By the way, this is not strange, because many create “hybrids” already at the project level. And a bathhouse is a system in which all elements are interconnected. Therefore, we have to look into each specific case separately.

It depends on which bathhouse - ours or the Finnish one

What are the most common bathhouses in Russia? Russian and Finnish, and numerous products of their crossing, right? The latter is still worth explaining.

So, let's take the sauna and the Russian as two poles. One of them will have high temperature and low humidity, the other will have moderate temperature and high humidity. All hybrids have tolerable conditions for vapers .
DANGEROUS! The combination of high humidity and high temperature is dangerous for the body - excess moisture in the steam room prevents the body from cooling through evaporation, and the high temperature of the water condensing on the skin can lead to burns.
Humidity and temperature are considered the main components of a particular mode, and one gets the feeling that everything is quite simple - install the same electric heater with a steam generator, set the mode and enjoy. But no. One stove won't do the trick here. An equally important factor is the ventilation . Because the implementation of the regime depends on it.

Typical Russian bath

In a Russian bath, the main thing is a steam cake , formed by light steam, which is formed by the instantaneous evaporation of water from surfaces heated to 400 degrees or higher. The cake should gather under the ceiling, not scatter, and maintain temperature. The bathhouse attendant scoops it up from there with a broom and lowers it onto the body lying on the shelf. No drafts during vaping - all cracks are closed almost completely. The ventilation system is designed so that it can be closed.

Finnish sauna, completely different ventilation rules

In a sauna, everything is different: the ventilation is never blocked , it provides a constant flow of fresh air, which quickly heats up from the iron stove, spreads throughout the room and slips out of it through the exhaust hole. Air is constantly drawn in through supply openings near the stove and under the door and exhausted out through a high exhaust vent on the opposite wall.

Should I do it in a Finnish sauna?

Ventilation hole in the ceiling of a Finnish sauna

So, if there is proper ventilation, the sauna works properly even without a window into the steam room. It is simply not part of the ventilation system, so it performs any other functions.

The Finns install windows in the steam room of the bathhouse when they want to admire the surrounding nature. Well, of course, there isn’t enough nature for everyone, some people have a clear view of only their neighbor’s garden from their bathhouse, so there’s no reason to install a panoramic window.

Other reasons may be:

  • a dislike of the volume without windows;
  • or the desire to let in at least a little sunshine.

One way or another, a window for a sauna steam room is an acceptable element, but structurally unnecessary.

Is it necessary to take a Russian bathhouse: arguments for it

But to the question of whether a window is needed in the steam room of a Russian bath, the answer is: according to tradition, it is necessary.

Firstly, traditional for Russia has always been a “black” bathhouse , in which there is simply no way without a window. All the smoke that filled the room as it heated was drawn out through it and through the door. Such ventilation using a window and a door is called “volley”.

It has also been preserved in bathhouses that are heated “white,” that is, they have a chimney. However, in this case, the function of burst ventilation is somewhat different: it is the expulsion not of smoke, but of exhaust air .

In a Russian bathhouse, volley ventilation is carried out between shifts of steamers or simply between visits . The oxygen-depleted air leaves, the cooled steam leaves, the temperature drops, and the steam room prepares for a new filling.

But this is only one option. We have already said that the modes are often mixed, the temperatures in a Russian are like in a sauna, so sometimes a window in the steam room of a bath is needed for a momentary influx of fresh air, lowering the temperature directly during the steaming.

The bathhouse in Karelia is a hybrid, neither Russian nor Finnish, but something in between

For example, there is such a theme: sticking your head out of an open window when your body is being fanned with might and main by a broom. Moreover, the size of such a window is strictly “under the head”.

It is clear that these are completely different “traditions”.

As for the other advantages: they are the same as for a sauna - sunlight, space, beauty outside the window.

Arguments against"

the heat loss associated with it .

IMPORTANT! It is known that each square of surface without thermal insulation in a steam room causes the stove to heat an extra 1.2 cubic meters of volume. That is, you measure the area of ​​the window, multiply by 1.2 and get an extra cubic capacity, which is added to the volume of your steam room. The furnace power must be designed for this total volume. (It goes without saying that glass doors, tiles, tiles, etc. surfaces count.)

But still, nowadays all the windows are double-glazed or double-glazed, and there the air layer itself is a good heat insulator , so passions about losses from a 30-centimeter window with double glass can be greatly exaggerated.

Types of bath windows

The most popular among owners of bath buildings are glazing systems made from natural and durable materials. For example, wooden profiles made of larch, aspen and other wood species. Such products are resistant to heat and high humidity. At the same time they look beautiful.

Plastic and aluminum profiles are no less in demand. Plastic does not rot and does not lose its shape over time. An alternative could be a combined model with long periods of use.

Wooden windows

This option is considered one of the most beautiful, inexpensive, suitable for installation in a washing room, steam room, or shower. Ready-made bath products have the following advantages:

  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • replaceability of profile parts in case of damage to wooden elements;
  • resistance to high humidity levels.

Wood products are also not without their disadvantages. These include the difficulties of preparing structures, treating them with stable compounds against the appearance of fungus, etc. Ready-made solutions are quite expensive, especially if noble wood species are used - oak, cherry, etc.

Plastic windows

For bath windows, glazing with a reinforced profile is used, known for its practicality. Such blocks will serve their owner for many years and will delight with their versatility (they can be placed in the dressing room, rest room, corridor). The undeniable advantages of a plastic profile include:

  • strength, burglary resistance, reliability;
  • long service life;
  • maximum thermal and sound insulation;
  • increased resistance to high levels of moisture and the effects of steam on the material;
  • ease of use.

Among the disadvantages, experienced bathhouse owners point out the presence of impurities in plastic, which can be released in the form of toxic fumes when heated strongly. As well as the ability to deform, the risk of condensation on surfaces.

Combined windows

Such models are made from several materials, allowing to extend the life of the structure and increase the thermal insulation properties. Plastic is often combined with wood or aluminum. Less common options are aluminum and wood. In practice, a kind of “trio” profiles made of plastic, wood and an aluminum frame are used.

How to choose the right wood

If you look at the price, then pine will be more affordable. Such windows are not suitable for a steam room. When the tree heats up, it will begin to release harmful resins.

In the case of a steam room, it is best to take windows from larch, beech or oak. These types of wood have the most important characteristics - durability and strength.

Typically, ash, aspen or linden are used to make windows and doors. When they are exposed to high temperatures, the aroma of essential oils is felt, which have a healing effect.

Pine laminated timber is used to make wooden windows with double-glazed windows. This applies to factory products. You can also consider combined models covered with oak veneer on top. Such windows will be cheaper than the oak version. As for the quality, it is at the same level for these options.

If you want a more expensive option, then you can take a closer look at mahogany. Such products not only look very beautiful, but will also last for many years. However, this variety cannot be used at low temperatures. Otherwise, the wood will simply lose its original appearance and crack.

Wooden window installation technology

In modern house construction, a log frame is most often used when constructing baths and saunas. In this case, a wooden window profile will look most harmonious. Installation work is carried out after complete shrinkage of the timber. And this takes at least a year. Only after this can you begin to prepare openings and installation. First, measurements are taken, after which the casing is fixed, wooden frames and glass are attached.

Measurements of window openings

Once the location of the window has been selected, you can begin taking measurements along the cleaned window opening. To do this, the master will need a construction tape measure and a level. If the opening was punched a little unevenly, all distortions can be easily leveled with the help of a properly manufactured and installed frame.

The calculation is made vertically and horizontally. The average value is the required block size. At the same time, we must not forget about standardization. According to GOST standards, it is necessary to leave space for technical holes (up to 5 cm at the bottom, up to 2 cm at the top, on the sides).

Fixation of casing, frames and glass

Installation work is impossible to imagine in the absence of casing. This wooden structure is a fixing box for the window frame. Timber is used as a raw material for making the box. The rectangular box, up to 4 cm thick, softly and structurally transitions into the window sill (lower part). All end parts serve as platbands.

The manufactured structure is fixed in the opening. Then the frame is fixed into the casing and double-glazed windows are inserted. Dowels, blocks, and anchors are used as fasteners.

Windows in the bathhouse: in the steam room and washing room, dimensions, do-it-yourself installation, casing manufacturing

When building a bathhouse, the question certainly arises: how many windows should there be, in what room, where should they be located and what size should they be made. One thing is clear: the principles that are used to determine the size of the glazing of houses and apartments are not suitable here. The conditions are completely different and so are the tasks at the windows.

Is a window needed in a steam room?

Many people believe that there is no need to make a window in the steam room: it is necessary to preserve the temperature and steam as much as possible. But this approach has many disadvantages: there is no window, how will you dry and ventilate the steam room? After all, there is no way to do without this. Of course, there is a way out - an effective ventilation system, but its design is not easy.

Windows are needed in the bathhouse. And in the washing room and in the steam room too

In general, experts on Russian baths say that it is necessary to have two windows in the steam room. The first - the main thing - is done in the wall opposite the door. They make it above the shelves - this is for those who need fresh air when vaping. The size of this window can be small so that you can stick your head out (if it gets too hot) or lower the temperature if you suddenly “overheat.”

His task is also to organize ventilation between baths. You open it, open the doors, a quick change of air occurs, the so-called burst ventilation. Afterwards everything closes and the temperature rises again. This no longer takes a lot of time: both the walls and the floor/ceiling are heated, and it takes about fifteen to twenty minutes to heat the air.

The second window - an auxiliary one - is located under the shelf. It may generally be small and opaque. Its task is to dry the shelves. This is usually the most “stagnant” zone, where problems with wood most often begin. If you have a window there, the problem will be largely solved.

Read about how to make shelves in a steam room here.

The bathhouse is being built on a frame, but the windows in the future steam room have already been installed - one main one, the second - blind for ventilation of the shelves

All windows in the steam room are closed during procedures. Sometimes, for women, for example, the window at the top is opened slightly. Before and after the bath, they are opened completely in order to renew and refresh the atmosphere.

Where to make a window in the steam room

For the “main” window, it is not so much the size of the glazing that is important, but its location. After all, it is possible to achieve high humidity in the steam room of a Russian bath only if there is a “pocket” under the ceiling in which the steam accumulates and is retained. To prevent steam from escaping when opening the doors, the doors to the steam room are made low.

What doors should be like in a steam room and how to make them is written here.

The windows are small and low located - they should not interfere with steam gathering

The additional window, the one under the shelf, can be made even smaller. It can generally be made from boards or a layer of insulation can be laid between two glasses. The main thing is that it opens and makes it possible to dry the steam room.

One more point: for safety reasons, all windows in the bathhouse must open inward. Take this into account when planning and do not forget when purchasing or making.

Window in the washing room

“In my bathhouse I made a small window in the shower: its size is about 300*300 mm, the glass is about 220*220 mm. I thought that it would be enough for ventilation, but I didn’t do anything more - thieves couldn’t get into such a small space, and there was no need to install a grille. So here it is. There is not enough ventilation even in winter. You have to open the doors to the rest room and flash your bare bottom.

Wooden or plastic

“I have had plastic windows in my steam room for three years now. All is well. But I don’t heat it above 65°C, more steam, lower temperatures - that’s what I like.”

A steam room and two windows in a Russian bathhouse are the norm

“I have almost the entire bathhouse made of pine, except for the ceiling (it’s made of aspen) and the floor—it’s made of larch. The windows are pine, varnished on the outside, nothing on the inside. When I heat, condensation flows through the glass, but the wood is dry and does not rot. The tree took, the tree gave. I only dry it well, I don’t close the windows/doors for a long time. In our village there is no one to hide from"

One glass or two

To preserve heat in the bathhouse, it is advisable to install double glass. Moreover, it is better - with maximum sealing. But, if the window is installed correctly and there is a pocket for steam, then its effect on heat and steam conservation is not critical. Why then install double frames? Yes, to prevent condensation from leaking. It flows onto the windowsill, then down onto the wall.

Installing a window in a bathhouse

No matter how small the window is, it must be installed correctly in a wooden bathhouse. And that’s right - it’s with a casing. This is a special board that takes on all the loads that arise during the shrinkage of the log house.

In general, it is advisable not to install windows and doors until the main shrinkage of the wood has passed. To do this, the log house must stand for at least a year. After this period, you can cut holes in the wall and begin installing the window.

When marking a window or doorway, you need to use a plumb line or a laser level. Construction level accuracy should not be trusted in such an important matter.

The hole in the log house is cut with a hand-held circular saw or chain saw. The lower edge of the window opening should be approximately in the middle of the log if the log house is made of cylinders. The window sill will be installed here later.

Schematically the casing on the window looks like this

The next step is to form a spike on the side surfaces. It should be about 50 mm wide and 50 mm high. We make the appropriate markings. Then, using an electric saw, we make a cut along the marking with a depth of about 50 mm. Now from the sides, stepping back 50 mm from the edge, we make another cut - right and left.

Next, according to the technology, the window opening must be treated with antiseptics. It is very desirable to use them, but you need to take impregnations for baths and saunas, which do not emit harmful substances when heated. After the impregnation has dried, fill a strip of jute tape around the perimeter of the window opening. They attach it, as usual, to staples from a construction stapler.

The next stage is making the casing. For a large window, take a beam of 100*100 mm or 100*200 mm. The height of the side slats should be slightly less than the height of the window opening. A little less, this is 2-3 cm for a settled log house and 5-7 cm for a fresh one.

A longitudinal marking is made on one side of the block: a groove 50 mm wide is marked. The cuts are made to a depth of 40-42 mm. But in this case, the middle between the two cuts is removed. Thus, in the middle of the block there will be a recess - a groove. We smooth the edges using a chisel and chisel (or a hammer). This part is also treated with antibacterial impregnations.

The manufactured sidewalls of the casing are mounted on a tenon that was cut out earlier in the window opening. It should fit tightly, you will have to knock. It is not attached to anything else; it is held in place by the elasticity of the wood fibers.

The upper edge of the window in the steam room is flush with the door lintel

As a result, it turns out that the casing bars are shorter than the opening, and there is a gap to the top. It will protect the window frame from damage if the frame settles. A thick board is attached to the top of the sidewalls - it will serve as a support for attaching the top of the frame. The gap remaining between the board and the crown is filled with insulation after installing the frame. A board is also attached to the bottom, which will serve as the basis for the window sill.

Now the window opening is ready to install the frame. Further, the technology is no different from installing any other window in a brick or block building.

What did we do, and why is casing needed at all? It turned out that our window is attached not to the frame, but to the casing. And it is not rigidly connected to the log house, but has the ability to move. There is also a fairly decent gap at the top, which will compensate for the shrinkage of the bath. All this together will prevent the frame from breaking when moving.

Plastic window installation technology

For baths made of brick, concrete and foam blocks, plastic windows are more suitable. Their advantage lies in the possibility of installation immediately after completion of construction. If we are talking about log buildings, then the shrinkage time of the building material is taken into account.

Before installation work, the dimensions of window openings are carefully measured. In addition, it is important to take into account the distance of technical gaps - 2 centimeters on the sides and top, and 4 cm on the bottom. Structures may move slightly if ebbs and window sills are installed, which is also taken into account when taking measurements.

Plastic window systems are mounted using anchors and dowels, which are fixed in the mounting holes provided for them. The clamps are also responsible for adjusting the frame height. If the bathhouse is built of brick or concrete blocks, anchor plates are used as fastenings, which are hidden when finishing the slopes. Anchor screws are used as fastening elements when glazing wooden baths. The wood casing is pre-treated with an antiseptic.

The final stage of installation is the installation of insulation into the window opening, which is closed with special platbands. According to the classics, plastic window sills and ebbs are installed as decorative and functional elements.

Common installation mistakes

During the installation of bath windows, technological errors are often made that negatively affect the operational life, insulation properties, and functionality of the structures. The most common mistakes include:

  1. Incorrect vertical and horizontal measurements. Over time, the fittings begin to close tightly, become loose and change their shape. As a result, the sash stops closing altogether.
  2. Failure to comply with the rules for installing elements adjacent to the frame. Because of this, condensation begins to form abundantly when the heat is high.
  3. There is no casing in wooden windows, which is why the frame subsequently begins to crack and deform.
  4. High density of clamps, which leads to frame bending (wave-like effect).
  5. Incorrect measurement, as a result of which the glass simply cracks.

Installation of a wooden, plastic, combined window in a bathhouse and functional rooms of a building (steam room, washing room, etc.) is possible with your own hands. The main thing in this difficult task is to adhere to the requirements, quality standards, correctly prepare openings and take into account shrinkage periods, so as not to worry about cracks in the glazing, distortions of frames, etc. in the future. It would also be a good idea to install German windows, which are always of good quality.

Source of the article: https://avtonomnoeteplo.ru/stroitelstvo/1778-okna-v-banyu-kakie-vybrat-gde-i-kak-ustanovit.html

Which windows for a bathhouse are better to choose - the pros and cons of the options

Windows in a bathhouse are not as necessary as in an ordinary residential building, because much less light is needed in a steam room. However, it’s still not possible to do without windows entirely. We will discuss which windows are best for a bathhouse, the advantages and disadvantages of materials, as well as installation features further in the article with photo and video materials.

The decision on the location, number and size of future window openings is made at the project development stage. At the same time, they carefully consider the configuration of the frames, the presence of vents, the thickness and number of glasses, and determine the materials for the windows in the various rooms of the bathhouse.

Modern windows with wooden frames are of high quality and reliability; they are not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity, are airtight and durable. All this is achieved through modern production technologies and special impregnations for wood.

And although the abundance of antiseptic impregnations and paints and varnishes that cover window frames reduce the ability of wood to “breathe” and ventilate, one can name a whole list of other advantages of such structures.

Among the advantages of wooden windows are:

  • aesthetic natural appearance;
  • the ability to accumulate heat, making such windows seem warm;
  • possibility of restoration in case of minor defects and scratches.

Note that although wooden frames can be ordered from ordinary craftsmen who make them at home, such products are still noticeably inferior in quality to factory ones, although they will cost the buyer much less. However, with proper care and well-chosen wood, even they can last for many years.

If we talk about disadvantages, it is worth noting that factory products are practically free from them, except that they are quite expensive.

But as for homemade wooden windows, they have a number of disadvantages.

We list the main weaknesses of such products:

  • tendency to swell due to exposure to moisture, as a result of which the window begins to open poorly;
  • without proper treatment, the wood begins to dry out, crack and creak;
  • homemade windows are susceptible to damage by insects and rot;
  • Wooden frames need to be maintained regularly.

In order for such a window to the bathhouse to retain its attractiveness and functionality for much longer, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of wood, treat it with antiseptic agents, and also not violate the installation technology. The window will last longer if the primer and paint layer is renewed every 3-4 years.

Of all the available types of wood, pine is the most affordable. However, you can’t make a window out of it for a steam room, because when it gets too hot, it releases resins that are harmful to health.

It is optimal to make the window to the steam room from oak, larch or beech, which are characterized by increased strength and durability.

In addition, windows and doors for a bath can be made of ash, aspen or linden, which at high temperatures give off a pleasant aroma of medicinal essential oils.

Factory-made wooden windows with double-glazed windows are quite often made from laminated pine lumber. Although it is possible to install combined versions of windows in the bathhouse, on which a layer of oak veneer is attached on top. By the way, such windows are much cheaper than those made from solid oak, and are not much inferior in quality.

If desired, you can order windows made of expensive wood, for example, mahogany. At first, such products are very beautiful and exotic, pleasant to the eye and to the touch. But such wood is not intended for use in low temperatures, because when it freezes, it begins to crack and quickly loses its attractiveness. Therefore, it is better to focus on tree species that are more familiar to mid-latitudes, tested by time and practice.

Another point regarding the choice of material concerns its quality. For the manual production of wooden frames, only strong timber is suitable, light in color, without knots, stains or traces of insects, with a moisture content of no more than 12%. Such raw materials will last a long time and will reliably protect the room. And if there are any defects, such wood cannot be used for making frames.

Plastic windows

Plastic windows are becoming more and more in demand over time, so it is not surprising that they have also found application in the arrangement of baths.

If we talk about whether it is possible to install plastic windows in a steam room, then definitely not, since plastic is toxic when heated and will not withstand the test of the microclimate of the steam room. But in all other rooms - the dressing room, washroom or rest room, a plastic window in the bathhouse will be very useful.

Windows with PVC frames have the following positive qualities:

  • tightness and soundproofing;
  • do not tend to absorb moisture, so there is no danger of swelling;
  • durability;
  • no special maintenance required;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • can be easily opened to ventilate the room.

It is better to choose double-glazed windows for a bathhouse, which can guarantee tightness and good thermal insulation. Such products are able to provide a stable indoor microclimate even at very low outside temperatures.

As a rule, windows are produced with white PVC frames, however, if desired, you can order any decor with imitation of natural materials - mahogany, wenge, oak, pine and others.

Weak sides

Since plastic is a synthetic material, it is not capable of allowing air to pass through, so condensation quickly accumulates inside the room, and the air becomes stale. In addition, when heated strongly, toxins begin to be released from it, which is in no way beneficial to health.

And if the quality of the plastic is very low, then evaporation occurs even at room temperature. Therefore, when choosing plastic windows, you need to focus only on certified products from official representatives of manufacturers.

Among the disadvantages of plastic is its fragility. It scratches easily and can crack from a direct blow. It will no longer be possible to eliminate such defects, but it will only be possible to completely replace the window.

Since plastic windows are made to order, you can choose the size of the window in the bathhouse, its design, the necessary fittings, the type of profile and the number of chambers and glass. The size of the windows for the bath, as well as their number and shape, will depend on what initial parameters the bathhouse has. In particular, you can order round, rectangular, square, triangular or trapezoidal windows - depending on your desire and the existing interior.

Another selection criterion is the quality of the profile and fittings. The best products are those from German and Turkish manufacturers. However, you can also opt for domestic manufacturers working on German production lines. Such products are cheaper, but the quality is practically not inferior to imported ones.

Plastic windows can be installed tightly or can be opened.

The tilting type of mechanism allows you to open the window only in the upper part, that is, the sash moves away from the frame a certain distance, but does not open completely. The turning mechanism allows you to fully open the sash, as in traditional windows. The tilt-and-turn type of mechanism allows you to change the opening method depending on the position of the handle, that is, you can open the window for ventilation, or you can open it completely.

The number of chambers of a plastic window determines its heat and sound insulation qualities. If there are only two glasses in a double-glazed window, it has only one air chamber, three glasses mean two chambers, and four glasses in a package mean the presence of three air chambers. The standard width of double-glazed windows is: 24, 28, 30, 32, 42 mm.

The profiles are equipped with chambers in order to give rigidity to the structure and retain heat indoors. There are three, five and six-chamber profiles. Since the question of whether it is possible to install a plastic window in a bathhouse has already been resolved, we note that the optimal one in this case would be a five-chamber profile, which allows the installation of thicker glass.

The combined type of windows involves the use of several materials in different combinations, in particular:

  • wood with plastic;
  • wood and aluminum;
  • plastic with aluminum;
  • aluminum with wood and plastic.

The combination of several materials can improve the thermal insulation properties of windows. And most often the first two combinations of materials are used.

You can combine materials in windows in this way:

  • The inside of the frame is lined with wooden planks, and the partitions and the entire frame are made of plastic. Such windows appear to be made of wood from the inside. For protection and additional decoration, the wood is coated with several layers of varnish.
  • The entire frame is made from laminated veneer lumber, and aluminum or plastic strips are placed on the outside using clamps to allow the wood to “breathe.”
  • First, two independent frames are made - the inner one is made of wood, and the outer one is made of plastic or metal. Along the perimeter, the frames are connected to each other with special brackets, and the glazing is done with ordinary glass, and not with bags. If desired, any of the frames can be removed.

Windows made using the last two methods are suitable for installation even in a steam room, because metal and plastic are located outside.

Since windows significantly increase heat loss, in a bathhouse their total area should not be more than 5% of the total size of the room. At the same time, the size of the window in the steam room or any other room does not exceed 60x80 cm. The largest window can be in the relaxation room, and the smallest in the steam room. There are various designs in shape - square, round, with complex geometry.

The main purpose of windows in a bathhouse is ventilation, so they should be hinged or equipped with at least a window.

The optimal solution for a steam room would be to make two ventilation windows above the top bed, measuring 20x40 cm. They can be opened to cool or dry the room, and let in fresh, clean air.

However, it should be borne in mind that ordinary glass can crack from high temperatures, so they must be heat-resistant on the inside of the steam room.

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