Bathhouse 3 by 6: layout, choice of materials, construction tips

Having your own bathhouse is the dream of many. What could be more pleasant than enjoying steam treatments and then drinking aromatic tea? After such a procedure, all stress and fatigue disappear, the person feels rested and renewed.

To build a bathhouse, you can turn to specialists or do the construction yourself.

The construction process cannot be called simple; you need to follow a certain construction order, comply with technical standards and fire safety requirements. Where does any construction start? Of course, with drawing up a detailed design of the future structure.

Features of the construction of a 6 by 3 bathhouse

You can build a bathhouse with your own hands.
Unlimited access to information will help you combine opportunities with wishes, as well as show your creativity. The greatest interest may be aroused by a simple and proven 3x6 bathhouse project. Before you get down to business, think about what the layout of the bathhouse will be and where on the site it is most convenient to place such a structure.

Subtleties of the preparatory stage of construction

There are several rules for placing a building that will facilitate the operation of the bathhouse in the future.

Bathhouse layout

The bathhouse can be installed separately or combined with another structure: make it part of the house, connect it with a summer kitchen or workshop. But experience shows that such a neighborhood can lead to dampness and an unpleasant odor. Proper planning of sewerage, ventilation and waterproofing systems will help avoid such a situation.

When building a bathhouse, it is necessary to lay the foundation to the depth of soil freezing. Depending on the soil moisture, you can make a simplified version of the base. But, as practice shows, a 6x3 bathhouse is built on a strong foundation of stone, brick or concrete. After about 2-3 months, as soon as the base has dried and settled, you can begin construction.

The building is constructed from environmentally friendly materials that “breathe” and retain and release heat well. Wood is rightfully considered one of the best. Sometimes 3x6 baths are built from natural stone and brick, which are durable and more fireproof.

Advice from the master!

In terms of construction, the entrance is usually located on the south side: in winter there are not such large snowdrifts and in spring the snow melts much faster. A 6x3 bathhouse is built at a distance of 5 m from other buildings and is located no closer than 15-20 m from reservoirs, slopes, on a flat surface. Use the ready-made 6x3 bath plan.

The lifespan of a 3 by 6 bathhouse depends on proper logging and drying of wood. Wood should be harvested from December to early March. The felled trees should lie down for several months, only after that can you begin to make logs and beams for building a bathhouse.

To preserve this building material, you must adhere to several rules.

  1. The log is cleared of bark. To prevent it from cracking at the edges, a strip of bark 15 cm wide is left at its ends.
  2. To prevent spoilage, logs are stored in stacks. In this case, the distance between the logs should be 5 cm, between the rows of the stack - 10 cm, between the ground and the first stack - 20 cm.
  3. The logs should be covered with some kind of roofing material, such as slate, so that they are not exposed to precipitation. There should be at least 5 cm between the slate and the logs.
  4. Protect logs from direct sunlight. Place the material in a well-ventilated place.

Filling the bathhouse with a good mood

A 6 x 3 sauna will help improve health, cleanse the body, and bring spiritual peace. You can arrange your temple of purity according to your personal preferences and include in the bathhouse design the size of the steam room, options for placing shelves, their shape, and width.

Consider how the steam room of a 6x3 bath will be heated: a stove, electrical appliances or pipes with hot water or gas. The best option, undoubtedly, is a heater stove, which is located in the corner of the steam room.

Bath layout options

The bathhouse must have a shower room. Here you can install a shower for three people and hang a wooden bucket into which cold water will be poured. You can equip the shower with a small table or shelf to put personal hygiene products there. Make sure you have hooks for towels.

Advice from the master!

If funds allow, you can install a 6x3 shower stall in the bathhouse. It is advisable to equip the relaxation room with a table, armchairs and other necessary bath interior items.

Important points

In any bathhouse - small or large - the main attribute is the stove. It can be wood-burning, electric, gas-based, whatever suits your needs. But, of course, a wood-burning stove is considered ideal for a bathhouse. Especially if there is a goal - to adhere to the Russian or rustic style.

When the project has been selected, construction and finishing have come to an end, it’s time to take care of the interior. Everything will depend on the chosen style. In addition to Russian and rustic, Provence and chalets are suitable. Modern style is also appropriate, but using only the necessary elements.

For a review of a 3 by 6 bathhouse made of timber, see the following video.

Preparation for construction

Before purchasing materials and building a foundation, you need to think carefully about the design of a 3x6 m bathhouse and prepare a drawing. It’s not difficult to sketch out the rooms that will be located in a space of 6 by 3 meters.

The main thing is to decide what is preferable, and which room should be given more space and which should have less. For one, a spacious steam room is important and does not need a relaxation room at all; for another, on the contrary, a place where guests can gather for tea is enough, and a compact steam room will suffice. And the third one will decide to replace the rest room with a veranda.

Once the project has been determined, you need to think about finishing materials - inside and outside. The best option is to build a wooden bathhouse. If the building will be constructed from concrete blocks or bricks, cladding is required. Whether it will be made from natural materials or imitating natural ones depends on the funds that are planned to be spent on arranging the bathhouse.


An excellent solution for a bathhouse would be to install a pitched roof. Its equipment is somewhat cheaper and also simpler than a gable one. In the photo below you can see that the rafter system has three support points.

The rafter legs are located in increments of 60 cm from each other and are fixed to the upper elements of the wall. To achieve the required roof slope, it is necessary to calculate in advance the height of all walls so that an angle is formed between them. The roof slope angle for a bathhouse is determined individually for each project. Much depends on the meteorological conditions in a particular area, as well as the type of flooring chosen. If it is metal tiles, then the minimum slope should be 16 degrees.

In the photo above you can see that the front wall had to be raised a little. To increase its strength, jibs were installed on the sides. Roof overhangs are made at the front and back so that water flows down unhindered. Waterproofing, control sheathing and sheathing under the roof deck and the roof deck itself are attached to the rafters. A video about the construction of such a bath can be seen below.

Bathhouse: layout and division of the total area into functional zones

If earlier baths consisted of only one room, then modern versions of these structures include several rooms. These may include a washing room, a dressing room, a recreation area, a swimming pool, a billiard room, etc. So that in the future the owner does not have to resort to rebuilding and adjusting the building, even at the design stage it is necessary to make all important notes in the drawings of the bathhouse. The following points deserve special attention:

For convenience, modern baths include several functional areas

  • interior layout;
  • water supply system;
  • electrical wiring;
  • sewerage and drainage system.

Development of a bathhouse plan taking into account the conditions of the summer cottage

To create ideal conditions for relaxing in a bathhouse, you need to take into account some nuances that will allow you to avoid troubles during the operation of the room. It is desirable that the construction area be located on soils with low groundwater levels. Before starting to develop a project, you must immediately exclude all areas that do not meet this condition.

If there is a well on the territory, then the distance between it and the bathhouse should not be less than 5 m. The minimum gap between the steam room and the residential building is 8 m. The farther the compost pit and toilet are located from the bathhouse, the better. Experts advise making the entrance from the south. In winter, fewer snowdrifts form here, so there is no possibility of blocking access to the door. It is better if the windows face west, which will allow sufficient sunlight to enter the room.

If there is a pond at your summer cottage, by building a bathhouse 15-20 m from it, you can use it instead of a swimming pool. In addition, the presence of a river or lake near the structure will provide a water supply system.

Bathhouse project measuring 7.74 by 6.24 meters

For small areas (3-6 acres), 3 by 3 bathhouse projects are suitable; photos of such buildings are available in abundance on the websites of construction companies. Even in such compact buildings, the main room remains the steam room. The maximum possible amount of space should be allocated for the organization of this room - about 8 m². This is enough to install 2-3 sunbeds (shelves) and a stove.

Other rooms can be included in the layout of a bathhouse of 3x4 m or more (optional). The structure can be used for its intended purpose even in the absence of a billiard room or bathroom. A bathhouse cannot exist without a steam room. For this reason, the division of the internal space into functional zones primarily depends on the size of the project.

It is recommended to build baths at a distance of at least 8 m from a residential building

If you want additional amenities, you can include a small shower room or washing room in the design of a 3 by 4 m bathhouse. After the steam room, you can wash off the dirt and freshen up here. Typical projects are characterized by the presence of a relaxation room, which will be used during breaks between steam sessions. To organize it you will need 4.5 m².

Other rooms, for example, a locker room or vestibule, would also be useful. They are compact enough to fit into a 5 by 5 timber bathhouse project along with the main rooms.

Design of a bathhouse measuring 6x6 m with a second attic floor

How to make an internal sewer system in a country house with your own hands (with photo)

The sewer system for a dacha, where numerous outbuildings are located, including a toilet, ensures the collection, disposal and treatment of wastewater that is generated as a result of human activity. At the same time, water should be used for hygienic and household needs. One of the main tasks of the sewage system in a summer cottage is the reception and removal of feces.

It is very important to properly lay the sewer system, since it is one of the main necessary elements for the improvement of the toilet and the entire suburban area, which forms a complex of primary household amenities. A sewer system is required if the toilet is equipped with a faeces flush tank.

First, wastewater should be diverted through internal pipelines to the outlet from the main toilet cubicle. This is carried out on the section of the pipeline from the base of the riser to the nearest inspection well of the yard network, which crosses the boundary of the building.

Internal sewer networks can be laid openly or hidden. If externally such pipes do not violate the design of the room, then they can be safely laid openly. When laying, pipelines are secured to walls, ceilings and other building elements.

Look at the photo of the sewer system in the country, made with your own hands by laying external and internal pipelines:

The outlet section of the sewerage system at a summer cottage must be laid directly into the ground or in special channels. With a pipe diameter of 50 mm, its maximum length can be 6 m. If pipes with a diameter of 100 mm or more are used to lay the sewer system, then their length can reach 8 m. Then the wastewater flows into the external yard sewerage network.

Before making a toilet in a country house with sewerage, at the end of the yard network, depending on the direction of movement of wastewater, it is necessary to build a control well. After this, the wastewater passes through the connecting branch further into the street sewer pipe, if any. It is recommended to install an inspection, or control, well in places where the sewer line turns or changes in the slope and diameter of the pipes. In addition, the need to create such a well arises when new lines are connected.

Wells should be placed on a straight line if the pipe diameter is 125 mm and its total length exceeds 40 m. When using pipes with a diameter of 150 mm or more, a control well can be placed after 50 m. The well can be made of brick or concrete rings. When constructing a brick well, the thickness of its walls depends on the structure of the soil.

How to make a sewer system in a summer cottage, taking into account the quality of the soil? In dry soils, the wall can be laid out in half a brick, and in wet soils - in one brick. The well must be covered with a cast-iron hatch, the surface of which must be at the level of the yard cover.

When carrying out work on laying sewerage in a summer cottage with your own hands, do not forget that wastewater from the toilet in small summer cottages should go either into a cesspool or into a special storage tank for collecting sewage. In a private house, you can equip a drainage system into a multi-chamber septic tank designed for the accumulation and mechanical treatment of household wastewater. The most practical option is to install a two-chamber septic tank with wastewater separation.

To drain wastewater, you should lay an inexpensive and fairly simple external sewerage system, with the help of which the waste itself will flow into the place designated for its collection.

Successful projects

Project options with a total area of ​​6x3 m are few in number. Moreover, this requires more careful thinking.

This room is designed for four people. This area is enough to accommodate each other comfortably and not interfere with each other. But this is the ideal option. If necessary, the company can be larger.

Project 1. In a small dressing room on the left side there is a door from which you can enter the rest room. And from the rest room you can go into the washing room, and then into the steam room. The relaxation room and steam room are the same size. The premises allow you to place everything you need. There is enough dedicated space for a washing room. The dressing room is also well located.

With a small space, your imagination can’t run wild, but it’s quite possible to create a comfortable, cozy and attractive bathhouse outside and inside. You just need to determine for yourself which rooms should be larger or smaller in size, and which ones you can do without.

An option that allows you to increase the space of the bathhouse, but at the same time remain on the same plot of land, is to complete the attic floor. It will provide additional opportunities, and its construction will not be so troublesome.

But on the ground floor there is more space. You can make a more spacious steam room, find a place for a utility room, and install a shower in the washing room. Then the room under the roof will be completely dedicated to relaxation. It can accommodate a table for tea drinking, a cozy sofa, and even a corner for cooking.

A good addition that will make your vacation even more comfortable could be a TV, stereo system, or karaoke system. If necessary, the second floor can become a room for guests who decide to stay for a few days. If you distribute the space wisely, then there will be room for a cozy sofa or folding sofa, which can be separated with a screen from the tea drinking area.

A design is possible when the proposed space has both a room under the roof and a veranda. It will not be difficult to think through a scheme for such a design. One of three projects is taken as a basis; the second floor implies an open plan.

Why should we build a bathhouse? It would be from something

In the article about the layout of a 6x4 bathhouse, we dwelt in detail on buildings made of logs, timber, and modern materials. Once again we will talk about materials that can or should be used in construction and those whose use is unlikely to bring pleasure from the steam room.

Wooden sauna

Natural wood is a valuable, environmentally friendly material and loved by everyone. No aroma lamp can convey the aroma that wood creates. There is beauty, practicality, and aromatherapy here. After all, if you choose the right type of wood, the bathhouse will last for decades.

An example of Russian architecture with a modern twist

We will share recommendations on which tree you can take and which you shouldn’t.

  • Aspen will do. And its wood is very fragrant.
  • Linden. Like linden honey, broom, the tree also has healing properties.
  • Oak and beech are durable trees with dense wood. And it is precisely because of this inflexibility that they are not suitable. Increased moisture will “lead” the walls.
  • Pine, spruce, larch and other trees with needles instead of leaves are not suitable.

Wooden sauna 6×6

Option for a two-story bathhouse with a terrace

You can find advice that coniferous trees are suitable for walls. They say they are cheaper and stronger. But only if the layout of the 6x6 bathhouse includes a steam room with its own walls. Agree, under the influence of steam, a pine beam or log will begin to “cry” resin tears. Is this necessary?

By the way, about the type of wood material. What is preferable - timber or logs?

  • The log initially needs to be dried for about 6 months. Are you ready to wait?
  • However, log baths look original, in the spirit of ancient Russian traditions.
  • But bathhouses made of timber are economically profitable and are built much faster.

Saunas made of timber require less material and less time, and this material costs much less than logs. If a log is primarily processed wood, then timber is lumber. It is dried properly and cut into pieces of 6 m each.

Bathhouse made of timber - modern and beautiful

Layout of the 1st floor of a two-story bathhouse

Stone hut

Baths made of brick, lined with stone, and foam blocks are also not without attractiveness. In addition, they are characterized by increased strength.

Yes, I want the steam room itself and the relaxation room to smell like natural wood. Then wooden lining and wooden panels will help you.

If you need a bathhouse urgently, you can buy a ready-made frame structure. The outside is faced with stone or brick, and the inside is trimmed with wood. But in this case, you shouldn’t even think about building a second floor - the walls won’t hold up.

Did you see? Pass by

What materials for building a bathhouse should not even be considered?

  • Synthetic materials for walls are not suitable.
  • Plastic panels should not be used.
  • Raw wood. Even if you cut the logs yourself, they need to dry naturally for a year or two.
  • Wood walls cannot be varnished or painted. You can’t use drying oil either, no matter how much the store clerk assures you. This is a petroleum product. This means that the only natural thing there is a jar – that is, nothing. And its contents will harm your health.
  • Any materials that contain synthetic ingredients.

Do not hesitate to ask for quality certificates for the products you purchase.

Bottom line

Original decor of the walls of the bathhouse complex on the site

Building a bathhouse is not a big problem and the price for this building is quite affordable, since today on the building materials market you can easily purchase ready-made projects to order. But before buying, you should plan the premises and know exactly where and what will be located even before the building is erected.

The video in this article will help you study this topic in more detail and learn a lot of new and interesting things for yourself.

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Material for construction

You need to decide what you will build the bathhouse from, because it should be comfortable, durable, and have a pleasant appearance. Most often, timber, brick and various blocks are used. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages.

It can be very cozy in a building made of logs or beams. A pleasant aroma emanates from the walls, they allow air and steam to pass through, and retain heat. Heating costs in such cases are low. The disadvantages include forced maintenance of the building, without which it will lose its attractiveness under the influence of the external environment.

A brick sauna will cost more than a timber sauna, but it will be more durable and can last up to 150 years. Such buildings have good thermal insulation properties, look great and do not require special care. However, brick buildings are more heat-intensive than wood and have lower vapor conductivity. This means that it will take longer to heat such a bath, and you will also need a good ventilation system.

Foam blocks are a lightweight porous material; they can be formed in large blocks, so objects are built very quickly.

Sometimes cinder blocks are used for construction. They have good thermal insulation, weigh little, and are easy to work with.

General progress of thermal insulation installation

All steps for insulating a house made of timber using any of the described methods are always schematically the same and are performed in the following sequence:

  • to ventilate the first layer of insulation, a sheathing of wooden planks is mounted on the wall;
  • a frame is placed on the sheathing to fix the insulating material
  • installation of insulation;
  • installation of additional sheathing and frame (if double insulation is used);
  • laying an additional layer of heat insulation;
  • fastening a diffusion membrane, which will provide water and wind protection.
  • installation of facade finishing (lining, siding) with an air gap.

In general, the insulation of a house made of timber, carried out according to the rules, will make it possible to save on heating in the future. Despite the apparent simplicity of the entire process, there are quite a large number of pitfalls that will definitely come out during installation. As a result, if you do not have the proper qualifications, then it is better to order the work to be carried out by professionals, because supervising the construction site is much more pleasant than climbing the walls yourself.


Choosing material for walls

First, let's look at the pros and cons of the profiled timber mentioned above, which is usually made from coniferous trees (pine, spruce, larch or cedar), but there are also options from linden, aspen or larch. Among the advantages:

  • Environmentally friendly (the preparation of such raw materials does not require all kinds of chemical additives, for example, glue, which become toxic when heated).
  • Cost-effective (due to lower thermal conductivity, the walls for the bathhouse need less thickness).
  • Reducing the cost of interior and exterior finishing.
  • Minimum construction time.

However, based on reviews from the owners of such baths, it should be noted that there are significant disadvantages of using this material:

  • Price (you can save money on finishing, but the main material will be expensive). Let's compare: A cube of profiled timber measuring 100x150x6000 mm will cost 8,200 rubles.
  • A cube of edged timber with the same parameters – 4,900 rubles.
  • Cracking. When drying, pine beams become deformed and become covered with cracks. However, due to the low price in Russia, timber from this wood is most often used.
  • Walls can “cry.” Using coniferous wood when building a bathhouse, the owner runs the risk that high temperatures will negatively affect the quality of the partitions. Therefore, for a steam room it is better to use linden, aspen or larch, which tolerate high temperatures well. A pine needle beam is suitable for the second tier.

In addition to profiled timber, other wood options are possible:

  • The solid timber has a square cross-section and a smooth surface.
  • Glued laminated timber, resistant to high temperatures.
  • A rounded log is considered the most beautiful option and does not require professional skills to use.

Steam room

It is believed that linden is most suitable here due to its low thermal conductivity. It will not heat up excessively even at temperatures above 700°C. Cedar is also recommended. The advantage of this material is its greater density, and its degree of drying is much less than that of pine. In addition, the high resin content in the fibers prevents the appearance of fungus. The price of wood, however, is quite high.

Washing compartment and internal partitions

It is quite obvious that the construction of these structures requires materials that are highly resistant to moisture. Such properties are inherent in aspen and larch. When water hits wood, it hardens, and over time the wood only becomes stronger. The material is expensive.

In addition to natural raw materials, foam blocks are used in the construction of baths. Among the advantages of this material are high fire safety, excellent sound insulation, short construction time and environmental friendliness.

But there is also a rather serious drawback in the structure of such material. It is because of their porosity that such blocks absorb much more moisture, resulting in a deterioration in their strength. Winter has the worst effect on foam blocks. Therefore, whether or not to choose this material, the bathhouse owner must decide for himself based on all the pros and cons.


The optimal dimensions of such structures are usually 6x6 meters. In such an area you can easily place the most necessary things. A bathhouse area of ​​6x6 meters can be called the ideal format for a bathhouse. Such parameters allow you to arrange all the necessary premises, supply the necessary furniture, as well as heating equipment. This size of the room provides adequate rest for 8-10 people at the same time.

The bathhouse includes the following premises:

  • steam room;
  • shower room;
  • bathroom;
  • dressing room;
  • restroom.

The most commonly used material is wood, timber or logs.

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Necessary premises

Mandatory premises, whether it is a small bathhouse or a large one, are a steam room and a dressing room. The main thing is to equip the space in the steam room so that there is a sufficient number of shelves. In a small room they should be placed in the form of a staircase. The room should be decorated with wood. The stove is placed in a corner so that you can move freely, but at the same time easy access to the stove must be provided. If it is located too close to a wooden wall, you need to install a protective screen in that place or use brickwork.

Lighting must be designed to be comfortable and safe; lamps must be made of fireproof glass or protected by additional structures. There is no point in filling an already small space with additional items.

The washing room can be made small. The main thing is that there is room for a container of water and free movement of at least two people in the space. To save square meters, you can connect a washing room with a steam room, although experts who know a lot about the bath business do not recommend doing this.

A change room will serve to store necessary things, firewood, coal, bath accessories. Firewood can be in a special box. In some cases, firewood or coal is supplied to the stove directly from the door located in the living room.

There is a waiting room in any bathhouse. And in a compact room it can serve as both a locker room and a rest room at the same time. It should have a wardrobe or convenient hangers. Here you can place a small table with stools, where it’s nice to sit after a bath and drink aromatic tea with fragrant herbs.

Premises that you can find a place for, or you can do without them - a recreation room or a small veranda that replaces it. Separate spaces for these purposes are convenient, since there you can gather in a small family circle or with guests after bath procedures and talk over a cup of tea.

Interior decoration

Despite the many trends in the design of modern baths, the most popular is still the traditional decoration in the Russian style with ordinary benches in the steam room and traditional bath utensils.

In the classic version, the Russian bath has three main zones:

  • dressing room or dressing room;
  • washing compartment;
  • steam room

In this case, the washing room and steam room can be combined, and the dressing room is divided into a relaxation room and a separate locker room.

By choosing an antique design for decoration, you can bring wooden utensils (ladles, tubs, tubs) into the interior of your bathhouse, purchase bath furniture with carvings or forging elements, decorate the walls and ceiling with bundles of brooms and aromatic herbs. Textile accessories can include weaving and embroidery.

For those who want to use modern finishing materials, such as ceramic tiles or chrome faucets, in the design of a Russian bath, you should remember that all elements must be in harmony with the overall design line

Remember that it is extremely important to choose the best combination of simplicity and modern design elements to introduce a casual touch of bad taste into the interior

Lighting is also important: it should be warm and subdued, emphasizing the intimacy and tranquility of the atmosphere - first of all, this rule applies to lighting in the steam room. To diffuse bright light, you can use special filters

Video description

The following finishing materials are used for exterior finishing:

Insulation materials, vapor barrier

External insulation of baths is required if there is year-round living in it, that is, when building a house and a bath under one roof. If the bathhouse is a separate building and is used strictly for its intended purpose, then only internal insulation is carried out.

When building a frame bath, insulation is already built into the structure. In all other cases, it is necessary to install insulation; mineral wool is most often used.

Vapor barrier is carried out to protect the insulation and wooden structures of the building. Without it, the insulation will eventually become unusable, the wood will become saturated with moisture and become deformed.

Wall decoration with insulationSource

Sewage and floor installation

The floor in the bathhouse can be of two types: wooden and concrete. The wooden floor in the dressing room is made solid, insulated, in the steam room and washing room - pourable, with the collection of water flowing between the floor boards.

Algorithm for installing an insulated floor:

  • Installation of lag.
  • Installation of subfloor.
  • Securing the vapor barrier.
  • Laying insulation.
  • Installation of waterproofing.
  • Installation of finished floor.

The poured floor has its own tricks and difficulties in installation - it is almost impossible to do it correctly on your own, especially without construction skills.

Collecting water from the surface of a pouring floorSource

The concrete floor is made at a slope to collect water in one place, where a sewer hole is installed to remove water from the bathhouse. To prevent the concrete from getting wet after each use of the bathhouse, it is lined with ceramic tiles. To keep your feet from getting cold when walking barefoot, use wooden gratings.

>Concrete floor lined with tilesSource

Roof structure

Regardless of the type of roof and roofing material, the ceiling is insulated and waterproofed, otherwise the vapors rising into the attic will condense on the roof beams, gradually destroying them.

The type of roof depends on the terrain and technical parameters of the building:

  • A high gable roof is used in the construction of a bathhouse in densely built-up villages, where the influence of winds on the roof will be minimal.
  • When building a bathhouse in steppe areas exposed to strong winds, the roof slope is kept to a minimum.
  • The roof for the bathhouse extension is made pitched.


Let's look at the list of main rooms inside a bathhouse with an area of ​​3x6 square meters. m with attic:

  • of course, the most important place is the steam room itself;
  • washing;
  • dressing room;
  • restroom;
  • terrace;
  • attic.

Options for placement of premises may be different, depending on the preferences of the owner. When planning, you must not forget about their optimal area:

  • For a steam room for several people, an area of ​​six square meters is quite enough.
  • The washing room must have a shower and a small window 500x500 mm.
  • The area of ​​the dressing room should be calculated based on the fact that it will be necessary to place a small amount of firewood there, as well as fold clothes.
  • You can allocate about ten square meters for a relaxation room to comfortably place a table, bench or sofa in it. Of course, don't forget about TV. It is better to place the entrance to the rest room from the dressing room so as not to increase the humidity in it. The window here can be made larger - 1200x1000 mm.
  • In order to prevent heat from escaping from a heated bath, it is recommended to make entrance doors smaller than others (150-180 cm high and 60-70 cm wide).
  • The staircase to climb to the second tier should be located in the entrance area.
  • The owner of the bathhouse decorates the attic depending on his tastes and preferences.

Tips and tricks

There are two options for building a bathhouse: contact the developer and do all the work yourself. Let's look at the basic recommendations for both options.

When contacting the developer, you should:

  • determine the desired layout and size of the selected rooms;
  • indicate the type of bathhouse and the expected costs of its construction;
  • choose the type and design of a furnace or other heater as desired;
  • decide on a place for the chimney.
  • discuss the material for making the bath, internal and external decoration;
  • consult on the choice of a ready-made or self-made steam room;
  • select the source of water supply, as well as its output and heating;
  • be sure to consider all security measures;
  • Depending on the capabilities and functions performed, agree on the parameters of the rest room.

Only after discussing all these issues can you begin to build a bathhouse.

If you still decide to build a bathhouse yourself, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • selection of raw materials for the construction of a bathhouse;
  • choice of construction method;
  • location of the structure;
  • insulation of ceilings.

  • waterproofing the structure and treating surfaces with disinfectants;
  • floor insulation;
  • removal of the fertile layer under the foundation of the bathhouse;
  • development of methods to prevent freezing of water pipes;
  • ventilation and fire safety measures;
  • development of methods for heating water.

And a few more tips:

  • the stove must be positioned so that it can be filled with firewood from the dressing room. The heater should be located in the steam room at a height of approximately 1 m from the floor;
  • The height of the steam room should be approximately 2.1 m, and at least 1 sq. m should be provided for each user. m;
  • It is advisable to place the front door from the south, the windows should face west, all doors should open only outwards;
  • The handles of windows and doors in the steam room should only be made of wood.

  • It is necessary to avoid placing metal objects in the steam room;
  • Felt, moss and tow are used as insulation for log joints;
  • for the heater you can use volcanic rocks (peridotite, basalt) and non-volcanic siliceous rocks;
  • the optimal material for creating a chimney is brick, but you can also use a ready-made pipe;
  • But it is advisable to entrust work with the pool to experienced specialists.

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