What to take with you to the bathhouse - necessary things and accessories

The benefits of the bath are undeniable, including cleansing the body of toxins, relaxing muscles and toning. And for women, this is also a welcome rejuvenation, a way to tighten the skin, making it softer and cleaner. When you have your own bathhouse, everything is simple: you go and take a steam bath, but if you are planning a bathhouse trip with a group, then the girl cannot do without a list of what to take. Much depends on the country in which you plan to take a steam bath. For example, in German saunas it is not customary to wear a towel, much less a swimsuit, but in order to dive steamed into the pool, you will need one. In addition, in good bath complexes they always provide clients with the things necessary for relaxation, so it is better to find out in advance about the conditions in order to understand what you need to take to the bathhouse and not take too much with you.

What to wear?

An important question that people ask when going to the steam room for the first time is, what should they wear to the bathhouse? Wrap yourself in a sheet, towel or put on a robe. Since the temperature in the steam room can reach up to 80°C, you must have a bath hat on your head. It will prevent your head from overheating and protect your hair from excessive drying and damage. The hat can be linen, cotton, felt or felt.

The mandatory list of what to take with you to a public bath includes slippers, since here you can easily get a fungal infection. Slippers can be not only rubber, but also made of bast, sisal, felt, and even wooden ones. You can do without slippers only if you visit your own bathhouse.


When choosing accessories for a bath, first of all you should pay attention to their quality and functionality.

Modern bath accessories can be made of plastic, wood and metal. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages.


Bathroom accessories made of wood are aesthetically pleasing, environmentally friendly and safe. They are often made of oak, linden and cedar. When heated, such products emit a soft aroma of essential oils.

In order for wooden products to last for many years, it is necessary to provide them with proper care. They should not be doused with boiling water or cleaned with aggressive household chemicals.

To store such accessories, you should choose dry and well-ventilated areas, away from open heat sources, to prevent them from drying out and cracking.


Bath accessories made of plastic are more practical and durable than their wooden counterparts. They are resistant to aggressive influences, easy to use and do not require maintenance. Plastic products are made from heat-resistant and non-toxic polymers that are resistant to mechanical damage and overheating.


Metal bath accessories are becoming increasingly popular for use in modern baths and saunas due to their practicality, durability and wear resistance. Often, such products are used in dressing rooms or washing departments with moderate air heating temperatures.

To ensure the aesthetic appeal of bath rooms, it is recommended to choose accessories in the same style.

When going to the bathhouse, you should prepare the basic minimum of accessories that will be required for health procedures.

Banya broom

The most important item in a Russian bath is a broom. There are different types of brooms. Depending on which one is chosen, one or another therapeutic effect will be obtained. For example, a broom made of birch branches will help get rid of aching bones and pain in muscles, a broom made of oak branches can relieve nervous tension and get rid of skin diseases.

It doesn’t matter what the branches are: dry or fresh. In order for a dry broom to become fresh again, it must be immersed in hot water for a while.


The floor in the bathhouse is wet, so choose non-slip slippers. It is recommended not to take plastic shoes as they slip on the tiles. Rubber shoes for a bath are more suitable.

It is better that each visitor has his own slippers.

It's no secret that fungus can easily be transmitted through shoes; in addition, if you wear shoes that are several sizes too large, you can easily get tangled in them and fall. Slippers that are too small also reduce stability.


The essential thing you need when going to the bathhouse is a washcloth. The skin in the bath is steamed and dead cells are peeled off. In this case, you need to help your skin get rid of excess. Removing dirt from the body with a washcloth simultaneously creates a massage effect, while improving blood circulation in the skin.

When the skin is steamed, it becomes very sensitive to external irritants, so it is very important that only natural materials touch it at this time. Don’t forget about this and, if possible, you should take items to the bathhouse that consist only of natural ingredients.

This requirement also applies to the washcloth. It can be made of loofah, sisal, bast. These materials are quite hard, so the skin will be cleaned very well. A natural sea sponge is suitable for children. It is softer and will not damage delicate baby skin.

The washcloth mitten is very convenient to use. A special brush with a long handle may also come in handy. With its help, you can rub your back without outside help.

What to take to the bathhouse

An important question that people ask when going to the steam room for the first time is, what should they wear to the bathhouse? Wrap yourself in a sheet, towel or put on a robe? What else could you need in a steam room?

The benefits of a bath: how to steam properly


Since the temperature in the steam room can reach up to 80°C, you must have a bath hat on your head. Therefore, it will prevent overheating of the head and protect the hair from excessive drying and damage. The hat can be:

  • cotton, protects the parietal part of the head from overheating, and the hair from drying out.
  • felt , in which you can be the director or head of the bathhouse, or choose another role. Such a hat protects your hair and eyes (if you are wearing lenses, but it is better to remove the latter before going to the steam room), and helps to avoid overheating.
  • linen
  • felt , is the softest and most delicate version of a headdress for a bath, but it is more a feminine material than a masculine one

A hat is required, especially if you plan to carry out bath procedures while sitting
. What to take to the bath, a felt hat, or a knitted or woolen one will do, as an ersatz option. Our opinion is that felt is preferable and much more convenient. You should not neglect the hat, especially when the shelf space involves taking procedures while sitting. It is in this situation that the ankles are in the coldest temperature environment, and the most vulnerable part of the head is in the hottest. Some adepts of hard steam use felt mittens as an addition to their hats. But they serve, rather, to protect hands in extremely hot environments from damage from hard parts of the broom handle. Let's just say this accessory is for an advanced amateur.

Height of ceilings and shelves in baths and saunas


What to take with you to the sauna for drying? For full use, you need to have one large terry towel with thick pile and one smaller one. The first is necessary as bedding while in a steam room. In Germany, instead of a towel, a sheet made of linen, less often made of cotton, is used. Let us immediately note that you cannot use a sheet or towel for drying, since it actively absorbs and absorbs the sweat that is released profusely during steam procedures. The second wiping towel is used when the body is washed in the shower and the main sweat and fat secretions are washed away with water.

You should take with you to the bathhouse one large terry towel with thick pile and one smaller one.


The essential thing you need when going to the bathhouse is a washcloth. The skin in the bath is steamed and dead cells are peeled off. In this case, you need to help your skin get rid of excess. Removing dirt from the body with a washcloth simultaneously creates a massage effect, while improving blood circulation in the skin. Since the skin is steamed in the steam room, it becomes very sensitive to external irritants. Therefore, it is very important that only natural materials touch it at this time. You should not forget about this and, if possible, you should take items made only from natural ingredients to the bathhouse.

It is preferable to choose washcloths from natural materials

This requirement also applies to the washcloth. It can be made of loofah, sisal, bast. These materials are quite hard, so they cleanse the skin very well. A natural sea sponge is suitable for children. It is softer and will not damage delicate baby skin. A sisal washcloth improves blood circulation, perfectly removes “pellets” from the skin and gets rid of cellulite. All the benefits of the steam room will come to naught if dead skin residues, dirt and sweat are not removed from the body. Simply soak a washcloth in water and gently wipe the skin, paying special attention to “problem” areas.

Infrared sauna: benefits and harm

Women should not use a washcloth in places where the skin is delicate: after a bath it is especially sensitive, so it can harm the body. A washcloth made from a konjac tuber is ideal: it provides gentle exfoliation without damaging the skin.

Banya broom

What do you take to the sauna, in the bare minimum? Of course, a broom. It has many purposes: According to the old Russian Finnish and South German tradition, a broom is used to take part of the “steam cake” from the ceiling and direct it down to the shelves. Therefore, the correct broom should have the shape of a fan, not a broom. In the northern German states and in public baths in Germany, this function of a broom is performed by a thick linen towel. They believe that they can collect and distribute steam better and more evenly.

Initially, brooms were used by the Slavs, and then by the Finns.

A broom is an indispensable tool for phytomassage. First, they independently warm themselves up with light grooming, and during the second entry into the steam room, the soaring person takes over, actively but judiciously treating the entire body, from the heels to the back of the neck - the back of the neck, in the apt expression of the bathhouse. The broom is used for Karelian massage. This is when the ribbed handle of a broom is used as a kind of massage roller. The science is not very sophisticated, but it has a lot of nuances. For example, the handle of a broom should be decorated with either linen twine or a soaked birch rod. What you can’t go to the bathhouse with is a broom tied with metal wire.

A good broom should lose a maximum of two leaves during the entire soaring procedure. In Finland, for example, they don’t use a broom a second time. In our country, this option is allowed, although, in our opinion, it is wrong. But if you decide to reuse the broom, then until the second trip you need to store it in the refrigerator, at a temperature of 2 - 4 degrees Celsius.

Shower in the bath

A little history

The history of the bath broom begins when people decided to use steam and heated stones to cleanse their bodies of dirt and negative energy. Residents of Japan, Finland, Turkey, and Australia undergo this procedure. Even the Indians in America regularly visited the bathhouse and created special huts from medicinal plants to cleanse the body. Therefore, brooms were not always relevant. The Indians successfully carried out the procedure without using brooms, because there was no need for it. Hot steam affected the branches of medicinal plants, which led to the release of useful substances. High-quality steam rooms first appeared in Rome, but there is a version that it was originally an Etruscan idea. But the Romans began to share their knowledge, which led to the emergence of steam rooms all over the world - from England to Tunisia. The Romans strongly heated the floor and poured water with essential oils onto it, thanks to which the air was saturated with useful microelements.

How to heat a sauna

The tradition of using brooms appeared when they tried to raise hot steam from the bottom to the top, so the right broom should have the shape of a fan, not a broom

Then the Roman provinces were conquered, and the tradition of taking a bath passed to the Arabs. But they changed the name, so the traditional hammam steam rooms appeared. Then this method of washing passed on to the Turks. Nowadays the Turkish bath is known all over the world, but for us it is exotic. Also, among exotic species, one cannot help but o. This is a Japanese bathhouse that can give you hot sensations in the literal sense. A person is slowly boiled in a vat of water, which can cause enormous damage to the body. Therefore, only strong men visited “ofuro”, who underwent long training in order to be able to withstand the enormous temperature of the water well.

The Slavs began to use brooms, and after them the Finns. But the Finnish version has always been simplified. They prefer a steam room with dry air, so construction was possible even in high-rise buildings. Due to the ease of formation, it began to appear throughout the country.

DIY camp sauna

Bath slippers

In your own individual bathhouse, in which there is no one except you and your family members, and the floors are insulated according to all the rules of construction craftsmanship, you can do without them. However, in public baths, this is a necessary item of personal hygiene. The humid and warm microclimate of the bathhouse is a very favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microflora, so the risk of infection with fungal diseases of the feet increases many times over. The optimal choice should be considered products with a semi-closed toe and an open heel, made of silicone. This material is hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, can easily withstand heating up to temperatures of 120 degrees Celsius, without signs of deformation or destruction. Silicone is moisture-resistant, easy to mold, resulting in excellent products that take into account the orthopedic features of the structure of the foot, both an adult and a child. Natural silicone does not slip on surfaces, including ceramic ones.

Like all bath clothes, slippers should be made from natural materials

Naturally, the qualities listed above refer to high-quality branded shoes, and the poor crafts of the Chinese industry do not apply to it. Little pleasant can be said about domestic products, which, upon closer examination, turn out to be remade “Chinese”, with just their chemical smell strongly reminiscent of Rezintrest galoshes of the 1957 model. Slippers, like all clothes for a bath, must be made of natural materials. Many people find it unhygienic to use shoes provided in the bathhouse for fear of becoming infected with fungus, so it is better to take your own slippers or disinfect your feet before and after the bathhouse with Miramistin or another similar substance.

Do-it-yourself barrel sauna

Soap and shampoo

When choosing soap or shampoo, you should evaluate their smell. If it is too bright and intrusive, then most likely it contains synthetic substances. This product is not worth taking. It is recommended to choose soap consisting of natural ingredients; it does not contain chemicals or animal fats.

The best option for a bath is black and white soap. The main component of black soap is tar or birch chaga, and white soap is made from goat milk. This soap is available in gel form. This product is beneficial to have, since you can purchase both soap and shampoo at once.

Hats and shoes

To protect the head from heat stroke during procedures, special headwear is provided - bath caps made of felt, flannel, wool, linen and cotton.

A properly selected hat should be soft and pleasant to the touch and not cause allergic reactions. Before visiting the steam room, the headdress should not be wetted with water to avoid overheating the scalp.

The hat needs to be washed periodically. Woolen and felt products are washed only by hand in warm water with the addition of a soap solution. You can twist the product with a terry towel and dry it in a well-ventilated area, flattened.

Slippers should definitely be included in the list of necessary accessories. A slipper for bath procedures can be made of plastic, rubber or foam. They are comfortable, practical and hygienic. It is better to choose models with a special grooved sole.

Products made of felt, felt, bast, sisal, straw and even wood are suitable for saunas. Caring for such shoes is the same as for hats - they must be washed in warm soapy water.

Skin care cosmetics

When visiting a bathhouse, you can combine business with pleasure: take a steam bath and take care of your skin. In the steam room, the skin pores expand, so any beneficial mixtures applied to the skin are easily absorbed. You can use honey.

It should be rubbed over the skin with massage movements. After this procedure, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, and gets rid of toxins. Honey also has an anti-cellulite effect and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

To cleanse the skin in the steam room, you can use scrubs. They can be coffee grounds, crushed nuts with olive oil, or sea salt. Using salt, you can cleanse the skin and remove the dead layer of the epidermis. It also enhances metabolic processes in the skin and has a rejuvenating effect. It is necessary to plan in advance what to take with you to the sauna, otherwise something will be forgotten.

After completing the steam procedures, you can apply various masks. They can be made from oatmeal, honey, cream, various fruits or berries. The mask is selected individually according to skin type.

Still useful and nice

Don’t forget a light and tasty drink that will help replenish the level of fluid in the body after it is actively removed through sweat. Give preference to natural drinks rich in vitamins and microelements, such as herbal infusions, berry fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices, fermented milk ayran, tan or yogurt.

Basically, that's all you should put in your bag when going to the sauna. And the last piece of advice: when going to the steam room, devote this time only to yourself. Try to relax as much as possible, relieve tension and leave all problems at the door, then the sauna will give you exactly the effect for which it was invented.

Green or herbal tea

During steaming, the body, in addition to toxins and waste, also loses a large amount of liquid. To make up for these losses, you need to take a thermos with green tea or herbal infusion. This drink can not only quench your thirst, but also give you energy for the whole day.


Now you will know exactly what to take with you to the bathhouse. And if you write a list in advance, then nothing will be forgotten and then your visit to the bathhouse will not be overshadowed by anything.

List of required items

If this is your first time visiting the bathhouse, do not forget to take with you a mandatory set of items that will be useful for men and women. Of course, in reputable establishments they will offer you all this for an additional fee, but you must agree that using your own things is much more pleasant.

  • Bath slippers are essential for comfort and hygiene. Don’t forget that many people visit the bathhouse, so protect your feet from fungi and other unpleasant diseases.
  • A towel, or better yet two. Because after repeated wiping, it will become wet. It is better to wipe yourself dry before going out.
  • A bath cap protects against overheating and will also keep your hair shiny and vibrant.
  • A bath pareo that can replace a sheet. Even if you are steaming naked, do not neglect this item, because in the relaxation room you will have to sit on a sofa or in a chair that has already been occupied by visitors (if the bathhouse is public).
  • Brooms (4–5 pieces) for massage. A classic bath attribute that helps stimulate blood circulation and also accelerates the process of losing weight, which is very important for us, beautiful women.
  • Shampoo and soap will be useful to you before leaving the bathhouse. It is better to immediately rinse off sweat and remaining moisture before putting on clean clothes.
  • A washcloth is effective for removing impurities from steamed skin. It also helps to warm up subcutaneous fat, which leads to the disappearance of cellulite (with regular use). That is, it has a scrubbing effect.
  • A comb is simply necessary for women after visiting the steam room. Even though your hair is hidden under a cap, it still becomes damp from the steam, which is why it can become frizzy and difficult to style. Don't forget that we must look good under any circumstances.
  • Drinking water will restore the body's water balance. When exposed to high temperatures, we sweat, losing fluid. Therefore, it needs to be replenished in a timely manner.

Bring hygiene and cosmetic items
This list of items is suitable for women and men. Of course, depending on your individual preferences, you can add a few more items. But it’s definitely not worth removing any of them.

Advice! Before visiting the sauna, remove your makeup completely. Your skin needs to breathe. This is the only way the healing properties of steam will give the desired result.

Fragrant steam, essential oils and natural soap

The bathhouse replaces a visit to the doctor, cosmetologists and massage therapists in a beauty salon. Very fashionable aromatherapy in the bath has a double effect:

  1. Skillfully selected essential substances affect the body;
  2. After a steam bath, the skin cleanses and opens the pores, now it’s time to nourish it with oils and masks.

Essential oils are fragrant, very concentrated extracts from the depths of plants. The dark bottles of the Aromatherapy collection contain viscous and delicate oils that are necessary in the bath for health and beauty.

  • Coniferous series: Atlas cedar, juniper, Siberian fir.
  • Spicy aromas: lemon balm, peppermint.
  • Citrus fruits: grapefruit, orange.
  • Exotic: eucalyptus.

Essential oils are dissolved in water: a few drops per ladle. To get a homogeneous solution, it is useful to add a little honey or sea salt to the water. This scented water is used to water wood walls or shelves, and soak brooms in it. But drops of undiluted ether burn on hot stones; this is one of the gross mistakes of using oils in a steam room.

Try to breathe through your mouth in the steam room: this way the steam, saturated with the resinous aroma of wood and essential oils, will warm the body from the inside. This method of heating is especially beneficial for respiratory diseases, colds and depressed mood.

Add to the Bathhouse Attendant's collection of tips: how good it is not to dry yourself after a bath, but wait for the air to dry your skin! And it’s better to forget about the hair dryer: your hair won’t like double drying with steam and hot air.
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