Aspen broom for a bath, how to make an aspen broom correctly

Brooms are a key attribute of wellness in a bathhouse, an impeccable massage accessory and an effective tool for combating stress, joint pain and colds. Depending on the type of plants used, brooms have completely different healing properties. In Rus', for these purposes, they were by no means limited to only oak or birch branches. No less popular were brooms made of linden, fir, and juniper, the unique effects of which will be discussed in more detail later.

What are the benefits of birch broom

Thin and narrow birch leaves, when heated, release fresh and lung-friendly air into the air. And fetoncides, which have a disinfecting effect, in turn help cleanse the surrounding area of ​​bacteria. Birch brooms help with:

  • skin rashes (including acne), purulent processes, acne, restoring the skin a soft and smooth appearance;
  • dandruff in hair;
  • joint pain;
  • long-term asthma, as well as debilitating respiratory diseases, promoting the discharge of sputum.

Read how to properly steam a bath broom.

Birch bath brooms are reliable helpers in removing toxins; they have a beneficial effect on the diuretic system. Due to the structure of birch branches, they are ideal for massage treatments.

Lung recovery after coronavirus

Do the lungs recover after COVID-19? Yes. But you need to not miss the rehabilitation period and take the doctor’s recommendations seriously.

The new coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 has not been well studied, but it is clear that it causes harm to all human organs and tissues. The virus enters the body through the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, and pharynx. The first symptoms appear on days 2-14. Usually this is a fever above 37.5 degrees Celsius, a runny nose, loss of smell, dry cough, loose stools, weakness and headache. On days 6–10 from the onset of the first symptoms, shortness of breath, chest pain, and increased cough may begin to bother you. These are alarming symptoms that indicate lung damage and require additional examination: computed tomography of the lungs, measurement of blood oxygen saturation (saturation).

Lungs after COVID-19

Entering the human body through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, SARS-CoV-2 causes a powerful inflammatory reaction. Immune cells are activated and a colossal amount of inflammatory substances (inflammatory cytokines) are produced. The intensity of this reaction is most likely determined genetically. It is the intensity of the inflammatory reaction that determines the severity of damage to the lung tissue according to research data. In the lung tissue, damage during COVID-19 is caused both by damage to the alveoli themselves (in which gas exchange occurs and the blood is saturated with oxygen from the air) by our own immune cells and by damage to the pulmonary vessels that encircle the alveoli. The extent of lung damage can be determined using CT (computed tomography).

Table 1. Lung damage due to COVID-19

Percentage of lung tissue damage

Part of the lung is affected. Slight difficulty breathing.


The benefits of oak brooms

Due to the presence of tannins, such brooms effectively strengthen the skin, and their pleasant aroma from the moment of its appearance immediately creates a positive atmosphere in the steam room. Unlike its birch relative, this broom reduces sweating, which makes it a suitable health attribute for people with oily skin.

These brooms are used for:

  • wounds, ulcers, skin rashes;
  • inflammatory processes.

Oak leaves contain flavonoids, which normalize the functioning of the vascular and nervous systems. Often, to achieve a better effect, oak branches are combined with linden branches.

Manifestations of the disease

The pain that occurs when resting on the sore heel develops gradually with the growth of the spur itself, and is characterized as burning or sharp, with a feeling of “a nail in the heel.” They can be localized on the inner surface of the sore heel and spread to the entire foot. When examining the heel area, there are no visible changes, swelling is rarely noted, pain is determined when pressing on the heel. Interestingly, the intensity of pain does not depend on the size of the spur, which is primarily due not to the presence of the spur itself, but to inflammatory changes in the soft tissues of the heel. The diagnosis of heel spurs is confirmed by radiography.

Fir brooms - beneficial properties

Appearing in a steam room, such a broom immediately creates an atmosphere suitable for relaxation - it normalizes the state of the nervous system, helps to find inner harmony, and get rid of worries and stress. Fir brooms increase sweating and increase blood flow not only to the muscles, but also to the internal organs.

When and how to prepare brooms for a bath?

Among the benefits of this plant:

  • excellent disinfectant properties;
  • thorough cleansing of the skin from painful microbes, which is why they are useful for skin diseases;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • effective fight against back pain, radiculitis.

Fir brooms are indispensable when fighting the flu. Flexible and durable branches of this tree produce an amazing massage effect.

Questions and answers

Which broom is more beneficial in terms of medicinal properties, fresh or dried?

An aspen broom dried in the right way will bring as much benefit as one that has just been cut.

Aspen has fairly smooth branches; what is the best way to tie a broom so that the rope does not slip off?

You can try cambric for dressing. It will cope perfectly with the problem of excessive smoothness.

Do I need to use a spacer to dry the broom?

A spacer is needed if the room is too wet. In this case, there is a risk of the branches becoming moldy from the inside.

Are there any other ways to dry a broom in an apartment?

You can put the brooms in a closed box, but it is important to make holes for ventilation and periodically turn it over in different directions.

Can an aspen broom cause allergies?

Aspen broom contains many biologically active substances, including essential oils and resins. In cases of individual intolerance, this is possible.

The benefits of linden brooms

In terms of their healing properties, such massage attributes are many times superior to their oak and birch counterparts. By increasing sweating, they help quickly and effectively rid the body of toxins.

Among the main advantages:

  • Being an antimicrobial agent, such brooms accelerate the healing process of wounds;
  • the vapors released by medicinal linden leaves have a beneficial effect on asthmatics;
  • effectively disperse salts accumulated in the muscles;
  • are a powerful remedy against headaches;
  • improve well-being in people with vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Steaming with linden brooms helps get rid of most of the unpleasant symptoms of colds and ARVI. You can find the price here.

What are the benefits of maple broom

The leaves of this tree are known as an excellent antiseptic that helps disinfect rooms. They contain a number of useful substances: aldehydes, organic acids, vitamins C and E.

Using maple brooms will help you:

  • eliminate long-term non-healing wounds and skin ulcers;
  • cleanse and tighten pores;
  • get rid of asthenia and the consequences of viral infections;
  • cleanse the body of toxins.

Currently, flexible and whippy maple branches are used as an additive to birch and oak brooms for soaring.


Sudarushka rowan will give a huge boost of energy and vigor. Only steam with a rowan broom, preferably during the daytime. You can move mountains from such an influx of strength, and it’s better to do it before lunch. Rowan is famous for its antimicrobial properties, this is a good plus for the steam room. There is no life for microbes next to such a broom. And for hypertensive patients it will be useful to breathe in the aroma of rowan.

Rowan broom is a strong tonic that has a positive effect on mental clarity. Or, in other words, on a person’s mental abilities. During the period of important studies, passing exams, a steam room with such a bath king is simply a salvation for the mind!

It remains to add that the branches of the rowan broom are very soft and flexible, and therefore the bath broom is not at all strict. It is perfect for beginners who are afraid to steam, but really want to try.

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