What happens if you take a steam bath in a Russian bath every day?

Russian bath, Finnish sauna, Turkish hammam - steam treatments can be chosen to suit every taste. Many people like to relax like this after a busy week or just to please themselves. It would seem that what could be better than a hot bath after a hard workout? In addition, it is believed that increased sweating accelerates the process of losing weight. But is this really so? Let's figure it out together with World Class coach Ekaterina Nekrasova


Not a single drop: why don't I sweat during training?

What are the benefits of a Russian bath?

According to doctors, the Russian bath relieves fatigue and actively affects the function of internal organs, the cardiovascular system and metabolism in general. In the steam room, a person begins to actively sweat, an abundant release of moisture from the body occurs, which leads to its cleansing and renewal. Bath procedures help you lose excess weight and help get rid of cellulite.

From time immemorial, our ancestors treated various ailments and illnesses with the help of hot steam and a broom. It was in a heated bathhouse that it was customary to give birth, at least among peasants. Thus, the mother and baby were protected from infections, since viruses and bacteria died from high temperatures. In addition, in a warm and relaxed environment, the birth process was easier.

By the way, doctors claim that visiting a Russian steam room is beneficial for women with gynecological problems. The Russian bath alleviates the symptoms of menopause, treats complications after abortions and miscarriages, menstrual irregularities and even infertility. And it is also very beneficial for the skin. It is useful to go to the bathhouse for those who suffer from hives and various dermatitis.

Research concerning the influence of the Russian bath on the human body was also carried out by foreign scientists. Thus, Japanese researchers have found that moderate bath procedures in patients suffering from high cholesterol, hypertension, and diabetes lead to strengthening of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and blood sugar. German experts found that children who do not visit a bathhouse or sauna get sick twice as often as their peers. In addition, the contact of water with hot stones leads to the formation of negatively charged ions, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

The benefits of saunas and steam baths for metabolism: losing weight is not easy

The bathhouse has its own meaning for everyone. Some consider visiting it a slightly exotic method of washing, others imagine it as a cure for almost all diseases, and for some, going to the steam room is a whole ritual, planned and regular, like the heroes of a well-known Soviet comedy. But how do things really stand, is there any point in steaming for hours on the shelves, pouring out liters of salty sweat, in order to lose excess fat, or is all this just a myth, and you will never achieve any weight gain.

Contrary to misconceptions, using a sauna or Russian bathhouse is not so easy to quickly lose fat. Weight loss occurs when lipid deposits begin to be broken down, processed by the body and excreted as waste products. However, when they say that they have lost several kilograms in the bathhouse, most often they are due to evaporated water. The results of this process cannot be diminished. But in order to prevent these few kilograms from returning, you will have to follow the principles of a properly balanced diet, as well as exercise regularly.

Does fat go away with sweat: what is the power of the sauna?

When figuring out whether it is possible to lose weight in a sauna, let's first figure out what processes occur in the body under the influence of high temperatures. In the steam room itself, the temperature reaches eighty degrees or more, and on the upper shelves the steam can be much hotter. To cool itself down, our body's smart defense mechanism begins to actively evaporate previously accumulated moisture. At the same time, salts partially evaporate along with water, which usually contribute to its retention in the body. It is important to maintain proper drinking regime while visiting such establishments. Otherwise, you can earn serious dehydration and a bunch of new problems.

In addition, in the bathhouse the body reacts to artificial extreme conditions created for it. Therefore, blood circulation is activated, saturating all tissues and organs with plenty of oxygen. Microcirculation in the skin and subcutaneous layers is stimulated, causing resorption of unsightly cellulite nodules. We begin to experience a fairly significant load, due to which nutrient reserves begin to be burned more actively, as if we had attended an intense strength training session.

Metabolism restarts at this time, remaining in this state for several more days in a row. In one hour you can easily burn from three hundred to five hundred kilocalories in a bathhouse, which is not at all so little. However, it is difficult to say how relevant the swimming pool and sauna are for weight loss, that is, as a means of reducing body weight. After all, in fact, it simply forces all body systems to work in extreme mode.

Detox: removing toxins with a sauna

Many specialized centers for weight loss or figure correction include a sauna or steam bath in the list of mandatory procedures. The point here is not at all that heat “melts” fat, as was previously thought. In the process of life, the body constantly accumulates harmful substances when it cannot completely remove them.

These toxins settle in the liver, kidneys, and various tissues, but they are mainly concentrated in the lipid layers. High temperatures in the bathhouse stimulate metabolic processes in the body, causing excess fat to melt, and toxins and wastes go away along with it. At the same time, it is recommended to use products that further accelerate this process. For example, these could be vitamin cocktails or diaphoretic teas for weight loss.

Losing weight in a sauna, weight loss wraps: myths or reality

Having heard from a specialist in the salon that a wrap in a sauna will help you completely get rid of excess weight, it is better to run away from there as fast as you can. In fact, this is a misconception, which indicates unprofessionalism. Most often, such statements are aimed at attracting new customers, so they can be considered purely advertising. Wraps have no effect on metabolic processes in the body, so they definitely won’t help you lose weight. Losing weight is a difficult, long process, and lying on the sofa wrapped in layers of cling film in itself will not bring any benefit.

However, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. This procedure is considered truly effective in the fight against the hated “orange peel”, from which so many women suffer today. What cellulite is and how to fight it can be read in a separate article on our website.

The wrap actually helps remove a few extra inches from the waist or hips, but this “weight loss” does not come from fat loss. Water leaves the tissues, which also has a very noticeable effect. True, she can return just as easily. Therefore, it is recommended to combine wrapping procedures with diet, myostimulation, lymphatic drainage procedures and regular physical activity. Then the healing effect of wraps, which help beneficial substances penetrate deep into the tissues through the skin, becomes noticeable.

Sauna after strength training

Another very important question that many athletes would like to have an answer to is how to properly steam in a sauna to lose weight, what time should you go to the bathhouse, and regarding exercise. If everything is done correctly, visiting the sauna after intense strength training, you can easily reduce the rate of lactic acid synthesis, which causes sore throat.

In addition, the hot and humid steam in a sauna relieves the excessive stress that your body inevitably experiences during exercise. At the same time, the endorphins obtained in the process of pleasant relaxation lift your mood, give you a boost of vigor and energy. At the same time, microcirculation in the skin is stimulated in the bath. The body hardens, adapting to sudden changes in temperature conditions. The main thing is to fully follow the rules of visiting the sauna after training, and also follow the drinking regime so as not to harm your health.

Sauna, steam bath or hammam

The pressing question is which is better for losing weight, a sauna or hammam, a Russian bath or an authentic Roman bath. The variety of these establishments does not end there; there are also Japanese sento, Moroccan baths and much more. The difference mainly lies in temperature and humidity.

  • The Finnish sauna has the lowest percentage of humidity, only 3-17%. At the same time, the air inside the room warms up to 80-105°C.
  • Russian bath with a humidity of 60% and above, capable of “giving out” a temperature of 65-90°C.
  • In the Turkish hammam and Roman baths, the humidity can reach 100%, that is, the water there literally hangs in the air in the form of hot steam. Moreover, in the first option the temperature usually reaches only 50°C, and in the second from 40°C to 65°.

You can talk for hours about the advantages and disadvantages of different types of steam rooms. However, the best testing method is and will be experimental. That is, it is best to check for yourself the effectiveness of a bathhouse for weight loss.

Infrared sauna for weight loss

Among other types of baths known to mankind from the beginning of time, its infrared type stands apart as the latest invention. This sauna is a type of cabin, similar to a shower. It can be designed for one or more people, so compact models can be installed at home, even in a city apartment. In active mode, the built-in emitters emit infrared waves, which provide temperatures up to 55°C.

At the same time, the device is very economical in terms of energy consumption. Cabins are usually made for 1-3 people. The heating elements do not have to heat the air, as in more familiar options (Russian, Turkish, Roman). There are the simplest models that can be easily assembled and connected yourself, even without the involvement of a specialist. Heat exposure to infrared rays significantly improves metabolism.

An infrared sauna is also useful for weight loss, because it helps remove excess fluid faster. Moreover, just 25-30 minutes in the cabin will help you successfully get rid of 800-900 kilocalories, which is equal to a two-hour workout. Regular sessions will help cope with fatigue, eliminate signs of cellulite, and have a powerful rejuvenating effect.

How often can you steam?

However, most experts agree that the steam room should be visited no more than 1-2 times a week. “By and large, a bathhouse is a big burden on the body,” says allergist Elvira Gilvanova. — The bath requires slowness and thoroughness. Those. You can rinse yourself at least every day, but you need to steam once a week.”

Since the temperature in the steam room exceeds 60 degrees, this can negatively affect the condition of the skin, hair, and, of course, the cardiovascular, respiratory and reproductive systems. In addition, almost all of us have some kind of pain.

What happens to your body when you steam?

Although the operating principles of different types of baths - saunas, thermal baths, hammams - are different, they have approximately the same effect on the body. In a hot room, the body temperature rises, and to prevent overheating, the body begins to sweat. Approximately the same thing happens during heavy physical exertion.

Photo: istockphoto.com

Sweating is a tool by which the body maintains a comfortable temperature for a person. During vigorous exercise or in hot weather, you become hot and sweaty. The released sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin, due to which the body cools.

Seven sweats gone: how to reduce sweating during exercise

Bath "rules"

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Anatoly Biryukov, states: “Regularly visiting the bathhouse, for example, once a week (preferably on Saturdays or Sundays), makes it possible to provide proper hygienic care for the body, as well as get rid of the fatigue that has accumulated over the week... Visiting the steam room - one of the methods of hardening and prevention of certain infectious, colds and rheumatic diseases. Therefore, you can visit the bathhouse several times a day, but subject to certain rules.”

For example, the specialist advises, “when entering the steam room for the first time, beginners, the elderly, children and those who feel not entirely healthy should be placed in the “comfort” zone - on the bottom shelf, where the air temperature is not so high. The duration of stay should not exceed 6 minutes. After entering the steam room for the first time, you should rest for 8-12 minutes in a well-ventilated area.”

Also, Biryukov advises, it is better to be in a lying position in the steam room, as this reduces the load on the cardiovascular system and promotes nervous and muscle relaxation. You should not stand or sit with your legs down - this again puts a strain on the heart and also overheats the head. If there is not enough free space, then when sitting, it is better to stretch your arms along the shelf or pull them to your chest.

So, in principle, you can go to the bathhouse every day, but you should take a steam bath only on special “bath” days and in compliance with all the rules prescribed by doctors. Of course, if you want visits to the bathhouse to bring benefits to your health and not harm.


It is extremely beneficial to combine steaming and a general body massage. When we lose weight in a bathhouse, an experienced steam therapist (massage therapist) complements your efforts to reduce weight. The main thing is not to get too cold while doing this. As soon as you feel a drop in temperature, immediately head to the steam room.

If your goal is to get rid of extra pounds, you need to know how to properly steam in a sauna to lose weight. The duration of one visit should be 2 or 3 hours. This time is just enough to get the desired result and maintain good health. It is not recommended to increase the duration of the visit. This will still not make you slimmer, but it will ruin your health.

Which sauna is better?

I was once asked: which bathhouse is better? But to answer this question, you need to know for what purpose you are going to the bathhouse - to wash, take a steam bath, lose weight, take a break from a busy day at work, relieve fatigue and psycho-emotional stress after physical or mental work. Or maybe your goal is to improve your health or strengthen your body?

The main place in the bathhouse has always been considered that part where there is a stove, from which the air is heated to the desired temperature, and the shelves on which they sweat and steam with brooms. Usually this room is called a steam room, sweat room, steam room. However, the steam room was not called that because it is heated by steam. For example, dry-air chambers that are designed for sweating are also called steam rooms, steam rooms, but the air in them is dry (heated by an electric furnace or hot air supplied through pipes).

Currently, many different shapes, types and designs of steam baths are known. But they can all be divided into three main types, depending on the temperature and humidity in the steam room:

  1. dry-air baths (urban public sauna-heater, Russian, sand, Finnish sauna, etc.) with air temperature from 60 to 120 °C and air humidity from 5 to 25%;
  2. damp baths (steam room, Russian, Finnish, etc.), the air temperature in which ranges from 50 to 70 °C, and humidity - from 80 to 100%;
  3. water, or Japanese, baths.

Each of these types of baths has its own advantages (as well as disadvantages, which, however, can be compensated for).

In an ordinary city bathhouse, a stove-heater is used to heat the air, which is heated by gas, coal, wood or fuel oil and in which there are red-hot stones or metal bars - a small amount of water is poured onto them, if necessary. If you do not add water, such a sauna is close in performance to a dry air sauna.

In a modern Finnish bath-sauna, the source of heating the air is a special electric stove with central control and a thermostat, with the help of which the air temperature in the steam room is regulated. By watering stones specially placed here or just walls and ceilings, you can lower the temperature and significantly increase (up to 70–80%) humidity. The bathhouse will become damp, you can steam in it with a broom.

A raw (steam) bath is heated by hot steam flowing through pipes. You should not stay in such a bath for more than 20–30 minutes, otherwise you will feel—sometimes not immediately, but after two or three hours—fatigue, and your physical and mental performance will decrease for some time.

Long-term observations show that relatively dry baths, in which the air temperature is 90-120 ° C and humidity up to 25%, bring the greatest health benefits. Those who like to steam with a broom will object that with this mode the broom will dry in 1.5–2 minutes, the leaves will become like parchment paper and fly off. To prevent this from happening, and to prevent dry air from drying out the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx (which is unpleasant and unhealthy), the steam room should be moistened, but not overdo it with moisture, turning the bathhouse into a damp one.

And yet, which bathhouse is better?

A certain Eastern sage is credited with the following answer to this question: “The best bathhouse is one that was built a long time ago, is spacious and has soft water.” Another added: “And the one where the firebox of the furnace is lit according to the nature of those who want to enter it.” Wise words! And I am deeply convinced that skillful and correct use of any bath (steam, dry, wet) improves health, strengthens the body, creates a cheerful mood, increases vitality and promotes mental and physical performance.

Now let’s take a short historical tour of the baths of different cultural traditions.

How long is it recommended to stay in the bath?

There are no specific figures on this issue. The length of time a person spends in a bathhouse depends on the following indicators:

  • type of steam room - it can be combined with a sink or be isolated from it;
  • the presence of diseases or pathologies in the visitor (if you have health problems, you need to spend less time in a stuffy room);
  • visitor habits (if you visit the establishment frequently, you can increase the time spent in it).

The duration of stay in a room with high temperature directly depends on the general condition of the visitor. To spend a certain time in the steam room, you do not need to set a timer or mark the minutes. The main point is to listen to your own body. If, according to your feelings, the body has already received the required heat, then leave the steam room. A longer stay may make your situation worse.

Procedures last a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 minutes. If you feel uncomfortable, immediately leave the stuffy room. Do not harm your own health.

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