Bathhouse for bronchitis: rules for visiting, beneficial properties

Will a bath help with bronchitis, is it possible to steam, warm up and use a broom - we’ll talk about all this today.

Bronchitis is a common disease, most often occurring in spring and autumn. Both adults and children suffer from the disease; this disease is one of the most common.

Bronchitis ranks sixth in the world in terms of the number of requests for medical help.

What is bronchitis

The bronchi are an extensive network of tubes of different diameters in the lungs, into which inhaled air enters from the larynx. The inflammatory process of the respiratory system causes swelling of the walls of the bronchi and the release of mucus.

Doctors have determined that the cause of bronchitis is microorganisms that cause infection. Bronchitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease accompanied by a cough.

Smoking, predisposition, unfavorable external factors, hypothermia - these are only the factors that contribute to the development of the disease.

There are two forms of the disease:

Acute bronchitis

General malaise, weakness of the body, nasal congestion, pain in the sternum and abdominal area are characteristic symptoms of acute bronchitis. The disease is accompanied by a severe chest cough and increased body temperature.

Initially, the cough is always dry. After a few days, sputum is released, mucus is coughed up and the cough becomes wet.

The signs of acute bronchitis at the onset of the disease have features similar to ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection).

Chronical bronchitis

With chronic bronchitis, the disease becomes sluggish. The inflammatory process in the bronchi progresses, and the mechanism for clearing mucus fails. The walls of the bronchi thicken and become inflamed.

The disease is accompanied by a debilitating cough that does not go away for several months.

One of the forms of chronic bronchitis is smoker's bronchitis. As a result of the negative effects of tobacco, large, medium and small bronchi become inflamed.

Symptoms of smoker's bronchitis:

  • bouts of coughing with thick sputum production
  • dyspnea
  • labored breathing

The symptoms of flu and colds are similar to bronchitis: poor health, cough, runny nose, fever and headaches.

Important! At the very beginning of the development of the disease, going to the bathhouse is strictly prohibited!

Development of bronchitis

Pathology in the bronchi appears for various reasons. Most often, this is the infectious and allergic nature of the disease. Bronchitis also occurs after exposure to chemical substances on the mucous membrane, poor ecology, foreign bodies entering the lumens of the bronchi, and injuries to the bronchopulmonary system. We will leave injuries, the chemical influence of harmful substances and foreign bodies alone; we will consider going to the bathhouse for two main reasons: infectious and allergic.

With the development of pathology, a lot of mucus appears inside the bronchi, and because of this, their lumen decreases slightly, and microbes accumulate. The protective reflex of the bronchi - cough - comes to the rescue. This is the main symptom of the disease.

Symptoms of bronchitis

Acute inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tree is accompanied by:

  • Hyperthermia. The temperature rises to 38 - 39 degrees.
  • Lethargy and apathy.
  • Rheezing in the respiratory tract.

Treatment of the disease

Bronchitis should be treated using special symptomatic medications: antipyretics, mucoltotics, expectorants, antihistamines. It is also necessary to use drugs that affect the cause of the disease when it is known - these are antiviral and antibacterial drugs.

Traditional methods of treatment are also actively and effectively used: decoctions, herbal infusions, rubbing, inhalations and warming compresses.

Is it possible to take a steam bath with acute bronchitis?

In the acute stage of the disease, even with a slight increase in temperature, headache and general malaise, you cannot steam, warm up or wash in a bathhouse!

Visiting the bathhouse during this period of illness will only make things worse.

The body temperature will certainly rise even more, and the heat of the bath will provoke further development of the infection. The disease can develop into a completely different form, for example, into bilateral pneumonia.

Bathhouse for children

After bronchitis, a child is still not recommended to visit the bathhouse until the body is completely restored. The anatomical features of the child’s respiratory system are such that at the slightest irritation of the bronchial mucosa, obstructive syndrome can develop in babies. Because of this, it is strictly forbidden to take children under 5 years of age to the bathhouse after illness. The bronchi are still hyperreactive.

It is recommended to visit the bathhouse if you have frequent viral diseases, but with strict restrictions: you need to take breaks, leave the steamed room, and do not use essential oils. The temperature in the steam room should first be raised no higher than 37 - 38 degrees. And the age of the child should also be taken into account; the older the child, the better - fewer side effects will occur during preventive and therapeutic visits to the bathhouse.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse after suffering from bronchitis?

When the inflammatory processes in the body have subsided, there are no allergic reactions and the body temperature has returned to normal, but the cough remains - at this time the bath will only bring benefits and relief.

You can safely visit the bathhouse and steam room if you have chronic bronchitis or smoker's bronchitis.

Elevated bath temperatures increase blood supply. Blood delivers oxygen to the bronchi, thins mucus, and adhesive formations dissolve.

High temperatures cause the heart to beat faster, so a person begins to breathe faster and deeper. The muscle fibers of the bronchi relax, the bronchioles open, swelling in the bronchi decreases, and the mobility of the chest is restored.

Advice! To relieve cough, it is useful to steam with linden and any pine brooms. The broom steaming procedure should not last more than 10 minutes.

After bath procedures, it’s easier to breathe, because the moist, warm steam in the bath is a real inhalation! Steam inhalations help the bronchi clear of mucus.

A bath for bronchitis gives impetus to the normalization of the body's protective functions, the inflammatory process in the bronchi subsides. A wet steam bath will only bring benefits and relief to the body.

Important! Bath and contrasting procedures complement each other. If you have a history of or chronic bronchitis, it is strictly forbidden to douse yourself with cold water, wipe yourself with snow, swim in an ice hole, or go out into a cool room!

What is a bathhouse for?

Sauna and steam bath are a wonderful remedy for treating the respiratory system. People bathe in it simply for preventive purposes and for treatment.

It softens cough well with a strong dry reflex, it is the best natural remedy for removing phlegm when a person has a productive cough.

As you know, various herbs in the form of brooms are used in baths, and essential oils of medicinal herbs are also sometimes added. This has an even better effect on the patient’s bronchial system, which is why it is allowed to visit it for colds.

The effect of heating during bronchitis

For bronchitis, warming has a healing effect. This is what compresses are used for. By warming the site of inflammation, bronchospasm can be stopped if it occurs due to the development of an infection. The inflammatory process also decreases significantly and sputum no longer becomes so viscous, since bronchial secretions begin to be actively released (warming stimulates the functioning of the glands), which improves its discharge. The mucous membrane is gradually restored.

Read also: Which syrup to choose when treating bronchitis in a child

Inhalation component of the bath

While warming up, a person also breathes essential oils from plants. They strengthen the body's defenses, affect the mucous membrane, helping it quickly get rid of pathogenic microorganisms and continue to function fully.

When they ask whether it is possible to go to the bathhouse to steam with bronchitis, it is definitely possible. But you can take a bath if you have bronchitis, following certain rules.

Sauna and bronchitis

Although the sauna is a close “relative” of the bathhouse, its operating principle is completely different. All saunas are dry air, there is no steam bath effect, the air is dry and hot.

Even in the non-acute form of the disease, bronchitis is painful. The chest is torn from coughing, chest and abdominal pain. The inhaled hot sauna air will only irritate the lungs, it will not bring relief.

Yes, the bronchi will warm up thoroughly, but they will miss the life-giving moist steam.

A not too hot sauna is suitable as a means of preventing bronchitis, but not as a means of treating the disease.

Inhalations for bronchitis

Inhalations are a surefire way to treat chronic bronchitis (not acute). Inhalations with herbs will help the body restore the protective and cleansing function of the bronchi.

The high temperatures of the steam room, the healing steam, promotes metabolism and helps to absorb the beneficial power of herbal infusions.

Advice! Steam pine, juniper or fir branches in boiling water, and then pour the infusion onto the heater. Here is your healing aromatic inhalation for the lungs and it’s ready!

Chronic diseases

Sharp temperature fluctuations, rubbing with snow, dousing with ice water, jumping into a pool or ice hole are strictly prohibited.

Treatment of chronic diseases requires an integrated approach - taking antibiotics and other medications, and a variety of physiotherapeutic procedures. One of these procedures may be a visit to the steam room.

According to urologist, andrologist, urological oncologist Victoria Shaderkina, taking antibiotics for prostatitis in itself is not a contraindication to visiting the sauna. “You should visit the steam room only in the remission stage, this will eliminate the possibility of developing edema,” says the doctor, reminding that sudden temperature fluctuations, wiping with snow, dousing with ice water, jumping into a pool or ice hole are strictly prohibited.

The permissible maximum is to change the water in the shower from warm to slightly cooler 10-15 times within 5 minutes.

Is it possible to go to the steam room, are bath procedures compatible with this disease - only the attending physician can give recommendations to the patient.

In case of a chronic illness without an exacerbation, steaming in a sauna or bathhouse is even useful, but provided that remission has begun at the time of visiting the steam room. You just can’t get too cold and get carried away with contrasting procedures - this can make you even sicker, and all the treatment will go down the drain.

Can a child go to the bathhouse with bronchitis?

A child can go to the bathhouse and steam room only not in the acute stage of the disease. When the crisis is over, all that remains is a cough - the bath will be a good treatment.

Just like adults, it is useful to breathe in herbs and fragrant brooms. A light broom massage of the chest will help.

But it is not recommended to sit in the steam room for a long time; it is better to reduce the time spent on the upper shelves.

You cannot douse yourself with cold or cool water; it is advisable to dress in a warm room. Go outside only when completely cool and dry.

Healing decoctions and aromatic oils for the treatment of bronchitis

Aromatic and essential oils have a beneficial effect on the treatment of bronchitis. A few drops of aromatic or essential oils (it is best to use juniper, eucalyptus, orange, sandalwood, grape, etc.) should be added to the water for washing and to the water for steaming the broom. The beneficial properties of these oils will help calm the nervous system and improve skin condition.

To achieve the best effect in the treatment of bronchitis, herbal infusions should be used. You can buy them packaged at the pharmacy, or you can prepare them yourself, which will be much healthier for your body. Pour water into the pan, add herbs of your choice, these could be:

  1. chamomile flowers and leaves, which have a good diuretic and antipyretic effect;
  2. St. John's wort;
  3. thyme;
  4. rosehip fruits and leaves;
  5. mint, which helps ease breathing;
  6. hawthorn.

You can also add a few drops of aromatic oils (lavender, tangerine) to give the broth a pleasant aroma. Bring the broth to a boil. Cover and refrigerate. While visiting the bathhouse, it is recommended to drink two glasses of this healthy drink, which helps treat bronchitis. Then you should take a good steam bath so that the drink gives the body all its beneficial substances.

The effect that can be achieved in the steam room:

  • calming the excited nervous system;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • easier breathing;
  • improving the patency of the nasal passages;
  • outflow of excess fluid from the body;
  • cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
  • lowering blood pressure, its gradual normalization;
  • mitigation of cough.

Folk remedies for treating bronchitis

In the initial, acute stage of the disease, taking diaphoretics will be beneficial: hot tea with raspberries and milk. An infusion of birch or pine buds is useful.

For severe coughs, warming procedures are recommended: mustard plasters, warm compresses.

Important! Any warming procedures can be done only in the absence of elevated temperature.

Black currant

Black currants, fresh and dried, are famous for their good anti-inflammatory effect.

Brew 5 grams of leaves per glass of boiling water. Take a glass of decoction 2 or 3 times a day.

Linden blossom

Brew one tablespoon of linden blossom with one glass of boiling water. Wrap and leave for one hour, then strain the broth.

Take a glass of decoction 2 or 3 times a day for colds, coughs, and headaches.

Coltsfoot leaf

Brew one tablespoon of leaves with a glass of boiling water. Wrap and leave for one hour, strain. Take one tablespoon 4 to 6 times a day for coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, and hoarse throat.


Pass one onion and apple through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Mix the resulting juice with one tablespoon of honey. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Since ancient times, people went to the Russian bathhouse to treat ailments. They warmed up when they had a cold, breathed in fragrant brooms, took steam, and even hardened themselves.

A bath for bronchitis is still considered an excellent means of warming the lungs and relieving cough. Remember that the body, weakened by disease, must be spared and not sweat too long or too hard. Drink herbal teas after the bath, do not go out warmed up in the cold.

The only good thing is in moderation!

How can you enhance the healing effect of visiting a bathhouse?

In the baths, various plants are used in the form of brooms for massage and self-massage. To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use an oak or birch broom.

You can add a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus, tea tree, pine - plants with antimicrobial activity (contraindicated if the patient is prone to allergies) to the water or on hot stones.

Before visiting a bath or sauna, you can drink an infusion of rose hips, thyme, sage, linden blossom or St. John's wort. To prepare an infusion, any of the above ingredients is poured with hot water (approximately 80 °C), left for 10 minutes, and then filtered.

While in a bath or sauna, you can drink warm infusions or decoctions of medicinal herbs. To prepare a medicinal decoction, take 4 parts of coltsfoot, 3 parts of licorice root, marshmallow, plantain leaves, 2 parts of thyme, fennel berries, peppermint and 1 part of sweet clover. Mix all ingredients, pour 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture into 500 ml of boiling water, keep in a water bath for about 20 minutes, then strain the broth and dilute with 1 liter of warm water.

After suffering from bronchitis, a child is not recommended to visit a bathhouse or sauna until the body is completely restored, as obstructive syndrome may occur.

You can prepare an infusion from the leaves of plantain, coltsfoot, primrose flowers, and horsetail grass taken in equal parts. All ingredients are mixed, after which a teaspoon of the resulting mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 30 minutes. The liquid must be warm; soft drinks in a bathhouse or sauna are not recommended for patients with bronchitis.

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