How to go to the bathhouse and take a steam bath? Preparation, rules, recommendations

Do you know how to go to the bathhouse correctly? “What’s so difficult?” - you ask. Warmed up, washed, and went to the table with some cold drinks. This is actually too simplistic. Our Slavic ancestors knew a lot about the art of bathing. Today we decided to collect all their experience so that you can use it. There are a huge number of nuances, failure to comply with which leads to the fact that you do not heal your body, but, on the contrary, cause harm to it. Therefore, if you plan to take a broom to the steam room, then first read our article and find out how to go to the bathhouse correctly.

Secrets of the Russian bath

Initially, several types of baths arose.
Each had their own way of heating and vaping. The first such buildings arose in villages; they were distinguished by the simplicity of their structure. Later, two types of traditional Russian baths evolved from them, which were heated “black” or “white.”

  1. The “black” type of heating implied the presence of an open hearth, and therefore combustion products and smoke settled on the walls. Of course, there was an vent here that closed during the heating period. There were no recommendations on how to properly steam in baths of this type.

Black heating type.

  1. The white heating type is modern. This type of bathhouse has a stone, metal or brick stove with a tank designed to heat water. The fireplace here is closed, that is, all the smoke comes out through the exhaust pipe. It is about such structures that we will talk today.

Preparation for procedures

The fact that the bathhouse has a powerful healing effect is no secret to anyone. But in order to achieve the desired result, you need to know about the features and rules of visiting the bathhouse.

Indeed, in practice, it may turn out that a person, not knowing the basics of soaring, can harm his body by experiencing a strong one-time load. After this, he can permanently refuse this procedure.

And to prevent this from happening, there are simple and accessible instructions:

  1. Before going to the bathhouse, do not overload your body with food. To suppress your appetite, it is best to eat something light.
  2. For hygiene purposes, take a shower before procedures. You can't get your head wet. Otherwise, you may cause overheating.
  3. When entering the steam room, do not forget to put a cap or hat on your head, which will prevent the possibility of overheating.

Bath caps.

  1. The best time to take bath procedures is determined individually, since it depends on your biological clock, but it is believed that the body is best prepared for them in the morning. With the right approach, a sauna can be on par with physical activities such as walking and running.

Choosing a broom

In order to achieve maximum effect, you need to purchase a broom. Its price is relatively low. The choice of bath equipment should be approached with the utmost care, but you can make it yourself by preparing the material in June-July.

If you cannot prepare it yourself, then when purchasing a broom, follow these rules:

  1. The broom should fit comfortably in your hand. The bun should be neither thin nor thick.
  2. Leaves must be healthy and free from mold.

Before starting the bath procedures, the broom must be “steamed”. To do this, pour hot water into a basin and place a broom there for soaking. As soon as the broom softens, it can be used.

Birch bath broom.

A couple more useful tips

  • An invitation to a sauna is a risky, but very attractive idea. To interest a girl and guarantee to get her positive answer to your question, you can use several psychological tricks:
  • Arrange a surprise or create intrigue. “I know what to pleasantly surprise you with.” “I know one amazing place, you’ll definitely like it.” This kind of reality can create a certain mysterious atmosphere and make the girl want to know her secret. The main thing here is to be careful, because going to the sauna is a very intimate thing, especially for a girl. You need to make sure that she understands your hint as much as possible and if she agrees, then so that she has enough time to put herself in order;
  • Compliments. “You have very cool skin, do you go to the sauna often?” “You definitely shouldn’t be walking down the street in this cold weather. It’s better to get high somewhere in a sauna.” This is just an example, but what you choose is a purely individual decision;
  • Quest. You can make a date not only romantic, but also as interesting as possible. Just be creative in solving this problem. During the invented quest, the girl must understand literally immediately where you plan to spend time with her. Believe me, if she refuses, because she finds out about the main thing at the very end, she will not be the only one disappointed.
  • Helpful tip: if you think a girl will be put off by the word “sauna,” you can use “SPA hotel” instead. Finding these won't be difficult. Just imagine, a professional massage from real masters of their craft, aromatherapy, a swimming pool, a sauna and at the end a pleasant tea party - she definitely won’t be able to refuse this.
    Even if in this case you will have to spend more than on a regular trip to the sauna, but believe me, it will be worth it.

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Treatment of certain ailments in the bath

Russian or Finnish baths are good for treating rheumatism. To relieve the symptoms of this disease, deep warming of the body is key. If you are experiencing a slight discomfort, then ten minutes in the steam room will be enough to thoroughly relax your muscles and joints and warm them up. After you finish steaming, take a warm shower. But contrasting water treatments are prohibited in the case of rheumatism. You can go to the bathhouse with rheumatism only during the period of calm of the disease, and with the acute stage of the disease, give up this idea.

The same should be done with radiculitis: during acute periods, refrain from using the steam room. To treat this disease, you need to steam the lumbar region and deeply warm the entire body. You need to steam with a broom made from wild garlic, birch, oak and pine branches placed in the middle of the bundle. This broom should be applied to the lower back. You can also do a therapeutic massage and wrap with a clay mask in the bathhouse.

Much controversy arises around the effect of a bath on a person suffering from cholelithiasis. It occurs in many people. This disease is associated with heredity, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and other factors. Stagnation of bile occurs in the gallbladder, which can lead to the formation of stones. Some people testify that after visiting the bathhouse they felt the illness begin to recede. But doctors still do not advise taking a steam bath with such a diagnosis.

Indeed, under the influence of heat in a steam room, muscle spasms can disappear. The bile ducts relax, and if there is already a stone in them, it begins to move further along them. If you are lucky, a small pebble comes out of the path, and the person’s condition improves. But it often happens that as the stone moves along the paths, the patient’s biliary colic begins to intensify, which can lead to hospitalization and even urgent surgical intervention by surgeons. It is impossible to influence this process, depending on your luck. Therefore, doctors advise first of all to cure your disease, and only after that take bath procedures.

Preparing for the bath ritual

It can be called that way. For the Slavs, the bathhouse was an almost holy place. Sick people were brought here to heal them, a newborn child was washed in the bathhouse so that he would grow strong and healthy, the bathhouse was also flooded at the moment of a person’s death to wash him. Today we go to the steam room purely for pleasure, because every home has a shower and hot water, but the smell of warm wood and an oak broom cannot be replaced by anything else.

So, how to go to the bathhouse correctly? First of all, you should not eat enough before visiting the steam room. The last, light snack should take place no later than 1.5 hours before the event. Take kvass, mineral water, compote or natural juice (for example, birch) with you. But you need to forget about alcohol on this day.

Bath procedures for women - cleansing the body in the bath

During one session of such bath procedures, a woman loses up to 1.5 liters of water; In about 10 such sessions you will complete a complete cleansing of the body in the bathhouse. But do not try to restore the loss of water with beer or tea after a bath; the best is juices: carrot or apple with beetroot (450 g apple and 50 g beetroot). Of course, try to drink homemade juices.

Cooling (dousing, swimming in a pool) is an important bathing procedure. It is recommended, at least at first, to use cold water with a temperature of at least 10°C.

When a body is cooled with water, three phases are distinguished. The skin turns pale and becomes cool (phase of the first chill), this is due to spasm of the skin vessels and the outflow of blood to the internal organs. After some time, the vessels dilate, blood rushes to the periphery, a feeling of warmth and pinkness of the skin appears (the plethora phase). Cold water continues to act further, capillary blood flow is paralyzed, blood stagnation occurs, the skin acquires a bluish tint (second chill phase).

The first and second phases are associated with the activation of the body’s protective reactions, and the third develops due to a violation of thermoregulation - this phase is harmful.

When you have a cold, it is useful to smear your back, chest, arms and legs with a thin layer of linden or flower honey, climb onto the shelves of the steam room and wait until the honey is washed off later. This product is also good for skin rejuvenation.

How to refuse competently so as not to offend your gentleman?

Use my win-win PDA technique (compliment-program-compliment):

  1. Praise him for his frank and bold proposal.
  2. Then set the boundaries of what is permitted (program): gently explain that you are not yet ready for such dates.
  3. Then compliment again. Just remember that at the initial stage you should not admire his external data. Compliment only the qualities of a man.

A simple example: “Darling, you are so original! Your proposal is very bold, I’m even a little confused. And I’m not ready for such close communication yet. I'm sure you will understand me correctly. After all, you are so attentive."

I think you get the point perfectly.

How to take a steam bath correctly: the main steps

How to properly steam in a bathhouse with a broom - professional steamers know the intricacies of this procedure, but not all ordinary people know. On the day of visiting the steam room, it is recommended to avoid salty and fatty foods. Three hours before leaving home, you are allowed to have a light snack, for example, cottage cheese with a low mass fraction of fat.

Preparing for a visit to the steam room

Before entering the steam room, experts advise taking a warm shower. This manipulation will warm up the skin and prepare it for exposure to elevated temperatures.

When taking a shower, do not use detergents or rub your body with a washcloth. Such manipulations lead to the washing away of the protective layer from the epidermis, which causes the skin to dry out during a visit to the steam room.

You should also not wash or wet your hair, as this increases the risk of heat stroke. To avoid this, people enter the steam room only with a dry head covered with a special cap. If it is not possible to purchase one, you can make a headdress yourself using natural fabrics: wool, felt, linen and others.

First run

During this session, the body gets used to the conditions of the steam room - to elevated temperatures and humidity. It is recommended to take a broom with you and soak it in hot water. It is not recommended to use the attribute on the first pass.

When in the steam room, sit on the bottom shelf. There is not such an acute lack of oxygen here as at the top, and the temperatures below are not as high. It is recommended to steam in a lying position. Place a sheet on the shelf, lie down and try to relax. Breathe deeply and evenly. When your heart rate increases and your cheeks become red, move to a higher level.

The duration of the first run is 10 minutes.

Visit with a broom

On the second pass, you can use a broom.

  1. Lightly pat the broom over the body from top to bottom. Move slowly so as not to injure the epidermis, but to prepare it for further manipulation.
  2. Raise the broom high above your head. A large amount of steam is concentrated at the top, which will warm the leaves. Apply the attribute briefly to the face, chest, abdomen and back, as well as to the feet.
  3. Lightly pat the broom over the body. Movements should not be unpleasant or cause pain.
  4. Move the broom over the body for a minute, but do not pat. After this, alternate stroking and patting, but make the movements more intense.
  5. Heat the broom again, holding it above your head. Apply the attribute to your face, chest, stomach, back and feet for 5 seconds.

After using the broom, rest on the bench in a lying position for three seconds. Then leave the steam room. The number of such visits is from 4 to 7. The duration of stay in the steam room is no more than 25 minutes.


It is recommended to take breaks between the first and subsequent visits to the steam room. Their duration should be longer than the time spent in a room with elevated temperatures. You can’t steam longer than rest.

During your stay in the steam room, the body leaves a large amount of liquid. This helps the swelling go down, but can also cause dehydration. To prevent this from happening, you need to drink warm tea, herbal decoctions, juices or water between sessions.

Completing the procedure

Before the last approach, it is recommended to rub the body well with a hard mitten. This will help open the pores, and the procedure will be more beneficial. Representatives of the fair sex can put a mask on their face. After the steam room, wash it off, wash your head and body using shower gel or a mala and a washcloth.


What to take to the bathhouse to quench your thirst? The choice is large and good:

  1. Herbal teas from: raspberry leaves and berries, rose hips, linden blossom and other riches of the native land;
  2. Black and green tea from the riches of the overseas region;
  3. Kvass made according to the classic recipe, based on black bread and malt;
  4. Fruit drinks, juices, drinks based on bee honey;
  5. Mineral still water;
  6. It has been experimentally established that:
  7. bathhouse and alcohol are incompatible things;
  8. Coffee and other tonic drinks are contraindicated in the steam room;
  9. Hot drinks quench thirst more effectively than cold drinks.

While in a bathhouse, a hot drink quenches thirst more effectively than a cold drink

During steaming, the body, in addition to toxins and waste, also loses a large amount of liquid. To make up for these losses, you need to take a thermos with green tea or herbal infusion. This drink can not only quench your thirst, but also give you energy for the whole day.

Forget about beer

Few people think about whether it is possible to drink beer in a bathhouse. Most people simply try to purchase as much of this drink as possible in order to drink it before and after visiting the steam room, but this is unacceptable! Yes, beer quenches thirst well, but for a short time, while overloading the kidneys and heart, which already work in extreme mode in the steam room. The fact is that bath procedures affect our body no worse than prolonged physical activity - under such conditions, alcohol, entering the circulatory system, sharply expands the blood vessels, and then narrows them no less sharply. The more beer you load your body with, the stronger this effect will be. When taking even the weakest alcohol in a bathhouse, the possibility of arrhythmia, heart attacks and strokes increases many times over. Don’t risk your health, because you came to the bathhouse to strengthen it, not to destroy it.

Positive effects of baths and saunas

In this paragraph, we will consider the main aspects of the positive effect of the microclimate of the bathhouse and sauna on a healthy body with strictly dosed temporary exposure agreed with the doctor, as well as the harm caused to the body by bathing procedures.

Body system
Heat exchange
  • Stimulation of the thermoregulation mechanism;
  • Speedy adaptation to temperature changes.
  • Uncompensated load on the main physiological systems;
  • Heat imbalance;
  • Overheating (heat stroke): severe weakness, thickening of the blood, decreased muscle tone, increased blood pressure, dry mouth, fainting.
  • Increase in basal metabolic rate by 20%;
  • Acceleration of sweating (from 200 to 2100 ml), which leads to activation of the removal of metabolic products through the skin;
  • Elimination of obvious and hidden edema;
  • Weight loss is proportional to the fluid lost.
  • Loss of water, lactic acid, ions, urea and amino acids through sweat;
  • Dehydration, leading to unfavorable changes in protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
Autonomic nervous system
  • Activation of both parts of the autonomic system;
  • Increasing the body's adaptive capabilities.
  • Autonomic disorders;
  • Dizziness, anxiety;
  • Sleep disturbance.
Endocrine glandsLevel Up:
  • adrenocorticotropic hormone: extinction of inflammatory processes, improvement of intelligence;
  • beta-endorphin, which has a positive effect on mood, social activity and has an antidepressant effect;
  • growth hormone, which accelerates protein synthesis and fat breakdown.
Level Up:
  • aldosterone: increased circulating blood volume and increased excretion of potassium;
  • angiotensin II, which constricts blood vessels and leads to an increase in blood pressure, retaining sodium in the body;
  • vasopressin, which retains water in the body;
  • cortisol, which increases blood pressure and causes stress in the body;
  • adrenaline, which increases blood pressure and can cause arrhythmia, increasing neuropsychic stress;
  • norepinephrine, which constricts peripheral vessels, increases coronary blood flow and increases blood pressure.
  • Achieving mental and emotional relaxation;
  • Reduced excitability;
  • Improved sleep quality (increased deep sleep phase by up to 45%).
  • The occurrence of headaches;
  • Bad feeling;
  • Feelings of anxiety and other unpleasant sensations;
  • Fear, anxiety.
The cardiovascular system
  • An increase in blood pressure and an increase in minute blood volume, which leads to favorable adaptive reactions of the cardiovascular system;
  • Prevention of the development of circulatory disorders.
  • Deterioration of the cardiovascular system's response to standard loads;
  • Spasm of peripheral vessels;
  • Nosebleed
  • Arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • A critical increase in blood pressure, which can lead to a heart attack, hypertensive crisis and end in myocardial infarction
  • or vice versa, a drop in pressure.
Respiratory system
  • Increased blood supply to the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Bronchodilator effect;
  • Reducing viscous and elastic resistance of lung tissue;
  • Improvement of alveolar gas exchange.
  • Transition of mild colds into severe forms (bronchitis and pneumonia);
  • Increased risk of lung cancer.
Musculoskeletal system
  • Improving tissue trophism;
  • Saturation of muscles with glucose and activation of recovery processes;
  • Muscle relaxation is why the sauna after the gym is so popular;
  • Improving metabolic processes in bone and muscle tissue;
  • Reducing spasms and contractures.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases (rheumatism, myalgia);
  • Disruption of tissue restoration processes when visiting a bathhouse immediately after injuries or operations.

At the beginning of this section, we wrote about dosing exposure, which should be taken very seriously. The fine line between the benefits and harm of a sauna and steam bath is precisely in the time period, which many ignore, staying in the steam room for half an hour and breaking useless “records”

It is also important to observe the cyclical nature of the procedure: preparation, temperature exposure, cooling and rest.

Harm from the Finnish sauna and other types of baths is most often associated with non-compliance with the time spent in the heat chamber, neglect of contraindications, and visiting the steam room while intoxicated.

Bath beliefs for men and women

Many signs and superstitions have long been associated with the Russian bath. For example, it is believed that bathhouse owners - banniks - love women more and do not favor men too much. To prevent trouble from happening, our ancestors tried not to violate the established “rules” and prohibitions. How should you behave in the bathhouse?

“Sauna” days and hours

In the old days, the bathhouse was visited only on certain days. Usually it was Thursday and Saturday. As a last resort, you could go take a steam bath on Tuesday. But on Monday it was not recommended to go to the bathhouse - on Mondays the bathhouse was in charge there. It was strictly forbidden to wash on Sunday. According to church canons, this day was set aside for rest and prayer. And in order to heat the bathhouse, it was necessary to supply firewood and do a lot of other work. According to legend, those who washed on Sunday were overcome by illness.

You shouldn't have gone to the bathhouse alone. The “forbidden” time came after midnight: it was believed that at midnight the owner of the bath house received evil spirits. Well, it’s really dangerous to wash alone: ​​what if you feel bad and there’s no one around? And late at night is not the best time for washing...

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Another old belief said that you should not go to the bathhouse to wash on the third visit - on the “third steam” the bannik himself and his girlfriend, the female bathhouse spirit, whose name was Obderikha, washed.

Men go first

So, it was possible to wash only in two passes, with men having to bathe first, and women and children in the second pass. Men were not allowed to bathe after women because they were considered “unclean.” Our ancestors believed that if this taboo was broken, all sins and illnesses would be passed on to those who followed the woman to wash.

However, there were other prohibitions on this topic. This is what S.V. writes. Maksimov in the book “The Unclean, Unknown and Power of the Cross”: “In the Vladimir province, by the way, there is such a belief that it is not sinful to wash in the baths only for husband’s wives, but for widows and girls it is sinful: “but if with prayer, then they too says goodbye." The point is that married people should not have gone to the bathhouse with unmarried people - apparently, the energy was too different.

How to please the bathhouse owner?

In the bathhouse itself there were still a lot of rules that had to be followed. So, before washing, they certainly removed the crosses and icons. Neither icons nor other religious attributes were ever kept in the bathhouse. This was explained simply: otherworldly forces ruled the roost here, and symbols of faith could irritate them.

It was impossible to just enter the bathhouse. The person had to ask permission from the “owner”. There were special “formulas” for this. Let’s say this: “Bannik-bannik, I ask you to come to your house, I will protect myself from evil. I know your rules, I conjure them! Receive the guest according to his rank and conscience. We found not troubles, but blessings!” In the same way, at the end of the wash, you should at least say goodbye to the bath spirit in your own words, thanking him for his “hospitality.”

No alcohol!

It is no secret that many representatives of the stronger sex believe that the bathhouse is quite suitable for drinking alcoholic beverages. And some even come there in a drunken state. Banniks can’t stand drunks and will arrange worse adventures for you than in the famous “Irony of Fate”, where the drunken hero ends up in Leningrad instead of his native Moscow. For example, according to legend, a bannik can pour boiling water over a drunk, burn him with steam, and even skin him alive. Or he'll get sick. Also, whoever washes while drunk will be absent-minded and inattentive for a whole week, and this can lead to various negative consequences, says the sign.

A tub is not a place to sit!

Bath accessories should be treated with respect, otherwise the bath attendant will get angry. Thus, it is not recommended to use a bath tub as a seat, as men sometimes do. If you do this often, you will have problems with alcohol. Here's a sign.

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Don't spit on the stones!

Bannik approves of the fact that those washing themselves splash water or various decoctions on hot stones. But spitting is a complete disrespect for the “master”! This is unlikely to occur to a woman, but many representatives of the stronger half of humanity, unfortunately, do not see anything bad in such an act. But in vain. The bathhouse owner can easily spit boiling water right in your face in response!

There is no swearing in the bathhouse!

Some men, and sometimes even representatives of the fairer sex, like to get a good scolding, and not always with censored words. Meanwhile, the bannik does not tolerate abuse and curses and in this case is capable of using any available means in his arsenal. As a result, boiling water will inadvertently spill on you, or you will fall head first on hot stones... In addition, it is believed that a curse pronounced in the bathhouse will certainly come true. For example, if you wish someone bad in your hearts, then so be it.

Don't forget to clean up!

Women usually clean up after washing, but men do not always. Before you leave the bathhouse, it doesn’t hurt to look around to see if you left behind dirt and disorder. Bannik values ​​cleanliness very much and can take revenge for its non-observance. By the way, it is even recommended to leave a new bar of soap, a basin with a small amount of water and a small bath broom somewhere in the corner every month for the bathhouse “owner”. Banniks need to wash too!

How to steam in a sauna

Before starting, there should be no feeling of extreme fatigue or cold hands and feet. There are no loud conversations in public steam rooms; a short greeting at the entrance to the steam room is enough to avoid irritating the “hot meditators.” You need to breathe in the sauna in a way that is comfortable for you, but we recommend that you try inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

Also, before entering the steam room for the first time, you must:

  • remove jewelry to avoid getting burned by metal;
  • empty the intestines and bladder;
  • take a warm shower and leave your hair dry;
  • put on a bath headdress.

During the procedure in the heart of the sauna, you need to consider:

  1. People enter a steam room with low humidity without drying themselves; with high humidity, it’s the other way around.
  2. Sweat is not wiped off with either hands or a brush.

Your main advisor – your body – will tell you how to properly steam in a sauna.

First visit to the steam room

Recommended temperature for the first entry for 5 minutes is 70–90° C. If the sauna is heated to 100° C, the time can be reduced to 3 minutes. The time is calculated depending on the regularity of the procedures and can be up to 20 minutes. Beginners are located on the bottom shelf and must lie down so that the body is located in the same temperature zone. Ideally, your feet should be slightly higher than your head. This body position reduces the load on the heart and relaxes the muscles of the limbs as much as possible.

The position of the body must be changed periodically. If it is not possible to lie down, then position yourself so that your legs are raised to the middle level. Movements should be smooth and gradual. When getting up from a lying position, you need to take an intermediate sitting position for a short time. During the first run, it is too early to use brooms - the skin is not steamed and can be easily injured. After the first visit, take a shower at room temperature and relax, wrapped in a towel for 20–30 minutes.

It is important that the shower provides a good stream of water to your skin, and not a small stream that will only cause you to feel chills. During the rest period, the ritual of drinking diaphoretic herbal tea or simply still water is mandatory.

It is not recommended to jump into the pool after the first entry, and if you have heart disease or a tendency to high blood pressure, the pool during the sauna is contraindicated. People plunge headlong into a cold pool, so it’s better to do it last so as not to enter the steam room with wet hair.

Second entry into the steam room

Before the second, longer session, we take a shower again and, without drying ourselves, go into the already heated sauna. If the air is too dry, it can harm the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. You can release steam by splashing water with aromatic oils on the hot stones of the stove. Now comes the turn of brooms - this is a kind of massage that speeds up the process of breaking down fat cells.

You can stimulate sweating by rubbing your body after the second session with a mixture of honey and salt. The number of repetitions of entering the steam room is not limited, although most people steam in 2-3 sessions. On the last run, the temperature is reduced by moving to the lower shelf, gradually removing the body from the extreme mode.

Muscle tightness, which manifests itself during constant psychological stress, goes away. Everyone can determine the basics of how to properly steam in a sauna in order to relax the muscles and sweat thoroughly, ridding the body of sludge and tightness. To consolidate this habit of getting rid of extra pounds, it is necessary to force our three million sweat glands to work regularly.

She understands everything

As you understand, a date in a sauna means being there without clothes or a minimal amount of it.
Believe me, the girl you want to invite to such a place also understands this very well. Of course, this state of affairs maximizes the excitement and possible continuation of the relationship.

If a girl is really ready for something serious, then she will agree to a date. If you are going to go there just the two of you, and not in a noisy group, then the girl will understand what she is getting into. If she responded positively to your proposal, then you can definitely act. If she refused, then maybe she’s just not ready to ruin her relationship with you or she needs a little more time to become closer to you.

Procedure in the bathhouse

Preparing to enter the steam room is a ritual, each part of which has its own explanation and pursues very specific goals.

  1. Before entering the steam room, carefully examine yourself and remove all metal jewelry and accessories. Various gold and silver rings, earrings and glasses with metal frames can easily burn you when heated in a steam room.
  2. If you decide to relax in the sauna after a hard day of work associated with active physical stress, then do not rush to take a steam bath. A tired person is recommended to rest in the dressing room for at least half an hour, or even forty minutes, in order to regain some strength, since the steam room has a serious impact on the body.
  3. You should not smoke at this time. The same prohibition applies to those periods when you take breaks between visits to the steam room.
  4. After a short rest, take a shower to wash off the dust and sweat from your body. But on this first visit to the shower, do not use soap or gel, since you should enter the steam room clean and without any residue of degreasing agents on the skin. Try not to get your hair wet in the shower: you need to keep it dry under your bath cap. Firstly, this will protect your head from overheating, and, secondly, it will protect the hat itself. They are made from natural wool, which shrinks under the influence of moisture. If you wet your hair and cover it with a hat, you will soon notice that it simply does not fit on you anymore.

On your first visit, limit your time in the steam room to three to a maximum of five minutes. Sit on the bottom shelf where the temperature is more comfortable. Do not make sudden movements in the steam room, but simply lie down relaxed, if the width of the bottom shelf allows, or sit on it.

Then be sure to go to the shower and wash yourself with water at a comfortable temperature. After going to the dressing room, sit in the rest room for 10 minutes before making a second visit. You will probably have to take an even longer break, since if you go to steam with an experienced bathhouse visitor, he will spend ten to fifteen minutes there on his first visit to the steam room. And then he will also need about ten minutes to rest.

The most profuse sweating will occur during the second entry into the steam room. If you felt great during your first visit to the steam room, then you can increase the period of stay there to 7-10 minutes. Or leave the same 5. It is in these five to ten minutes that the most intense effect on the body occurs.

On your second visit, take a broom with you to the steam room. It will need to be soaked first. This must be done in advance. If you are visiting a public bath, then you need to steam the broom using a quick method. To do this, simply immerse it in a bowl of boiling water for a few minutes. But the slow steaming method is suitable if you steam in a home bath. In this case, place the broom in a tub of warm water and leave it to steam for a couple of hours. The second method is preferable, since in this case the broom rods remain flexible and the leaves do not fall off. But, as a rule, city residents rarely have the opportunity to steam in home baths.

Bathhouse - an assistant in the fight for a beautiful figure

All women have probably asked this question, so finally we will look at how to properly go to the sauna for weight loss. How can a steam room help you lose weight? It turns out that it is very simple: under the influence of high temperatures, a process of severe sweating occurs. The fluid leaves, and the body makes up for its deficiency by melting it from fat deposits and muscles. This starts the process of breaking down and removing fat through the pores. Of course, you won’t lose much, and besides, strong thirst will force you to drink a fairly large amount of water, which will compensate for the loss. But the running process is very beneficial for the whole organism. Today, the program has proven itself to be excellent, which includes a visit to the Russian steam room, then a cleansing peeling of the whole body and a manual anti-cellulite massage. This procedure ends with a mud or algae wrap.

To summarize, I would like to add that the Russian people have honored the bath traditions for centuries, which means that it is very useful for us to continue the traditions of our great-grandfathers and go to the steam room. At least a couple of times a month. The bathhouse strengthens the body and relieves numerous diseases, gives a second youth, lifts the mood, and acts on the skin in almost the same way as expensive salon procedures. Therefore, if you are still in doubt about what to do on the weekend, heed the advice: go to the bathhouse!

Rules for visiting the bathhouse

Diet before going to the bathhouse

How to steam in a sauna for health? You need to answer the question in order to clarify that you can go to the bathhouse only 2 hours after your last meal. At the same time, you do not need to drink a lot, and you should completely eliminate alcohol.

Shower before the bath

In order to prepare for entering the steam room, where the temperature remains very high, you need to take a warm shower. This will allow the body to prepare and correctly perceive what is happening.

Time spent in the bath

In order for bath procedures to be beneficial, observe the time spent in the steam room. At a temperature of 90 degrees - 10 minutes in the steam room and 10 minutes of rest.

Precautions in the bath

In order to answer the question of how to properly take a steam bath for a woman, you need to pay attention to some precautions. Only if they are followed will the procedures be beneficial:

  1. protect your hair from high temperatures with a cap;
  2. Use rubber shoes that are easy to wash. It is convenient and safe from the point of view of visiting public places;
  3. drink herbal tea after being in the steam room - this is very useful, but not alcoholic drinks.

Getting used to the heat

Today we are talking about a classic steam room, where water pours onto the heater and the dizzying smell of leaves from a broom. And in order to easily endure the heat, you need to know how to properly go to a Russian bathhouse. In order for you to have the most pleasant impressions, you need to make the first adaptation run. The optimal temperature in this case is +60 °C, that is, the bottom shelf of the steam room is suitable. Lie on it and get used to the conditions. The first run usually lasts 3-10 minutes, so don’t be too zealous. For now, you just need to steam the broom, the most important thing is yet to come.

Benefits and harms

The bath is a great way to improve your health and get rid of many diseases. Even scientists have proven that the effectiveness of a bath procedure can be compared to a good dosed workout.

Features of visiting the bathhouse

Obvious for

The healing properties of steam have been known since ancient times, and this is evidenced by many ancient structures that used hot heated stones and water. The beneficial properties are based on the alternation of low and high temperatures with constant high humidity. This leads to active sweating and accelerated blood circulation. Properly selected brooms also enhance the effect.

The benefits of a bath

Undoubted advantages

  1. Relaxation after psychological and physical stress. Steam relaxes muscles and restores performance.
  2. Improved blood circulation.
  3. Restoring metabolism by removing waste and toxins through profuse sweating.
  4. A remedy for eliminating excess weight. High temperatures “melt” the fat layer.
  5. Cosmetic effect. Accelerated blood flow eliminates venous congestion, smoothes wrinkles and expands pores, cleansing them.
  6. Treatment of colds - sweat helps remove infections from the body. And if you add a pine broom to your bath procedures, you can strengthen your immune system and neutralize bacteria.
  7. Treatment of radiculitis and back pain by warming up all muscle groups.
  8. Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia - a combination of heat and cold strengthens blood vessels and reduces the symptoms of the disease to nothing.

Bath for beauty and health

The Russian bathhouse is recommended for those who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, migraines, kidney diseases, high or low blood pressure, and chronic respiratory diseases.


Unfortunately, there are also diseases for which visiting a Russian bathhouse is strictly prohibited.

This is about:

  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • heart failure (heart defects, heart attack);
  • acute respiratory diseases (pneumonia or bronchitis);

Children under 4 years of age, elderly people and pregnant women are not allowed to visit the steam room. Otherwise, there are no contraindications.



A bathhouse is, first of all, a healing of the soul and body, so it is important, after steaming the skin, to care for it properly. The products should contain natural ingredients; you can also use old proven beauty recipes. When visiting a bathhouse, you can combine business with pleasure: take a steam bath and take care of your skin. In the steam room, the skin pores expand, so any beneficial mixtures applied to the skin are easily absorbed. You can use honey. It should be rubbed over the skin with massage movements. After this procedure, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, and gets rid of toxins. Honey also has an anti-cellulite effect and has a calming effect on the nervous system.


To cleanse the skin in the steam room, you can use scrubs. There is also plenty of this goodness on the market. But if you profess the principle: inexpensive and natural, then you can successfully use coffee grounds as a scrub, according to the classic recipe for use. What else should you take to the sauna as a scrub? The choice is very large and the question is rather a matter of personal preference and purely individual characteristics of the body. Crushed nuts with olive oil and sea salt can also play their role. It is necessary to plan in advance what to take with you to the sauna, otherwise something will be forgotten.


Using salt, you can cleanse the skin and remove the dead layer of the epidermis. It also enhances metabolic processes in the skin and has a rejuvenating effect. Salt is also used for salt inhalations and wraps. In this regard, the choice of the modern market is wide and vast. Both Himalayan salt and sea salt are presented, of various colors, textures, chemical composition and origin. For the first time, it is better, of course, to test an unknown sample in an extremely small volume, and then go to the normal consumption rate.

Bath salts are available on the market in a wide range


The oil can be in the form of vegetable fat, for example, unrefined virgin olive oil, for oil massage sessions. May be essential oil. Which, in essence, is a volatile aromatic hydrocarbon used for inhalation in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases and increasing the tone and immunity of the body as a whole. What experienced women take with them to the bathhouse is citrus essential oil. It improves your mood if you dissolve it in water and splash it on the stove stones. And it also effectively fights cellulite. But here, in addition to oil, you need a good experienced massage therapist who will conduct an anti-cellulite massage session using this product.

What is “entering” a steam room? Let's steam wisely

Before visiting the bathhouse, you need to remember (remember - for beginners) a few simple rules for taking bath procedures and you can safely go to the steam room:

  1. Gradualism. You shouldn’t rush into all the troubles right away and sweat for too long. The load must be increased gradually, evenly. This is not a competition.
  2. Reasonable limitation. The bathhouse is intended to improve well-being, increase strength, and certainly not weaken it. Therefore, if you feel unwell, even mildly, you should immediately leave the steam room.
  3. Rational assessment of the strength of one’s own body. Before visiting the bathhouse, you should not drink alcohol, large amounts of food or liquid. After all, the body will need a lot of strength if your goal is to steam “to the bones.”

Before going to the steam room, prepare your body for high temperatures by taking a fairly warm shower without soap (since this will wash off the fat layer and the skin will be too “shocked” by the first contact with the steam room). Do not get your hair wet, otherwise the scalp may overheat. Don't forget to wear a bath hat with wide brims (it can be moistened with water), or wrap your head in a towel.

There can be several visits - usually 5-6, for a beginner three is enough.

Be sure to protect your head while in the steam room

The first approach is an adaptation one. They enter the steam room for the first time to allow the body to gradually get used to the high temperature. A broom is not used, but you can take it with you to feel the aroma of the leaves and relax. Start “promotion” from the bottom shelf, where the temperature is lowest. The duration of stay is no more than 10 minutes (by this time the skin usually turns red and begins to sweat).

Advice. After each run, it is necessary to wash off the sweat from the body so that the skin does not absorb all the toxins released from sweat back.

Second run. At this stage, full-fledged bath procedures begin. To begin with, you can add a little water to the stones to increase the humidity in the steam room. After this, a bath broom is used. We start by stroking all areas of the body for several minutes. After the body gets used to it, we move on to light whippings. For those who usually experience heavy physical activity, it will be useful to make so-called “compresses”. To do this, you need to lift the broom a little, as if capturing air, and “lower” it onto the steamed body, making a couple of whips. When the body has already steamed and is “burning,” we leave.

Third and subsequent visits. Here everything depends on your well-being and your own experience of visiting the bathhouse. Everyone chooses the optimal amount for themselves, the main thing is that they do not feel a loss of strength. If so, you overdid it. Don't forget about the shower - be sure to scrub yourself thoroughly with a sponge and soap.

How to avoid getting into trouble?

Many guys perceive talking to a girl about a date as like walking through a minefield. They believe that any wrong word or gesture can be perceived incorrectly by the chosen one, and this will be followed by an undesirable response to the proposal. Of course, caution has never hurt anyone, but you shouldn’t worry too much about it.
Show your character and willpower. Consider the moment of invitation to the sauna as an exciting game. If you are going to invite a girl to the sauna, adhere to the following rules of this game:

  1. Avoid sentences in interrogative form. Of course, there is a risk that calling a girl you just met for a pleasant rendezvous in the sauna can be dangerous. You can hurt her feelings and even put an end to future relationships, but are you ready to regret that you didn’t make that very proposal at the time? Don't ask her. Just take it and invite it. What the next move will be depends on her;
  2. Avoid using the term “date”. This word gives your heroine a certain responsibility. Believe me, “meeting” also sounds normal, and the girl will intuitively understand that this very meeting will be romantic, and maybe even very intimate;
  3. More specifics. You shouldn’t beat around the bush, try to come from afar, and after a positive answer start looking for a place for a date. It's better to take care of this in advance. Book a sauna and make a specific offer. This way you can demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions;
  4. Don't forget to be polite. Impudence and brutality are not bad, but in this case it is better to abandon it. Politeness and courtesy will help you get approval.

Frequency and preparation

If there are no contraindications to visiting the sauna for health purposes, the number of visits may be limited by your reluctance. The duration of the effect of bath procedures is about a week, so visits 1-2 times a week will give the maximum effect. It is wise to steam in a sauna regularly so that the body gets used to a certain cycle, the immune system is strengthened and the skin becomes radiant from the inside.

The average for the total time of visiting the bath service complexes is 2–3 hours, of which only about 30–50 minutes are spent in the steam room itself. The time of individual stay in the high temperature zone should be increased gradually. Even a person adapted to the sauna temperature tolerates the heat differently depending on his psychological and physical state. How to steam in a sauna is decided each time by the body itself; you just need to listen to its sensations.

Any clothing in the sauna interrupts the skin's breathing process, but if a swimsuit or swimming trunks is needed, then synthetics must be excluded. For hygiene reasons, you will need a towel or sheet to lay on the hot shelf. The classic bath towel has two different patterns to define the outside and inside. This helps determine which side of the towel you placed on the shelves the previous time.

How often is it recommended to visit the bathhouse?

A hot shower is enough to keep your body clean. The bathhouse is completely different, it is a place of power. The Russian bathhouse is highly hygienic and has medicinal value. However, you should not visit the steam room too often. It’s not for nothing that there is a generally accepted standard to go steam on Saturdays. Once a week is the optimal frequency. Moreover, the meaning of such an event is much deeper than simple washing of the body. Such regularity will help strengthen the body and avoid many diseases in the future.

Steam the broom for the bath. How to do it right?

If the broom is fresh, then there is no need to steam it (just wet it slightly), otherwise it will simply become heavy and quickly heat up - the skin simply cannot withstand this. There are several basic ways to steam a broom:

  • quick (in case it was not possible to prepare in advance). Dip the broom in hot water for a couple of minutes. Without shaking off the water, go to the steam room. There, hold a broom over the hot stones - and you can steam.
  • a few hours before the bath. Dip the broom in warm water (for 10-15 minutes), then add hot water and cover the top. Bring to the required condition, turning occasionally.

Prepare brooms in advance

for experienced steamers. A couple of hours before bathing procedures, leave the broom in a steamer with lukewarm water for half an hour, constantly turning it over. Then, without shaking off the water, place it in a basin with the leaves facing up for the same amount of time. Thus, all branches will be fully saturated with moisture and become elastic. Wrap in a bag. When you enter the steam room, hold it over the hot stones for a while.

Bath wisdom

In a bathhouse, a broom is more valuable than money. The bathhouse soars, the bathhouse rules.

A bathhouse without steam is like cabbage soup without fat.

Our bathhouse will wash everything away, clean everything, refresh it. Youth will open your body and inspire your mind and soul!

The grandfather sweated in the steam room, became slimmer and younger. He threatens his sons: I want to get married again!

Our guests from Moscow fell in love with the bathhouse. It must have been difficult for them to get used to the bath again.

In the bathhouse everyone is equal, like brothers, There are no generals, no leaders, No uniform, jeans, dresses, Only what people have.

Listen to folk wisdom

Is it possible to heat a stove with raw wood: useful information

Fabrics for bath clothes

The basis of textiles from which all special wardrobe items for saunas and baths are sewn are linen, cotton and synthetic fibers.

Terry fabric frotte. Made from cotton. Its surface consists of pile (double or single loose loops). The main advantages of the material: absorbs moisture well, breathes, gives a light massage effect.

Waffle fabric. Made from the same cotton, but using a different method. The result is a canvas with square convex and concave cells. The structure of the material ensures high absorbency and breathability. Products made from waffle fabric do not shrink and retain their shape.

Linen and fabrics based on it. The competitive advantage of flax is its high antibacterial properties. This is why linen clothing is recommended for people with problem skin. The properties of the material are fully revealed in the sauna. Here the fabric demonstrates its unique ability to cool the skin at high temperatures and warm at low temperatures.

Microfiber. Synthetic material based on polyester. It absorbs moisture well and allows air to pass through, is easy to dry and wash, but is not suitable for saunas - the oils that you rub into the skin penetrate deeply into the fibers, after which the microfiber loses its qualities.

Bath seduction

Steaming a girl in a bathhouse is not as easy as it seems. The process can safely be called real art. However, if you have successfully mastered petting and set aside more than three to five minutes for foreplay, then you can handle the role of a bathhouse attendant quite well.

The following scenario is proposed. At the entrance there is a shower at a comfortable temperature. It is needed not only to wash off the city dust and personal perfumes you brought with you, but also to get comfortable in a new environment. What is especially important if the girl has not gone to the bathhouse before or visited it with forty friends.

Next comes the first visit to the steam room. We’re forgetting about brooms for now: both you and the lady need to relax, warm up, steam and get in the mood. After this approach there should be a short break for tea with lemon or, again, a warm shower, whichever you prefer. We do the second “swim”, armed with a lovingly prepared broom. It ends with either a shower or, again, leisurely communication over a glass of tea. If your friend is hardy and gambling, you can make a third pass. Look, she will be inspired and also caress you with a broom.

Now let's move on to the most interesting part: steaming up your friend. The girl is placed on the shelf with her seductive ass up, and the heat is applied - with a small addition of aromatic herbs. Just don’t go overboard: the abundance of aromas can easily drive you out of the steam room until the end of the session. With a broom, without touching the girl's charms, hot steam rushes over them. This will prepare the girl for further development of the plot. the next step will be caressing the body with a broom. It is carried along the entire figure, starting from the tender feet and ending with the neck. The lady strokes back and forth several times, not leaving her sides unattended. Then we move on to quilting. The blows should be light and sliding. The broom walks over the entire back, lower back, butt and leg muscles. At this stage the girl should start moaning. If there is no sound effect, we return to the previous step: she has not completely relaxed. The next stage is the one most loved by men. The prepared body is whipped with a broom. Not too much (still not the kind of sadomasochistic games accepted in practice, and the temperature regime does not encourage excess), but noticeably. The massage continues until the beloved asks for mercy. As soon as the prayers are voiced, the lady of the heart is taken to the dressing room and treated to pleasant, but non-alcoholic drinks. If a girl has enviable endurance and strives to return to the steam room, the process is repeated, but from the other side: she needs to lay her friend on her back.

The last “squeak” of bath communication should be dousing the girl with water or dipping her into a snowdrift. Keep in mind that she will resist! However, without it, the young lady will lose most of the healing effects.

Article on the topic: How to lay a cable in the ground at the dacha to the bathhouse

The result of your efforts will be simply amazing sex: the bathhouse makes the erection simply reinforced concrete, and the lady’s desire is indomitable and furious.

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