Tips from a cosmetologist on skin care for every day
Perhaps every girl dreams of perfect facial skin. Clean, smooth, radiant with health. And often
Cosmetic masks for baths and saunas
Bath masks: a selection of the best recipes for masks for the face, body and hair + application rules
Hello! If you love baths, then you will probably like these interesting recipes for cosmetic masks.
Shouldn't you go to the hammam? Benefits and contraindications of the eastern steam room
Every nation has a tradition that is happily supported in other countries. It happened
Homemade iron stove for a bath
How to make a steam room in a bathhouse - construction of a complete complex
Features of a steam room The main requirement for a steam room is the ability of the room to quickly heat up to high
Installation rules and requirements for drainage from plastic bottles
The roof drain is an important element. In its absence, rain and melt water
About the benefits and harms of a bath for the female body
How to maintain health for women after 40-45 years
The Russian bathhouse has long been famous for its miraculous effect on the body. Water and steam procedures, in addition to
Rubbing with honey in the bath
How to use honey in baths and saunas for health benefits
The benefits of honey in the bathhouse were known back in ancient times, when the only medicinal and
"Oh my God! They hit each other!” How foreigners went to the Russian bathhouse
Exposure to high temperatures (during a stay in a bathhouse) has many positive and negative effects.
How to attach polystyrene foam to wood: materials, methods and instructions
To properly insulate wooden walls, you need a material that has low thermal conductivity, hygroscopicity, a long service life,
Swedish bath bastu
Swedish bath - features of arrangement and heating, benefits of visiting
The Swedish sauna bastu (from the Swedish “badstuga” - “baths”) is a unique combination of convenience and
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