Bath masks: a selection of the best recipes for masks for the face, body and hair + application rules


If you love baths, then you will probably like these interesting recipes for cosmetic masks for baths and saunas

Many of these recipes have been adopted by industrial manufacturers of cosmetics, but there is nothing better than making these bath masks yourself.

The healing properties of bath masks: why are they so effective?

The depth of influence of masks in a bathhouse is 2-3 times greater than in normal (home) conditions because:

  • more nutrients enter the enlarged pores;
  • cleansed and freed from toxins skin is better able to absorb the beneficial substances of the mask;
  • At high temperatures, blood circulation in the skin increases, so all processes of moisturizing, nourishing, and regenerating the skin occur faster with a more noticeable result.

Ready-made, store-bought masks are usually not taken into the bathhouse; homemade compositions from natural ingredients are much more popular. To prepare a healing mixture and literally “not lose face,” you must adhere to the following rules:

  • use only fresh products to prepare the mask;
  • mix the ingredients immediately before going to the bathhouse, ideally before applying to the skin.

Skin masks

All masks can be divided into:

  • Cleansing;
  • Nutritious;
  • Whitening;
  • Moisturizing;
  • Toning.

Each mask has its own effect on the skin and therefore the effect after using these masks is also different. Do not forget that whitening and cleansing masks dry the skin, and after them it is advisable to make a moisturizing or nourishing mask. Good results can be seen after complex masks made in the bath. These masks are great for combination skin.

Correct application of the mask is the key to success

A properly prepared mask is not a guarantee of success. In order for your skin to receive the maximum of beneficial substances from bath cosmetics, you need to be able to use them correctly. Especially a lot of controversy arises on the topic of when it is better to apply masks: during steaming or after visiting the steam room. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Ordinary face and body masks are applied in the bathhouse only after visiting the steam room. And then, not immediately, but after 10-15 minutes after the obligatory shower and washing off the remnants of sweat from the skin. If you rush and decide to pamper your skin in the steam room, then nothing good will come of it. The mask will simply drain from the skin along with sweat.

There is another type of mask, which just needs to be applied before entering the steam room. These are “perspiration-dispersing” masks and scrub masks that serve to cleanse the skin. “Sweat-dispersing” masks do this by increasing sweating in the steam room, and scrubs do this by exfoliating dead particles of the epidermis and increasing the respiratory activity of the skin. These masks do not serve to saturate the skin with useful substances, but to remove everything unnecessary from it.

It is also useful to make hair masks in the bathhouse. One might assume that it is best to apply a mask, wrap your head in a towel and go to the steam room so that your hair warms up and absorbs the healing components well. However, this cannot be done. Remember one of the main rules of the bath: the hair in the steam room must be dry. If you apply a mask, they will no longer be dry, which means the likelihood of getting heatstroke will increase several times. Therefore, apply the mask to your hair only after the last time you enter the steam room.

Body and hair care after

After visiting the sauna and performing a series of caring procedures, you need to leave the skin of your body and face “alone.” After cooling, many people apply moisturizing or nourishing creams to it - this is not necessary. Only if you spent your time in the bathhouse without scrubbing or applying masks, you should use some cosmetics, for example, professional creams.

Hair is also exposed to heat from the hot air in the sauna, and this is not always beneficial. Firstly, you need to know that visiting the steam room with wet curls is strictly prohibited - they will become dry and with split ends. This can be avoided by using a bath cap or towel.

Secondly, you need to wash your hair only after the last visit to the steam room, when a shower, rest and return home lie ahead. You can also use masks for them.

You can take advantage of a completely extraordinary proposal: mix 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise with a teaspoon of grated garlic and distribute along the entire length of the hair, touching the scalp. This mask is applied after the first visit to the steam room and is not washed off until the end of the sauna visit.

Since garlic can give a specific smell to your curls, when washing them it is better to use shampoo with a strong, aggressive aroma. But the result will surprise you - your hair will become silky, shiny and smooth.

Maoise and Garlic Hair Mask

Bath masks for face and body – cleanse, moisturize, nourish

Moisturizing kefir mask

- kefir

One of the simplest but most effective products that instantly moisturizes dry, chapped skin. A layer of kefir is applied to the face and body and left for 10-15 minutes, after which the mask is washed off with warm water.

Purifying clay face mask

- white (blue) clay

- water

A wonderful remedy that relieves inflammation and reduces acne. To prepare the mask, clay is mixed with water until creamy and applied to the face. Wait for the clay to harden and carefully wash off with water, trying not to stretch the skin.

Rejuvenating mask

- cereals

- milk

- yolk

- 1 tsp. olive oil

A glass of oatmeal is poured with hot milk until it becomes mushy. After the mixture has cooled, add the yolk and olive oil to it, mix everything thoroughly. Apply to the skin and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Are there any contraindications to the use of masks?

Cosmetic procedures in a bath are contraindicated if there are areas of inflammation and irritation on the facial skin. Other reasons why you should postpone applying anti-aging masks in a DIY face and body bath are:

  • Problems with blood vessels.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Disturbances of the endocrine system.
  • Allergic skin reactions.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Close location of blood vessels to the skin.

The listed conditions are strict contraindications to bathing procedures, including those for the face, due to exposure to elevated temperatures and humidity.

“Sweat-dispersing” masks – increase sweating

Honey-salt mask

- honey

- salt

Honey and salt (sea or table) are mixed in a 1:1 ratio and carefully applied to the skin without rubbing. Then they go to the steam room for about 15-20 minutes. During this time, honey and salt will actively “squeeze” all toxins and dirt out of the pores.

Anti-cellulite salt-soda body mask

- salt

- soda

- water

This body mask is recommended to be used in a bath for all those who want to get rid of excess weight and correct the contours of their figure. Mix salt and soda in equal quantities, add water until a paste is obtained. Before entering the steam room, apply the mixture to the skin of the entire body, especially tightly to problem areas - buttocks, thighs, stomach. Then they go to the steam room for 20-25 minutes.

Masks for baths and saunas - recipes

There are a huge number of useful body masks that can be used before and after visiting the steam room.

Body masks after visiting the steam room

  • One of the simplest and most accessible remedies is ordinary kefir. This drink is ideal for those with dry and chapped skin. A thin layer of kefir must be applied to the required areas of the skin, wait 10-15 minutes and wash with warm water.
  • Pour a glass of oatmeal with hot milk and stir until a homogeneous paste is obtained. After this, the mixture must be cooled, add 1 chicken or 2 quail yolks and a teaspoon of olive oil. If desired, it can be replaced with any other oil used for cosmetic purposes - castor, almond, burdock, peach, and so on. Mix all ingredients well, spread the resulting product over the skin, wait 15-20 minutes and rinse with water. This procedure has a very strong rejuvenating effect, so it is ideal for ladies of “Balzac” age.
  • For problematic skin types, which are often found in young girls, a blue clay cleansing mask is suitable. It remarkably relieves inflammation and effectively fights acne and other dermatological problems. In order to prepare this remedy, you need to pour enough water into the blue clay so that you get a mass with a consistency reminiscent of low-fat sour cream. After applying the prepared composition to the desired areas of the body, you must wait until the clay has completely hardened and wash yourself in the usual way.
  • The following recipe will help you prepare an effective anti-cellulite balm. Take 5 tablespoons of freshly squeezed grape juice, combine with 1 teaspoon of slightly warmed honey and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal. If desired, you can also add 3-5 drops of bergamot, mandarin or orange essential oil. Mix all ingredients well and distribute the resulting composition over the thighs and buttocks, while simultaneously making massage movements with your palms and fingertips. After 10 minutes, the balm must be washed off under a warm shower using baby soap.
  • A honey mask improves skin color and effectively gets rid of age spots. You can prepare the composition for application as follows: take 200 grams of linden or wheat honey, melt it in a water bath, add to it 1 tablespoon of sour cream and the same amount of cottage cheese and mix the ingredients very well until you get a cream with a delicate consistency. If necessary, the product should be cooled slightly and then applied to the skin in a thin layer, paying special attention to areas that have changed color over time.

All of the above cosmetics nourish the skin, so they should be used after visiting the steam room.

Body masks before visiting the steam room

Cleansing masks and balms, which must be applied before entering the steam room, are prepared according to the following recipes.

  • Mix the required amount of honey and table salt in equal proportions. Carefully apply the prepared composition to the skin without rubbing it. After this, you should go to the steam room and spend about 20 minutes there.
  • Similarly, you can mix table salt and baking soda in equal quantities, and then dilute these ingredients with warm water until you obtain a homogeneous paste. Before entering the sauna, the mixture should be applied to the entire body, increasing the amount when applying the composition to problem areas - buttocks, thighs, stomach, and so on. You need to stay in the steam room for about 20-25 minutes. This product helps to shape your figure and effectively eliminates excess weight.
  • Lightly heat the honey, take 5 tablespoons of this product and mix it with a glass of fine table salt. You need to apply this product to your body directly in the steam room, and you need to act very carefully so as not to damage the skin, especially in sensitive areas.
  • Take the coffee grounds from the coffee and add a little honey to it. If you wish, you can also add a few drops of ylang-ylang, rosemary, bergamot, etc. essential oil. The composition prepared in this way must also be applied while directly in the steam room, using circular movements until the skin turns red. Before leaving the sauna, you should wash yourself as usual.
  • Mix wheat or linden honey with cinnamon powder, taking into account the ratio of 2:1. Apply the resulting scrub onto the body using massaging circular movements, paying special attention to areas such as palms, knees, elbows and ankles. This product cleanses the dermis very well and deeply, but can easily scratch it, so you need to act extremely carefully.

All such cosmetics can be used by owners of any skin type, but they are best suited for girls and women with oily skin and clogged pores.

Anti-cellulite mask

Anyone who suffers from cellulite is willing to go to great lengths to get rid of it. But before you throw away a lot of money on ineffective salon procedures, try to deal with such a nuisance in the bathhouse. To do this, you need to prepare a fairly simple mask of honey and salt.

Please note: sea salt is best suited in this case, but if this is not available, you can use regular table salt. These two ingredients must be mixed in equal proportions. After mixing, apply the resulting mixture to the entire surface of the body and relax for a few minutes. Then wash off the mask.

And believe me, after just a few sessions of applying such a bath mask for cellulite, you will notice that the skin begins to gradually even out. And in another month you simply won’t believe that such a thing as cellulite has ever happened in your life.

Masks-scrubs - getting rid of excess

Honey scrub

- 5 tbsp. honey

- 1 tbsp. fine salt (crushed sea or table “extra”)

This composition acts both as a “sweat-dispersing” mask and as a scrub. The ingredients are mixed and then rubbed into the skin with massage movements directly in the steam room. You need to act carefully to remove the upper “unnecessary” particles of the epidermis, but not to damage the living skin.

Coffee and honey scrub

- coffee grounds

- honey

- a few drops of essential oil (ylang-ylang, mandarin, lemon, grapefruit)

Coffee grounds are combined with honey and a few drops of essential oil. During a visit to the steam room, the resulting composition is rubbed into the skin of the face and body in a circular motion until slight redness appears. Wash off after leaving the steam room.

Body scrubs

Prepare a body scrub to cleanse your skin of dead particles and prepare it for applying nourishing masks. Let's look at several scrub recipes.


Take natural coffee grounds, apply it to your body and massage with gentle movements. This can be done with your hands or use a special massage sponge or mitten. Then, without washing the scrub off your body, go to the steam room. Hot steam will enhance the effect of the cosmetic product. You can make a scrub with honey and coffee.


Mix ground cinnamon (you can buy it at a spice store) and liquid honey in equal proportions. Apply to skin and massage, then head to the steam room. Honey-cinnamon scrub leaves skin soft and velvety.


Take pre-dried orange peel and grind it in a coffee grinder. Rub the resulting powder onto your body before entering the steam room. Orange essentials tones the skin, tightens pores, reduces oiliness, and also gives an excellent aroma.


Mix almonds ground in a coffee grinder and oatmeal in equal proportions. Apply all over the body, massage the skin, paying special attention to areas where it has become rough and stiff. Now, without washing the mixture off your body, go to the steam room.


Take honey, but not liquid, but thick, preferably candied. Apply it to your body and massage. Pay special attention to areas with cellulite. After a honey scrub, the skin becomes very soft and velvety, and cellulite is reduced.

READ ALSO: Use of fish oil in face masks

What are the benefits of cosmetic products for the face in a bath?

The bathhouse itself is an excellent place to restore physical and mental health. The positive effect of alternating high and low temperatures in the bath has already been proven.

Warming and cooling the body allows you to increase the tone of blood vessels, get rid of toxins, and restore many functions of the nervous and other body systems. For a woman, increasing vascular tone is a direct path to sufficient blood supply to the facial skin. And this, in turn, helps improve the condition of the skin.

Cosmetic products are applied mainly after the bath. The steam in the steam room expands the pores on the body - this is a direct way for beneficial substances to penetrate the skin. In this case, a chemical process occurs, releasing toxins and receiving nutrition. If you apply a cleansing mask, you speed up the process of removing toxins. If it is necessary to moisturize the face, manipulations in the steam room will have a double effect, maximum hydration will occur due to steam and additional means.


A visit to the bathhouse is an excellent reason to relax with good company, have a pleasant rest and improve your health. For women, such a trip can become an analogue of advertised spa treatments. Homemade mixtures and affordable recipes will become assistants in guarding the beauty and youth of your skin. Having an excellent cleansing effect, the steam room will also help beneficial substances penetrate deeper into the epidermis and bring maximum benefits.

Tags: bath, face, smear

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