Bath pleasure: masks for skin health and beauty
The healing properties of steam rooms have been known since ancient times. Elevated ambient temperatures and humid or
If you want to lose weight, run to the bathhouse and sweat! The best ways to quickly lose weight in a steam room
I warmly greet you, dear friends! This article is largely addressed to the fair half of humanity,
Bath during menstruation
How compatible are bathhouses and menstruation? How to visit a steam room without health risks
Bath procedures have a positive effect on the entire female body. But what to do if the bathhouse
Bath mask recipes
Face masks in the bath: the best recipes for rejuvenation
As you know, in a bath, the skin throughout the body becomes soft, the pores open, and the muscles relax.
The truth about the salt bath - the benefits and harms of visits
Along with the traditional bathhouse, no less popular is the salt sauna, for the interior decoration of which
Impregnation for shelves in a bathhouse: types, best brands, DIY
What it is? It is believed that the ideal material for bath shelves is linden. This is due
Scrubs and masks for baths: their types, rules of use, preparation at home
High temperature conditions and humid air in a bathhouse or sauna have a general healing effect
Dry or wet bath: features, visiting rules, indications and precautions
A dry-air bath is a steam room characterized by the presence of dry air. In such steam rooms the average
What is the easiest way to remove soot from walls and ceilings in a bathhouse?
Soot is an accumulation of products of incomplete combustion of carbon, resulting from the combustion of organic and
How to properly use essential oils in a bath
Visiting a bathhouse is a traditional event for Russian people. From time immemorial we have all heard
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