How to maintain health for women after 40-45 years

The Russian bathhouse has long been famous for its miraculous effect on the body. Water and steam procedures, in addition to hygienic purposes, can tone the body, rejuvenate it, and improve a person’s mood and performance. You should not ignore the question of the benefits and harms of a bath for the female body.

Benefits of baths for skin

A visit to the bathhouse is especially useful for women who care about the health and beauty of their skin. After the steam room there is an extraordinary feeling of cleanliness. Steamed pores open, releasing from the body accumulated waste and toxins that come with polluted air and poison our lives in the literal sense of the word. The skin becomes soft and velvety. Hot steam stimulates blood circulation in the subcutaneous capillaries and improves lymphatic drainage. Under the influence of massage, aromatherapy and hot air, metabolic processes and skin cell regeneration improve. In the bathhouse, the skin is cleansed of dead cells and cellular decay products that cover our skin with an invisible layer that interferes with skin respiration and restoration of normal metabolism.

Under the influence of bath procedures, elastin begins to be better produced, which contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin - wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin becomes more elastic. She gets a beautiful healthy color.

Using a scrub to cleanse your skin

To enhance the effect of skin cleansing, cosmetologists recommend using various scrubs, which can be purchased ready-made or prepared independently. There are many different recipes for preparing a scrub to cleanse the skin, but perhaps the most popular is a scrub made from ground coffee. At the same time, you can use both freshly ground coffee and aged coffee. Many believe that freshly ground coffee has a stronger positive effect, as it contains more beneficial substances that were not exposed to boiling water during brewing. In general, it doesn’t matter what kind of coffee you use—slept or freshly ground. The main thing is to use it regularly and thoroughly cleanse the skin every time you visit the steam room.

In order to cleanse the skin with a scrub, you need to take 3 teaspoons of ground coffee, 3 teaspoons of shower gel, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, and 2-3 drops of essential oil to obtain a delicious aroma. The finished scrub can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. You can watch a video on how to make a coffee scrub below:

Homemade body and face scrubs

Scrubs help deeply cleanse the skin and increase blood circulation in the cells. Most compositions for bath procedures are prepared from available ingredients - salt, honey and coffee.

Honey scrubs

The honey component in bath cosmetics gives an amazing effect: it cleanses and tightens pores, smooths out wrinkles and slows down skin aging.

  1. With honey and cinnamon. For the mixture, take two parts honey and part cinnamon. The ingredients are mixed and applied evenly to the skin. Leave for no more than 5 minutes, rinse with water.
  2. Made from honey and ground coffee beans. The ingredients are taken in the same proportions (2:1). The product is applied to problem areas and left for a quarter of an hour.
  3. From honey and salt (sea or table). Salt has a wound-healing and antiseptic effect, improves blood flow and cleanses pores well. The cleanser is prepared from ingredients taken in equal proportions. Duration of use – 15 minutes.

Coffee scrub

Coffee beans contain large amounts of linoleic acid, which promotes collagen production and slows down aging.

The most popular recipe is a scrub made from coffee beans with the addition of stone. An equal amount of ingredients is mixed to obtain a powder, then any nutritious oil is added - from olives, almonds or sunflowers. Apply the product evenly to the skin and leave for 10 minutes.

Bathhouse against cellulite

Regular visits to the bathhouse can effectively combat cellulite. As you know, cellulite is not deposits of subcutaneous fat, as many people mistakenly believe. Both thin and overweight women are equally susceptible to the appearance of cellulite. Its appearance is due to impaired microcirculation in the subcutaneous vessels. Being clogged with waste products and various types of contaminants entering the body, they can no longer freely pass blood and lymph, which cleanse and supply the subcutaneous tissues with nutrients.

Excess weight and the presence of subcutaneous deposits increase the likelihood of blockage of microscopic vessels under the skin. Therefore, cellulite can be seen more often in overweight people. Cellulite is especially noticeable on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. Poor diet, lack of physical activity, and smoking also contribute to its appearance. High temperature, a broom and massage help to break down congestion and normalize skin regeneration processes and improve microcirculation in the subcutaneous space, smoothing out the unsightly orange peel.

Natural masks for body, face and hair

Masks promote gentle cleansing, hydration and nutrition. Useful compositions can be prepared from kefir, honey, salt, oatmeal and clay, the benefits of which can be noticeable after the first procedure.

  1. Face mask made of colored cosmetic clay. Amazing anti-aging clay compositions help relieve inflammation, reduce rashes and accelerate skin regeneration. The clay is diluted with water to a paste-like state, applied to the face with smooth movements and left until dry. The mask is carefully washed off with water, and the skin is moisturized with a light protective cream.
  2. Body and face mask made of oatmeal, yolk and milk. To do this, pour 200 g of flakes with milk and mix until a thick mass is obtained. After complete cooling, add egg yolk and ½ tbsp to the base. l. oils (from pumpkin seeds or olives), mix. The finished mask is evenly distributed over problem areas and left for half an hour.
  3. A mask of honey and fine salt to warm up and increase blood circulation. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting paste is applied to problem areas and left for a quarter of an hour. It can be used before starting the main bath procedures.
  4. A mask based on salt, soda and water with an anti-cellulite effect. Take 3 tbsp. l. salt and soda, add water in the required volume to obtain a thick mixture. The finished mass is evenly distributed on the body and kept for half an hour. Particular attention should be paid to treating problem areas affected by cellulite. This effective remedy helps fight excess weight, orange peel and sagging skin.
  5. Kefir mask for moisturizing and nourishing the face, body and hair follicles. Kefir (store-bought or homemade) is heated to a temperature of 25 degrees, applied to the skin, and washed off after 25 minutes.
  6. A mask of honey and burdock oil to strengthen all hair types. To obtain the composition, take burdock oil and liquid honey (3 tablespoons each) in equal proportions. The product is evenly rubbed into the scalp and distributed throughout the hair. To create a thermal effect, the head is covered with a shower cap. The mixture is kept for 35 minutes, thoroughly washed off with softened water and shampoo, and the hair is rinsed with herbal tincture.
  7. Mask with henna on a colorless basis and nettle to strengthen hair. The ingredients are taken in the following proportions: per 100 g of dry nettle 3 tsp. colorless henna. To obtain a thick paste, each component is individually steamed with water and combined into a homogeneous mass. The mask is applied to the hair and left for 20 minutes.

The benefits of a bath for muscle relaxation

For women leading an active lifestyle, a bathhouse will be useful for relaxing muscles, allowing them to quickly restore strength after physical activity. It does not matter what these loads will be caused by - work, activities with children or visiting the fitness center. You can enhance the relaxation effect with a massage, which is done after the body has completely warmed up under the influence of the hot air of the steam room. Massage for women is somewhat different from massage for men due to some physiological differences. For example, a woman should not have her breasts massaged. It is also not recommended to subject the lower abdomen to any manual manipulation.

Improved mood

One of the main advantages of visiting a bathhouse is, of course, its psycho-emotional effect on the female body. After a bath, many women note an improvement in their mood. Experiences seem to recede into the background.

The body is filled with energy and there is a feeling that we can do anything, and existing problems no longer seem insoluble.

Losing excess weight

An equally significant advantage of visiting a bathhouse for women is the opportunity to get rid of extra pounds, which do appear, especially after a holiday or weekend. With sweat, not only excess fluid is removed from the body, which in itself is wonderful - the load on the joints is reduced, swelling is reduced, but also the impurities accumulated in the body are released. For more effective weight loss, it is recommended to drink clean drinking water before visiting the bathhouse and after leaving the steam room, which will help not only remove all excess from the body through sweat, but also maintain temperature balance.

If you stop sweating while visiting the steam room, it means you are overheated and need to leave the steam room and plunge into the pool. In general, it is recommended to take such breaks every 5-7 minutes. Then the body will receive a balanced load and the positive effect of visiting the bathhouse will be more noticeable. Before entering the steam room, it is recommended to drink green tea, and during breaks it is best to drink a cup of tea with honey or raspberries to increase sweating. After the steam room, you should drink tea, to which dried fruits were added when brewing. This will allow us to restore the nutrients and microelements lost from our body with sweat.

Contraindications to visiting the bathhouse for women

Bathing procedures are not prohibited for pregnant women. A visit to the steam room relieves a woman of fatigue, improves blood circulation, and this eliminates the possibility of thrombosis and headaches, and helps reduce swelling. However, during the first trimester of pregnancy you should not visit the bathhouse, because during this period the woman’s body is being rebuilt.

For women, a bath will help improve their health in the following cases:

We invite you to familiarize yourself with: Do-it-yourself sauna made of profiled timber

  • after an abortion;
  • after a miscarriage;
  • after childbirth;
  • with dysfunction of the ovaries and uterus;
  • for various chronic diseases in the field of gynecology;
  • with amenorrhea.

A visit to the bathhouse contributes to a significant retention of milk in a woman who is breastfeeding. And absolutely all mothers need to take this into account.

When a person is in a steam room, his body temperature rises to 39°C, and in this case harmful microorganisms die. Also, visiting a bathhouse improves metabolism and helps women cope with excess weight and cellulite.

In order for bath procedures to give the expected result, the following rules should be followed:

  • You should eat food several hours before going to the bathhouse.
  • Drinking alcohol before and during bathing procedures is prohibited.
  • You should wear a hat or tie a scarf on your head. This is necessary to protect your hair from damage and excessive drying.
  • You should not stay in the steam room for too long.

If these rules are not followed, instead of a positive effect, you can get serious health problems.

Women are not recommended to visit the steam room in the following cases:

  • For diseases of the cardiovascular system such as arterial hypertension, heart disease, coronary heart disease, vascular atherosclerosis. This is due to the fact that in the steam room the cardiovascular system experiences the greatest load, which can lead to the development of thrombosis, heart attack or stroke.
  • After recent surgery, as there is a high risk of bleeding or thrombosis.
  • If diseases of the bronchi and lungs constantly occur, there is bronchial asthma, tuberculosis.
  • For kidney diseases and urolithiasis, because with increased sweat production, urine formation decreases.
  • If a person suffers from epilepsy or psychosis.
  • For skin diseases: scabies, purulent rash, viral diseases and others.
  • At elevated temperatures, otherwise it will worsen the condition.
  • If you have diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Before visiting the bathhouse, you should study the list of contraindications, which includes a large number of diseases. If you have any disease, you need to visit a doctor and find out from him what result the bath procedures will bring in this case: positive or negative.

What temperature should the bath be?

Despite the fact that some people like it hot, you should not chase an excessively high temperature when visiting a bathhouse. A temperature of 80 degrees is considered the most comfortable for the body. At this temperature, all tissues and internal organs warm up well, but no thermal burn occurs, which is especially dangerous for the respiratory system.

Therefore, when entering the steam room, make sure that the air temperature is close to optimal. To do this, place a thermometer in a visible place in the steam room, which will show you how warm the air is.

How to steam in a sauna

Before starting, there should be no feeling of extreme fatigue or cold hands and feet. There are no loud conversations in public steam rooms; a short greeting at the entrance to the steam room is enough to avoid irritating the “hot meditators.” You need to breathe in the sauna in a way that is comfortable for you, but we recommend that you try inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

Also, before entering the steam room for the first time, you must:

  • remove jewelry to avoid getting burned by metal;
  • empty the intestines and bladder;
  • take a warm shower and leave your hair dry;
  • put on a bath headdress.

During the procedure in the heart of the sauna, you need to consider:

  1. People enter a steam room with low humidity without drying themselves; with high humidity, it’s the other way around.
  2. Sweat is not wiped off with either hands or a brush.

Your main advisor – your body – will tell you how to properly steam in a sauna.

First visit to the steam room

Recommended temperature for the first entry for 5 minutes is 70–90° C. If the sauna is heated to 100° C, the time can be reduced to 3 minutes. The time is calculated depending on the regularity of the procedures and can be up to 20 minutes. Beginners are located on the bottom shelf and must lie down so that the body is located in the same temperature zone. Ideally, your feet should be slightly higher than your head. This body position reduces the load on the heart and relaxes the muscles of the limbs as much as possible.

The position of the body must be changed periodically. If it is not possible to lie down, then position yourself so that your legs are raised to the middle level. Movements should be smooth and gradual. When getting up from a lying position, you need to take an intermediate sitting position for a short time. During the first run, it is too early to use brooms - the skin is not steamed and can be easily injured. After the first visit, take a shower at room temperature and relax, wrapped in a towel for 20–30 minutes.

It is important that the shower provides a good stream of water to your skin, and not a small stream that will only cause you to feel chills. During the rest period, the ritual of drinking diaphoretic herbal tea or simply still water is mandatory.

It is not recommended to jump into the pool after the first entry, and if you have heart disease or a tendency to high blood pressure, the pool during the sauna is contraindicated. People plunge headlong into a cold pool, so it’s better to do it last so as not to enter the steam room with wet hair.

Second entry into the steam room

Before the second, longer session, we take a shower again and, without drying ourselves, go into the already heated sauna. If the air is too dry, it can harm the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. You can release steam by splashing water with aromatic oils on the hot stones of the stove. Now comes the turn of brooms - this is a kind of massage that speeds up the process of breaking down fat cells.

You can stimulate sweating by rubbing your body after the second session with a mixture of honey and salt. The number of repetitions of entering the steam room is not limited, although most people steam in 2-3 sessions. On the last run, the temperature is reduced by moving to the lower shelf, gradually removing the body from the extreme mode.

Muscle tightness, which manifests itself during constant psychological stress, goes away. Everyone can determine the basics of how to properly steam in a sauna in order to relax the muscles and sweat thoroughly, ridding the body of sludge and tightness. To consolidate this habit of getting rid of extra pounds, it is necessary to force our three million sweat glands to work regularly.

How many times a week should you go to the sauna?

Sometimes the question arises - how often should you go to the bathhouse to get the maximum benefit? Some people think that the more often the better, while others go once a month. In general, it is enough to visit the bathhouse once a week. The main thing is regularity. If you don’t miss your weekly visit to the steam room, you will soon notice all the benefits of the bath on your body. To learn more about the benefits of baths for women, we recommend watching the video below:

Useful information about baths, saunas and swimming pools

A bathhouse, a sauna with a swimming pool are public places.

And there is a risk of contracting any skin diseases or aggravating existing ones. And the risk is greater, the higher the humidity and the higher the temperature. In a humid, warm environment, parasites, fungi and bacteria multiply especially actively. Through microcracks and minor damage to the skin, infection can enter the skin.

Swimming pool: benefits and harm

Not everyone can afford to relax in the cool turquoise water of their own pool, because not everyone has one. Therefore, most people can swim only for a fee, but at any time of the year, except summer - but in a public institution. In schools and individual sports complexes, swimming can be practiced without problems, but is it always necessary, is it always beneficial for a person? After all, every coin has two sides.

There are different types of swimming pools. Thus, they are divided into closed and open, sports and public, and are determined by location.

Indoor pools are types of pools that are located indoors.

Open - types of reservoirs, the location of which is open space - in the open air.

Sports - the purpose of sports pools is to hold competitions and train athletes who engage in water sports.

Public - they are intended for almost everyone who wants to swim. They also include ponds in saunas and baths.

Swimming pools by location. At dachas, they occupy a small area of ​​the site and are divided into stationary (dug into the ground) and mobile (inflatable). Particularly popular are the pools of water parks, which offer users many additional opportunities.

The benefits of swimming in the pool.

Swimming is a fairly healthy activity that can be practiced from birth. Swimming helps strengthen the immune system, develop the musculoskeletal system and muscle tone. This pastime is especially recommended for people with spinal problems. Swimming has a positive effect on the lungs.

Pool damage.

Visiting the pool brings not only benefits, but also harm. Everyone knows that bleach is used to purify and disinfect water in both public and sports pools. Doctors strictly monitor the percentage of chlorine in water. But for people who are allergic to this substance (it is dangerous when inhaled and has a harmful effect on the skin, drying it out), chlorine is very harmful.

In addition, in public institutions there is a huge risk of contracting fungus. People who suffer from heart disease are strictly prohibited from staying in places with sudden temperature changes (especially for swimming pools in bathhouses). But the most common danger is the possibility of drowning or choking.

There is also a risk of infection in the pool, but this can be reduced. Since the water is constantly disinfected and chlorinated, the risk of contracting an infection is reduced to almost zero. Infection usually occurs as a result of touching sides, walls, or benches. Therefore, you just need to limit contact with these elements.

The pool is useful for both adults and children, but to ensure the positive impact of the activity, you must remember to take precautions and follow safety rules.

Sauna: benefits and harm

The sauna has recently taken its place among the many options for a pleasant and useful pastime. Also, this procedure has slightly replaced the well-known and popular bathhouse for more than one generation. These two methods of steaming are different from each other, but lead to the same result. The pleasant effect of hot steam, dry air and additional services (massage or aromatherapy) have an excellent effect on the body and human condition.

The benefits of a sauna.

Temperature changes contribute to effective hardening of the entire body. The resistance of the immune system to harmful viruses and dangerous infections increases significantly. Due to the expansion of skin pores, toxic substances and waste are actively removed. The effectiveness of nourishing masks, the miraculousness of cosmetic clay and healing mud when applied to the skin before the sauna increases several times. This happens because beneficial substances easily and without difficulty penetrate the body through well-expanded pores. A trip to the sauna is often complemented by a massage, aromatherapy and the use of various essential oils.

Warming has a beneficial effect on the functioning of organs and all body systems, enhances metabolism, and promotes the rapid development of protective mechanisms.

Harm from the sauna.

You should carefully follow some rules when visiting a sauna; otherwise, you can experience considerable harm to the human body. It is highly discouraged to visit the steam room for too long or too often; you should not be with your hair uncovered. It is also contraindicated to consume alcoholic beverages and fatty high-calorie foods.

Excessive stress on the heart from combining alcoholic drinks with a sauna does not have the best effect on the body; there is a risk of drying out the hair, especially if you do not cover it with anything; there is also a risk of drying out the skin of the body; there is a possibility of contracting a fungal infection, especially if you are barefoot in the sauna; visiting a sauna by a pregnant woman can have a bad effect on her condition and on the condition of the fetus; if the skin is very thin, to the extent that the vascular network is visible, then the risk of harm from this procedure is very high; If you have hypertension, you should never expose your body to sudden changes in temperature; any strong physical activity before going to the steam room can lead to disastrous results; heart disease, acute inflammatory processes, nervous disorders, migraines should be stopped from visiting the steam room; Staying in a hot room for more than half an hour can cause significant harm to the body.

You need to keep a close eye on the time; During menstruation, women are advised to refrain from going to the sauna. If you do not pay attention to these recommendations, then such a pastime will not have the best effect on your well-being.

Bath: harm and benefit.

Since ancient times, going to the bathhouse is not just an ordinary hygienic procedure, but a whole set of rituals.

Despite the many positive aspects that this procedure has, there are still some negative factors. The main thing is to do everything wisely and in moderation. If there are no contraindications, then the bathhouse is an excellent option for a useful pastime.

The benefits of a bath.

Baths are credited with many miraculous healing properties. This is not only a standard hygienic procedure, but also a method of relieving stress, relaxation, an excellent panacea for healing the whole body and simply a pleasant pastime that will always help gather a friendly company. In bath procedures, for an even better effect, additional means are used, which have an excellent effect on the condition of the human body. All kinds of essential oils and healing herbal infusions aromatize and disinfect the moist air in the steam room. And the brooms, with the help of which they perform a hard and at the same time pleasant massage, are made from various plants and tree branches. They improve blood circulation, tone and cleanse the skin. Brooms are made from the twigs of willow, viburnum, birch, and sometimes coniferous branches are added.

But it is important to remember that it is recommended to stay in the sauna room for only 10-15 minutes. Long stays can cause more harm than good. During one procedure, it will be enough to go into the steam room two or three times. After all, the peculiarity of this healing method is the rapid change of temperatures. It is the contrast from heat to cold that is responsible for all the positive abilities of the bathhouse. In this regard, staying in the steam room is alternated with a cold shower, swimming in the pool, and in winter - with complete immersion in snowdrifts.

By visiting the bathhouse several times a month, you can protect yourself from arthritis and radiculitis, kidney and joint diseases, problems with the genitourinary system and liver.

The harm caused by the bath is the same as in the description of visiting the sauna.

The bathhouse is a hot, healing room, saturated with the pleasant smells of coniferous, birch or viburnum brooms. Bouquets of nettles and medicinal herbs in the corners, thick steam and pleasant heat that penetrate into the far corners of the body and soul. What could be better?

All this is wonderful, but often visitors do not pay attention to very important details - the sanitary condition of baths, saunas and swimming pools - compliance with the rules of personal hygiene in the bathhouse.

The warm, humid atmosphere of the bathhouse and the water of the pool are an excellent environment for the causative agents of certain fungal, viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases. For example, pathogens of fungal diseases retain their viability for a long time and are resistant to environmental factors; in addition, fungal spores thrive in warm and humid places. The possibility of contracting one or another infectious disease while visiting a bathhouse or sauna through skin contact with the surface of benches, basins, floors, foot mats, using public bath sheets and towels, as well as swimming in a font or pool is quite likely.

All public baths, saunas and swimming pools must comply with sanitary rules that regulate sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic requirements for the design, equipment and maintenance of all types of public baths and saunas. According to SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the placement, design, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of baths and saunas” was approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation A.Yu. Popova dated December 20, 2013, No. 70 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 13, 2014, No. 32244). Control over the implementation of the above sanitary rules is entrusted to the bodies and organizations of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor). SanPiN regulates the requirements for the sanitary maintenance of baths and saunas. Compliance with the above requirements ensures epidemic safety against fungal, viral, bacterial, as well as water-borne parasitic diseases.

The main ones are: all rooms and equipment in the bathhouse and sauna must be kept clean; during the working day, routine cleaning must be carried out in the bathhouse premises: washing the floors, benches in dressing rooms, soap rooms and steam rooms. At the end of the working day, in the absence of visitors in the bathhouse, all premises must be cleaned using disinfectants. After each client, used linen must be washed and, if necessary, disinfected, and disposable linen must be disposed of. One day a week should be allocated for general cleaning using disinfectants. Furniture installed in bathhouses must have smooth surfaces that are accessible for wet cleaning and resistant to treatment with disinfectants; dressing rooms must be provided with separate seats and hangers for the clothes of each visitor. The number of basins is at least two basins per washing area. Basins intended for washing feet must be marked “For feet.” Toilets for visitors must be provided.

In addition, to ensure water quality in pools in saunas and bath complexes that meets hygienic requirements, it is necessary to constantly update the water, and if it is impossible to ensure a continuous flow of tap water, a daily complete change of water in the pool should be carried out, followed by sanitary treatment (mechanical cleaning and treatment with a disinfectant) .

How to protect yourself from infection:

· Before visiting a swimming pool, sauna or bathhouse, it is important to assess your condition. If there are any damage to the skin, dermatological or allergic diseases, it is better to abstain. The same goes for very dry and sensitive skin. It is also better to refrain from going to such establishments for people with a tendency to pustular diseases, as well as if there is currently a decline in immunity or an exacerbation of chronic diseases;

· It is important to make sure that sanitary standards are properly observed in this establishment. You should be able to answer questions about how often and how water and air are purified and surfaces are disinfected. It is important to make sure that the pool water purification method is suitable for you (for example, if the water is purified by chlorination, then this is contraindicated for some people). Find out reviews of people who go there, evaluate the contingent of visitors;

· You must have individual rubber shoes with you and under no circumstances should you stand with your feet on wet surfaces or on surfaces where other visitors walk;

· It is important to make sure that the towels and sheets that the establishment gives you are clean, or, even better, to have your own;

· It is recommended to carry antifungal spray and antibacterial gel to treat your hands and feet. In the same water park, you and your children not only swim, but also eat and drink drinks. Therefore, it is important to disinfect your hands, personal hygiene items, and surfaces on which you sit;

· People often buy permits to go to the pool, even if they have any dermatological diseases. This is dangerous to do, since in this case you can easily get a fungal disease or increase the manifestations of an existing dermatological disease;

· After visiting the pool and taking a shower, if there are any doubts, for example, redness on the skin, it is better to treat your hands and feet before getting dressed and putting on your shoes;

· Do not reuse a towel that you took into the pool or sauna, be sure to wash it immediately;

· If you visit a swimming pool or sauna, it is advisable to see a dermatologist every 3 months.

How can you make sure that the bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool you are planning to visit meets hygienic and anti-epidemic requirements and protect yourself from contracting infectious diseases?

It is impossible to determine this with “one hundred percent” certainty, but still: when visiting such objects, you should pay attention to the appearance and condition of the building and premises where the bathhouse, sauna and swimming pool are located, the presence of a sign with information about the name of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur carrying out the activities of this institution, the hours of operation of the facility, the decoration and cleanliness of the interior, equipment, furniture, the serviceability of sanitary and technical equipment, the presence of detergents in the sanitary units - all this will indicate the attitude of the staff of the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool to compliance with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime.

It is very important to observe the rules of personal hygiene: use personal shoes (rubber slippers), personal towels and personal hygiene items, take a hygienic shower after the pool, use individual napkins sold in the pharmacy chain to wipe your palms and feet.

If you follow these simple recommendations, your visit to the bathhouse will be pleasant, healthy and safe.

Have a nice time, stay healthy!

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